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Brussels, 2 December 2009
JAI 896
from : Presidency
to : General Affairs Council/European Council
No. prev doc. 16484/1/09 REV 1 JAI 866 + ADD 1
Subject : The Stockholm Programme – An open and secure Europe serving and protecting
the citizens
The draft Stockholm Programme was presented by the Presidency on 16 October 2009. Coreper
held a first exchange of views on the Programme during its meetings on 21 and 22 October 2009.
Following that, the JHA Counsellors have examined the entire text at three meetings on 30 October,
6 and 13 November. Coreper has examined the text also on 3 occasions on 4, 11 and 20 November.
At its meeting of 30 November and 1 December 2009, the Council (Justice and Home Affairs), held
a wide-ranging exchange of views on the Programme which was met with a broad consensus. Many
issues were brought forward and the text has been redrafted, as set out in the annex to this note, to
reflect those discussions. The Presidency herewith submits to the General Affairs Council and the
European Council the result of those discussions for approval in accordance with Article 68 TFUE
and publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
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The Stockholm Programme -
An open and secure Europe serving and protecting the citizen
1. Towards a Citizens' Europe in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice
The European Council reaffirms the priority it attaches to the development of an area of freedom,
security and justice (JLS), responding to a central concern of the peoples of the States brought
together in the Union.
Building on the achievements of the Tampere and Hague Programmes, significant progress has
been achieved to date in this field. Internal border controls have been removed in the Schengen area
and the external borders of the EU are now managed in a more coherent manner. Through the
development of the Global Approach to Migration, the external dimension of the EU’s migration
policy focuses on dialogue and partnerships with third countries, based on mutual interests.
Significant steps have been taken towards the creation of a European Asylum System. European
agencies such as Europol, Eurojust, the Fundamental Rights Agency and Frontex have reached
operational maturity in their respective fields of activity. Cooperation in civil law is facilitating the
everyday life of citizens and law enforcement cooperation provides for enhanced security.
In spite of these and other important achievements in the area of freedom, security and justice
Europe still faces challenges. These challenges must be addressed in a comprehensive manner.
Further efforts are thus needed in order to improve coherence between policy areas. In addition
cooperation with partner countries should be intensified.
It is therefore time for a new agenda to enable the Union and its member states to build on the
achievements and to meet future challenges. To this end the European Council has adopted this new
multi-annual programme to be known as the Stockholm Programme, for the period 2010-2014.
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The European Council welcomes the increased role that the European Parliament and National
Parliaments will play following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty1
. Citizens and
representative associations will have an increased opportunity to make known and publicly
exchange their views in all areas of Union action in accordance with article 11 TEU. This will
reinforce the open and democratic character of the European Union for the benefit of its people.
The Treaty facilitates the process of reaching the goals outlined in this programme, both for the
institutions and for the Member States. The role of the Commission in preparing initiatives is
confirmed, as well as the right for a group of at least seven Member States to submit legislative
proposals. The legislative process is improved by the use, in most sectors, of co-decision procedure,
thereby granting full involvement of the European Parliament. National Parliaments will play an
increasing role in the legislative process. By enhancing also the role of the Court of Justice, it will
improve the European capacity to fully implement policy in this area and ensure the consistency of
All opportunities offered by the Lisbon Treaty to strengthen the European area of freedom, security
and justice for the benefit of EU citizens should be used by the European institutions.
The present programme defines strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning within
the area of freedom, security and justice in accordance with Article 68 TFEU.
1.1 Political priorities
The European Council considers that a priority for the coming years will be to focus on the
interests and needs of citizens. The challenge will be to ensure respect for fundamental
freedoms and integrity while guaranteeing security in Europe. It is of paramount importance
that law enforcement measures and measures to safeguard individual rights, the rule of law,
international protection rules go hand in hand in the same direction and are mutually reinforced.
As it is commonly known. The Treaty is actually two Treaties: the Treaty on European Union
(TEU) and the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). For ease of reading,
the “Lisbon Treaty” or “the Treaty” will sometimes be used in the Programme.
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All actions taken in the future should be centred on the citizen and other persons for whom the EU
has a responsibility. The EU should in the years to come work towards the following main
Promoting citizenship and fundamental rights: European citizenship must become a tangible
reality. The area of freedom, security and justice must above all be a single area in which
fundamental rights are protected. The enlargement of the Schengen area must continue. Respect for
the human person and human dignity and for the other rights set out in the Charter of Fundamental
Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights are core values. For example, the exercise
of these freedoms and citizens' privacy must be preserved beyond national borders, especially by
protecting personal data. Allowance must be made for the special needs of vulnerable people and
European citizens and others must be able to exercise their specific rights to the full within the
European Union, even, where relevant, outside the Union.
A Europe of law and justice: The achievement of a European area of justice must be consolidated
so as to move beyond the current fragmentation. Priority should be given to mechanisms that
facilitate access to justice, so that people can enforce their rights throughout the Union.
Cooperation between public professionals and their training should also be improved, and resources
should be mobilised to eliminate barriers to the recognition of legal acts in other Member States.
A Europe that protects: An internal security strategy should be developed in order to further
improve security in the Union and thus protect the lives and safety of European citizens and tackle
organised crime, terrorism and other threats. The strategy should be aimed at strengthening
cooperation in law enforcement, border management, civil protection, disaster management as well
as criminal judicial cooperation in order to make Europe more secure. Moreover, the European
Union needs to base its work on solidarity between Member States and make full use of Article 222
Access to Europe in a globalised world: Access to Europe for businessmen, tourists, students,
scientists, workers, persons in need of international protection and others having a legitimate interest
to access EU territory has to be made more effective and efficient. At the same time, the Union and its
Member States have to guarantee security for its citizens. Integrated border management and visa
policies should be construed to serve these goals.
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A Europe of responsibility, solidarity and partnership in migration and asylum matters: The
development of a forward-looking and comprehensive European migration policy, based on
solidarity and responsibility, remains a key policy objective for the European Union. Effective
implementation of all relevant legal instruments needs to be undertaken and full use should be made
of relevant Agencies and Offices operating in this field. Well-managed migration can be beneficial
to all stakeholders. The European Pact on Immigration and Asylum provides a clear basis for
further development in this field. Europe will need a flexible policy which is responsive to the
priorities and needs of Member States and enables migrants to take full advantage of their
potential. People in need of protection must be ensured access to legally safe and efficient asylum
procedures. Moreover, in order to maintain credible and sustainable immigration and asylum
systems in the EU, it is necessary to prevent, control and combat illegal migration as the EU faces
an increasing pressure from illegal migration flows and particularly the Member States at its
external borders, including at its Southern borders in line with the conclusions of the European
Council in October 2009.
The role of Europe in a globalised world – the external dimension: The importance of the external
dimension of the EU's policy in the area of freedom, security and justice underlines the need for
increased integration of these policies into the general policies of the European Union. The external
dimension is essential to address the key challenges we face and providing greater opportunities for
EU citizens to work and do business with countries across the world. The external dimension of JLS
is crucial to the successful implementation of the objectives of this programme and should in
particular be taken into account in, and be fully coherent with, all other aspects of EU foreign policy.
1.2 The tools
If the next multi-annual programme is to be implemented successfully, the following tools are
1.2.1 Mutual trust
Mutual trust between authorities and services in the different Member States as well as decision-
makers is the basis for efficient cooperation in this area. Ensuring trust and finding new ways to
increase reliance on, and mutual understanding between, the different systems in the Member States
will thus be one of the main challenges for the future.
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1.2.2 Implementation
Increased attention needs to be paid in the coming years to the full and effective implementation,
enforcement and evaluation of existing instruments. Legal transposition should be ensured using,
to its fullest extent, wherever necessary, existing institutional tools.
The time taken to respond to the needs of citizens and businesses must also be shorter in the future.
The Union should focus on identifying the needs of citizens and practitioners and the appropriate
responses. The development of action at Union level should involve Member States’ expertise and
consider a range of measures, including non-legislative solutions such as agreed handbooks, sharing
of best practice (among other things, making best use of the European Judicial Networks) and
regional projects that address those needs, in particular where they can produce a fast response.
1.2.3 Legislation
In general, new legislative initiatives, by the Commission or by Member States where the Treaty
so provides1
, should be tabled only after verification of the respect for the principles of
proportionality and subsidiarity, a thorough preparation, including prior impact assessments, also
involving identifying needs and financial consequences and using Member States’ expertise. It is
crucial to evaluate the implications of new legislative initiatives on the four freedoms under the Treaty
and to ensure that such initiatives are fully compatible with internal market principles.
The European Council considers that the development of legislation in the area of freedom, security
and justice is impressive, but it has shortcomings in terms of overlapping and a certain lack of
coherence. At the same time, the quality of the legislation including the language used in some of the
legal acts could be improved.
For ease of reading, the Programme only attributes the Commission the right of initiative. This
does not hinder that member states may take initiatives in accordance with Article 76 TFUE.
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A horizontal review of the instruments adopted should be considered, where appropriate, in order to
improve consistency and consolidation of legislation. Legal coherence and ease of accessibility is
particularly important. Better regulation and lawmaking principles should be strengthened
throughout the decision-making procedure. The inter-institutional agreement on simplification
reached between the EU institutions should be applied in full. All EU institutions at all stages of the
inter-institutional procedure should make an effort to draft EU legislation in clear and
comprehensible language.
1.2.4 Increased coherence
The European Council invites the Council and the Commission to enhance the internal co-ordination
in order to achieve greater coherence between external and internal elements of JLS work. The same
need for coherence and improved coordination applies to the EU agencies (Europol, Eurojust,
Frontex, CEPOL, the Lisbon Drugs Observatory, the future European Asylum Support Office and the
Fundamental Rights Agency). The Council should exercise more political oversight over the agencies,
by, for instance, drawing conclusions on annual reports. Special rules in relation to some agencies
apply as regards oversight by the European Parliament.
1.2.5 Evaluation
The Lisbon Treaty provides that measures may be taken so that the Member States, in cooperation
with the Commission, shall undertake an objective and impartial evaluation of the
implementation of the policies in the area, in particular to promote the full application of the
principle of mutual recognition. The European Parliament and the national parliaments are to be
informed of the content and results of the evaluations. The European Council considers that such
evaluation mechanisms should avoid duplication and, in the long term, encompass all policies in the
area. There should also be an efficient system of follow-up to such evaluations.
There has to be an evaluation of the effectiveness of the legal instruments adopted at Union level.
Evaluation is also necessary to determine any obstacles to the proper functioning of the European
judicial area. It should focus on specific problems and therefore facilitate full application of the
mutual recognition principle. Judicial cooperation in criminal matters should be pursued as the first
area for evaluation. but other policy areas will have to follow such as respect for asylum procedures
in relevant legislation. Evaluation procedures should be adapted to the policy area in question where
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• submit one or several proposals under Article 70 TFEU concerning the evaluation of
policies under Title V TFEU. This proposal/s should, where appropriate, include an
evaluation mechanism based on the well-established system of peer-evaluation. Evaluation
should be carried out periodically, include an efficient follow-up system, and should
facilitate better understanding of national systems in order to identify best practice and
obstacles to cooperation. Professionals should be able to contribute to the evaluations. The
Council should, in principle, have a leading role in the evaluation process, and in particular
its follow-up.
Duplication with other evaluation mechanisms should be avoided, but synergies and cooperation
should be sought, in particular with the work of the Council of Europe. The Union should take an
active part in and contribute to the work of the monitoring bodies of the Council of Europe.
1.2.6 Training
In order to foster a genuine European judicial and law enforcement culture, it is essential to step up
training on EU-related issues and make it systematically accessible for all professions involved in
the implementation of the Area of freedom security and justice. This will include judges,
prosecutors, judicial staff, police and customs officers and border guards.
The objective should be pursued of systematic European Training Schemes offered to all involved.
The ambition for the Union and its Member States should be that a substantive number of
professionals by 2015 will have participated in a European Training Scheme or an exchange with
another Member State, which might be part of training schemes that are already in place. For this
purpose existing training institutions should in particular be used.
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Member States have the primary responsibility in this respect, but the Union must give their efforts
support and financial backing and also be able to have its own mechanisms to supplement national
efforts. The European Council considers that EU and international cooperation aspects should be
part of national curricula. For training of judges, prosecutors and judicial staff it is important to
safeguard judicial independence while at the same time the emphasis should be placed on the
European dimension for professionals that use European instruments frequently. CEPOL and
Frontex should play a key role in training of law enforcement personnel and border guards with a
view to ensuring a European dimension in training. Training of border guards and customs officers
is of special importance with a view to fostering a common approach to an integrated border
management. Solutions at European level could be sought, with a view to strengthening European
Training Schemes. E-learning programmes and common training materials must also be developed
to train professionals in the European mechanisms.
The European Council invites the Commission to
• propose an Action Plan for raising substantially the level of European training and exchange
schemes systematically in the Union. The Plan should propose how to ensure that one third
of all police involved in European police cooperation and half of the judges, prosecutors and
judicial staff involved in European judicial cooperation as well as half of other professionals
involved in European cooperation could be offered European Training Schemes,
• examine what could be defined as a European Training Scheme, and to suggest in the Action
Plan how to develop this idea with a view to giving it a European dimension;
• set up specific “Erasmus”-style exchange programmes, which could involve non-member
states and in particular candidate countries and countries with which the Union has
concluded Partnership and Cooperation Agreements;
• ensure that participation in joint courses, exercises and exchange programmes is decided on
the basis of tasks and is not dependent on sector-specific criteria.
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1.2.7 Communication
The achievements in the area of freedom, security and justice are generally of great importance to
citizens, businesses and professionals. The European Council therefore calls on all Institutions, in
particular the Commission as well as on the Member States, to consider ways to better communicate
to citizens and practitioners the concrete results of the policy in the area of freedom, security and
justice. It asks the Commission to devise a strategy on how best to explain to citizens how they can
benefit from the new tools and legal frameworks, for instance through the use of E-Justice and the E-
Justice Portal.
1.2.8 Dialogue with civil society
The European Council encourages the Union's Institutions, within the framework of their
competences, to hold an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations
and civil society. The Commission should put in place specific mechanisms, such as the European
Forum for Justice, to step up dialogue in areas where such mechanisms are appropriate.
1.2.9 Financing
The European Council emphasizes that the Stockholm Programme should be financed within the
headings and ceilings of the current financial framework. Many of the measures and actions in the
programme can be implemented through a more effective use of existing instruments and funds. The
European Council notes that the current financial perspectives expire at the end of 2013. It
underlines its intention to reflect the goals of the Stockholm Programme. The programme does not
however prejudge the negotiations on the next financial perspective.
The European Council also considers that procedures for application to the financing programmes
should, while taking account of the experience of Member States, be transparent, flexible, coherent
and streamlined and made more easily accessible to administrations, established partners and
practitioners through the active dissemination of clear guidelines, a mechanism for identifying
partners and accurate programming. The European Council requests the Commission to examine
appropriate means of achieving that goal.
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Within the next financial perspectives, it should be examined how best to design the financial
instruments in order to ensure a suitable support for operational projects developed outside the Union
which enhance the Union’s security, in particular in the field of fight against organised crime and
terrorism. Careful consideration should be given to ways and means to speed up the EU reaction to
urgent events in this area in terms of financial assistance and how to provide technical assistance for
the global implementation of international conventions, such as those relating to terrorism.
1.2.10 Action Plan
In light of the Stockholm Programme, the European Council invites the Commission to present
promptly an Action Plan in the first 6 months of 2010 to be adopted by the Council. This Action Plan
will translate the aims and priorities of the Stockholm Programme into concrete actions with a clear
timetable for adoption and implementation. It should include a proposal for a timetable for the
transformation of instruments with a new legal basis.
1.2.11 Review of the Stockholm Programme
The European Council invites the Commission to submit a mid-term review before June 2012 of the
implementation of the Stockholm Programme. Trio Presidency programmes and Commission
legislative programmes should be published as soon as possible so as to enable national Parliaments
to have early sight of proposals.
2. Promoting citizens' rights: a Europe of rights
2.1 A Europe built on fundamental rights
The European Union is based on common values and respect for fundamental rights. After the entry
into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the rapid accession of the EU to the European Convention on
Human Rights is of key importance. This will reinforce the obligation of the Union, including its
institutions, to ensure that in all its areas of activity, fundamental rights are actively promoted. The
case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights
will be able to continue to develop in step, reinforcing the creation of a uniform European
fundamental and human rights system based on the European Convention and those set out in the
Charter of Fundamental Rights,
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The European Council invites
• the Commission to submit a proposal on the accession of the EU to the European
Convention on Human Rights as a matter of urgency,
• the EU Institutions and the Member States to ensure that legal initiatives are and remain
consistent with fundamental rights throughout the legislative process by way of
strengthening the application of the methodology for a systematic and rigorous monitoring
of compliance with the Convention and the rights set out in the Charter of Fundamental
The European Council invites the EU institutions to
• make full use of the expertise of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and to
consult, where appropriate, with the Agency, in line with its mandate, on the development of
policies and legislation with implications for fundamental rights, and to use it for the
communication to citizens of human rights issues affecting them in their everyday life,
• pursue the EU’s efforts to bring about the abolition of the death penalty, torture and other
inhuman and degrading treatment,
• continue to support and promote Union and Member States’ activity against impunity and to
fight against crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes; in that context,
promote cooperation between the Member States, third countries and the international
tribunals in this field, and in particular the International Criminal Court, and develop
exchange of judicial information and best practices in relation with the prosecution of such
crimes through the European Network of Contact Points in respect of persons responsible
for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
The Union is an area of shared values, values which are incompatible with crimes against humanity,
genocide and war crimes, including crimes committed by totalitarian regimes. Each Member State
has its own approach to this issue but, in the interests of reconciliation, the memory of those crimes
must be a collective memory, shared and promoted, where possible, by us all. The Union must play
the role of facilitator.
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The European Council invites the Commission
• to examine and to report to the Council in 2010 whether there is a need for additional
proposals covering publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivializing crimes of
genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes directed against a group of
persons defined by reference to criteria other than race, colour, religion, descent or
national or ethnic origin, such as social status or political convictions.
2.2 Full exercise of the right to free movement
The right to free movement of citizens and their family members within the European Union is one
of the fundamental principles on which the Union is based and one of the fundamental freedoms of
European citizenship. Citizens of the Union have the right to move and reside freely within the
territory of the Member States, the right to vote and stand as candidates in elections to the European
Parliament and in municipal elections in their member State of residence, protection of diplomatic
and consular authorities of other Member States etc. When exercising their rights, citizens are
ensured equal treatment to nationals under the conditions set by Union law The effective
implementation of relevant European legislation is therefore a priority.
As noted by the European Parliament, Schengen cooperation, which has removed internal border
controls within much of the EU, is a major achievement in the Area of freedom, security and
justice. The European Council recalls its attachment to the further enlargement of the Schengen
area. Provided that all requirements to apply the Schengen acquis have been fulfilled, the European
Council calls on the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission to take all necessary
measures to allow for the abolition of controls at internal borders with the remaining Member States
that have declared their readiness to join the Schengen area without delay.
European citizens must be assisted in administrative and legal procedures they are faced with when
exercising the right to free movement. Within the framework of the Treaty, obstacles restricting that
right in everyday life should be removed.
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• monitor the implementation and application of these rules in order to guarantee the
right to free movement.
Obtaining a right of residence under Union law for EU citizens and their family members is an
advantage inherent in the exercise of the right of free movement. The purpose of that right is
however not to circumvent immigration rules. Freedom of movement not only entails rights but also
imposes obligations on those that benefit from it; abuses and fraud should be avoided. Member
States should further safeguard and protect the right of free movement by working together, and
with the Commission, to combat actions of a criminal nature with forceful and proportionate
measures, with due regard to the applicable law.
The European Council therefore further invites the Commission to
• monitor the implementation and application of these rules to avoid abuse and fraud,
• examine how best to exchange information, inter alia, on residence permits and
documentation and how to assist Member States’ authorities to tackle abuse of this
fundamental right effectively.
With this aim in mind, Member States should also closely monitor the full and correct
implementation of the existing acquis and tackle possible abuse and fraud of the right of free
movement of persons and exchange information and statistics on such abuse and fraud. If
systematic trends in abuse and fraud of the right to free movement are identified, Member States
should report such trends to the Commission, which will suggest to the Council how these trends
might be addressed through the most appropriate means.
2.3 Living together in an area that respects diversity and protects the most vulnerable
Since diversity enriches the Union, the EU and its Member States must provide a safe environment
where differences are respected and the most vulnerable protected. Measures to tackle
discrimination, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia and homophobia must be vigorously pursued.
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2.3.1 Racism and xenophobia
The European Council invites the Commission to
• report during the period of the Stockholm Programme on the transposition of the 2008
Framework Decision on racism and xenophobia by 28 November 2013, and, if appropriate,
to make proposals for amending it,
• make full use of the existing instruments, in particular the financing programmes to combat
racism and xenophobia.
The Member States should implement the Framework Decision as soon as possible and at the latest
by 28 November 2010.
2.3.2 Rights of the child
The rights of the child – i.e. the principle of the best interest of the child being the child's right to
life, survival and development, non-discrimination and respect for the children’s right to express
their opinion and be genuinely heard in all matters concerning them according to their age and level
of development as proclaimed in the Charter and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child, concern all EU policies. They must be systematically and strategically taken into account
with a view to ensuring an integrated approach. The Commission Communication “Towards an EU
Strategy on the rights of the child (2006) reflect important considerations in this regard. An
ambitious EU strategy on the rights of the child should be developed.
The European Council calls upon the Commission to
• identify measures, to which the Union can bring added value, in order to protect and
promote the rights of the child. Children in particularly vulnerable situations should receive
special attention, notably children that are victims of sexual exploitation and abuse as well
as children that are victims of trafficking and unaccompanied minors in the context of
immigration policy.
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As regards parental child abduction, apart from effectively implementing existing legal instruments
in this area, the possibility to use family mediation at international level should be explored, while
taking account of good practices in the member states. The Union should continue to develop
criminal child abduction alert mechanisms, by promoting cooperation between national authorities
and interoperability of systems.
2.3.3 Vulnerable groups
All forms of discrimination remain unacceptable. The EU and the Member States must make a
concerted effort to fully integrate vulnerable groups, in particular the Roma community, into society
by promoting their inclusion in the education system and labour market and by taking action to
prevent violence against them. For this purpose, Member States should ensure that the existing
legislation is properly applied to tackle potential discrimination. The EU will offer practical support
and promote best practice to help Member States achieve this. Civil society will have a special role
to play.
Vulnerable groups in particularly exposed situations, such as women victim of violence or of
genital mutilation or persons who are harmed in a Member State of which they are not nationals or
residents, are in need of greater protection, including legal protection. Appropriate financial support
will be provided, through the available financing programmes.
The need for additional proposals as regards vulnerable adults should be assessed in the light of the
experience acquired from the application of the 2000 Hague Convention on the International
Protection of Adults by the Member States which are parties or which will become parties in the
future. The Member States are encouraged to join the Convention as soon as possible.
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2.3.4 Victims of crime, including terrorism
Those who are most vulnerable or who find themselves in particularly exposed situations, such as
persons subjected to repeated violence in close relationships, victims of gender based violence, or
persons who fall victim to other types of crimes in a Member State of which they are not nationals
or residents, are in need of special support and legal protection. Victims of terrorism also need
special attention, support and social recognition. An integrated and coordinated approach to victims
is needed, in line with the Council conclusions on a strategy to ensure fulfilment of the rights of,
and improve support for, persons who fall victims of crime.
The European Council calls on the Commission and the Member States to
• examine how to improve legislation and practical support measures for protection of
victims and to improve implementation of existing instruments,
• offer better support to victims otherwise, possibly through existing European
networks that provide practical help and put forward proposals to that end,
• examine the opportunity of making one comprehensive legal instrument on the
protection of victims, by joining together the Directive on compensation to victims
and the Framework Decision on victims, on the basis of an evaluation of the two
Increased use of the financing programmes should be made in accordance with their respective legal
2.4 Rights of the individual in criminal proceedings
The protection of the rights of suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings is a
fundamental value of the Union, which is essential in order to maintain mutual trust between the
Member States and public confidence in the European Union. The European Council therefore
welcomes the adoption by the Council of the Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of
suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings, which will strengthen the rights of the
individual in criminal proceedings when fully implemented. That Roadmap will henceforth form
part of the Stockholm Programme.
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• put forward the foreseen proposals in the Roadmap for its swift implementation, on the
conditions laid down therein,
• examine further elements of minimum procedural rights for accused and suspect persons,
and to assess whether other issues, for instance the presumption of innocence needs to be
addressed, to promote better cooperation in this area.
2.5 Protecting citizen’s rights in the information society
When it comes to assessing the individual’s privacy in the area of freedom, security and justice, the
right to freedom is overarching. The right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data
are set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Union must therefore respond to the challenge
posed by the increasing exchange of personal data and the need to ensure the protection of privacy.
The Union must secure a comprehensive strategy to protect data within the EU and in its relations
with other countries. In that context, it should promote the application of the principles set out in
relevant EU instruments on data protection and the 1981 Council of Europe Convention on data
protection as well as promoting accession to that convention. It must also foresee and regulate the
circumstances in which interference by public authorities with the exercise of these rights is
justified and also apply data protection principles in the private sphere.
The Union must address the necessity for increased exchange of personal data whilst ensuring the
utmost respect for the protection of privacy. The European Council is convinced that the
technological developments not only present new challenges to the protection of personal data, but
also offer new possibilities to better protect personal data.
Basic principles such as purpose limitation, proportionality, legitimacy of processing, limits on
storage time, security and confidentiality as well as respect for the rights of the individual, control
by national independent supervisory authorities, and access to effective judicial redress need to be
ensured and a comprehensive protection scheme must be established. These issues are also dealt
with in the context of the EU Information Management Strategy set out in Chapter 4.
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The European Council invites the Commission to:
• evaluate the functioning of the various instruments on data protection and present, where
necessary, further legislative and non-legislative initiatives to maintain the effective
application of the above principles,
• propose a Recommendation for the negotiation of a data protection and, where necessary,
data sharing agreements for law enforcement purposes with the United States of America,
building on the work carried out by the EU-US High Level Contact Group on data
• consider core elements for data protection agreements with third states for law enforcement
purposes, which may include, where necessary, privately held data, based on a high level of
data protection,
• improve compliance with the principles of data protection through the development of
appropriate new technologies, improving cooperation between the public and private sector,
particularly in the field of research,
• examine the introduction of a European certification scheme for "privacy-aware"
technologies, products and services,
• conduct information campaigns, in particular to raise awareness among the public.
On a broader front, the Union must be a driving force behind the development and promotion of
international standards for personal data protection, based on relevant EU instruments on data
protection and the 1981 Council of Europe Convention, and in the conclusion of appropriate
bilateral or multilateral instruments.
2.6 Participation in the democratic life of the Union
The European Council recalls that transparency of decision-making, access to documents and good
administration contribute to citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the Union. Furthermore,
the European Citizens´ Initiative introduced by Article 11 TEU will create a new mechanism for
civic participation. It should be realized rapidly.
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• examine how best to ensure transparency of decision-making, access to documents and good
administration of justice in the light of the new opportunities opened up by the Lisbon
Treaty and to make appropriate proposals to that end.
With a view to the European elections in 2014, careful consideration should be given to how to
encourage citizens to vote. Voter turnout has diminished by 20 % since 1979 while at the same time
the powers of the European Parliament as co-legislator has increased considerably. Measures such as
making it easier to register on the electoral roll should be explored.
In addition, the European Council invites the Commission, before December 2012, to
• report to the European Council on national practices and traditions on elections to the European
Parliament, and propose, on the basis of the report, how to achieve a common election day for
elections to the European Parliament. In the light of that report, the European Council will
consider how to take this issue forward.
2.7 Entitlement to protection in non-Member States
A Union citizen travelling to or living in a non-EU country where his or her Member State is not
represented is entitled to protection by the diplomatic and consular authorities of any Member State
under the same conditions as the nationals of that State. This right, enshrined in the Treaties, is not
well publicised, and more effort is needed to ensure its full application. Targeted communication
campaigns could be conducted in connection with this right.
The European Council invites the Commission to:
• consider appropriate measures establishing coordination and cooperation necessary to
facilitate consular protection in accordance with Article 23 TFUE.
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3. Making people's lives easier: a Europe of law and justice
The European Council declared at its meeting in Tampere in 1999 that enhanced mutual recognition
of judicial decisions and judgements and the necessary approximation of legislation would facilitate
co-operation between authorities and the judicial protection of individual rights and that the principle
of mutual recognition should be the cornerstone of judicial cooperation in both civil and criminal
matters. This principle is now expressed in the Treaty.
In the Hague Programme, adopted in 2004, the European Council noted that in order for the principle
of mutual recognition to become effective, mutual trust needed to be strengthened by progressively
developing a European judicial culture based on the diversity of legal systems and unity through
European law. The judicial systems of the Member States should be able to work together coherently
and effectively in accordance with their national legal traditions.
The EU should continue to enhance mutual trust in the legal systems of the Member States by
establishing minimum rights as necessary for the development of the principle of mutual recognition
and by establishing minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions as
defined by the Treaty. The European judicial area must also allow citizens to assert their rights
anywhere in the Union by significantly raising overall awareness of rights and by facilitating their
access to justice.
In this respect, the European Council emphasizes the horizontal importance of e-Justice, which is not
confined to specific areas of law. It should be integrated into all areas of civil, criminal and
administrative law in order to ensure better access to justice and strengthened cooperation between
administrative and judicial authorities.
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3.1 Furthering the implementation of mutual recognition
The European Council notes with satisfaction that considerable progress has been achieved in
implementing the two programmes on mutual recognition adopted by the Council in 2000 and
emphasizes that the Member States should take all necessary measures to transpose at national level
the rules agreed at European level. In this context the European Council emphasizes the need to
evaluate the implementation of these measures and to continue the work on mutual recognition.
3.1.1 Criminal law
In the face of cross-border crime, more efforts should be made to make judicial cooperation more
efficient. The instruments adopted need to be more "user-friendly" and focus on problems that are
constantly occurring in cross-border cooperation, such as issues regarding time limits and language
conditions or the principle of proportionality. In order to improve cooperation based on mutual
recognition, some matters of principle should also be resolved. For example, there may be a need
for a horizontal approach regarding certain recurring problems during negotiations on instruments.
The approximation, where necessary, of substantive and procedural law should facilitate mutual
Mutual recognition could extend to all types of judgments and decisions of a judicial nature, which
may, depending on the legal system, be either criminal or administrative.
Victims of crime or witnesses who are at risk can be offered special protection measures which
should be effective within the Union.
The European Council considers that the setting up of a comprehensive system for obtaining evidence
in cases with a cross-border dimension, based on the principle of mutual recognition, should be
further pursued. The existing instruments in this area constitute a fragmentary regime. A new
approach is needed, based on the principle of mutual recognition but also taking into account the
flexibility of the traditional system of mutual legal assistance. This new model could have a broader
scope and should cover as many types of evidence as possible, taking account of the measures
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• propose a comprehensive system, after an impact assessment, to replace all the existing
instruments in this area, including the Framework Decision on the European Evidence
Warrant, covering as far as possible all types of evidence and containing deadlines for
enforcement and limiting as far as possible the grounds for refusal,
• explore whether there are other means to facilitate admissibility of evidence in this area,
• explore whether certain investigative measures could be executed by law enforcement or
judicial authorities of the requesting/issuing Member State in liaison and agreement with the
authorities of the executing state in accordance with Article 89 TFUE, and, where appropriate,
make necessary proposals,
• explore if and how authorities of one Member State could obtain information rapidly from
private or public entities of another Member State without use of coercive measures or by
using judicial authorities of the other State,
• explore the results of the evaluation of the European Arrest Warrant, and, where appropriate,
make proposals to increase efficiency and legal protection for individuals in the process of
surrender, by adopting a step-by-step approach to other instruments on mutual recognition,
• prepare a comprehensive study on existing legal and administrative obstacles to cross-border
enforcement of penalties and administrative decisions for road traffic offences, and to present,
where necessary, further legislative and non-legislative initiatives to improve road safety in
the Union.
The Union should aim for the systematic exchange of information and, as a long term goal, mutual
recognition of judgments imposing certain types of disqualification.
The European Council invites the Commission to
• study the use of disqualification in the Member States and propose to the Council a
programme of measures, including exchange of information on certain types of
disqualifications and, by adopting a long term step-by-step approach, which accords priority to
cases where disqualification is most likely to affect personal safety or business life.
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In the field of judicial cooperation, the European Council emphasizes the need for Member States
and Eurojust to implement thoroughly the Council Decision 2009/426 of 16 December 2008, which,
together with the Lisbon Treaty, offers an opportunity for the further development of EUROJUST
in the coming years, including in relation to initiation of investigations and resolving conflicts of
competence. On the basis of an assessment of the implementation of this instrument, new
possibilities could be considered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty, including
giving further powers to the Eurojust national member, reinforcement of the powers of the Eurojust
College or the setting-up of a European Public Prosecutor.
3.1.2 Civil law
As regards civil matters, the European Council considers that the process of abolishing all
intermediate measures (the exequatur), should be continued during the period covered by the
Stockholm Programme. At the same time the abolition of the exequatur will also be accompanied by a
series of safeguards, which may be measures in respect of procedural law as well as of conflict-of-law
Mutual recognition should, moreover, be extended to fields that are not yet covered but essential to
everyday life, e.g. succession and wills, matrimonial property rights and the property consequences of
the separation of couples, while taking into consideration Member States' legal systems, including
public policy, and national traditions in this area.
The European Council considers that the process of harmonising conflict-of-law rules at Union level
should also continue in areas where it is necessary, like separation and divorces. It could also include
the area of company law, insurance contracts and security interests.
The European Council also highlights the importance of starting work on consolidation of the
instruments adopted so far in the area of judicial cooperation in civil matters. First and foremost the
consistency of Union legislation should be enhanced by streamlining the existing instruments. The
aim should be to ensure the coherence and user-friendliness of the instruments, thus ensuring a more
efficient and uniform application thereof.
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• assess which safeguards are needed to accompany the abolition of exequatur and how these
could be streamlined,
• assess whether there are grounds for consolidation and simplification in order to improve the
consistency of existing Union legislation,
• follow up on the recent study on the possible problems encountered with regard to civil status
documents and access to registers of such documents.
In light of the findings, the Commission could submit appropriate proposals taking into account the
different legal systems and traditions in the Member States. In the short term a system allowing
citizens to obtain their own civil status documents easily could be envisaged. In the long term, it
might be considered whether mutual recognition of the effects of civil status documents could be
appropriate, at least in certain areas. Work developed by the International Commission on Civil Status
should be taken into account in this particular field.
3.2 Strengthening mutual trust
One of the consequences of mutual recognition is that rulings made at national level have an impact in
other Member States, in particular in their judicial systems. Measures aimed at strengthening mutual
trust are therefore necessary in order to take full advantage of these developments.
The Union should support Member States' efforts to improve the efficiency of their judicial systems
by encouraging exchanges of best practice and the development of innovative projects relating to
the modernisation of justice.
3.2.1 Training
Training of judges (including administrative courts), prosecutors and other judicial staff is essential
to strengthen mutual trust; see also Chapter 1.2.6. The Union should continue to support and
strengthen measures to increase training in line with Articles 81 and 82 TFUE.
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3.2.2 Developing networks
The European Council considers that contacts between senior officials of the Member States in areas
covered by Justice and Home Affairs are valuable and should be promoted by the Union in so far as
possible. Such areas could be, depending on national structures, senior police chiefs or prosecutors,
heads of training institutes, heads of prison administrations, general directors of customs
administration. Where appropriate, these networks should also be informed of the work of the Internal
Security Committee, or be able to take part in the development of the Organised Crime Threat
Assessment and other strategic tools of the Union. Such networks should primarily meet using
existing structures such as Europol, Eurojust and Frontex or at the invitation of the Presidency as host
country. Other Networks of professionals existing in this area should also continue to receive Union
support. Among those are the European Network of the Councils of the Judiciary and the Network of
the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts.
3.2.3 Evaluation
As in other areas, the development of mutual recognition in the judicial sphere must go hand in hand
with improvements in evaluation, both ex-ante and ex-post; see also Chapter 1.2.5.
3.2.4 Improving the tools
The European Council calls for the enhancement of the operational capabilities of and tools for
judges, prosecutors and all other actors involved in the field of justice. To that end, the European
Council calls for the more active involvement of Eurojust and the European Judicial Networks in civil
and criminal law to participate in improving cooperation and the effective application of EU law by
all practitioners. Work should continue on improving the electronic tools that have so far been
developed and the necessary resources should be provided for pursuing this work.
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3.2.5 Implementation
A priority of the Union should be the implementation of decisions which have already been taken.
This should be done in several ways: by accompanying the implementation of Union legislation more
closely, through the better use of the financing instruments, by increasing the training of judges and
other professionals and by enhancing evaluation mechanisms and practical measures.
Without prejudice to the role of the Commission and the Court of Justice, implementation is primarily
a matter for the Member States, but as mutual recognition instruments are common tools, the Union
should better accompany implementation of them by enabling the sharing of experiences and best
The European Council invites the Commission to
• ensure the sharing of information by way of developing handbooks or national facts sheets
together with experts in civil and criminal law and Member States, on the use of mutual
recognition instruments, in the same manner as what has been done for the European Arrest
Warrant. The aim should be to have a handbook or national fact sheet for each of the
instruments that have been adopted so far at the end of the five-year period.
The European Council also considers that all modern means of electronic communication should be
used to the full, and that the judicial authorities as soon as possible should be given means for secure
electronic communications to enable safe correspondence. The Union should also put an emphasis on
videoconferencing and on assisting the development of translation tools in order to make them as
accurate as possible. These developments should be accompanied by and form part of the
implementation of the e-justice action plan. In addition, measures should be taken to enhance
cooperation, while taking full account of data protection rules, between competent authorities so as to
detect addresses where persons live as their habitual residence, in connection with service of
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3.2.6. Detention
The European Council considers that efforts should be undertaken to strengthen mutual trust and
render more efficient the principle of mutual recognition in the area of detention. Efforts to promote
the exchange of best practices should be pursued and implementation of the European Prison Rules,
approved by the Council of Europe, supported. Issues such as alternatives to imprisonment, pilot
projects on detention and best practices in prison management could also be addressed. The European
Commission is invited to reflect on this issue further within the possibilities offered by the Lisbon
3.3 Developing a core of common minimum rules
To the extent necessary to facilitate mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions and police
and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, the Union may adopt common minimum rules. The
European Council considers that a certain level of approximation of laws is necessary to foster a
common understanding of issues among judges and prosecutors, and hence to enable the principle of
mutual recognition to be applied properly, taking into account the differences between legal traditions
and systems of Member States.
3.3.1 Criminal law
Criminal behaviour; in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension resulting
from the nature or impact of such offences or from a special need to combat them on a common basis
should become the object of common incriminations and common minimum levels of maximum
sanctions. These are the serious offences referred to in Article 83(1) TFEU. Priority should be given
to terrorism, trafficking in human beings, illicit drug trafficking, sexual exploitation of women and
children and child pornography and computer crime.
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The European Council invites the Commission to
• examine whether the level of approximation is sufficient in relation to the adopted
framework decisions and report on the need to establish common definitions and penalties
and to consider submitting new legislative proposals where further approximation is needed.
The relationship between approximation of offences or their definition and the double criminality rule
in the framework of mutual recognition should be further explored. The Commission is invited to
make a report to the Council on this issue. One of the issues may be the necessity and feasibility of
approximation or definition of offence for which double criminality does not apply.
Criminal law provisions should be introduced when they are considered essential in order for the
interests to be protected and, as a rule, be used only as a last resort.
Minimum rules with regard to the definition of criminal offences and sanctions may also be
established when the approximation of criminal laws and regulations of the Member States proves
essential to ensure the effective implementation of a Union policy which has been subject to
harmonisation measures.
The European Council stresses the importance of the coherence of criminal law provisions in the
various EU instruments and invites the Council to
• implement the work on model standard provisions in criminal law and the Council and the
Commission to continue to reflect, together with the European Parliament, on how to
improve the coherence of criminal law provisions in various EU instruments,
and the Commission to
• examine the possibilities of using the existing programmes to finance pilot schemes in the
Member States testing alternatives to imprisonment.
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3.3.2 Civil law
The abolition of exequatur will be accompanied by a series of safeguards, especially regarding
judgments taken by default, which may be measures in respect of procedural law as well as of conflict
of law rules (e.g. the right to be heard, the servicing of documents, time required for providing
opinions, etc). The main policy objective in the area of civil procedural law is that borders between
countries in the European Union should not constitute an obstacle either to the settlement of civil law
matters or to initiating court proceedings, or to the enforcement of decisions in civil matters. With the
Tampere conclusions and the Hague programme, major steps have been taken to reach this goal.
However, the European Council notes that the effectiveness of Union instruments in this field still
needs to be improved.
The European Council invites the Commission
• as a first step, to submit a report on the functioning of the present EU regime on civil
procedural law across borders, and on the basis of that report put forward a proposal aimed at
improving the consistency of existing Union legislation,
• to assess, also in the course of upcoming reviews of existing Regulations, the need to establish
common minimum standards or standard rules of civil procedure for the cross-border
execution of judgments and decisions on matters such as the service of documents, the taking
of evidence, review procedures and enforcement, minimum standards in relation to the
recognition of decisions on parental responsibility and, where appropriate, submit proposals
on the issues,
• to continue the work on common conflict-of-law rules, where necessary.
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3.4 The benefits for citizens of a European judicial area
3.4.1 Providing easier access to justice
Access to justice in the European judicial area must be made easier, particularly in cross-border
proceedings. At the same time, efforts must continue to improve alternative methods of settling
disputes, particularly in consumer law. Action is needed to help people overcome the language
barriers that obstruct their access to justice.
The European Council considers that e-Justice presents an excellent opportunity to provide easier
access to justice. The European e-Justice action plan, adopted at the end of November 2008, sets the
framework for developing European e-Justice activities until the end of 2013. The European e-Justice
portal will be a way of keeping people better informed of their rights and giving them access to a
range of information and services on the various judicial systems. Better use should be made of
videoconferencing, for example to spare victims the effort of needless travel and the stress of
participating in court proceedings.In accordance with data protection rules, some national registers
will be gradually interconnected (e.g. registers on insolvency, interpreters, translators and wills).
Some existing databases may also be partially integrated into the portal (e.g. the European Business
Register and the European Land Information Service). In the medium term, some European and
national cross-border procedures could be dealt with on-line (e.g. the European payment order, the
European small claims procedure and mediation). Furthermore, the use of electronic signatures should
be promoted within the framework of the e-justice project.
The European Council invites the Council, the Commission and the Member States to
• create effective conditions to enable the parties to communicate with courts by electronic
means in the context of legal proceedings. For that purpose, dynamic forms should be made
available through the e-Justice portal as regards certain European procedures, such as the
European order for payment procedure and the European small claims procedure. During this
phase, electronic communication between judicial authorities should be improved decisively
in the area of the application of e-Justice.
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The European Council further encourages the EU institutions and the Member States to
• devote efforts to the full implementation of the e-Justice action plan. In that context, the
European Commission is invited to put forward proposals within the framework of the
financial perspectives for an adequate funding of e-Justice projects and in particular horizontal
large-scale IT projects.
Certain formalities for the legalisation of documents also represent an obstacle or an excessive
burden. Given the possibilities offered by the use of new technologies, including digital signatures,
the EU should consider abolishing all formalities for the legalisation of documents between
Member States. Where appropriate, thought should be given to the possibility of creating, in the
long term, authentic European documents.
The European Council invites the Commission to
• examine the possibility of dispensing with the formalities for the legalisation of documents
between Member States, and submit a proposal to that effect.
3.4.2 Supporting economic activity
The European judicial area should serve to support economic activity in the single market.
The European Council invites the Commission to
• assess the need for, and the feasibility of, providing for certain provisional, including
protective, measures at Union level, to prevent e.g. the disappearance of assets before the
enforcement of a claim,
• put forward appropriate proposals for improving the efficiency of enforcement of
judgements in the EU regarding bank accounts and debtors' assets, based on the 2006 and
2008 Green Papers.
When devising measures of this kind, account should be taken on the impact they will have on the
right to privacy and the right to the protection of citizens’ personal data.
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The European Council reaffirms that the common frame of reference for European contract law
should be a non-binding set of fundamental principles, definitions and model rules to be used by the
lawmakers at Union level to ensure greater coherence and quality in the lawmaking process. The
Commission is invited to submit a proposal on a common frame of reference.
The current financial crisis has brought home the need to regulate financial markets and to prevent
abuse. There is also a need to study further measures regarding business law, and to create a clear
regulatory environment allowing small and medium business enterprises in particular to take full
advantage of the internal market so that they can grow and operate across borders as they do in their
domestic market. There is a need to explore whether common rules determining the law applicable
to matters of company law, rules on insolvency for banks and transfer of claims could be devised.
The issue of contractual law also needs to be examined further. The European Council invites the
Commission to
• consider whether there is a need to take measures in these areas, and, where appropriate, to
put forward proposals in this respect.
3.5 Increasing the EU’s international presence in the legal field
3.5.1 Civil law
The European Council considers that clearly defining EU external interests and priorities in the area
of judicial cooperation in civil matters is very important with a view to interacting with third
countries in a secure legal environment.
The Lugano Convention is open to the accession of other States and it should be assessed, in
cooperation with the other Contracting Parties, which third countries could be encouraged to accede
to it.
The Union should use its membership of The Hague Conference to actively promote the widest
possible accession to the most relevant Conventions and to offer as much assistance as possible to
other States with a view to the proper implementation of the instruments. The European Council
invites the Council, the Commission and the Member States to encourage all partner countries to
accede to those Conventions which are of particular interest to the Union.
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In cases where no legal framework is in place for relations between the EU and partner countries,
and where the development of new multilateral cooperation is not possible from the Union’s
standpoint, the option of bilateral agreements should be explored, on a case-by-case basis.
The European Council invites the Council and the Commission to
• define a strategy in the area of civil law matters for the coming years which is coherent with
overall EU external policy.
3.5.2 Criminal law
As regards the criminal law field, it will be necessary to identify priorities for the negotiations of
mutual assistance and extradition agreements. The Union should actively promote the widest
possible accession of the partner countries to the most relevant and functioning Conventions and to
offer as much assistance as possible to other States with a view to the proper implementation of the
instruments. The Institutions should ensure, to the furthest extent possible, coherence between the
EU and the international legal order. Where possible, synergy with the Council of Europe work
should be considered.
The European Council calls upon the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament where
appropriate to:
• develop a policy aimed at the establishment of agreements on international judicial cooperation
with third countries of interest or within international organisations. In particular, the following
criteria should be taken into account when deciding on the priority countries: strategic
relationship, whether bilateral agreements already exist, whether the country in question adheres
to Human Rights’ principles, whether the country concerned cooperates with the EU in general
and its Member States, and priorities of law enforcement and judicial cooperation,
• sponsor exchanges of best practice and the pooling of experience with non-member countries
and, in particular with regard to enlargement countries, make full use of the instruments the
Union has at its disposal to promote judicial reform and strengthen the rule of law, such as
twinning schemes and peer reviews, also in cooperation with the Council of Europe,
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• offer steady support to the justice systems in partner countries in order to promote the rule of
law throughout the world,
• continue to promote the Rome Statute principle of complementarity and compliance with Rome
Statute obligations.
The European Council further invites the Commission to
• submit to the Council in 2010 a list of countries that have requested to conclude agreements
on mutual legal assistance and extradition with the Union as well as an assessment, based on
the above mentioned principles of the appropriateness and urgency of concluding such
agreements with these or other countries.
4. A Europe that protects
4.1 Internal Security Strategy
The European Council is convinced that the enhancement of actions at European level, combined
with better coordination with actions at regional and national levels, are essential to protection from
trans-national threats. Terrorism and organised crime, drug trafficking, corruption, trafficking in
human beings, smuggling of persons and trafficking in arms, among others, continue to challenge
the internal security of the EU. Cross-border widespread crime has become an urgent challenge
which requires a clear and comprehensive response. Action of the Union will enhance the work
carried out by Member States’ competent authorities and improve the outcome of their work.
The European Council calls upon the Council and the Commission to
• define a comprehensive EU internal security strategy based, in particular, on the following
- clarity on the division of tasks between the EU and the Member States, reflecting a
shared vision of today's challenges,
- respect for fundamental rights, international protection and the rule of law,
- solidarity between Member States,
- reflection of a proactive and intelligence-led approach,
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- the need for a horizontal and cross-cutting approach in order to be able to deal with
complex crises or natural or man-made disasters,
- stringent cooperation between EU agencies, including further improving their
information exchange,
- a focus on implementation and streamlining as well as the improvement of preventive
- the use of regional initiatives and regional cooperation,
- the aim of making citizens aware of the importance of the Union’s work to protect
Developing, monitoring and implementing the internal security strategy should become one of the
priority tasks of the Internal Security Committee (COSI) set up under Article 71 TFEU. In order to
ensure the effective enforcement of the internal security strategy, it shall also cover security aspects
of an integrated border management and, where appropriate, judicial cooperation in criminal
matters relevant to operational cooperation in the field of internal security.
The internal security strategy should also take into account the external security strategy developed
by the EU as well as other EU policies, in particular those concerning the internal market. Account
should also be taken of the impact it may have on relations with the EU's neighbourhood and
particularly with the candidate and potential candidate countries, since internal security is
interlinked with the external dimension of the threats. In a global world, crime knows no borders.
As the policies followed in the fields of justice and home affairs gradually reach maturity, they
should support each other and grow in consistency. In the years to come they should fit smoothly
together with the other policies of the Union.
The European Council asks the Commission
• to consider the feasibility of setting up of an Internal Security Fund to promote the
implementation of the Internal Security Strategy so that it becomes an operational reality.
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4.2 Upgrading the tools for the job
Security in the EU requires an integrated approach where security professionals share a common
culture, pool information as effectively as possible and have the right technological infrastructure to
support them.
4.2.1 Forging a common culture
The European Council stresses the need to enhance mutual trust between all the professionals
concerned at national and EU level. A genuine European law enforcement culture should be
developed through exchange of experiences and good practice as well as the organisation of joint
training courses and exercises in line with Chapter 1.2.6.
The European Council encourages Member States to devise mechanisms that gives incentives to
professionals for taking up duties related to cross-border cooperation and thereby favour the
creation of an EU-wide response at all levels.
4.2.2 Managing the flow of information
The European Council notes with satisfaction that developments over the past years in the EU have
led to a wide choice and created an extensive toolbox for collecting, processing and sharing
information between national authorities and other European players in the area of freedom,
security and justice. The principle of availability will continue to give important impetus to this
The European Council acknowledges the need for coherence and consolidation in developing
information management and exchange and invites the Council and the Commission to
• implement an EU Information Management Strategy1
, which includes a strong data
protection regime. Development must be coherent with the priorities set for the area of
freedom, security and justice and the internal security strategy, supporting the business
vision for law enforcement, judicial cooperation, border management and public protection.
See Council document 16637/09 JAI 873
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In this context, the European Council invites the Commission to
• assess the need for developing a European Information Exchange Model based on the
evaluation of the current instruments, including the Prüm framework and the so-called
Swedish Framework Decision. These assessments will determine whether these instruments
function as originally intended and meet the goals of the Information Management Strategy.
The EU information management strategy is based on
- business-driven development (a development of information exchange and its tools that
is driven by law enforcement needs,
- a strong data protection regime consistent with the strategy for protection of personal
data as set out in Chapter 2 of this Programme,
- a well targeted data collection, both to protect fundamental rights of citizens and to
avoid an information overflow for the competent authorities,
- guiding principles for a policy on the exchange of information with third States for law
enforcement purposes,
- interoperability of IT systems ensuring full conformity with data protection and data
security principles when developing such systems,
- a rationalisation of the different tools, including the adoption of a business plan for large
IT systems,
- overall coordination, convergence and coherence.
The necessary EU and national structures need to be in place to ensure the implementation and
management of the different information management tools. The European Council also calls for
the establishment of an administration, as proposed by the Commission, having the competence and
capacity to develop technically and manage large-scale IT-systems in the area of freedom, security
and justice, as referred to in the joint statements of the Institutions in December 2006 and October
2007. Possible additional tasks should be considered by the Council in the light of the Information
Management Strategy.
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Reflecting the discussions in the Council and the European Parliament, with a view to setting up an
EU Passenger Names Record system, the European Council calls upon the Commission
• to propose an EU measure, that ensures a high level of data protection, on PNR for the
purpose of preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting terrorist offences and serious
crime, based on an impact assessment.
4.2.3 Mobilising the necessary technological tools
The European Council, while ensuring consistency with the strategy for protection of personal data
in Chapter 2, stresses the need for new technologies to keep pace with and promote the current
trends towards mobility, while ensuring that people are safe, secure and free.
The European Council invites the Council, the Commission, the European Parliament where
appropriate and the Member States to
• draw up and implement policies to ensure a high level of network and information security
throughout the European Union and improve measures aimed at protection, security
preparedness and resilience of critical infrastructure, including Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and services infrastructure,
• promote legislation that ensures a very high level of network security and allows faster
reactions in the event of cyber-attacks.
The European Council also invites the Council and the Commission to
• ensure that the priorities of the internal security strategy are tailored to the real needs of
users and focus on improving interoperability. Research and development in the field of
security should be supported by public-private partnerships.
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The European Council invites
• the Member States to implement the European Criminal Records Information System
(ECRIS) as soon as possible,
• the Commission to assess whether the networking of criminal records makes it possible to
prevent offences from being committed (e.g. through checks on access to certain jobs,
particularly those relating to children), and whether it is possible to extend the exchange of
information on supervision measures,
• the Commission to propose, in addition to ECRIS, a register of third-country nationals who
have been convicted by the courts of the Member States.
The European Council recalls the need for ensuring consistency with the strategy for the protection
of personal data and the business plan for setting up large scale IT systems in Chapter 2 of the
Programme, and calls on the Commission to:
• make a feasibility study on the need for, and the added value of, setting up a European
Police Records Index system (EPRIS) and to make a report to the Council in the course of
2012 on the issue,
• to reflect on how to further develop the use of existing databases for law enforcement
purposes, while fully respecting data protection rules, so as to make full use of new
technologies with a view to protecting the citizens,
• examine how best to promote that Member States’ competent authorities can exchange
information on travelling violent offenders including those attending sporting events or
large public gatherings.
4.3 Effective policies
4.3.1 More effective European law enforcement cooperation
The prime objective of EU law enforcement cooperation is to combat forms of crime that are
typically cross-border in their dimension. Focus should not only be placed on combating terrorism
and organised crime but also cross-border wide-spread crime that have a significant impact on the
daily life of the citizens of the EU. Europol should become a hub for information exchange between
the law enforcement authorities of the Member States, a service provider and a platform for law
enforcement services.
17024/09 IB/id 41
The European Council encourages Member States’ competent authorities to use the investigative
tool of Joint Investigative Teams as much as possible in appropriate cases. Europol and Eurojust
should be systematically involved in major cross-border operations and informed when joint
investigative teams are set up. The model agreement for setting up JITs should be updated. Europol
and Eurojust should step up their cooperation further. Eurojust should ensure that its work is
followed up at judicial level. Europol and Eurojust should expand their work with third countries
especially by forging closer links with the regions and countries neighbouring the Union; Europol
should work more closely with European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) police missions and
help promote standards and good practice for European law enforcement cooperation in countries
outside the EU. Cooperation with Interpol should be stepped up with a view to creating synergies
and avoiding duplication.
The European Council invites the Commission, and, where appropriate, the Council and the High
Representative, to
• examine how it could be ensured that Europol receives information from Member States law
enforcement authorities so that the Member States can make full use of Europol capacities,
• examine how operational police cooperation could be stepped up, e. g. as regards
incompatibility of communication systems and other equipment, use of undercover agents,
and, where necessary, draw operational conclusions to that end,
• issue as soon as possible a reflection document on how best to ensure that the activites of
Europol may be scrutinised and evaluated by the European Parliament, together with
national parliaments in line with Articles 85 and 88 TFUE,
• consider developing a Police Cooperation Code which would consolidate existing
instruments and, where necessary, amend and simplify them,
• make a proposal to the Council and the European Parliament to adopt a decision on the
modalities of cooperation, including on exchange of information between EU agencies, in
particular Europol, Eurojust and Frontex, which ensures data protection and security,
• propose measures on how EU agencies in this area could conclude operational
arrangements between themselves and how they should develop their participation in
regional initiatives conducted by Member States and in regional bodies that further law
enforcement cooperation,
• agree on common quality standards within the forensic field, inter alia to develop best
practice for crime scene investigations,
17024/09 IB/id 42
• examine whether there are obstacles to cooperation between ESDP police missions and
Europol and make appropriate proposals to eliminate such obstacles.
Pilot projects in cross-border regional cooperation dealing with joint operational activities and/or
cross-border risk assessments, such as Joint Police and Customs Centres, should be promoted by the
Union, inter alia through financing programmes.
The development of ad hoc law enforcement cooperation at sporting events or large public
gatherings (e.g. the 2012 Olympics, Euro 2012) should be implemented.
4.3.2 More effective crime prevention
The best way to reduce the level of crime is to take effective measures to prevent them from ever
occurring, including promoting social inclusion, by using a multidisciplinary approach which also
includes taking administrative measures and promoting cooperation between administrative
authorities, European citizens have similar experiences and are affected in similar ways by crime
and related insecurity in their everyday lives.
The awareness of the links between local crime and organised crime and its complex cross-border
dimensions is increasing. Member States have developed different methods to prevent crime and
should be encouraged to share experiences and best practice and, in so doing, add to general
knowledge and its respective effectiveness and efficiency, thereby avoiding the duplication of work.
In addition, the cross-border dimension underlines the importance of enhancing and developing
knowledge at European level on how crime and criminality in the Member States is interconnected,
to support Member States when taking individual or joint action, and to call for action by EU
institutions when deemed necessary. With the Lisbon Treaty, cooperation within the area of crime
prevention will be further recognized with a new legal basis.
The European Council invites Member States and the Commission to actively promote and support
crime prevention measures focusing on prevention of mass criminality and cross-border crime
affecting the daily life of our citizens in accordance with Article 84 TFEU.
17024/09 IB/id 43
The European Council invites the Commission to submit a proposal building on the evaluation of
the work carried out within the European Union Crime Prevention Network with a view to setting
up an Observatory for the Prevention of Crime (OPC), the tasks of which will be to collect, analyse
and disseminate knowledge on crime, including organised crime (including statistics) and crime
prevention, to support and promote Member States and EU institutions when they take preventive
measures and to exchange best practice. The OPC should build on the work carried out within the
framework of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and the evaluation of it. It should
include or replace the EUCPN, with a secretariat located within an existing EU agency and
functioning as a separate unit. The European Council invites the Commission to
• submit a proposal on setting up the OPC by 2013 at the latest.
4.3.3 Statistics
Adequate, reliable and comparable statistics (both over time and between Member States and
regions) are a necessary prerequisite inter alia for evidence-based decisions on the need for action,
on the implementation of decisions and on the effectiveness of action.
The European Council invites the Commission to
• continue developing statistical tools to measure crime and criminal activities and reflect on
how to further develop, after 2010, the actions outlined and partly implemented in the EU
Action plan 2006-2010 on developing a comprehensive and coherent EU strategy to
measure crime and criminal justice, in view of the increased need for such statistics in a
number of areas within the field of freedom, security and justice.
4.4 Protection against serious and organised crime
4.4.1 Combating serious and organised crime
As organised crime continues to become more globalised, it is increasingly important that law
enforcement has the ability to work effectively across borders and jurisdictions. The Union can
bring real added value to the fight against certain types of threat that require a high level of
coordinated action. The fight against these criminal phenomena will involve systematic exchange of
information, widespread use of European agencies and investigative tools and, where necessary, the
development of common investigative and prevention techniques and increased cooperation with
third countries.
17024/09 IB/id 44
The European Council therefore calls upon the Council and the Commission
• to adopt an organised crime strategy, within the framework of the Internal Security Strategy,
• set its priorities in crime policy by identifying the types of crime against which it will deploy
the tools it has developed, while. continuing to use the Organised Crime Threat Assessment
Report (OCTA) and its regional versions.
Criminal phenomena to be tackled as a priority at European level should be selected. The
European Council considers that the following types of crime deserve special priority in the
years to come.
4.4.2 Trafficking in human beings
Trafficking and smuggling of human beings is a very serious crime involving violations of human
rights and human dignity that the EU cannot condone. The European Council finds it necessary to
strengthen and enhance the prevention and combating of trafficking and smuggling. This calls for a
coordinated and coherent policy response which goes beyond the area of freedom, security and
justice and, while taking account of new forms of exploitation, includes external relations,
development cooperation, social affairs and employment, education and health, gender equality and
non-discrimination. It should also benefit from a broad dialogue between all stakeholders, not least
including civil society, and be guided by an improved understanding and research of trafficking and
smuggling at EU and international levels.
In this context, cooperation and coordination with third countries is of crucial importance. The
Action Oriented Paper on trafficking in human beings, adopted by the Council on 30 November
2009 should be used to its fullest extent.
17024/09 IB/id 45
It is necessary that the Union should develop a consolidated EU policy against trafficking aiming at
further strengthening the commitment of, and efforts made, by the EU and the Member States to
prevent and combat trafficking. This includes building up and strengthening partnerships with third
countries, improving coordination and cooperation within the Union and with the mechanisms of
the EU external dimension as an integral part of such a policy. Progress should also be monitored
and COSI regularly informed of coordination and cooperation against trafficking. The fight against
human trafficking must mobilise all means of action, bringing together prevention, law
enforcement, and victim protection, and be tailored to combating trafficking into, within and out of
the EU.
The European Council therefore invites the Council to consider establishing an EU Anti-Trafficking
Coordinator (ATC) and, if it so decides, to determine the modalities therefore in such a way that all
competences of the Union can be used in the most optimal way in order to reach a well coordinated
and consolidated EU policy against trafficking.
The European Council calls for:
• the adoption of new legislation on combating trafficking and protecting victims,
• the Commission to examine whether ad hoc cooperation agreements with specific third
countries to be identified by the Council could be a way to enhance fight against trafficking
and to make proposals to that end. In particular, such agreements could involve full use of
all leverage available to the Union, including use of financing programmes, cooperation for
the exchange of information, judicial cooperation and migration tools,
• Europol, with the support of the Member States, to step up support for information gathering
and strategic analysis, to be carried out in cooperation with the countries of origin and
• Eurojust to step up its efforts to coordinate investigations conducted by Member States’
authorities into trafficking in human beings,
17024/09 IB/id 46
• the Commission:
- to propose further measures to protect and assist victims through an array of measures
including the development of compensation schemes, safe return and assistance with
reintegration into society in their country of origin if they return voluntarily and those
relating to their stay; the EU should establish partnerships with the main countries of
- to propose cooperative measures to mobilise consular services in the countries of origin
with a view to preventing the fraudulent issuing of visas. Information campaigns aimed at
potential victims, especially women and children, could be conducted in the countries of
origin in cooperation with the authorities there,
- to propose measures to make border checks more efficient in order to prevent human
trafficking, in particular the trafficking of children.
4.4.3 Sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
Protecting children against the danger of sexual abuse is an important element in the strategy of
children's rights.
The European Council invites:
• the Council and the European Parliament to adopt new legislation on combating sexual
abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography,
• the Commission to accompany this legislation, once adopted, by measures supported under
the Safer Internet Programme 2009-2013,
• The Commission to examine how Member States’ competent authorities could exchange
information on best practices,
• the Commission to explore how the EU could promote partnerships with the private sector
on this subject and expand such public private partnerships to the financial sector in order to
disrupt the money transfers related to websites with child abuse content,
• the Commission to build on the child alert mechanism and explore the creation of an EU-
wide child abduction Network in order to promote cooperation between the competent
authorities of the Member States, with a view to ensuring interoperability,
17024/09 IB/id 47
• the Commission, in order to prevent child abuse, to explore ways to enhance cooperation
between Member States’ competent authorities in response to the movement of child sex
offenders known to be an ongoing threat.
4.4.4 Cyber-crime
The Internet has considerably facilitated communication and promoted global development and
interaction. At the same time, new, modern challenges have emerged in the form of cyber crime as
criminal groups have taken effectively advantage of technologies, This in turn makes investigations
more complicated for law enforcement authorities. The Union should therefore promote policies
and legislation that ensure a very high level of network security and allow faster reactions in the
event of cyber disruptions or cyber attacks.
As soon as possible, Member States should ratify the 2001 Council of Europe Cyber-crime
Convention. This Convention should become the legal framework of reference for fighting cyber-
crime at global level. Europol could play a role as a European resource centre by creating a
European platform for identifying offences which should also assist Member States national alert
platforms to exchange best practices.
The European Council also calls upon the Member States to
• give their full support to the national alert platforms in charge of the fight against cyber-
crime and emphasizes the need for cooperation with countries outside the European Union.
The European Council invites
• the Commission to take measures for enhancing/improving public private partnerships,
• Europol to step up strategic analysis on cyber crime.
The Union should also clarify the rules on jurisdiction and the legal framework applicable to
cyberspace within the Union, including how to obtain evidence in order to promote cross-border
17024/09 IB/id 48
The European Council
• calls upon the Member States to improve judicial cooperation in cyber crime cases,
• and requests the Commission to make proposals for clarifying, where needed, the legal
framework on investigations in cyber space within the Union.
Cooperation should also become more efficient in relation to the sale of fake pharmaceuticals on the
4.4.5 Economic crime and corruption
The Union must reduce the number of opportunities available to organised crime as a result of a
globalised economy, in particular during a crisis that is exacerbating the vulnerability of the
financial system, and allocate appropriate resources to meet these challenges effectively.
The European Council calls upon the Member States and, where appropriate, the Commission to:
• enhance the capacity for financial investigations and combine all available instruments in
fiscal, civil and criminal law. Forensic financial analysis must be developed by pooling
resources, in particular for training; the confiscation of assets of criminals should be made
more efficient and cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices made stronger,
• to identify assets of criminals more effectively and seize them and, whenever possible,
consider re-using them wherever they are found in the EU common space,
• further develop information exchange between the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs), in
the fight against money laundering. Within the framework of the European Information
Management System, their analyses could feed a database on suspicious transactions, for
example within Europol,
• mobilise and coordinate sources of information to identify suspicious cash transactions and
to confiscate the proceeds of crime in line with the 1990 Council of Europe Convention, for
instance through legislation on whether proceeds are legitimate or not,
• improve the prosecution of tax evasion and corruption in the private sector and the early
detection of fraudulent market abuse (such as insider dealing and market manipulation), as
well as the misappropriation of funds,
17024/09 IB/id 49
• facilitate the exchange of best practice in prevention and law enforcement, in particular
within the framework of the Asset Recovery Office Network and the Anti-Corruption
The European Council invites the Commission to
• develop indicators, on the basis of existing systems and common criteria, to measure efforts
in the fight against corruption, in particular in the areas of the acquis (public procurement,
financial control, etc) and to develop a comprehensive anti-corruption policy, in close
cooperation with the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO); The
Commission should submit a report in 2010 to the Council on the modalities for the Union
to accede to GRECO,
• with a view to preventing financial crime, consider measures to facilitate identification of
beneficial owners behind assets and increase transparency of legal persons and legal
• increase coordination between Member States in the framework of UNCAC (United Nations
Convention against Corruption), GRECO and OECD work in the field of combating
• to reflect on how to improve prevention of financial crime.
Counterfeiting is a serious danger for consumers and economies. The Union must improve studies
of this phenomenon and ensure that greater account is taken of law enforcement aspects in the work
of the future European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy. The European Council calls upon
the Council and the European Parliament to consider as soon as possible legislation on criminal
measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
4.4.6 Drugs
The EU Drugs Strategy (2005-2012) advocates a global, balanced approach, based on the
simultaneous reduction of supply and demand. This strategy will expire during the Stockholm
Programme. It must be renewed on the basis of a detailed evaluation of the Drugs Action Plan
2009-2012, carried out by the Commission with the support of the European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction and Europol.
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The Stockholm Programme

  • 1. COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 2 December 2009 17024/09 CO EUR-PREP 3 JAI 896 POLGEN 229 NOTE from : Presidency to : General Affairs Council/European Council No. prev doc. 16484/1/09 REV 1 JAI 866 + ADD 1 Subject : The Stockholm Programme – An open and secure Europe serving and protecting the citizens The draft Stockholm Programme was presented by the Presidency on 16 October 2009. Coreper held a first exchange of views on the Programme during its meetings on 21 and 22 October 2009. Following that, the JHA Counsellors have examined the entire text at three meetings on 30 October, 6 and 13 November. Coreper has examined the text also on 3 occasions on 4, 11 and 20 November. At its meeting of 30 November and 1 December 2009, the Council (Justice and Home Affairs), held a wide-ranging exchange of views on the Programme which was met with a broad consensus. Many issues were brought forward and the text has been redrafted, as set out in the annex to this note, to reflect those discussions. The Presidency herewith submits to the General Affairs Council and the European Council the result of those discussions for approval in accordance with Article 68 TFUE and publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. ______________ 17024/09 IB/id 1 DG H EN
  • 2. 17024/09 IB/id 2 ANNEX DG H EN ANNEX The Stockholm Programme - An open and secure Europe serving and protecting the citizen 1. Towards a Citizens' Europe in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice The European Council reaffirms the priority it attaches to the development of an area of freedom, security and justice (JLS), responding to a central concern of the peoples of the States brought together in the Union. Building on the achievements of the Tampere and Hague Programmes, significant progress has been achieved to date in this field. Internal border controls have been removed in the Schengen area and the external borders of the EU are now managed in a more coherent manner. Through the development of the Global Approach to Migration, the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy focuses on dialogue and partnerships with third countries, based on mutual interests. Significant steps have been taken towards the creation of a European Asylum System. European agencies such as Europol, Eurojust, the Fundamental Rights Agency and Frontex have reached operational maturity in their respective fields of activity. Cooperation in civil law is facilitating the everyday life of citizens and law enforcement cooperation provides for enhanced security. In spite of these and other important achievements in the area of freedom, security and justice Europe still faces challenges. These challenges must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Further efforts are thus needed in order to improve coherence between policy areas. In addition cooperation with partner countries should be intensified. It is therefore time for a new agenda to enable the Union and its member states to build on the achievements and to meet future challenges. To this end the European Council has adopted this new multi-annual programme to be known as the Stockholm Programme, for the period 2010-2014.
  • 3. 17024/09 IB/id 3 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council welcomes the increased role that the European Parliament and National Parliaments will play following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty1 . Citizens and representative associations will have an increased opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action in accordance with article 11 TEU. This will reinforce the open and democratic character of the European Union for the benefit of its people. The Treaty facilitates the process of reaching the goals outlined in this programme, both for the institutions and for the Member States. The role of the Commission in preparing initiatives is confirmed, as well as the right for a group of at least seven Member States to submit legislative proposals. The legislative process is improved by the use, in most sectors, of co-decision procedure, thereby granting full involvement of the European Parliament. National Parliaments will play an increasing role in the legislative process. By enhancing also the role of the Court of Justice, it will improve the European capacity to fully implement policy in this area and ensure the consistency of interpretation. All opportunities offered by the Lisbon Treaty to strengthen the European area of freedom, security and justice for the benefit of EU citizens should be used by the European institutions. The present programme defines strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning within the area of freedom, security and justice in accordance with Article 68 TFEU. 1.1 Political priorities The European Council considers that a priority for the coming years will be to focus on the interests and needs of citizens. The challenge will be to ensure respect for fundamental freedoms and integrity while guaranteeing security in Europe. It is of paramount importance that law enforcement measures and measures to safeguard individual rights, the rule of law, international protection rules go hand in hand in the same direction and are mutually reinforced. 1 As it is commonly known. The Treaty is actually two Treaties: the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). For ease of reading, the “Lisbon Treaty” or “the Treaty” will sometimes be used in the Programme.
  • 4. 17024/09 IB/id 4 ANNEX DG H EN All actions taken in the future should be centred on the citizen and other persons for whom the EU has a responsibility. The EU should in the years to come work towards the following main priorities: Promoting citizenship and fundamental rights: European citizenship must become a tangible reality. The area of freedom, security and justice must above all be a single area in which fundamental rights are protected. The enlargement of the Schengen area must continue. Respect for the human person and human dignity and for the other rights set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights are core values. For example, the exercise of these freedoms and citizens' privacy must be preserved beyond national borders, especially by protecting personal data. Allowance must be made for the special needs of vulnerable people and European citizens and others must be able to exercise their specific rights to the full within the European Union, even, where relevant, outside the Union. A Europe of law and justice: The achievement of a European area of justice must be consolidated so as to move beyond the current fragmentation. Priority should be given to mechanisms that facilitate access to justice, so that people can enforce their rights throughout the Union. Cooperation between public professionals and their training should also be improved, and resources should be mobilised to eliminate barriers to the recognition of legal acts in other Member States. A Europe that protects: An internal security strategy should be developed in order to further improve security in the Union and thus protect the lives and safety of European citizens and tackle organised crime, terrorism and other threats. The strategy should be aimed at strengthening cooperation in law enforcement, border management, civil protection, disaster management as well as criminal judicial cooperation in order to make Europe more secure. Moreover, the European Union needs to base its work on solidarity between Member States and make full use of Article 222 TFEU. Access to Europe in a globalised world: Access to Europe for businessmen, tourists, students, scientists, workers, persons in need of international protection and others having a legitimate interest to access EU territory has to be made more effective and efficient. At the same time, the Union and its Member States have to guarantee security for its citizens. Integrated border management and visa policies should be construed to serve these goals.
  • 5. 17024/09 IB/id 5 ANNEX DG H EN A Europe of responsibility, solidarity and partnership in migration and asylum matters: The development of a forward-looking and comprehensive European migration policy, based on solidarity and responsibility, remains a key policy objective for the European Union. Effective implementation of all relevant legal instruments needs to be undertaken and full use should be made of relevant Agencies and Offices operating in this field. Well-managed migration can be beneficial to all stakeholders. The European Pact on Immigration and Asylum provides a clear basis for further development in this field. Europe will need a flexible policy which is responsive to the priorities and needs of Member States and enables migrants to take full advantage of their potential. People in need of protection must be ensured access to legally safe and efficient asylum procedures. Moreover, in order to maintain credible and sustainable immigration and asylum systems in the EU, it is necessary to prevent, control and combat illegal migration as the EU faces an increasing pressure from illegal migration flows and particularly the Member States at its external borders, including at its Southern borders in line with the conclusions of the European Council in October 2009. The role of Europe in a globalised world – the external dimension: The importance of the external dimension of the EU's policy in the area of freedom, security and justice underlines the need for increased integration of these policies into the general policies of the European Union. The external dimension is essential to address the key challenges we face and providing greater opportunities for EU citizens to work and do business with countries across the world. The external dimension of JLS is crucial to the successful implementation of the objectives of this programme and should in particular be taken into account in, and be fully coherent with, all other aspects of EU foreign policy. 1.2 The tools If the next multi-annual programme is to be implemented successfully, the following tools are important. 1.2.1 Mutual trust Mutual trust between authorities and services in the different Member States as well as decision- makers is the basis for efficient cooperation in this area. Ensuring trust and finding new ways to increase reliance on, and mutual understanding between, the different systems in the Member States will thus be one of the main challenges for the future.
  • 6. 17024/09 IB/id 6 ANNEX DG H EN 1.2.2 Implementation Increased attention needs to be paid in the coming years to the full and effective implementation, enforcement and evaluation of existing instruments. Legal transposition should be ensured using, to its fullest extent, wherever necessary, existing institutional tools. The time taken to respond to the needs of citizens and businesses must also be shorter in the future. The Union should focus on identifying the needs of citizens and practitioners and the appropriate responses. The development of action at Union level should involve Member States’ expertise and consider a range of measures, including non-legislative solutions such as agreed handbooks, sharing of best practice (among other things, making best use of the European Judicial Networks) and regional projects that address those needs, in particular where they can produce a fast response. 1.2.3 Legislation In general, new legislative initiatives, by the Commission or by Member States where the Treaty so provides1 , should be tabled only after verification of the respect for the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity, a thorough preparation, including prior impact assessments, also involving identifying needs and financial consequences and using Member States’ expertise. It is crucial to evaluate the implications of new legislative initiatives on the four freedoms under the Treaty and to ensure that such initiatives are fully compatible with internal market principles. The European Council considers that the development of legislation in the area of freedom, security and justice is impressive, but it has shortcomings in terms of overlapping and a certain lack of coherence. At the same time, the quality of the legislation including the language used in some of the legal acts could be improved. 1 For ease of reading, the Programme only attributes the Commission the right of initiative. This does not hinder that member states may take initiatives in accordance with Article 76 TFUE.
  • 7. 17024/09 IB/id 7 ANNEX DG H EN A horizontal review of the instruments adopted should be considered, where appropriate, in order to improve consistency and consolidation of legislation. Legal coherence and ease of accessibility is particularly important. Better regulation and lawmaking principles should be strengthened throughout the decision-making procedure. The inter-institutional agreement on simplification reached between the EU institutions should be applied in full. All EU institutions at all stages of the inter-institutional procedure should make an effort to draft EU legislation in clear and comprehensible language. 1.2.4 Increased coherence The European Council invites the Council and the Commission to enhance the internal co-ordination in order to achieve greater coherence between external and internal elements of JLS work. The same need for coherence and improved coordination applies to the EU agencies (Europol, Eurojust, Frontex, CEPOL, the Lisbon Drugs Observatory, the future European Asylum Support Office and the Fundamental Rights Agency). The Council should exercise more political oversight over the agencies, by, for instance, drawing conclusions on annual reports. Special rules in relation to some agencies apply as regards oversight by the European Parliament. 1.2.5 Evaluation The Lisbon Treaty provides that measures may be taken so that the Member States, in cooperation with the Commission, shall undertake an objective and impartial evaluation of the implementation of the policies in the area, in particular to promote the full application of the principle of mutual recognition. The European Parliament and the national parliaments are to be informed of the content and results of the evaluations. The European Council considers that such evaluation mechanisms should avoid duplication and, in the long term, encompass all policies in the area. There should also be an efficient system of follow-up to such evaluations. There has to be an evaluation of the effectiveness of the legal instruments adopted at Union level. Evaluation is also necessary to determine any obstacles to the proper functioning of the European judicial area. It should focus on specific problems and therefore facilitate full application of the mutual recognition principle. Judicial cooperation in criminal matters should be pursued as the first area for evaluation. but other policy areas will have to follow such as respect for asylum procedures in relevant legislation. Evaluation procedures should be adapted to the policy area in question where necessary.
  • 8. 17024/09 IB/id 8 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • submit one or several proposals under Article 70 TFEU concerning the evaluation of policies under Title V TFEU. This proposal/s should, where appropriate, include an evaluation mechanism based on the well-established system of peer-evaluation. Evaluation should be carried out periodically, include an efficient follow-up system, and should facilitate better understanding of national systems in order to identify best practice and obstacles to cooperation. Professionals should be able to contribute to the evaluations. The Council should, in principle, have a leading role in the evaluation process, and in particular its follow-up. Duplication with other evaluation mechanisms should be avoided, but synergies and cooperation should be sought, in particular with the work of the Council of Europe. The Union should take an active part in and contribute to the work of the monitoring bodies of the Council of Europe. 1.2.6 Training In order to foster a genuine European judicial and law enforcement culture, it is essential to step up training on EU-related issues and make it systematically accessible for all professions involved in the implementation of the Area of freedom security and justice. This will include judges, prosecutors, judicial staff, police and customs officers and border guards. The objective should be pursued of systematic European Training Schemes offered to all involved. The ambition for the Union and its Member States should be that a substantive number of professionals by 2015 will have participated in a European Training Scheme or an exchange with another Member State, which might be part of training schemes that are already in place. For this purpose existing training institutions should in particular be used.
  • 9. 17024/09 IB/id 9 ANNEX DG H EN Member States have the primary responsibility in this respect, but the Union must give their efforts support and financial backing and also be able to have its own mechanisms to supplement national efforts. The European Council considers that EU and international cooperation aspects should be part of national curricula. For training of judges, prosecutors and judicial staff it is important to safeguard judicial independence while at the same time the emphasis should be placed on the European dimension for professionals that use European instruments frequently. CEPOL and Frontex should play a key role in training of law enforcement personnel and border guards with a view to ensuring a European dimension in training. Training of border guards and customs officers is of special importance with a view to fostering a common approach to an integrated border management. Solutions at European level could be sought, with a view to strengthening European Training Schemes. E-learning programmes and common training materials must also be developed to train professionals in the European mechanisms. The European Council invites the Commission to • propose an Action Plan for raising substantially the level of European training and exchange schemes systematically in the Union. The Plan should propose how to ensure that one third of all police involved in European police cooperation and half of the judges, prosecutors and judicial staff involved in European judicial cooperation as well as half of other professionals involved in European cooperation could be offered European Training Schemes, • examine what could be defined as a European Training Scheme, and to suggest in the Action Plan how to develop this idea with a view to giving it a European dimension; • set up specific “Erasmus”-style exchange programmes, which could involve non-member states and in particular candidate countries and countries with which the Union has concluded Partnership and Cooperation Agreements; • ensure that participation in joint courses, exercises and exchange programmes is decided on the basis of tasks and is not dependent on sector-specific criteria.
  • 10. 17024/09 IB/id 10 ANNEX DG H EN 1.2.7 Communication The achievements in the area of freedom, security and justice are generally of great importance to citizens, businesses and professionals. The European Council therefore calls on all Institutions, in particular the Commission as well as on the Member States, to consider ways to better communicate to citizens and practitioners the concrete results of the policy in the area of freedom, security and justice. It asks the Commission to devise a strategy on how best to explain to citizens how they can benefit from the new tools and legal frameworks, for instance through the use of E-Justice and the E- Justice Portal. 1.2.8 Dialogue with civil society The European Council encourages the Union's Institutions, within the framework of their competences, to hold an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society. The Commission should put in place specific mechanisms, such as the European Forum for Justice, to step up dialogue in areas where such mechanisms are appropriate. 1.2.9 Financing The European Council emphasizes that the Stockholm Programme should be financed within the headings and ceilings of the current financial framework. Many of the measures and actions in the programme can be implemented through a more effective use of existing instruments and funds. The European Council notes that the current financial perspectives expire at the end of 2013. It underlines its intention to reflect the goals of the Stockholm Programme. The programme does not however prejudge the negotiations on the next financial perspective. The European Council also considers that procedures for application to the financing programmes should, while taking account of the experience of Member States, be transparent, flexible, coherent and streamlined and made more easily accessible to administrations, established partners and practitioners through the active dissemination of clear guidelines, a mechanism for identifying partners and accurate programming. The European Council requests the Commission to examine appropriate means of achieving that goal.
  • 11. 17024/09 IB/id 11 ANNEX DG H EN Within the next financial perspectives, it should be examined how best to design the financial instruments in order to ensure a suitable support for operational projects developed outside the Union which enhance the Union’s security, in particular in the field of fight against organised crime and terrorism. Careful consideration should be given to ways and means to speed up the EU reaction to urgent events in this area in terms of financial assistance and how to provide technical assistance for the global implementation of international conventions, such as those relating to terrorism. 1.2.10 Action Plan In light of the Stockholm Programme, the European Council invites the Commission to present promptly an Action Plan in the first 6 months of 2010 to be adopted by the Council. This Action Plan will translate the aims and priorities of the Stockholm Programme into concrete actions with a clear timetable for adoption and implementation. It should include a proposal for a timetable for the transformation of instruments with a new legal basis. 1.2.11 Review of the Stockholm Programme The European Council invites the Commission to submit a mid-term review before June 2012 of the implementation of the Stockholm Programme. Trio Presidency programmes and Commission legislative programmes should be published as soon as possible so as to enable national Parliaments to have early sight of proposals. 2. Promoting citizens' rights: a Europe of rights 2.1 A Europe built on fundamental rights The European Union is based on common values and respect for fundamental rights. After the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the rapid accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights is of key importance. This will reinforce the obligation of the Union, including its institutions, to ensure that in all its areas of activity, fundamental rights are actively promoted. The case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights will be able to continue to develop in step, reinforcing the creation of a uniform European fundamental and human rights system based on the European Convention and those set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights,
  • 12. 17024/09 IB/id 12 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites • the Commission to submit a proposal on the accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights as a matter of urgency, • the EU Institutions and the Member States to ensure that legal initiatives are and remain consistent with fundamental rights throughout the legislative process by way of strengthening the application of the methodology for a systematic and rigorous monitoring of compliance with the Convention and the rights set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The European Council invites the EU institutions to • make full use of the expertise of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and to consult, where appropriate, with the Agency, in line with its mandate, on the development of policies and legislation with implications for fundamental rights, and to use it for the communication to citizens of human rights issues affecting them in their everyday life, • pursue the EU’s efforts to bring about the abolition of the death penalty, torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment, • continue to support and promote Union and Member States’ activity against impunity and to fight against crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes; in that context, promote cooperation between the Member States, third countries and the international tribunals in this field, and in particular the International Criminal Court, and develop exchange of judicial information and best practices in relation with the prosecution of such crimes through the European Network of Contact Points in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Union is an area of shared values, values which are incompatible with crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes, including crimes committed by totalitarian regimes. Each Member State has its own approach to this issue but, in the interests of reconciliation, the memory of those crimes must be a collective memory, shared and promoted, where possible, by us all. The Union must play the role of facilitator.
  • 13. 17024/09 IB/id 13 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission • to examine and to report to the Council in 2010 whether there is a need for additional proposals covering publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivializing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes directed against a group of persons defined by reference to criteria other than race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin, such as social status or political convictions. 2.2 Full exercise of the right to free movement The right to free movement of citizens and their family members within the European Union is one of the fundamental principles on which the Union is based and one of the fundamental freedoms of European citizenship. Citizens of the Union have the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, the right to vote and stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament and in municipal elections in their member State of residence, protection of diplomatic and consular authorities of other Member States etc. When exercising their rights, citizens are ensured equal treatment to nationals under the conditions set by Union law The effective implementation of relevant European legislation is therefore a priority. As noted by the European Parliament, Schengen cooperation, which has removed internal border controls within much of the EU, is a major achievement in the Area of freedom, security and justice. The European Council recalls its attachment to the further enlargement of the Schengen area. Provided that all requirements to apply the Schengen acquis have been fulfilled, the European Council calls on the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission to take all necessary measures to allow for the abolition of controls at internal borders with the remaining Member States that have declared their readiness to join the Schengen area without delay. European citizens must be assisted in administrative and legal procedures they are faced with when exercising the right to free movement. Within the framework of the Treaty, obstacles restricting that right in everyday life should be removed.
  • 14. 17024/09 IB/id 14 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • monitor the implementation and application of these rules in order to guarantee the right to free movement. Obtaining a right of residence under Union law for EU citizens and their family members is an advantage inherent in the exercise of the right of free movement. The purpose of that right is however not to circumvent immigration rules. Freedom of movement not only entails rights but also imposes obligations on those that benefit from it; abuses and fraud should be avoided. Member States should further safeguard and protect the right of free movement by working together, and with the Commission, to combat actions of a criminal nature with forceful and proportionate measures, with due regard to the applicable law. The European Council therefore further invites the Commission to • monitor the implementation and application of these rules to avoid abuse and fraud, • examine how best to exchange information, inter alia, on residence permits and documentation and how to assist Member States’ authorities to tackle abuse of this fundamental right effectively. With this aim in mind, Member States should also closely monitor the full and correct implementation of the existing acquis and tackle possible abuse and fraud of the right of free movement of persons and exchange information and statistics on such abuse and fraud. If systematic trends in abuse and fraud of the right to free movement are identified, Member States should report such trends to the Commission, which will suggest to the Council how these trends might be addressed through the most appropriate means. 2.3 Living together in an area that respects diversity and protects the most vulnerable Since diversity enriches the Union, the EU and its Member States must provide a safe environment where differences are respected and the most vulnerable protected. Measures to tackle discrimination, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia and homophobia must be vigorously pursued.
  • 15. 17024/09 IB/id 15 ANNEX DG H EN 2.3.1 Racism and xenophobia The European Council invites the Commission to • report during the period of the Stockholm Programme on the transposition of the 2008 Framework Decision on racism and xenophobia by 28 November 2013, and, if appropriate, to make proposals for amending it, • make full use of the existing instruments, in particular the financing programmes to combat racism and xenophobia. The Member States should implement the Framework Decision as soon as possible and at the latest by 28 November 2010. 2.3.2 Rights of the child The rights of the child – i.e. the principle of the best interest of the child being the child's right to life, survival and development, non-discrimination and respect for the children’s right to express their opinion and be genuinely heard in all matters concerning them according to their age and level of development as proclaimed in the Charter and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, concern all EU policies. They must be systematically and strategically taken into account with a view to ensuring an integrated approach. The Commission Communication “Towards an EU Strategy on the rights of the child (2006) reflect important considerations in this regard. An ambitious EU strategy on the rights of the child should be developed. The European Council calls upon the Commission to • identify measures, to which the Union can bring added value, in order to protect and promote the rights of the child. Children in particularly vulnerable situations should receive special attention, notably children that are victims of sexual exploitation and abuse as well as children that are victims of trafficking and unaccompanied minors in the context of immigration policy.
  • 16. 17024/09 IB/id 16 ANNEX DG H EN As regards parental child abduction, apart from effectively implementing existing legal instruments in this area, the possibility to use family mediation at international level should be explored, while taking account of good practices in the member states. The Union should continue to develop criminal child abduction alert mechanisms, by promoting cooperation between national authorities and interoperability of systems. 2.3.3 Vulnerable groups All forms of discrimination remain unacceptable. The EU and the Member States must make a concerted effort to fully integrate vulnerable groups, in particular the Roma community, into society by promoting their inclusion in the education system and labour market and by taking action to prevent violence against them. For this purpose, Member States should ensure that the existing legislation is properly applied to tackle potential discrimination. The EU will offer practical support and promote best practice to help Member States achieve this. Civil society will have a special role to play. Vulnerable groups in particularly exposed situations, such as women victim of violence or of genital mutilation or persons who are harmed in a Member State of which they are not nationals or residents, are in need of greater protection, including legal protection. Appropriate financial support will be provided, through the available financing programmes. The need for additional proposals as regards vulnerable adults should be assessed in the light of the experience acquired from the application of the 2000 Hague Convention on the International Protection of Adults by the Member States which are parties or which will become parties in the future. The Member States are encouraged to join the Convention as soon as possible.
  • 17. 17024/09 IB/id 17 ANNEX DG H EN 2.3.4 Victims of crime, including terrorism Those who are most vulnerable or who find themselves in particularly exposed situations, such as persons subjected to repeated violence in close relationships, victims of gender based violence, or persons who fall victim to other types of crimes in a Member State of which they are not nationals or residents, are in need of special support and legal protection. Victims of terrorism also need special attention, support and social recognition. An integrated and coordinated approach to victims is needed, in line with the Council conclusions on a strategy to ensure fulfilment of the rights of, and improve support for, persons who fall victims of crime. The European Council calls on the Commission and the Member States to • examine how to improve legislation and practical support measures for protection of victims and to improve implementation of existing instruments, • offer better support to victims otherwise, possibly through existing European networks that provide practical help and put forward proposals to that end, • examine the opportunity of making one comprehensive legal instrument on the protection of victims, by joining together the Directive on compensation to victims and the Framework Decision on victims, on the basis of an evaluation of the two instruments. Increased use of the financing programmes should be made in accordance with their respective legal frameworks. 2.4 Rights of the individual in criminal proceedings The protection of the rights of suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings is a fundamental value of the Union, which is essential in order to maintain mutual trust between the Member States and public confidence in the European Union. The European Council therefore welcomes the adoption by the Council of the Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings, which will strengthen the rights of the individual in criminal proceedings when fully implemented. That Roadmap will henceforth form part of the Stockholm Programme.
  • 18. 17024/09 IB/id 18 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • put forward the foreseen proposals in the Roadmap for its swift implementation, on the conditions laid down therein, • examine further elements of minimum procedural rights for accused and suspect persons, and to assess whether other issues, for instance the presumption of innocence needs to be addressed, to promote better cooperation in this area. 2.5 Protecting citizen’s rights in the information society When it comes to assessing the individual’s privacy in the area of freedom, security and justice, the right to freedom is overarching. The right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data are set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Union must therefore respond to the challenge posed by the increasing exchange of personal data and the need to ensure the protection of privacy. The Union must secure a comprehensive strategy to protect data within the EU and in its relations with other countries. In that context, it should promote the application of the principles set out in relevant EU instruments on data protection and the 1981 Council of Europe Convention on data protection as well as promoting accession to that convention. It must also foresee and regulate the circumstances in which interference by public authorities with the exercise of these rights is justified and also apply data protection principles in the private sphere. The Union must address the necessity for increased exchange of personal data whilst ensuring the utmost respect for the protection of privacy. The European Council is convinced that the technological developments not only present new challenges to the protection of personal data, but also offer new possibilities to better protect personal data. Basic principles such as purpose limitation, proportionality, legitimacy of processing, limits on storage time, security and confidentiality as well as respect for the rights of the individual, control by national independent supervisory authorities, and access to effective judicial redress need to be ensured and a comprehensive protection scheme must be established. These issues are also dealt with in the context of the EU Information Management Strategy set out in Chapter 4.
  • 19. 17024/09 IB/id 19 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to: • evaluate the functioning of the various instruments on data protection and present, where necessary, further legislative and non-legislative initiatives to maintain the effective application of the above principles, • propose a Recommendation for the negotiation of a data protection and, where necessary, data sharing agreements for law enforcement purposes with the United States of America, building on the work carried out by the EU-US High Level Contact Group on data protection, • consider core elements for data protection agreements with third states for law enforcement purposes, which may include, where necessary, privately held data, based on a high level of data protection, • improve compliance with the principles of data protection through the development of appropriate new technologies, improving cooperation between the public and private sector, particularly in the field of research, • examine the introduction of a European certification scheme for "privacy-aware" technologies, products and services, • conduct information campaigns, in particular to raise awareness among the public. On a broader front, the Union must be a driving force behind the development and promotion of international standards for personal data protection, based on relevant EU instruments on data protection and the 1981 Council of Europe Convention, and in the conclusion of appropriate bilateral or multilateral instruments. 2.6 Participation in the democratic life of the Union The European Council recalls that transparency of decision-making, access to documents and good administration contribute to citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the Union. Furthermore, the European Citizens´ Initiative introduced by Article 11 TEU will create a new mechanism for civic participation. It should be realized rapidly.
  • 20. 17024/09 IB/id 20 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • examine how best to ensure transparency of decision-making, access to documents and good administration of justice in the light of the new opportunities opened up by the Lisbon Treaty and to make appropriate proposals to that end. With a view to the European elections in 2014, careful consideration should be given to how to encourage citizens to vote. Voter turnout has diminished by 20 % since 1979 while at the same time the powers of the European Parliament as co-legislator has increased considerably. Measures such as making it easier to register on the electoral roll should be explored. In addition, the European Council invites the Commission, before December 2012, to • report to the European Council on national practices and traditions on elections to the European Parliament, and propose, on the basis of the report, how to achieve a common election day for elections to the European Parliament. In the light of that report, the European Council will consider how to take this issue forward. 2.7 Entitlement to protection in non-Member States A Union citizen travelling to or living in a non-EU country where his or her Member State is not represented is entitled to protection by the diplomatic and consular authorities of any Member State under the same conditions as the nationals of that State. This right, enshrined in the Treaties, is not well publicised, and more effort is needed to ensure its full application. Targeted communication campaigns could be conducted in connection with this right. The European Council invites the Commission to: • consider appropriate measures establishing coordination and cooperation necessary to facilitate consular protection in accordance with Article 23 TFUE.
  • 21. 17024/09 IB/id 21 ANNEX DG H EN 3. Making people's lives easier: a Europe of law and justice The European Council declared at its meeting in Tampere in 1999 that enhanced mutual recognition of judicial decisions and judgements and the necessary approximation of legislation would facilitate co-operation between authorities and the judicial protection of individual rights and that the principle of mutual recognition should be the cornerstone of judicial cooperation in both civil and criminal matters. This principle is now expressed in the Treaty. In the Hague Programme, adopted in 2004, the European Council noted that in order for the principle of mutual recognition to become effective, mutual trust needed to be strengthened by progressively developing a European judicial culture based on the diversity of legal systems and unity through European law. The judicial systems of the Member States should be able to work together coherently and effectively in accordance with their national legal traditions. The EU should continue to enhance mutual trust in the legal systems of the Member States by establishing minimum rights as necessary for the development of the principle of mutual recognition and by establishing minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions as defined by the Treaty. The European judicial area must also allow citizens to assert their rights anywhere in the Union by significantly raising overall awareness of rights and by facilitating their access to justice. In this respect, the European Council emphasizes the horizontal importance of e-Justice, which is not confined to specific areas of law. It should be integrated into all areas of civil, criminal and administrative law in order to ensure better access to justice and strengthened cooperation between administrative and judicial authorities.
  • 22. 17024/09 IB/id 22 ANNEX DG H EN 3.1 Furthering the implementation of mutual recognition The European Council notes with satisfaction that considerable progress has been achieved in implementing the two programmes on mutual recognition adopted by the Council in 2000 and emphasizes that the Member States should take all necessary measures to transpose at national level the rules agreed at European level. In this context the European Council emphasizes the need to evaluate the implementation of these measures and to continue the work on mutual recognition. 3.1.1 Criminal law In the face of cross-border crime, more efforts should be made to make judicial cooperation more efficient. The instruments adopted need to be more "user-friendly" and focus on problems that are constantly occurring in cross-border cooperation, such as issues regarding time limits and language conditions or the principle of proportionality. In order to improve cooperation based on mutual recognition, some matters of principle should also be resolved. For example, there may be a need for a horizontal approach regarding certain recurring problems during negotiations on instruments. The approximation, where necessary, of substantive and procedural law should facilitate mutual recognition. Mutual recognition could extend to all types of judgments and decisions of a judicial nature, which may, depending on the legal system, be either criminal or administrative. Victims of crime or witnesses who are at risk can be offered special protection measures which should be effective within the Union. The European Council considers that the setting up of a comprehensive system for obtaining evidence in cases with a cross-border dimension, based on the principle of mutual recognition, should be further pursued. The existing instruments in this area constitute a fragmentary regime. A new approach is needed, based on the principle of mutual recognition but also taking into account the flexibility of the traditional system of mutual legal assistance. This new model could have a broader scope and should cover as many types of evidence as possible, taking account of the measures concerned.
  • 23. 17024/09 IB/id 23 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • propose a comprehensive system, after an impact assessment, to replace all the existing instruments in this area, including the Framework Decision on the European Evidence Warrant, covering as far as possible all types of evidence and containing deadlines for enforcement and limiting as far as possible the grounds for refusal, • explore whether there are other means to facilitate admissibility of evidence in this area, • explore whether certain investigative measures could be executed by law enforcement or judicial authorities of the requesting/issuing Member State in liaison and agreement with the authorities of the executing state in accordance with Article 89 TFUE, and, where appropriate, make necessary proposals, • explore if and how authorities of one Member State could obtain information rapidly from private or public entities of another Member State without use of coercive measures or by using judicial authorities of the other State, • explore the results of the evaluation of the European Arrest Warrant, and, where appropriate, make proposals to increase efficiency and legal protection for individuals in the process of surrender, by adopting a step-by-step approach to other instruments on mutual recognition, • prepare a comprehensive study on existing legal and administrative obstacles to cross-border enforcement of penalties and administrative decisions for road traffic offences, and to present, where necessary, further legislative and non-legislative initiatives to improve road safety in the Union. The Union should aim for the systematic exchange of information and, as a long term goal, mutual recognition of judgments imposing certain types of disqualification. The European Council invites the Commission to • study the use of disqualification in the Member States and propose to the Council a programme of measures, including exchange of information on certain types of disqualifications and, by adopting a long term step-by-step approach, which accords priority to cases where disqualification is most likely to affect personal safety or business life.
  • 24. 17024/09 IB/id 24 ANNEX DG H EN In the field of judicial cooperation, the European Council emphasizes the need for Member States and Eurojust to implement thoroughly the Council Decision 2009/426 of 16 December 2008, which, together with the Lisbon Treaty, offers an opportunity for the further development of EUROJUST in the coming years, including in relation to initiation of investigations and resolving conflicts of competence. On the basis of an assessment of the implementation of this instrument, new possibilities could be considered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty, including giving further powers to the Eurojust national member, reinforcement of the powers of the Eurojust College or the setting-up of a European Public Prosecutor. 3.1.2 Civil law As regards civil matters, the European Council considers that the process of abolishing all intermediate measures (the exequatur), should be continued during the period covered by the Stockholm Programme. At the same time the abolition of the exequatur will also be accompanied by a series of safeguards, which may be measures in respect of procedural law as well as of conflict-of-law rules. Mutual recognition should, moreover, be extended to fields that are not yet covered but essential to everyday life, e.g. succession and wills, matrimonial property rights and the property consequences of the separation of couples, while taking into consideration Member States' legal systems, including public policy, and national traditions in this area. The European Council considers that the process of harmonising conflict-of-law rules at Union level should also continue in areas where it is necessary, like separation and divorces. It could also include the area of company law, insurance contracts and security interests. The European Council also highlights the importance of starting work on consolidation of the instruments adopted so far in the area of judicial cooperation in civil matters. First and foremost the consistency of Union legislation should be enhanced by streamlining the existing instruments. The aim should be to ensure the coherence and user-friendliness of the instruments, thus ensuring a more efficient and uniform application thereof.
  • 25. 17024/09 IB/id 25 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • assess which safeguards are needed to accompany the abolition of exequatur and how these could be streamlined, • assess whether there are grounds for consolidation and simplification in order to improve the consistency of existing Union legislation, • follow up on the recent study on the possible problems encountered with regard to civil status documents and access to registers of such documents. In light of the findings, the Commission could submit appropriate proposals taking into account the different legal systems and traditions in the Member States. In the short term a system allowing citizens to obtain their own civil status documents easily could be envisaged. In the long term, it might be considered whether mutual recognition of the effects of civil status documents could be appropriate, at least in certain areas. Work developed by the International Commission on Civil Status should be taken into account in this particular field. 3.2 Strengthening mutual trust One of the consequences of mutual recognition is that rulings made at national level have an impact in other Member States, in particular in their judicial systems. Measures aimed at strengthening mutual trust are therefore necessary in order to take full advantage of these developments. The Union should support Member States' efforts to improve the efficiency of their judicial systems by encouraging exchanges of best practice and the development of innovative projects relating to the modernisation of justice. 3.2.1 Training Training of judges (including administrative courts), prosecutors and other judicial staff is essential to strengthen mutual trust; see also Chapter 1.2.6. The Union should continue to support and strengthen measures to increase training in line with Articles 81 and 82 TFUE.
  • 26. 17024/09 IB/id 26 ANNEX DG H EN 3.2.2 Developing networks The European Council considers that contacts between senior officials of the Member States in areas covered by Justice and Home Affairs are valuable and should be promoted by the Union in so far as possible. Such areas could be, depending on national structures, senior police chiefs or prosecutors, heads of training institutes, heads of prison administrations, general directors of customs administration. Where appropriate, these networks should also be informed of the work of the Internal Security Committee, or be able to take part in the development of the Organised Crime Threat Assessment and other strategic tools of the Union. Such networks should primarily meet using existing structures such as Europol, Eurojust and Frontex or at the invitation of the Presidency as host country. Other Networks of professionals existing in this area should also continue to receive Union support. Among those are the European Network of the Councils of the Judiciary and the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts. 3.2.3 Evaluation As in other areas, the development of mutual recognition in the judicial sphere must go hand in hand with improvements in evaluation, both ex-ante and ex-post; see also Chapter 1.2.5. 3.2.4 Improving the tools The European Council calls for the enhancement of the operational capabilities of and tools for judges, prosecutors and all other actors involved in the field of justice. To that end, the European Council calls for the more active involvement of Eurojust and the European Judicial Networks in civil and criminal law to participate in improving cooperation and the effective application of EU law by all practitioners. Work should continue on improving the electronic tools that have so far been developed and the necessary resources should be provided for pursuing this work.
  • 27. 17024/09 IB/id 27 ANNEX DG H EN 3.2.5 Implementation A priority of the Union should be the implementation of decisions which have already been taken. This should be done in several ways: by accompanying the implementation of Union legislation more closely, through the better use of the financing instruments, by increasing the training of judges and other professionals and by enhancing evaluation mechanisms and practical measures. Without prejudice to the role of the Commission and the Court of Justice, implementation is primarily a matter for the Member States, but as mutual recognition instruments are common tools, the Union should better accompany implementation of them by enabling the sharing of experiences and best practices. The European Council invites the Commission to • ensure the sharing of information by way of developing handbooks or national facts sheets together with experts in civil and criminal law and Member States, on the use of mutual recognition instruments, in the same manner as what has been done for the European Arrest Warrant. The aim should be to have a handbook or national fact sheet for each of the instruments that have been adopted so far at the end of the five-year period. The European Council also considers that all modern means of electronic communication should be used to the full, and that the judicial authorities as soon as possible should be given means for secure electronic communications to enable safe correspondence. The Union should also put an emphasis on videoconferencing and on assisting the development of translation tools in order to make them as accurate as possible. These developments should be accompanied by and form part of the implementation of the e-justice action plan. In addition, measures should be taken to enhance cooperation, while taking full account of data protection rules, between competent authorities so as to detect addresses where persons live as their habitual residence, in connection with service of documents.
  • 28. 17024/09 IB/id 28 ANNEX DG H EN 3.2.6. Detention The European Council considers that efforts should be undertaken to strengthen mutual trust and render more efficient the principle of mutual recognition in the area of detention. Efforts to promote the exchange of best practices should be pursued and implementation of the European Prison Rules, approved by the Council of Europe, supported. Issues such as alternatives to imprisonment, pilot projects on detention and best practices in prison management could also be addressed. The European Commission is invited to reflect on this issue further within the possibilities offered by the Lisbon Treaty. 3.3 Developing a core of common minimum rules To the extent necessary to facilitate mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, the Union may adopt common minimum rules. The European Council considers that a certain level of approximation of laws is necessary to foster a common understanding of issues among judges and prosecutors, and hence to enable the principle of mutual recognition to be applied properly, taking into account the differences between legal traditions and systems of Member States. 3.3.1 Criminal law Criminal behaviour; in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension resulting from the nature or impact of such offences or from a special need to combat them on a common basis should become the object of common incriminations and common minimum levels of maximum sanctions. These are the serious offences referred to in Article 83(1) TFEU. Priority should be given to terrorism, trafficking in human beings, illicit drug trafficking, sexual exploitation of women and children and child pornography and computer crime.
  • 29. 17024/09 IB/id 29 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to • examine whether the level of approximation is sufficient in relation to the adopted framework decisions and report on the need to establish common definitions and penalties and to consider submitting new legislative proposals where further approximation is needed. The relationship between approximation of offences or their definition and the double criminality rule in the framework of mutual recognition should be further explored. The Commission is invited to make a report to the Council on this issue. One of the issues may be the necessity and feasibility of approximation or definition of offence for which double criminality does not apply. Criminal law provisions should be introduced when they are considered essential in order for the interests to be protected and, as a rule, be used only as a last resort. Minimum rules with regard to the definition of criminal offences and sanctions may also be established when the approximation of criminal laws and regulations of the Member States proves essential to ensure the effective implementation of a Union policy which has been subject to harmonisation measures. The European Council stresses the importance of the coherence of criminal law provisions in the various EU instruments and invites the Council to • implement the work on model standard provisions in criminal law and the Council and the Commission to continue to reflect, together with the European Parliament, on how to improve the coherence of criminal law provisions in various EU instruments, and the Commission to • examine the possibilities of using the existing programmes to finance pilot schemes in the Member States testing alternatives to imprisonment.
  • 30. 17024/09 IB/id 30 ANNEX DG H EN 3.3.2 Civil law The abolition of exequatur will be accompanied by a series of safeguards, especially regarding judgments taken by default, which may be measures in respect of procedural law as well as of conflict of law rules (e.g. the right to be heard, the servicing of documents, time required for providing opinions, etc). The main policy objective in the area of civil procedural law is that borders between countries in the European Union should not constitute an obstacle either to the settlement of civil law matters or to initiating court proceedings, or to the enforcement of decisions in civil matters. With the Tampere conclusions and the Hague programme, major steps have been taken to reach this goal. However, the European Council notes that the effectiveness of Union instruments in this field still needs to be improved. The European Council invites the Commission • as a first step, to submit a report on the functioning of the present EU regime on civil procedural law across borders, and on the basis of that report put forward a proposal aimed at improving the consistency of existing Union legislation, • to assess, also in the course of upcoming reviews of existing Regulations, the need to establish common minimum standards or standard rules of civil procedure for the cross-border execution of judgments and decisions on matters such as the service of documents, the taking of evidence, review procedures and enforcement, minimum standards in relation to the recognition of decisions on parental responsibility and, where appropriate, submit proposals on the issues, • to continue the work on common conflict-of-law rules, where necessary.
  • 31. 17024/09 IB/id 31 ANNEX DG H EN 3.4 The benefits for citizens of a European judicial area 3.4.1 Providing easier access to justice Access to justice in the European judicial area must be made easier, particularly in cross-border proceedings. At the same time, efforts must continue to improve alternative methods of settling disputes, particularly in consumer law. Action is needed to help people overcome the language barriers that obstruct their access to justice. The European Council considers that e-Justice presents an excellent opportunity to provide easier access to justice. The European e-Justice action plan, adopted at the end of November 2008, sets the framework for developing European e-Justice activities until the end of 2013. The European e-Justice portal will be a way of keeping people better informed of their rights and giving them access to a range of information and services on the various judicial systems. Better use should be made of videoconferencing, for example to spare victims the effort of needless travel and the stress of participating in court proceedings.In accordance with data protection rules, some national registers will be gradually interconnected (e.g. registers on insolvency, interpreters, translators and wills). Some existing databases may also be partially integrated into the portal (e.g. the European Business Register and the European Land Information Service). In the medium term, some European and national cross-border procedures could be dealt with on-line (e.g. the European payment order, the European small claims procedure and mediation). Furthermore, the use of electronic signatures should be promoted within the framework of the e-justice project. The European Council invites the Council, the Commission and the Member States to • create effective conditions to enable the parties to communicate with courts by electronic means in the context of legal proceedings. For that purpose, dynamic forms should be made available through the e-Justice portal as regards certain European procedures, such as the European order for payment procedure and the European small claims procedure. During this phase, electronic communication between judicial authorities should be improved decisively in the area of the application of e-Justice.
  • 32. 17024/09 IB/id 32 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council further encourages the EU institutions and the Member States to • devote efforts to the full implementation of the e-Justice action plan. In that context, the European Commission is invited to put forward proposals within the framework of the financial perspectives for an adequate funding of e-Justice projects and in particular horizontal large-scale IT projects. Certain formalities for the legalisation of documents also represent an obstacle or an excessive burden. Given the possibilities offered by the use of new technologies, including digital signatures, the EU should consider abolishing all formalities for the legalisation of documents between Member States. Where appropriate, thought should be given to the possibility of creating, in the long term, authentic European documents. The European Council invites the Commission to • examine the possibility of dispensing with the formalities for the legalisation of documents between Member States, and submit a proposal to that effect. 3.4.2 Supporting economic activity The European judicial area should serve to support economic activity in the single market. The European Council invites the Commission to • assess the need for, and the feasibility of, providing for certain provisional, including protective, measures at Union level, to prevent e.g. the disappearance of assets before the enforcement of a claim, • put forward appropriate proposals for improving the efficiency of enforcement of judgements in the EU regarding bank accounts and debtors' assets, based on the 2006 and 2008 Green Papers. When devising measures of this kind, account should be taken on the impact they will have on the right to privacy and the right to the protection of citizens’ personal data.
  • 33. 17024/09 IB/id 33 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council reaffirms that the common frame of reference for European contract law should be a non-binding set of fundamental principles, definitions and model rules to be used by the lawmakers at Union level to ensure greater coherence and quality in the lawmaking process. The Commission is invited to submit a proposal on a common frame of reference. The current financial crisis has brought home the need to regulate financial markets and to prevent abuse. There is also a need to study further measures regarding business law, and to create a clear regulatory environment allowing small and medium business enterprises in particular to take full advantage of the internal market so that they can grow and operate across borders as they do in their domestic market. There is a need to explore whether common rules determining the law applicable to matters of company law, rules on insolvency for banks and transfer of claims could be devised. The issue of contractual law also needs to be examined further. The European Council invites the Commission to • consider whether there is a need to take measures in these areas, and, where appropriate, to put forward proposals in this respect. 3.5 Increasing the EU’s international presence in the legal field 3.5.1 Civil law The European Council considers that clearly defining EU external interests and priorities in the area of judicial cooperation in civil matters is very important with a view to interacting with third countries in a secure legal environment. The Lugano Convention is open to the accession of other States and it should be assessed, in cooperation with the other Contracting Parties, which third countries could be encouraged to accede to it. The Union should use its membership of The Hague Conference to actively promote the widest possible accession to the most relevant Conventions and to offer as much assistance as possible to other States with a view to the proper implementation of the instruments. The European Council invites the Council, the Commission and the Member States to encourage all partner countries to accede to those Conventions which are of particular interest to the Union.
  • 34. 17024/09 IB/id 34 ANNEX DG H EN In cases where no legal framework is in place for relations between the EU and partner countries, and where the development of new multilateral cooperation is not possible from the Union’s standpoint, the option of bilateral agreements should be explored, on a case-by-case basis. The European Council invites the Council and the Commission to • define a strategy in the area of civil law matters for the coming years which is coherent with overall EU external policy. 3.5.2 Criminal law As regards the criminal law field, it will be necessary to identify priorities for the negotiations of mutual assistance and extradition agreements. The Union should actively promote the widest possible accession of the partner countries to the most relevant and functioning Conventions and to offer as much assistance as possible to other States with a view to the proper implementation of the instruments. The Institutions should ensure, to the furthest extent possible, coherence between the EU and the international legal order. Where possible, synergy with the Council of Europe work should be considered. The European Council calls upon the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament where appropriate to: • develop a policy aimed at the establishment of agreements on international judicial cooperation with third countries of interest or within international organisations. In particular, the following criteria should be taken into account when deciding on the priority countries: strategic relationship, whether bilateral agreements already exist, whether the country in question adheres to Human Rights’ principles, whether the country concerned cooperates with the EU in general and its Member States, and priorities of law enforcement and judicial cooperation, • sponsor exchanges of best practice and the pooling of experience with non-member countries and, in particular with regard to enlargement countries, make full use of the instruments the Union has at its disposal to promote judicial reform and strengthen the rule of law, such as twinning schemes and peer reviews, also in cooperation with the Council of Europe,
  • 35. 17024/09 IB/id 35 ANNEX DG H EN • offer steady support to the justice systems in partner countries in order to promote the rule of law throughout the world, • continue to promote the Rome Statute principle of complementarity and compliance with Rome Statute obligations. The European Council further invites the Commission to • submit to the Council in 2010 a list of countries that have requested to conclude agreements on mutual legal assistance and extradition with the Union as well as an assessment, based on the above mentioned principles of the appropriateness and urgency of concluding such agreements with these or other countries. 4. A Europe that protects 4.1 Internal Security Strategy The European Council is convinced that the enhancement of actions at European level, combined with better coordination with actions at regional and national levels, are essential to protection from trans-national threats. Terrorism and organised crime, drug trafficking, corruption, trafficking in human beings, smuggling of persons and trafficking in arms, among others, continue to challenge the internal security of the EU. Cross-border widespread crime has become an urgent challenge which requires a clear and comprehensive response. Action of the Union will enhance the work carried out by Member States’ competent authorities and improve the outcome of their work. The European Council calls upon the Council and the Commission to • define a comprehensive EU internal security strategy based, in particular, on the following principles: - clarity on the division of tasks between the EU and the Member States, reflecting a shared vision of today's challenges, - respect for fundamental rights, international protection and the rule of law, - solidarity between Member States, - reflection of a proactive and intelligence-led approach,
  • 36. 17024/09 IB/id 36 ANNEX DG H EN - the need for a horizontal and cross-cutting approach in order to be able to deal with complex crises or natural or man-made disasters, - stringent cooperation between EU agencies, including further improving their information exchange, - a focus on implementation and streamlining as well as the improvement of preventive action, - the use of regional initiatives and regional cooperation, - the aim of making citizens aware of the importance of the Union’s work to protect them. Developing, monitoring and implementing the internal security strategy should become one of the priority tasks of the Internal Security Committee (COSI) set up under Article 71 TFEU. In order to ensure the effective enforcement of the internal security strategy, it shall also cover security aspects of an integrated border management and, where appropriate, judicial cooperation in criminal matters relevant to operational cooperation in the field of internal security. The internal security strategy should also take into account the external security strategy developed by the EU as well as other EU policies, in particular those concerning the internal market. Account should also be taken of the impact it may have on relations with the EU's neighbourhood and particularly with the candidate and potential candidate countries, since internal security is interlinked with the external dimension of the threats. In a global world, crime knows no borders. As the policies followed in the fields of justice and home affairs gradually reach maturity, they should support each other and grow in consistency. In the years to come they should fit smoothly together with the other policies of the Union. The European Council asks the Commission • to consider the feasibility of setting up of an Internal Security Fund to promote the implementation of the Internal Security Strategy so that it becomes an operational reality.
  • 37. 17024/09 IB/id 37 ANNEX DG H EN 4.2 Upgrading the tools for the job Security in the EU requires an integrated approach where security professionals share a common culture, pool information as effectively as possible and have the right technological infrastructure to support them. 4.2.1 Forging a common culture The European Council stresses the need to enhance mutual trust between all the professionals concerned at national and EU level. A genuine European law enforcement culture should be developed through exchange of experiences and good practice as well as the organisation of joint training courses and exercises in line with Chapter 1.2.6. The European Council encourages Member States to devise mechanisms that gives incentives to professionals for taking up duties related to cross-border cooperation and thereby favour the creation of an EU-wide response at all levels. 4.2.2 Managing the flow of information The European Council notes with satisfaction that developments over the past years in the EU have led to a wide choice and created an extensive toolbox for collecting, processing and sharing information between national authorities and other European players in the area of freedom, security and justice. The principle of availability will continue to give important impetus to this work. The European Council acknowledges the need for coherence and consolidation in developing information management and exchange and invites the Council and the Commission to • implement an EU Information Management Strategy1 , which includes a strong data protection regime. Development must be coherent with the priorities set for the area of freedom, security and justice and the internal security strategy, supporting the business vision for law enforcement, judicial cooperation, border management and public protection. 1 See Council document 16637/09 JAI 873
  • 38. 17024/09 IB/id 38 ANNEX DG H EN In this context, the European Council invites the Commission to • assess the need for developing a European Information Exchange Model based on the evaluation of the current instruments, including the Prüm framework and the so-called Swedish Framework Decision. These assessments will determine whether these instruments function as originally intended and meet the goals of the Information Management Strategy. The EU information management strategy is based on - business-driven development (a development of information exchange and its tools that is driven by law enforcement needs, - a strong data protection regime consistent with the strategy for protection of personal data as set out in Chapter 2 of this Programme, - a well targeted data collection, both to protect fundamental rights of citizens and to avoid an information overflow for the competent authorities, - guiding principles for a policy on the exchange of information with third States for law enforcement purposes, - interoperability of IT systems ensuring full conformity with data protection and data security principles when developing such systems, - a rationalisation of the different tools, including the adoption of a business plan for large IT systems, - overall coordination, convergence and coherence. The necessary EU and national structures need to be in place to ensure the implementation and management of the different information management tools. The European Council also calls for the establishment of an administration, as proposed by the Commission, having the competence and capacity to develop technically and manage large-scale IT-systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, as referred to in the joint statements of the Institutions in December 2006 and October 2007. Possible additional tasks should be considered by the Council in the light of the Information Management Strategy.
  • 39. 17024/09 IB/id 39 ANNEX DG H EN Reflecting the discussions in the Council and the European Parliament, with a view to setting up an EU Passenger Names Record system, the European Council calls upon the Commission • to propose an EU measure, that ensures a high level of data protection, on PNR for the purpose of preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting terrorist offences and serious crime, based on an impact assessment. 4.2.3 Mobilising the necessary technological tools The European Council, while ensuring consistency with the strategy for protection of personal data in Chapter 2, stresses the need for new technologies to keep pace with and promote the current trends towards mobility, while ensuring that people are safe, secure and free. The European Council invites the Council, the Commission, the European Parliament where appropriate and the Member States to • draw up and implement policies to ensure a high level of network and information security throughout the European Union and improve measures aimed at protection, security preparedness and resilience of critical infrastructure, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and services infrastructure, • promote legislation that ensures a very high level of network security and allows faster reactions in the event of cyber-attacks. The European Council also invites the Council and the Commission to • ensure that the priorities of the internal security strategy are tailored to the real needs of users and focus on improving interoperability. Research and development in the field of security should be supported by public-private partnerships.
  • 40. 17024/09 IB/id 40 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites • the Member States to implement the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) as soon as possible, • the Commission to assess whether the networking of criminal records makes it possible to prevent offences from being committed (e.g. through checks on access to certain jobs, particularly those relating to children), and whether it is possible to extend the exchange of information on supervision measures, • the Commission to propose, in addition to ECRIS, a register of third-country nationals who have been convicted by the courts of the Member States. The European Council recalls the need for ensuring consistency with the strategy for the protection of personal data and the business plan for setting up large scale IT systems in Chapter 2 of the Programme, and calls on the Commission to: • make a feasibility study on the need for, and the added value of, setting up a European Police Records Index system (EPRIS) and to make a report to the Council in the course of 2012 on the issue, • to reflect on how to further develop the use of existing databases for law enforcement purposes, while fully respecting data protection rules, so as to make full use of new technologies with a view to protecting the citizens, • examine how best to promote that Member States’ competent authorities can exchange information on travelling violent offenders including those attending sporting events or large public gatherings. 4.3 Effective policies 4.3.1 More effective European law enforcement cooperation The prime objective of EU law enforcement cooperation is to combat forms of crime that are typically cross-border in their dimension. Focus should not only be placed on combating terrorism and organised crime but also cross-border wide-spread crime that have a significant impact on the daily life of the citizens of the EU. Europol should become a hub for information exchange between the law enforcement authorities of the Member States, a service provider and a platform for law enforcement services.
  • 41. 17024/09 IB/id 41 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council encourages Member States’ competent authorities to use the investigative tool of Joint Investigative Teams as much as possible in appropriate cases. Europol and Eurojust should be systematically involved in major cross-border operations and informed when joint investigative teams are set up. The model agreement for setting up JITs should be updated. Europol and Eurojust should step up their cooperation further. Eurojust should ensure that its work is followed up at judicial level. Europol and Eurojust should expand their work with third countries especially by forging closer links with the regions and countries neighbouring the Union; Europol should work more closely with European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) police missions and help promote standards and good practice for European law enforcement cooperation in countries outside the EU. Cooperation with Interpol should be stepped up with a view to creating synergies and avoiding duplication. The European Council invites the Commission, and, where appropriate, the Council and the High Representative, to • examine how it could be ensured that Europol receives information from Member States law enforcement authorities so that the Member States can make full use of Europol capacities, • examine how operational police cooperation could be stepped up, e. g. as regards incompatibility of communication systems and other equipment, use of undercover agents, and, where necessary, draw operational conclusions to that end, • issue as soon as possible a reflection document on how best to ensure that the activites of Europol may be scrutinised and evaluated by the European Parliament, together with national parliaments in line with Articles 85 and 88 TFUE, • consider developing a Police Cooperation Code which would consolidate existing instruments and, where necessary, amend and simplify them, • make a proposal to the Council and the European Parliament to adopt a decision on the modalities of cooperation, including on exchange of information between EU agencies, in particular Europol, Eurojust and Frontex, which ensures data protection and security, • propose measures on how EU agencies in this area could conclude operational arrangements between themselves and how they should develop their participation in regional initiatives conducted by Member States and in regional bodies that further law enforcement cooperation, • agree on common quality standards within the forensic field, inter alia to develop best practice for crime scene investigations,
  • 42. 17024/09 IB/id 42 ANNEX DG H EN • examine whether there are obstacles to cooperation between ESDP police missions and Europol and make appropriate proposals to eliminate such obstacles. Pilot projects in cross-border regional cooperation dealing with joint operational activities and/or cross-border risk assessments, such as Joint Police and Customs Centres, should be promoted by the Union, inter alia through financing programmes. The development of ad hoc law enforcement cooperation at sporting events or large public gatherings (e.g. the 2012 Olympics, Euro 2012) should be implemented. 4.3.2 More effective crime prevention The best way to reduce the level of crime is to take effective measures to prevent them from ever occurring, including promoting social inclusion, by using a multidisciplinary approach which also includes taking administrative measures and promoting cooperation between administrative authorities, European citizens have similar experiences and are affected in similar ways by crime and related insecurity in their everyday lives. The awareness of the links between local crime and organised crime and its complex cross-border dimensions is increasing. Member States have developed different methods to prevent crime and should be encouraged to share experiences and best practice and, in so doing, add to general knowledge and its respective effectiveness and efficiency, thereby avoiding the duplication of work. In addition, the cross-border dimension underlines the importance of enhancing and developing knowledge at European level on how crime and criminality in the Member States is interconnected, to support Member States when taking individual or joint action, and to call for action by EU institutions when deemed necessary. With the Lisbon Treaty, cooperation within the area of crime prevention will be further recognized with a new legal basis. The European Council invites Member States and the Commission to actively promote and support crime prevention measures focusing on prevention of mass criminality and cross-border crime affecting the daily life of our citizens in accordance with Article 84 TFEU.
  • 43. 17024/09 IB/id 43 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council invites the Commission to submit a proposal building on the evaluation of the work carried out within the European Union Crime Prevention Network with a view to setting up an Observatory for the Prevention of Crime (OPC), the tasks of which will be to collect, analyse and disseminate knowledge on crime, including organised crime (including statistics) and crime prevention, to support and promote Member States and EU institutions when they take preventive measures and to exchange best practice. The OPC should build on the work carried out within the framework of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and the evaluation of it. It should include or replace the EUCPN, with a secretariat located within an existing EU agency and functioning as a separate unit. The European Council invites the Commission to • submit a proposal on setting up the OPC by 2013 at the latest. 4.3.3 Statistics Adequate, reliable and comparable statistics (both over time and between Member States and regions) are a necessary prerequisite inter alia for evidence-based decisions on the need for action, on the implementation of decisions and on the effectiveness of action. The European Council invites the Commission to • continue developing statistical tools to measure crime and criminal activities and reflect on how to further develop, after 2010, the actions outlined and partly implemented in the EU Action plan 2006-2010 on developing a comprehensive and coherent EU strategy to measure crime and criminal justice, in view of the increased need for such statistics in a number of areas within the field of freedom, security and justice. 4.4 Protection against serious and organised crime 4.4.1 Combating serious and organised crime As organised crime continues to become more globalised, it is increasingly important that law enforcement has the ability to work effectively across borders and jurisdictions. The Union can bring real added value to the fight against certain types of threat that require a high level of coordinated action. The fight against these criminal phenomena will involve systematic exchange of information, widespread use of European agencies and investigative tools and, where necessary, the development of common investigative and prevention techniques and increased cooperation with third countries.
  • 44. 17024/09 IB/id 44 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council therefore calls upon the Council and the Commission • to adopt an organised crime strategy, within the framework of the Internal Security Strategy, • set its priorities in crime policy by identifying the types of crime against which it will deploy the tools it has developed, while. continuing to use the Organised Crime Threat Assessment Report (OCTA) and its regional versions. Criminal phenomena to be tackled as a priority at European level should be selected. The European Council considers that the following types of crime deserve special priority in the years to come. 4.4.2 Trafficking in human beings Trafficking and smuggling of human beings is a very serious crime involving violations of human rights and human dignity that the EU cannot condone. The European Council finds it necessary to strengthen and enhance the prevention and combating of trafficking and smuggling. This calls for a coordinated and coherent policy response which goes beyond the area of freedom, security and justice and, while taking account of new forms of exploitation, includes external relations, development cooperation, social affairs and employment, education and health, gender equality and non-discrimination. It should also benefit from a broad dialogue between all stakeholders, not least including civil society, and be guided by an improved understanding and research of trafficking and smuggling at EU and international levels. In this context, cooperation and coordination with third countries is of crucial importance. The Action Oriented Paper on trafficking in human beings, adopted by the Council on 30 November 2009 should be used to its fullest extent.
  • 45. 17024/09 IB/id 45 ANNEX DG H EN It is necessary that the Union should develop a consolidated EU policy against trafficking aiming at further strengthening the commitment of, and efforts made, by the EU and the Member States to prevent and combat trafficking. This includes building up and strengthening partnerships with third countries, improving coordination and cooperation within the Union and with the mechanisms of the EU external dimension as an integral part of such a policy. Progress should also be monitored and COSI regularly informed of coordination and cooperation against trafficking. The fight against human trafficking must mobilise all means of action, bringing together prevention, law enforcement, and victim protection, and be tailored to combating trafficking into, within and out of the EU. The European Council therefore invites the Council to consider establishing an EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator (ATC) and, if it so decides, to determine the modalities therefore in such a way that all competences of the Union can be used in the most optimal way in order to reach a well coordinated and consolidated EU policy against trafficking. The European Council calls for: • the adoption of new legislation on combating trafficking and protecting victims, • the Commission to examine whether ad hoc cooperation agreements with specific third countries to be identified by the Council could be a way to enhance fight against trafficking and to make proposals to that end. In particular, such agreements could involve full use of all leverage available to the Union, including use of financing programmes, cooperation for the exchange of information, judicial cooperation and migration tools, • Europol, with the support of the Member States, to step up support for information gathering and strategic analysis, to be carried out in cooperation with the countries of origin and transit, • Eurojust to step up its efforts to coordinate investigations conducted by Member States’ authorities into trafficking in human beings,
  • 46. 17024/09 IB/id 46 ANNEX DG H EN • the Commission: - to propose further measures to protect and assist victims through an array of measures including the development of compensation schemes, safe return and assistance with reintegration into society in their country of origin if they return voluntarily and those relating to their stay; the EU should establish partnerships with the main countries of origin, - to propose cooperative measures to mobilise consular services in the countries of origin with a view to preventing the fraudulent issuing of visas. Information campaigns aimed at potential victims, especially women and children, could be conducted in the countries of origin in cooperation with the authorities there, - to propose measures to make border checks more efficient in order to prevent human trafficking, in particular the trafficking of children. 4.4.3 Sexual exploitation of children and child pornography Protecting children against the danger of sexual abuse is an important element in the strategy of children's rights. The European Council invites: • the Council and the European Parliament to adopt new legislation on combating sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, • the Commission to accompany this legislation, once adopted, by measures supported under the Safer Internet Programme 2009-2013, • The Commission to examine how Member States’ competent authorities could exchange information on best practices, • the Commission to explore how the EU could promote partnerships with the private sector on this subject and expand such public private partnerships to the financial sector in order to disrupt the money transfers related to websites with child abuse content, • the Commission to build on the child alert mechanism and explore the creation of an EU- wide child abduction Network in order to promote cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, with a view to ensuring interoperability,
  • 47. 17024/09 IB/id 47 ANNEX DG H EN • the Commission, in order to prevent child abuse, to explore ways to enhance cooperation between Member States’ competent authorities in response to the movement of child sex offenders known to be an ongoing threat. 4.4.4 Cyber-crime The Internet has considerably facilitated communication and promoted global development and interaction. At the same time, new, modern challenges have emerged in the form of cyber crime as criminal groups have taken effectively advantage of technologies, This in turn makes investigations more complicated for law enforcement authorities. The Union should therefore promote policies and legislation that ensure a very high level of network security and allow faster reactions in the event of cyber disruptions or cyber attacks. As soon as possible, Member States should ratify the 2001 Council of Europe Cyber-crime Convention. This Convention should become the legal framework of reference for fighting cyber- crime at global level. Europol could play a role as a European resource centre by creating a European platform for identifying offences which should also assist Member States national alert platforms to exchange best practices. The European Council also calls upon the Member States to • give their full support to the national alert platforms in charge of the fight against cyber- crime and emphasizes the need for cooperation with countries outside the European Union. The European Council invites • the Commission to take measures for enhancing/improving public private partnerships, • Europol to step up strategic analysis on cyber crime. The Union should also clarify the rules on jurisdiction and the legal framework applicable to cyberspace within the Union, including how to obtain evidence in order to promote cross-border investigations.
  • 48. 17024/09 IB/id 48 ANNEX DG H EN The European Council • calls upon the Member States to improve judicial cooperation in cyber crime cases, • and requests the Commission to make proposals for clarifying, where needed, the legal framework on investigations in cyber space within the Union. Cooperation should also become more efficient in relation to the sale of fake pharmaceuticals on the Internet. 4.4.5 Economic crime and corruption The Union must reduce the number of opportunities available to organised crime as a result of a globalised economy, in particular during a crisis that is exacerbating the vulnerability of the financial system, and allocate appropriate resources to meet these challenges effectively. The European Council calls upon the Member States and, where appropriate, the Commission to: • enhance the capacity for financial investigations and combine all available instruments in fiscal, civil and criminal law. Forensic financial analysis must be developed by pooling resources, in particular for training; the confiscation of assets of criminals should be made more efficient and cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices made stronger, • to identify assets of criminals more effectively and seize them and, whenever possible, consider re-using them wherever they are found in the EU common space, • further develop information exchange between the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs), in the fight against money laundering. Within the framework of the European Information Management System, their analyses could feed a database on suspicious transactions, for example within Europol, • mobilise and coordinate sources of information to identify suspicious cash transactions and to confiscate the proceeds of crime in line with the 1990 Council of Europe Convention, for instance through legislation on whether proceeds are legitimate or not, • improve the prosecution of tax evasion and corruption in the private sector and the early detection of fraudulent market abuse (such as insider dealing and market manipulation), as well as the misappropriation of funds,
  • 49. 17024/09 IB/id 49 ANNEX DG H EN • facilitate the exchange of best practice in prevention and law enforcement, in particular within the framework of the Asset Recovery Office Network and the Anti-Corruption Network. The European Council invites the Commission to • develop indicators, on the basis of existing systems and common criteria, to measure efforts in the fight against corruption, in particular in the areas of the acquis (public procurement, financial control, etc) and to develop a comprehensive anti-corruption policy, in close cooperation with the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO); The Commission should submit a report in 2010 to the Council on the modalities for the Union to accede to GRECO, • with a view to preventing financial crime, consider measures to facilitate identification of beneficial owners behind assets and increase transparency of legal persons and legal arrangements, • increase coordination between Member States in the framework of UNCAC (United Nations Convention against Corruption), GRECO and OECD work in the field of combating corruption, • to reflect on how to improve prevention of financial crime. Counterfeiting is a serious danger for consumers and economies. The Union must improve studies of this phenomenon and ensure that greater account is taken of law enforcement aspects in the work of the future European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy. The European Council calls upon the Council and the European Parliament to consider as soon as possible legislation on criminal measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of intellectual property rights. 4.4.6 Drugs The EU Drugs Strategy (2005-2012) advocates a global, balanced approach, based on the simultaneous reduction of supply and demand. This strategy will expire during the Stockholm Programme. It must be renewed on the basis of a detailed evaluation of the Drugs Action Plan 2009-2012, carried out by the Commission with the support of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and Europol.