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The Enterprise Analytics
Case Study Look Book
The stories and statistics behind some of
Dun & Bradstreet’s most successful analytics projects
Assess Total Risk & Opportunity | H O S P I T A L I T Y
Identify Global Business Prospects | B A N K I N G
Discover High-Value Lookalike Prospects Across the Globe | H I - T E C H
SPOTLIGHT: Pitney Bowes Strengthens Its Customer Acquisition Strategy
Identify Supply Chain Risk | A E R O S P A C E
Expand into New Markets | F O O D S E R V I C E
DATA DIALOGUE: JBKnowledge Builds an Effective Analytics Strategy
Identify the Most Valuable Customers | F I N A N C E
Assess Growth Potential | H E A L T H C A R E
SPOTLIGHT: Dun & Bradstreet Transforms its Go-To-Market Strategy
Analytics begin and end with asking the right questions – and having the right data. If the data is
wrong, the model won’t perform. At Dun & Bradstreet, we’re fortunate to have access to the largest
global commercial database on the planet. But just having rich proprietary data assets isn’t valuable if
you don’t use it to uncover opportunities for growth.
With a world-class team of data scientists, analysts and PhDs, we illuminate the path to growth through
unique, global analytics capabilities. We help companies enhance and scale their use of fact-based
strategies to connect with the prospects, customers and suppliers that matter the most to them. It’s
no wonder 90% of the Fortune 500™ and companies of all sizes worldwide rely on us for the data,
analytics and advanced expertise to create competitive, winning business strategies.
But don’t take my word for it…
In the pages of our “Customer Story Look Book” are diverse examples of how Dun & Bradstreet
applied the latest statistical methodologies, such as: scorecard build, regression, decision trees,
machine learning and material change to uncover meaning in data. The examples represent global
brands across critical industries – Financial Services, Insurance, High-Tech, Aerospace, Manufacturing
and others – where we used analytics to help answer their most challenging business questions.
How can Dun & Bradstreet help you?
Nipa Basu
Chief Analytics Officer
Analytics Goal: Assess Total Risk & Opportunity
International Hotel and Resort Brand Uses Analytics to Ensure It Has No Reservations About Where
to Build its Next Property
One of the world’s largest hospitality brands
wanted to identify the most promising locations
for constructing new properties. Instead of
being reactive and evaluating potential new
sites submitted by its hotel franchise owners,
the organization wanted to be proactive and
recommend sites that were poised for success.
With over 100 applications for new hotels a
month, it was imperative to take the guess work
out of the equation when deciding the location
of its next property.
The company tasked Dun & Bradstreet’s advanced analytics team with building custom site
selection models to evaluate new location opportunities. The models leveraged a mixture of
Dun & Bradstreet’s own firmographic data, the company’s first-party data, as well as third-party
travel-related information.
Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team created models that featured 170 different metrics to characterize
specific zip codes being evaluated from the client’s list of 1,000 hotels in 1,000 different zip codes
with ‘high performer’ and ‘low performer’ indicators. Zip codes were profiled by SIC, size, sales,
employees, inquires, risk, etc. It also included Dun & Bradstreet’s proprietary small business health
index. A logistic model was built to differentiate between the high-performing/profitable sites and
the low-performing/unprofitable sites and will be re-validated every five years to strengthen the
accuracy of future location opportunities.
The models accurately
classified 79%
high-performers and 78%
of low-performers.
lift over random
in the top four deciles
(best scoring 40%
Performance was also
strong on validation sample.
The analytic model helps
not only determine ideal
location, it helps decide
which type of property best
fits specific locales.
Analytics Goal: Identify Global Business Prospects
Global Bank Capitalizes on Custom Analytics to Identify Worldwide Prospects
As the international flow of goods and services
continues to expand, the opportunity for growth
has never looked brighter. For one of the world’s
largest banks, the need to expand its trade finance
business had become critical and the company
was tasked with identifying and engaging new
prospects who did business across the globe.
Before working with Dun & Bradstreet, the
banking giant was relying on basic segmentation
like market insight, import/export indictors,
linkage and annual sales volume to identify their
target audience. The company sought a more
efficient and effective way to identify U.S.
businesses that were doing business globally.
Dun & Bradstreet’s advanced analytics team built a custom model to help identify globally active
companies that fit the criteria of the bank. Utilizing our depth and breadth of real-time, global
data, the analytic model leveraged multiple data assets to identify and rank global business
entities including:
• Custom-developed annual sales estimation model
• Global trade repository
• U.S. Customs import data
• Firmographic data with international job titles
• Proprietary Dun & Bradstreet customer behavior (i.e. cross-border inquiries, contracts, country risk
report purchases, etc.)
Identified 195K net new
prospects for bank.
Provided valuable
knowledge on the type
and extent of global
activities for each entity.
Dun & Bradstreet insight
contributed to the bank’s
very own study assessing
the link between global
expansion and profitability.
Analytics Goal: Discover High-Value Lookalike Prospects
Across the Globe
Global Business Services Company Leverages Advanced Analytics to Replicate High-Value
Customers Overseas
One of the world’s leading manufacturers of
hi-tech business products and services wanted
to grow its European hardware business.
Unfortunately, the company was challenged to
find and prioritize its best prospects overseas.
In an effort to produce a comprehensive, global
marketing solution and increase sales, the
business manufacturer needed to identify
potential new customers that were similar to
those known for having purchased bulk
quantities of its products.
H I - T E C H
The company tasked Dun & Bradstreet to help identify high-value prospects. To achieve this goal,
Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team developed two custom analytic models to uncover an audience
that met the company’s prerequisite attributes. This included lookalike models – finding audiences
with similar attributes of previous customers, as well as applying purchase propensity scores for
prospects. Each model leveraged both the client’s existing data and Dun & Bradstreet’s own data
• Total Employees
• Industry
• Age
• Annual Sales
• Family Tree Size
• Location Status
• Legal Type
• Customer Purchase Data
H I - T E C H
The company considered
results a “home run.”
The model isolated 80%
of customers within
the top 30%
of the
development data.
The company’s direct sales
teams were able to prioritize
the prospects with best
propensity score.
Today, acquiring new business is dependent
on connecting with prospects at the right time.
Data-inspired Pitney Bowes engaged Dun &
Bradstreet to ensure their new client acquisition
strategies were tapping into the latest data
insight and modeling techniques to score the
prospect records used to drive leads into their call
centers for small business solutions. With Pitney
Bowes’ own customer data combined with Dun
& Bradstreet data, the goal was to identify
prime targets to build and maintain specific
data variables to help drive data modeling.
Data Modeling and Scored Prospect Records Helps
Drive ROI for Client Acquisition
At Pitney Bowes innovation and growth go hand-in-hand with long-held ideals on
collaboration, integrity and accountability to deliver value for its customers.
Everything they do has one goal—to help customers achieve their goals. The global
brand powers billions of physical and digital transactions in the connected and
borderless world of commerce.
The main objective was to improve the call-
to-order appointment ratio and ultimately the
campaign return on investment (ROI). The
combined data was modeled using a patented
Predictive Weight of Evidence (PWE) method
that combines widely recognized Information
Theory and Bayesian Probability (a way of
quantifying uncertainty), scoring all non-Pitney
Bowes company records by the propensity to
become a customer. The resulting contacts
identified were then called by the Pitney
Bowes outbound call center.
This activity exceeded
our campaign average when
viewed against past campaigns.
The quality, depth and detail
of the data from Dun &
Bradstreet combined with a
team to build out the modeled
universe meant we could be
more targeted, precise and
accurate in our marketing
program, resulting in a more
successful outcome.”
Andrew Ford VP for Marketing and
Communications, Europe, Pitney Bowes
Dun & Bradstreet’s Market Insight is a powerful data visualization and modeling tool that
effectively leverages access to the full Dun & Bradstreet data universe at both global and local
market levels. The tool allows for basic list building, selections, through to complex segmentation
and drill down for full-market analysis.
The data in Dun & Bradstreet’s global business database is virtually always used in a custom
way. However in this situation, it was essential to combine and model the data in an accessible
environment where it could be easily used as needed in the call center. Here’s how they used the
• A custom prospect pool was built and pre-loaded into the Dun & Bradstreet Market Insight tool
for ongoing use in the call center.
• Next, the highest ranked prospects are pulled first for outbound calling.
• Finally, the file is quickly re-scored and updated to ensure the lead funnel is consistently full so
new call plans can be set.
Results for Pitney Bowes were based on Dun
& Bradstreet calculations of “won” orders vs.
their data pool. These results delivered an
initial ROI of 138.6% with an eventual lifetime
value of 415.9% when viewed over a contract
period of three years. For Pitney Bowes,
these results significantly outperformed their
previous acquisition activity.
In the last year, 78% of the orders secured have
come from prospects that scored positively
using the patented Predictive Weight of
Evidence (PWE) method that scored all non-
Pitney Bowes company records to assess the
propensity to become a customer. Use of PWE
has enabled Pitney Bowes to:
• Target 47,500 prospects that would
otherwise have been missed.
• Increase orders by 21% as total orders in the
last six months have come from this 47,500.
Analytics Goal: Identify Supply Chain Risk
Major Aerospace & Defense Contractor Goes On the Offense to Prevent Defects in its Supply Chain
Before It Occurs
In the aerospace industry, the margin of error
is tiny one defective part per million is a
problem. With little to no visibility into its
sub-tier suppliers, a major aerospace company
was experiencing persistent quality problems
with 360 critical Tier 1 suppliers and wanted to
prevent them. Ultimately, the company needed
to understand how they could predict and
prevent supply disruption.
Dun & Bradstreet mapped the customer’s global supply chain through Tier N in three weeks by
applying its patent pending “supplier network discovery” process. Next, it quantified the nature and
level of risk of each supplier in the chain using a highly scalable, proprietary scoring methodology.
Finally, our analytics team was able to identify a distinct correlation between the historical poor
performance of Tier 1 suppliers and specific patterns of risk levels over time with Tier 2 suppliers.
By analyzing the Tier 2 suppliers that were the riskiest over time, Dun & Bradstreet correlated those
with the list of the 360 suppliers and correctly identified each of the top 120 worst performing Tier 1
suppliers from the list.
The customer was able
to predict quality defects
six months ahead of
It prevented 65%
of all
quality problems with
Tier 1 supplier by focusing
preemptive action on
just 1%
of their Tier 2
The customer was able
to avoid future quality
and delivery issues.
*You can read more about this specific
customer story on www.DNB.com.
Analytics Goal: Expand into New Markets
Century-old Food Service Company Uses Advanced Analytics to Serve Up Qualified Sales Leads
The largest food distributor in North America
had plans to expand into new markets and was
in need of qualified leads for its expanding
sales force. Unfortunately, previous methods of
uncovering qualified leads through surveys
and other rudimentary criteria proved to be
inadequate. The company turned to Dun &
Bradstreet for a data-driven, statistically-based
solution that was easy to use and would be
embraced by its sales team.
Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team leveraged over 16,000 company records with known spend on
food products and services to develop a logistic regression propensity model. This enabled the team
to score the prospect universe across entire geographical territories and rank the orders based on
propensity to spend in the top 25%. Furthermore, the model refined priorities based on level of
company growth and overall financial health.
lift across top five
deciles when evaluating
the models ability to
identify the top spends
versus using a random/
judgmental approach.
Model correctly classified
of the top spenders and
of the bottom
Initial in-market test of
qualified leads produced
good results on close rates
and new revenue.
The construction industry isn’t usually the first one you would think of for innovative adoption of
technology. As director of product and partnerships at JBKnowledge, a leading provider of IT solutions
for the industry, Adam Denno is doing his part to change that. And he knows how necessary it is given
how global construction has become. “There used to be a saying – Faster, Better, Cheaper – in the
construction industry,” he says. “You have to have the ability to move with market demand, and we are
seeing increased stress starting to come from outside of the domestic markets.”
More than ever, Denno relies on Dun & Bradstreet’s predictive analytics to make critical connections
on customers – completing a picture on who these companies are and how they operate. He knows it
has become imperative that JBKnowledge have a clear understanding of its customer data, and Denno
endeavors to create that customer clarity.
In this edition of Data Dialogue, he describes industry pressures and how data and analytics continue
to play an increasing role in corporate success.
In a time of growth, how do you keep up? How do you stay ahead of where things are going?
That’s a million-dollar question, and you have to continue to evolve your delivery methods. Our
partners are continually stressed with finding the right opportunity to pursue construction. A typical
margin is two to three percent. During the downturn there was a hypercompetitive nature in going
after work, reducing margins, reducing fees to secure work, and staying afloat.
As the U.S. construction market continues to grow, a lot of other economies globally are seeing
stagnation or even a decline in what their construction markets are experiencing. So we are starting to
see outside contractors come in to our markets. Case in point: Here in New York if you look down the
way there is a large development project headed by a recognized Chinese outfit. That’s something that
we hadn’t seen during the downturn.
JBKnowledge Constructs a Strategy for
Effectively Using Data and Analytics
A Q&A with JBKnowledge’s Director of Product & Partnerships
What I’ve done
recently is really take a
step back and look at the
accuracy of the foundation
of those models, which
is pure data. I’ve learned
that Dun & Bradstreet
is a significantly strong
component of that model.”
Adam Denno
Quicker access to more
consistent and reliable
customer information is
key to moving ahead in
the construction industry,
Denno concludes. “There
is an evolution in the
consumption of data,” he
says, “and we look to Dun
& Bradstreet as a partner to
make that happen.”
So we have clients ask us when the impact of foreign competition will start to come into play. I can take
a walk down the street right now and say, ‘It’s not coming. It’s here. And it’s going to continue to grow.’
That’s going to increase the stresses on the ability to find capable contractors, laborers and owners for
these projects that are growing.
You spend a lot of time understanding the dynamics that your customers face. How are you using
data, technology and analytics to truly understand your market?
In construction, we’re historically very slow to adopt technology and the consumption of data. Recent
market reports find construction investment to be right around one percent of technology revenue. If
you look at complimentary markets like insurance or banking, that’s upwards of seven to eight percent.
So construction is slow to adopt technology, but that’s changing because it has to. With the help
of Dun & Bradstreet, we want to give the end user information in a much quicker, better and more
consistent fashion.
Due diligence is an important part of working with your customers and making investment decisions.
Why is Dun & Bradstreet part of your portfolio?
Historically I’ve been an analyst, and I love to look at numbers and make inferences. I love to connect
the dots. I love to have the ability to make a more informed decision moving forward. What I’ve done
recently is really take a step back and look at the accuracy of the foundation of those models, which is
pure data. I’ve learned that Dun & Bradstreet is a significantly strong component of that model.
We need to have a foundation to begin with, so what we’ve done at JBKnowledge is work with Dun &
Bradstreet at the front end of our data model to ensure that when we start to collect data from clients,
businesses, owners, architects and engineers, we have them go through an initial Dun & Bradstreet
cleanse through D&B Direct. That allows us to ensure that there’s one accurate record that’s current
and actionable.
From there we are able to generate a profile on those companies and link them to our master database
in master data format for our clients. Again, the D-U-N-S®
Number is a significant component of that
relationship. It’s a unique number that, outside of social security numbers and federal identification
numbers, you need to create a true family relationship, provide a holistic view of what your dollar
spend is, and see what your relationship is with that company as a structure.
So working with Dun & Bradstreet as a global leader in company verification and credit is a
huge component.
Analytics Goal: Identify the Most Valuable Customers
Leading Financial Institution Credits Advanced Analytics for Identifying High-Value Customers
High-growth companies typically make the
strategic investment of capital a top priority.
Understanding this, one of the world’s leading
financial institutions wanted to prioritize
targeting these burgeoning companies with
offers for loans or lines of credit before they
sought financing from competitors. Therefore,
the company needed a tool to identify existing
customers that were poised for growth.
To meet its objective, the worldwide financial company looked to Dun & Bradstreet for advanced
analytics and professional services. Dun & Bradstreet employed Material Change, an analytic capability
that builds on existing predictive modeling by adding anticipatory signals, such as a company’s
payment behavior and financial obligations, to provide a long-range view of the firm’s risk profile.
Leveraging Material Change, we were able to append “growth” and “decay” segments to an
audience test file to differentiate the trajectory that their small business customers were displaying.
We measured the year-over-year increase in loans/lines of credit for each segment and measured
the percent of dollar change in each. This helped understand future plans based on the predicted
stability of those commercial entities and identify likely prospects.
Material Change did
an excellent job of
identifying companies
with increasing loan needs.
The top growth segments
had increases in both
number of lines/loans
and dollar amounts
associated with borrowing,
and represented the most
attractive businesses.
The bottom decile
segments showed negative
growth in either number of
lines/loans or dollar amounts
of lines/loans.
Analytics Goal: Assess Growth Potential
Global Health Insurance Company Leverages Analytics to Take the Pulse of Companies
Poised for Growth
As a leading provider of health insurance for
companies worldwide, this organization was
looking to streamline its sales and marketing
efforts by being able to identify both current
customers and prospects with the most
potential for enrollment growth. This would
enable them to appropriately align resources
and budgets to craft personalized campaigns
and communications to those segments.
Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team looked at several different data elements and factored in external
economic health indices to build custom models that would determine accurate enrollment growth
for specific entities. The team also performed retroactive analysis on the client’s customer file with
enrollment growth data to determine growth segments.
Four growth segments
were created.
The top segment grew
at 16X the rate of the
lowest segment.
Customer can now
effectively assign best
sales and marketing
resources toward prospects
with higher predicted
Analysis indicated that
Dun & Bradstreet had
been overlooking valuable
sales opportunities with
high-value customers
because its resources were
not matched with customer
complexity and needs.
Modernize and streamline our sales account
and prospect segmentation through data and
analytics – our very own data and analytics.
We wanted to recommend relevant, high-value
customers for sales to call on based on real-time
insights and move away from categories like
spend as the primary segmentation attribute.
Analysis indicated that Dun & Bradstreet had
been overlooking valuable sales opportunities
with high-value customers because its resources
were not matched with customer complexity
and needs. By consolidating resources,
prioritizing customer needs over internal
measures such as spend and shifting
accounts to the appropriate sales model, the
expectation was to foster an environment for
sales to grow, nurture and retain customers.
Practicing What We Preach
How We Used Our Own Data & Analytics to Significantly Improve Account &
Prospect Segmentation
Historically, Dun & Bradstreet’s sales mindset
was driven by an inside-out approach –
allocating our resources to clients based on
customer spend and broadly targeting what
we determined to be the “best” prospects.
In order to better serve customers and
prospects, the team would need to modify its
segmentation methodology and institute a
more outside-in, data-inspired approach. The
new account segmentation policy (ASP) would
be built with more advanced insights such as
opportunity, risk and complexity of need to
help sales appropriately allocate resources to
customer need.
Finally, some customers were being served
by multiple sales reps, with different points
of their organization (family tree) assigned to
various channels. This resulted in a sub-optimal
customer experience and duplication of
efforts. The new ASP would examine the entire
relationship and consolidate ownership to
optimize the customer experience.
Strong analytics facilitate
firms in grouping
customers with similar
needs into sales and
service models that best
serve their needs, leading
to increased opportunities
for cross-sell, upsell and
superior retention and
customer satisfaction.
Dun & Bradstreet’s customer analytics team recognized the opportunity to enhance its account
segmentation policy based on external best practices and emerging data & analytics capabilities.
With a full understanding of the limitations inherent in the existing segmentation process and
embracing the newly launched corporate value of an outside-in mindset, sales leaders sought a
more data-driven, customer-centric approach to account allocation.
Dun & Bradstreet’s customer analytics team led the charge, combining art and science to establish
a data-driven, analytic approach that was optimized by leveraging sales intelligence and put into
practice through a partnership with sales operations.
The new segmentation plan was developed using Dun & Bradstreet’s proprietary data and
firmographic information as well as applying advanced analytic techniques to identify the right set
of criteria for each account, leveraging:
• Customer-centric data such as company size and industry metrics (e.g. growth/decline).
• Predictive models that measure proclivity to purchase Dun & Bradstreet solutions.
• Attrition risk models developed by Dun & Bradstreet for its customers and solutions.
• Historical factors such as renewals, payment history and complexity of purchase.
The new approach would re-segment accounts within the three existing sales channels (Strategic
Vertical Accounts, National Accounts and Inside Sales) to map our “best” customers/prospects with
our “best” sales executives and to take advantage of team-based selling. This meant rebalancing
portfolios and reprioritizing accounts. In order to mitigate any potential customer or internal
disruption caused by account reassignment, the sales, sales operations and service teams were
involved in every step of the process. It was critical to integrate their feedback in order to address
concerns and devise resolutions to conflicts before they became obstacles to smooth customer
In the segmentation game, the gold standard is to create segments of one – companies being
flexible enough to meet each customer’s needs in custom ways. Pandora is a great example of
this. While segments of one are difficult to achieve in a direct sales model, analytics, including
anticipatory analytics, is the lynchpin to creating successful outcomes. Strong analytics facilitate
firms in grouping customers with similar needs into sales and service models that best serve
their needs, leading to increased opportunities for cross-sell, upsell and superior retention and
customer satisfaction.
Beyond purchase behavior and firmographic indicators, the predictive analytical ingredients used
for Dun & Bradstreet’s segmentation were:
• Propensity models, which predict the likelihood of a customer or prospect to purchase
Dun & Bradstreet products and services. These use firmographics, purchasing behavior
and other predictive variables and are tailored for Dun & Bradstreet’s line of products.
• Attrition risk models predict the likelihood of a customer to attrite from a product and
these use some of the same indicators as are used in propensity models.
Given the length of any enterprise sales cycle, it
is still early to determine the long-term revenue
impact of the segmentation. However, we have
seen early signs of increased pipeline indicating
a majority of the upward moves are having the
desired impact in terms of either shifting or
increasing the account trajectory.
Overall, accounts that moved up-channel,
National Accounts to Strategic and Inside Sales
to National Accounts, as well as those that
moved from Verticals down to National Accounts
(low sample) look relatively healthy. There is no
indication that we should discontinue aligning
accounts based on this segmentation.
The growth rate of the accounts moved from
Inside Sales to Strategic slowed, but outpaced
the negative growth of the non-transfers.
Thus far, the response has been very positive,
with the sales team feeling more empowered
to focus their time on addressing the highest
opportunity customers. Customers themselves
are getting the service and attention they
deserve. The marketing and sales teams are
more precisely enabled by an analytically-
prioritized prospect target list, making them
more efficient in allocating resources and
launching programs with ranked targeting.
Moving forward, Dun & Bradstreet will continue
to assess market conditions and evaluate
new data and analytic capabilities in order
to continually enhance the new account
segmentation policy and drive our modern
go-to-market sales and marketing strategy.
© Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved.
Dun & Bradstreet (NYSE: DNB) grows the most valuable relationships in business. By uncovering truth and meaning from data, we connect customers with the prospects, suppliers, clients and
partners that matter most, and have since 1841. Nearly ninety percent of the Fortune 500, and companies of every size around the world, rely on our data, insights and analytics. For more about
Dun & Bradstreet, visit DNB.com.

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The Enterprise Analytics Case Study Look Book

  • 1. The Enterprise Analytics Case Study Look Book The stories and statistics behind some of Dun & Bradstreet’s most successful analytics projects
  • 2. 20 18 14 12 6 4 Foreword Assess Total Risk & Opportunity | H O S P I T A L I T Y Identify Global Business Prospects | B A N K I N G Discover High-Value Lookalike Prospects Across the Globe | H I - T E C H SPOTLIGHT: Pitney Bowes Strengthens Its Customer Acquisition Strategy Identify Supply Chain Risk | A E R O S P A C E Expand into New Markets | F O O D S E R V I C E DATA DIALOGUE: JBKnowledge Builds an Effective Analytics Strategy Identify the Most Valuable Customers | F I N A N C E Assess Growth Potential | H E A L T H C A R E SPOTLIGHT: Dun & Bradstreet Transforms its Go-To-Market Strategy TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 9 16 23
  • 3. FOREWORD Analytics begin and end with asking the right questions – and having the right data. If the data is wrong, the model won’t perform. At Dun & Bradstreet, we’re fortunate to have access to the largest global commercial database on the planet. But just having rich proprietary data assets isn’t valuable if you don’t use it to uncover opportunities for growth. With a world-class team of data scientists, analysts and PhDs, we illuminate the path to growth through unique, global analytics capabilities. We help companies enhance and scale their use of fact-based strategies to connect with the prospects, customers and suppliers that matter the most to them. It’s no wonder 90% of the Fortune 500™ and companies of all sizes worldwide rely on us for the data, analytics and advanced expertise to create competitive, winning business strategies. But don’t take my word for it… In the pages of our “Customer Story Look Book” are diverse examples of how Dun & Bradstreet applied the latest statistical methodologies, such as: scorecard build, regression, decision trees, machine learning and material change to uncover meaning in data. The examples represent global brands across critical industries – Financial Services, Insurance, High-Tech, Aerospace, Manufacturing and others – where we used analytics to help answer their most challenging business questions. How can Dun & Bradstreet help you? Nipa Basu Chief Analytics Officer
  • 4. Analytics Goal: Assess Total Risk & Opportunity International Hotel and Resort Brand Uses Analytics to Ensure It Has No Reservations About Where to Build its Next Property OBJECTIVE One of the world’s largest hospitality brands wanted to identify the most promising locations for constructing new properties. Instead of being reactive and evaluating potential new sites submitted by its hotel franchise owners, the organization wanted to be proactive and recommend sites that were poised for success. With over 100 applications for new hotels a month, it was imperative to take the guess work out of the equation when deciding the location of its next property. SOLUTION The company tasked Dun & Bradstreet’s advanced analytics team with building custom site selection models to evaluate new location opportunities. The models leveraged a mixture of Dun & Bradstreet’s own firmographic data, the company’s first-party data, as well as third-party travel-related information. Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team created models that featured 170 different metrics to characterize specific zip codes being evaluated from the client’s list of 1,000 hotels in 1,000 different zip codes with ‘high performer’ and ‘low performer’ indicators. Zip codes were profiled by SIC, size, sales, employees, inquires, risk, etc. It also included Dun & Bradstreet’s proprietary small business health index. A logistic model was built to differentiate between the high-performing/profitable sites and the low-performing/unprofitable sites and will be re-validated every five years to strengthen the accuracy of future location opportunities. 2 H O S P I T A L I T Y
  • 5. H O S P I T A L I T Y 3 RESULTS The models accurately classified 79% of high-performers and 78% of low-performers. 50% -75% lift over random in the top four deciles (best scoring 40% ). Performance was also strong on validation sample. The analytic model helps not only determine ideal location, it helps decide which type of property best fits specific locales.
  • 6. Analytics Goal: Identify Global Business Prospects Global Bank Capitalizes on Custom Analytics to Identify Worldwide Prospects OBJECTIVE As the international flow of goods and services continues to expand, the opportunity for growth has never looked brighter. For one of the world’s largest banks, the need to expand its trade finance business had become critical and the company was tasked with identifying and engaging new prospects who did business across the globe. Before working with Dun & Bradstreet, the banking giant was relying on basic segmentation like market insight, import/export indictors, linkage and annual sales volume to identify their target audience. The company sought a more efficient and effective way to identify U.S. businesses that were doing business globally. SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet’s advanced analytics team built a custom model to help identify globally active companies that fit the criteria of the bank. Utilizing our depth and breadth of real-time, global data, the analytic model leveraged multiple data assets to identify and rank global business entities including: • Custom-developed annual sales estimation model • Global trade repository • U.S. Customs import data • Firmographic data with international job titles • Proprietary Dun & Bradstreet customer behavior (i.e. cross-border inquiries, contracts, country risk report purchases, etc.) B A N K I N G 4
  • 7. B A N K I N G 5 RESULTS Identified 195K net new prospects for bank. Provided valuable knowledge on the type and extent of global activities for each entity. Dun & Bradstreet insight contributed to the bank’s very own study assessing the link between global expansion and profitability.
  • 8. Analytics Goal: Discover High-Value Lookalike Prospects Across the Globe Global Business Services Company Leverages Advanced Analytics to Replicate High-Value Customers Overseas OBJECTIVE One of the world’s leading manufacturers of hi-tech business products and services wanted to grow its European hardware business. Unfortunately, the company was challenged to find and prioritize its best prospects overseas. In an effort to produce a comprehensive, global marketing solution and increase sales, the business manufacturer needed to identify potential new customers that were similar to those known for having purchased bulk quantities of its products. H I - T E C H 6 SOLUTION The company tasked Dun & Bradstreet to help identify high-value prospects. To achieve this goal, Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team developed two custom analytic models to uncover an audience that met the company’s prerequisite attributes. This included lookalike models – finding audiences with similar attributes of previous customers, as well as applying purchase propensity scores for prospects. Each model leveraged both the client’s existing data and Dun & Bradstreet’s own data including: • Total Employees • Industry • Age • Annual Sales • Family Tree Size • Location Status • Legal Type • Customer Purchase Data
  • 9. H I - T E C H 7 RESULTS The company considered results a “home run.” The model isolated 80% of customers within the top 30% of the development data. The company’s direct sales teams were able to prioritize the prospects with best propensity score.
  • 10.
  • 11. GOAL Today, acquiring new business is dependent on connecting with prospects at the right time. Data-inspired Pitney Bowes engaged Dun & Bradstreet to ensure their new client acquisition strategies were tapping into the latest data insight and modeling techniques to score the prospect records used to drive leads into their call centers for small business solutions. With Pitney Bowes’ own customer data combined with Dun & Bradstreet data, the goal was to identify prime targets to build and maintain specific data variables to help drive data modeling. Data Modeling and Scored Prospect Records Helps Drive ROI for Client Acquisition At Pitney Bowes innovation and growth go hand-in-hand with long-held ideals on collaboration, integrity and accountability to deliver value for its customers. Everything they do has one goal—to help customers achieve their goals. The global brand powers billions of physical and digital transactions in the connected and borderless world of commerce. COMPANY SPOTLIGHT: PITNEY BOWES The main objective was to improve the call- to-order appointment ratio and ultimately the campaign return on investment (ROI). The combined data was modeled using a patented Predictive Weight of Evidence (PWE) method that combines widely recognized Information Theory and Bayesian Probability (a way of quantifying uncertainty), scoring all non-Pitney Bowes company records by the propensity to become a customer. The resulting contacts identified were then called by the Pitney Bowes outbound call center. 9
  • 12. This activity exceeded our campaign average when viewed against past campaigns. The quality, depth and detail of the data from Dun & Bradstreet combined with a team to build out the modeled universe meant we could be more targeted, precise and accurate in our marketing program, resulting in a more successful outcome.” Andrew Ford VP for Marketing and Communications, Europe, Pitney Bowes SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet’s Market Insight is a powerful data visualization and modeling tool that effectively leverages access to the full Dun & Bradstreet data universe at both global and local market levels. The tool allows for basic list building, selections, through to complex segmentation and drill down for full-market analysis. The data in Dun & Bradstreet’s global business database is virtually always used in a custom way. However in this situation, it was essential to combine and model the data in an accessible environment where it could be easily used as needed in the call center. Here’s how they used the data: • A custom prospect pool was built and pre-loaded into the Dun & Bradstreet Market Insight tool for ongoing use in the call center. • Next, the highest ranked prospects are pulled first for outbound calling. • Finally, the file is quickly re-scored and updated to ensure the lead funnel is consistently full so new call plans can be set. 10
  • 13. RESULTS Results for Pitney Bowes were based on Dun & Bradstreet calculations of “won” orders vs. their data pool. These results delivered an initial ROI of 138.6% with an eventual lifetime value of 415.9% when viewed over a contract period of three years. For Pitney Bowes, these results significantly outperformed their previous acquisition activity. In the last year, 78% of the orders secured have come from prospects that scored positively using the patented Predictive Weight of Evidence (PWE) method that scored all non- Pitney Bowes company records to assess the propensity to become a customer. Use of PWE has enabled Pitney Bowes to: 11 • Target 47,500 prospects that would otherwise have been missed. • Increase orders by 21% as total orders in the last six months have come from this 47,500.
  • 14. Analytics Goal: Identify Supply Chain Risk Major Aerospace & Defense Contractor Goes On the Offense to Prevent Defects in its Supply Chain Before It Occurs OBJECTIVE In the aerospace industry, the margin of error is tiny one defective part per million is a problem. With little to no visibility into its sub-tier suppliers, a major aerospace company was experiencing persistent quality problems with 360 critical Tier 1 suppliers and wanted to prevent them. Ultimately, the company needed to understand how they could predict and prevent supply disruption. SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet mapped the customer’s global supply chain through Tier N in three weeks by applying its patent pending “supplier network discovery” process. Next, it quantified the nature and level of risk of each supplier in the chain using a highly scalable, proprietary scoring methodology. Finally, our analytics team was able to identify a distinct correlation between the historical poor performance of Tier 1 suppliers and specific patterns of risk levels over time with Tier 2 suppliers. By analyzing the Tier 2 suppliers that were the riskiest over time, Dun & Bradstreet correlated those with the list of the 360 suppliers and correctly identified each of the top 120 worst performing Tier 1 suppliers from the list. A E R O S P A C E 12
  • 15. A E R O S P A C E 13 RESULTS The customer was able to predict quality defects six months ahead of time. It prevented 65% of all quality problems with Tier 1 supplier by focusing preemptive action on just 1% of their Tier 2 suppliers. The customer was able to avoid future quality and delivery issues. *You can read more about this specific customer story on www.DNB.com.
  • 16. Analytics Goal: Expand into New Markets Century-old Food Service Company Uses Advanced Analytics to Serve Up Qualified Sales Leads OBJECTIVE The largest food distributor in North America had plans to expand into new markets and was in need of qualified leads for its expanding sales force. Unfortunately, previous methods of uncovering qualified leads through surveys and other rudimentary criteria proved to be inadequate. The company turned to Dun & Bradstreet for a data-driven, statistically-based solution that was easy to use and would be embraced by its sales team. SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team leveraged over 16,000 company records with known spend on food products and services to develop a logistic regression propensity model. This enabled the team to score the prospect universe across entire geographical territories and rank the orders based on propensity to spend in the top 25%. Furthermore, the model refined priorities based on level of company growth and overall financial health. F O O D S E R V I C E 14
  • 17. F O O D S E R V I C E 15 RESULTS 70% lift across top five deciles when evaluating the models ability to identify the top spends versus using a random/ judgmental approach. Model correctly classified 66% of the top spenders and 69% of the bottom spenders. Initial in-market test of qualified leads produced good results on close rates and new revenue.
  • 18. The construction industry isn’t usually the first one you would think of for innovative adoption of technology. As director of product and partnerships at JBKnowledge, a leading provider of IT solutions for the industry, Adam Denno is doing his part to change that. And he knows how necessary it is given how global construction has become. “There used to be a saying – Faster, Better, Cheaper – in the construction industry,” he says. “You have to have the ability to move with market demand, and we are seeing increased stress starting to come from outside of the domestic markets.” More than ever, Denno relies on Dun & Bradstreet’s predictive analytics to make critical connections on customers – completing a picture on who these companies are and how they operate. He knows it has become imperative that JBKnowledge have a clear understanding of its customer data, and Denno endeavors to create that customer clarity. In this edition of Data Dialogue, he describes industry pressures and how data and analytics continue to play an increasing role in corporate success. In a time of growth, how do you keep up? How do you stay ahead of where things are going? That’s a million-dollar question, and you have to continue to evolve your delivery methods. Our partners are continually stressed with finding the right opportunity to pursue construction. A typical margin is two to three percent. During the downturn there was a hypercompetitive nature in going after work, reducing margins, reducing fees to secure work, and staying afloat. As the U.S. construction market continues to grow, a lot of other economies globally are seeing stagnation or even a decline in what their construction markets are experiencing. So we are starting to see outside contractors come in to our markets. Case in point: Here in New York if you look down the way there is a large development project headed by a recognized Chinese outfit. That’s something that we hadn’t seen during the downturn. JBKnowledge Constructs a Strategy for Effectively Using Data and Analytics A Q&A with JBKnowledge’s Director of Product & Partnerships DATA DIALOGUE: JBKnowledge What I’ve done recently is really take a step back and look at the accuracy of the foundation of those models, which is pure data. I’ve learned that Dun & Bradstreet is a significantly strong component of that model.” 16 Adam Denno JBKnowledge
  • 19. PARTING WORDS Quicker access to more consistent and reliable customer information is key to moving ahead in the construction industry, Denno concludes. “There is an evolution in the consumption of data,” he says, “and we look to Dun & Bradstreet as a partner to make that happen.” So we have clients ask us when the impact of foreign competition will start to come into play. I can take a walk down the street right now and say, ‘It’s not coming. It’s here. And it’s going to continue to grow.’ That’s going to increase the stresses on the ability to find capable contractors, laborers and owners for these projects that are growing. You spend a lot of time understanding the dynamics that your customers face. How are you using data, technology and analytics to truly understand your market? In construction, we’re historically very slow to adopt technology and the consumption of data. Recent market reports find construction investment to be right around one percent of technology revenue. If you look at complimentary markets like insurance or banking, that’s upwards of seven to eight percent. So construction is slow to adopt technology, but that’s changing because it has to. With the help of Dun & Bradstreet, we want to give the end user information in a much quicker, better and more consistent fashion. Due diligence is an important part of working with your customers and making investment decisions. Why is Dun & Bradstreet part of your portfolio? Historically I’ve been an analyst, and I love to look at numbers and make inferences. I love to connect the dots. I love to have the ability to make a more informed decision moving forward. What I’ve done recently is really take a step back and look at the accuracy of the foundation of those models, which is pure data. I’ve learned that Dun & Bradstreet is a significantly strong component of that model. We need to have a foundation to begin with, so what we’ve done at JBKnowledge is work with Dun & Bradstreet at the front end of our data model to ensure that when we start to collect data from clients, businesses, owners, architects and engineers, we have them go through an initial Dun & Bradstreet cleanse through D&B Direct. That allows us to ensure that there’s one accurate record that’s current and actionable. From there we are able to generate a profile on those companies and link them to our master database in master data format for our clients. Again, the D-U-N-S® Number is a significant component of that relationship. It’s a unique number that, outside of social security numbers and federal identification numbers, you need to create a true family relationship, provide a holistic view of what your dollar spend is, and see what your relationship is with that company as a structure. So working with Dun & Bradstreet as a global leader in company verification and credit is a huge component. 17
  • 20. Analytics Goal: Identify the Most Valuable Customers Leading Financial Institution Credits Advanced Analytics for Identifying High-Value Customers OBJECTIVE High-growth companies typically make the strategic investment of capital a top priority. Understanding this, one of the world’s leading financial institutions wanted to prioritize targeting these burgeoning companies with offers for loans or lines of credit before they sought financing from competitors. Therefore, the company needed a tool to identify existing customers that were poised for growth. SOLUTION To meet its objective, the worldwide financial company looked to Dun & Bradstreet for advanced analytics and professional services. Dun & Bradstreet employed Material Change, an analytic capability that builds on existing predictive modeling by adding anticipatory signals, such as a company’s payment behavior and financial obligations, to provide a long-range view of the firm’s risk profile. Leveraging Material Change, we were able to append “growth” and “decay” segments to an audience test file to differentiate the trajectory that their small business customers were displaying. We measured the year-over-year increase in loans/lines of credit for each segment and measured the percent of dollar change in each. This helped understand future plans based on the predicted stability of those commercial entities and identify likely prospects. F I N A N C E 18
  • 21. F I N A N C E 19 RESULTS Material Change did an excellent job of identifying companies with increasing loan needs. The top growth segments had increases in both number of lines/loans and dollar amounts associated with borrowing, and represented the most attractive businesses. The bottom decile segments showed negative growth in either number of lines/loans or dollar amounts of lines/loans.
  • 22. Analytics Goal: Assess Growth Potential Global Health Insurance Company Leverages Analytics to Take the Pulse of Companies Poised for Growth OBJECTIVE As a leading provider of health insurance for companies worldwide, this organization was looking to streamline its sales and marketing efforts by being able to identify both current customers and prospects with the most potential for enrollment growth. This would enable them to appropriately align resources and budgets to craft personalized campaigns and communications to those segments. SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet’s analytics team looked at several different data elements and factored in external economic health indices to build custom models that would determine accurate enrollment growth for specific entities. The team also performed retroactive analysis on the client’s customer file with enrollment growth data to determine growth segments. H E A L T H C A R E 20
  • 23. H E A L T H C A R E 21 RESULTS Four growth segments were created. The top segment grew at 16X the rate of the lowest segment. Customer can now effectively assign best sales and marketing resources toward prospects with higher predicted growth.
  • 24.
  • 25. Analysis indicated that Dun & Bradstreet had been overlooking valuable sales opportunities with high-value customers because its resources were not matched with customer complexity and needs. THE GOAL Modernize and streamline our sales account and prospect segmentation through data and analytics – our very own data and analytics. We wanted to recommend relevant, high-value customers for sales to call on based on real-time insights and move away from categories like spend as the primary segmentation attribute. Analysis indicated that Dun & Bradstreet had been overlooking valuable sales opportunities with high-value customers because its resources were not matched with customer complexity and needs. By consolidating resources, prioritizing customer needs over internal measures such as spend and shifting accounts to the appropriate sales model, the expectation was to foster an environment for sales to grow, nurture and retain customers. Practicing What We Preach How We Used Our Own Data & Analytics to Significantly Improve Account & Prospect Segmentation COMPANY SPOTLIGHT: Dun & Bradstreet CHALLENGES Historically, Dun & Bradstreet’s sales mindset was driven by an inside-out approach – allocating our resources to clients based on customer spend and broadly targeting what we determined to be the “best” prospects. In order to better serve customers and prospects, the team would need to modify its segmentation methodology and institute a more outside-in, data-inspired approach. The new account segmentation policy (ASP) would be built with more advanced insights such as opportunity, risk and complexity of need to help sales appropriately allocate resources to customer need. Finally, some customers were being served by multiple sales reps, with different points of their organization (family tree) assigned to various channels. This resulted in a sub-optimal customer experience and duplication of efforts. The new ASP would examine the entire relationship and consolidate ownership to optimize the customer experience. 23
  • 26. Strong analytics facilitate firms in grouping customers with similar needs into sales and service models that best serve their needs, leading to increased opportunities for cross-sell, upsell and superior retention and customer satisfaction. THE SOLUTION Dun & Bradstreet’s customer analytics team recognized the opportunity to enhance its account segmentation policy based on external best practices and emerging data & analytics capabilities. With a full understanding of the limitations inherent in the existing segmentation process and embracing the newly launched corporate value of an outside-in mindset, sales leaders sought a more data-driven, customer-centric approach to account allocation. Dun & Bradstreet’s customer analytics team led the charge, combining art and science to establish a data-driven, analytic approach that was optimized by leveraging sales intelligence and put into practice through a partnership with sales operations. The new segmentation plan was developed using Dun & Bradstreet’s proprietary data and firmographic information as well as applying advanced analytic techniques to identify the right set of criteria for each account, leveraging: • Customer-centric data such as company size and industry metrics (e.g. growth/decline). • Predictive models that measure proclivity to purchase Dun & Bradstreet solutions. • Attrition risk models developed by Dun & Bradstreet for its customers and solutions. • Historical factors such as renewals, payment history and complexity of purchase. The new approach would re-segment accounts within the three existing sales channels (Strategic Vertical Accounts, National Accounts and Inside Sales) to map our “best” customers/prospects with our “best” sales executives and to take advantage of team-based selling. This meant rebalancing portfolios and reprioritizing accounts. In order to mitigate any potential customer or internal disruption caused by account reassignment, the sales, sales operations and service teams were involved in every step of the process. It was critical to integrate their feedback in order to address concerns and devise resolutions to conflicts before they became obstacles to smooth customer transition. 24
  • 27. GAME CHANGER: ANALYTICS In the segmentation game, the gold standard is to create segments of one – companies being flexible enough to meet each customer’s needs in custom ways. Pandora is a great example of this. While segments of one are difficult to achieve in a direct sales model, analytics, including anticipatory analytics, is the lynchpin to creating successful outcomes. Strong analytics facilitate firms in grouping customers with similar needs into sales and service models that best serve their needs, leading to increased opportunities for cross-sell, upsell and superior retention and customer satisfaction. Beyond purchase behavior and firmographic indicators, the predictive analytical ingredients used for Dun & Bradstreet’s segmentation were: • Propensity models, which predict the likelihood of a customer or prospect to purchase Dun & Bradstreet products and services. These use firmographics, purchasing behavior and other predictive variables and are tailored for Dun & Bradstreet’s line of products. • Attrition risk models predict the likelihood of a customer to attrite from a product and these use some of the same indicators as are used in propensity models. RESULTS Given the length of any enterprise sales cycle, it is still early to determine the long-term revenue impact of the segmentation. However, we have seen early signs of increased pipeline indicating a majority of the upward moves are having the desired impact in terms of either shifting or increasing the account trajectory. Overall, accounts that moved up-channel, National Accounts to Strategic and Inside Sales to National Accounts, as well as those that moved from Verticals down to National Accounts (low sample) look relatively healthy. There is no indication that we should discontinue aligning accounts based on this segmentation. The growth rate of the accounts moved from Inside Sales to Strategic slowed, but outpaced the negative growth of the non-transfers. Thus far, the response has been very positive, with the sales team feeling more empowered to focus their time on addressing the highest opportunity customers. Customers themselves are getting the service and attention they deserve. The marketing and sales teams are more precisely enabled by an analytically- prioritized prospect target list, making them more efficient in allocating resources and launching programs with ranked targeting. Moving forward, Dun & Bradstreet will continue to assess market conditions and evaluate new data and analytic capabilities in order to continually enhance the new account segmentation policy and drive our modern go-to-market sales and marketing strategy. 25
  • 28. © Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved. dnb.com ABOUT DUN & BRADSTREET Dun & Bradstreet (NYSE: DNB) grows the most valuable relationships in business. By uncovering truth and meaning from data, we connect customers with the prospects, suppliers, clients and partners that matter most, and have since 1841. Nearly ninety percent of the Fortune 500, and companies of every size around the world, rely on our data, insights and analytics. For more about Dun & Bradstreet, visit DNB.com.