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Mining Transactional Data
        Ted Dunning - 2004
โ—   What are LLR tests?
    โ€“   What value have they shown?
โ—   What are transactional values?
    โ€“   How can we define LLR tests for them?
โ—   How can these methods be applied?
    โ€“   Modeling architecture examples
โ—   How new is this?
Log-likelihood Ratio Tests
โ—   Theorem due to Chernoff showed that
    generalized log-likelihood ratio is asymptotically
    ๎ƒŒ2 distributed in many useful cases
โ—   Most well known statistical tests are either
    approximately or exactly LLR tests
    โ€“   Includes z-test, F-test, t-test, Pearson's ๎ƒŒ2
โ—   Pearson's ๎ƒŒ2 is an approximation valid for large
    expected counts ... G2 is the exact form for
    multinomial contingency tables
Mathematical Definition
โ—   Ratio of maximum likelihood under the null
    hypothesis to the unrestricted maximum
                      max l ๎‚ž X โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ
                 ๎ƒ= max l ๎‚ž X โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ


                  d.o.f.=dim ๎‚ถโˆ’dim ๎‚ถ0
โ—   -2 log ๎ƒ is asymptotically ๎ƒŒ2 distributed
Comparison of Two Observations
โ—   Two independent observations, X1 and X2 can be
    compared to determine whether they are from the
    same distribution
                ๎‚ž๎‚พ1 , ๎‚พ2 ๎‚Ÿ โˆˆ ๎‚ถร—๎‚ถ
                       max           l ๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿl ๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ
                ๎ƒ=      ๎‚พโˆˆ๎‚ถ

                        max l ๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎‚พ1 ๎‚Ÿl ๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎‚พ2 ๎‚Ÿ
                     ๎‚พ1 โˆˆ๎‚ถ , ๎‚พ2 โˆˆ๎‚ถ

                d.o.f.=dim ๎‚ถ
History of LLR Tests for โ€œTextโ€
โ—   Statistics of Surprise and Coincidence
โ—   Genomic QA tools
โ—   Luduan
โ—   HNC text-mining, preference mining
โ—   MusicMatch recommendation engine
How Useful is LLR?
โ—   A test in 1997 showed that a query construction
    system using LLR (Luduan) decreased the error
    rate of the best document routing system
    (Inquery) by approximately 5x at 10% recall and
    nearly 2x at 20% recall
โ—   Language and species ID programs showed
    similar improvements versus state of the art
โ—   Previously unsuspected structure around intron
    splice sites was discovered using LLR tests
TREC Document Routing Results


                                                 Luduan vs Inquery



              0.2                         Convectis


                    0   0.1   0.2   0.3    0.4        0.5   0.6   0.7   0.8   0.9   1
What are Transactional Variables?
โ—   A transactional sequence is a sequence of
โ—   Transactions are instances of a symbol and
    (optionally) a time and an amount:
                 Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ
                 z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i , x i ๎‚Ÿ
                 ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ , an alphabet of symbols
                 t i , x i โˆˆโ„
Example - Text
โ—   A textual document is a transactional sequence
    without times or amounts

                 Z =๎‚ž ๎ƒˆ 1 ... ๎ƒˆ N ๎‚Ÿ
                 ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ
Example โ€“ Traffic Violation History
โ—   A history of traffic violations is a (hopefully
    empty) sequence of violation types and
    associated dates (times)

              Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ
              z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i ๎‚Ÿ
              ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ{stop-sign , speeding , DUI ,...}
              t i โˆˆโ„
Example โ€“ Speech Transcript
โ—   A conversation between a and b can be rendered
    as a transactions containing words spoken by
    either a or b at particular times:
                Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ
                z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i ๎‚Ÿ
                ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ{a , b}ร—๎‚ฒ
                t i โˆˆโ„
Example โ€“ Financial History
โ—   A credit card history can be viewed as a
    transactional sequence with merchant code, date
    (=time) and amount:

     Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ         9/03/03
                                          Cash Advance
                                9/07/03   Fuel                 21
     z i =โŒฉ๎ƒˆ i , t i , x i โŒช    9/10/03   Groceries            42
                                9/23/03   Department Store    173
     ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ                    10/03/03   Payment            -600
                               10/09/03   Hotel & Motel       104
     t i โˆˆโ„                    10/17/03   Rental Cars         201
                               10/24/03   Lufthansa           838
Proposed Evolution
   LLR tests                      Data

Transactional                    Luduan,
Data                                 etc
   Data                        LLR tests
LLR for Transaction Sequence
โ—   Assuming reasonable interactions between
    timing, symbol selection and amount distribution,
    LLR test can be decomposed
โ—   Two major terms remain, one for symbols and
    timing together, one for amounts

       LLR= LLR๎‚žsymbols & timing๎‚Ÿ๎‚ƒ LLR๎‚žamounts๎‚Ÿ
Anecdotal Observations
โ—   Symbol selection often looks multinomial, or
    (rarely) Markov
โ—   Timing is often nearly Poisson (but rate depends
    on which symbol)
โ—   Distribution of amount appears to depend on
    symbol, but generally not on inter-transaction
    timing. Mixed discrete/continuous distributions
    are common in financial settings
Transaction Sequence Distributions
โ—   Mixed Poisson distributions give desired
    symbol/timing behavior
โ—   Amount distribution depends on symbol
                       k ๎ƒˆ โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ T
                ๎‚ž๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ T ๎‚Ÿ e
     p๎‚žZ ๎‚Ÿ= โˆ                         โˆ          p๎‚ž x iโˆฃ ๎‚พ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ
           ๎ƒˆ โˆˆ๎‚ฒ       k ๎ƒˆ!           i=1. .. N

            [               ][                    ]โˆ
                       k๎ƒˆ                  โˆ’๎ƒ‚ T
                    ๎ƒ†                N
                                 ๎‚ž๎ƒ‚T ๎‚Ÿ e
     p๎‚žZ ๎‚Ÿ= N ! โˆ
                                                                    p๎‚ž x iโˆฃ ๎‚พ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ
                ๎ƒˆโˆˆ๎‚ฒ k ๎ƒˆ !            N!                                       i
                                                    i=1. .. N

     ๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ =๎ƒ‚๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ , โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ =1
                ๎ƒˆ โˆˆ๎‚ฒ
LLR for Multinomial
โ—   Easily expressed as entropy of contingency table

                       [                                  ]
                           k 11   k 12   ...       k1 n       k 1*
                           k 21   k 22   ...       k2n        k 2*
                           โ‹ฎ      โ‹ฎ      โ‹ฑ         โ‹ฎ          โ‹ฎ
                           k m1   k m2   ...       k mn       k m*
                           k * 1 k * 2 ... k * n              k **

    โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N
                    ๎‚ž โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†ij log ๎ƒ†ij โˆ’โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†i * log ๎ƒ†i *โˆ’โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†* j log ๎ƒ†* j ๎‚Ÿ
                      ij                       i                        j

                     k ij k **              ๎ƒ†ij
    log ๎ƒ=โˆ‘ k ij log            =โˆ‘ k ij log                          d.o.f.=๎‚žmโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ๎‚žnโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ
          ij         k i * k * j ij         ๎ƒ†* j
LLR for Poisson Mixture
โ—   Easily expressed using timed contingency table

                  [                             โˆฃ]
                  k 11      k 12   ...   k1n    t1
                  k 21      k 22   ...   k 2n   t2
                  โ‹ฎ         โ‹ฎ      โ‹ฑ     โ‹ฎ      โ‹ฎ
                  k m1      k m2   ...   k mn   tm
                      k * 1 k * 2 ... k * n โˆฃ t *

                              k ij t *              ๎ƒ‚ij
             log ๎ƒ=โˆ‘ k ij log           =โˆ‘ k ij log
                     ij        t i k * j ij         ๎ƒ‚* j
             d.o.f.=๎‚žmโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ n
LLR for Normal Distribution
โ—   Assume X1 and X2 are normally distributed
โ—   Null hypothesis of identical mean and variance

                            โˆ’๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2

p ๎‚ž xโˆฃ๎ƒ‚ , ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ=
                        e      2 ๎ƒˆ2
                                          โˆ‘ xi   ๎‚‘
                                                    โˆ‘ ๎‚ž x i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2
                 ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ                   N              N

           โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N 1 log ๎‚ƒN 2 log
                                       ๎ƒˆ2        ๎‚Ÿ
โ—   Assume X1 and X2 are normally distributed
โ—   Null hypothesis of identical mean and variance

           p ๎‚ž xโˆฃ๎ƒ‚ ,๎ƒˆ๎‚Ÿ=
                         ๎‚ 2๎ƒ† ๎ƒˆ
                                       โˆ’๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2
                                          2๎ƒˆ 2
                                             ๎ƒ‚= i
                                                      โˆ‘ xi
                                                           ๎ƒˆ= i
                                                                          โˆ‘ ๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2

           log p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚ , ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ๎‚ƒlog p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚ ,๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿโˆ’log p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚1, ๎ƒˆ 1 ๎‚Ÿโˆ’log p๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎ƒ‚2, ๎ƒˆ 2 ๎‚Ÿ=

           โˆ’     โˆ‘ [
               i=1. . N 1
                            log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ๎‚ƒ
                                            ๎‚ž x 1i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2
                                                2 ๎ƒˆ2      ] [
                                                        โˆ’ โˆ‘ log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ๎‚ƒ
                                                         i=1. . N
                                                                            ๎‚ž x 2 i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2
                                                                                 2 ๎ƒˆ2        ]
                 โˆ‘ [                                       ] โˆ‘[                                      ]
                                                          2                                      2
                                               ๎‚ž x โˆ’๎ƒ‚ ๎‚Ÿ                             ๎‚ž x โˆ’๎ƒ‚ ๎‚Ÿ
           ๎‚ƒ                log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ 1 ๎‚ƒ 1i 2 1 ๎‚ƒ          log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ 2๎‚ƒ 2i 2 2
               i=1. . N 1                          2 ๎ƒˆ1  i=1. . N 2
                                                                                        2 ๎ƒˆ2

          โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N 1 log
                              ๎‚ž      ๎ƒˆ
                                        ๎‚ƒN 2 log
                                                 ๎ƒˆ2   ๎‚Ÿ
Transactional Data in Context
             Real-world input often
             consists of one or more
             bags of transactional values
             combined with an
             assortment of conventional
  1.2        numerical or categorial
  34 years
  male       values.

             Extracting information from
             the transactional data can be
             difficult and is often,
             therefore, not done.
Real World Target Variables
             Mislabeled   a   Secondary
             Instances         Labels


       as Red
Luduan Modeling Methodology
โ—   Use LLR tests to find exemplars (query terms)
    from secondary label sets
โ—   Create positive and negative secondary label
    models for each class of transactional data
โ—   Cluster using output of all secondary label
    models and all conventional data
โ—   Test clusters for stability
โ—   Use distance cluster centroids and/or secondary
    label models as derived input variables
Example #1- Auto Insurance
โ—   Predict probability of attrition and loss for auto
    insurance customers
โ—   Transactional variables include
    โ€“   Claim history
    โ€“   Traffic violation history
    โ€“   Geographical code of residence(s)
    โ€“   Vehicles owned
โ—   Observed attrition and loss define past behavior
Derived Variables
โ—   Split training data according to observable classes
    โ€“   These include attrition and loss > 0
โ—   Define LLR variables for each class/variable
โ—   These 2 m v derived variables can be used for
    clustering (spectral, k-means, neural gas ...)
โ—   Proximity in LLR space to clusters are the new
    modeling variables
โ—   Conventional NN modeling by competent analyst
    was able to explain 2% of variance
    โ€“   No significant difference on training/test data
โ—   Models built using Luduan based cluster
    proximity variables were able to explain 70% of
    variance (KS approximately 0.4)
    โ€“   No significant difference on training/test data
Example #2 โ€“ Fraud Detection
โ—   Predict probability that an account is likely to
    result in charge-off due to payment fraud
โ—   Transactional variables include
    โ€“   Zip code
    โ€“   Recent payments and charges
    โ€“   Recent non-monetary transactions
โ—   Bad payments, charge-off, delinquency are
    observable behavioral outcomes
Derived Variables
โ—   Split training data according to observable classes
    (charge-off, NSF payment, delinquency)
โ—   Define LLR variables for each class/variable
โ—   These 2 m v derived variables can be used
    directly as model variables
โ—   No results available for publication
Example #3 โ€“ E-commerce monitor
โ—   Detect malfunctions or changes in behavior of e-
    commerce system due to fraud or system failure
โ—   Transaction variables include (time, SKU,
โ—   Desired output is alarm for operational staff
Derived Variables
โ—   Time warp derived as product of smoothed daily
    and weekly sales rates
โ—   Time warp updated monthly to account for
    seasonal variations
โ—   Warped time used in transactions
โ—   Warped time since last transaction โ‰ˆ LLR in
    single product/single price case
โ—   Full LLR allows testing for significant difference
    in Champion/Challenger e-commerce optimizer
Transductive Derived Variables
โ—   All objective segmentations of data provide new
    LLR variables
โ—   Cross product of model outputs versus objective
    segmentation provide additional LLR variables
    for second level model derivation
โ—   Comparable to Luduan query construction
    technique โ€“ TREC pooled evaluation technique
    provided cross product of relevance versus
    perceived relevance
Relationship To Risk Tables
โ—   Risk tables are estimate of relative risk for each
    value of a single symbolic variable
    โ€“   Useful with variables such as post-code of primary
    โ€“   Ad hoc smoothing used to deal with small counts
โ—   Not usually applied to symbol sequences
โ—   Risk tables ignore time entirely
โ—   Risk tables require considerable analyst finesse
Relationship to Known Techniques
โ—   Clock-tick symbols
    โ€“   Time-embedded symbols viewed as sequences of
        symbols along with โ€œticksโ€ that occur at fixed time
    โ€“   Allows multinomial LLR as poor man's mixed
        Poisson LLR
โ—   Not a well known technique, not used in
    production models
โ—   Difficulties in choosing time resolution and
    counting period
โ—   Theoretical properties of transaction variables are
    well defined
โ—   Similarities to known techniques indicates low
    probability of gross failure
โ—   Similarity to Luduan techniques suggests high
    probability of superlative performance
โ—   Transactional LLR statistics define similarity
    metrics useful for clustering

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Transactional Data Mining

  • 1. Mining Transactional Data Ted Dunning - 2004
  • 2. Outline โ— What are LLR tests? โ€“ What value have they shown? โ— What are transactional values? โ€“ How can we define LLR tests for them? โ— How can these methods be applied? โ€“ Modeling architecture examples โ— How new is this?
  • 3. Log-likelihood Ratio Tests โ— Theorem due to Chernoff showed that generalized log-likelihood ratio is asymptotically ๎ƒŒ2 distributed in many useful cases โ— Most well known statistical tests are either approximately or exactly LLR tests โ€“ Includes z-test, F-test, t-test, Pearson's ๎ƒŒ2 โ— Pearson's ๎ƒŒ2 is an approximation valid for large expected counts ... G2 is the exact form for multinomial contingency tables
  • 4. Mathematical Definition โ— Ratio of maximum likelihood under the null hypothesis to the unrestricted maximum likelihood max l ๎‚ž X โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒ= max l ๎‚ž X โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ ๎‚พโˆˆ๎‚ถ0 ๎‚พโˆˆ๎‚ถ d.o.f.=dim ๎‚ถโˆ’dim ๎‚ถ0 โ— -2 log ๎ƒ is asymptotically ๎ƒŒ2 distributed
  • 5. Comparison of Two Observations โ— Two independent observations, X1 and X2 can be compared to determine whether they are from the same distribution ๎‚ž๎‚พ1 , ๎‚พ2 ๎‚Ÿ โˆˆ ๎‚ถร—๎‚ถ max l ๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿl ๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎‚พ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒ= ๎‚พโˆˆ๎‚ถ max l ๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎‚พ1 ๎‚Ÿl ๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎‚พ2 ๎‚Ÿ ๎‚พ1 โˆˆ๎‚ถ , ๎‚พ2 โˆˆ๎‚ถ d.o.f.=dim ๎‚ถ
  • 6. History of LLR Tests for โ€œTextโ€ โ— Statistics of Surprise and Coincidence โ— Genomic QA tools โ— Luduan โ— HNC text-mining, preference mining โ— MusicMatch recommendation engine
  • 7. How Useful is LLR? โ— A test in 1997 showed that a query construction system using LLR (Luduan) decreased the error rate of the best document routing system (Inquery) by approximately 5x at 10% recall and nearly 2x at 20% recall โ— Language and species ID programs showed similar improvements versus state of the art โ— Previously unsuspected structure around intron splice sites was discovered using LLR tests
  • 8. TREC Document Routing Results 1 0.9 0.8 Luduan vs Inquery 0.7 0.6 Precision 0.5 0.4 Inquery 0.3 Luduan 0.2 Convectis 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Recall
  • 9. What are Transactional Variables? โ— A transactional sequence is a sequence of transactions. โ— Transactions are instances of a symbol and (optionally) a time and an amount: Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i , x i ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ , an alphabet of symbols t i , x i โˆˆโ„
  • 10. Example - Text โ— A textual document is a transactional sequence without times or amounts Z =๎‚ž ๎ƒˆ 1 ... ๎ƒˆ N ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ
  • 11. Example โ€“ Traffic Violation History โ— A history of traffic violations is a (hopefully empty) sequence of violation types and associated dates (times) Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ{stop-sign , speeding , DUI ,...} t i โˆˆโ„
  • 12. Example โ€“ Speech Transcript โ— A conversation between a and b can be rendered as a transactions containing words spoken by either a or b at particular times: Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ z i =๎‚ž๎ƒˆ i , t i ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ{a , b}ร—๎‚ฒ t i โˆˆโ„
  • 13. Example โ€“ Financial History โ— A credit card history can be viewed as a transactional sequence with merchant code, date (=time) and amount: Z =๎‚ž z 1 ... z N ๎‚Ÿ 9/03/03 9/04/03 Cash Advance Groceries $300 79 9/07/03 Fuel 21 z i =โŒฉ๎ƒˆ i , t i , x i โŒช 9/10/03 Groceries 42 9/23/03 Department Store 173 ๎ƒˆ i โˆˆ๎‚ฒ 10/03/03 Payment -600 10/09/03 Hotel & Motel 104 t i โˆˆโ„ 10/17/03 Rental Cars 201 10/24/03 Lufthansa 838
  • 14. Proposed Evolution Transaction Mining Augmented LLR tests Data Transactional Luduan, Data etc Data LLR tests Augmentation Text
  • 15. LLR for Transaction Sequence โ— Assuming reasonable interactions between timing, symbol selection and amount distribution, LLR test can be decomposed โ— Two major terms remain, one for symbols and timing together, one for amounts LLR= LLR๎‚žsymbols & timing๎‚Ÿ๎‚ƒ LLR๎‚žamounts๎‚Ÿ
  • 16. Anecdotal Observations โ— Symbol selection often looks multinomial, or (rarely) Markov โ— Timing is often nearly Poisson (but rate depends on which symbol) โ— Distribution of amount appears to depend on symbol, but generally not on inter-transaction timing. Mixed discrete/continuous distributions are common in financial settings
  • 17. Transaction Sequence Distributions โ— Mixed Poisson distributions give desired symbol/timing behavior โ— Amount distribution depends on symbol k ๎ƒˆ โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ T ๎‚ž๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ T ๎‚Ÿ e p๎‚žZ ๎‚Ÿ= โˆ โˆ p๎‚ž x iโˆฃ ๎‚พ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆ โˆˆ๎‚ฒ k ๎ƒˆ! i=1. .. N i [ ][ ]โˆ k๎ƒˆ โˆ’๎ƒ‚ T ๎ƒ† N ๎‚ž๎ƒ‚T ๎‚Ÿ e p๎‚žZ ๎‚Ÿ= N ! โˆ ๎ƒˆ p๎‚ž x iโˆฃ ๎‚พ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ ๎ƒˆโˆˆ๎‚ฒ k ๎ƒˆ ! N! i i=1. .. N ๎ƒ‚๎ƒˆ =๎ƒ‚๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ , โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ =1 ๎ƒˆ โˆˆ๎‚ฒ
  • 18. LLR for Multinomial โ— Easily expressed as entropy of contingency table [ ] k 11 k 12 ... k1 n k 1* k 21 k 22 ... k2n k 2* โ‹ฎ โ‹ฎ โ‹ฑ โ‹ฎ โ‹ฎ k m1 k m2 ... k mn k m* k * 1 k * 2 ... k * n k ** โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N ๎‚ž โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†ij log ๎ƒ†ij โˆ’โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†i * log ๎ƒ†i *โˆ’โˆ‘ ๎ƒ†* j log ๎ƒ†* j ๎‚Ÿ ij i j k ij k ** ๎ƒ†ij log ๎ƒ=โˆ‘ k ij log =โˆ‘ k ij log d.o.f.=๎‚žmโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ๎‚žnโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ ij k i * k * j ij ๎ƒ†* j
  • 19. LLR for Poisson Mixture โ— Easily expressed using timed contingency table [ โˆฃ] k 11 k 12 ... k1n t1 k 21 k 22 ... k 2n t2 โ‹ฎ โ‹ฎ โ‹ฑ โ‹ฎ โ‹ฎ k m1 k m2 ... k mn tm k * 1 k * 2 ... k * n โˆฃ t * k ij t * ๎ƒ‚ij log ๎ƒ=โˆ‘ k ij log =โˆ‘ k ij log ij t i k * j ij ๎ƒ‚* j d.o.f.=๎‚žmโˆ’1๎‚Ÿ n
  • 20. LLR for Normal Distribution โ— Assume X1 and X2 are normally distributed โ— Null hypothesis of identical mean and variance ๎‚ โˆ’๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 p ๎‚ž xโˆฃ๎ƒ‚ , ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ= 1 e 2 ๎ƒˆ2 ๎‚‘ ๎ƒ‚= โˆ‘ xi ๎‚‘ ๎ƒˆ= โˆ‘ ๎‚ž x i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎ƒˆ N N ๎‚ž๎‚‘ ๎ƒˆ โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N 1 log ๎‚ƒN 2 log ๎‚‘ ๎ƒˆ1 ๎‚‘ ๎ƒˆ ๎‚‘ ๎ƒˆ2 ๎‚Ÿ d.o.f.=2
  • 21. Calculations โ— Assume X1 and X2 are normally distributed โ— Null hypothesis of identical mean and variance p ๎‚ž xโˆฃ๎ƒ‚ ,๎ƒˆ๎‚Ÿ= 1 ๎‚ 2๎ƒ† ๎ƒˆ e โˆ’๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 2๎ƒˆ 2 ๎ƒ‚= i ๎‚‘ N โˆ‘ xi ๎ƒˆ= i ๎‚‘ ๎‚N โˆ‘ ๎‚ž xโˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 log p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚ , ๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿ๎‚ƒlog p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚ ,๎ƒˆ ๎‚Ÿโˆ’log p๎‚ž X 1โˆฃ๎ƒ‚1, ๎ƒˆ 1 ๎‚Ÿโˆ’log p๎‚ž X 2โˆฃ๎ƒ‚2, ๎ƒˆ 2 ๎‚Ÿ= โˆ’ โˆ‘ [ i=1. . N 1 log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ๎‚ƒ ๎‚ž x 1i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 2 ๎ƒˆ2 ] [ โˆ’ โˆ‘ log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ๎‚ƒ i=1. . N 2 ๎‚ž x 2 i โˆ’๎ƒ‚๎‚Ÿ2 2 ๎ƒˆ2 ] โˆ‘ [ ] โˆ‘[ ] 2 2 ๎‚ž x โˆ’๎ƒ‚ ๎‚Ÿ ๎‚ž x โˆ’๎ƒ‚ ๎‚Ÿ ๎‚ƒ log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ 1 ๎‚ƒ 1i 2 1 ๎‚ƒ log ๎‚ 2 ๎ƒ†๎‚ƒlog ๎ƒˆ 2๎‚ƒ 2i 2 2 i=1. . N 1 2 ๎ƒˆ1 i=1. . N 2 2 ๎ƒˆ2 โˆ’2 log ๎ƒ=2 N 1 log ๎‚ž ๎ƒˆ ๎ƒˆ1 ๎‚ƒN 2 log ๎ƒˆ ๎ƒˆ2 ๎‚Ÿ d.o.f.=2
  • 22. Transactional Data in Context Real-world input often consists of one or more bags of transactional values combined with an assortment of conventional 1.2 numerical or categorial 34 years male values. Extracting information from the transactional data can be difficult and is often, therefore, not done.
  • 23. Real World Target Variables Mislabeled a Secondary Instances Labels b Labeled as Red
  • 24. Luduan Modeling Methodology โ— Use LLR tests to find exemplars (query terms) from secondary label sets โ— Create positive and negative secondary label models for each class of transactional data โ— Cluster using output of all secondary label models and all conventional data โ— Test clusters for stability โ— Use distance cluster centroids and/or secondary label models as derived input variables
  • 25. Example #1- Auto Insurance โ— Predict probability of attrition and loss for auto insurance customers โ— Transactional variables include โ€“ Claim history โ€“ Traffic violation history โ€“ Geographical code of residence(s) โ€“ Vehicles owned โ— Observed attrition and loss define past behavior
  • 26. Derived Variables โ— Split training data according to observable classes โ€“ These include attrition and loss > 0 โ— Define LLR variables for each class/variable combination โ— These 2 m v derived variables can be used for clustering (spectral, k-means, neural gas ...) โ— Proximity in LLR space to clusters are the new modeling variables
  • 27. Results โ— Conventional NN modeling by competent analyst was able to explain 2% of variance โ€“ No significant difference on training/test data โ— Models built using Luduan based cluster proximity variables were able to explain 70% of variance (KS approximately 0.4) โ€“ No significant difference on training/test data
  • 28. Example #2 โ€“ Fraud Detection โ— Predict probability that an account is likely to result in charge-off due to payment fraud โ— Transactional variables include โ€“ Zip code โ€“ Recent payments and charges โ€“ Recent non-monetary transactions โ— Bad payments, charge-off, delinquency are observable behavioral outcomes
  • 29. Derived Variables โ— Split training data according to observable classes (charge-off, NSF payment, delinquency) โ— Define LLR variables for each class/variable combination โ— These 2 m v derived variables can be used directly as model variables โ— No results available for publication
  • 30. Example #3 โ€“ E-commerce monitor โ— Detect malfunctions or changes in behavior of e- commerce system due to fraud or system failure โ— Transaction variables include (time, SKU, amount) โ— Desired output is alarm for operational staff
  • 31. Derived Variables โ— Time warp derived as product of smoothed daily and weekly sales rates โ— Time warp updated monthly to account for seasonal variations โ— Warped time used in transactions โ— Warped time since last transaction โ‰ˆ LLR in single product/single price case โ— Full LLR allows testing for significant difference in Champion/Challenger e-commerce optimizer
  • 32. Transductive Derived Variables โ— All objective segmentations of data provide new LLR variables โ— Cross product of model outputs versus objective segmentation provide additional LLR variables for second level model derivation โ— Comparable to Luduan query construction technique โ€“ TREC pooled evaluation technique provided cross product of relevance versus perceived relevance
  • 33. Relationship To Risk Tables โ— Risk tables are estimate of relative risk for each value of a single symbolic variable โ€“ Useful with variables such as post-code of primary residence โ€“ Ad hoc smoothing used to deal with small counts โ— Not usually applied to symbol sequences โ— Risk tables ignore time entirely โ— Risk tables require considerable analyst finesse
  • 34. Relationship to Known Techniques โ— Clock-tick symbols โ€“ Time-embedded symbols viewed as sequences of symbols along with โ€œticksโ€ that occur at fixed time intervals โ€“ Allows multinomial LLR as poor man's mixed Poisson LLR โ— Not a well known technique, not used in production models โ— Difficulties in choosing time resolution and counting period
  • 35. Conclusions โ— Theoretical properties of transaction variables are well defined โ— Similarities to known techniques indicates low probability of gross failure โ— Similarity to Luduan techniques suggests high probability of superlative performance โ— Transactional LLR statistics define similarity metrics useful for clustering