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Value Stream Mapping 
Webinar with APICS Heartland 
September 18, 2014
You will learn… 
•How to use value stream mapping as an organizational transformation & leadership alignment tool 
•How to plan for a value stream mapping activity 
•The mechanics of mapping, including key metrics for office/service/knowledge work 
•How to create an actionable Value Stream Transformation Plan
Not One. 
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Wherever there is a request and a deliverable, there is a value stream. 
Value Stream Defined 
Value Stream: All of the activities required to transform a 
customer request into a good or service. 
First defined in The Machine That Changed the World, James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos, 1990. 
Work: Degrees of Granularity 
Value Stream 
Macro Perspective 
•Define strategic direction (“what”) 
•Heavy leadership involvement 
•Value Stream Mapping 
Micro Perspective 
•Identify the tactical “how” 
•Heavy frontline involvement 
•Metrics-Based Process Mapping
Basic Current State Value Stream Map
Value Stream Mapping’s Roots 
•Value Stream 
Value Stream Mapping Progression 
Mike Rother & John Shook, 1999 
Beau Keyte & Drew Locher, 2004 
Karen Martin & 
Mike Osterling, 2014 
Your Goal? Get the Most from Value Stream Mapping
Common Failings 
•VSM used solely as a work design exercise 
•VSM used to make tactical vs. strategic decisions 
•Inappropriate mapping team—or no team at all 
•Maps at process level, not value stream level 
•Maps with no metrics 
•Maps that are too narrow in scope, functionally 
•The effects of improvement aren’t felt by the customer 
•Not leveraging the method to shift leadership mindsets and culture
VSM Aids in Developing Systems Thinking 
System Efficiency = Optimal Value Stream Performance 
Individual Efficiency = Sub-optimization
Value Stream Mapping is a Strategic, Leadership-Heavy Activity
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Who? Accountability Practice / Tool 
Sr. Leaders “What has to happen” Hoshin Planning, Value Stream Mapping 
Frontlines “How it will happen” Kaizen Events, Just-do-its, and Projects 
Improvement Roles 
Middle Management
Value Stream Maps: Strategy Before Tactics 
Where am I? Where do I want to go? 
I-80 option 
I-40 option 
I-70 option 
Which route should I take? 
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
VSM Enables an Org to Get Above the Work
Information Flow 
Work Flow 
3 Timeline 
Basic Current State Value Stream Map
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Lead Time vs. Process Time 
Lead Time (LT) 
Work Received 
Work passed to next process or department 
Process Time (PT) 
Lead Time = Elapsed time; Throughput time; turnaround time Process Time = Touch time; work time; cycle time 
Work is Idle 
Work is Idle
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Measuring Quality: Percent Complete & Accurate (%C&A) 
Process 1 
Process 2 
Process 3 
Process 4
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Multiple downstream customers reporting different %C&As from the same supplier 
Block 5 reported that they rework Block 4’s output 25% of the time 
Block 7 reported that they, too, rework Block 4’s output 50% of the time. 
(0.75 x 0.50) x 100 = 37.5%
Value Stream Maps Help Visualize Problems
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
VSM Helps Break Down Functional Silos 
Core Value Stream 
Support Value Stream 
Support Value Stream 
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 24 
Process 3 
Function E 
LT = 0.5 days 
PT = 30 mins. 
%C&A = 95% 
10 mins. 
1 days 
120 mins. 
2 days 
30 mins. 
0.5 days Total LT = 3.5 days 
Total PT = 160 mins. 
Activity Ratio = 9.5% 
Rolled %C&A = 89.3% 
Process 2 
Function C 
LT = 2 days 
PT = 120 mins. 
%C&A = 95% 
ABC Technology, Inc. 
Future State Value Stream Map 
Name of Value Stream Being Mapped 
Demand Rate = XX / Year 
Name of Value Stream Champion 
Mapping Date 
IT-1 IT-2 
5 items 
Process 1 
Function A 
LT = 1 days 
PT = 10 mins. 
%C&A = 99% 
1 items 10 items 
IT interface 
Basic Value Stream Map: Future State
J F M A M J J A S O N D 
1 PROJ Steve 0% 
2 PROJ Steve 100% 
3 KE Bruce 50% 
4 KE Bruce 50% 
5 PROJ Jessie 100% 
6 PROJ Sally 100% 
7 KE Jessie 0% 
8 PROJ Mike 100% 
9 JDI Jessie 50% 
10 PROJ Steve 80% 
11 PROJ Steve 10% 
12 PROJ Bob 0% 
13 JDI Jessie 100% 
14 PROJ Marcia 25% 
15 PROJ Tom 30% 
16 KE Marcia 50% 
17 PROJ Sally 50% 
Value Stream Champion Sally Brooks 
Value Stream Mapping Facilitator Karen Martin 
Value Stream Transformation Plan 
Value Stream Product Y Scheduled Review Dates 
Executive Sponsor Jim McMahon 2/10 + bi-weekly Thu 10 am 
Socialize new criteria for engineering, 
quality, & purchasing involvement. 
Date Created 1/5/2014 
Burst # 
Improvement Objective / Hypothesis Proposed Countermeasure 
Method * 
Planned Timeline for Execution 
Create procedure/train GS service engineers to 
properly feedback suggestions to engineering. 
Create bulletin re: standardized headplate 
design to eliminate flange orientation. 
Create visual "milestone" timeline to 
educate customers. 
Define technical info needed from 
customer and when. 
Signature: Signature: Signature: 
Revise standard Ts & Cs to incorporate time limit 
for customer approval for f inal payment. 
Error proof P.O. info (correct specs, ship to, 
etc.); notify customer re missing info and 
drop dead date. 
Create criteria for LOI acceptance. 
Add initial project release in SF. 
Resocialize existing customer-requested 
CO procedure. 
One piece engineering flow 
Executive Sponsor Value Stream Champion Value Stream Mapping Facilitator 
* Execution Method = JDI (Just-do-it), KE (Kaizen Event), or Proj (Project) 
Move to one release (pump & systems) 
Date: Date: Date: 
Create commodity management team & 
supplier SLAs. 
Standardize WPS/PQR from suppliers. 
Revise proposal template to limit time to 4 
Create pull signal for invoicing. 
Create trigger to release (BOMs) for 
Confidential Content Removed
Value Stream Performance Sample Results 
Current State 
Projected Future State 
% Improvement 
Lead Time 
(PO to shipping) 
17 months 
7.5 months 
Process Time 
600 hours 
450 hours 
25% (22 FTEs) 
Rolled % Complete & Accurate 
> 2,000% 
On-time delivery 
# Internally-produced Change Orders 
Freed Cash flow 
$25M per year
Visualize the entire cycle of value delivery on a single sheet of paper
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
Executing Transformation Plan 
Value Stream Mapping 
Making Specific Improvements
Current State 
Future State 
Develop Transformation Plan 
Execute Transformation Plan 
Three Consecutive Days 
4 Weeks Prior to Mapping 
Following Mapping 
Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 
2 1 
3 2 
4 3 
5 4 
1 6 
2 7 
3 8 
4 9 
5 10 
2 1 
3 2 
4 3 
5 4 
4 engagement, financials, lead time, safety records, etc. Date: Date: 
effectiveness, market trends, customer satisfaction, employee Signature: 
Relevant Data Agreement 
Examples: work volume & volume variation, process quality & 
What data is required to understand relevant current state isues. Executive Sponsor 
Signature: Signature: 
How will the business, internal and external customers, and Function 
internal and external suppliers benefit from value stream improvement? SMEs that may not be needed full time 
Always a nice touch; keeps 
the team from wandering 
On-site, ample wall space, 
quiet/private location 
Benefits to Customers & Business On-Call Support 
Increase <defined metric> from X to Y (Z% improvement). 
Reduce <defined metric> from X to Y (Z% improvement). 
Measurable Target Condition 
What's driving the need for improvement? Function 
Current State Problems & Business Needs Mapping Team 
Boundaries & 
Improvement Time 
What is the team NOT authorized to change? 
Typically 3-6 months 
Last Step Task on last process block 
Not always needed 
Aids in consensus building 
and organizational learning. 
Typically the last hour of the 
First Step Task on first process block 
Dates & 
** required 
List the the people that are 
required to attend the briefings (**) 
and those whose attendance is 
optional (*). 
Demand Rate 
How many times is this done per wk, qtr, mo, or yr? 
What initiates the process? 
Value Stream Mapping Charter 
Scope Accountable Parties Logistics 
Required: typically VP or C-level 
If needed—often director or 
manager level 
What circumstances are included and excluded? 
(e.g., type of customer, geographic location, etc.) 
Value Stream 
Value stream being improved 
Value Stream 
Event Dates 
& Times 
3 days typically; consecutive 
is best; 6 hrs per day 
minimum; 7 or 8 hrs is best 
Required: skilled, objective person 
leading the activity 
Value Stream Champion Facilitator 
Contact Information 
Contact Information 
Charter: Critical planning, communication, and consensus-building tool 
Available at www.ksmartin.com/vsm-charter
Daily Briefings 
#1 – Reduce resistance 
#2 – Build consensus 
#3 – Gain commitment
Socializing the Charter 
•Conversation, not merely an email attachment. 
•To the entire workforce who will be affected by change. 
•Adjust the charter if new discoveries or concerns surface.
Current State 
Future State 
Develop Transformation Plan 
Execute Transformation Plan 
Three Consecutive Days 
4 Weeks Prior to Mapping 
Following Mapping 
Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 
Current & Future State Notes 
•Current State 
–Walk the value stream 
–Surface all problems: WIP, delays, errors/defects, work environment, morale, IT systems 
–Visually depict 
•Future State 
–Use relevant countermeasures to add value and remove waste 
–Design to the performance targets and timeframe defined in the Charter
Current State Value Stream Map 
Future State Value Stream Map 
Current State 
Future State 
Develop Transformation Plan 
Execute Transformation Plan 
Three Consecutive Days 
4 Weeks Prior to Mapping 
Following Mapping 
Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 
© 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 38 
J F M A M J J A S O N D 
1 PROJ Steve 0% 
2 PROJ Steve 100% 
3 KE Bruce 50% 
4 KE Bruce 50% 
5 PROJ Jessie 100% 
6 PROJ Sally 100% 
7 KE Jessie 0% 
8 PROJ Mike 100% 
9 JDI Jessie 50% 
10 PROJ Steve 80% 
11 PROJ Steve 10% 
12 PROJ Bob 0% 
13 JDI Jessie 100% 
14 PROJ Marcia 25% 
15 PROJ Tom 30% 
16 KE Marcia 50% 
17 PROJ Sally 50% 
Value Stream Champion Sally Brooks 
Value Stream Mapping Facilitator Karen Martin 
Value Stream Transformation Plan 
Value Stream Product Y Scheduled Review Dates 
Executive Sponsor Jim McMahon 2/10 + bi-weekly Thu 10 am 
Socialize new criteria for engineering, 
quality, & purchasing involvement. 
Date Created 1/5/2014 
Burst # 
Improvement Objective / Hypothesis Proposed Countermeasure 
Method * 
Planned Timeline for Execution 
Create procedure/train GS service engineers to 
properly feedback suggestions to engineering. 
Create bulletin re: standardized headplate 
design to eliminate flange orientation. 
Create visual "milestone" timeline to 
educate customers. 
Define technical info needed from 
customer and when. 
Signature: Signature: Signature: 
Revise standard Ts & Cs to incorporate time limit 
for customer approval for f inal payment. 
Error proof P.O. info (correct specs, ship to, 
etc.); notify customer re missing info and 
drop dead date. 
Create criteria for LOI acceptance. 
Add initial project release in SF. 
Resocialize existing customer-requested 
CO procedure. 
One piece engineering flow 
Executive Sponsor Value Stream Champion Value Stream Mapping Facilitator 
* Execution Method = JDI (Just-do-it), KE (Kaizen Event), or Proj (Project) 
Move to one release (pump & systems) 
Date: Date: Date: 
Create commodity management team & 
supplier SLAs. 
Standardize WPS/PQR from suppliers. 
Revise proposal template to limit time to 4 
Create pull signal for invoicing. 
Create trigger to release (BOMs) for 
Confidential Content Removed 
Value Stream Champion 
typically owns the 
Transformation Plan
Physically Post the Future State Map Physically Post the Transformation Plan
And Repeat…
Who Owns the Value Stream?
 Coach / Facilitator / Consultant / Trainer: Lean transformation & business performance improvement in all industries. 
 Teacher: University of California, San Diego 
 Author & Speaker: 
Karen Martin, President 
The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 
2013 Shingo Prize winner!

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Value Stream Mapping

  • 1. Value Stream Mapping Webinar with APICS Heartland September 18, 2014
  • 2. You will learn… •How to use value stream mapping as an organizational transformation & leadership alignment tool •How to plan for a value stream mapping activity •The mechanics of mapping, including key metrics for office/service/knowledge work •How to create an actionable Value Stream Transformation Plan
  • 4. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. Wherever there is a request and a deliverable, there is a value stream. 4
  • 5. Value Stream Defined Value Stream: All of the activities required to transform a customer request into a good or service. 5 First defined in The Machine That Changed the World, James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos, 1990. Process Process Process Customer Request Customer Receipt
  • 6. Work: Degrees of Granularity Value Stream Process Process Process Step Step Step 6 Macro Perspective •Define strategic direction (“what”) •Heavy leadership involvement •Value Stream Mapping Micro Perspective •Identify the tactical “how” •Heavy frontline involvement •Metrics-Based Process Mapping
  • 7. 7 Basic Current State Value Stream Map
  • 8. Value Stream Mapping’s Roots •Value •Value Stream •Flow •Pull •Perfection 1996
  • 9. Value Stream Mapping Progression Mike Rother & John Shook, 1999 Beau Keyte & Drew Locher, 2004 Karen Martin & Mike Osterling, 2014 www.bitly.com/VSMbk
  • 10. Your Goal? Get the Most from Value Stream Mapping
  • 11. Common Failings •VSM used solely as a work design exercise •VSM used to make tactical vs. strategic decisions •Inappropriate mapping team—or no team at all •Maps at process level, not value stream level •Maps with no metrics •Maps that are too narrow in scope, functionally •The effects of improvement aren’t felt by the customer •Not leveraging the method to shift leadership mindsets and culture
  • 12. VSM Aids in Developing Systems Thinking 12 System Efficiency = Optimal Value Stream Performance Individual Efficiency = Sub-optimization
  • 13. Value Stream Mapping is a Strategic, Leadership-Heavy Activity
  • 14. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 14 Who? Accountability Practice / Tool Sr. Leaders “What has to happen” Hoshin Planning, Value Stream Mapping Frontlines “How it will happen” Kaizen Events, Just-do-its, and Projects Improvement Roles Strategic Tactical Middle Management
  • 15. Value Stream Maps: Strategy Before Tactics Where am I? Where do I want to go? I-80 option I-40 option I-70 option Which route should I take? ? ? ?
  • 16. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 16 VSM Enables an Org to Get Above the Work
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18 1 Information Flow 2 Work Flow 3 Timeline Basic Current State Value Stream Map
  • 19. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 19 Lead Time vs. Process Time Lead Time (LT) Work Received Work passed to next process or department Process Time (PT) Lead Time = Elapsed time; Throughput time; turnaround time Process Time = Touch time; work time; cycle time Work is Idle Work is Idle
  • 20. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. Measuring Quality: Percent Complete & Accurate (%C&A) Customer Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4
  • 21. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 21 Multiple downstream customers reporting different %C&As from the same supplier Block 5 reported that they rework Block 4’s output 25% of the time Block 7 reported that they, too, rework Block 4’s output 50% of the time. (0.75 x 0.50) x 100 = 37.5%
  • 22. 22 Value Stream Maps Help Visualize Problems
  • 23. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. VSM Helps Break Down Functional Silos 23 Function Function Function Function Core Value Stream Support Value Stream Support Value Stream Customer Customer Customer
  • 24. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 24 Customer 1 Process 3 Function E LT = 0.5 days PT = 30 mins. %C&A = 95% 4 4 10 mins. 1 days 120 mins. 2 days 30 mins. 0.5 days Total LT = 3.5 days Total PT = 160 mins. Activity Ratio = 9.5% Rolled %C&A = 89.3% Process 2 Function C LT = 2 days PT = 120 mins. %C&A = 95% 3 3 ABC Technology, Inc. Future State Value Stream Map Name of Value Stream Being Mapped Demand Rate = XX / Year Name of Value Stream Champion Mapping Date IT-1 IT-2 5 items Process 1 Function A LT = 1 days PT = 10 mins. %C&A = 99% 5 2 1 items 10 items Standard work Modified approvals IT interface Cross-train Cross-train Standard work Error proof Basic Value Stream Map: Future State
  • 25. J F M A M J J A S O N D 1 PROJ Steve 0% 2 PROJ Steve 100% 3 KE Bruce 50% 4 KE Bruce 50% 5 PROJ Jessie 100% 6 PROJ Sally 100% 7 KE Jessie 0% 8 PROJ Mike 100% 9 JDI Jessie 50% 10 PROJ Steve 80% 11 PROJ Steve 10% 12 PROJ Bob 0% 13 JDI Jessie 100% 14 PROJ Marcia 25% 15 PROJ Tom 30% 16 KE Marcia 50% 17 PROJ Sally 50% Value Stream Champion Sally Brooks Value Stream Mapping Facilitator Karen Martin Value Stream Transformation Plan Value Stream Product Y Scheduled Review Dates Executive Sponsor Jim McMahon 2/10 + bi-weekly Thu 10 am Socialize new criteria for engineering, quality, & purchasing involvement. Date Created 1/5/2014 Kaizen Burst # Improvement Objective / Hypothesis Proposed Countermeasure Exec. Method * Owner Planned Timeline for Execution Status Create procedure/train GS service engineers to properly feedback suggestions to engineering. Create bulletin re: standardized headplate design to eliminate flange orientation. Create visual "milestone" timeline to educate customers. Define technical info needed from customer and when. Signature: Signature: Signature: Revise standard Ts & Cs to incorporate time limit for customer approval for f inal payment. Error proof P.O. info (correct specs, ship to, etc.); notify customer re missing info and drop dead date. Create criteria for LOI acceptance. Add initial project release in SF. Resocialize existing customer-requested CO procedure. One piece engineering flow Agreement Executive Sponsor Value Stream Champion Value Stream Mapping Facilitator * Execution Method = JDI (Just-do-it), KE (Kaizen Event), or Proj (Project) Move to one release (pump & systems) Date: Date: Date: Create commodity management team & supplier SLAs. Standardize WPS/PQR from suppliers. Revise proposal template to limit time to 4 revisions. Create pull signal for invoicing. Create trigger to release (BOMs) for purchase. Confidential Content Removed
  • 26. Value Stream Performance Sample Results Metric Current State Projected Future State Projected % Improvement Lead Time (PO to shipping) 17 months 7.5 months 56% Process Time 600 hours 450 hours 25% (22 FTEs) Rolled % Complete & Accurate 0% 21% > 2,000% On-time delivery 13% 90% 592% # Internally-produced Change Orders 25/project 12/project 52% Freed Cash flow $25M per year
  • 27. 27 Visualize the entire cycle of value delivery on a single sheet of paper
  • 28. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 28 Executing Transformation Plan Value Stream Mapping Making Specific Improvements
  • 29. Prepare Understand Current State Design Future State Develop Transformation Plan Execute Transformation Plan Three Consecutive Days 4 Weeks Prior to Mapping Following Mapping Repeat Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 29
  • 30. 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 1 2 3 4 engagement, financials, lead time, safety records, etc. Date: Date: effectiveness, market trends, customer satisfaction, employee Signature: Date: Relevant Data Agreement Examples: work volume & volume variation, process quality & What data is required to understand relevant current state isues. Executive Sponsor Signature: Signature: How will the business, internal and external customers, and Function internal and external suppliers benefit from value stream improvement? SMEs that may not be needed full time Always a nice touch; keeps the team from wandering On-site, ample wall space, quiet/private location Benefits to Customers & Business On-Call Support Increase <defined metric> from X to Y (Z% improvement). Reduce <defined metric> from X to Y (Z% improvement). Measurable Target Condition What's driving the need for improvement? Function Leadership-heavy Current State Problems & Business Needs Mapping Team Boundaries & Limitations Improvement Time Frame What is the team NOT authorized to change? Typically 3-6 months Last Step Task on last process block Logistics Coordinator Not always needed Aids in consensus building and organizational learning. Typically the last hour of the day. First Step Task on first process block Briefing Dates & Times Meals Provided Briefing Attendees ** required *optional List the the people that are required to attend the briefings (**) and those whose attendance is optional (*). Demand Rate Trigger How many times is this done per wk, qtr, mo, or yr? What initiates the process? Value Stream Mapping Charter Scope Accountable Parties Logistics Required: typically VP or C-level If needed—often director or manager level Specific Conditions What circumstances are included and excluded? (e.g., type of customer, geographic location, etc.) Value Stream Champion Value stream being improved Executive Sponsor Value Stream Event Dates & Times 3 days typically; consecutive is best; 6 hrs per day minimum; 7 or 8 hrs is best Required: skilled, objective person leading the activity Base-camp Location Facilitator Name Name Value Stream Champion Facilitator Contact Information Contact Information Charter: Critical planning, communication, and consensus-building tool Available at www.ksmartin.com/vsm-charter
  • 31. Daily Briefings 31 #1 – Reduce resistance #2 – Build consensus #3 – Gain commitment
  • 32. Socializing the Charter •Conversation, not merely an email attachment. •To the entire workforce who will be affected by change. •Adjust the charter if new discoveries or concerns surface.
  • 33. Prepare Understand Current State Design Future State Develop Transformation Plan Execute Transformation Plan Three Consecutive Days 4 Weeks Prior to Mapping Following Mapping Repeat Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 33
  • 34. Current & Future State Notes 34 •Current State –Walk the value stream –Surface all problems: WIP, delays, errors/defects, work environment, morale, IT systems –Visually depict •Future State –Use relevant countermeasures to add value and remove waste –Design to the performance targets and timeframe defined in the Charter
  • 35. Current State Value Stream Map 35
  • 36. Future State Value Stream Map 36
  • 37. Prepare Understand Current State Design Future State Develop Transformation Plan Execute Transformation Plan Three Consecutive Days 4 Weeks Prior to Mapping Following Mapping Repeat Value Stream Mapping Activity Phases and Timing 37
  • 38. © 2014 The Karen Martin Group, Inc. 38 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1 PROJ Steve 0% 2 PROJ Steve 100% 3 KE Bruce 50% 4 KE Bruce 50% 5 PROJ Jessie 100% 6 PROJ Sally 100% 7 KE Jessie 0% 8 PROJ Mike 100% 9 JDI Jessie 50% 10 PROJ Steve 80% 11 PROJ Steve 10% 12 PROJ Bob 0% 13 JDI Jessie 100% 14 PROJ Marcia 25% 15 PROJ Tom 30% 16 KE Marcia 50% 17 PROJ Sally 50% Value Stream Champion Sally Brooks Value Stream Mapping Facilitator Karen Martin Value Stream Transformation Plan Value Stream Product Y Scheduled Review Dates Executive Sponsor Jim McMahon 2/10 + bi-weekly Thu 10 am Socialize new criteria for engineering, quality, & purchasing involvement. Date Created 1/5/2014 Kaizen Burst # Improvement Objective / Hypothesis Proposed Countermeasure Exec. Method * Owner Planned Timeline for Execution Status Create procedure/train GS service engineers to properly feedback suggestions to engineering. Create bulletin re: standardized headplate design to eliminate flange orientation. Create visual "milestone" timeline to educate customers. Define technical info needed from customer and when. Signature: Signature: Signature: Revise standard Ts & Cs to incorporate time limit for customer approval for f inal payment. Error proof P.O. info (correct specs, ship to, etc.); notify customer re missing info and drop dead date. Create criteria for LOI acceptance. Add initial project release in SF. Resocialize existing customer-requested CO procedure. One piece engineering flow Agreement Executive Sponsor Value Stream Champion Value Stream Mapping Facilitator * Execution Method = JDI (Just-do-it), KE (Kaizen Event), or Proj (Project) Move to one release (pump & systems) Date: Date: Date: Create commodity management team & supplier SLAs. Standardize WPS/PQR from suppliers. Revise proposal template to limit time to 4 revisions. Create pull signal for invoicing. Create trigger to release (BOMs) for purchase. Confidential Content Removed Value Stream Champion typically owns the Transformation Plan
  • 39. Physically Post the Future State Map Physically Post the Transformation Plan
  • 41. 41 Who Owns the Value Stream?
  • 42.  Coach / Facilitator / Consultant / Trainer: Lean transformation & business performance improvement in all industries.  Teacher: University of California, San Diego  Author & Speaker: Karen Martin, President The Karen Martin Group, Inc. @karenmartinopex 42 www.ksmartin.com/subscribe 2013 Shingo Prize winner!