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Ticker      Close     MMA20       MMA50       MME100       MMA       MMA200        MME5        MME10       MME20       MME50      MME100      MME200
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AGM      2819.0000   2798.5000   2889.9500   2903.7000   2927.3000   2846.4451   2775.0161   2802.6282   2845.7649   2890.2122   2903.0940   2915.2312
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 ATH      72.9800     73.7600     74.1950     75.4960     78.4172     81.4714     72.9810     73.4522     74.1086     75.7260     78.0544     81.4293
 ATL      68.4800     66.1060     65.4810     63.8244     63.3314     65.7880     66.5905     66.1753     65.5228     64.5806     64.6428     66.2965
 ATW      370.0000    364.3050    361.9950    364.3640    365.7305    374.6057    366.5789    365.0256    363.8862    364.3407    367.3290    376.2498
 BCE      222.0000    212.7900    208.9700    211.9430    211.9665    215.3302    216.5444    213.5975    211.5799    211.7202    212.9953    218.8551
  BCI     907.0000    911.4000    907.2500    888.9800    889.8100    957.5600    909.8585    909.8160    905.8459    896.5664    905.4044    930.6867
 BCP      193.5000    194.1100    193.9700    195.2550    197.3710    200.4794    193.6473    193.9455    194.3663    195.4689    197.1769    199.4446
 BER      275.0000    275.0000    275.0000    274.0700    240.4205    226.0983    275.0000    275.0009    274.7316    267.1683    251.8654    239.2049
 CDM      800.0000    773.4000    751.4500    778.0600    831.8200    846.8050    794.4276    779.9891    769.5889    783.5954    808.8989    818.5056
  CGI    1292.0000   1155.0000   1121.1500   1116.0800   1134.6899   1276.7650   1206.1173   1169.3268   1140.2563   1128.3259   1165.1724   1271.2347
  CIH     252.0500    251.5100    252.2000    263.8000    263.6805    275.3658    251.1568    251.4156    253.5820    259.5169    265.6089    276.4322
  CLT    1308.0000   1295.2000   1323.1500   1310.0601   1332.8199   1301.3600   1290.0077   1296.9125   1306.3416   1315.3618   1311.4755   1252.7474
 CMA      950.0000    950.9000    946.8500   1005.3800   1035.1500   1080.4800    943.4363    946.7236    956.9236    992.0682   1026.9926   1066.5283
 CMT     2299.0000   2256.0000   2254.0500   2259.9399   2113.3101   1964.4200   2262.8684   2257.8560   2257.3657   2228.3096   2139.9507   2004.6779
CNIA     1150.0000   1108.4000   1106.5500   1120.2200   1105.0400   1136.7000   1127.8521   1116.9224   1113.1328   1114.4829   1119.2058   1141.2257
 COL      78.6200     80.4580     80.9010     81.8352     83.0832     84.2312     79.5232     80.1436     80.7501     81.6911     82.9527     86.1512
 CRS      18.9600     18.6840     18.6710     18.9744     18.6762     19.3312     18.6708     18.6805     18.7183     18.8042     18.9192     19.2199
 CSR     1750.0000   1708.4000   1693.4000   1711.0400   1810.3600   1869.3000   1738.9059   1721.0796   1707.8969   1731.8494   1786.2766   1797.4276
 CTM      270.1500    273.2900    280.0125    286.2050    296.7890    295.8108    270.7839    273.4822    277.8116    285.4817    291.6647    297.1505
 DARI     685.0000    650.8000    655.6500    698.1400    724.7000    764.5100    659.7562    655.9238    662.3826    690.3204    719.6832    756.9377
 DHO      41.5000     40.7700     41.2150     42.6416     43.0550     42.3315     40.9409     40.9350     41.2834     42.1497     42.5858     42.9021
  DIS     33.0000     34.1840     35.7820     36.6352     42.6500     56.9401     33.9197     34.4208     35.2433     37.6630     43.5380     55.8350
DLM     399.4500  441.0900   466.1725   508.9620     558.3010     598.7705     414.7259     434.0493     460.9362     504.6008     542.9813     582.7658
 DWAY     352.0000  344.5900   341.7550   343.0740     365.8270     423.6837     346.2642     344.7072     343.4412     349.7087     371.0843     410.0150
  EQD    1750.0000 1723.6000 1704.5500 1651.0400      1655.6000    1633.5250    1742.8307    1730.5605    1705.4343    1671.6802    1655.7087    1622.0012
  FBR     301.0000  299.3750   303.7225   306.2450     344.6855     414.8370     299.4641     300.3375     302.6908     314.5132     344.7308     390.8966
  FRT     164.0500  179.9850   178.2525   180.9590     199.5455     217.4330     169.1803     173.9965     176.8139     183.5787     195.5123     212.2677
FTSE 15 11027.1797 10819.8105 10800.7070 11079.6328   11057.7344   11129.3281   10892.3682   10851.1973   10866.1963   10981.4824   11054.5420   11121.9482
FTSE All 9632.7900 9391.9678 9359.9043 9563.0957      9651.5459    9971.2803    9481.9756    9427.6729    9420.2119    9519.8848    9671.5176    9933.3574
  GAZ    1655.0000 1628.7000 1633.0500 1701.2400      1705.6500    1601.5100    1640.9784    1637.8677    1645.9760    1675.2963    1672.5623    1614.6934
  HOL    1790.0000 1751.8000 1771.7000 1865.1200      2029.7900    2291.4050    1756.1311    1758.3544    1783.1133    1869.6432    2006.3783    2186.8477
  HPS     390.0000  386.7750   392.9975   394.9190     444.7590     590.3145     389.2307     389.2172     392.0713     408.3875     458.6979     551.2709
  IAM     139.0000  138.1600   138.2750   141.0150     141.4365     146.2258     138.5572     138.4106     138.7209     140.1487     141.9360     144.9974
 IBMC     305.0000  307.2650   317.9925   334.0500     345.9355     399.2120     303.6278     308.1219     316.3582     331.4104     350.7349     384.2985
  INV     162.9500  160.4400   162.7775   167.9790     174.3815     203.3235     160.0265     160.8122     163.1072     168.5512     178.0846     191.0589
  LAC    1481.0000 1432.7000 1415.9500 1485.2600      1557.0800    1668.4950    1454.8473    1440.6156    1438.1780    1479.8076    1549.1981    1667.6740
  LBV    1380.0000 1361.3000 1343.1500 1311.1600      1271.9900    1265.5000    1373.0104    1362.7029    1348.0227    1318.8281    1290.8978    1260.9919
   LES    100.0000  100.1300   100.0805   100.5644     104.8627     115.0538     100.0489     100.0767     100.1565     101.4845     105.2633     111.2133
  LYD     339.0000  331.9900   337.6025   338.4710     342.6150     362.9838     333.5983     333.9745     335.7166     338.0273     344.1261     361.1675
 M2M      343.0500  336.1000   332.8350   346.9840     360.9785     403.2603     338.3479     336.5743     337.7937     346.7402     364.1380     394.2598
 MAB      812.0000  807.6000   805.2500   771.4530     764.5465     720.7933     793.6547     797.9877     794.0217     778.0388     759.4372     721.2444
MADEX 9198.4902 8989.4629 8947.4629 9124.2910         9211.5576    9495.8359    9067.0967    9017.5527    9007.4863    9093.5723    9229.6182    9474.9180
 MASI 11243.2002 10992.2285 10942.5674 11161.5215     11265.9346   11616.8682   11084.8105   11025.8770   11015.5107   11122.3584   11290.1387   11602.6045
 MDP      48.4800   46.9100    46.6200    46.8244      49.7012      55.6692      47.1651      46.9487      46.8659      47.5352      50.0882      56.2936
  MED     58.0000   58.9580    58.1830    61.5368      64.4196      97.3773      58.0627      58.5376      59.0561      61.8510      71.1929      91.0246
  MIC     645.0000  634.4000   637.1500   623.4400     600.3200     608.9750     637.5757     636.2201     634.1216     624.0126     615.2307     603.4857
  MLE     468.0000  483.2700   479.0650   419.4390     449.7415     492.3507     470.7493     475.7888     466.3255     445.6152     452.8700     465.0062
 MNG     1589.0000 1596.9000 1603.4000 1631.9399      1400.9800    1136.5000    1592.0111    1596.2559    1603.7184    1567.2510    1431.4667    1225.9950
 MOX      266.9500  252.5000   249.8925   251.2990     261.3390     258.7510     256.5778     253.7769     251.7138     252.6456     255.9192     255.3170
NAKL    43.5000     40.7620     39.0850     36.3108     36.0656     38.6335     42.5709     41.3100     39.6701     37.6760     37.6609     41.4511
 NEJ   1494.0000   1476.4000   1456.2000   1442.6400   1497.9700   1885.2991   1475.0756   1472.0140   1460.6705   1465.0206   1553.9368   1811.3284
NEX     281.0000    279.6450    284.5350    297.7790    311.0155    295.0940    277.6834    280.0167    284.8911    295.1060    299.3458    290.8668
OUL     645.0000    659.6000    625.2500    662.9800    620.6000    654.3150    666.0488    657.3027    645.6943    642.4958    645.3265    699.6993
PRO    1129.0000   1142.0000   1139.2500   1097.4000    957.3700    895.0900   1132.1897   1136.2504   1133.3772   1080.5806   1004.6854    935.7719
REB     336.0000    385.3450    381.4750    386.6250    389.1860    398.4612    365.9381    376.1793    381.6832    386.9034    391.7188    399.8527
 RIS    208.1500    209.2200    208.9650    213.3590    218.0655    235.0920    208.7986    209.0826    209.6795    212.9209    219.4554    233.7388
SAM     758.0000    729.7000    721.2000    746.9800    720.1300    660.1300    744.3292    734.6498    730.6848    733.7071    717.1283    682.2574
SBM    1700.0000   1781.6000   1851.9000   1982.2800   2165.9199   2639.7000   1714.1366   1763.5259   1840.1836   1977.7365   2150.3127   2277.0166
 SCE    275.0000    280.6400    278.2400    280.6910    286.3800    304.2078    278.3777    279.4543    279.2714    281.2105    287.5975    300.0026
 SID   1800.0000   1647.1000   1648.2500   1714.5200   1620.5699   1629.0350   1702.9181   1672.6589   1670.2046   1675.2308   1657.7401   1675.8093
 SLF    529.0000    537.4000    538.8500    544.4000    590.2200    641.5650    527.5760    533.1412    538.3541    552.6501    581.6784    618.6279
SMI    3844.0000   3749.6001   3705.2000   3929.7600   3755.5601   3122.0200   3741.1624   3736.5366   3755.0884   3806.7058   3654.9504   3215.1968
SNA     38.7600     38.9780     39.3020     40.2172     41.1568     42.8088     38.7283     38.9315     39.2832     40.1094     41.2171     43.6513
SNP     316.9000    314.8100    319.4425    324.9730    326.1265    340.3238    314.8199    315.5789    318.3658    323.1934    328.5115    340.5326
SOF     245.0000    228.0750    225.0775    200.2860    248.4710    275.6548    235.9220    229.8233    221.4277    219.5239    237.6959    266.2455
SOT    1150.0000   1161.3000   1209.4500   1223.8600   1218.9200   1176.2550   1149.5168   1166.9897   1189.4780   1207.4219   1203.9236   1171.4381
SRM     480.0000    486.2700    488.2750    478.2330    474.1690    481.7403    480.5711    484.0761    486.0490    480.8776    476.7661    469.7516
TIM     422.0000    411.0200    399.1600    387.2560    394.4960    365.2773    415.5079    411.0723    402.6946    393.1565    385.3513    363.8120
 TSF    26.5000     25.2780     27.0350     48.9504     58.9982     66.1781     25.7734     26.4456     30.9916     43.7745     53.9738     62.0589
UMR     169.0000    166.1100    169.8950    176.3790    170.6075    135.0647    168.5565    168.3762    170.0110    171.8054    163.6707    144.3259
WAA    3600.0000   3705.5000   3679.8999   3485.5400   3224.5801   3058.8550   3674.2041   3686.2771   3656.4700   3502.1694   3317.7739   3109.6462
 ZDJ    766.0000    859.0000    818.4500    889.5000    956.1200   1174.5300    788.3611    817.6563    836.6384    883.2026    960.7757   1080.8822

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  • 1. Ticker Close MMA20 MMA50 MME100 MMA MMA200 MME5 MME10 MME20 MME50 MME100 MME200 ACR 422.4500 400.6000 442.1900 578.2560 689.5180 756.2690 400.9048 409.9950 449.9349 551.9619 642.7186 724.9253 ADH 74.5000 67.8500 67.7430 72.6016 79.5418 90.2142 70.4823 69.0006 68.9581 72.5922 78.6348 86.4722 ADI 660.0000 646.7000 643.4500 658.3000 662.2700 676.5250 651.9163 648.3079 648.3565 655.0436 663.5015 680.2755 AGM 2819.0000 2798.5000 2889.9500 2903.7000 2927.3000 2846.4451 2775.0161 2802.6282 2845.7649 2890.2122 2903.0940 2915.2312 ALM 1460.0000 1446.7000 1455.2500 1446.8199 1432.5000 1431.4351 1454.2957 1450.8339 1453.9882 1448.9564 1434.9550 1403.6957 ATH 72.9800 73.7600 74.1950 75.4960 78.4172 81.4714 72.9810 73.4522 74.1086 75.7260 78.0544 81.4293 ATL 68.4800 66.1060 65.4810 63.8244 63.3314 65.7880 66.5905 66.1753 65.5228 64.5806 64.6428 66.2965 ATW 370.0000 364.3050 361.9950 364.3640 365.7305 374.6057 366.5789 365.0256 363.8862 364.3407 367.3290 376.2498 BCE 222.0000 212.7900 208.9700 211.9430 211.9665 215.3302 216.5444 213.5975 211.5799 211.7202 212.9953 218.8551 BCI 907.0000 911.4000 907.2500 888.9800 889.8100 957.5600 909.8585 909.8160 905.8459 896.5664 905.4044 930.6867 BCP 193.5000 194.1100 193.9700 195.2550 197.3710 200.4794 193.6473 193.9455 194.3663 195.4689 197.1769 199.4446 BER 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 274.0700 240.4205 226.0983 275.0000 275.0009 274.7316 267.1683 251.8654 239.2049 CDM 800.0000 773.4000 751.4500 778.0600 831.8200 846.8050 794.4276 779.9891 769.5889 783.5954 808.8989 818.5056 CGI 1292.0000 1155.0000 1121.1500 1116.0800 1134.6899 1276.7650 1206.1173 1169.3268 1140.2563 1128.3259 1165.1724 1271.2347 CIH 252.0500 251.5100 252.2000 263.8000 263.6805 275.3658 251.1568 251.4156 253.5820 259.5169 265.6089 276.4322 CLT 1308.0000 1295.2000 1323.1500 1310.0601 1332.8199 1301.3600 1290.0077 1296.9125 1306.3416 1315.3618 1311.4755 1252.7474 CMA 950.0000 950.9000 946.8500 1005.3800 1035.1500 1080.4800 943.4363 946.7236 956.9236 992.0682 1026.9926 1066.5283 CMT 2299.0000 2256.0000 2254.0500 2259.9399 2113.3101 1964.4200 2262.8684 2257.8560 2257.3657 2228.3096 2139.9507 2004.6779 CNIA 1150.0000 1108.4000 1106.5500 1120.2200 1105.0400 1136.7000 1127.8521 1116.9224 1113.1328 1114.4829 1119.2058 1141.2257 COL 78.6200 80.4580 80.9010 81.8352 83.0832 84.2312 79.5232 80.1436 80.7501 81.6911 82.9527 86.1512 CRS 18.9600 18.6840 18.6710 18.9744 18.6762 19.3312 18.6708 18.6805 18.7183 18.8042 18.9192 19.2199 CSR 1750.0000 1708.4000 1693.4000 1711.0400 1810.3600 1869.3000 1738.9059 1721.0796 1707.8969 1731.8494 1786.2766 1797.4276 CTM 270.1500 273.2900 280.0125 286.2050 296.7890 295.8108 270.7839 273.4822 277.8116 285.4817 291.6647 297.1505 DARI 685.0000 650.8000 655.6500 698.1400 724.7000 764.5100 659.7562 655.9238 662.3826 690.3204 719.6832 756.9377 DHO 41.5000 40.7700 41.2150 42.6416 43.0550 42.3315 40.9409 40.9350 41.2834 42.1497 42.5858 42.9021 DIS 33.0000 34.1840 35.7820 36.6352 42.6500 56.9401 33.9197 34.4208 35.2433 37.6630 43.5380 55.8350
  • 2. DLM 399.4500 441.0900 466.1725 508.9620 558.3010 598.7705 414.7259 434.0493 460.9362 504.6008 542.9813 582.7658 DWAY 352.0000 344.5900 341.7550 343.0740 365.8270 423.6837 346.2642 344.7072 343.4412 349.7087 371.0843 410.0150 EQD 1750.0000 1723.6000 1704.5500 1651.0400 1655.6000 1633.5250 1742.8307 1730.5605 1705.4343 1671.6802 1655.7087 1622.0012 FBR 301.0000 299.3750 303.7225 306.2450 344.6855 414.8370 299.4641 300.3375 302.6908 314.5132 344.7308 390.8966 FRT 164.0500 179.9850 178.2525 180.9590 199.5455 217.4330 169.1803 173.9965 176.8139 183.5787 195.5123 212.2677 FTSE 15 11027.1797 10819.8105 10800.7070 11079.6328 11057.7344 11129.3281 10892.3682 10851.1973 10866.1963 10981.4824 11054.5420 11121.9482 FTSE All 9632.7900 9391.9678 9359.9043 9563.0957 9651.5459 9971.2803 9481.9756 9427.6729 9420.2119 9519.8848 9671.5176 9933.3574 GAZ 1655.0000 1628.7000 1633.0500 1701.2400 1705.6500 1601.5100 1640.9784 1637.8677 1645.9760 1675.2963 1672.5623 1614.6934 HOL 1790.0000 1751.8000 1771.7000 1865.1200 2029.7900 2291.4050 1756.1311 1758.3544 1783.1133 1869.6432 2006.3783 2186.8477 HPS 390.0000 386.7750 392.9975 394.9190 444.7590 590.3145 389.2307 389.2172 392.0713 408.3875 458.6979 551.2709 IAM 139.0000 138.1600 138.2750 141.0150 141.4365 146.2258 138.5572 138.4106 138.7209 140.1487 141.9360 144.9974 IBMC 305.0000 307.2650 317.9925 334.0500 345.9355 399.2120 303.6278 308.1219 316.3582 331.4104 350.7349 384.2985 INV 162.9500 160.4400 162.7775 167.9790 174.3815 203.3235 160.0265 160.8122 163.1072 168.5512 178.0846 191.0589 LAC 1481.0000 1432.7000 1415.9500 1485.2600 1557.0800 1668.4950 1454.8473 1440.6156 1438.1780 1479.8076 1549.1981 1667.6740 LBV 1380.0000 1361.3000 1343.1500 1311.1600 1271.9900 1265.5000 1373.0104 1362.7029 1348.0227 1318.8281 1290.8978 1260.9919 LES 100.0000 100.1300 100.0805 100.5644 104.8627 115.0538 100.0489 100.0767 100.1565 101.4845 105.2633 111.2133 LYD 339.0000 331.9900 337.6025 338.4710 342.6150 362.9838 333.5983 333.9745 335.7166 338.0273 344.1261 361.1675 M2M 343.0500 336.1000 332.8350 346.9840 360.9785 403.2603 338.3479 336.5743 337.7937 346.7402 364.1380 394.2598 MAB 812.0000 807.6000 805.2500 771.4530 764.5465 720.7933 793.6547 797.9877 794.0217 778.0388 759.4372 721.2444 MADEX 9198.4902 8989.4629 8947.4629 9124.2910 9211.5576 9495.8359 9067.0967 9017.5527 9007.4863 9093.5723 9229.6182 9474.9180 MASI 11243.2002 10992.2285 10942.5674 11161.5215 11265.9346 11616.8682 11084.8105 11025.8770 11015.5107 11122.3584 11290.1387 11602.6045 MDP 48.4800 46.9100 46.6200 46.8244 49.7012 55.6692 47.1651 46.9487 46.8659 47.5352 50.0882 56.2936 MED 58.0000 58.9580 58.1830 61.5368 64.4196 97.3773 58.0627 58.5376 59.0561 61.8510 71.1929 91.0246 MIC 645.0000 634.4000 637.1500 623.4400 600.3200 608.9750 637.5757 636.2201 634.1216 624.0126 615.2307 603.4857 MLE 468.0000 483.2700 479.0650 419.4390 449.7415 492.3507 470.7493 475.7888 466.3255 445.6152 452.8700 465.0062 MNG 1589.0000 1596.9000 1603.4000 1631.9399 1400.9800 1136.5000 1592.0111 1596.2559 1603.7184 1567.2510 1431.4667 1225.9950 MOX 266.9500 252.5000 249.8925 251.2990 261.3390 258.7510 256.5778 253.7769 251.7138 252.6456 255.9192 255.3170
  • 3. NAKL 43.5000 40.7620 39.0850 36.3108 36.0656 38.6335 42.5709 41.3100 39.6701 37.6760 37.6609 41.4511 NEJ 1494.0000 1476.4000 1456.2000 1442.6400 1497.9700 1885.2991 1475.0756 1472.0140 1460.6705 1465.0206 1553.9368 1811.3284 NEX 281.0000 279.6450 284.5350 297.7790 311.0155 295.0940 277.6834 280.0167 284.8911 295.1060 299.3458 290.8668 OUL 645.0000 659.6000 625.2500 662.9800 620.6000 654.3150 666.0488 657.3027 645.6943 642.4958 645.3265 699.6993 PRO 1129.0000 1142.0000 1139.2500 1097.4000 957.3700 895.0900 1132.1897 1136.2504 1133.3772 1080.5806 1004.6854 935.7719 REB 336.0000 385.3450 381.4750 386.6250 389.1860 398.4612 365.9381 376.1793 381.6832 386.9034 391.7188 399.8527 RIS 208.1500 209.2200 208.9650 213.3590 218.0655 235.0920 208.7986 209.0826 209.6795 212.9209 219.4554 233.7388 SAM 758.0000 729.7000 721.2000 746.9800 720.1300 660.1300 744.3292 734.6498 730.6848 733.7071 717.1283 682.2574 SBM 1700.0000 1781.6000 1851.9000 1982.2800 2165.9199 2639.7000 1714.1366 1763.5259 1840.1836 1977.7365 2150.3127 2277.0166 SCE 275.0000 280.6400 278.2400 280.6910 286.3800 304.2078 278.3777 279.4543 279.2714 281.2105 287.5975 300.0026 SID 1800.0000 1647.1000 1648.2500 1714.5200 1620.5699 1629.0350 1702.9181 1672.6589 1670.2046 1675.2308 1657.7401 1675.8093 SLF 529.0000 537.4000 538.8500 544.4000 590.2200 641.5650 527.5760 533.1412 538.3541 552.6501 581.6784 618.6279 SMI 3844.0000 3749.6001 3705.2000 3929.7600 3755.5601 3122.0200 3741.1624 3736.5366 3755.0884 3806.7058 3654.9504 3215.1968 SNA 38.7600 38.9780 39.3020 40.2172 41.1568 42.8088 38.7283 38.9315 39.2832 40.1094 41.2171 43.6513 SNP 316.9000 314.8100 319.4425 324.9730 326.1265 340.3238 314.8199 315.5789 318.3658 323.1934 328.5115 340.5326 SOF 245.0000 228.0750 225.0775 200.2860 248.4710 275.6548 235.9220 229.8233 221.4277 219.5239 237.6959 266.2455 SOT 1150.0000 1161.3000 1209.4500 1223.8600 1218.9200 1176.2550 1149.5168 1166.9897 1189.4780 1207.4219 1203.9236 1171.4381 SRM 480.0000 486.2700 488.2750 478.2330 474.1690 481.7403 480.5711 484.0761 486.0490 480.8776 476.7661 469.7516 TIM 422.0000 411.0200 399.1600 387.2560 394.4960 365.2773 415.5079 411.0723 402.6946 393.1565 385.3513 363.8120 TSF 26.5000 25.2780 27.0350 48.9504 58.9982 66.1781 25.7734 26.4456 30.9916 43.7745 53.9738 62.0589 UMR 169.0000 166.1100 169.8950 176.3790 170.6075 135.0647 168.5565 168.3762 170.0110 171.8054 163.6707 144.3259 WAA 3600.0000 3705.5000 3679.8999 3485.5400 3224.5801 3058.8550 3674.2041 3686.2771 3656.4700 3502.1694 3317.7739 3109.6462 ZDJ 766.0000 859.0000 818.4500 889.5000 956.1200 1174.5300 788.3611 817.6563 836.6384 883.2026 960.7757 1080.8822