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Time-evolving Graph Processing on
Commodity Clusters
Anand Iyer Joseph GonzalezQifan Pu Ion Stoica
Spark Summit East
8 February 2017
About Me
• PhD Candidate at AMP/RISE Lab at UC Berkeley
• Thesis on time-evolving graph processing
• Previous work:
• Collaborative energy diagnosis for smartphones
• Approximate query processing (BlinkDB)
• Cellular Network Analytics
• Fundamental trade-offs in applying ML to real-time datasets
Graphs are everywhere…
Social Networks
Graphs are everywhere…
Gnutella network subgraph
Graphs are everywhere…
Graphs are everywhere…
Metabolic	network	of	a	single	cell	organism Tuberculosis
Plenty of interest in processing them
• Graph DBMS 25% of all enterprises by end of 20171
• Many open-source and research prototypes on distributed graph
processing frameworks: Giraph, Pregel, GraphLab, GraphX, …
1Forrester Research
Real-world Graphs are Dynamic
Earthquake	Occurrence	Density
Real-world Graphs are Dynamic
Real-world Graphs are Dynamic
Processing Time-evolving Graphs
Many interesting business and research insights
possible by processing such dynamic graphs…
… little or no work in supporting such workloads in
existing graph-processing frameworks
Challenge #1: Storage
Redundant storage of graph entities over time
Challenge #2: Computation
Wasted computation across snapshots
Challenge #3: Communication
Duplicate messages sent over the network
How do we process time-evolving,
dynamically changing graphs
How do we process time-evolving,
dynamically changing graphs
Sharing Storage
Storing deltas result in the most optimal storage, but creating
snapshot from deltas can be expensive!
A Better Storage Solution
Snapshot 2Snapshot 1
Use a persistent datastructure
Store snapshots in Persistent Adaptive Radix Trees (PART)
Graph Snapshot Index
Snapshot 2Snapshot 1
Snapshot 2Snapshot 1
Snapshot ID Management
Shares structure between snapshots, and enables efficient operations
How do we process time-evolving,
dynamically changing graphs
Graph Parallel Abstraction - GAS
Gather: Accumulate information from neighborhood
Apply: Apply the accumulated value
Scatter: Update adjacent edges & vertices with updated value
Processing Multiple Snapshots
for (snapshot in snapshots) {
for (stage in graph-parallel-computation) {…}
G1 G2
Reducing Redundant Messages
G2 G3
for (step in graph-parallel-computation) {
for (snapshot in snapshots) {…}
Can potentially avoid large number of redundant messages
How do we process time-evolving,
dynamically changing graphs
Updating Results
• If result from a previous snapshot is available, how can we reuse
• Three approaches in the past:
• Restart the algorithm
• Redundant computations
• Memoization (GraphInc1)
• Too much state
• Operator-wise state (Naiad2,3)
• Too much overhead
• Fault tolerance
1Facilitating real- time graph mining, CloudDB ’12
2 Naiad: A timely dataflow system, SOSP ’13
3 Differential dataflow, CIDR ‘13
Key Idea
• Leverage how GAS model executes computation
• Each iteration in GAS modifies the graph by a little
• Can be seen as another time-evolving graph!
• Upon change to a graph:
• Mark parts of the graph that changed
• Expand the marked parts to involve regions for recomputation in every
• Borrow results from parts not changed
Incremental Computation
0 G1
1 G1
0 G2
Larger graphs and more iterations can yield significant improvements
val v = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("a", "Alice"),
("b", "Bob"),
("c", "Charlie")
)).toDF("id", "name")
val e = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("a", "b", "friend"),
("b", "c", "follow"),
("c", "b", "follow)
)).toDF("src", "dst", "relationship")
val g = GraphFrame(v, e)
val g1 = g.update(v1, e1)
API: Incremental Computations
val g = GraphFrame(v, e)
val g1 = g.update(v1,e1)
val result1 = g1.triangleCount.run(result)
val result = g.triangleCount.run()
API: Computations on Multiple Graphs
val g = GraphFrame(v, e)
val g1 = g.update(v1,e1)
val g2 = g1.update(v2,e2)
val g3 = g1.update(v3,e3)
val results =
g3.triangleCount.runOnSnapshots(start, end)
After 11 iteration on graph 2,
Both converge to 3-digit precision
he benefit of PSR computation.
For each iteration of Pregel,
y of a new graph. When it
ations on the current graph,
he new graph after copying
The new computation will
w active set continue message
s a function of the old active
n the new graph and the old
lgorithms (e.g. incremental
ve set includes vertices from
w vertices and vertices with
class Graph[V, E] {
// Collection views
def vertices(sid: Int): Collection[(Id, V)]
def edges(sid: Int): Collection[(Id, Id, E)]
def triplets(sid: Int): Collection[Triplet]
// Graph-parallel computation
def mrTriplets(f: (Triplet) => M,
sum: (M, M) => M,
sids: Array[Int]): Collection[(Int, Id, M)]
// Convenience functions
def mapV(f: (Id, V) => V,
sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
def mapE(f: (Id, Id, E) => E
sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
def leftJoinV(v: Collection[(Id, V)],
f: (Id, V, V) => V,
sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
def leftJoinE(e: Collection[(Id, Id, E)],
f: (Id, Id, E, E) => E,
sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
def subgraph(vPred: (Id, V) => Boolean,
ePred: (Triplet) => Boolean,
sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
def reverse(sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E]
Listing 3: GraphX [24] operators modified to support Tegra’s
Implementation & Evaluation
• Implemented on Spark 2.0
• Extended dataframes with versioning information and iterate
• Extended GraphX API to allow computation on multiple
• Preliminary evaluation on two real-world graphs
• Twitter: 41,652,230 vertices, 1,468,365,182 edges
• uk-2007: 105,896,555 vertices, 3,738,733,648 edges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Storage	Reduction
Number	of	Snapshots
Benefits of Storage Sharing
Significant improvements with
more snapshots
Benefits of sharing communication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time	(s)
Number	of	Snapshots
GraphX Tegra
Benefits of Incremental Computing
0 5 10 15 20
Computation	Time	(s)
Snapshot	ID	
Incremental Full	Computation
Only 5% of the graph modified in every snapshot
50x reduction by processing only the modified part
Ongoing/Future Work
• Tight(er) integration with Catalyst
• Tungsten improvements
• Code release
• Incremental pattern matching
• Approximate graph analytics
• Geo-distributed graph analytics
• Processing time-evolving graph efficiently can be useful
• Sharing storage, computation and communication key to efficient
time-evolving graph analysis
• We proposed Tegra that implements our ideas
Please talk to us about your interesting use-cases!

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Spark Summit
High-Performance Graph Analysis and Modeling
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High-Performance Graph Analysis and Modeling
Nesreen K. Ahmed
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Graphs in data structures are non-linear data structures made up of a finite ...
Graph computation
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Graph computation
Stockage, manipulation et analyse de données matricielles avec PostGIS Raster
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ACSG Section Montréal
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Dynamics in graph analysis (PyData Carolinas 2016)
Benjamin Bengfort
Apache Flink & Graph Processing
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Apache Flink & Graph Processing
Vasia Kalavri
Challenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache Spark
Challenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache SparkChallenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache Spark
Challenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache Spark
Intel realtime analytics_spark
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Intel realtime analytics_spark
Geetanjali G

Similar to Time-evolving Graph Processing on Commodity Clusters: Spark Summit East talk by Anand Iyer (20)

Scalable and Adaptive Graph Querying with MapReduce
Scalable and Adaptive Graph Querying with MapReduceScalable and Adaptive Graph Querying with MapReduce
Scalable and Adaptive Graph Querying with MapReduce
GraphX: Graph Analytics in Apache Spark (AMPCamp 5, 2014-11-20)
GraphX: Graph Analytics in Apache Spark (AMPCamp 5, 2014-11-20)GraphX: Graph Analytics in Apache Spark (AMPCamp 5, 2014-11-20)
GraphX: Graph Analytics in Apache Spark (AMPCamp 5, 2014-11-20)
Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache® Spark™
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Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache® Spark™
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Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache® Spark™
Deep learning and streaming in Apache Spark 2.2 by Matei Zaharia
Deep learning and streaming in Apache Spark 2.2 by Matei ZahariaDeep learning and streaming in Apache Spark 2.2 by Matei Zaharia
Deep learning and streaming in Apache Spark 2.2 by Matei Zaharia
ICIAM 2019: A New Algorithm Model for Massive-Scale Streaming Graph Analysis
ICIAM 2019: A New Algorithm Model for Massive-Scale Streaming Graph AnalysisICIAM 2019: A New Algorithm Model for Massive-Scale Streaming Graph Analysis
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Greg Hogan – To Petascale and Beyond- Apache Flink in the Clouds
Greg Hogan – To Petascale and Beyond- Apache Flink in the CloudsGreg Hogan – To Petascale and Beyond- Apache Flink in the Clouds
Greg Hogan – To Petascale and Beyond- Apache Flink in the Clouds
Joey gonzalez, graph lab, m lconf 2013
Joey gonzalez, graph lab, m lconf 2013Joey gonzalez, graph lab, m lconf 2013
Joey gonzalez, graph lab, m lconf 2013
Swift Parallel Scripting for High-Performance Workflow
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Swift Parallel Scripting for High-Performance Workflow
Large-scale Recommendation Systems on Just a PC
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Large-scale Recommendation Systems on Just a PC
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Advanced Data Science with Apache Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
High-Performance Graph Analysis and Modeling
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High-Performance Graph Analysis and Modeling
Graphs in data structures are non-linear data structures made up of a finite ...
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Graphs in data structures are non-linear data structures made up of a finite ...
Graph computation
Graph computationGraph computation
Graph computation
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Dynamics in graph analysis (PyData Carolinas 2016)
Apache Flink & Graph Processing
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Apache Flink & Graph Processing
Challenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache Spark
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Challenging Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache Spark
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Time-evolving Graph Processing on Commodity Clusters: Spark Summit East talk by Anand Iyer

  • 1. Tegra Time-evolving Graph Processing on Commodity Clusters Anand Iyer Joseph GonzalezQifan Pu Ion Stoica Spark Summit East 8 February 2017
  • 2. About Me 1 • PhD Candidate at AMP/RISE Lab at UC Berkeley • Thesis on time-evolving graph processing • Previous work: • Collaborative energy diagnosis for smartphones (carat.cs.berkeley.edu) • Approximate query processing (BlinkDB) • Cellular Network Analytics • Fundamental trade-offs in applying ML to real-time datasets
  • 7. Plenty of interest in processing them • Graph DBMS 25% of all enterprises by end of 20171 • Many open-source and research prototypes on distributed graph processing frameworks: Giraph, Pregel, GraphLab, GraphX, … 1Forrester Research 6
  • 8. Real-world Graphs are Dynamic Earthquake Occurrence Density 7
  • 11. Processing Time-evolving Graphs Many interesting business and research insights possible by processing such dynamic graphs… 10 … little or no work in supporting such workloads in existing graph-processing frameworks
  • 12. Challenge #1: Storage 11 Time A B C G1 A B C D G2 Redundant storage of graph entities over time A B C D E G3
  • 13. Challenge #2: Computation 12 A B C R1 A B C D E R3 Wasted computation across snapshots Time A B C G1 A B C D G2 A B C D E G3 A B C D R2
  • 14. Challenge #3: Communication 13 A B C A B C D A B C D E Time A B C G1 A B C D G2 A B C D E G3 Duplicate messages sent over the network
  • 15. How do we process time-evolving, dynamically changing graphs efficiently? 14 Share Storage Communication Computation Tegra
  • 16. How do we process time-evolving, dynamically changing graphs efficiently? 15 Share Storage Communication Computation Tegra
  • 17. Sharing Storage 16 Time A B C G1 A B C δg1 A D δg2 A B C D G2 A B C D E G3 C D E δg3 Storing deltas result in the most optimal storage, but creating snapshot from deltas can be expensive!
  • 18. A Better Storage Solution 17 Snapshot 2Snapshot 1 t1 t2 Use a persistent datastructure Store snapshots in Persistent Adaptive Radix Trees (PART)
  • 19. Graph Snapshot Index 18 Snapshot 2Snapshot 1 Vertex t1 t2 Snapshot 2Snapshot 1 t1 t2 Edge Partition Snapshot ID Management Shares structure between snapshots, and enables efficient operations
  • 20. How do we process time-evolving, dynamically changing graphs efficiently? 19 Share Storage Communication Computation Tegra
  • 21. Graph Parallel Abstraction - GAS Gather: Accumulate information from neighborhood 20 Apply: Apply the accumulated value Scatter: Update adjacent edges & vertices with updated value
  • 22. Processing Multiple Snapshots 21 for (snapshot in snapshots) { for (stage in graph-parallel-computation) {…} } A B C A B C D A B C D E Time G1 G2 G3
  • 23. Reducing Redundant Messages 22 A B C A B C D A B C D E Time G1 G2 G3 D BCBA AAA B C D E for (step in graph-parallel-computation) { for (snapshot in snapshots) {…} } Can potentially avoid large number of redundant messages
  • 24. How do we process time-evolving, dynamically changing graphs efficiently? 23 Share Storage Communication Computation Tegra
  • 25. Updating Results • If result from a previous snapshot is available, how can we reuse them? • Three approaches in the past: • Restart the algorithm • Redundant computations • Memoization (GraphInc1) • Too much state • Operator-wise state (Naiad2,3) • Too much overhead • Fault tolerance 24 1Facilitating real- time graph mining, CloudDB ’12 2 Naiad: A timely dataflow system, SOSP ’13 3 Differential dataflow, CIDR ‘13
  • 26. Key Idea • Leverage how GAS model executes computation • Each iteration in GAS modifies the graph by a little • Can be seen as another time-evolving graph! • Upon change to a graph: • Mark parts of the graph that changed • Expand the marked parts to involve regions for recomputation in every iteration • Borrow results from parts not changed 25
  • 27. Incremental Computation 26 A B C D Iterations Time A A B A A A A A G1 0 G1 1 G1 2 G2 2 A B C A A B A A A G2 0 G2 1 Larger graphs and more iterations can yield significant improvements
  • 28. API val v = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List( ("a", "Alice"), ("b", "Bob"), ("c", "Charlie") )).toDF("id", "name") val e = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List( ("a", "b", "friend"), ("b", "c", "follow"), ("c", "b", "follow) )).toDF("src", "dst", "relationship") val g = GraphFrame(v, e) 27 val g1 = g.update(v1, e1) .indexed() .indexed()
  • 29. API: Incremental Computations val g = GraphFrame(v, e) 28 val g1 = g.update(v1,e1) val result1 = g1.triangleCount.run(result) val result = g.triangleCount.run()
  • 30. API: Computations on Multiple Graphs val g = GraphFrame(v, e) val g1 = g.update(v1,e1) 29 val g2 = g1.update(v2,e2) val g3 = g1.update(v3,e3) val results = g3.triangleCount.runOnSnapshots(start, end)
  • 31. API 30 B C A D F E A DD B C D E AA F Transition After 11 iteration on graph 2, Both converge to 3-digit precision 1.224 0.8490.502 2.07 0.8490.502 he benefit of PSR computation. For each iteration of Pregel, y of a new graph. When it ations on the current graph, he new graph after copying The new computation will w active set continue message s a function of the old active n the new graph and the old lgorithms (e.g. incremental ve set includes vertices from w vertices and vertices with class Graph[V, E] { // Collection views def vertices(sid: Int): Collection[(Id, V)] def edges(sid: Int): Collection[(Id, Id, E)] def triplets(sid: Int): Collection[Triplet] // Graph-parallel computation def mrTriplets(f: (Triplet) => M, sum: (M, M) => M, sids: Array[Int]): Collection[(Int, Id, M)] // Convenience functions def mapV(f: (Id, V) => V, sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] def mapE(f: (Id, Id, E) => E sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] def leftJoinV(v: Collection[(Id, V)], f: (Id, V, V) => V, sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] def leftJoinE(e: Collection[(Id, Id, E)], f: (Id, Id, E, E) => E, sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] def subgraph(vPred: (Id, V) => Boolean, ePred: (Triplet) => Boolean, sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] def reverse(sids: Array[Int]): Graph[V, E] } Listing 3: GraphX [24] operators modified to support Tegra’s
  • 32. Implementation & Evaluation • Implemented on Spark 2.0 • Extended dataframes with versioning information and iterate operator • Extended GraphX API to allow computation on multiple snapshots • Preliminary evaluation on two real-world graphs • Twitter: 41,652,230 vertices, 1,468,365,182 edges • uk-2007: 105,896,555 vertices, 3,738,733,648 edges 31
  • 33. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Storage Reduction Number of Snapshots Benefits of Storage Sharing 32 Datastructure overheads Significant improvements with more snapshots
  • 34. Benefits of sharing communication 33 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (s) Number of Snapshots GraphX Tegra
  • 35. Benefits of Incremental Computing 34 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 20 Computation Time (s) Snapshot ID Incremental Full Computation Only 5% of the graph modified in every snapshot 50x reduction by processing only the modified part
  • 36. Ongoing/Future Work • Tight(er) integration with Catalyst • Tungsten improvements • Code release • Incremental pattern matching • Approximate graph analytics • Geo-distributed graph analytics 35
  • 37. Summary • Processing time-evolving graph efficiently can be useful • Sharing storage, computation and communication key to efficient time-evolving graph analysis • We proposed Tegra that implements our ideas Please talk to us about your interesting use-cases! api@cs.berkeley.edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~api 36