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UX your process!
Ardita Karaj
Agile and Beyond 2016
About me.. eh
Agile Coach at EPAM Systems
Agile and Beyond
Process for the sake of process
Agile teams help business deliver value and learn fast
• Process helps business run more effectively
• Agile is a framework
• Agile teams have a process
• Organizations have processes (Governance, Risk, Compliance)
• Organizations add processes to Agile team’s process
• Need for unification adds processes to Agile team’s process
What is the goal of Agile teams again??
UX Design 101
• Goal
• Personas
• Scenarios
• Journey Map
• Prototypes
• Not just UI
Let’s build the process for your
Enterprise: Bank
Organization: Digital
Exercise 10min
• Who are our customers?
• What are their needs/pain points?
• As a customer, what do you need from a bank?
(account management, reports , ...)
• Create teams with a focus for the end user value
Exercise 15 min
Break into the teams we just created
Create your teams (10 minutes)
• Decide the Goal of the team (business domain, technical platform…)
• Decide your team size and dynamic, personas (names, ages,
personality, etc)
• Appoint a Process person to represent you to the Community of
• What did we take in consideration when we created teams?
• Who are the customers of your teams?
• How did you decide on the Process person?
Community of Practice representatives:
Please come forward
• What is your goal?
• Who are your personas?
• What do you know about your teams so far?
• Do you have any organizational guidelines?
• Any Governance boundaries?
Customer Journey Map
• Walk along with the customer
• Note their actions
• Observe how they use your app
• Understand their routines and needs
Continuum of fidelity
How do UX people work?
• We don’t build for ourselves
• We build for our USER
• Useful
• Usable
• Keep it simple
• Evolving
• Experiment
• Collaboration
Exercise 10 min
Process Representatives:
• Create scenarios for your teams
- How will your teams release?
- How will your teams plan?
- How will your teams manage budget?
- …….
• Prepare a monthly calendar
• Think about your needs.
This is your “Sketch” prototype
Measuring stick
• Quantitative
• Noticing trends and measuring against KPIs
• Qualitative
• Observing behavior and finding meaning
Metrics are not replacement for
user research ~ Melissa Perri
Exercise: User test 15 min
• Present the new process to your teams
• Look for Quantitative and Qualitative
• Collect their feedback
• Make changes in Collaboration
• Book meetings on your calendars
• Lean UX
• If no ROI strip it out
• Less rules
• More simplicity
• Design thinking
• Goal and Personas - Drove us to create Product Teams
• We also created a process representative for each-team
• Journey map – Drove us to consider the daily actions
• We highlighted where customers were getting any value
• Continuum fidelity
• We created “Sketch” process, we agreed to evolve it
• We included Governance needs, we evolved
• User testing
• Our calendar was our “Low fidelity” prototype
• This is where we decided where to get lean
• Improve
• Lean, Simple

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Ux your process!

  • 1. UX your process! Ardita Karaj Agile and Beyond 2016
  • 2. About me.. eh Agile Coach at EPAM Systems @Ardita_k Agile and Beyond …
  • 3. Process for the sake of process Agile teams help business deliver value and learn fast • Process helps business run more effectively • Agile is a framework • Agile teams have a process • Organizations have processes (Governance, Risk, Compliance) • Organizations add processes to Agile team’s process • Need for unification adds processes to Agile team’s process What is the goal of Agile teams again??
  • 4. UX Design 101 • Goal • Personas • Scenarios • Journey Map • Prototypes • Not just UI
  • 5. Let’s build the process for your organization Enterprise: Bank Organization: Digital
  • 6. Exercise 10min • Who are our customers? • What are their needs/pain points? • As a customer, what do you need from a bank? (account management, reports , ...) • Create teams with a focus for the end user value
  • 7. Exercise 15 min Break into the teams we just created Create your teams (10 minutes) • Decide the Goal of the team (business domain, technical platform…) • Decide your team size and dynamic, personas (names, ages, personality, etc) • Appoint a Process person to represent you to the Community of Practice
  • 8. Discussion • What did we take in consideration when we created teams? • Who are the customers of your teams? • How did you decide on the Process person?
  • 9. Discussion Community of Practice representatives: Please come forward • What is your goal? • Who are your personas? • What do you know about your teams so far? • Do you have any organizational guidelines? • Any Governance boundaries?
  • 10. Customer Journey Map • Walk along with the customer • Note their actions • Observe how they use your app • Understand their routines and needs
  • 12. How do UX people work? • We don’t build for ourselves • We build for our USER • Useful • Usable • Keep it simple • Evolving • Experiment • Collaboration
  • 13. Exercise 10 min Process Representatives: • Create scenarios for your teams - How will your teams release? - How will your teams plan? - How will your teams manage budget? - ……. Teams: • Prepare a monthly calendar • Think about your needs. This is your “Sketch” prototype
  • 14. Measuring stick • Quantitative • Noticing trends and measuring against KPIs • Qualitative • Observing behavior and finding meaning Metrics are not replacement for user research ~ Melissa Perri
  • 15. Exercise: User test 15 min • Present the new process to your teams • Look for Quantitative and Qualitative metrics • Collect their feedback • Make changes in Collaboration • Book meetings on your calendars
  • 16. Next? • Lean UX • If no ROI strip it out • Less rules • More simplicity • Design thinking
  • 17. Recap • Goal and Personas - Drove us to create Product Teams • We also created a process representative for each-team • Journey map – Drove us to consider the daily actions • We highlighted where customers were getting any value • Continuum fidelity • We created “Sketch” process, we agreed to evolve it • We included Governance needs, we evolved • User testing • Our calendar was our “Low fidelity” prototype • This is where we decided where to get lean • Improve • Lean, Simple