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Utilizing Internet for
Fraud Examination
and Investigation
Within Banking E-Channels
and Cyber Crime
Image: UltraHighDefinitionWallpepers
April 2016 3
Let’s Start First with Fraud
Oxford Dictionary
• Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
• A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably
claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE)
• Any crime for gain that uses deception as its principal modus operandi.
Black’s Law Dictionary
• A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to
induce another to act to his or her detriment.
• Any intentional or deliberate act to deprive another of property or money by
guile, deception, or other unfair means.
April 2016 4
Fraud vs Lying
• Fraud usually involves lying for a specific gain that causes
someone loss while lying does not always include hurt.
• Example, if we take our car to an unscrupulous mechanic,
he may tell us he makes $1,000 a year. If this is a lie, it
does not hurt us.
• However, if our car does not need repairs but the
mechanic says our car needs $500 in body work, he/she
has committed fraud because truth is twisted and causes
financial loss for us.
April 2016 5
Types of Fraud
• Internal Fraud
When employee,
manager, or executive
commits fraud against his
or her employer.
• External Fraud
Vendors, customers,
suppliers, integrators,
consultants, and other
third parties (known or
April 2016 6
Image courtesy of: City Caucus
April 2016 7
Courtesy of ACFE
Fraud’s Motives
• Donald Cressey’s hypothesis
April 2016 8
Courtesy of ACFE
Fraud Examination and Investigation
April 2016 9
Courtesy of ACFE
Fraud Examination and Investigation (cont’d)
April 2016 10
Courtesy of ACFE
Examination versus Audit
April 2016 11
Courtesy of ACFE
Examination versus Audit (cont’d)
April 2016 12
Courtesy of ACFE
Fraud Examination vs Forensic Accounting
• Different but related.
• FA is done by accountants using Accounting Skills in
anticipation of potential or actual civil or criminal litigation
and can include fraud, valuation, bankruptcy, and others.
• FE conducted by either accountants or non-accountants
and refer only to anti-fraud matters.
• Most FE involve forensic accounting but not all forensic
accounting is fraud examination.
• Simply because majority of examinations, investigations,
and reports regarding fraud are done with “an eye toward
• FE conduct their examination with assumption the case
may end in litigation.
April 2016 13
Redefining Cyber Crime
What Crime is?
“An event, which subjects the
doer to legal punishment or any
offence against morality, social
order or any unjust or shameful
act” ~ Oxford Dictionary
April 2016 14
What Crime is All About?
Doing Crime is Illegal?
Being a criminal = a bad person?
Crime = Illegal against Law + Bad Motive(s) + On
Crime != Illegal against Law + Unintentional + Good
Motive (s)
Crime != Illegal against Law + Unintentional + Bad
Motive (s)
Crime != Illegal against Law + On Purpose + Good
Motive (s)
April 2016 15
What Crime is All About? (cont’d)
Therefore CRIMES are NOT to be
April 2016 16
Then Cyber Crime is…
• An unlawful act wherein computer/machine is
either a tool or a target or both.
• Punishable by (Information Technology) Act.
• Happened in and or through cyber space.
• Former descriptions were "computer crime",
"computer-related crime" or "crime by computer“.
• Other forms include "digital", "electronic", "virtual"
, "IT", "high-tech" and technology-enabled" crime.
April 2016 17
Laws and Regulation on Indonesia
• Telecommunication Act No. 36/1999 focused
on Telecommunications Infrastructure briefly; Not
internet in particular.
• Information and Transaction Electronic Act
No. 11/2008 for legal enforcements against cyber
• Copyright Act No. 19/2002.
• Pornography Act No. 44/2008.
• Electronic System Provider and Electronic
Transaction Regulation No. 82/2012.
April 2016 18
Cyber Crime Categories
• Computing Devices as a Target
Using those devices to
attacks other devices
e.g. Hacking, virus/worms
attacks, DoS attack, etc.
• Computing Devices as a Weapon
Using those devices to
commit real-world crimes
e.g. cyber terrorism, credit
card fraud, etc.
April 2016
Image courtesy of chakreview.com
Cyber Crime Categories (cont’d)
From victim point of views:
1. Cyber crime on Persons
e.g. Harassment occurred in cyberspace,
or through the use of cyberspace (sexual,
racial, religious, or other) and cyber bullying.
2. Cyber crime on Groups/Organizations
Targeting particular or certain organizations
or groups whether profit or non-profit. Often
time those who reside as financial industry
April 2016 20
Cyber Crime Categories (cont’d)
3. Cyber crime on Property
e.g. Computer vandalism (destruction of others'
property), transmission of harmful programs,
unauthorized intrusion through cyber
space, unauthorized possession of computer
4. Cyber crime on Government
e.g. Cyber terrorism is one distinct kind of crime in
this category.
April 2016 21
In 2014 according to Federal Bureau
Investigation (FBI):
• Viruses
• Employee abuse of privileges
• Unauthorized access by
• Denial of Service (DoS, DDoS)
• System penetration from the
• Theft of proprietary information
(User ID and password) and
• Sabotage of data/networks
• Proving/scanning systems
• Financial fraud
Notable Cyber Crimes
April 2016
Image courtesy of indiatimes.com
 Manipulate data
 Sniffing
 Keylogger
 IP spoofing
Notable Cyber Crimes (cont’d)
April 2016
Image courtesy of @TrojanLax
April 2016
Source: IBM [1] UNODC Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime, 2013
April 2016
Source: IBM
[2] FBI: Crime in the United States 2013
[3] United California Bank Robbery
[4] Center for Strategic and International Studies
April 2016
Source: IBM [6] ESG: http://bit.ly/1xzTmUW
Cyber Crime-as-a-Service Marketplace
• Continues to mature over the past two years.
• Enables more fraudsters to cash in without needing
to understand the chain of fraud, how to phish or
spam, or IT infrastructure requirements.
• Becomes fiercely competitive.
• Cybercrime 'service providers' must work harder than
ever before to win and keep 'customers.’
• Generalized increase in quality of malware produced.
• Enables much larger pool of bad actors with no
technical knowledge to profit from.
April 2016 27
Cyber Crime-as-a-Service Marketplace
• Many types of attack are simple and low
• Phishing attacks: 500,000 email addresses
cost $30.
• Hosting a phishing site can be more or less
• Thousands of credit cards can be stolen in
return for around $100.
April 2016 28
Cyber Crime-as-a-Service Marketplace
April 2016 29
Image courtesy of EMC
Mobile Encounters Larger Attack Surface
• In 2015 1.5 billion units are shipped.[1]
• Vast majority of mobile malware is still focused on Android
platform due to open platform and popularity with 79%, iOS of
15% and 5% the rests [2]
• Banking Trojans, used with SMS sniffers, are increasing
A user is persuaded through social engineering to
download mobile malware from their PC.
During online banking session, a screen pop up
inviting user to download a mobile app (masquerading as
a security feature), which is actually SMS sniffer.
When the user's bank detects unusual activity, such
as high-value wire transfer, and sends an out-of-band
one-time password to user's mobile that must be
entered to authorize the transaction, the criminal can
intercept it and complete the transfer to their own account.
April 2016 30
[1] IDC Worldwide Smart Phone 2015-2019 Forecast and Analysis
[2] IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker
Mobile-Only Attack Vectors
• Premium rate scams
Scammers persuade user to send SMSs or make
calls to premium-rate numbers from their mobile,
with the scammers collecting the cash that results.
• Data stealers and spying apps
These apps switch on a phone's camera or audio, so that a
criminal can watch the user's face to see whether he or she is
being convinced by a social engineering attempt; or record
what the user says during calls to their bank. They can also
steal address book data, lift photos from the phone and get the
device’s geo location.
April 2016 31
Mobile-Only Attack Vectors (cont’d)
• Initiated by rogue mobile apps rather than malware.
• Misuse trust to steal information and money by
persuading users to give them permissions during the
installation process.
• Many users simply click 'Next' without reading each
screen, and fail to notice.
• App has gained super-user privileges which provide full
access to the phone's features.
• May even make the app impossible to uninstall.
April 2016 32
Mobile-Only Attack Vectors (cont’d)
April 2016 33
Image courtesy of EMC
Ransomware Continues
• In mobile devices, such as Police Locker
capitalizing typical user behavior during
• Gain privileges needed to lock the device.
• Give instruction to pay a ransom to unlock their
files (or to 'pay a fine' because the phone
supposedly contains 'illegal content').
• Ransoms generally have to be paid via an online
payment system, such as Bitcoin, or prepaid cash
cards (untraceable and non-reversible).
April 2016 34
April 2016 35
Image courtesy of EMC
Cyber Criminals: Who They Are?
• Kids (age group below
• Disgruntled employees
• Organized hacktivists
• Professional hackers
(corporate espionage)
either white or black hats
• Cyber Terrorist (political
April 2016
Image courtesy of Travaux
April 2016
Thank You!
Image: UltraHighDefinitionWallpepers
Thank You!
Image courtesy of waystobuildabusinessonline.com

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Utilizing Internet for Fraud Examination and Investigation

  • 1. Utilizing Internet for Fraud Examination and Investigation Within Banking E-Channels and Cyber Crime
  • 4. Let’s Start First with Fraud DEFINITION Oxford Dictionary • Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. or • A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities. Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE) • Any crime for gain that uses deception as its principal modus operandi. Black’s Law Dictionary • A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment. or • Any intentional or deliberate act to deprive another of property or money by guile, deception, or other unfair means. April 2016 4
  • 5. Fraud vs Lying • Fraud usually involves lying for a specific gain that causes someone loss while lying does not always include hurt. • Example, if we take our car to an unscrupulous mechanic, he may tell us he makes $1,000 a year. If this is a lie, it does not hurt us. • However, if our car does not need repairs but the mechanic says our car needs $500 in body work, he/she has committed fraud because truth is twisted and causes financial loss for us. April 2016 5
  • 6. Types of Fraud • Internal Fraud When employee, manager, or executive commits fraud against his or her employer. • External Fraud Vendors, customers, suppliers, integrators, consultants, and other third parties (known or unknown). April 2016 6 Image courtesy of: City Caucus
  • 8. Fraud’s Motives • Donald Cressey’s hypothesis April 2016 8 Courtesy of ACFE
  • 9. Fraud Examination and Investigation April 2016 9 Courtesy of ACFE
  • 10. Fraud Examination and Investigation (cont’d) April 2016 10 Courtesy of ACFE
  • 11. Examination versus Audit April 2016 11 Courtesy of ACFE
  • 12. Examination versus Audit (cont’d) April 2016 12 Courtesy of ACFE
  • 13. Fraud Examination vs Forensic Accounting • Different but related. • FA is done by accountants using Accounting Skills in anticipation of potential or actual civil or criminal litigation and can include fraud, valuation, bankruptcy, and others. • FE conducted by either accountants or non-accountants and refer only to anti-fraud matters. • Most FE involve forensic accounting but not all forensic accounting is fraud examination. • Simply because majority of examinations, investigations, and reports regarding fraud are done with “an eye toward litigation.” • FE conduct their examination with assumption the case may end in litigation. April 2016 13
  • 14. Redefining Cyber Crime What Crime is? “An event, which subjects the doer to legal punishment or any offence against morality, social order or any unjust or shameful act” ~ Oxford Dictionary April 2016 14
  • 15. What Crime is All About? Doing Crime is Illegal? Being a criminal = a bad person? Crime = Illegal against Law + Bad Motive(s) + On Purpose Crime != Illegal against Law + Unintentional + Good Motive (s) Crime != Illegal against Law + Unintentional + Bad Motive (s) Crime != Illegal against Law + On Purpose + Good Motive (s) April 2016 15
  • 16. What Crime is All About? (cont’d) Therefore CRIMES are NOT to be MEASURED by the ISSUE of EVENTS, but by BAD INTENSION of a PERSON or ENTITY. April 2016 16
  • 17. Then Cyber Crime is… • An unlawful act wherein computer/machine is either a tool or a target or both. • Punishable by (Information Technology) Act. • Happened in and or through cyber space. • Former descriptions were "computer crime", "computer-related crime" or "crime by computer“. • Other forms include "digital", "electronic", "virtual" , "IT", "high-tech" and technology-enabled" crime. April 2016 17
  • 18. Laws and Regulation on Indonesia • Telecommunication Act No. 36/1999 focused on Telecommunications Infrastructure briefly; Not internet in particular. • Information and Transaction Electronic Act No. 11/2008 for legal enforcements against cyber crime. • Copyright Act No. 19/2002. • Pornography Act No. 44/2008. • Electronic System Provider and Electronic Transaction Regulation No. 82/2012. April 2016 18
  • 19. Cyber Crime Categories • Computing Devices as a Target Using those devices to attacks other devices e.g. Hacking, virus/worms attacks, DoS attack, etc. • Computing Devices as a Weapon Using those devices to commit real-world crimes e.g. cyber terrorism, credit card fraud, etc. April 2016 Image courtesy of chakreview.com 19
  • 20. Cyber Crime Categories (cont’d) From victim point of views: 1. Cyber crime on Persons e.g. Harassment occurred in cyberspace, or through the use of cyberspace (sexual, racial, religious, or other) and cyber bullying. 2. Cyber crime on Groups/Organizations Targeting particular or certain organizations or groups whether profit or non-profit. Often time those who reside as financial industry players. April 2016 20
  • 21. Cyber Crime Categories (cont’d) 3. Cyber crime on Property e.g. Computer vandalism (destruction of others' property), transmission of harmful programs, unauthorized intrusion through cyber space, unauthorized possession of computer information. 4. Cyber crime on Government e.g. Cyber terrorism is one distinct kind of crime in this category. April 2016 21
  • 22. In 2014 according to Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI): • Viruses • Employee abuse of privileges • Unauthorized access by insiders • Denial of Service (DoS, DDoS) • System penetration from the outside • Theft of proprietary information (User ID and password) and devices • Sabotage of data/networks • Proving/scanning systems • Financial fraud Notable Cyber Crimes April 2016 Image courtesy of indiatimes.com 22
  • 23.  Manipulate data integrity  Sniffing  Keylogger  IP spoofing Notable Cyber Crimes (cont’d) April 2016 Image courtesy of @TrojanLax 23
  • 24. April 2016 Source: IBM [1] UNODC Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime, 2013 24
  • 25. April 2016 Source: IBM [2] FBI: Crime in the United States 2013 [3] United California Bank Robbery [4] Center for Strategic and International Studies 25
  • 26. April 2016 Source: IBM [6] ESG: http://bit.ly/1xzTmUW 26
  • 27. Cyber Crime-as-a-Service Marketplace • Continues to mature over the past two years. • Enables more fraudsters to cash in without needing to understand the chain of fraud, how to phish or spam, or IT infrastructure requirements. • Becomes fiercely competitive. • Cybercrime 'service providers' must work harder than ever before to win and keep 'customers.’ • Generalized increase in quality of malware produced. • Enables much larger pool of bad actors with no technical knowledge to profit from. April 2016 27
  • 28. Cyber Crime-as-a-Service Marketplace (cont’d) • Many types of attack are simple and low cost. • Phishing attacks: 500,000 email addresses cost $30. • Hosting a phishing site can be more or less free. • Thousands of credit cards can be stolen in return for around $100. April 2016 28
  • 30. Mobile Encounters Larger Attack Surface • In 2015 1.5 billion units are shipped.[1] • Vast majority of mobile malware is still focused on Android platform due to open platform and popularity with 79%, iOS of 15% and 5% the rests [2] • Banking Trojans, used with SMS sniffers, are increasing A user is persuaded through social engineering to download mobile malware from their PC. Scenario During online banking session, a screen pop up inviting user to download a mobile app (masquerading as a security feature), which is actually SMS sniffer. When the user's bank detects unusual activity, such as high-value wire transfer, and sends an out-of-band one-time password to user's mobile that must be entered to authorize the transaction, the criminal can intercept it and complete the transfer to their own account. April 2016 30 [1] IDC Worldwide Smart Phone 2015-2019 Forecast and Analysis [2] IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker
  • 31. Mobile-Only Attack Vectors • Premium rate scams Scenario Scammers persuade user to send SMSs or make calls to premium-rate numbers from their mobile, with the scammers collecting the cash that results. • Data stealers and spying apps Scenario These apps switch on a phone's camera or audio, so that a criminal can watch the user's face to see whether he or she is being convinced by a social engineering attempt; or record what the user says during calls to their bank. They can also steal address book data, lift photos from the phone and get the device’s geo location. April 2016 31
  • 32. Mobile-Only Attack Vectors (cont’d) • Initiated by rogue mobile apps rather than malware. • Misuse trust to steal information and money by persuading users to give them permissions during the installation process. • Many users simply click 'Next' without reading each screen, and fail to notice. • App has gained super-user privileges which provide full access to the phone's features. • May even make the app impossible to uninstall. April 2016 32
  • 33. Mobile-Only Attack Vectors (cont’d) April 2016 33 Image courtesy of EMC
  • 34. Ransomware Continues • In mobile devices, such as Police Locker capitalizing typical user behavior during installation. • Gain privileges needed to lock the device. • Give instruction to pay a ransom to unlock their files (or to 'pay a fine' because the phone supposedly contains 'illegal content'). • Ransoms generally have to be paid via an online payment system, such as Bitcoin, or prepaid cash cards (untraceable and non-reversible). April 2016 34
  • 35. April 2016 35 Image courtesy of EMC
  • 36. Cyber Criminals: Who They Are? • Kids (age group below 17) • Disgruntled employees • Organized hacktivists • Professional hackers (corporate espionage) either white or black hats • Cyber Terrorist (political motive) April 2016 Image courtesy of Travaux 36
  • 37. April 2016 Thank You! Image: UltraHighDefinitionWallpepers 37 Thank You! Image courtesy of waystobuildabusinessonline.com