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The Latency Stack: Discovering
Surprising Sources of Latency
Mark Gritter
Principal Engineer at Postman
Mark Gritter (he/him)
Principal Engineer at Postman
■ Working on monitoring and observability
solutions for APIs at Akita Software, now
■ Previously built VM-aware flash storage arrays
at Tintri
■ Hobbies: gardening, weaving, math
Where does latency
come from?
A simple picture of the world
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
did I
wait for
a lock?
are my
did I
miss in
A more realistic picture of the world
ret, err := ...
did I make
round trips?
did I send
too much
But the more we look the worse it gets…
client application server application
client OS
client hypervisor
server OS
server hypervisor
DNS server
Load balancers
Service meshes
Understanding latency requires opening
up our abstractions!
Example: Video Preprocessing @ Kealia
One of my first jobs was at a streaming video startup.
■ Custom hardware shipped video out; needed 1MB blocks.
■ My software had to preprocess MPEG; we wanted to handle live TV as well as
ingested movies.
■ 3Mbit/s standard definition = one block every 2.7 seconds, delivered over
TCP to a storage device.
■ Not a highly demanding schedule… but once in a while we were several
seconds late.
It must be my software’s fault
Latency = from video arriving at preprocessor to block landing in disk storage.
We looked at all the usual things, and some unusual ones.
● Inefficient algorithm?
● Lock contention?
● Bad scheduling?
● Memory allocation?
We even built a custom tracing tool so we could see what each thread was doing!
Is it the network?
We were all networking nerds… so we of course looked at a tcpdump trace on the
● saw that the late-arriving blocks were transmitted with acceptably low latency
● they just started late…?
Is it the network? (2)
But finally we look at the sending side, and caught this!
The block was ready on time.
We opened up a new TCP connection to send it, and the initial SYN got lost.
And TCP’s retry for an unacknowledged SYN is: 5 seconds ?!?
Confession Time
We could have improved our TCP connection pooling, but because we were
compiling our own kernel anyway, I just reduced the retry to a few hundred
Lesson learned: default protocol parameters cause latency.
It’s Always Storage’s Fault
Example: Flash storage @ Tintri
One of my more recent jobs was at a flash storage startup.
■ A potential customer using VMWare was seeing high I/O latency.
■ Obviously they needed to upgrade their storage! So they rolled in a fancy all-
flash storage array and… nothing improved.
■ That gave us a shot at the problem.
The Wrong Picture
VM sends request
Storage accesses SSD
VM receives response
Latency = network delay + controller software + device read
The Closer-to-Correct Picture
VM sends request
Storage accesses SSD
VM is scheduled to run and receives request
Hypervisor receives response
Latency = network delay + controller software + device read
+ time VM isn’t running
Hypervisor delays
Why might the hypervisor be slow?
● Swapping (sometimes)
● All Virtual Machine CPUs have to be scheduled together
○ More CPUs = harder to schedule!
I have 8
CPUs, one
of them
I need 8
lol, stby
Measuring what matters
Our strategy:
● Measure latency locally (in our case, for each VM)
● Estimate network latency using inter-arrival times
● Ask the hypervisor for its measurement
● “Host” latency = hypervisor - storage - network
● Grab the appropriate hypervisor stats to shift blame away from storage.
Weeks of finger-pointing solved!
Lesson learned: latency is the result of having too many CPUs.
When the Network is not a Network
Example: Autosupports @ Tintri
Our flash storage arrays uploaded “autosupport reports” periodically.
■ The back-end system thought the upload succeeded.
■ The storage array thought it did not.
■ And uploaded it it again. And again. And again.
It’s just HTTP POST!
How can the client and the server disagree so badly – and so consistently – about
whether the upload succeeded or not?
● Upload had a checksum (sent in the header) so we knew the data was not
corrupt or truncated.
● Logging and debugging in our software showed nothing particularly unusual
– the client was “just” getting some weird TLS error.
Is it the network?
I was still a networking nerd… so we of course looked at a tcpdump trace on the
sender and the receiver (because I had learned.)
Is it the network? (2)
But that picture was a lie. Once I matched up the timestamps…
The Closer-to-Correct Picture
ELB sends data
slowly to server
Array sends data
quickly to ELB
Network latency is negative: the client sees an (error) response
before the server finishes!
ELB closes the
“idle” connection.
… but keeps
sending data
N=1 so we removed the ELB, but also fixed the underlying problem:
● Don’t read from a network stream 1 byte at a time.
Why do ELB load balancers have 10’s of megabytes of buffering? (Do they still? I
don’t know.)
Lesson learned: AWS services cause latency
It’s always DNS
We’ve known it’s DNS since the early 2000’s
“The contribution of DNS Lookup Costs to Web Object Retrieval" by Craig E Willis
and Hao Shang, 2004, WPI-CS-TR-00-12:
Finally we found that the DNS lookup time contributed more than one second to
approximately 20% of retrievals for the Web objects on the home page of a larger list
of popular servers.
● DNS is not normally slow, but when your HTTP request is slow…
● it’s probably DNS, particularly if you are still using a 1-second retry time.
The Latency Stack
● Routing in the network
● Your server’s physical network
● Your server’s hypervisor
● Your server’s network
● Your server’s operating system
● Your server’s CPU and memory
● Your application’s queues
● Your code
● Your application’s
● The client software
● The client’s DNS
● The client’s operating system
● The client’s network protocols
● The client’s hypervisor
● The client’s physical network
● Queuing in the network
● Middleboxes in the network
Start by looking at both sides
Compare client and server measurements, highlight discrepancies:
● Failure and error rates
● Duration and latency
Extend the scope of spans to cover more of the network and kernel:
● Server latency not just application latency
● eBPF probes to examine kernel queuing
● Network-based measurements to get the “ground truth”
Draw the whole picture:
● Start including pieces you otherwise abstract away
Measuring Latency from a Network Trace
C - B = processing latency
D - A = lower bound on end-to-end latency
If you’re really ambitious, RTT estimates can be derived too!
A = first
of request
B = last
of request
C = first
of response
D = last
of response
When we’re examining tail latencies,
by definition we’re looking at
something unusual!
Mark Gritter
Thank you! Let’s connect.

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The Latency Stack: Discovering Surprising Sources of Latency

  • 1. HOSTED BY The Latency Stack: Discovering Surprising Sources of Latency Mark Gritter Principal Engineer at Postman
  • 2. Mark Gritter (he/him) Principal Engineer at Postman ■ Working on monitoring and observability solutions for APIs at Akita Software, now Postman ■ Previously built VM-aware flash storage arrays at Tintri ■ Hobbies: gardening, weaving, math
  • 4. A simple picture of the world func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } start end latency! did I wait for a lock? are my queries slow? did I miss in cache?
  • 5. A more realistic picture of the world start end latency! myService.call() ret, err := ... did I make unnecessary round trips? did I send too much data?
  • 6. But the more we look the worse it gets… client application server application client OS client hypervisor server OS server hypervisor DNS server TCP/IP TLS Load balancers Firewalls Service meshes
  • 7. Understanding latency requires opening up our abstractions!
  • 8. Example: Video Preprocessing @ Kealia One of my first jobs was at a streaming video startup. ■ Custom hardware shipped video out; needed 1MB blocks. ■ My software had to preprocess MPEG; we wanted to handle live TV as well as ingested movies. ■ 3Mbit/s standard definition = one block every 2.7 seconds, delivered over TCP to a storage device. ■ Not a highly demanding schedule… but once in a while we were several seconds late.
  • 9. It must be my software’s fault Latency = from video arriving at preprocessor to block landing in disk storage. We looked at all the usual things, and some unusual ones. ● Inefficient algorithm? ● Lock contention? ● Bad scheduling? ● Memory allocation? We even built a custom tracing tool so we could see what each thread was doing!
  • 10. Is it the network? We were all networking nerds… so we of course looked at a tcpdump trace on the receiver ● saw that the late-arriving blocks were transmitted with acceptably low latency ● they just started late…? syn
  • 11. Is it the network? (2) But finally we look at the sending side, and caught this! syn syn The block was ready on time. We opened up a new TCP connection to send it, and the initial SYN got lost. And TCP’s retry for an unacknowledged SYN is: 5 seconds ?!?
  • 12. Confession Time We could have improved our TCP connection pooling, but because we were compiling our own kernel anyway, I just reduced the retry to a few hundred milliseconds. Lesson learned: default protocol parameters cause latency.
  • 14. Example: Flash storage @ Tintri One of my more recent jobs was at a flash storage startup. ■ A potential customer using VMWare was seeing high I/O latency. ■ Obviously they needed to upgrade their storage! So they rolled in a fancy all- flash storage array and… nothing improved. ■ That gave us a shot at the problem.
  • 15. The Wrong Picture VM sends request Storage accesses SSD VM receives response Latency = network delay + controller software + device read
  • 16. The Closer-to-Correct Picture VM sends request Storage accesses SSD VM is scheduled to run and receives request Hypervisor receives response Latency = network delay + controller software + device read + time VM isn’t running
  • 17. Hypervisor delays Why might the hypervisor be slow? ● Swapping (sometimes) ● All Virtual Machine CPUs have to be scheduled together ○ More CPUs = harder to schedule! I have 8 physical CPUs, one of them busy. I need 8 virtual CPUs lol, stby
  • 18. Measuring what matters Our strategy: ● Measure latency locally (in our case, for each VM) ● Estimate network latency using inter-arrival times ● Ask the hypervisor for its measurement ● “Host” latency = hypervisor - storage - network ● Grab the appropriate hypervisor stats to shift blame away from storage. Weeks of finger-pointing solved! Lesson learned: latency is the result of having too many CPUs.
  • 19. When the Network is not a Network
  • 20. Example: Autosupports @ Tintri Our flash storage arrays uploaded “autosupport reports” periodically. ■ The back-end system thought the upload succeeded. ■ The storage array thought it did not. ■ And uploaded it it again. And again. And again.
  • 21. It’s just HTTP POST! How can the client and the server disagree so badly – and so consistently – about whether the upload succeeded or not? ● Upload had a checksum (sent in the header) so we knew the data was not corrupt or truncated. ● Logging and debugging in our software showed nothing particularly unusual – the client was “just” getting some weird TLS error.
  • 22. Is it the network? I was still a networking nerd… so we of course looked at a tcpdump trace on the sender and the receiver (because I had learned.) fin server rst storage array
  • 23. Is it the network? (2) But that picture was a lie. Once I matched up the timestamps… fin server rst storage array
  • 24. The Closer-to-Correct Picture ELB sends data slowly to server Array sends data quickly to ELB Network latency is negative: the client sees an (error) response before the server finishes! ELB closes the “idle” connection. … but keeps sending data anyway! HTTP 200 OK
  • 25. Mitigation N=1 so we removed the ELB, but also fixed the underlying problem: ● Don’t read from a network stream 1 byte at a time. Why do ELB load balancers have 10’s of megabytes of buffering? (Do they still? I don’t know.) Lesson learned: AWS services cause latency
  • 27. We’ve known it’s DNS since the early 2000’s “The contribution of DNS Lookup Costs to Web Object Retrieval" by Craig E Willis and Hao Shang, 2004, WPI-CS-TR-00-12: Finally we found that the DNS lookup time contributed more than one second to approximately 20% of retrievals for the Web objects on the home page of a larger list of popular servers. ● DNS is not normally slow, but when your HTTP request is slow… ● it’s probably DNS, particularly if you are still using a 1-second retry time.
  • 29. The Latency Stack ● Routing in the network ● Your server’s physical network hardware ● Your server’s hypervisor ● Your server’s network protocols ● Your server’s operating system ● Your server’s CPU and memory subsystems ● Your application’s queues ● Your code ● Your application’s dependencies ● The client software ● The client’s DNS ● The client’s operating system ● The client’s network protocols ● The client’s hypervisor ● The client’s physical network hardware ● Queuing in the network ● Middleboxes in the network
  • 30. Start by looking at both sides Compare client and server measurements, highlight discrepancies: ● Failure and error rates ● Duration and latency Extend the scope of spans to cover more of the network and kernel: ● Server latency not just application latency ● eBPF probes to examine kernel queuing ● Network-based measurements to get the “ground truth” Draw the whole picture: ● Start including pieces you otherwise abstract away
  • 31. Measuring Latency from a Network Trace C - B = processing latency D - A = lower bound on end-to-end latency If you’re really ambitious, RTT estimates can be derived too! A = first packet of request B = last packet of request C = first packet of response D = last packet of response
  • 32. When we’re examining tail latencies, by definition we’re looking at something unusual!