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Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Jason Pubal 
Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework 
I speak for myself. My employer uses press releases. These opinions are shareware - if you like 
them, send $10. Actual mileage may vary. Some assembly required. Keep in a cool, dark place.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Software Assurance Maturity Model 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Building Security in Maturity Model 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Application Security Touchpoints
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
What happens after deployment? 
• Security issues missed during 
• New Attack Techniques 
• Infrastructure Vulnerabilities 
What about applications that don’t 
go through the SDLC? 
• Hosted Applications 
• Legacy Applications 
• Commercial off the Shelf 
Applications (COTS) 
According to the Verizon 2014 Data 
Breach Investigations Report, “web 
applications remain the proverbial 
punching bag of the Internet” with 
35% of breaches being caused by web 
application attacks.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Web Application Vulnerability Management Program 
> 200 Web Applications 
Big company with A LOT of Internet facing web 
Assessments are running all the time, 
24-7 x 365. 
Actual Attack Surface 
Live, production applications 
New Program 
Built in the last year.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Web Application Vulnerability Management Framework 
Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate 
Defect Tracking 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
GOAL – Identify & Reduce Risk 
Vulnerability Management 
cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities 
Risk Management 
process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by 
an organization in achieving business objectives, and deciding what countermeasures, 
if any, to take in reducing risk to an acceptable level, based on the value of the 
information resource to the organization 
Understand web application specific risk 
exposure and bring it in-line with 
푅푖푠푘 = 
푇ℎ푟푒푎푡 ∗ 푉푢푙푛푒푟푎푏푖푙푖푡푦 
* Value
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Vulnerability Management 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate 
Defect Tracking 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Give YOU the ability to do Vulnerability Assessments, Set Remediation Timelines, 
Security Coding Practices, Infrastructure Configuration Policies. 
Decide what you’re doing. Get stakeholder approval. 
Create and maintain an inventory of web applications. 
Project Management Integration 
Hook into project management as a web application “go live” requirement. 
Introductory Material 
Create a communications plan. Build a packet of information to give application owners 
as you enroll sites. 
Scanning Tools 
Choose a web application vulnerability scanner that fits your program requirements.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) 
Detect conditions indicative of a security vulnerability in an 
application in its running state 
1. Spider Application 
2. Fuzz Inputs 
3. Analyze Response
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Scanner Comparison – sectoolmarket.com
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Building your Inventory - Reconnaissance 
Google for you company. Go through the top 100 results. Build a list of websites. 
nmap -P0 -p80,443 -sV --script=http-screenshot <ip range/subnet> 
Web reconnaissance framework. 
Google Dorks, IP/DNS Lookups, GPS, PunkSPIDER, Shodan, PwnedList, LinkedIn, etc… 
Make friends with your DNS administrator 
Reverse Lookups – ewhois.com 
Reverse email lookup. Google Analytics or AdSense ID.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate 
Defect Tracking 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Enrollment Process
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate 
Defect Tracking 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Remediation Process
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Not Infrastructure Vulnerability Management 
Not a cookie cutter patch 
Development team has to take time away from building new functionality. 
Legacy Applications 
What if we are no longer actively developing the application? 
What if we don’t even employ developers who use that language? 
Software Defects 
Infrastructure folks have been doing patch management for years. Software developers 
have fixing “bugs.” Frame the vulnerability as a code defect 
Determine Level of Effort 
Each fix is it’s own software development project. 
Technical vs. Logical Vulnerabilities 
A technical fix is usually straightforward and repetitive. Logical fixes can require 
significant redesign.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Common Mistakes 
Send PDF Report of 100 Vulnerabilities to Dev Team! 
Avoid Bystander Apathy 
Use Development Team’s Defect Tracking Tool 
No Approval or Notification 
Knocking over an application that no one knew you were scanning could have 
detrimental political effects. 
Not Considering Business Context in Risk Ratings 
Only looking at the automated tool’s risk ranking is not sufficient. Take the applications 
business criticality into consideration. 
Forcing Developers to Use New Tools & Processes 
Communicating with development teams using their existing tools and processes helps 
to decrease friction between security and development organizations.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate 
Defect Tracking 
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
GOAL – Identify & Reduce Risk 
Vulnerability Management 
cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities 
Risk Management 
process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by 
an organization in achieving business objectives, and deciding what countermeasures, 
if any, to take in reducing risk to an acceptable level, based on the value of the 
information resource to the organization 
Understand web application specific risk 
exposure and bring it in-line with 
푅푖푠푘 = 
푇ℎ푟푒푎푡 ∗ 푉푢푙푛푒푟푎푏푖푙푖푡푦 
* Value
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Consistently Measured 
Anyone should be able to look at the data and come up with the same metric using a 
specific formula or method. Metrics that rely on subjective judgment are not good. 
Cheap to Gather 
Metrics ought to be computed at a frequency commensurate with the process’s rate of 
change. We want to analyze security effectiveness on a day-to-day or week-by-week 
basis. Figuring out how to automate metric generation is key. 
Expressed as a Number or Percentage 
Not with qualitative labels like high, medium, or low. 
Expressed Using at Least One Unit of Measure 
Defects, hours, or dollars. Defects per Application. Defects over Time. 
Contextually Specific 
The metric needs to be relevant enough to decision makers that they can take action. If 
no one cares, it is not worth gathering.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Security Testing Coverage 
Percentage of applications in the organization that have been subjected to security testing. 
Vulnerabilities per Application 
Number of vulnerabilities that a potential attacker without prior knowledge might find. 
You could also count by business unit or critically. 
Company Top 10 Vulnerabilities 
Like OWASP top 10, but organization specific 
Mean-Time to Mitigate Vulnerabilities 
Average time taken to mitigate vulnerabilities identified in an organization’s 
technologies. This speaks to organization performance and the window in which the 
vulnerability might be exploited.
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Web App VM On the Cheap 
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools 
BurpSuite - $299, single license 
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) – Open Source 
Vulnerability Aggregation 
ThreadFix – Open Source 
Defect Tracking 
JIRA - $10, 10 users 
Bugzilla – Open Source
Web Application 
Vulnerability Management 
Jason Pubal 
Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework
Thank You! 
Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework

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Web Application Security Vulnerability Management Framework

  • 1. The Web Application Vulnerability Management Framework
  • 2. Web Application Vulnerability Management Jason Pubal Blog www.intellavis.com/blog Social linkedin.com/in/pubal twitter.com/pubal Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework I speak for myself. My employer uses press releases. These opinions are shareware - if you like them, send $10. Actual mileage may vary. Some assembly required. Keep in a cool, dark place.
  • 4. Web Application Vulnerability Management Software Assurance Maturity Model OWASP OpenSAMM
  • 5. Web Application Vulnerability Management Building Security in Maturity Model BSIMM
  • 6. Web Application Vulnerability Management Application Security Touchpoints
  • 7. Web Application Vulnerability Management Problems?! What happens after deployment? • Security issues missed during SDLC • New Attack Techniques • Infrastructure Vulnerabilities What about applications that don’t go through the SDLC? • Hosted Applications • Legacy Applications • Commercial off the Shelf Applications (COTS) According to the Verizon 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report, “web applications remain the proverbial punching bag of the Internet” with 35% of breaches being caused by web application attacks.
  • 9. Web Application Vulnerability Management Web Application Vulnerability Management Program > 200 Web Applications Big company with A LOT of Internet facing web applications. Continuous Assessments are running all the time, 24-7 x 365. Actual Attack Surface Live, production applications New Program Built in the last year.
  • 10. Web Application Vulnerability Management Web Application Vulnerability Management Framework Policy Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate Defect Tracking Metrics
  • 11. Web Application Vulnerability Management GOAL – Identify & Reduce Risk Vulnerability Management cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities Risk Management process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by an organization in achieving business objectives, and deciding what countermeasures, if any, to take in reducing risk to an acceptable level, based on the value of the information resource to the organization Understand web application specific risk exposure and bring it in-line with policies. 푅푖푠푘 = 푇ℎ푟푒푎푡 ∗ 푉푢푙푛푒푟푎푏푖푙푖푡푦 퐶표푢푛푡푒푟푚푒푎푠푢푟푒푠 * Value
  • 12. Web Application Vulnerability Management Vulnerability Management Gartner
  • 13. Web Application Vulnerability Management Policy Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate Defect Tracking Metrics
  • 14. Web Application Vulnerability Management Preparation Policy Give YOU the ability to do Vulnerability Assessments, Set Remediation Timelines, Security Coding Practices, Infrastructure Configuration Policies. Processes Decide what you’re doing. Get stakeholder approval. Inventory Create and maintain an inventory of web applications. Project Management Integration Hook into project management as a web application “go live” requirement. Introductory Material Create a communications plan. Build a packet of information to give application owners as you enroll sites. Scanning Tools Choose a web application vulnerability scanner that fits your program requirements.
  • 15. Web Application Vulnerability Management Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Detect conditions indicative of a security vulnerability in an application in its running state 1. Spider Application 2. Fuzz Inputs 3. Analyze Response
  • 16. Web Application Vulnerability Management Scanner Comparison – sectoolmarket.com
  • 17. Web Application Vulnerability Management Building your Inventory - Reconnaissance Google Google for you company. Go through the top 100 results. Build a list of websites. NMAP nmap -P0 -p80,443 -sV --script=http-screenshot <ip range/subnet> Recon-ng Web reconnaissance framework. Google Dorks, IP/DNS Lookups, GPS, PunkSPIDER, Shodan, PwnedList, LinkedIn, etc… DNS Make friends with your DNS administrator Reverse Lookups – ewhois.com Reverse email lookup. Google Analytics or AdSense ID.
  • 18. Web Application Vulnerability Management Policy Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate Defect Tracking Metrics
  • 20. Web Application Vulnerability Management Enrollment Process
  • 21. Web Application Vulnerability Management Policy Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate Defect Tracking Metrics
  • 23. Web Application Vulnerability Management Remediation Process
  • 24. Web Application Vulnerability Management Not Infrastructure Vulnerability Management Not a cookie cutter patch Development team has to take time away from building new functionality. Legacy Applications What if we are no longer actively developing the application? What if we don’t even employ developers who use that language? Software Defects Infrastructure folks have been doing patch management for years. Software developers have fixing “bugs.” Frame the vulnerability as a code defect Determine Level of Effort Each fix is it’s own software development project. Technical vs. Logical Vulnerabilities A technical fix is usually straightforward and repetitive. Logical fixes can require significant redesign.
  • 25. Web Application Vulnerability Management Common Mistakes Send PDF Report of 100 Vulnerabilities to Dev Team! Avoid Bystander Apathy Use Development Team’s Defect Tracking Tool No Approval or Notification Knocking over an application that no one knew you were scanning could have detrimental political effects. Not Considering Business Context in Risk Ratings Only looking at the automated tool’s risk ranking is not sufficient. Take the applications business criticality into consideration. Forcing Developers to Use New Tools & Processes Communicating with development teams using their existing tools and processes helps to decrease friction between security and development organizations.
  • 26. Web Application Vulnerability Management Policy Inventory Enroll Assess Assess Report Remediate Defect Tracking Metrics
  • 27. Web Application Vulnerability Management GOAL – Identify & Reduce Risk Vulnerability Management cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities Risk Management process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by an organization in achieving business objectives, and deciding what countermeasures, if any, to take in reducing risk to an acceptable level, based on the value of the information resource to the organization Understand web application specific risk exposure and bring it in-line with policies. 푅푖푠푘 = 푇ℎ푟푒푎푡 ∗ 푉푢푙푛푒푟푎푏푖푙푖푡푦 퐶표푢푛푡푒푟푚푒푎푠푢푟푒푠 * Value
  • 28. Web Application Vulnerability Management Metrics Consistently Measured Anyone should be able to look at the data and come up with the same metric using a specific formula or method. Metrics that rely on subjective judgment are not good. Cheap to Gather Metrics ought to be computed at a frequency commensurate with the process’s rate of change. We want to analyze security effectiveness on a day-to-day or week-by-week basis. Figuring out how to automate metric generation is key. Expressed as a Number or Percentage Not with qualitative labels like high, medium, or low. Expressed Using at Least One Unit of Measure Defects, hours, or dollars. Defects per Application. Defects over Time. Contextually Specific The metric needs to be relevant enough to decision makers that they can take action. If no one cares, it is not worth gathering.
  • 29. Web Application Vulnerability Management Metrics Security Testing Coverage Percentage of applications in the organization that have been subjected to security testing. Vulnerabilities per Application Number of vulnerabilities that a potential attacker without prior knowledge might find. You could also count by business unit or critically. Company Top 10 Vulnerabilities Like OWASP top 10, but organization specific Mean-Time to Mitigate Vulnerabilities Average time taken to mitigate vulnerabilities identified in an organization’s technologies. This speaks to organization performance and the window in which the vulnerability might be exploited.
  • 31. Web Application Vulnerability Management Web App VM On the Cheap Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools BurpSuite - $299, single license OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) – Open Source Vulnerability Aggregation ThreadFix – Open Source Defect Tracking JIRA - $10, 10 users Bugzilla – Open Source
  • 32. Web Application Vulnerability Management Jason Pubal Blog www.intellavis.com/blog Social linkedin.com/in/pubal twitter.com/pubal Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework
  • 33. Thank You! Questions? Presentation: http://bit.ly/WebAppVMFramework