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Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                        www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

         The Impact of Government Agricultural Expenditure on
                     f Government
                    Economic Growth in Zimbabwe
                            Alexander Mapfumo 1 Abbyssinia Mushunje1Clainos Chidoko2
                                1.University of Fort Hare, Republic of South Africa,
                                2.Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

A vibrant and an efficient agricultural sector would enable a country to feed its growing population, generate
employment, earn foreign exchange and provide raw materials for industries. The agricultural sector has a
multiplier effect on any nation's socio conomic and industrial fabric because of the multifunctional nature of
agriculture. The main objective of this study was to investigate how government expenditure on agriculture has
affected economic growth in Zimbabwe from 1980    1980-2009. The Log linear growth regression model was
employed where gross domestic gross was the dependant variable and the explanatory variables are the factors
which affect it which include government agricultural expenditure. The expenditures of government on
agriculture were divided into three functions namely extension, credit assistance and research and development.
The regression analyses were performed using Econometric
                                                Econometric-views 7 (E-views 7) statistical package. Regression
was carried out on time series data for the period 1980 to 2009. The data was tested for stationarity and for
autocorrelation. Problems of non stationarity of data were corrected by integrating the trending series. Results
from the empirical analysis provide strong evidence indicating that agriculture is an engine of economic growth.
The results from this study suggest that spending more on agricultural research and development can improve
economic growth and ultimately reduce poverty. However, it can also be concluded that insufficient government
agricultural expenditure on extension and credit assistance adversely affected economic growth in Zimbabwe,
based on the results of the study.
Keywords: Economic growth, government expenditure on agriculture, multiplier, Zimbabwe

The relationship between agriculture and economic growth has being re examined in the literature, in recent
                             riculture                                   re-examined
years. Economic growth is fundamental for sustainable development and poverty reduction (Kalakech, 2009). It
is enhanced by strengthening the agricultural sector, encouragement of investments, expansion of infrastructure,
improvement of education and health services and environmental restoration (Kalakech, 2009).
     The potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a greatly debated subject among
development economists. Much of the early work on this issue coincided with the debate on the role of
agriculture in promoting economic development in less developed countries in the aftermath of extended periods
of colonial rule (Lewis, 1954, Fei and Ranis, 1961; Johnston and Mellor, 1961; Schultz, 1964).

In Zimbabwe, agriculture has been the mainstay of the national economy accounting for about 15 to 20 percent of
GDP but with a majority of the country’s population engaged in this sector (WFP, 2009). It generates a large
proportion of foreign exchange earnings, although the share of agricultural exports in the country’s total exports
has declined from 39 percent in 2001 to 14 percent in 2006 (WFP, 2009). According to Muchapondwa (2009), the
agricultural sector is still of great importance to Zimbabwe and any hopes of reviving the economy will necessarily
have to include strategies focused on the agricultural sector.
      Rukuni, Eicher & Blackie (2006) also reiterated that Zimbabwe has been dominated by agricul
                                                                                                agriculture although
it contributed only 15-20% to Gross National Product in most years. It also provides an income to over 75% of
the population and in most years 95% of all food and beverages have been produced locally. Agriculture also
accounted for 30% of formal employment and more than 40% of total national exports (Rukuni, Eicher &
Blackie, 2006).
      The economy of Zimbabwe is relatively diversified but dependent mainly on agriculture. The agricultural
sector, as is often the case with less developed countries (LDCs), plays a key role in Zimbabwe's development
strategies. In prosperous agricultural years, tobacco and cotton exports account for 25% of total exports while the
sector as a whole can account for 45% of all exports (FAO, 2001). However, the agricultur sector only
accounted for 12% of all exports by 2008 (WFP, 2009).
      According to literature, the high pay off input model (Eicher and Staatz, 1984) envisaged that more inputs
will be accompanied by higher output; that is higher investment in agriculture will result in higher contribution of
the agricultural sector to economic growth. This was not the case in Zimbabwe after 1985 when more funds were
channelled towards small holder farmers through Agricultural Finance Corporation, (AFC), a parastatal lending
institution (credit assistance).

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                          www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

Zimbabwe`s agricultural sector in 1999 contributed 27.5% of GDP and this has been declining since 2000 (FAO,
2006), and by 2008 it accounted for 15 20% of GDP (WFP, 2009). Various other agricultural performance
indicators provide further evidence of the relative deterioration of the agricultural sector since then. For instance,
the total agricultural production per capita and the food production per capita index have been falling,
particularly since 2000. This partly explains the rampant food shortages that Zimbabwe has witnessed, with
consequent increases in domestic food prices and the dramatic increases in agricultural imports that have been
observed since 2000. However according to Garcia (2007), the government of Zimbabwe has had extraordinarily
high expenditure relative to GDP and most of the funds were channelled towards agriculture to support Farm
Mechanisation Programme in 2007. This study seeks to investigate how variations in these expenditures on
agriculture have affected economic growth in Zimbabwe since 1980.
      The study was carried out in Zimbabwe which is a land locked country in Southern Africa. The country has a
total land area of 39, 6 million hectares. Thirty three million hectares are reserved for agriculture while the rest is
reserved for national parks, forests and urban settlements (Manzungu, 1999).
      The land in Zimbabwe is divided into five natural regions on the basis of soil type and climatic factors (refer
to Figure 1). The bulk of Mashonaland (West, East and Central), Midlands and Manicaland Province are under
            ).                                                                                   Provinces
regions I, II and III, while Matabeleland (North and South) and Masvingo Provinces are under natural regions IV
and V (Bell & Roberts 1991). The three Mashonaland Provinces constitute the breadbasket of the country.
Zimbabwe’s farming sector can produce, and has produced in the past, exportable surpluses of maize and certain
other food crops. But severe constraints on prime land use have resulted in less than full capacity utilization of its
natural resources (Central Statistical Office, 2003).

Agro-ecological zones in Zimbabwe
Source: FAO (1999)
About 38 per cent of the country was deemed to have natural farming potential (Bell & Roberts 1991).

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                       www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

Agriculture in Zimbabwe
Agriculture in Zimbabwe (1980-2000): After independence, more priority was given to agriculture as a means
to achieve economic development (Manzungu, 1999). Moreover these priorities in agricultural finance were
changed to include the small-scale farmers. The growth with equity programme (198 -1990) was designed to
                                scale                                                 (1980-
redress the colonial legacy in favour of communal farmers. This is because of the two main features of
agriculture at independence in 1980 which were the duality of agriculture and the high degree of government
intervention in the sector intended to stimulate production.
      With the advent of Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) in 1990, trade barriers, price
controls, subsidies and production quotas were removed (Manzungu, 1999). In the mid-1990s, the government
anticipated ESAP would transform the nation's small scale, subsistence agriculture into widespread commercial
farming and generate annual agricultural growth greater than the rate of population growth. Its aim was to
develop the necessary physical and social infrastructure in rural areas, but little of this has happened. With
budget allocations for rural infrastructure and other capital projects down, farmers lacked the roads and adequate
transport systems, as well as the processing, storage and distribution systems, they require in order to be
competitive (Saprin, 1999).
Agriculture in Zimbabwe (2000-2009): According to Zumbika (2000), the formation of Agribank in January
2000 negatively affected the smallholder farmers. The government created the Agricultural Develop     Development
Assurance Fund (ADAF) as a fund specifically meant for extending loans to smallholder farmers by so doing
filling the gap which was left by Agricultural Finance Corporation (  (AFC).
      More support was also made available to farmers through The Mechanisation Programme which was
financed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. It has benefited farmers in both the commercial and communal
sectors. The Government, through the RBZ, which took into cognisance the high cost of acquiring machinery on
individual farmer basis, took it upon itself to revolutionalise farming by providing the machinery to farmers. The
equipment procured includes combine harvesters, tractors, harrows, ploughs, planters and ot    other animal drawn
farm implements. As at 4 January 2008, a total of 646 tractors and 28 combine harvesters had been delivered to
beneficiaries (RBZ, 2008).
      In a bid to reinforce existing support measures in the agricultural sector, the bank enhanced its fu funding
activities under the Agricultural Sector Productivity Enhancement Facility (ASPEF). This was geared at ensuring a
full support system of the farm mechanisation programme. A cumulative amount of $62.215 trillion had been
disbursed to 25 477 applicants by 4 January 2008 (RBZ, 2008).
      The Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) was officially launched in July 2000 culminating in
extensive land transfers to local black farmers (Moyo, 2001). The main objectives of the FTLRP are to speed up
the identification of not less than five million hectares of land for compulsory acquisition for resettlement, to
accelerate the planning and demarcation of acquired land and settler emplacement on this land, and to provide
limited basic infrastructure and farmer support services (Moyo, 2006). Compulsory acquisition was largely to be
made from white commercial farmers, private companies, and absentee landlords.          According to Moyo (2006),
FTLRP beneficiaries have been issued many different types of temporary licenses which the government intends
to convert, in time, to permanent leases. This uncertainty regarding tenure arrangements within the FTLRP has
been a source of tenure insecurity among FTLRP beneficiaries (Zikhali, 2008).

Data sources and type: The study was carried out using secondary data. Unless otherwise specified all the data
was drawn from the Central Statistics Offices (CSO), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and Ministry of Agriculture
(MOA) of Zimbabwe. In this study annual time series data was used covering the period from 1980 to 2009.
The variables under consideration are real Gross Domestic Product, real government agricultural expenditure on
extension, real government agricultural expenditure on research and development, real governme agricultural
expenditure on credit assistance, real government expenditure on non agriculture, real investment expenditure, real
consumption expenditure and a dummy for FTLRP.
Model specification: A modified log linear growth model used by Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000) was adopted for
this study. This is because it is the most appropriate model to ascertain the relationship between government
agricultural growth and economic performance in the country since it shows the relationship of the resources
(expenditure) used by government on agriculture and its contribution to the overall economy (GDP). Therefore,
these public expenditure, exports and imports data have been interpolated. The log linear regression model is as
Log GDP = A0 + A1Log AE Ext + A2 Log AE R&D + A3 Log AE CA +A4 Log NAE + A5 Log I + A6 Log C + A7
Where Log GDP is the logarithm for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), A0 is a constant and A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and
A7 are parameters to be estimated. Log AE ext, Log AE R&D, AE CA, Log NAE, Log I and Log C are the
logarithms for government agricultural expenditure on extension, government agricultural expenditure on research

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                          www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

and development, government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, government expenditure on non
agriculture, investment expenditure and consumption expenditure respectively. FTLRP is the dummy variable of
Fast track land reform programme and the letter u represents error term. The regression analyses will be
performed using Econometric-views 7 (
                              views (E-views 7) statistical package.
Variables used in the model: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total of all expenditures on final goods and
services produced per period of time usually a year (Lipsey & Crystal, 1999). Government agricultural
expenditure (AE) is the amount of money which is allocated to the agricultural sector by the government (MOF,
2009). Government agricultural expenditure is composed of government expenditure on extension (AE Ext),
research and development (AE R&D) and credit assistance (AE CA). The overall impact of government
agricultural expenditure on GDP is expected to be positive since it is an injection into the circular flow of income.
However literature shows that the relationship is mixed. It can be positive, negative or const

Government expenditure on non agriculture (NAE) encompasses the amount of money which is allocated to other
sectors besides agriculture. In Zimbabwe, these sectors include mining, manufacturing, health, education, services,
electricity, construction and tourism. The overall impact of government expenditure on non agriculture on GDP is
expected to be positive if increased expenditure is as a result of increase in taxes. However if the increase in
expenditure non agriculture sector is as a result of diversion of taxes from agriculture (with higher elasticity of
production than non agriculture sector) then the overall impact will be negative.
       Investment expenditure (I) is expenditure on capital goods. It includes gross private investment, which is the
value of output retained by the business sector, additions to the stock of residential housing and net change in
business inventories. Increase in investment expenditure is expected to increase GDP through the multiplier since
it is an injection into the circular flow of income. However investments affect production over time, and growth is
a gradual process.This means that there is a lag experienced between investment and the eventual economic
benefits. A positive relationship between investment expenditure and GDP is expected.
       Consumption expenditure (C) is the flow of goods and services purchased by consumers for consumption
uses. If individuals increase their levels of consumption spending at each level of disposable income, the level of
aggregate expenditure increases. If the amount of consumption expenditure decreases, then GDP decreases.
Therefore consumption expenditure is expec to be positively related to GDP (Lipsey & Crystal, 1999)
                                           expected                                 Lipsey            1999).
       The dummy variable of Fast track land reform programme (FTLRP) was included to capture the changes in
land ownership patterns in the country. The details of the FTLRP have already been well   well-covered in Chapter 1
and 3. However data on actual transfers are still not available in a form that can be easily obtained and analyzed
at the national level. A dummy variable, which assigns a zero (0) value to periods prior to the implementation of
FTLRP in 1980 to 1999 and a value of 1 to the period from its inception (2000) to date, was incorporated to cater
for FTLRP.
       The error term (u) is used to capture errors and misses in the relationships. The error term is justified on
omissions of the influence of innumerable chance events and measurable errors. A constant (A0) is included since
this ensures that the model will be unbiased that is the mean of the residuals will be exactly zero (Gujarati,

Descriptive Results: Figure below shows the trend of real government agricultural expenditure on extension. It
shows that real government agricultural expenditure on extension was fluctuating from 1980 to 2009 but it
generally increased from the period mostly due increase attributable to wages and salaries for extension services
(World Bank, 1991). There was a sharp increase in real government agricultural expenditure on extension during
1980 to 1988 but aggregate grain production was fluctuating over the period. A notable decline, however, was
experienced during ESAP (1990 to 1994) when support to agriculture declined considerably.

 RaL GE X ( M
  el O A E T $ )




                         80   82   84   86   88    90   92   94     96      98   00   02   04   06   08

                                                        P eriod (Y ears )

Figure2: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on extension by government in Zimbabwe (1980

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                                                   www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

Real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, illustrated on Figure 3, fluctuated over the period
1980 to 2009. Just like government agricultural expenditure of extension, it also generally exhibits an overall
upward trend. It had two sharp declines, one from 1990 to 1994, during ESAP and another one in 1998 when the
funds were diverted to pay the war veterans after which it sharply increased after 1999.

  el O A C ( M
 RaL G E A $ )





                        80     82        84        86        88    90    92      94       96    98    00    02    04    06    08

                                                                             Period (Years )

Figure 3: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on credit assistance by government in Zimbabwe
Real government agricultural expenditure on research and development illustrated on Figure 4 was also
fluctuating over the period 1980 to 2009 just like real government agricultural expenditure on extension and real
government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance but its overall trend is downward sloping. Literature
also supports this overall trend, for instance Rukovo et al, (1991) explains that there was a shift in the focus of
                                ,                          ,
government research to the small scale sector, although with a decline in the total allocation to research fr from
10.8 per cent prior to independence to on average 7.9 per cent of agricultural expenditure in the 1980s.
                                                                                                  1980s.The sharp
declines were realised when the Zimbabwean economy was faced with economic difficulties mainly in 1992
(due to drought), 2002 (due to droug and 2008 (economic crisis).

    RaL G E & ( M
     el O A RD$ )




                          80        82        84        86        88    90     92        94    96    98    00    02    04    06    08

                                                                                P eriod (Y ears )

Figure 4: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on research and development by government in
Zimbabwe (1980-2009)
The trend of overall real agriculture expenditure by the government using data collected from CSO is illustrated
on Figure 5. It shows that real agriculture expenditure generally increased from 1980 to 2009 which can be
attributed mainly to increase in government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance as illustrated on Figure
5.1 and increase in government agricultural expenditure on extension as illustrated on Figure 5.2. From 1980 to
1990, real agricultural expenditure generally increased mainly due to growth with equity programme explained
in chapter one. However as a result of the introduction of ESAP in 1990, the amount of money allocated to
agriculture declined since it was one of the conditions of the programme. After the abolition of ESAP in 1995
agricultural expenditure steadily increased from 1994 until 2004. The steady increase was also su   sustained as a
result of Agribank issuing more loans to smallholder farmers since 2000, and the introduction of the Farm
Mechanisation Programme by the RBZ in 2006.

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                         www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012



  el O A ( M
 RaL G E$ )






                     80   82   84    86     88     90   92        94   96   98   00   02    04     06    08

                                                        P eriod (Y ears )

Figure 5: Trend of real agriculture expenditure by government in Zimbabwe (1980 2009)  (1980-2009)
Empirical Results
Unit root tests: Stationarity of the time series was tested using the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF). If the
absolute value of the ADF is less than the absolute critical value, the test accepts the null hypothesis that the
variable is not stationary. If the calculated ADF test statistic is greater than critical t-values, reject the null
hypothesis. The Unit Root tests were conducted on the 8 variables which are shown on Table 2 below.
     The test statistics over the entire range at levels were less than the critical values for the ADF at 90% level
of confidence except government agricultural expenditure on extension. This confirms that the (time series)
variables are non-stationary as predicted by economic theory. It is therefore possible to a
                    stationary                                                                        accept the null
hypothesis of non-stationarity of economic growth data. As is well known, the non stationary data series are
                    stationarity                                                        non-stationary
poor candidates for reliable regression Statistical Properties of Variables since they yield spurious results that are
useless for predictive purposes, it was therefore necessary to correct them for non stationarity.

Table 2: Unit root tests
Variable               ADF test statistic       DW                  Order of Integration         Decision
Log GDP                -3.75*                   1.72                I(1)                         Stationary
Log AE CA              -4.30*                   1.94                I(1)                         Stationary
Log AE EXT             -2.73***                 2.10                I(0)                         Stationary
Log AE R&D             -4.87*                   1.57                I(1)                         Stationary
Log NAE                -3.25**                  2.39                I(1)                         Stationary
Log I                  -15.56*                  2.13                I(2)                         Stationary
Log C                  -3.98*                   2.03                I(1)                         Stationary
FTLRP                  -5.29*                   2.00                I(1)                         Stationary
*, ** and *** stand for level of significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively

The Unit Root tests showed that all other variables except government agricultural expenditure on extension
required to be differenced in order to become stationary since the absolute calculated ADF test statistics were
less than critical t-values. After taking the first difference GDP, government expenditure on GDP, government
agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, government agricultural expenditure on research and deve
government non agricultural expenditure, consumption expenditure and a dummy of fast track land reform
programme become stationary. However investment expenditure required second differencing to become
stationary at 99% level of confidence. Both GDP, government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance,
government agricultural expenditure on research and development, consumption expenditure and a dummy of
fast track land reform programme becomes stationary at 99% level of confidence after first differencing.
Government agricultural expenditure on extension variable was also stationary at 90% level of confidence. This
means that all the mean, variance and auto covariance at various lags remain the same no matter at what point we
measure them.

Johansen cointegration tests: The series for all the variables in the model used were tested for cointegration
using the trace tests and maximum eigenvalue tests as explained on 4.4.9. Although the trace test indicate that
the 5 cointegrating variables and the maximum eigenvalue tests indicates that there are 4 cointegrating variables,
on Table 3, both indicates that the real GDP and the explanatory variables are cointegrated at 95% le     level of
confidence. The detailed results obtained from the cointegration tests are shown on Appendix J.

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                    www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

Table 3: Johansen cointegration tests
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
Hypothesized                                             Trace                  0.05
No. of CE(s)                  Eigenvalue                Statistic          Critical Value        Prob.**
None *                         0.993151                 358.8582             159.5297             0.0000
At most 1 *                    0.944467                 219.3145             125.6154             0.0000
At most 2 *                    0.799152                 138.3726             95.75366             0.0000
At most 3 *                    0.770729                 93.42677             69.81889             0.0002
At most 4 *                    0.571790                 52.18699             47.85613             0.0185
At most 5                      0.423835                 28.43903             29.79707             0.0711
At most 6                      0.264332                 13.00091             15.49471             0.1148
At most 7 *                    0.145588                 4.405572             3.841466             0.0358
Trace test indicates 5 cointegrating variables at the 0.05 level
 * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)
Hypothesized                                         Max-Eigen                 0.05
No. of CE(s)                 Eigenvalue                Statistic          Critical Value         Prob.**
None *                        0.993151                139.5437              52.36261             0.0000
At most 1 *                   0.944467                80.94189              46.23142             0.0000
At most 2 *                   0.799152                44.94585              40.07757             0.0131
At most 3 *                   0.770729                41.23978              33.87687             0.0055
At most 4                     0.571790                23.74796              27.58434             0.1438
At most 5                     0.423835                15.43812              21.13162             0.2594
At most 6                     0.264332                8.595333              14.26460             0.3214
At most 7 *                   0.145588                4.405572              3.841466             0.0358
 Max-eigenvalue test indicates 4 cointegrating variables at the 0.05 level
 * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
Long run relationship: Table 4 shows results of long-run estimates in which real GDP was set as the dependent
variable and the rest of the variables were defined as the explanatory variables. The detailed results obtained
from the regression are shown on Appendix E. The whole model is scrutinised according to R2. Both R2 and
adjusted-R2 show quite significant outcomes at 93.7% and 91.5%, respectively. The adjusted R2 of 0.915104
implies that about 92 % of the variations in GDP are explained by the explanatory variables (real government
agricultural expenditure on extension, real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, real
government agricultural expenditure on research and development, real government non agricultural expenditure,
lag for real investment expenditure, real consumption expenditure and a dummy variable for FTLRP).

Table 4 Results of long run estimates
Variable                             Coefficient           Std. Error          t-Statistic
                                                                                 Statistic          Prob.
C                                     10.97208             0.908777             12.07347         0.0000***
LOGAEEXT                              -0.213348            0.047566            -4.485332
                                                                                4.485332         0.0002***
LOGAECA                               -0.043440            0.019247            -2.257029
                                                                                2.257029         0.0353**
LOGAERD                               0.269084             0.127834             2.104955         0.0481**
LOGNAE                                0.456308             0.038847             11.74629         0.0000***
LOGI(-1)                              0.128505             0.018752             6.852854         0.0000***
LOGC                                  0.004903             0.012532             0.391286           0.6997
FTLRP                                 -0.080825            0.048626            -1.662184
                                                                                1.662184           0.1121
R-squared                             0.937114                  Mean dependent var               16.74937
Adjusted R-squared                    0.915104                   S.D. dependent var              0.271337
S.E. of regression                    0.079059                   Sum squared resid               0.125006
Durbin-Watson stat                    1.623354                   Long-run variance               0.001619

* (P<0.10) =10 percent significance level ** (P<0.05) =5 percent significance level *** (P<0.01) =1 percent
significance level

The Durbin Watson Statistic of 1.623354 (1.5 < DW > 2.5) is close to the optimum level of 2 (E(E-Views, 1997)
and shows that there is no autocorrelation between real GDP and the explanatory variables. The functional form
of the equation is therefore expected to be near optimal on the basis of the results.

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                               www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

      The results show that there is a negative relationship between real GDP and government agricultural
expenditure on extension. The coefficient of -0.213348 means that for every one percent increase in real
government agricultural expenditure on extension, re GDP decreases by 0.21% on average using the data from
                                                         real                            %
1980 to 2009. This may have occurred as a result of information passed to farmers which was not appropriate to
Zimbabwe’s conditions. The p-value for real government agricultural expenditure on exten
                                     value                                                          extension is 0.0002. It
shows that the variable is significant at all levels. This shows that the variable real government agricultural
expenditure on extension is significant in explaining real GDP since the absolute value of t         t-value exceeds 2. The
variable is said to be statistically significant since the test statistic lies in the rejection region. However these
results contradicts the findings by Eyo (2008) which shows that public credit to the agricultural sector was
statistically insignificant in explaining agricultural growth and ultimately economic growth.
The variable for government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance was found to be negatively related to
economic growth and statistically significant at 95 percent confidence level. This might be due to the fact that
most farmers who received loans for farming purposes diverted funds to speculative purposes and therefore
agricultural output declined (WFP, 2009). The results could also be attributed to natural disasters such as cyc    cyclone
Eline which was experienced in 2000 and changes in climatic conditions such as droughts which were
experienced in 1992, 1995 and 2002 undoubtedly affected not only agriculture but the entire economy.
      A positive relationship between real GDP and government agricultural expenditure on research and
development was obtained. The coefficient of 0.269084 means that for every one percent increase in real
government agricultural expenditure on extension, real GDP increases by 0.27% on average. The variable rea
                                                                                          %                             real
government agricultural expenditure on research and development is significant in explaining real GDP since the
absolute value of t-value exceeds 2. The variable is said to be statistically significant since the test statistic lies in
the rejection region.
Real investment expenditure shows a positive relationship with real GDP. It has a coefficient of 0.209728
meaning that a one percent increase in real investment expenditure increases real GDP by 0.2097 %. This is
supported by Fan and Rao (2003) who said that for economic growth to be achieved, investments in agriculture
need to be complimented with policies and investments to spur non agricultural growth. Moreover, the study by
Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000), showed that investment has a positive relationship to economic growth.
Investment has proved to be a statistically significant variable with a t statistic of 8.439656 which is greater than
2 (following the rule of thumb). This suggests that investment is essential in trying to increase GDP.
      Consumption turned to be positively related to be positively related to GDP. However this variable was
found to be statistically insignificant since the t statistic is less than 2. This is in contradiction with the findings
of Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000) since they found the variable to be significant. Consumption may have been
found to be relatively insignificant because of underestimation of this variable by the Central Statistical Office
due to the error of omission when the data was collected since the informal sector is dominant but is not
considered when the data is collected.
      The dummy variable for FTLRP shows that it is negatively related to economic growth but the variable
indicates that it is statistically insignificant since variable has a tt-statistic absolute value of 1.66 which is less
than 2 (following the rule of thumb) hence no meaningful inferences could be drawn from the relationship.
These results contradict to those found by Pender et al, (2001) in which they concluded that land redistribution in
the Amhara region had promoted more intensive crop production which led to improved living standards of the
occupants thereby positively contributing significantly to the Ethiopian economy

The main thrust of this study was to try to assess the impact of government expenditure on three functions of
agriculture on economic growth in Zimbabwe. It was to find out whether increase in expenditure on functions of
agriculture by the government increases or decreases GDP.
Results from the empirical analyses provide strong evidence indicating that agriculture is an engine of economic
growth. Basing on the results of this study, it can be concluded that government expenditure on functions of
agriculture affect economic growth significantly though differently. Real government agricultural expenditure on
extension and real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance negatively affected economic growth
while real government agricultural expenditure on research and development positively affect economic
      Policy Recommendations: After obtaining the results from econometric estimation, it becomes obvious that
there is need for a comprehensive, holistic framework that significantly increases the contribution of agriculture
to economic growth. The variable for government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance was found to be
negatively related to economic growth Management of loans and farming implements need to be improved so
that resources will not be misused. The repayment of loans should be enforced so that farmers will be obliged to
use resources productively, which will reduce the burden on the already strained budget of the government. This

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development                                                         www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.3, No.10, 2012

will improve the contribution of real government agricultural expenditure on credit assiassistance to economic
growth which will ultimately benefit the Zimbabwean economy
A positive relationship between real GDP and government agricultural expenditure on research and development
was obtained. However there is need for increasing technical knowhow of farmers in order to increase
productivity. The Zimbabwean government needs to provide more support for agricultural research and
education. AREX should be allowed to retain the income generated. Moreover the government needs to
capacitate the Department of Agricultural Research and Extension Services (AREX) to ensure that they are able
to deal with challenges faced by farmers. AREX should also be readily accessible to farmers.

Furthermore, expenditure on agriculture research should also be improved to set up research policy which is
user-determined. More funds should be made available to allow farmers to give an input on their current
problems and challenges which will determine the direction of research. Farmers unions should also be
encouraged by AREX to encourage farmer to farmer training which will benefit inexperienced farmer from the
practical knowledge possessed by experienced farmers. On farm research needs to be encouraged so that farmers
and researchers will be able to constantly work together and promote closer liaison between them.

The general trend of real agriculture expenditure by government is upward sloping and the overall trend
economic growth is downward sloping in Zimbabwe. This implies that real agriculture expenditure did not
contribute positively towards economic growth. For agriculture’s contribution towards economic growth to be
improved policy makers need to promote irrigation development in the semi arid areas and also in areas where it
rains sufficiently so that farmers can still irrigate an extra crop, produce fruits and vegetables or cultivate rice
which uses a lot of water. Future increases in food production may come largely from irrigated areas since
Zimbabwe has been prone to droughts in recent years such as 2002, 2005 and 2008. This will lead to increase in
agricultural output and consequently the contribution of agriculture to economic growth and also lead to poverty
reduction. For agriculture to contribute positively to economic growth, farmers should not always wait for
government to capacitate them. Farmers should also use money obtained from non farming activities to boost
their agricultural activities and to obtain training on farming techniques. Moreover, farmers can also form
producer organisations so that they will become linked to markets and increase their incentive to produce more
output profitably. This will increase agricultural output and will increase the contribution of the agricultural
sector to the economy. Research is also needed to assess the quality of public expenditure management. It would
be useful to review the broad trends, lessons and experience from agriculture public expenditure reviews. This
would provide recommendations for policy reforms and suggestions on how government and private sector can
work together to ensure public spending devoted to agriculture can be made to contribute positively to economic
growth. The review should look at allocative efficiency of public spending allocated to agriculture, efficiency of
service delivery for agriculture and specific institutional issues that emerge in relation to the annual budget
planning cycle for agriculture. For this to be executed properly, it is essential to put in place the right personnel
to administer the whole process of budget allocation and this process should include all the stakeholders across
the spectrum.

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The impact of government agricultural expenditure on economic growth in zimbabwe

  • 1. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 The Impact of Government Agricultural Expenditure on f Government Economic Growth in Zimbabwe Alexander Mapfumo 1 Abbyssinia Mushunje1Clainos Chidoko2 1.University of Fort Hare, Republic of South Africa, University 2.Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe Great Abstract: A vibrant and an efficient agricultural sector would enable a country to feed its growing population, generate employment, earn foreign exchange and provide raw materials for industries. The agricultural sector has a multiplier effect on any nation's socio conomic and industrial fabric because of the multifunctional nature of socio-economic agriculture. The main objective of this study was to investigate how government expenditure on agriculture has affected economic growth in Zimbabwe from 1980 1980-2009. The Log linear growth regression model was employed where gross domestic gross was the dependant variable and the explanatory variables are the factors which affect it which include government agricultural expenditure. The expenditures of government on agriculture were divided into three functions namely extension, credit assistance and research and development. The regression analyses were performed using Econometric Econometric-views 7 (E-views 7) statistical package. Regression views was carried out on time series data for the period 1980 to 2009. The data was tested for stationarity and for autocorrelation. Problems of non stationarity of data were corrected by integrating the trending series. Results from the empirical analysis provide strong evidence indicating that agriculture is an engine of economic growth. The results from this study suggest that spending more on agricultural research and development can improve economic growth and ultimately reduce poverty. However, it can also be concluded that insufficient government agricultural expenditure on extension and credit assistance adversely affected economic growth in Zimbabwe, nditure based on the results of the study. Keywords: Economic growth, government expenditure on agriculture, multiplier, Zimbabwe INTRODUCTION The relationship between agriculture and economic growth has being re examined in the literature, in recent riculture re-examined years. Economic growth is fundamental for sustainable development and poverty reduction (Kalakech, 2009). It is enhanced by strengthening the agricultural sector, encouragement of investments, expansion of infrastructure, encouragement improvement of education and health services and environmental restoration (Kalakech, 2009). The potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a greatly debated subject among development economists. Much of the early work on this issue coincided with the debate on the role of onomists. agriculture in promoting economic development in less developed countries in the aftermath of extended periods of colonial rule (Lewis, 1954, Fei and Ranis, 1961; Johnston and Mellor, 1961; Schultz, 1964). Johnston BACKGROUND In Zimbabwe, agriculture has been the mainstay of the national economy accounting for about 15 to 20 percent of GDP but with a majority of the country’s population engaged in this sector (WFP, 2009). It generates a large proportion of foreign exchange earnings, although the share of agricultural exports in the country’s total exports has declined from 39 percent in 2001 to 14 percent in 2006 (WFP, 2009). According to Muchapondwa (2009), the agricultural sector is still of great importance to Zimbabwe and any hopes of reviving the economy will necessarily ector have to include strategies focused on the agricultural sector. Rukuni, Eicher & Blackie (2006) also reiterated that Zimbabwe has been dominated by agricul agriculture although it contributed only 15-20% to Gross National Product in most years. It also provides an income to over 75% of 20% the population and in most years 95% of all food and beverages have been produced locally. Agriculture also accounted for 30% of formal employment and more than 40% of total national exports (Rukuni, Eicher & mal Blackie, 2006). The economy of Zimbabwe is relatively diversified but dependent mainly on agriculture. The agricultural sector, as is often the case with less developed countries (LDCs), plays a key role in Zimbabwe's development strategies. In prosperous agricultural years, tobacco and cotton exports account for 25% of total exports while the sector as a whole can account for 45% of all exports (FAO, 2001). However, the agricultur sector only agricultural accounted for 12% of all exports by 2008 (WFP, 2009). According to literature, the high pay off input model (Eicher and Staatz, 1984) envisaged that more inputs pay-off will be accompanied by higher output; that is higher investment in agriculture will result in higher contribution of will the agricultural sector to economic growth. This was not the case in Zimbabwe after 1985 when more funds were channelled towards small holder farmers through Agricultural Finance Corporation, (AFC), a parastatal lending institution (credit assistance). 19
  • 2. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 Zimbabwe`s agricultural sector in 1999 contributed 27.5% of GDP and this has been declining since 2000 (FAO, 2006), and by 2008 it accounted for 15 20% of GDP (WFP, 2009). Various other agricultural performance 15-20% indicators provide further evidence of the relative deterioration of the agricultural sector since then. For instance, the total agricultural production per capita and the food production per capita index have been falling, particularly since 2000. This partly explains the rampant food shortages that Zimbabwe has witnessed, with explains consequent increases in domestic food prices and the dramatic increases in agricultural imports that have been observed since 2000. However according to Garcia (2007), the government of Zimbabwe has had extraordinarily Zimbabwe high expenditure relative to GDP and most of the funds were channelled towards agriculture to support Farm Mechanisation Programme in 2007. This study seeks to investigate how variations in these expenditures on agriculture have affected economic growth in Zimbabwe since 1980. The study was carried out in Zimbabwe which is a land locked country in Southern Africa. The country has a total land area of 39, 6 million hectares. Thirty three million hectares are reserved for agriculture while the rest is Thirty-three reserved for national parks, forests and urban settlements (Manzungu, 1999). The land in Zimbabwe is divided into five natural regions on the basis of soil type and climatic factors (refer to Figure 1). The bulk of Mashonaland (West, East and Central), Midlands and Manicaland Province are under ). Provinces regions I, II and III, while Matabeleland (North and South) and Masvingo Provinces are under natural regions IV and V (Bell & Roberts 1991). The three Mashonaland Provinces constitute the breadbasket of the country. . Zimbabwe’s farming sector can produce, and has produced in the past, exportable surpluses of maize and certain n other food crops. But severe constraints on prime land use have resulted in less than full capacity utilization of its natural resources (Central Statistical Office, 2003). 2003).. Agro-ecological zones in Zimbabwe ecological Source: FAO (1999) About 38 per cent of the country was deemed to have natural farming potential (Bell & Roberts 1991). 20
  • 3. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 Agriculture in Zimbabwe Agriculture in Zimbabwe (1980-2000): After independence, more priority was given to agriculture as a means 2000): to achieve economic development (Manzungu, 1999). Moreover these priorities in agricultural finance were changed to include the small-scale farmers. The growth with equity programme (198 -1990) was designed to scale (1980- redress the colonial legacy in favour of communal farmers. This is because of the two main features of agriculture at independence in 1980 which were the duality of agriculture and the high degree of government intervention in the sector intended to stimulate production. ector With the advent of Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) in 1990, trade barriers, price controls, subsidies and production quotas were removed (Manzungu, 1999). In the mid-1990s, the government mid- anticipated ESAP would transform the nation's small scale, subsistence agriculture into widespread commercial small-scale, farming and generate annual agricultural growth greater than the rate of population growth. Its aim was to develop the necessary physical and social infrastructure in rural areas, but little of this has happened. With infrastructure budget allocations for rural infrastructure and other capital projects down, farmers lacked the roads and adequate transport systems, as well as the processing, storage and distribution systems, they require in order to be competitive (Saprin, 1999). Agriculture in Zimbabwe (2000-2009): According to Zumbika (2000), the formation of Agribank in January 2009): 2000 negatively affected the smallholder farmers. The government created the Agricultural Develop Development Assurance Fund (ADAF) as a fund specifically meant for extending loans to smallholder farmers by so doing filling the gap which was left by Agricultural Finance Corporation ( (AFC). More support was also made available to farmers through The Mechanisation Programme which was financed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. It has benefited farmers in both the commercial and communal sectors. The Government, through the RBZ, which took into cognisance the high cost of acquiring machinery on cognisance individual farmer basis, took it upon itself to revolutionalise farming by providing the machinery to farmers. The equipment procured includes combine harvesters, tractors, harrows, ploughs, planters and ot other animal drawn farm implements. As at 4 January 2008, a total of 646 tractors and 28 combine harvesters had been delivered to beneficiaries (RBZ, 2008). In a bid to reinforce existing support measures in the agricultural sector, the bank enhanced its fu funding activities under the Agricultural Sector Productivity Enhancement Facility (ASPEF). This was geared at ensuring a full support system of the farm mechanisation programme. A cumulative amount of $62.215 trillion had been disbursed to 25 477 applicants by 4 January 2008 (RBZ, 2008). The Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) was officially launched in July 2000 culminating in extensive land transfers to local black farmers (Moyo, 2001). The main objectives of the FTLRP are to speed up the identification of not less than five million hectares of land for compulsory acquisition for resettlement, to on accelerate the planning and demarcation of acquired land and settler emplacement on this land, and to provide limited basic infrastructure and farmer support services (Moyo, 2006). Compulsory acquisition was largely to be made from white commercial farmers, private companies, and absentee landlords. According to Moyo (2006), FTLRP beneficiaries have been issued many different types of temporary licenses which the government intends to convert, in time, to permanent leases. This uncertainty regarding tenure arrangements within the FTLRP has been a source of tenure insecurity among FTLRP beneficiaries (Zikhali, 2008). MATERIALS AND METHODS Data sources and type: The study was carried out using secondary data. Unless otherwise specified all the data was drawn from the Central Statistics Offices (CSO), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of Zimbabwe. In this study annual time series data was used covering the period from 1980 to 2009. data The variables under consideration are real Gross Domestic Product, real government agricultural expenditure on extension, real government agricultural expenditure on research and development, real governme agricultural government expenditure on credit assistance, real government expenditure on non agriculture, real investment expenditure, real consumption expenditure and a dummy for FTLRP. Model specification: A modified log linear growth model used by Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000) was adopted for and this study. This is because it is the most appropriate model to ascertain the relationship between government agricultural growth and economic performance in the country since it shows the relationship of the resources (expenditure) used by government on agriculture and its contribution to the overall economy (GDP). Therefore, enditure) these public expenditure, exports and imports data have been interpolated. The log linear regression model is as . follows:- Log GDP = A0 + A1Log AE Ext + A2 Log AE R&D + A3 Log AE CA +A4 Log NAE + A5 Log I + A6 Log C + A7 FTLRP + u Where Log GDP is the logarithm for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), A0 is a constant and A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7 are parameters to be estimated. Log AE ext, Log AE R&D, AE CA, Log NAE, Log I and Log C are the R&D, logarithms for government agricultural expenditure on extension, government agricultural expenditure on research 21
  • 4. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 and development, government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, government expenditure on non agriculture, investment expenditure and consumption expenditure respectively. FTLRP is the dummy variable of Fast track land reform programme and the letter u represents error term. The regression analyses will be performed using Econometric-views 7 ( views (E-views 7) statistical package. Variables used in the model: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total of all expenditures on final goods and services produced per period of time usually a year (Lipsey & Crystal, 1999). Government agricultural expenditure (AE) is the amount of money which is allocated to the agricultural sector by the government (MOF, 2009). Government agricultural expenditure is composed of government expenditure on extension (AE Ext), research and development (AE R&D) and credit assistance (AE CA). The overall impact of government assistance agricultural expenditure on GDP is expected to be positive since it is an injection into the circular flow of income. However literature shows that the relationship is mixed. It can be positive, negative or const constant. Government expenditure on non agriculture (NAE) encompasses the amount of money which is allocated to other sectors besides agriculture. In Zimbabwe, these sectors include mining, manufacturing, health, education, services, electricity, construction and tourism. The overall impact of government expenditure on non agriculture on GDP is expected to be positive if increased expenditure is as a result of increase in taxes. However if the increase in expenditure non agriculture sector is as a result of diversion of taxes from agriculture (with higher elasticity of diversion production than non agriculture sector) then the overall impact will be negative. Investment expenditure (I) is expenditure on capital goods. It includes gross private investment, which is the value of output retained by the business sector, additions to the stock of residential housing and net change in business inventories. Increase in investment expenditure is expected to increase GDP through the multiplier since n it is an injection into the circular flow of income. However investments affect production over time, and growth is a gradual process.This means that there is a lag experienced between investment and the eventual economic This benefits. A positive relationship between investment expenditure and GDP is expected. Consumption expenditure (C) is the flow of goods and services purchased by consumers for consumption uses. If individuals increase their levels of consumption spending at each level of disposable income, the level of f aggregate expenditure increases. If the amount of consumption expenditure decreases, then GDP decreases. Therefore consumption expenditure is expec to be positively related to GDP (Lipsey & Crystal, 1999) expected Lipsey 1999). The dummy variable of Fast track land reform programme (FTLRP) was included to capture the changes in land ownership patterns in the country. The details of the FTLRP have already been well well-covered in Chapter 1 and 3. However data on actual transfers are still not available in a form that can be easily obtained and analyzed at the national level. A dummy variable, which assigns a zero (0) value to periods prior to the implementation of FTLRP in 1980 to 1999 and a value of 1 to the period from its inception (2000) to date, was incorporated to cater for FTLRP. The error term (u) is used to capture errors and misses in the relationships. The error term is justified on ) omissions of the influence of innumerable chance events and measurable errors. A constant (A0) is included since this ensures that the model will be unbiased that is the mean of the residuals will be exactly zero (Gujarati, 1995). RESULTS Descriptive Results: Figure below shows the trend of real government agricultural expenditure on extension. It trend shows that real government agricultural expenditure on extension was fluctuating from 1980 to 2009 but it generally increased from the period mostly due increase attributable to wages and salaries for extension services laries (World Bank, 1991). There was a sharp increase in real government agricultural expenditure on extension during 1980 to 1988 but aggregate grain production was fluctuating over the period. A notable decline, however, was experienced during ESAP (1990 to 1994) when support to agriculture declined considerably. enced 8.8 8.4 RaL GE X ( M el O A E T $ ) 8.0 7.6 7.2 6.8 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 P eriod (Y ears ) Figure2: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on extension by government in Zimbabwe (1980 (1980-2009) 22
  • 5. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 Real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, illustrated on Figure 3, fluctuated over the period 1980 to 2009. Just like government agricultural expenditure of extension, it also generally exhibits an overall upward trend. It had two sharp declines, one from 1990 to 1994, during ESAP and another one in 1998 when the funds were diverted to pay the war veterans after which it sharply increased after 1999. 8 7 el O A C ( M RaL G E A $ ) 6 5 4 3 2 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 Period (Years ) Figure 3: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on credit assistance by government in Zimbabwe (1980-2009) Real government agricultural expenditure on research and development illustrated on Figure 4 was also fluctuating over the period 1980 to 2009 just like real government agricultural expenditure on extension and real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance but its overall trend is downward sloping. Literature is also supports this overall trend, for instance Rukovo et al, (1991) explains that there was a shift in the focus of , , government research to the small scale sector, although with a decline in the total allocation to research fr from 10.8 per cent prior to independence to on average 7.9 per cent of agricultural expenditure in the 1980s. 1980s.The sharp declines were realised when the Zimbabwean economy was faced with economic difficulties mainly in 1992 (due to drought), 2002 (due to droug and 2008 (economic crisis). drought) 6.5 6.4 RaL G E & ( M el O A RD$ ) 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 P eriod (Y ears ) Figure 4: Trend of real agriculture expenditure on research and development by government in Zimbabwe (1980-2009) The trend of overall real agriculture expenditure by the government using data collected from CSO is illustrated on Figure 5. It shows that real agriculture expenditure generally increased from 1980 to 2009 which can be attributed mainly to increase in government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance as illustrated on Figure 5.1 and increase in government agricultural expenditure on extension as illustrated on Figure 5.2. From 1980 to vernment 1990, real agricultural expenditure generally increased mainly due to growth with equity programme explained in chapter one. However as a result of the introduction of ESAP in 1990, the amount of money allocated to of agriculture declined since it was one of the conditions of the programme. After the abolition of ESAP in 1995 agricultural expenditure steadily increased from 1994 until 2004. The steady increase was also su sustained as a result of Agribank issuing more loans to smallholder farmers since 2000, and the introduction of the Farm Mechanisation Programme by the RBZ in 2006. 23
  • 6. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 8.8 8.6 8.4 el O A ( M RaL G E$ ) 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 P eriod (Y ears ) Figure 5: Trend of real agriculture expenditure by government in Zimbabwe (1980 2009) (1980-2009) Empirical Results Unit root tests: Stationarity of the time series was tested using the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF). If the Dickey-Fuller absolute value of the ADF is less than the absolute critical value, the test accepts the null hypothesis that the variable is not stationary. If the calculated ADF test statistic is greater than critical t-values, reject the null t- hypothesis. The Unit Root tests were conducted on the 8 variables which are shown on Table 2 below. The test statistics over the entire range at levels were less than the critical values for the ADF at 90% level were of confidence except government agricultural expenditure on extension. This confirms that the (time series) variables are non-stationary as predicted by economic theory. It is therefore possible to a stationary accept the null hypothesis of non-stationarity of economic growth data. As is well known, the non stationary data series are stationarity non-stationary poor candidates for reliable regression Statistical Properties of Variables since they yield spurious results that are useless for predictive purposes, it was therefore necessary to correct them for non stationarity. redictive Table 2: Unit root tests Variable ADF test statistic DW Order of Integration Decision Log GDP -3.75* 1.72 I(1) Stationary Log AE CA -4.30* 1.94 I(1) Stationary Log AE EXT -2.73*** 2.10 I(0) Stationary Log AE R&D -4.87* 1.57 I(1) Stationary Log NAE -3.25** 2.39 I(1) Stationary Log I -15.56* 2.13 I(2) Stationary Log C -3.98* 2.03 I(1) Stationary FTLRP -5.29* 2.00 I(1) Stationary *, ** and *** stand for level of significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively The Unit Root tests showed that all other variables except government agricultural expenditure on extension required to be differenced in order to become stationary since the absolute calculated ADF test statistics were absolute less than critical t-values. After taking the first difference GDP, government expenditure on GDP, government values. agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, government agricultural expenditure on research and deve development, government non agricultural expenditure, consumption expenditure and a dummy of fast track land reform programme become stationary. However investment expenditure required second differencing to become stationary at 99% level of confidence. Both GDP, government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, GDP, government agricultural expenditure on research and development, consumption expenditure and a dummy of fast track land reform programme becomes stationary at 99% level of confidence after first differencing. Government agricultural expenditure on extension variable was also stationary at 90% level of confidence. This means that all the mean, variance and auto covariance at various lags remain the same no matter at what point we measure them. Johansen cointegration tests: The series for all the variables in the model used were tested for cointegration using the trace tests and maximum eigenvalue tests as explained on 4.4.9. Although the trace test indicate that the 5 cointegrating variables and the maximum eigenvalue tests indicates that there are 4 cointegrating variables, on Table 3, both indicates that the real GDP and the explanatory variables are cointegrated at 95% le level of confidence. The detailed results obtained from the cointegration tests are shown on Appendix J. 24
  • 7. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 Table 3: Johansen cointegration tests Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Hypothesized Trace 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * 0.993151 358.8582 159.5297 0.0000 At most 1 * 0.944467 219.3145 125.6154 0.0000 At most 2 * 0.799152 138.3726 95.75366 0.0000 At most 3 * 0.770729 93.42677 69.81889 0.0002 At most 4 * 0.571790 52.18699 47.85613 0.0185 At most 5 0.423835 28.43903 29.79707 0.0711 At most 6 0.264332 13.00091 15.49471 0.1148 At most 7 * 0.145588 4.405572 3.841466 0.0358 Trace test indicates 5 cointegrating variables at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * 0.993151 139.5437 52.36261 0.0000 At most 1 * 0.944467 80.94189 46.23142 0.0000 At most 2 * 0.799152 44.94585 40.07757 0.0131 At most 3 * 0.770729 41.23978 33.87687 0.0055 At most 4 0.571790 23.74796 27.58434 0.1438 At most 5 0.423835 15.43812 21.13162 0.2594 At most 6 0.264332 8.595333 14.26460 0.3214 At most 7 * 0.145588 4.405572 3.841466 0.0358 Max-eigenvalue test indicates 4 cointegrating variables at the 0.05 level eigenvalue * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level Long run relationship: Table 4 shows results of long-run estimates in which real GDP was set as the dependent variable and the rest of the variables were defined as the explanatory variables. The detailed results obtained from the regression are shown on Appendix E. The whole model is scrutinised according to R2. Both R2 and adjusted-R2 show quite significant outcomes at 93.7% and 91.5%, respectively. The adjusted R2 of 0.915104 implies that about 92 % of the variations in GDP are explained by the explanatory variables (real government agricultural expenditure on extension, real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance, real government agricultural expenditure on research and development, real government non agricultural expenditure, lag for real investment expenditure, real consumption expenditure and a dummy variable for FTLRP). Table 4 Results of long run estimates Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Statistic Prob. C 10.97208 0.908777 12.07347 0.0000*** LOGAEEXT -0.213348 0.047566 -4.485332 4.485332 0.0002*** LOGAECA -0.043440 0.019247 -2.257029 2.257029 0.0353** LOGAERD 0.269084 0.127834 2.104955 0.0481** LOGNAE 0.456308 0.038847 11.74629 0.0000*** LOGI(-1) 0.128505 0.018752 6.852854 0.0000*** LOGC 0.004903 0.012532 0.391286 0.6997 FTLRP -0.080825 0.048626 -1.662184 1.662184 0.1121 R-squared 0.937114 Mean dependent var 16.74937 Adjusted R-squared 0.915104 S.D. dependent var 0.271337 S.E. of regression 0.079059 Sum squared resid 0.125006 Durbin-Watson stat 1.623354 Long-run variance 0.001619 * (P<0.10) =10 percent significance level ** (P<0.05) =5 percent significance level *** (P<0.01) =1 percent significance level The Durbin Watson Statistic of 1.623354 (1.5 < DW > 2.5) is close to the optimum level of 2 (E(E-Views, 1997) and shows that there is no autocorrelation between real GDP and the explanatory variables. The functional form of the equation is therefore expected to be near optimal on the basis of the results. 25
  • 8. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 The results show that there is a negative relationship between real GDP and government agricultural he expenditure on extension. The coefficient of -0.213348 means that for every one percent increase in real government agricultural expenditure on extension, re GDP decreases by 0.21% on average using the data from real % 1980 to 2009. This may have occurred as a result of information passed to farmers which was not appropriate to Zimbabwe’s conditions. The p-value for real government agricultural expenditure on exten value extension is 0.0002. It shows that the variable is significant at all levels. This shows that the variable real government agricultural expenditure on extension is significant in explaining real GDP since the absolute value of t t-value exceeds 2. The variable is said to be statistically significant since the test statistic lies in the rejection region. However these results contradicts the findings by Eyo (2008) which shows that public credit to the agricultural sector was statistically insignificant in explaining agricultural growth and ultimately economic growth. ant The variable for government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance was found to be negatively related to economic growth and statistically significant at 95 percent confidence level. This might be due to the fact that level. most farmers who received loans for farming purposes diverted funds to speculative purposes and therefore agricultural output declined (WFP, 2009). The results could also be attributed to natural disasters such as cyc cyclone Eline which was experienced in 2000 and changes in climatic conditions such as droughts which were experienced in 1992, 1995 and 2002 undoubtedly affected not only agriculture but the entire economy. A positive relationship between real GDP and government agricultural expenditure on research and government development was obtained. The coefficient of 0.269084 means that for every one percent increase in real government agricultural expenditure on extension, real GDP increases by 0.27% on average. The variable rea % real government agricultural expenditure on research and development is significant in explaining real GDP since the absolute value of t-value exceeds 2. The variable is said to be statistically significant since the test statistic lies in value the rejection region. Real investment expenditure shows a positive relationship with real GDP. It has a coefficient of 0.209728 meaning that a one percent increase in real investment expenditure increases real GDP by 0.2097 %. This is supported by Fan and Rao (2003) who said that for economic growth to be achieved, investments in agriculture said need to be complimented with policies and investments to spur non agricultural growth. Moreover, the study by Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000), showed that investment has a positive relationship to economic growth. relationship Investment has proved to be a statistically significant variable with a t statistic of 8.439656 which is greater than t-statistic 2 (following the rule of thumb). This suggests that investment is essential in trying to increase GDP. Consumption turned to be positively related to be positively related to GDP. However this variable was n found to be statistically insignificant since the t statistic is less than 2. This is in contradiction with the findings t-statistic of Fan, Hazel and Thorat (2000) since they found the variable to be significant. Consumption may have been found to be relatively insignificant because of underestimation of this variable by the Central Statistical Office due to the error of omission when the data was collected since the informal sector is dominant but is not considered when the data is collected. The dummy variable for FTLRP shows that it is negatively related to economic growth but the variable indicates that it is statistically insignificant since variable has a tt-statistic absolute value of 1.66 which is less lute than 2 (following the rule of thumb) hence no meaningful inferences could be drawn from the relationship. These results contradict to those found by Pender et al, (2001) in which they concluded that land redistribution in , the Amhara region had promoted more intensive crop production which led to improved living standards of the occupants thereby positively contributing significantly to the Ethiopian economy CONCLUSION The main thrust of this study was to try to assess the impact of government expenditure on three functions of agriculture on economic growth in Zimbabwe. It was to find out whether increase in expenditure on functions of agriculture by the government increases or decreases GDP. Results from the empirical analyses provide strong evidence indicating that agriculture is an engine of economic growth. Basing on the results of this study, it can be concluded that government expenditure on functions of agriculture affect economic growth significantly though differently. Real government agricultural expenditure on differently. extension and real government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance negatively affected economic growth while real government agricultural expenditure on research and development positively affect economic affected growth. Policy Recommendations: After obtaining the results from econometric estimation, it becomes obvious that there is need for a comprehensive, holistic framework that significantly increases the contribution of agriculture to economic growth. The variable for government agricultural expenditure on credit assistance was found to be th. negatively related to economic growth Management of loans and farming implements need to be improved so growth. that resources will not be misused. The repayment of loans should be enforced so that farmers will be obliged to loans use resources productively, which will reduce the burden on the already strained budget of the government. This 26
  • 9. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) 2855 Vol.3, No.10, 2012 will improve the contribution of real government agricultural expenditure on credit assiassistance to economic growth which will ultimately benefit the Zimbabwean economy economy. A positive relationship between real GDP and government agricultural expenditure on research and development was obtained. However there is need for increasing technical knowhow of farmers in order to increase knowhow productivity. The Zimbabwean government needs to provide more support for agricultural research and education. AREX should be allowed to retain the income generated. Moreover the government needs to capacitate the Department of Agricultural Research and Extension Services (AREX) to ensure that they are able ment to deal with challenges faced by farmers. AREX should also be readily accessible to farmers. Furthermore, expenditure on agriculture research should also be improved to set up research policy which is user-determined. More funds should be made available to allow farmers to give an input on their current determined. problems and challenges which will determine the direction of research. Farmers unions should also be encouraged by AREX to encourage farmer to farmer training which will benefit inexperienced farmer from the REX practical knowledge possessed by experienced farmers. On farm research needs to be encouraged so that farmers and researchers will be able to constantly work together and promote closer liaison between them. together The general trend of real agriculture expenditure by government is upward sloping and the overall trend economic growth is downward sloping in Zimbabwe. This implies that real agriculture expenditure did not contribute positively towards economic growth. For agriculture’s contribution towards economic growth to be ntribute improved policy makers need to promote irrigation development in the semi arid areas and also in areas where it semi-arid rains sufficiently so that farmers can still irrigate an extra crop, produce fruits and vegetables or cultivate rice which uses a lot of water. Future increases in food production may come largely from irrigated areas since Zimbabwe has been prone to droughts in recent years such as 2002, 2005 and 2008. This will lead to increase in agricultural output and consequently the contribution of agriculture to economic growth and also lead to poverty reduction. For agriculture to contribute positively to economic growth, farmers should not always wait for government to capacitate them. Farmers should also use money obtained from non farming activities to boost their agricultural activities and to obtain training on farming techniques. Moreover, farmers can also form producer organisations so that they will become linked to markets and increase their incentive to produce more output profitably. This will increase agricultural output and will increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to the economy. Research is also needed to assess the quality of public expenditure management. It would be useful to review the broad trends, lessons and experience from agriculture public expenditure reviews. This would provide recommendations for policy reforms and suggestions on how government and private sector can work together to ensure public spending devoted to agriculture can be made to contribute positively to economic growth. The review should look at allocative efficiency of public spending allocated to agriculture, efficiency of service delivery for agriculture and specific institutional issues that emerge in relation to the annual budget iculture planning cycle for agriculture. 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