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Theory of Profits
Nature of Profits:
Profit is a reward of the entrepreneur, rather of the entrepreneurial functions. Profit differs from the
return on other factors in 3 important respects:
a. Profit is a residual income not contractual or certain income & not contractual or certain income as
in the case of other factors
b. There are much greater fluctuations in profits then in the rewards of the other factors.
c. Profits maybe negative, where as rent, wages & interest must always be positive.
According to professor Marshall “Profit are the earning of management”
According to Benham “Profits have their origin in uncertainty”
According to professor Hawley “Profit is the reward of bearing risk”
Gross Profit:
Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated
with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its
services. Gross profit will appear on a company's income statement, and can be
calculated with this formula: Gross profit = Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold.
Apart from pure profit, the following are the main constituents of gross profit:
1. Interest on entrepreneur’s own capital
2. Rent of land own by the entrepreneur
3. Entrepreneur wages of management or superintendence
4. Reward of the Entrepreneur as risk taker
5. Gain as superior bargainer
6. Monopoly Gains
7. Conjunctural Gains
Pure or Net Profit:
The profit of a company after operating expenses and all other charges including taxes, interest and
depreciation have been deducted from total revenue. Also called net earnings or net income. If
expenses and charges exceed revenue, the company incurs a net loss.
Theories of Profits
Profit as rent of ability:
The theory, Walker regards profits as rent of ability. Just as there are different grades of land, there
are grades of different entrepreneurs. The least efficient entrepreneur, who must remain in the field
of production to meet the current demand, just recovers his cost of production. Above him are
entrepreneur of superior ability. Just as rent arises because of the differential advantages, enjoyed by
a superior land over the marginal land, profit also is the reward for differential ability of the
entrepreneur over the marginal entrepreneur or the no profit entrepreneur. Profits are thus like rent
and, like rent, they do not enter into price.
Criticism of profit as rent of ability theory:
1. This theory has the same weakness as Ricardo’s Theory of Rent
2. The theory, moreover, does not explain the real nature of profits; It Marely
provides at best measure of profits.
3. It is wrong to say, again, that profits do not enter into price
4. Some entrepreneurs may earn high profits and others may suffer heavy losses
5. Finally, the theory even fails to explain the size of profit
Wages theory of profits:
The connection between profit and wages can be looked at from 2 points of view:
1. The socialists regard profits as simply deduction from the produce of the workers labor. According
to this view, profits are not justified; because their earn at the expense of the wage earners
2. The second view is represented by professor Taussig. He regards profits as simply a particular kind
of wages.
Now consider Taussig’s view that profits are merely wages for a special kind of labor. “Profits”, say
Taussig, “are best regarded as simply a form of wages.
Criticism of Wages theory of profits:
The position taken up by Taussig, cannot be accepted. There are fundamental differences between
wages and profits:
1. Profits are essentially a reward for assuming risks of business
2. There is much greater element of chance gaining profit than in wages
3. Part of profits, and in some cases, a major part, is due to imperfections of competition
Innovation theory of profits:
In the dynamic changes, which give rise to profit. According to the dynamic theory of profits
Joseph Schumpeter has singled out for special treatment the part played by innovations. The daring
and the dynamic entrepreneurs continue to hit at one innovation or another, keeping their business
ahead of others and thus make a handsome profits.
Schumpeter has given the term innovation very wide meaning. Discovery of a new material or a
new technique of production resulting in the lowering of the cost of production or improving the
quality of the production is an innovation.
Innovations maybe 2 types:
1. Those which change the production function and reduce the cost of production
2. Those innovations which stimulate the demand for the product, which change the demand or
utility function.
Criticism of Innovation Theory of Profits:
Schumpeter innovation theory can be criticized on the same ground as Clark’s dynamic theory:
1. Schumpeter also like Clark ignores uncertainty as a source of profit.
2. He also denies that risk bearing plays any role in the determination of profit.
Risk Bearing Theory of Profits:
Most people do mind the risk which makes them hesitate to make plunge in business. The greater
the risk the higher must be the expected profit in order to induce to start the business. All
businesses are more or less speculative and unless the risk taker is going to be amply rewarded,
business will not be started.
Drucker Mentions four kinds of risk:
1. Replacement
2. Risk proper
3. Uncertainty
4. Obsolescence
Criticism of Risk bearing theory of profits:
1. Entrepreneurs cannot in their entirely be contributed to the element of risk.
2. Risks are borne, but because the superior entrepreneur are able to reduce them
3. It cannot be denied that a great deal of pure profit is the reward for risk bearing
Uncertainty – Bearing Theory of Profits:
The theory, according to Prof. Knight, it is uncertainty bearing rather than risk taking which is the
special function of the entrepreneur and leads to profit. We have seen that there are certain risks
which are foreseen and provided against. Risk of death and of accident like fire ship sinking are
statistically determinable. There incidents is measurable. The insurance companies undertake these
risks in return of premium paid to them. The payments of this premium are included in the cost of
production. The entrepreneur gets no profit on account of these risks. Hence, risk taking is not the
function of the entrepreneur but of the insurance companies. The entrepreneur gets remuneration
for bearing uncertainties and nothing for the risk which have been foreseen, the incidents of which
is on the insurance companies.
Criticism of Bearing Theory of Profits:
The theory of uncertainty bearing, as a cause of profit, has been criticized on the following
1. Uncertainty is the only factor that limits the supply of entrepreneur
2. Uncertainty bearing is not the only function of the entrepreneur
3. Uncertainty bearing cannot be elevated to the status of a factor of production
4. Knight’s theory does not seem to have much relevance to the real world business man
continue to estimate profits ex-ante in defiance of this theory
Conclusion Regarding Theories of profit:
The question arises: Which theory shall we accept? How do profit arise?
Monopoly and Profit
In economics a monopoly is a firm that lacks any viable competition, and is the sole producer of the
industry's product. But since the monopoly firm does not have to worry about losing customers to
competitors, it can set a Monopoly price that is significantly higher than its marginal cost, allowing it to
have an economic profit that is significantly higher than the normal profit that is typically found in a
perfectly competitive industry. The high economic profit obtained by a monopoly firm is referred to as
monopoly profit.
Critical Evaluation of Monopoly Theory
of Profit
 It can't be denied that monopoly is a very important source of Profit. The frims
operating under monopoly or monopolistic competition with a downward sloping
demand curve and so enjoying price setting power, are able to make positive
profits. But the assertion of prof.Kalecki, that monopoly is the sole source or
determinant of Profit can't be accepted. Dynamic changes innovation by the bold
entrepreneurs and uncertainty also contribute to profit. In any theory of Profits,
the influence of this factors can't be ignored.
Do Profits Tend To Equality?
 Whether profits tend to equality it'll depend on condition that
prevails. In a state of equilibrium, profit in the sense of wages of
superintendence will be equalized. Pure profit will disappear.
 Absence of uncertainty. In a state of society, in which charge is
present but the factor of uncertainty is absent, profit will tend to
equality about the normal level as already explained.
Social Function Of Profit
 It is commonly thought that the profit is for the entrepreneur ;it is his concern,
and it is at the expense of the consumer or the general public. It is supposed that
there is an inherent conflict between the interests of the individual entrepreneur
and social welfare.
 But this view is a mere delusion. There is an underlying harmony between what
the entrepreneur gets and what the society gives. Whatever the profit performs it
is a very useful and essential function.
 Entrepreneurs sometimes speak of their duty to promote the welfare
of the society. They say their duty is not to make profit but to make
the society happy. But the foremost duty of an economic enterprise is
economic performance, which means the prevention of the resources
entrusted to it.
 There preservation of these resources is the corporate enterprise's
first obligation to itself and to society.
 In the battle of survival, it's the duty of each individual enterprise to
try to cover
 *current cost of business :
 *the future cost of staying in business arising out of four kinds of risks already
 In addition to this there are two more function of Profit:
 *It must have a social point of view.
 * Must bear the social burden and bear the cost of social service.
Marginal Productivity and Profits:
Does a marginal productivity theory apply to profit? Yes or no?
If the answer is yes then HOW?
If the answer is no then WHY?
Macro Theory of Distribution:
We have discussed so far micro theories of distribution i.e how wages is determined in an
individual firm or industry, rent of the particular piece of land and profit of an individual firm or
an entrepreneur. But we should also understand how national income is shared among the
aggregative shares of rent, wages, interest and profits. This is Macro theory.
The Ricardian or Classical Theory:
The ricardian theory makes use of 2 principles in income distribution:
1. Marginal principle
2. Surplus principle
In the Ricardian theory, the marginal product is assume to be equal and to the sum of wages
and profits. Thus in the Ricardian macro-economic model there is a continuous tendency towards
a declining rate of profit, with growth in output and employment.
The Marxian Theory:
As professor Kaldor observes the Marxian theory is an adaptation of Ricardo’s surplus theory.
According to Marx, the value of a commodity is determined by the labor time necessary for its
production. But labor produces more than the value of its labor power i.e more than what is
necessary for maintaining the minimum subsistence standard. Hence, a surplus emerges which is
expropriated by the capitalists in the form of profits. This is Marx’s theory of surplus value.
The Marxian theory of profits Karl Marx referred his surplus value as nothing but the profits earn
by the capitalists. According to him
Use value – Exchange value = Surplus value or Profit.
Use value:
Use value is nothing but the total value (utility) created or produced.
Exchange value:
Exchange value is the amount of money paid to workers as wages or (subsistence) and the surplus value is the
pocketed by the capitalists.
Marx said the capitalist exploits the labor by 100%, in other words, if the total value created is Rs 100 then Rs 50 is
paid as exchange value and Rs 50 is the capitalist profits.
Total “C”
Fixed capital
Variable Capital
V = wages
Surplus Value
Profits = S
Profit = S / (C+V)
50 50 50 50 / 100 = 50%
100 50 50 50 / 150 = 33.33%
150 50 50 50 / 200 = 25%
200 50 50 50 / 250 = 20%
Note: Here the assumption of constant V and S is taken into account.
Kalecki’s Degree of Monopoly Theory:
According to Kalecki, the distribution of national income into profits and wages depends upon the
degree of monopoly in the economy. The degree of monopoly is a firm is measured by (P-A).
In order to get the gross capitalists income of economy as a whole we have to sum up the gross
capitalist incomes of all firms which may be represented by the formula ex (P-A). If we divide it by T
(aggregate turnover).
We get macro degree of monopoly = Gross Capitalist income / Aggregate Turnover
Modern Concept of profit:
Theory of Profit

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Theory of Profit

  • 2. Nature of Profits: Profit is a reward of the entrepreneur, rather of the entrepreneurial functions. Profit differs from the return on other factors in 3 important respects: a. Profit is a residual income not contractual or certain income & not contractual or certain income as in the case of other factors b. There are much greater fluctuations in profits then in the rewards of the other factors. c. Profits maybe negative, where as rent, wages & interest must always be positive. According to professor Marshall “Profit are the earning of management” According to Benham “Profits have their origin in uncertainty” According to professor Hawley “Profit is the reward of bearing risk”
  • 3. Gross Profit: Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its services. Gross profit will appear on a company's income statement, and can be calculated with this formula: Gross profit = Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold. Apart from pure profit, the following are the main constituents of gross profit: 1. Interest on entrepreneur’s own capital 2. Rent of land own by the entrepreneur 3. Entrepreneur wages of management or superintendence 4. Reward of the Entrepreneur as risk taker 5. Gain as superior bargainer 6. Monopoly Gains 7. Conjunctural Gains
  • 4. Pure or Net Profit: The profit of a company after operating expenses and all other charges including taxes, interest and depreciation have been deducted from total revenue. Also called net earnings or net income. If expenses and charges exceed revenue, the company incurs a net loss. Theories of Profits Profit as rent of ability: The theory, Walker regards profits as rent of ability. Just as there are different grades of land, there are grades of different entrepreneurs. The least efficient entrepreneur, who must remain in the field of production to meet the current demand, just recovers his cost of production. Above him are entrepreneur of superior ability. Just as rent arises because of the differential advantages, enjoyed by a superior land over the marginal land, profit also is the reward for differential ability of the entrepreneur over the marginal entrepreneur or the no profit entrepreneur. Profits are thus like rent and, like rent, they do not enter into price.
  • 5. Criticism of profit as rent of ability theory: 1. This theory has the same weakness as Ricardo’s Theory of Rent 2. The theory, moreover, does not explain the real nature of profits; It Marely provides at best measure of profits. 3. It is wrong to say, again, that profits do not enter into price 4. Some entrepreneurs may earn high profits and others may suffer heavy losses 5. Finally, the theory even fails to explain the size of profit
  • 6. Wages theory of profits: The connection between profit and wages can be looked at from 2 points of view: 1. The socialists regard profits as simply deduction from the produce of the workers labor. According to this view, profits are not justified; because their earn at the expense of the wage earners 2. The second view is represented by professor Taussig. He regards profits as simply a particular kind of wages. Now consider Taussig’s view that profits are merely wages for a special kind of labor. “Profits”, say Taussig, “are best regarded as simply a form of wages.
  • 7. Criticism of Wages theory of profits: The position taken up by Taussig, cannot be accepted. There are fundamental differences between wages and profits: 1. Profits are essentially a reward for assuming risks of business 2. There is much greater element of chance gaining profit than in wages 3. Part of profits, and in some cases, a major part, is due to imperfections of competition
  • 8. Innovation theory of profits: In the dynamic changes, which give rise to profit. According to the dynamic theory of profits Joseph Schumpeter has singled out for special treatment the part played by innovations. The daring and the dynamic entrepreneurs continue to hit at one innovation or another, keeping their business ahead of others and thus make a handsome profits. Schumpeter has given the term innovation very wide meaning. Discovery of a new material or a new technique of production resulting in the lowering of the cost of production or improving the quality of the production is an innovation. Innovations maybe 2 types: 1. Those which change the production function and reduce the cost of production 2. Those innovations which stimulate the demand for the product, which change the demand or utility function.
  • 9. Criticism of Innovation Theory of Profits: Schumpeter innovation theory can be criticized on the same ground as Clark’s dynamic theory: 1. Schumpeter also like Clark ignores uncertainty as a source of profit. 2. He also denies that risk bearing plays any role in the determination of profit. Risk Bearing Theory of Profits: Most people do mind the risk which makes them hesitate to make plunge in business. The greater the risk the higher must be the expected profit in order to induce to start the business. All businesses are more or less speculative and unless the risk taker is going to be amply rewarded, business will not be started. Drucker Mentions four kinds of risk: 1. Replacement 2. Risk proper 3. Uncertainty 4. Obsolescence
  • 10. Criticism of Risk bearing theory of profits: 1. Entrepreneurs cannot in their entirely be contributed to the element of risk. 2. Risks are borne, but because the superior entrepreneur are able to reduce them 3. It cannot be denied that a great deal of pure profit is the reward for risk bearing Uncertainty – Bearing Theory of Profits: The theory, according to Prof. Knight, it is uncertainty bearing rather than risk taking which is the special function of the entrepreneur and leads to profit. We have seen that there are certain risks which are foreseen and provided against. Risk of death and of accident like fire ship sinking are statistically determinable. There incidents is measurable. The insurance companies undertake these risks in return of premium paid to them. The payments of this premium are included in the cost of production. The entrepreneur gets no profit on account of these risks. Hence, risk taking is not the function of the entrepreneur but of the insurance companies. The entrepreneur gets remuneration for bearing uncertainties and nothing for the risk which have been foreseen, the incidents of which is on the insurance companies.
  • 11. Criticism of Bearing Theory of Profits: The theory of uncertainty bearing, as a cause of profit, has been criticized on the following grounds: 1. Uncertainty is the only factor that limits the supply of entrepreneur 2. Uncertainty bearing is not the only function of the entrepreneur 3. Uncertainty bearing cannot be elevated to the status of a factor of production 4. Knight’s theory does not seem to have much relevance to the real world business man continue to estimate profits ex-ante in defiance of this theory Conclusion Regarding Theories of profit: The question arises: Which theory shall we accept? How do profit arise?
  • 12. Monopoly and Profit In economics a monopoly is a firm that lacks any viable competition, and is the sole producer of the industry's product. But since the monopoly firm does not have to worry about losing customers to competitors, it can set a Monopoly price that is significantly higher than its marginal cost, allowing it to have an economic profit that is significantly higher than the normal profit that is typically found in a perfectly competitive industry. The high economic profit obtained by a monopoly firm is referred to as monopoly profit.
  • 13. Critical Evaluation of Monopoly Theory of Profit  It can't be denied that monopoly is a very important source of Profit. The frims operating under monopoly or monopolistic competition with a downward sloping demand curve and so enjoying price setting power, are able to make positive profits. But the assertion of prof.Kalecki, that monopoly is the sole source or determinant of Profit can't be accepted. Dynamic changes innovation by the bold entrepreneurs and uncertainty also contribute to profit. In any theory of Profits, the influence of this factors can't be ignored.
  • 14. Do Profits Tend To Equality?  Whether profits tend to equality it'll depend on condition that prevails. In a state of equilibrium, profit in the sense of wages of superintendence will be equalized. Pure profit will disappear.  Absence of uncertainty. In a state of society, in which charge is present but the factor of uncertainty is absent, profit will tend to equality about the normal level as already explained.
  • 15. Social Function Of Profit  It is commonly thought that the profit is for the entrepreneur ;it is his concern, and it is at the expense of the consumer or the general public. It is supposed that there is an inherent conflict between the interests of the individual entrepreneur and social welfare.  But this view is a mere delusion. There is an underlying harmony between what the entrepreneur gets and what the society gives. Whatever the profit performs it is a very useful and essential function.
  • 16.  Entrepreneurs sometimes speak of their duty to promote the welfare of the society. They say their duty is not to make profit but to make the society happy. But the foremost duty of an economic enterprise is economic performance, which means the prevention of the resources entrusted to it.  There preservation of these resources is the corporate enterprise's first obligation to itself and to society.
  • 17.  In the battle of survival, it's the duty of each individual enterprise to try to cover  *current cost of business :  *the future cost of staying in business arising out of four kinds of risks already mentioned.  In addition to this there are two more function of Profit:  *It must have a social point of view.  * Must bear the social burden and bear the cost of social service.
  • 18. Marginal Productivity and Profits: Does a marginal productivity theory apply to profit? Yes or no? If the answer is yes then HOW? If the answer is no then WHY?
  • 19.
  • 20. Macro Theory of Distribution: We have discussed so far micro theories of distribution i.e how wages is determined in an individual firm or industry, rent of the particular piece of land and profit of an individual firm or an entrepreneur. But we should also understand how national income is shared among the aggregative shares of rent, wages, interest and profits. This is Macro theory. The Ricardian or Classical Theory: The ricardian theory makes use of 2 principles in income distribution: 1. Marginal principle 2. Surplus principle In the Ricardian theory, the marginal product is assume to be equal and to the sum of wages and profits. Thus in the Ricardian macro-economic model there is a continuous tendency towards a declining rate of profit, with growth in output and employment.
  • 21. The Marxian Theory: As professor Kaldor observes the Marxian theory is an adaptation of Ricardo’s surplus theory. According to Marx, the value of a commodity is determined by the labor time necessary for its production. But labor produces more than the value of its labor power i.e more than what is necessary for maintaining the minimum subsistence standard. Hence, a surplus emerges which is expropriated by the capitalists in the form of profits. This is Marx’s theory of surplus value. The Marxian theory of profits Karl Marx referred his surplus value as nothing but the profits earn by the capitalists. According to him Use value – Exchange value = Surplus value or Profit. Use value: Use value is nothing but the total value (utility) created or produced.
  • 22. Exchange value: Exchange value is the amount of money paid to workers as wages or (subsistence) and the surplus value is the pocketed by the capitalists. Marx said the capitalist exploits the labor by 100%, in other words, if the total value created is Rs 100 then Rs 50 is paid as exchange value and Rs 50 is the capitalist profits. Total “C” Fixed capital Variable Capital V = wages Surplus Value Profits = S Profit = S / (C+V) 50 50 50 50 / 100 = 50% 100 50 50 50 / 150 = 33.33% 150 50 50 50 / 200 = 25% 200 50 50 50 / 250 = 20% Note: Here the assumption of constant V and S is taken into account.
  • 23. Kalecki’s Degree of Monopoly Theory: According to Kalecki, the distribution of national income into profits and wages depends upon the degree of monopoly in the economy. The degree of monopoly is a firm is measured by (P-A). In order to get the gross capitalists income of economy as a whole we have to sum up the gross capitalist incomes of all firms which may be represented by the formula ex (P-A). If we divide it by T (aggregate turnover). We get macro degree of monopoly = Gross Capitalist income / Aggregate Turnover
  • 24. Modern Concept of profit: