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Business Model Proved
“Electrons can be used to retool and grow Traditional Industries”
Company Timeline
International Footprint
A Few of Our Customers
What makes us different?
                                 Old Model
 Suppliers                                                     Customers
                           Stock & Ship or Drop Ship
                              Minimal Technology
                               No Web Services

New Role of an Intermediary
 Suppliers                         BP2i™                       Customers
    •Total Solutions Provider!   Web Services
         –Supplier of goods      Supply Chain
         –Services provider
         –Conduit of knowledge
         –Designer and Engineer
         –Supply Chain: Driver/Partner/Manager (Supply Chain Fractal™)
         –Business Process Integration & Information (BP2i™)
Supply Chain Fractal™
     “Managing Our Universe and its Infinite Possibilities”
     Each supply chain entity represents its own universe and sphere of influence

                            Mills                                       Requirements
             Vendors                                                                        Orders

                    Supply Centric                                   Demand Centric
Logistics                                                                                         Specs


           Design                                                                           Services
                                        IT Services
                      Turn-Key                                  Processes         Portals

                                 Fractals are produced by a positive feed back loop: output is fed back
                                 into the system as input again and again!
                                 “notion of worlds within worlds”
Our New Benefits Approach
  Client Based Supply Chain

                               Supply Chain and
                               Business Process                      Supply Chain
    Direct to Client             Enhancement                          Experience

                                                                    Goods Flow Mgt.
     Direct Local Sales       JIT and Stocking Pgms.
                                                             Business Process Integration
       Web Services         Quarterly Client Conference
                                                                Goods Cost Containment
     Price Comparison        Integrated Client Services
                                                                  National Accts. Pgm.
   Commodity Purchases             Client Portals
  Custom Corrugated runs       Direct Regional Sales
                                                                 CEO/CFO Roundtables
Standard/Custom Packaging     Procurement Integration
                                                             Client and Supplier Integration
   Stocking Agreements         Accounting Integration
                                                                       Client JVs
                               Warehouse Integration

      Client Content        Mix of Client & Expert Content           Expert Content
A World of Solutions Under One Roof
In-House Design Department
Food Packaging Solutions
Advanced Technology Initiatives
Biz Process Flow
                                          Vertical CONTEXT
                     Hosted application service (real-time planning, billing, etc)
                                   Hosted integrated data service
                                         Hosted data service
                  RFID infrastructure design/install/lease/maintain/custom redesign

                                             ATT (Intel)
                          Data                                     Data

                            Tagged                              Tagged
                                           Consolidator       Packages/
       Supplier                             Packaging                      Customer
                             Data            (ARPK1)
                                    Package Tag placement design
        RFID                                                                         RFID
      In a Box                             Carton tagging                          In a Box
     Compliance                            Content tagging                        Read /Write
                                     Re-usable tagged containers
                                          4-walls RFID data
                                         Intransit RFID data
                                         Vertical CONTEXT
                                                 In a Box
Achieving Cost Reduction

Above the
waterline                       2-5% Unit Cost Savings
Below the   Vendor Reduction    5-20% Total Cost Savings
waterline                                (or more)
               JIT Program

             Partner Portal™

            Managed Inventory

               Direct Links
Best Total Cost
                      Common Concerns:
Cost of Acquisition
                      • Sustainable cost
Cost of Possession      containment
                      • SKU rationalization
Cost of Application   • Vendor consolidation
                      • Data visibility
                      • Maverick spending
    Total Cost
                      • Internal resource utilization
Continuous Improvement
• iSYS
  – Sales Management tool that tracks
    and measures activities in sales

• “Certified Packaging Specialist
  – Comprehensive assessment, training
    and certification process
  – Powerful marketing tool
Quantifiable Cost
Savings generated by
the Continuous
efforts of AFFLINK
Advancements in the Marketplace
What’s the Cost and
Who are the Players?
What Is RFID?
    An enabling technology to improve security and integrity, while
 realizing significant productivity gains. RFID is one component in the
      overall sensor network market, which is machine-to-machine

•RFID allows for easy tracking and tracing
– Read and write data to the tag
– Builds history in networked database
•RFID allows for automatic information collection on
– Products, Places, People, Times, Transactions...
–         with unique ID stored on RFID tags
•RFID allows fast and contactless identification
– Identification performed in milliseconds
– No line of sight required
•Standards being set by EPCGlobal in collaboration with
cross industry Members

           Roll of RFID Tags             RFID Tags      RFID Tags for Pallets
                                                             and Boxes
Real Time Collaboration
Execution Approach,
Engagement Model & Key Value Propositions

     STRATEGY                                      PLAN unsurpassed technology
                                                   Benefit from
     Build on solid business and industry
     knowledge and insight into                    know-how, commitment for
     Next-generation technologies                  open-standard-based approach,
       Workshop                                    & strategic alliances
                                                      Solution Design &
       • Why ?
       • Which problems ?
                                                      • ROI analysis
       • Where to start ?
                                                      • Integration
                                                      • Tech Architecture

                                        Mitigate Risk
    DEPLOY and/or effort by                        TRIAL
    Reduce time, cost,
     using repeatable Best Practices
     Boost performance with certified                   Proof-of-concept/
     solutions                                          Pilot Studies
                                                        • User enrolment
       Solution Impact &
                                                        • Test usability
                                                        • Validate ROI
       • Proven execution
       • RFID enablement
       • Solution Deployment
Thank you!

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Supply chain presentation 11 2006

  • 1. Business Model Proved “Electrons can be used to retool and grow Traditional Industries”
  • 4. A Few of Our Customers
  • 5. What makes us different? Old Model Suppliers Customers Distributors Stock & Ship or Drop Ship Minimal Technology No Web Services New Role of an Intermediary ARPK1 Suppliers BP2i™ Customers •Total Solutions Provider! Web Services –Supplier of goods Supply Chain Fractal™ –Services provider –Conduit of knowledge –Designer and Engineer –Supply Chain: Driver/Partner/Manager (Supply Chain Fractal™) –Business Process Integration & Information (BP2i™)
  • 6. Supply Chain Fractal™ “Managing Our Universe and its Infinite Possibilities” Each supply chain entity represents its own universe and sphere of influence Mills Requirements Vendors Orders Supply Centric Demand Centric Logistics Specs Web Services PK1 PackageOne Quotes Web Design Services IT Services Turn-Key Processes Portals Fractals are produced by a positive feed back loop: output is fed back into the system as input again and again! “notion of worlds within worlds”
  • 7. Our New Benefits Approach Client Based Supply Chain Supply Chain and Business Process Supply Chain Direct to Client Enhancement Experience Goods Flow Mgt. Direct Local Sales JIT and Stocking Pgms. Business Process Integration Web Services Quarterly Client Conference Goods Cost Containment Price Comparison Integrated Client Services National Accts. Pgm. Commodity Purchases Client Portals Mentorship/Sponsorship Custom Corrugated runs Direct Regional Sales CEO/CFO Roundtables Standard/Custom Packaging Procurement Integration Client and Supplier Integration Stocking Agreements Accounting Integration Client JVs Warehouse Integration Client Content Mix of Client & Expert Content Expert Content
  • 8. A World of Solutions Under One Roof
  • 14. Biz Process Flow Vertical CONTEXT Hosted application service (real-time planning, billing, etc) Hosted integrated data service Hosted data service RFID infrastructure design/install/lease/maintain/custom redesign ATT (Intel) Data Data Data Tagged Tagged reusable containers Consolidator Packages/ contents (Retail) Supplier Packaging Customer Data++ Data (ARPK1) Package Tag placement design RFID RFID In a Box Carton tagging In a Box Compliance Content tagging Read /Write Re-usable tagged containers 4-walls RFID data Intransit RFID data Vertical CONTEXT ® RFID In a Box Read/Write
  • 15. Achieving Cost Reduction Above the COG waterline 2-5% Unit Cost Savings Below the Vendor Reduction 5-20% Total Cost Savings waterline (or more) JIT Program Partner Portal™ Managed Inventory Direct Links
  • 16. Best Total Cost Common Concerns: Cost of Acquisition • Sustainable cost Cost of Possession containment • SKU rationalization Cost of Application • Vendor consolidation • Data visibility • Maverick spending Total Cost • Internal resource utilization
  • 17. Continuous Improvement • iSYS – Sales Management tool that tracks and measures activities in sales process • “Certified Packaging Specialist – Comprehensive assessment, training and certification process – Powerful marketing tool
  • 18. Quantifiable Cost Savings generated by the Continuous Improvement efforts of AFFLINK distributors
  • 24. Advancements in the Marketplace
  • 25. What’s the Cost and Who are the Players?
  • 26. What Is RFID? An enabling technology to improve security and integrity, while realizing significant productivity gains. RFID is one component in the overall sensor network market, which is machine-to-machine communications. •RFID allows for easy tracking and tracing – Read and write data to the tag – Builds history in networked database •RFID allows for automatic information collection on – Products, Places, People, Times, Transactions... – with unique ID stored on RFID tags •RFID allows fast and contactless identification – Identification performed in milliseconds – No line of sight required •Standards being set by EPCGlobal in collaboration with cross industry Members Roll of RFID Tags RFID Tags RFID Tags for Pallets and Boxes
  • 28. Execution Approach, Engagement Model & Key Value Propositions STRATEGY PLAN unsurpassed technology Benefit from Build on solid business and industry knowledge and insight into know-how, commitment for Next-generation technologies open-standard-based approach, Workshop & strategic alliances Solution Design & • Why ? Development • Which problems ? • ROI analysis • Where to start ? • Integration • Tech Architecture Mitigate Risk DEPLOY and/or effort by TRIAL Reduce time, cost, using repeatable Best Practices Boost performance with certified Proof-of-concept/ solutions Pilot Studies • User enrolment Solution Impact & • Test usability Architecture • Validate ROI • Proven execution • RFID enablement • Solution Deployment

Editor's Notes

  1. AFFLINK is currently in the process of developing a detailed facility audit that packaging distributors can use to collect product usage data from national account or local end user customers. Our long term goal is to web enable the audit tool for real time data. This information is critical to our ability to document and recommend continuous improvement activities. SalesTracker is a sales management tool that will allow DSRs and management to document and measure sales leads. Once again, this tool is very important to the success of AFFLINK National Accounts. AFFLINK can monitor and provide documentation of the activities and savings to NA HQ.