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Chris Hillman
Teradata Principal Data Scientist
Need for a Unified Data Architecture for New Insights
Enabling Any User for Any Data Type from Data Capture to Analysis

                   Java, C/C++, Python, R, SAS, SQL, Excel, BI, Visualization

                                                          Reporting and Execution
              Discover and Explore
                                                             in the Enterprise

                               Capture, Store and Refine

     Audio/                                    Web &               Machine
                   Images   Docs    Text                                     CRM   SCM   ERP
     Video                                     Social               Logs

 2       4/23/12                           Teradata Confidential
                  Data Scientists                Quants                Customers / Partners      Front-Line Workers
                        Engineers          Business Analysts                Executives           Operational Systems


                                         DISCOVERY                                      INTEGRATED
                                         PLATFORM                                     DATA WAREHOUSE

       AUDIO & VIDEO       IMAGES             TEXT          WEB & SOCIAL    MACHINE LOGS       CRM           SCM       ERP

3   Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Requirements for an Integrated Data
• Single View of Your Business                                                                          Marketing
                                                                              Business Analysts                          Front-line Workers
• Cross-Functional Analysis                                                                             Executives
                                                                             Knowledge Workers                           Operational Systems
• Shared Source for Analytics
• Load Once, Use Many Times
• Highest Business Value                                                    BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE         DATA MINING           APPLICATIONS

• Lowest Total Cost of
• Fastest Time-to-Market For
  New Apps

                                                                                                    DATA WAREHOUSE

4    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Requirements of a Discovery Platform

     DATA SOURCES                                     DISCOVERY               DISCOVERY TOOLS         USERS

          Non-                                                                        SQL
                                                  Platform                                              Data
                                                                                  MapReduce           Scientist
                                            • Structured and                  Statistical Functions   Business
           Data                                                                                       Analyst
                                                                             • Fraud patterns
                                            • Doesn’t require
        Structured                            extensive data                 • Customer behavior
           Data                               modeling                       • Digital marketing
                                            • Doesn’t balance the              optimization
                                              books                          • Supply chain and
                                            • Data completeness                supply line sensors
          OLTP                                can be good enough
         DBMS’s                             • No stringent SLAs

5     Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
                  Data Scientists                Quants                Customers / Partners        Front-Line Workers
                        Engineers          Business Analysts                 Executives            Operational Systems


    Big Data Analytics                   DISCOVERY                                         INTEGRATED
                                         PLATFORM                                        DATA WAREHOUSE

                                                                                                  Big Data Management
                                                              CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE

       AUDIO & VIDEO       IMAGES             TEXT          WEB & SOCIAL      MACHINE LOGS       CRM           SCM       ERP

6   Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.

                    Data Scientists         Quants                Customers / Partners        Front-Line Workers
                        Engineers      Business Analysts               Executives             Operational Systems


                                                                                                            Analytic Score with Path Variable
 Golden Path Application Submit                                                                                      Event Triggers
    Fraud Sentiment Analysis                                                                                     Marketing Integration
Multi-Channel Customer Behavior                                                                               Customer Behavior Analysis
        Channel Hoping                                                                                            MySpending Report
          Attrition Paths                                                                                       Customer Segmentation
        Fraudulent Paths                                                                                          Credit Risk Analysis
  Digital Marketing Attribution       DISCOVERY                                     INTEGRATED                   Customer profitability
                                      PLATFORM                                    DATA WAREHOUSE                    Portfolio Analysis

                                                     Cross Platform Aggregation

                                                       CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE

           E-MAIL         STORE SVP      SURVEY         ON-LINE         BRANCH DATA      CALL CENTER          ATM          PROFILE
                  Data Scientists                Quants                Customers / Partners        Front-Line Workers
                        Engineers          Business Analysts                 Executives            Operational Systems


                                         DISCOVERY                                         INTEGRATED
                                         PLATFORM                                        DATA WAREHOUSE


                                                              CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE

8   ConfidentialVIDEOproprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
       AUDIO & and           IMAGES            TEXT          WEB & SOCIAL     MACHINE LOGS       CRM           SCM       ERP
SQL-H In Action
Join Teradata, Hadoop, Aster tables; feed into Map Reduce
SELECT qrd_focus_area, count(*)                                                   SQL manipulation
                                                                                  for calculation
FROM nPath(
    ON (
            ( SELECT * FROM load_from_teradata(
                                                                                  TD Connector to
                ON mr_driver          TDPID(‘dbc’)
                                                                                  get OWNERSHIP
                USERNAME(‘name1’)               PASSWORD(‘password1’)             data
                QUERY(‘SELECT * FROM owner.prod_own_fact’) ) ) AS td
                                                                                  Include local Aster
      JOIN owner.prod_dim proddim ON td.prod_id = proddim.product_id
                                                                                  tables in JOIN
            ( SELECT * FROM load_from_hadoop(
                ON mr_driver SERVER ('')                               Hadoop Connector
                                                                                  to get WARRANTY
                USERNAME (‘name2') DBNAME (‘repair')                              data
                TABLENAME ('transaction') ) ) AS sqlh
      ON sqlh.prod_ident_nbr = proddim.id )
    PARTITION BY party_id, prod_id ORDER BY repair_dt
                                                                                  Any path you
    MODE (OVERLAPPING)                                                            want, specified
    PATTERN ( ‘REPAIR{3}' )                                                       with the power
                                                                                  of regular
    SYMBOLS ( event = ‘REPAIR’ AS REPAIR )
    RESULT (ACCUMULATE(qrd_focus_area OF ANY(REPAIR)) AS qrd_focus_area_path )
GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 desc ;
9          Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
                     Data Scientists                Quants                Customers / Partners        Front-Line Workers
                           Engineers          Business Analysts                 Executives            Operational Systems


                                            DISCOVERY              Aster Teradata             INTEGRATED
                                            PLATFORM                 Connector              DATA WAREHOUSE

                     Aster Connector for                 SQL-H                                             Teradata Connector
                           Hadoop                                                                              for Hadoop

             Aster Loader                                                                                           Teradata Loader
                                                                 CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE

10     ConfidentialVIDEOproprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
          AUDIO & and           IMAGES            TEXT          WEB & SOCIAL     MACHINE LOGS       CRM             SCM         ERP
When to Use Which?
      The best approach by workload and data type
Processing as a Function of Schema Requirements and Stage of Data Pipeline

                                                                   “Simple math
                                              Data Pre-
                       Low Cost                                       at scale”         Joins,       Analytics
                     Storage and                                    (Score, filter,    Unions,     (Iterative and   Reporting
                     Fast Loading                                    sort, avg.,      Aggregates    data mining)

                                                Financial Analysis, Ad-Hoc/OLAP
       Stable            Teradata/              Enterprise-Wide BI TeradataReporting
                                                Teradata  Teradata
                                                                    and        Teradata                              Teradata
      Schema              Hadoop
                                                         Active Execution

                                               Interactive Data Discovery                                             Aster
  Evolving                                                                                                           (SQL +
                                          Web Clickstream, Set-Top Box Analysis
                                                 Aster /
                                                      Aster /
                          Hadoop                                Aster    Aster                                        Aster
   Schema                                        Hadoop
                                                      Hadoop                                                        MapReduce
                                                CDRs, Sensor Logs, JSON                                             Analytics)

                                            Social Feeds, Text, Image Processing                                      Aster
No Schema
                         Hadoop               Audio/Video Storage and Refining
                                               Hadoop  Hadoop
                                                       Hadoop     Aster
                                                                  Aster    Aster
                                                                           Aster                                    (MapReduce
                                             Storage and Batch Transformations

 11      Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
When to Use Which?
      The best approach by workload and data type
Processing as a Function of Schema Requirements and Stage of Data Pipeline

                                                                   “Simple math
                                              Data Pre-
                       Low Cost                                       at scale”         Joins,       Analytics
                     Storage and                                    (Score, filter,    Unions,     (Iterative and   Reporting
                     Fast Loading                                    sort, avg.,      Aggregates    data mining)

       Stable            Teradata/
                                                 Teradata               Teradata       Teradata      Teradata        Teradata
      Schema              Hadoop

  Evolving                Hadoop
                                                 Aster /                 Aster /
                                                                                        Aster          Aster         (SQL +
   Schema                                        Hadoop                  Hadoop                                     MapReduce

                         Hadoop                 Hadoop
                                                 Hadoop                 Hadoop
                                                                        Hadoop          Aster
                                                                                        Aster         Aster
                                                                                                      Aster         (MapReduce
No Schema                                                                                                            Analytics)

 12      Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Starting point: Complaints Data

14    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Churners – and data quality

15    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
What events lead up to a reboot?

 Note number of paths
     with a reboot,
   following another

      CREATE dimension table wrk.npath_reboot_5events
      AS SELECT path, COUNT(*) AS path_count
      FROM nPath
             (ON wrk.w_event_f
              PARTITION BY srv_id                                              SELECT *
              ORDER BY evt_ts desc                                             FROM GraphGen (ON
              MODE (NONOVERLAPPING )                                                         (SELECT * from wrk.npath_reboot_5events
              PATTERN ('X{0,5}.reboot')                                                      ORDER BY path_count
              SYMBOLS                                                                         LIMIT 30 )
                    (true as X,                                                PARTITION BY 1
                  evt_name = 'REBOOT' AS reboot)                               ORDER BY path_count desc
             RESULT                                                            item_format('npath')
                 (FIRST( srv_id OF X) AS srv_id,                               item1_col('path')
                  ACCUMULATE (evt_name OF ANY (X,reboot))                      score_col('path_count')
              AS path)                                                         output_format('sankey')
             ) GROUP BY 1 ;                                                    justify('right'));

16      Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
View events data in Tableau

                                                                             Looks like an issue with the data
                                                                             on the 30th September and
                                                                             beyond, the Reboot data for
                                                                             October seems to have been
                                                                             aggregated and added to
                                                                             September the 30th

17    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Address data quality
 • Remove paths will all reboots and exclude data from 30th

                                                                             Would appear
                                                                             that events with
                                                                             suffix 1 and 2
                                                                             can be added

18    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Visualise as a Graph using Aster GraphGen

                                                                                                     Size of Node = number
                                                                                                     of customers
                                                                                                     Width of Edge = number
                                                                                                     of errors

                                                                             SELECT *
                                                                             FROM graphgen
                                                                                       (SELECT DISTINCT dmt_act_dslam,
                                                                                       FROM wrk.srvid_dslam_err)
                                                                                PARTITION BY 1
                                                                                ORDER BY errorspersrv
                                                                                nodesize_max (3)
                                                                                nodesize_min (1));

19    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Synch Issues by Hub Type

20    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Error and Complaint rates by equipment

21    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Input Data
 create table wrk.cih_dshb_ads as
 SELECT srv_id, sav_flag, offer, inseecode, code_postal, libelle, nom_dep, nom_region, longitude, latitude,
            coalesce(topo_nra, 'Unknown') as topo_nra, topo_dslam, coalesce(iad_hardwareversion, 'Unknown') as iad_hardwareversion,
            coalesce(iad_manufacturer, 'Unknown') as iad_manufacturer,
            coalesce(iad_modelname , 'Unknown') as iad_modelname,
            coalesce(iad_modemfirmwareversion , 'Unknown') as iad_modemfirmwareversion,
            coalesce(iad_productclass , 'Unknown') as iad_productclass,
            coalesce(iad_provisioningcode , 'Unknown') as iad_provisioningcode,
            coalesce(iad_softwareversion , 'Unknown') as iad_softwareversion,
            coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1,
            coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfilename_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfilename_1,
            coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfilenumbofentries , 0) as iad_vendorconfigfilenumbofentries,
            coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfileversion_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfileversion_1,
            coalesce(iad_x_000e50_boardversion , 'Unknown') as iad_x_000e50_boardversion,
            coalesce(stb_description , 'Unknown') as stb_description,
            coalesce(stb_devicestatus , 'Unknown') as stb_devicestatus,
            coalesce(stb_gwinfoproductclass , 'Unknown') as stb_gwinfoproductclass,
            coalesce(stb_hardwareversion , 'Unknown') as stb_hardwareversion,
            coalesce(stb_manufacturer , 'Unknown') as stb_manufacturer,
            coalesce(stb_productclass , 'Unknown') as stb_productclass,
            coalesce( stb_softwareversion, 'Unknown') as stb_softwareversion,
           ,kpi_iptv_conso_heures,kpi_iptv_packetslosts,kpi_iptv_packetsreceived, kpi_dsl_dscurrate_before,kpi_dsl_dscurrate_after,
   FROM wrk.cih_dshb_bis
  where network = 'BYT'
 and stb_manufacturer is not null
 and topo_dslam is not null

24     Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Decision Trees
 FROM forest_drive
  CATEGORICALINPUTS('offer', 'nom_dep', 'nom_region',
 'topo_nra','topo_dslam' , 'iad_modemfirmwareversion',
 'iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1', 'iad_x_000e50_boardversion',
 'stb_description', 'stb_productclass', 'stb_softwareversion',

25    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Naïve Bayes
 CREATE TABLE wrk.cih_dshb_model (PARTITION KEY(class)) AS
 SELECT * FROM naiveBayesReduce(
   ON(SELECT * FROM naiveBayesMap(
       ON (select * from wrk.cih_dshb_ads_in_11 where kpi_iad_uptime is not null)
       CATEGORICALINPUTS('offer', 'nom_dep', 'nom_region', 'topo_nra','topo_dslam' ,
 rsion', 'stb_description', 'stb_productclass', 'stb_softwareversion', 'topo_dslam_brand')
   )PARTITION BY class

26    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Support Vector Machine
 create table wrk.cih_svm_train2 distribute by hash(srv_id) as
 select srv_id, 'topo_nra_insee' as attr, topo_nra_insee::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'code_postal' as attr, code_postal::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'kpi_iad_uptime_avg' as attr, kpi_iad_uptime_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'dev_iad_uptime_diff_avg' as attr, dev_iad_uptime_diff_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff_avg' as attr, kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff_avg::varchar as
 attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'sav_nb_contacts' as attr, sav_nb_contacts::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'nb_tr' as attr, nb_tr::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all
 select srv_id, 'kpi_dsl_nb_crc_avg' as attr, kpi_dsl_nb_crc_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt
 FROM wrk.cih_sav_train;
 /*Run SVM*/

 CREATE TABLE wrk.cih_svm_model3 (PARTITION KEY(vec_index)) AS
 SELECT vec_index, avg(vec_value) as vec_value FROM
 svm( ON wrk.cih_svm_train2
 OUTCOME( 'sav_flag' )
 ATTRIBUTE_VALUE( 'attr_value' )
 )GROUP BY vec_index;

27    Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Lift Chart to View Predictive Model

28   Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
Teradata Big Data London Seminar

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Teradata Big Data London Seminar

  • 1. UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Chris Hillman Teradata Principal Data Scientist
  • 2. Need for a Unified Data Architecture for New Insights Enabling Any User for Any Data Type from Data Capture to Analysis Java, C/C++, Python, R, SAS, SQL, Excel, BI, Visualization Reporting and Execution Discover and Explore in the Enterprise Capture, Store and Refine Audio/ Web & Machine Images Docs Text CRM SCM ERP Video Social Logs 2 4/23/12 Teradata Confidential
  • 3. UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Data Scientists Quants Customers / Partners Front-Line Workers Engineers Business Analysts Executives Operational Systems LANGUAGES MATH & STATS DATA MINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS DISCOVERY INTEGRATED PLATFORM DATA WAREHOUSE AUDIO & VIDEO IMAGES TEXT WEB & SOCIAL MACHINE LOGS CRM SCM ERP 3 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 4. Requirements for an Integrated Data Warehouse Customers/Partners • Single View of Your Business Marketing Business Analysts Front-line Workers • Cross-Functional Analysis Executives Knowledge Workers Operational Systems • Shared Source for Analytics • Load Once, Use Many Times • Highest Business Value BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DATA MINING APPLICATIONS • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership • Fastest Time-to-Market For New Apps INTEGRATED DATA WAREHOUSE 4 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 5. Requirements of a Discovery Platform DATA SOURCES DISCOVERY DISCOVERY TOOLS USERS Non- SQL Relational Data Discovery Platform Data MapReduce Scientist Multi- Structured • Structured and Statistical Functions Business Data Analyst multi-structured data • Fraud patterns • Doesn’t require Structured extensive data • Customer behavior Data modeling • Digital marketing • Doesn’t balance the optimization books • Supply chain and • Data completeness supply line sensors OLTP can be good enough DBMS’s • No stringent SLAs 5 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 6. UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Data Scientists Quants Customers / Partners Front-Line Workers Engineers Business Analysts Executives Operational Systems LANGUAGES MATH & STATS DATA MINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS Big Data Analytics DISCOVERY INTEGRATED PLATFORM DATA WAREHOUSE Big Data Management CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE AUDIO & VIDEO IMAGES TEXT WEB & SOCIAL MACHINE LOGS CRM SCM ERP 6 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 7. TERADATA UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Data Scientists Quants Customers / Partners Front-Line Workers Engineers Business Analysts Executives Operational Systems LANGUAGES MATH & STATS DATA MINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS Productionize Analytic Score with Path Variable Golden Path Application Submit Event Triggers Fraud Sentiment Analysis Marketing Integration Multi-Channel Customer Behavior Customer Behavior Analysis Channel Hoping MySpending Report Attrition Paths Customer Segmentation Fraudulent Paths Credit Risk Analysis Digital Marketing Attribution DISCOVERY INTEGRATED Customer profitability PLATFORM DATA WAREHOUSE Portfolio Analysis Consumerization Sessionization Cross Platform Aggregation CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE E-MAIL STORE SVP SURVEY ON-LINE BRANCH DATA CALL CENTER ATM PROFILE
  • 8. TERADATA UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Data Scientists Quants Customers / Partners Front-Line Workers Engineers Business Analysts Executives Operational Systems LANGUAGES MATH & STATS DATA MINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS DISCOVERY INTEGRATED PLATFORM DATA WAREHOUSE SQL-H CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE 8 ConfidentialVIDEOproprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation. AUDIO & and IMAGES TEXT WEB & SOCIAL MACHINE LOGS CRM SCM ERP
  • 9. SQL-H In Action Join Teradata, Hadoop, Aster tables; feed into Map Reduce SELECT qrd_focus_area, count(*) SQL manipulation for calculation FROM nPath( ON ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM load_from_teradata( TD Connector to ON mr_driver TDPID(‘dbc’) get OWNERSHIP USERNAME(‘name1’) PASSWORD(‘password1’) data QUERY(‘SELECT * FROM owner.prod_own_fact’) ) ) AS td Include local Aster JOIN owner.prod_dim proddim ON td.prod_id = proddim.product_id tables in JOIN JOIN ( SELECT * FROM load_from_hadoop( ON mr_driver SERVER ('') Hadoop Connector to get WARRANTY USERNAME (‘name2') DBNAME (‘repair') data TABLENAME ('transaction') ) ) AS sqlh ON sqlh.prod_ident_nbr = proddim.id ) PARTITION BY party_id, prod_id ORDER BY repair_dt Any path you MODE (OVERLAPPING) want, specified PATTERN ( ‘REPAIR{3}' ) with the power of regular SYMBOLS ( event = ‘REPAIR’ AS REPAIR ) expressions! RESULT (ACCUMULATE(qrd_focus_area OF ANY(REPAIR)) AS qrd_focus_area_path ) )n GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 desc ; 9 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 10. TERADATA UNIFIED DATA ARCHITECTURE Data Scientists Quants Customers / Partners Front-Line Workers Engineers Business Analysts Executives Operational Systems VIEWPOINT LANGUAGES MATH & STATS DATA MINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS SUPPORT DISCOVERY Aster Teradata INTEGRATED PLATFORM Connector DATA WAREHOUSE Aster Connector for SQL-H Teradata Connector Hadoop for Hadoop Aster Loader Teradata Loader CAPTURE | STORE | REFINE 10 ConfidentialVIDEOproprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation. AUDIO & and IMAGES TEXT WEB & SOCIAL MACHINE LOGS CRM SCM ERP
  • 11. When to Use Which? The best approach by workload and data type Processing as a Function of Schema Requirements and Stage of Data Pipeline “Simple math Data Pre- Low Cost at scale” Joins, Analytics Processing, Storage and (Score, filter, Unions, (Iterative and Reporting Refining, Fast Loading sort, avg., Aggregates data mining) Cleansing count...) Financial Analysis, Ad-Hoc/OLAP Stable Teradata/ Enterprise-Wide BI TeradataReporting Teradata Teradata and Teradata Teradata Schema Hadoop Spatial/Temporal Active Execution Interactive Data Discovery Aster Evolving (SQL + Web Clickstream, Set-Top Box Analysis Aster / Aster / Hadoop Aster Aster Aster Schema Hadoop Hadoop MapReduce CDRs, Sensor Logs, JSON Analytics) Social Feeds, Text, Image Processing Aster Format, No Schema Hadoop Hadoop Audio/Video Storage and Refining Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Aster Aster Aster Aster (MapReduce Aster Analytics) Storage and Batch Transformations 11 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 12. When to Use Which? The best approach by workload and data type Processing as a Function of Schema Requirements and Stage of Data Pipeline “Simple math Data Pre- Low Cost at scale” Joins, Analytics Processing, Storage and (Score, filter, Unions, (Iterative and Reporting Refining, Fast Loading sort, avg., Aggregates data mining) Cleansing count...) Stable Teradata/ Teradata Teradata Teradata Teradata Teradata Schema Hadoop Aster Evolving Hadoop Aster / Aster / Aster Aster (SQL + Aster Schema Hadoop Hadoop MapReduce Analytics) Aster Format, Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Aster Aster Aster Aster (MapReduce Aster No Schema Analytics) 12 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 14. Starting point: Complaints Data 14 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 15. Churners – and data quality 15 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 16. What events lead up to a reboot? Note number of paths with a reboot, following another reboot! CREATE dimension table wrk.npath_reboot_5events AS SELECT path, COUNT(*) AS path_count FROM nPath (ON wrk.w_event_f PARTITION BY srv_id SELECT * ORDER BY evt_ts desc FROM GraphGen (ON MODE (NONOVERLAPPING ) (SELECT * from wrk.npath_reboot_5events PATTERN ('X{0,5}.reboot') ORDER BY path_count SYMBOLS LIMIT 30 ) (true as X, PARTITION BY 1 evt_name = 'REBOOT' AS reboot) ORDER BY path_count desc RESULT item_format('npath') (FIRST( srv_id OF X) AS srv_id, item1_col('path') ACCUMULATE (evt_name OF ANY (X,reboot)) score_col('path_count') AS path) output_format('sankey') ) GROUP BY 1 ; justify('right')); 16 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 17. View events data in Tableau Looks like an issue with the data on the 30th September and beyond, the Reboot data for October seems to have been aggregated and added to September the 30th 17 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 18. Address data quality • Remove paths will all reboots and exclude data from 30th September Would appear that events with suffix 1 and 2 can be added together 18 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 19. Visualise as a Graph using Aster GraphGen Size of Node = number of customers Width of Edge = number of errors SELECT * FROM graphgen (ON (SELECT DISTINCT dmt_act_dslam, nra_id, nbr_of_srvid, errorspersrv, nbr_of_dslam FROM wrk.srvid_dslam_err) PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY errorspersrv item_format('cfilter') item1_col('dmt_act_dslam') item2_col('nra_id') score_col('errorspersrv') cnt1_col('nbr_of_srvid') cnt2_col('nbr_of_dslam') output_format('sigma') directed('false') width_max(10) width_min(1) nodesize_max (3) nodesize_min (1)); 19 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 20. Synch Issues by Hub Type 20 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 21. Error and Complaint rates by equipment type 21 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 22.
  • 24. Input Data create table wrk.cih_dshb_ads as SELECT srv_id, sav_flag, offer, inseecode, code_postal, libelle, nom_dep, nom_region, longitude, latitude, coalesce(topo_nra, 'Unknown') as topo_nra, topo_dslam, coalesce(iad_hardwareversion, 'Unknown') as iad_hardwareversion, coalesce(iad_manufacturer, 'Unknown') as iad_manufacturer, coalesce(iad_modelname , 'Unknown') as iad_modelname, coalesce(iad_modemfirmwareversion , 'Unknown') as iad_modemfirmwareversion, coalesce(iad_productclass , 'Unknown') as iad_productclass, coalesce(iad_provisioningcode , 'Unknown') as iad_provisioningcode, coalesce(iad_softwareversion , 'Unknown') as iad_softwareversion, coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1, coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfilename_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfilename_1, coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfilenumbofentries , 0) as iad_vendorconfigfilenumbofentries, coalesce(iad_vendorconfigfileversion_1 , 'Unknown') as iad_vendorconfigfileversion_1, coalesce(iad_x_000e50_boardversion , 'Unknown') as iad_x_000e50_boardversion, coalesce(stb_description , 'Unknown') as stb_description, coalesce(stb_devicestatus , 'Unknown') as stb_devicestatus, coalesce(stb_gwinfoproductclass , 'Unknown') as stb_gwinfoproductclass, coalesce(stb_hardwareversion , 'Unknown') as stb_hardwareversion, coalesce(stb_manufacturer , 'Unknown') as stb_manufacturer, coalesce(stb_productclass , 'Unknown') as stb_productclass, coalesce( stb_softwareversion, 'Unknown') as stb_softwareversion, dev_iad_uptime_diff,dsl_showtime_diff,dev_stb_uptime_diff, kpi_iad_uptime,kpi_iad_synctime,kpi_stb_uptime, dev_iad_uptime,dsl_showtime,dev_stb_uptime, dsl_downstr_att,dsl_downstr_cur,dsl_downstr_max, kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff,kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls,kpi_dsl_nb_crc,kpi_dsl_dscurrate_ratio_qualite, kpi_voip_tx_appels_coupes,kpi_voip_qualite,kpi_voip_qualite_diff,kpi_iptv_plr_nb_bon,kpi_iptv_plr_nb_moyen, ,kpi_iptv_conso_heures,kpi_iptv_packetslosts,kpi_iptv_packetsreceived, kpi_dsl_dscurrate_before,kpi_dsl_dscurrate_after, FROM wrk.cih_dshb_bis where network = 'BYT' and stb_manufacturer is not null and topo_dslam is not null 24 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 25. Decision Trees SELECT * FROM forest_drive (ON (SELECT 1) PARTITION BY 1 DATABASE('beehive') USERID('beehive') PASSWORD('beehive') INPUTTABLE('wrk.cih_dshb_tree_in') OUTPUTTABLE('wrk.cih_dshb_tree_out') RESPONSE('sav_flag') NUMERICINPUTS(‘KPI_SIGNAL') CATEGORICALINPUTS('offer', 'nom_dep', 'nom_region', 'topo_nra','topo_dslam' , 'iad_modemfirmwareversion', 'iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1', 'iad_x_000e50_boardversion', 'stb_description', 'stb_productclass', 'stb_softwareversion', 'topo_dslam_brand') NUMTREES(4) ) 25 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 26. Naïve Bayes CREATE TABLE wrk.cih_dshb_model (PARTITION KEY(class)) AS SELECT * FROM naiveBayesReduce( ON(SELECT * FROM naiveBayesMap( ON (select * from wrk.cih_dshb_ads_in_11 where kpi_iad_uptime is not null) RESPONSE('sav_flag') NUMERICINPUTS('dev_iad_uptime','dsl_showtime','dev_stb_uptime', 'dsl_downstr_att','dsl_downstr_cur','dsl_downstr_max', 'kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff','kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls','kpi_dsl_nb_crc','kpi_dsl_d scurrate_ratio_qualite','kpi_voip_tx_appels_coupes','kpi_voip_qualite','kpi_voip_qualite_ diff','kpi_iptv_plr_nb_bon','kpi_iptv_plr_nb_moyen','kpi_iptv_plr_nb_mauvais', 'kpi_iptv_packetslosts','kpi_iptv_packetsreceived','kpi_stb_uptime','kpi_iad_synctime','kp i_iad_uptime') CATEGORICALINPUTS('offer', 'nom_dep', 'nom_region', 'topo_nra','topo_dslam' , 'iad_modemfirmwareversion','iad_vendorconfigfiledescription_1','iad_x_000e50_boardve rsion', 'stb_description', 'stb_productclass', 'stb_softwareversion', 'topo_dslam_brand') ) )PARTITION BY class ); 26 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 27. Support Vector Machine create table wrk.cih_svm_train2 distribute by hash(srv_id) as select srv_id, 'topo_nra_insee' as attr, topo_nra_insee::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'code_postal' as attr, code_postal::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'kpi_iad_uptime_avg' as attr, kpi_iad_uptime_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'dev_iad_uptime_diff_avg' as attr, dev_iad_uptime_diff_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff_avg' as attr, kpi_voip_nb_dropped_calls_diff_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'sav_nb_contacts' as attr, sav_nb_contacts::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'nb_tr' as attr, nb_tr::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train union all select srv_id, 'kpi_dsl_nb_crc_avg' as attr, kpi_dsl_nb_crc_avg::varchar as attr_value, sav_all_tgt FROM wrk.cih_sav_train; /*Run SVM*/ CREATE TABLE wrk.cih_svm_model3 (PARTITION KEY(vec_index)) AS SELECT vec_index, avg(vec_value) as vec_value FROM svm( ON wrk.cih_svm_train2 PARTITION BY srv_id OUTCOME( 'sav_flag' ) ATTRIBUTE_NAME( 'attr' ) ATTRIBUTE_VALUE( 'attr_value' ) )GROUP BY vec_index; 27 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.
  • 28. Lift Chart to View Predictive Model Performance 28 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Teradata Corporation.

Editor's Notes

  1. We want to help companies manage all of their data and get the best analytics valuePeople define big data around 3 V’s (volume, velocity, variety)Teradata sees the most value in “Big A” – Analytics. New analytics is what solves business problems which couldn’t be addressed beforeTo leverage Big Data you must give all the business analysts in your organization the right analytical tool on all the existing and new data available Operationalizing these new insights drives competitive advantage To do this we’ve develop the Unified Data Architecture™, an architecture that leverages the right technology on the right analytical problems - leveraging best-of-breed technologies.
  2. Good slide. Important. Could be made prettier.