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Scale | Simplify | Optimize | Evolve
Industry Context
Data sizes for data under management are monotonically increasing
◦ Who wants less data?
Our appetite for analysis is monotonically increasing
◦ Do you think, or do you know?
◦ Trend toward evidence-based management
Our appetite for speed is monotonically increasing
◦ Who wants questions answered more slowly?
◦ Hence the industry interest in in-memory data management systems
Our overall ability to manage complexity is not increasing
Virtualization today:
Is about Single Node Resource Sharing
Solution scaling constrained by physical machine cost and size
Result: Finite resource pool
Scale-Out today:
An Architecture of Developer Complexity
Solution scaling is constrained by the programmers ability to comprehend and
navigate the architectural complexity
Result: Increased development cost
TidalScale enables:
An Architecture of Simplicity – One Operating System
Solution scaling enabled by aggregating hardware resources via one OS instance
Result: Lower development complexity, lower development cost
Creates a unique scalable solution experience:
User experience bare metal User experience TidalScale
Real Screen Shots
No API’s to learn – define the machine size - boot it up
Fault Tolerance
System Standby and Linux Tool Transparency
Active Server Standby Server
Transparent access to Linux Availability Tool Chain
TidalScale handles the underlying complexity
AnyLogic™ 1 Million Agent Simulation*
Normal run time - 3 Days
TidalScale run time - 30 minutes
We changed the customers approach to using AnyLogic™
and rapid prototyping of simulations
*No code changes were required
What Kinds of Problems Benefit?
Data Mining / Finance
◦ High Data Volumes, Large Analytics, Risk Analysis, Fraud Detection, Graph Analytics using
Alternative Data Sources, Risk modeling, High Frequency trading, Complex Event Modeling
• Next Generation DNA sequencing, Meta-genomic analysis, Finite Element Brain Modeling,
Time-Series MRI Neuro-Imaging
IT / Operational Systems
◦ In-House Applications, Web Controllers & Servers, Gateways, Image serving, Ad serving, OLTP,
ERP, Business Intelligence
Data Mining: High Data Volumes
◦ Analytic app running on popular SQL database
◦ Well established – trained users, tied to diverse apps & tools
◦ Running well on a single system, except…
◦ …Data volumes steadily growing…
◦ …Frequently upgrading hardware…
◦ …About to hit a wall
The TidalScale Solution
◦ Scale up existing application & move more data into memory cache for real time performance
◦ Avoid re-architecting DB & rewriting applications for scale out/cluster
◦ Avoid expensive maintenance cost of a cluster as shape of data changes or use cases & query types evolve
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 10
Data Mining: Large Scale Analytics
◦ Analytic app running on popular SQL database
◦ Well established – trained users, tied to diverse apps & tools
◦ Proven, reliable application needing no changes, other than the need to increase capacity
◦ Number of users and connections is growing
◦ Each user is generating large, demanding queries
◦ Frequently upgrading hardware
◦ About to hit a wall – add a second, third copy and offload users?
◦ But then you have a copy/synch problem, especially if data ever gets updated
The TidalScale Solution
◦ Assemble a bigger computer to move more data into memory cache & take advantage of more CPUs
◦ Avoid re-architecting DB for scale out/cluster
◦ Avoid administering multiple servers & users, and copying/synching data
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 11
Data Mining: Mortgage Risk Analysis
◦ New risk assessment tools for loans, mortgages
◦ Use of “alternative data” in addition to credit bureaus
◦ Mortgage application workload gets “peaky” as consumers react & play the interest rate game
◦ Backlogs develop during peaks, loan processing still remarkably hands-on process. When backlogs build, customers
TidalScale Solution
◦ Enables a big, flexible computer that scales to handle more complex processing
◦ Supports processor intensive analytics of unstructured data, example NLP (natural language processing)
◦ Easy system expansion as data volumes grow from the addition of unstructured data
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 12
Data Mining: Fraud Detection
◦ New types of tools to detect fraud
◦ Ex: Graph DBs to see coordinated activity from disparate data
◦ Graph databases inherently require a closely coherent (single system) view
◦ As system grows, you must either
◦ Split the graph – at the risk of losing potential connections – leaves places for bad guys to hide
◦ Reduce granularity of data – abstracting your view – loss of detail
TidalScale Solution
◦ Enable full detailed view of transactional and account data across all customers over time
◦ Run the graph in-memory for real-time performance
◦ Run system on entirely standard hardware, OS & operational infrastructure
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 13
What enables the solution?
The Memory Hierarchy in Human Terms
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 14
(.3ns = 1s)
Event Latency Scaled
1 CPU Cycle 0.3 ns 1 s
Level 1 Cache Access 0.9 ns 3 s
Level 2 Cache Access 2.8 ns 9 s
Level 3 Cache Access 12.9 ns 43 s
Main Memory Access (DRAM, from CPU) 50.0 ns 3 min
Memory over Ethernet 3.2 μs 3.2 hours
CPU Context State Transfer 6.0 μs 6.0 hours
Flash SSD (PCI-e) 4.7 ms 5 months
Rotational disk I/O 1-10 ms 1-12 months
Internet: San Francisco to New York 40 ms 4 years
Internet: San Francisco to United Kingdom 81 ms 8 years
Internet: San Francisco to Australia 183 ms 19 years
TCP packet retransmit 1-3 s 105-317 years
Completely Transparent - No Changes Required
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 15
…and many other applications
Hardware Example
System features
• Admin node 1
• Worker nodes 25
• Total Memory 3.2TB
• Total Cores: 150
• Network 1/10GbE
• Storage FreeNAS, xTB
• 1x Admin node (A003)
• Colfax CX1260i-X6 Haswell, E5-2603V3 6C, 16GB
• 25x Worker nodes
• Colfax CX1260i-X6 Haswell, E5-2603V3 6C, 128GB
• 1x 1G switch
• 2x 10G switch (S009, S010) Mellanox
• 1x NAS
TidalScale Benefits Summary
In-Memory Performance
◦ The world wants data to be in-memory, but hasn’t been able to get it.
◦ Historically the industry has scaled applications to fit on available computer hardware. Now, for the first time, the
industry can scale the hardware to fit the application.
Linear System Scalability
◦ TidalScale makes it possible to organically grow hardware using low cost commodity servers at linear cost, as
customer needs evolve.
◦ Applications can now achieve superior in-memory performance using inexpensive unmodified hardware.
Reduced Software Development Costs
◦ TidalScale uses off-the-shelf, unmodified Linux.
◦ TidalScale requires no changes to applications or database software.
◦ Optimization happens automatically using our software, and learns over time.
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 17
Price/Performance at Scale
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 18
Scale up costs increase
rapidly after 3Tb…
Performance Scales Up
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 19
TidalScale can continue to
add cores as well as memory
(and bandwidth)
Single machine solution can
only add memory
Scale, Simplify, Optimize, Evolve
◦ Aggregates compute resources for large scale in-memory analysis
and decision support
◦ Scales like a cluster using commodity hardware at linear cost
◦ Allow customers to grow gradually as their needs develop
◦ Dramatically simplifies application development
◦ No need to distribute work across servers
◦ Existing applications run as a single instance, without
modification, as if on a highly flexible mainframe
◦ Automatic dynamic hierarchical resource optimization
◦ Applicable to modern and emerging microprocessors, memories,
interconnects, persistent storage & networks
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 20
Scale | Simplify | Optimize | Evolve
3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 21

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TidalScale Overview

  • 2. Industry Context Data sizes for data under management are monotonically increasing ◦ Who wants less data? Our appetite for analysis is monotonically increasing ◦ Do you think, or do you know? ◦ Trend toward evidence-based management Our appetite for speed is monotonically increasing ◦ Who wants questions answered more slowly? ◦ Hence the industry interest in in-memory data management systems Our overall ability to manage complexity is not increasing 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 2
  • 3. Virtualization today: Is about Single Node Resource Sharing 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 3 Solution scaling constrained by physical machine cost and size Result: Finite resource pool
  • 4. Scale-Out today: An Architecture of Developer Complexity 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 4 Solution scaling is constrained by the programmers ability to comprehend and navigate the architectural complexity Result: Increased development cost
  • 5. TidalScale enables: An Architecture of Simplicity – One Operating System 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 5 Solution scaling enabled by aggregating hardware resources via one OS instance Result: Lower development complexity, lower development cost
  • 6. Why? Creates a unique scalable solution experience: User experience bare metal User experience TidalScale 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 6 Real Screen Shots No API’s to learn – define the machine size - boot it up
  • 7. Fault Tolerance System Standby and Linux Tool Transparency 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 7 Active Server Standby Server Transparent access to Linux Availability Tool Chain TidalScale handles the underlying complexity
  • 8. Result AnyLogic™ 1 Million Agent Simulation* Normal run time - 3 Days TidalScale run time - 30 minutes We changed the customers approach to using AnyLogic™ and rapid prototyping of simulations 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 8 *No code changes were required
  • 9. What Kinds of Problems Benefit? Data Mining / Finance ◦ High Data Volumes, Large Analytics, Risk Analysis, Fraud Detection, Graph Analytics using Alternative Data Sources, Risk modeling, High Frequency trading, Complex Event Modeling Bioinformatics • Next Generation DNA sequencing, Meta-genomic analysis, Finite Element Brain Modeling, Time-Series MRI Neuro-Imaging IT / Operational Systems ◦ In-House Applications, Web Controllers & Servers, Gateways, Image serving, Ad serving, OLTP, ERP, Business Intelligence 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 9
  • 10. Data Mining: High Data Volumes Scenario ◦ Analytic app running on popular SQL database ◦ Well established – trained users, tied to diverse apps & tools ◦ Running well on a single system, except… Problem ◦ …Data volumes steadily growing… ◦ …Frequently upgrading hardware… ◦ …About to hit a wall The TidalScale Solution ◦ Scale up existing application & move more data into memory cache for real time performance ◦ Avoid re-architecting DB & rewriting applications for scale out/cluster ◦ Avoid expensive maintenance cost of a cluster as shape of data changes or use cases & query types evolve 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 10
  • 11. Data Mining: Large Scale Analytics Scenario ◦ Analytic app running on popular SQL database ◦ Well established – trained users, tied to diverse apps & tools ◦ Proven, reliable application needing no changes, other than the need to increase capacity Problem ◦ Number of users and connections is growing ◦ Each user is generating large, demanding queries ◦ Frequently upgrading hardware ◦ About to hit a wall – add a second, third copy and offload users? ◦ But then you have a copy/synch problem, especially if data ever gets updated The TidalScale Solution ◦ Assemble a bigger computer to move more data into memory cache & take advantage of more CPUs ◦ Avoid re-architecting DB for scale out/cluster ◦ Avoid administering multiple servers & users, and copying/synching data 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 11
  • 12. Data Mining: Mortgage Risk Analysis Scenario ◦ New risk assessment tools for loans, mortgages ◦ Use of “alternative data” in addition to credit bureaus Problem ◦ Mortgage application workload gets “peaky” as consumers react & play the interest rate game ◦ Backlogs develop during peaks, loan processing still remarkably hands-on process. When backlogs build, customers leave TidalScale Solution ◦ Enables a big, flexible computer that scales to handle more complex processing ◦ Supports processor intensive analytics of unstructured data, example NLP (natural language processing) ◦ Easy system expansion as data volumes grow from the addition of unstructured data 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 12
  • 13. Data Mining: Fraud Detection Scenario ◦ New types of tools to detect fraud ◦ Ex: Graph DBs to see coordinated activity from disparate data Problem ◦ Graph databases inherently require a closely coherent (single system) view ◦ As system grows, you must either ◦ Split the graph – at the risk of losing potential connections – leaves places for bad guys to hide ◦ Reduce granularity of data – abstracting your view – loss of detail TidalScale Solution ◦ Enable full detailed view of transactional and account data across all customers over time ◦ Run the graph in-memory for real-time performance ◦ Run system on entirely standard hardware, OS & operational infrastructure 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 13
  • 14. What enables the solution? The Memory Hierarchy in Human Terms 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 14 (.3ns = 1s) Event Latency Scaled 1 CPU Cycle 0.3 ns 1 s Level 1 Cache Access 0.9 ns 3 s Level 2 Cache Access 2.8 ns 9 s Level 3 Cache Access 12.9 ns 43 s Main Memory Access (DRAM, from CPU) 50.0 ns 3 min Memory over Ethernet 3.2 μs 3.2 hours CPU Context State Transfer 6.0 μs 6.0 hours Flash SSD (PCI-e) 4.7 ms 5 months Rotational disk I/O 1-10 ms 1-12 months Internet: San Francisco to New York 40 ms 4 years Internet: San Francisco to United Kingdom 81 ms 8 years Internet: San Francisco to Australia 183 ms 19 years TCP packet retransmit 1-3 s 105-317 years
  • 15. TidalScale Completely Transparent - No Changes Required 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 15 …and many other applications
  • 16. Hardware Example System features • Admin node 1 • Worker nodes 25 • Total Memory 3.2TB • Total Cores: 150 • Network 1/10GbE • Storage FreeNAS, xTB Components • 1x Admin node (A003) • Colfax CX1260i-X6 Haswell, E5-2603V3 6C, 16GB • 25x Worker nodes • Colfax CX1260i-X6 Haswell, E5-2603V3 6C, 128GB • 1x 1G switch • 2x 10G switch (S009, S010) Mellanox • 1x NAS 163/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC.
  • 17. TidalScale Benefits Summary In-Memory Performance ◦ The world wants data to be in-memory, but hasn’t been able to get it. ◦ Historically the industry has scaled applications to fit on available computer hardware. Now, for the first time, the industry can scale the hardware to fit the application. Linear System Scalability ◦ TidalScale makes it possible to organically grow hardware using low cost commodity servers at linear cost, as customer needs evolve. ◦ Applications can now achieve superior in-memory performance using inexpensive unmodified hardware. Reduced Software Development Costs ◦ TidalScale uses off-the-shelf, unmodified Linux. ◦ TidalScale requires no changes to applications or database software. ◦ Optimization happens automatically using our software, and learns over time. 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 17
  • 18. Price/Performance at Scale 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 18 Scale up costs increase rapidly after 3Tb…
  • 19. Performance Scales Up 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 19 TidalScale can continue to add cores as well as memory (and bandwidth) Single machine solution can only add memory
  • 20. Scale, Simplify, Optimize, Evolve Scale: ◦ Aggregates compute resources for large scale in-memory analysis and decision support ◦ Scales like a cluster using commodity hardware at linear cost ◦ Allow customers to grow gradually as their needs develop Simplify: ◦ Dramatically simplifies application development ◦ No need to distribute work across servers ◦ Existing applications run as a single instance, without modification, as if on a highly flexible mainframe Optimize: ◦ Automatic dynamic hierarchical resource optimization Evolve: ◦ Applicable to modern and emerging microprocessors, memories, interconnects, persistent storage & networks 3/21/2016 COPYRIGHT 2014 TIDALSCALE, INC. 20

Editor's Notes

  1. First, what is TidalScale? Today’s hypervisors slice physical machines into smaller virtual machines.
  2. TidalScale's hypervisor creates a large virtual machine from multiple physical machines. These approaches are complementary and work together nicely to solve a variety of customer needs.