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Fator de valor presente em séries uniformes postecipadas
                                                                                                                      Fator = an,i = {[(1+i)^n]‐1}/[i.(1+i)^n]

ni          1%              2%             3%                4%                  5%                 6%                 7%                 8%                 9%                 10%                 11%                  12%                  13%                  14%                  15%
 1           0,9901          0,9804         0,9709              0,9615              0,9524             0,9434             0,9346             0,9259             0,9174              0,9091               0,9009               0,8929               0,8850               0,8772               0,8696
 2           1,9704          1,9416         1,9135              1,8861              1,8594             1,8334             1,8080             1,7833             1,7591              1,7355               1,7125               1,6901               1,6681               1,6467               1,6257
 3           2,9410          2,8839         2,8286              2,7751              2,7232             2,6730             2,6243             2,5771             2,5313              2,4869               2,4437               2,4018               2,3612               2,3216               2,2832
 4           3,9020          3,8077         3,7171              3,6299              3,5460             3,4651             3,3872             3,3121             3,2397              3,1699               3,1024               3,0373               2,9745               2,9137               2,8550
 5           4,8534          4,7135         4,5797              4,4518              4,3295             4,2124             4,1002             3,9927             3,8897              3,7908               3,6959               3,6048               3,5172               3,4331               3,3522
 6           5,7955          5,6014         5,4172              5,2421              5,0757             4,9173             4,7665             4,6229             4,4859              4,3553               4,2305               4,1114               3,9975               3,8887               3,7845
 7           6,7282          6,4720         6,2303              6,0021              5,7864             5,5824             5,3893             5,2064             5,0330              4,8684               4,7122               4,5638               4,4226               4,2883               4,1604
 8           7,6517          7,3255         7,0197              6,7327              6,4632             6,2098             5,9713             5,7466             5,5348              5,3349               5,1461               4,9676               4,7988               4,6389               4,4873
 9           8,5660          8,1622         7,7861              7,4353              7,1078             6,8017             6,5152             6,2469             5,9952              5,7590               5,5370               5,3282               5,1317               4,9464               4,7716
10           9,4713          8,9826         8,5302              8,1109              7,7217             7,3601             7,0236             6,7101             6,4177              6,1446               5,8892               5,6502               5,4262               5,2161               5,0188
11         10,3676           9,7868         9,2526              8,7605              8,3064             7,8869             7,4987             7,1390             6,8052              6,4951               6,2065               5,9377               5,6869               5,4527               5,2337
12         11,2551         10,5753          9,9540              9,3851              8,8633             8,3838             7,9427             7,5361             7,1607              6,8137               6,4924               6,1944               5,9176               5,6603               5,4206
13         12,1337         11,3484        10,6350               9,9856              9,3936             8,8527             8,3577             7,9038             7,4869              7,1034               6,7499               6,4235               6,1218               5,8424               5,5831
14         13,0037         12,1062        11,2961             10,5631               9,8986             9,2950             8,7455             8,2442             7,7862              7,3667               6,9819               6,6282               6,3025               6,0021               5,7245
15         13,8651         12,8493        11,9379             11,1184             10,3797              9,7122             9,1079             8,5595             8,0607              7,6061               7,1909               6,8109               6,4624               6,1422               5,8474
16         14,7179         13,5777        12,5611             11,6523             10,8378           10,1059               9,4466             8,8514             8,3126              7,8237               7,3792               6,9740               6,6039               6,2651               5,9542
17         15,5623         14,2919        13,1661             12,1657             11,2741           10,4773               9,7632             9,1216             8,5436              8,0216               7,5488               7,1196               6,7291               6,3729               6,0472
18         16,3983         14,9920        13,7535             12,6593             11,6896           10,8276            10,0591               9,3719             8,7556              8,2014               7,7016               7,2497               6,8399               6,4674               6,1280
19         17,2260         15,6785        14,3238             13,1339             12,0853           11,1581            10,3356               9,6036             8,9501              8,3649               7,8393               7,3658               6,9380               6,5504               6,1982
20         18,0456         16,3514        14,8775             13,5903             12,4622           11,4699            10,5940               9,8181             9,1285              8,5136               7,9633               7,4694               7,0248               6,6231               6,2593
21         18,8570         17,0112        15,4150             14,0292             12,8212           11,7641            10,8355            10,0168               9,2922              8,6487               8,0751               7,5620               7,1016               6,6870               6,3125
22         19,6604         17,6580        15,9369             14,4511             13,1630           12,0416            11,0612            10,2007               9,4424              8,7715               8,1757               7,6446               7,1695               6,7429               6,3587
23         20,4558         18,2922        16,4436             14,8568             13,4886           12,3034            11,2722            10,3711               9,5802              8,8832               8,2664               7,7184               7,2297               6,7921               6,3988
24         21,2434         18,9139        16,9355             15,2470             13,7986           12,5504            11,4693            10,5288               9,7066              8,9847               8,3481               7,7843               7,2829               6,8351               6,4338
25         22,0232         19,5235        17,4131             15,6221             14,0939           12,7834            11,6536            10,6748               9,8226              9,0770               8,4217               7,8431               7,3300               6,8729               6,4641
26         22,7952         20,1210        17,8768             15,9828             14,3752           13,0032            11,8258            10,8100               9,9290              9,1609               8,4881               7,8957               7,3717               6,9061               6,4906
27         23,5596         20,7069        18,3270             16,3296             14,6430           13,2105            11,9867            10,9352            10,0266                9,2372               8,5478               7,9426               7,4086               6,9352               6,5135
28         24,3164         21,2813        18,7641             16,6631             14,8981           13,4062            12,1371            11,0511            10,1161                9,3066               8,6016               7,9844               7,4412               6,9607               6,5335
29         25,0658         21,8444        19,1885             16,9837             15,1411           13,5907            12,2777            11,1584            10,1983                9,3696               8,6501               8,0218               7,4701               6,9830               6,5509
30         25,8077         22,3965        19,6004             17,2920             15,3725           13,7648            12,4090            11,2578            10,2737                9,4269               8,6938               8,0552               7,4957               7,0027               6,5660
31         26,5423         22,9377        20,0004             17,5885             15,5928           13,9291            12,5318            11,3498            10,3428                9,4790               8,7331               8,0850               7,5183               7,0199               6,5791
32         27,2696         23,4683        20,3888             17,8736             15,8027           14,0840            12,6466            11,4350            10,4062                9,5264               8,7686               8,1116               7,5383               7,0350               6,5905
33         27,9897         23,9886        20,7658             18,1476             16,0025           14,2302            12,7538            11,5139            10,4644                9,5694               8,8005               8,1354               7,5560               7,0482               6,6005
34         28,7027         24,4986        21,1318             18,4112             16,1929           14,3681            12,8540            11,5869            10,5178                9,6086               8,8293               8,1566               7,5717               7,0599               6,6091
35         29,4086         24,9986        21,4872             18,6646             16,3742           14,4982            12,9477            11,6546            10,5668                9,6442               8,8552               8,1755               7,5856               7,0700               6,6166
36         30,1075         25,4888        21,8323             18,9083             16,5469           14,6210            13,0352            11,7172            10,6118                9,6765               8,8786               8,1924               7,5979               7,0790               6,6231
37         30,7995         25,9695        22,1672             19,1426             16,7113           14,7368            13,1170            11,7752            10,6530                9,7059               8,8996               8,2075               7,6087               7,0868               6,6288
38         31,4847         26,4406        22,4925             19,3679             16,8679           14,8460            13,1935            11,8289            10,6908                9,7327               8,9186               8,2210               7,6183               7,0937               6,6338
39         32,1630         26,9026        22,8082             19,5845             17,0170           14,9491            13,2649            11,8786            10,7255                9,7570               8,9357               8,2330               7,6268               7,0997               6,6380
40         32,8347         27,3555        23,1148             19,7928             17,1591           15,0463            13,3317            11,9246            10,7574                9,7791               8,9511               8,2438               7,6344               7,1050               6,6418

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            6,4624             6,1422             5,8474 16      14,7179      13,5777     12,5611          11,6523          10,8378        10,1059           9,4466           8,8514           8,3126            7,8237             7,3792             6,9740             6,6039             6,2651             5,9542 17      15,5623      14,2919     13,1661          12,1657          11,2741        10,4773           9,7632           9,1216           8,5436            8,0216             7,5488             7,1196             6,7291             6,3729             6,0472 18      16,3983      14,9920     13,7535          12,6593          11,6896        10,8276        10,0591           9,3719           8,7556            8,2014             7,7016             7,2497             6,8399             6,4674             6,1280 19      17,2260      15,6785     14,3238          13,1339          12,0853        11,1581        10,3356           9,6036           8,9501            8,3649             7,8393             7,3658             6,9380             6,5504             6,1982 20      18,0456      16,3514     14,8775          13,5903          12,4622        11,4699        10,5940           9,8181           9,1285            8,5136             7,9633             7,4694             7,0248             6,6231             6,2593 21      18,8570      17,0112     15,4150          14,0292          12,8212        11,7641        10,8355        10,0168           9,2922            8,6487             8,0751             7,5620             7,1016             6,6870             6,3125 22      19,6604      17,6580     15,9369          14,4511          13,1630        12,0416        11,0612        10,2007           9,4424            8,7715             8,1757             7,6446             7,1695             6,7429             6,3587 23      20,4558      18,2922     16,4436          14,8568          13,4886        12,3034        11,2722        10,3711           9,5802            8,8832             8,2664             7,7184             7,2297             6,7921             6,3988 24      21,2434      18,9139     16,9355          15,2470          13,7986        12,5504        11,4693        10,5288           9,7066            8,9847             8,3481             7,7843             7,2829             6,8351             6,4338 25      22,0232      19,5235     17,4131          15,6221          14,0939        12,7834        11,6536        10,6748           9,8226            9,0770             8,4217             7,8431             7,3300             6,8729             6,4641 26      22,7952      20,1210     17,8768          15,9828          14,3752        13,0032        11,8258        10,8100           9,9290            9,1609             8,4881             7,8957             7,3717             6,9061             6,4906 27      23,5596      20,7069     18,3270          16,3296          14,6430        13,2105        11,9867        10,9352        10,0266            9,2372             8,5478             7,9426             7,4086             6,9352             6,5135 28      24,3164      21,2813     18,7641          16,6631          14,8981        13,4062        12,1371        11,0511        10,1161            9,3066             8,6016             7,9844             7,4412             6,9607             6,5335 29      25,0658      21,8444     19,1885          16,9837          15,1411        13,5907        12,2777        11,1584        10,1983            9,3696             8,6501             8,0218             7,4701             6,9830             6,5509 30      25,8077      22,3965     19,6004          17,2920          15,3725        13,7648        12,4090        11,2578        10,2737            9,4269             8,6938             8,0552             7,4957             7,0027             6,5660 31      26,5423      22,9377     20,0004          17,5885          15,5928        13,9291        12,5318        11,3498        10,3428            9,4790             8,7331             8,0850             7,5183             7,0199             6,5791 32      27,2696      23,4683     20,3888          17,8736          15,8027        14,0840        12,6466        11,4350        10,4062            9,5264             8,7686             8,1116             7,5383             7,0350             6,5905 33      27,9897      23,9886     20,7658          18,1476          16,0025        14,2302        12,7538        11,5139        10,4644            9,5694             8,8005             8,1354             7,5560             7,0482             6,6005 34      28,7027      24,4986     21,1318          18,4112          16,1929        14,3681        12,8540        11,5869        10,5178            9,6086             8,8293             8,1566             7,5717             7,0599             6,6091 35      29,4086      24,9986     21,4872          18,6646          16,3742        14,4982        12,9477        11,6546        10,5668            9,6442             8,8552             8,1755             7,5856             7,0700             6,6166 36      30,1075      25,4888     21,8323          18,9083          16,5469        14,6210        13,0352        11,7172        10,6118            9,6765             8,8786             8,1924             7,5979             7,0790             6,6231 37      30,7995      25,9695     22,1672          19,1426          16,7113        14,7368        13,1170        11,7752        10,6530            9,7059             8,8996             8,2075             7,6087             7,0868             6,6288 38      31,4847      26,4406     22,4925          19,3679          16,8679        14,8460        13,1935        11,8289        10,6908            9,7327             8,9186             8,2210             7,6183             7,0937             6,6338 39      32,1630      26,9026     22,8082          19,5845          17,0170        14,9491        13,2649        11,8786        10,7255            9,7570             8,9357             8,2330             7,6268             7,0997             6,6380 40      32,8347      27,3555     23,1148          19,7928          17,1591        15,0463        13,3317        11,9246        10,7574            9,7791             8,9511             8,2438             7,6344             7,1050             6,6418