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VOL-07 | ISSUE-09 | 2022
Promoting Assistive
Modern Work Culture
Chief People Officer
DOCOMO Digital
Climbing The
Finance Ladder
Thriving Strong
Sharing Wealth
Through Digital
Editor’s Desk
“ one are the days of hunting for the exact change of
Gmoney. Access to money has become so easy as
tapping out the exact change to send. We went
from using physical forms of cash to credit or debit cards to
payment apps and now the future grows more virtual with
All of this stands on the basic premise that people have
enough digital literacy to invest or access their money
which is often not the case for low-income and vulnerable
groups. Fintech might have disrupted the industry with
innovative technological solutions, but it leaves swathes of
the population out of its wealth sharing. On the flipside,
there are still rather large glaring holes when it comes to
financial inclusion – the urban-rural divide and the gender
One of the biggest goals of the fintech sector is to serve the
unbanked, undeserved, and financially marginalized
entities. The challenge is perhaps not just achieving the
financial inclusion mandate, but also serving literacy to the
digitally illiterate.
Leaders have their work cut out. They have to be the
builders of bridges for people to cross the chasms of gender
and poverty. Educating people in need is the first step.
Empowering other builders of change is another.
Empowerment begins within an organization first. Inclusion
of diverse perspectives at all levels will begin to bring about
change that an organization wants to affect in the world.
Innovation is a matter of looking at the world in a different
way. If one seeks to innovate and create change, sometimes
it can be as simple as learning from a different perspective.
Insights Success set to seek leaders who are changing the
fintech industry with their expertise and are building the
wealth of tomorrow. In the edition of “The Most
Empowering Women Leaders in FinTech Industry,”
women leaders share their personal journeys on becoming
pioneers in the world of finance. Featured on the cover of
this edition is Keely Vaughan-Davies a Chief People
Officer at DOCOMO Digital. Keely has coached people
managers in leadership, mentored high-performance teams,
and fostered a culture of innovation.
Read the stories of courage in face of obstacles, creating
wealth where there was none, and leading by empowering
others. While flipping through stories of bringing prosperity
to all, do not forget to give the articles written by our in-
house editorial team a read-through. After all, knowledge is
Happy Reading!
Sakshi Shrivastava
Sakshi Shrivastava
Cover Story
Climbing The Finance Ladder
Thriving Strong
Promoting Assistive Modern
Work Culture
Angela Alvarez
Leading a New Generation
of Corporate Finance
Cecilia Repinski
Driving the Credible Transition
of Capital Markets
Helene Li
A Profound Leader Powering
Hong Kong Sustainable Finance
and Fintech Community
Liz Miller
Simplifying the Financial
Lives of People
July, 2022
Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager
Marketing Manager
Technical Head
Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager
Research Analyst
Database Management Technology Consultant
Raunak Mhetre
Managing Editor
Jenny Fernandes
Executive Editor
Sakshi Shrivastava
Assistant Editors
David King
Art & Design Director Associate Designer
Kshitij S Peter Collins
John Matthew
Sales Executives
David, Martin
Business Development Executives
Steve, Joe, Rupesh
Jacob Smile
Aditya Marry D'Souza
SME-SMO Executive
Atul Dhoran Frank Adams, Prathamesh
Circulation Manager
Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes
Shyam Sonawane
Copyright © 2022 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any
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Anish Miller
Revati Badkas
W men
Keeley Vaughan - Davies
Chief People Of cer
DOCOMO Digital
DOCOMO Digital is a mobile ecommerce company.
Promoting Assistive Modern Work Culture
Keeley Vaughan-Davies
Chief People Officer
DOCOMO Digital
mbarking on her professional journey in executive
Erecruitment, responsible for sourcing C-suite roles
for a leadership position in Europe, the Middle
East, and APAC regions, Keeley Vaughan-Davies has
come a long way in managing employee relations. Today as
the Chief People Officer at DOCOMO Digital, Keeley
implements her well-versed regulatory aspect of work
worldwide, directly reporting to the CEO.
Being passionate about fostering a culture of innovation by
empowering people and coaching people managers in
essential elements of leadership, Keeley led pan-regional
and global remits covering human resource functions at
MoneyGram International for around eight years. She
gained a deeper appreciation of the evolution of the fintech
industry and the various people challenges that surface in a
high-growth business environment that changes rapidly,
having operated in different regions. Her experience is
garnered with a rich multitude of every aspect of lifecycle
management. She cares deeply about coaching and
mentoring high-performance teams and driving employee
engagement and empowerment with meaningful
organizational development interventions.
Hurdles Along the Way
When Keeley stepped into DOCOMO Digital two weeks
before the onset of the pandemic forcing the company to
switch to remote work overnight, she expressed, "With a
global workforce in twenty offices, I had the task of leading
the shift while balancing employee expectations and
morale. The shift to remote work meant that we needed a
different culture that empowered employees to bring their
best selves to work and collaborate effectively despite being
highly disparate in terms of geographies and time zones."
Keeley wanted to show the organization's employees that
they cared for their physical, mental, and emotional well-
being as not everyone managed the transition and others.
Simultaneously, DOCOMO Digital underwent a large-scale
business transformation that changed the organizational
structure, required skillsets, career framework, and
compensation strategy. It aligned its vision, purpose, and
values that its employee could buy into and stand behind,
which had to be managed with the switch to remote work.
Keeley has been instrumental in developing an entire
framework and policy around employee-driven flexible
working while ensuring that productivity remained high
during a significant business transformation in a highly
fragmented industry and volatile hiring market.
Making Mobile Commerce Thrive
DOCOMO Digital is the international payments business of
NTT DOCOMO. NTT DOCOMO, the parent, has been a
pioneer in direct carrier billing and innovation in payments
and loyalty.
DOCOMO Digital espouses the same spirit of innovation
and customer excellence, partnering with carriers,
merchants, OTT services, app stores, and payment
providers worldwide in developed and emerging markets. It
solves the challenges of customer acquisition and retention,
regulation, and complexity for its partners with alternative
payment methods such as direct carrier billing and digital
The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022
With teams based in fifteen countries, DOCOMO Digital
enables its partners to grow their digital services revenues
while enhancing the customer experience for their users. Its
robust managed services platform and coverage across
carriers and the most locally relevant payment methods
enable faster time-to-market, especially for streaming,
gaming, eCommerce, and productivity application
DOCOMO Digital is the largest integrator of carrier billing
for the Google Play Appstore and the Amazon Prime video
and music bundles. The organization unlocks growth in
digital revenues for over two hundred mobile carriers
around the globe with its leading-edge payment and
subscription bundling solutions. Juniper Research has
recognized DOCOMO Digital as the best direct carrier
billing provider for two successive years.
As Flexible a Network Gets
DOCOMO Digital is making concerted efforts to
ensure the safety and well-being of its
worldwide teams while supporting their
transition to remote work. It
encouraged employees to undertake
a more innovative approach to
work wherein they feel wholly
empowered to choose how,
when, and where they want
to work. The company
offers a smart working
allowance across the
board to everyone in
the business every
year, and colleagues
can choose to spend
this allowance on
any that makes
working from home
more conducive.
They could decide
to come to the office
spaces if they wish
to meet colleagues
and customers in
person entirely of their
volition. The senior
leadership team made an official commitment last year by
undertaking and publishing a "Smart working Pledge" that
could be found on the people section of its website.
Keeley notes,"The purpose of this pledge was to commit to
our employees, beyond the pandemic, that they are trusted
and empowered to work where they feel most productive.
We will remain mindful of their needs regardless of the
working environment they choose.”
The Technological Step Up
Keeley states that DOCOMO Digital is in the business of
technology, supporting its customers and partners through
their digital transformation journeys. She says, "Technology
is central to everything we do. We ensure our teams have
access to the latest hardware and software tools they need
to do their work well. We have a very open-door and
transparent approach to evaluating new tools and
technology that colleagues recommend. We take pride in
our agile approach to experimenting with new technologies,
such as machine learning and artificial intelligence."
In the next couple of years, DOCOMO Digital is evolving
to be a cloud-native business that will further accentuate its
ability to support customers and partners worldwide. It
thrives on helping people stay connected. It has tried,
App Stores
OTTs & Digital Merchants
and more
+250 employees
Global tech support
transaction volumes
Monthly active
15 offices worldwide
Regulatory & legal
tested, and implemented several
new solutions that provide its
teams with innovative new ways
to connect socially, collaborate
and manage projects across
Preparing for the
Subsequent Changes
Keeley says, "The one thing
that we all recognize is that the
world of work has changed
irrevocably. Flexible work will
continue to be the norm, and
empowering people with choice
will be crucial to hiring and
retaining the best talent. At the back
of the recent surge in attrition, also
referred to as the "Great Resignation,"
it is clear that people are looking for a
sense of purpose in their work beyond
professional gratification."
Thus, supporting people in acquiring new skills and
career transition is crucial, and it also boils it down to the
impact of your business beyond profit. That is why
companies that do well will be the ones that have a well-
articulated vision and mission with a verbal commitment to
Keeley mentions that with the advances in technology,
people are likely to see further augmentation of work with
either physical robots or robotic process automation,
implying that training the workforce of tomorrow for skills
that do not exist today. It will be a time of constant change,
and coaching people, especially managers, in qualities like
curiosity, humility, and resilience will become more critical.
Over the Horizon
DOCOMO Digital has a long-term commitment to the
professional development of its people. It encourages them
to acquire new skills based on their interest and aspirations,
providing them a series of learning interventions focused on
soft skills and leadership to support colleagues as they
become people managers.
Valuable Guidance
Keeley advises the next generation of aspiring business
leaders to seek good mentors actively. She says, "I have had
the good fortune of finding some genuinely inspirational
mentors who helped me along my journey to becoming the
leader that I am today."
"They would also do well by having a spirit of
experimentation to test and learn from new ideas, using
evidence-based practice and an agile approach. People
should actively seek diverse cohorts and communities so
that they can appreciate perspectives and views that are
different from their own and can enrich their thinking,"
Keeley concludes.
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The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022
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The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022
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The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022 July2022.pdf
The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022 July2022.pdf
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The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022 July2022.pdf

  • 1. www.insightssuccess.com VOL-07 | ISSUE-09 | 2022 KeeleyVaughan-Davies The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry Promoting Assistive Modern Work Culture Chief People Officer DOCOMO Digital Climbing The Finance Ladder Thriving Strong
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  • 4. Sharing Wealth Through Digital Literacy Editor’s Desk “ one are the days of hunting for the exact change of Gmoney. Access to money has become so easy as tapping out the exact change to send. We went from using physical forms of cash to credit or debit cards to payment apps and now the future grows more virtual with cryptocurrencies. All of this stands on the basic premise that people have enough digital literacy to invest or access their money which is often not the case for low-income and vulnerable groups. Fintech might have disrupted the industry with innovative technological solutions, but it leaves swathes of the population out of its wealth sharing. On the flipside, there are still rather large glaring holes when it comes to financial inclusion – the urban-rural divide and the gender gap. One of the biggest goals of the fintech sector is to serve the unbanked, undeserved, and financially marginalized entities. The challenge is perhaps not just achieving the financial inclusion mandate, but also serving literacy to the digitally illiterate. Leaders have their work cut out. They have to be the builders of bridges for people to cross the chasms of gender and poverty. Educating people in need is the first step. Empowering other builders of change is another. Empowerment begins within an organization first. Inclusion of diverse perspectives at all levels will begin to bring about change that an organization wants to affect in the world. Innovation is a matter of looking at the world in a different way. If one seeks to innovate and create change, sometimes it can be as simple as learning from a different perspective.
  • 5. Insights Success set to seek leaders who are changing the fintech industry with their expertise and are building the wealth of tomorrow. In the edition of “The Most Empowering Women Leaders in FinTech Industry,” women leaders share their personal journeys on becoming pioneers in the world of finance. Featured on the cover of this edition is Keely Vaughan-Davies a Chief People Officer at DOCOMO Digital. Keely has coached people managers in leadership, mentored high-performance teams, and fostered a culture of innovation. Read the stories of courage in face of obstacles, creating wealth where there was none, and leading by empowering others. While flipping through stories of bringing prosperity to all, do not forget to give the articles written by our in- house editorial team a read-through. After all, knowledge is wealth. Happy Reading! sakshi.shrivastava@insightssuccess.com Sakshi Shrivastava Sakshi Shrivastava
  • 6. 08 Cover Story Articles Climbing The Finance Ladder Thriving Strong 16 Vaughan-Davies Promoting Assistive Modern Work Culture
  • 7. Angela Alvarez 18 Leading a New Generation of Corporate Finance Cecilia Repinski 24 Driving the Credible Transition of Capital Markets Helene Li 28 A Profound Leader Powering Hong Kong Sustainable Finance and Fintech Community CONTENTS Liz Miller Simplifying the Financial Lives of People 32
  • 8. sales@insightssuccess.com July, 2022 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Raunak Mhetre Managing Editor Jenny Fernandes Executive Editor Sakshi Shrivastava Assistant Editors Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Associate Designer Kshitij S Peter Collins John Matthew Sales Executives David, Martin Business Development Executives Steve, Joe, Rupesh Jacob Smile Aditya Marry D'Souza SME-SMO Executive Atul Dhoran Frank Adams, Prathamesh Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Shyam Sonawane Copyright © 2022 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : www.facebook.com/insightssuccess/ www.twitter.com/insightssuccess We are also available on : Anish Miller Revati Badkas
  • 9. The Most Empowering W men Leaders In Fintech Industry Keeley Vaughan - Davies Chief People Of cer DOCOMO Digital docomodigital.com DOCOMO Digital is a mobile ecommerce company.
  • 10. Promoting Assistive Modern Work Culture Vaughan-Davies
  • 11. Keeley Vaughan-Davies Chief People Officer DOCOMO Digital C O V E R S T O R Y
  • 12. mbarking on her professional journey in executive Erecruitment, responsible for sourcing C-suite roles for a leadership position in Europe, the Middle East, and APAC regions, Keeley Vaughan-Davies has come a long way in managing employee relations. Today as the Chief People Officer at DOCOMO Digital, Keeley implements her well-versed regulatory aspect of work worldwide, directly reporting to the CEO. Being passionate about fostering a culture of innovation by empowering people and coaching people managers in essential elements of leadership, Keeley led pan-regional and global remits covering human resource functions at MoneyGram International for around eight years. She gained a deeper appreciation of the evolution of the fintech industry and the various people challenges that surface in a high-growth business environment that changes rapidly, having operated in different regions. Her experience is garnered with a rich multitude of every aspect of lifecycle management. She cares deeply about coaching and mentoring high-performance teams and driving employee engagement and empowerment with meaningful organizational development interventions. Hurdles Along the Way When Keeley stepped into DOCOMO Digital two weeks before the onset of the pandemic forcing the company to switch to remote work overnight, she expressed, "With a global workforce in twenty offices, I had the task of leading the shift while balancing employee expectations and morale. The shift to remote work meant that we needed a different culture that empowered employees to bring their best selves to work and collaborate effectively despite being highly disparate in terms of geographies and time zones." Keeley wanted to show the organization's employees that they cared for their physical, mental, and emotional well- being as not everyone managed the transition and others. Simultaneously, DOCOMO Digital underwent a large-scale business transformation that changed the organizational structure, required skillsets, career framework, and compensation strategy. It aligned its vision, purpose, and values that its employee could buy into and stand behind, which had to be managed with the switch to remote work. Keeley has been instrumental in developing an entire framework and policy around employee-driven flexible working while ensuring that productivity remained high during a significant business transformation in a highly fragmented industry and volatile hiring market. Making Mobile Commerce Thrive DOCOMO Digital is the international payments business of NTT DOCOMO. NTT DOCOMO, the parent, has been a pioneer in direct carrier billing and innovation in payments and loyalty. DOCOMO Digital espouses the same spirit of innovation and customer excellence, partnering with carriers, merchants, OTT services, app stores, and payment providers worldwide in developed and emerging markets. It solves the challenges of customer acquisition and retention, regulation, and complexity for its partners with alternative payment methods such as direct carrier billing and digital wallets. The Most Empowering Women Leaders In Fintech Industry 2022
  • 13. With teams based in fifteen countries, DOCOMO Digital enables its partners to grow their digital services revenues while enhancing the customer experience for their users. Its robust managed services platform and coverage across carriers and the most locally relevant payment methods enable faster time-to-market, especially for streaming, gaming, eCommerce, and productivity application providers. DOCOMO Digital is the largest integrator of carrier billing for the Google Play Appstore and the Amazon Prime video and music bundles. The organization unlocks growth in digital revenues for over two hundred mobile carriers around the globe with its leading-edge payment and subscription bundling solutions. Juniper Research has recognized DOCOMO Digital as the best direct carrier billing provider for two successive years. As Flexible a Network Gets DOCOMO Digital is making concerted efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of its worldwide teams while supporting their transition to remote work. It encouraged employees to undertake a more innovative approach to work wherein they feel wholly empowered to choose how, when, and where they want to work. The company offers a smart working allowance across the board to everyone in the business every year, and colleagues can choose to spend this allowance on any that makes working from home more conducive. They could decide to come to the office spaces if they wish to meet colleagues and customers in person entirely of their volition. The senior leadership team made an official commitment last year by undertaking and publishing a "Smart working Pledge" that could be found on the people section of its website. Keeley notes,"The purpose of this pledge was to commit to our employees, beyond the pandemic, that they are trusted and empowered to work where they feel most productive. We will remain mindful of their needs regardless of the working environment they choose.”
  • 14. The Technological Step Up Keeley states that DOCOMO Digital is in the business of technology, supporting its customers and partners through their digital transformation journeys. She says, "Technology is central to everything we do. We ensure our teams have access to the latest hardware and software tools they need to do their work well. We have a very open-door and transparent approach to evaluating new tools and technology that colleagues recommend. We take pride in our agile approach to experimenting with new technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence." In the next couple of years, DOCOMO Digital is evolving to be a cloud-native business that will further accentuate its ability to support customers and partners worldwide. It thrives on helping people stay connected. It has tried, App Stores Telcos OTTs & Digital Merchants and more +250 employees Global tech support 60M+ Customer base $6B+ Annual transaction volumes 23M+ Monthly active users 100+ Active merchants 15 offices worldwide Regulatory & legal compliance
  • 15. tested, and implemented several new solutions that provide its teams with innovative new ways to connect socially, collaborate and manage projects across borders. Preparing for the Subsequent Changes Keeley says, "The one thing that we all recognize is that the world of work has changed irrevocably. Flexible work will continue to be the norm, and empowering people with choice will be crucial to hiring and retaining the best talent. At the back of the recent surge in attrition, also referred to as the "Great Resignation," it is clear that people are looking for a sense of purpose in their work beyond professional gratification." Thus, supporting people in acquiring new skills and career transition is crucial, and it also boils it down to the impact of your business beyond profit. That is why companies that do well will be the ones that have a well- articulated vision and mission with a verbal commitment to sustainability. Keeley mentions that with the advances in technology, people are likely to see further augmentation of work with either physical robots or robotic process automation, implying that training the workforce of tomorrow for skills that do not exist today. It will be a time of constant change, and coaching people, especially managers, in qualities like curiosity, humility, and resilience will become more critical. Over the Horizon DOCOMO Digital has a long-term commitment to the professional development of its people. It encourages them to acquire new skills based on their interest and aspirations, providing them a series of learning interventions focused on soft skills and leadership to support colleagues as they become people managers. Valuable Guidance Keeley advises the next generation of aspiring business leaders to seek good mentors actively. She says, "I have had the good fortune of finding some genuinely inspirational mentors who helped me along my journey to becoming the leader that I am today." "They would also do well by having a spirit of experimentation to test and learn from new ideas, using evidence-based practice and an agile approach. People should actively seek diverse cohorts and communities so that they can appreciate perspectives and views that are different from their own and can enrich their thinking," Keeley concludes.
  • 16. July 2022 | | www.insightssuccess.com 14
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