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1.  Transparency 
2.  Employer Brand
3.  Culture
4.  Candidate Experience
5.  Engage with your Employees
But we want to hear 
from you too!
Associate Director of Marketing at Glassdoor
Chief People Officer at Jobvite
Of job seekers say that
it's important to work for
a company that
embraces transparency
Of executives believe
"our consumers demand
1) Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, January 2016
2) Global Consumer Executive Top of Mind Survey, June 2015
With transparency
comes a tremendous
responsibility and an
enormous opportunity.
From Katie Burke, VP of Culture and Experience, HubSpot
The conversation is happening without
you whether or not you like it.
Empower your
employees to truly 
own culture, and in 
turn it will become 
more transparent.
From Kimberlea Kozachenko, Senior Leader, 
Talent Attraction & Acquisition, ATB Financial
From Josh Bersin, Principal, Bersin by Deloitte, Deloitte Consulting LLP
If your company has issues, people are talking
about them, and you’ll suffer if you’re not aware of
them or comfortable addressing them.
Of job seekers consider
an employer’s brand
before even applying for
a job
3) CareerArc, 2015 Employer Branding Study
From Kimberlea Kozachenko, Senior Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, ATB Financial
Prioritize your employer brand just as much as
you prioritize your consumer brand.
From Rusty Rueff, Former EVP of HR at EA
and PepsiCo, Glassdoor Board Director
Learn from past
employees about what
the employer brand
meant to them.
From Lisa Smith-Strother, Sr. Director & Global Head of Employer Branding 
& Diversity Talent Attraction, Ericsson
Employer brand doesn’t just involve HR. Listen to
your employees, and get them involved.
What’s EVP Anyway?
EVP stands for employee !
value proposition."
It’s your company’s unique offerings,
associations and values as
experienced by employees."
An EVP is built on employee feedback
data both. An EVP will change over
time as a company grows, matures,
and evolves.
Build out the story that
you want to tell
candidates and to
reiterate to employees.
From Andrew Levy, Head of Talent Brand, Uber
4) Deloitte, 2016 Global Human Capital Trends report
Culture has become one
of the most important
business topics of 2016.
Of leaders believe
company culture gives
them a competitive
5) Deloitte 2015 Human Capital Trends
It is imperative to
proactively define culture
and success measures.
•  We are humble
•  We are not arrogant
•  We are scrappy
•  We are not lazy
•  Customers matter most
•  Collaborate openly and honestly to
build trusting relationships
•  Always pursue a better way
•  Perform and your professions peak
•  Be humble, optimistic and joyful
From Leela Srinivasan, CMO, Lever
Every review matters. How you respond
to negative reviews helps people on the
outside understand the quality of the
culture you’re building.
Culture is a business
priority. Investing in
your culture makes you
more human.
From Katie Burke, VP of
Culture and Experience,
From Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist, Glassdoor
There’s a correlation between
highest-rated CEOs and companies
with great employee satisfaction.
From Lucia Luce Quinn, Chief
People Officer, Forrester
“The soft stuff is the
hard stuff,” so focus on
getting to know
candidates and
creating a great
experience for them.
“Don’t boil the ocean,” meaning don’t
try to tackle changing your entire
candidate experience at once.
From Ana Recio, Global Head of Recruiting at Salesforce
Use candidate
feedback to prioritize
what you need to
improve first.
From Kimberlea Kozachenko,
Senior Leader, Talent
Attraction & Acquisition, ATB
Engage Your Talent
•  Set and stick to your “gold
•  Reimagine the decline. 
•  Innovate using the tools you
already have. 
•  Be unique and authentic.
Engaging and getting comfortable
with transparency early on
provides a competitive
advantage for companies willing
to take that risk.
From Katie Burke, VP of Culture and Experience, HubSpot
© 2016 Jobvite, Inc.
From J.T. O’Donnell, Founder & CEO, Work It Daily
Step back, and take a moment to
listen to hear things differently.
From Arianna Huffington, CEO, Thrive Global
Employee satisfaction
matters because
engaged employees
build stronger, more
successful companies.
Best places to work companies, that
have especially strong cultures,
outperformed the S&P500 by an
average of 122%.
From Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist, Glassdoor
Create a company and
culture that you love.
From Lisa Sugar, President &
Of employers believe retention
rates would be higher if
candidates had a clearer picture
of what to expect about
working at the company before
taking the job
Of organizations admit to
making bad hires, and these
decisions can cost
organizations hundreds of
thousands of dollars
6) Interactive Survey for Glassdoor, 2014
7) Brandon Hall Group, 2015

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Top 5 Highlights Of The 2016 Glassdoor Summit

  • 2. WEBINAR TIPS FOR ATTENDEES •  You can connect to audio using your computer’s microphone and speakers." •  Or you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar." •  All lines will be muted to avoid background noise. •  You can ask questions at any time by typing them into the Questions Pane.
  • 3. 1.  Transparency 2.  Employer Brand 3.  Culture 4.  Candidate Experience 5.  Engage with your Employees But we want to hear from you too! #GDChat TOP 5 HIGHLIGHTS
  • 4. AL ICIA GARIBALDI Associate Director of Marketing at Glassdoor RACHEL BITTE Chief People Officer at Jobvite OUR PRESENTERS
  • 6. Of job seekers say that it's important to work for a company that embraces transparency 90% Of executives believe "our consumers demand transparency" 1 2 75% 1) Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, January 2016 2) Global Consumer Executive Top of Mind Survey, June 2015
  • 7. With transparency comes a tremendous responsibility and an enormous opportunity.
  • 8. From Katie Burke, VP of Culture and Experience, HubSpot The conversation is happening without you whether or not you like it.
  • 9. Empower your employees to truly own culture, and in turn it will become more transparent. From Kimberlea Kozachenko, Senior Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, ATB Financial
  • 10. From Josh Bersin, Principal, Bersin by Deloitte, Deloitte Consulting LLP If your company has issues, people are talking about them, and you’ll suffer if you’re not aware of them or comfortable addressing them.
  • 12. Of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job 75% 3) CareerArc, 2015 Employer Branding Study 3
  • 13. From Kimberlea Kozachenko, Senior Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, ATB Financial Prioritize your employer brand just as much as you prioritize your consumer brand.
  • 14. From Rusty Rueff, Former EVP of HR at EA and PepsiCo, Glassdoor Board Director Learn from past employees about what the employer brand meant to them.
  • 15. From Lisa Smith-Strother, Sr. Director & Global Head of Employer Branding & Diversity Talent Attraction, Ericsson Employer brand doesn’t just involve HR. Listen to your employees, and get them involved.
  • 16. What’s EVP Anyway? EVP stands for employee ! value proposition." " It’s your company’s unique offerings, associations and values as experienced by employees." " An EVP is built on employee feedback data both. An EVP will change over time as a company grows, matures, and evolves. Build out the story that you want to tell candidates and to reiterate to employees. From Andrew Levy, Head of Talent Brand, Uber
  • 18. 4) Deloitte, 2016 Global Human Capital Trends report Culture has become one of the most important business topics of 2016. 4
  • 19. Of leaders believe company culture gives them a competitive advantage 82% 5) Deloitte 2015 Human Capital Trends 5
  • 20. It is imperative to proactively define culture and success measures.
  • 21. GLASSDOOR VALUES •  We are humble •  We are not arrogant •  We are scrappy •  We are not lazy
  • 22. JOBVITE VALUES •  Customers matter most •  Collaborate openly and honestly to build trusting relationships •  Always pursue a better way •  Perform and your professions peak •  Be humble, optimistic and joyful
  • 23. From Leela Srinivasan, CMO, Lever Every review matters. How you respond to negative reviews helps people on the outside understand the quality of the culture you’re building.
  • 24. Culture is a business priority. Investing in your culture makes you more human. From Katie Burke, VP of Culture and Experience, HubSpot
  • 25. From Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist, Glassdoor There’s a correlation between highest-rated CEOs and companies with great employee satisfaction.
  • 27. From Lucia Luce Quinn, Chief People Officer, Forrester “The soft stuff is the hard stuff,” so focus on getting to know candidates and creating a great experience for them.
  • 28. “Don’t boil the ocean,” meaning don’t try to tackle changing your entire candidate experience at once. From Ana Recio, Global Head of Recruiting at Salesforce
  • 29. Use candidate feedback to prioritize what you need to improve first. From Kimberlea Kozachenko, Senior Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, ATB Financial Engage Your Talent •  Set and stick to your “gold standard.” •  Reimagine the decline. •  Innovate using the tools you already have. •  Be unique and authentic.
  • 30. Engaging and getting comfortable with transparency early on provides a competitive advantage for companies willing to take that risk. From Katie Burke, VP of Culture and Experience, HubSpot
  • 31. © 2016 Jobvite, Inc. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT
  • 32. From J.T. O’Donnell, Founder & CEO, Work It Daily Step back, and take a moment to listen to hear things differently.
  • 33. From Arianna Huffington, CEO, Thrive Global Employee satisfaction matters because engaged employees build stronger, more successful companies.
  • 34. Best places to work companies, that have especially strong cultures, outperformed the S&P500 by an average of 122%. From Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist, Glassdoor
  • 35. Create a company and culture that you love. From Lisa Sugar, President & Founder, POPSUGAR
  • 36. Of employers believe retention rates would be higher if candidates had a clearer picture of what to expect about working at the company before taking the job 67% 95% Of organizations admit to making bad hires, and these decisions can cost organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars 6) Interactive Survey for Glassdoor, 2014 7) Brandon Hall Group, 2015 7 6
  • 37. Q&A