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State of Analytics:
Retail & Consumer
The age of what-i-want-when–i-want it consumers
requires building frictionless customer experiences.
Let’s step back to address the question of our time
How can I continue to be relevant to my customers?
The bar for a good customer experience is being
continuously reset by players that might not even
be in your industry
(Amazon, Disney, Uber, WeChat, Apple, AirBnB, Tinder)
A great experience today is table stakes tomorrow.
Core = Technology + Insights
of retailers don’t know/ measure
the ROI in analytics
How Much
CAGR (2016-20) for
BI/Analytics IT budget growth
CAGR (2016-20) for
BI/Analytics IT budget growth
Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2012 EKN Big Data in CG Study, 2012
Reporting and
Basic Reporting
and Analysis
2012 Analytics Maturity:
CG companies led retailers
Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2015
Reporting and
Basic Reporting
and Analysis
2015 Analytics Maturity:
Retailers are closing the gap fast
Who Else
of retail business users bought
analytics software independent
of their IT Teams
Of CG business users bought
analytics software independent
of their IT Teams
Mobile BI
Big Data
Enterprise BI & Reporting
SaaS BI Platform
Master Data Management
Still bringing a knife to a gunfight?
Amazon continues to be the gold standard for analytics
across all consumer industries.
The gap between it and the industry is widening
Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016
Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016
Source (2013:: Google patent records-EKN Research (2013). Some media reports have cited number of patents that Amazon has
received to be 1263.
• Amazon is innovating faster than other retailers.
Since 1994, Amazon has received ~1000+ patents to Wal-Mart’s
• Each business/service area has at least one patent
(Trade-In, Subscription Service, Digital Media etc.)
• There has been a gradual shift in the focus of
patents but there is continued focus on improving
Personalization/Recommendations -> Search -> Fulfillment - >
• It has a large number of patents that cover the use of
analytics and customer data to improve the business
(recommendations, usability content, promotions, payment,
sentiment analysis of reviews etc.)
A break-up of Amazon’s patents
~ No. Of
Amazon Technologies 560
Amazon.com 180
A9.com 100
Kiva 100
Liquavista 60
Alexa 13
Clickmarks 12
True knowledge 8
Junglee 3
Total 1052
Amazon uses its proprietary algorithms and patents to differentiate itself
from the competition and create barriers to entry (1-Click checkout patent).
Culture of Analytics + Technology + Arsenal of IP
The 4 Pillars of Insights:
Need to move along the insight continuum
(Source: EKN Frameworks )
Mo Data. Mo Problems.
(Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014 and 2015)
Top Data Management
#2 Data Integration
Hype Resistant
Twitter: @gpantekn
The no spin zone: The reality of Big Data is that few like
the term, and it’s currently the domain of a few first
Top 3 business
Lack of Budget
Unclear ROI
Lack of
Source: EKN 4th Annual Big Data in Retail Survey, 2015; EKN Big Data in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015;
Consumer Goods 2014 Tech Trends Study; EKN Future of Retail IT Survey, 2015
Avg IT Budget spent on
Big Data Analytics
Value: Accuracy (n=all), Fast, Cheaper
Avg IT Budget spent on
Big Data Analytics
Don’t get caught up in the term.
• There is no absolute specification of what Big Data is; each
enterprise must define what it is for them.
• Ways to measure (data):
• Volume – How much
• Variety - How different
• Velocity – How fast
• Traditional Definition
• The strategy, business processes, tools and technologies that pertain
to datasets whose size and complexity is beyond the ability of typical
data- base software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze.
(Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014)
• Big Data is a relative concept.
• Think of it as a generational leap from your current analytics
capability that give you the ability to do a whole lot more from
less than with a whole lot less.
(Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014)
Don’t get caught up in the term.
Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015
1 Limited resources who can interpret the output of analytics tools
Lack of single owner for analytics
2 Absence of a clearly articulated analytics strategy
Retail & CG companies agree
on the top challenges
Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016
Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016
9x behind
4x behind
4x behind
4x behind
The gap with Amazon across dimensions is YUGE!
Annoying Orange
A viral sensation that no one
saw coming
Offensive Orange
A viral sensation that no one
saw winning
Well that was unexpected
Jun 16, 2015: Why Donald Trump Isn’t A Real Candidate
Jul 16, 2015: Two Good Reasons Not To Take
The Donald Trump ‘Surge’ Seriously
Jul 20, 2015: Donald Trump Is The World’s
Greatest Troll
Aug 6, 2015: Donald Trump’s Six Stages of Doom
Aug 11, 2015: Donald Trump Is Winning The Polls,
And Losing The Nomination
Nov 23, 2015: Dear Media, Stop Freaking Out About Donald Trump’s Polls
Feb 2, 2016 Donald Trump Comes Out Of Iowa Looking Like Pat Buchanan
Data-Fails & biases happen to the best of us
Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016
Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016
Size of internal analytics teams
Build the skill pyramid.
Don’t use data scientists for pulling data
Source: EKN Frameworks
Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015
Pricing Improvements
Promotion Effectiveness
Customer Insights Needs To Be A Torrent Across The Enterprise
Demand Forecasting
1 Optimize Inventory Levels
Out of Stocks
Marketing/Campaign Spend ROI3
Immediate focus areas
The coming of Retail’s Watson moment !
Data is for machines. Insights are for humans.
Design for humans and not scientists.
Let machines have their data and automate tasks.
Contact Me
•Gaurav Pant
Email: gpant@edgellmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gpantnyc
Twitter: @gpantekn

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State of Analytics: Retail and Consumer Goods

  • 1. State of Analytics: Retail & Consumer Goods GAURAV PANT EKN
  • 2. The age of what-i-want-when–i-want it consumers requires building frictionless customer experiences. Let’s step back to address the question of our time How can I continue to be relevant to my customers? …anymore
  • 3. The bar for a good customer experience is being continuously reset by players that might not even be in your industry (Amazon, Disney, Uber, WeChat, Apple, AirBnB, Tinder) A great experience today is table stakes tomorrow. Core = Technology + Insights
  • 4.
  • 5. ROI 94% of retailers don’t know/ measure the ROI in analytics Other Priorities Why?
  • 6. How Much 14.6% CAGR (2016-20) for BI/Analytics IT budget growth 11% CAGR (2016-20) for BI/Analytics IT budget growth
  • 7. Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2012 EKN Big Data in CG Study, 2012 Predictive 14% Basic Reporting and Analysis 68% 51% Basic Reporting and Analysis 33% InvestigativePredictive 16% Investigative 18% 2012 Analytics Maturity: CG companies led retailers
  • 8. Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2015 Predictive 16% Basic Reporting and Analysis 41% 45% Basic Reporting and Analysis Investigative Predictive 15% Investigative 18%43% 40% 2015 Analytics Maturity: Retailers are closing the gap fast
  • 9. Who Else 47% of retail business users bought analytics software independent of their IT Teams 23% Of CG business users bought analytics software independent of their IT Teams
  • 10. Where RETAIL CONSUMER GOODS FIRST TIME Mobile BI Big Data UPGRADE Data Visualization/Dashboards FIRST TIME Data Visualization/Dashboards Personalization UPGRADE Enterprise BI & Reporting CHANGE SUPPLIER SaaS BI Platform CHANGE SUPPLIER Master Data Management
  • 11. Still bringing a knife to a gunfight?
  • 12. Amazon continues to be the gold standard for analytics across all consumer industries. The gap between it and the industry is widening 8 Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016 Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016 RETAIL VS AMAZON CG VS AMAZON AHEAD OF AMAZON 2% AT PAR WITH AMAZON 18% AHEAD OF AMAZON 0% AT PAR WITH AMAZON 10% BEHIND AMAZON 90% AT PAR WITH AMAZON 80%
  • 13. Source (2013:: Google patent records-EKN Research (2013). Some media reports have cited number of patents that Amazon has received to be 1263. • Amazon is innovating faster than other retailers. Since 1994, Amazon has received ~1000+ patents to Wal-Mart’s ~*50 • Each business/service area has at least one patent (Trade-In, Subscription Service, Digital Media etc.) • There has been a gradual shift in the focus of patents but there is continued focus on improving personalization Personalization/Recommendations -> Search -> Fulfillment - > Technology • It has a large number of patents that cover the use of analytics and customer data to improve the business (recommendations, usability content, promotions, payment, sentiment analysis of reviews etc.) A break-up of Amazon’s patents Entity ~ No. Of Patents Amazon Technologies 560 Amazon.com 180 A9.com 100 Kiva 100 Liquavista 60 IMDB 16 Alexa 13 Clickmarks 12 True knowledge 8 Junglee 3 Total 1052 Amazon uses its proprietary algorithms and patents to differentiate itself from the competition and create barriers to entry (1-Click checkout patent). Culture of Analytics + Technology + Arsenal of IP
  • 14. The 4 Pillars of Insights: Need to move along the insight continuum (Source: EKN Frameworks ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 7 8 9
  • 15. Privacy Mo Data. Mo Problems. Mobile Social (Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014 and 2015) Top Data Management Challenges #1 Data Organization #2 Data Integration
  • 17. The no spin zone: The reality of Big Data is that few like the term, and it’s currently the domain of a few first movers Top 3 business challenges Lack of Budget Unclear ROI Lack of resources Source: EKN 4th Annual Big Data in Retail Survey, 2015; EKN Big Data in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015; Consumer Goods 2014 Tech Trends Study; EKN Future of Retail IT Survey, 2015 5% Avg IT Budget spent on Big Data Analytics Value: Accuracy (n=all), Fast, Cheaper 4% Avg IT Budget spent on Big Data Analytics
  • 18. Don’t get caught up in the term. • There is no absolute specification of what Big Data is; each enterprise must define what it is for them. • Ways to measure (data): • Volume – How much • Variety - How different • Velocity – How fast • Traditional Definition • The strategy, business processes, tools and technologies that pertain to datasets whose size and complexity is beyond the ability of typical data- base software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze. (Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014)
  • 19. • Big Data is a relative concept. • Think of it as a generational leap from your current analytics capability that give you the ability to do a whole lot more from less than with a whole lot less. (Source: EKN 3rd Annual Analytics in Retail Study, 2014) Don’t get caught up in the term.
  • 20. Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015 1 Limited resources who can interpret the output of analytics tools Lack of single owner for analytics 2 Absence of a clearly articulated analytics strategy 3 Retail & CG companies agree on the top challenges
  • 21. Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016 Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016 RETAIL VS AMAZON DATA QUALITY 9x behind DATA MANAGEMENT 4x behind TOOLS 4x behind SKILLS 4x behind The gap with Amazon across dimensions is YUGE!
  • 22. Annoying Orange 2010 A viral sensation that no one saw coming Offensive Orange 2016 A viral sensation that no one saw winning Well that was unexpected
  • 23. Jun 16, 2015: Why Donald Trump Isn’t A Real Candidate Jul 16, 2015: Two Good Reasons Not To Take The Donald Trump ‘Surge’ Seriously Jul 20, 2015: Donald Trump Is The World’s Greatest Troll Aug 6, 2015: Donald Trump’s Six Stages of Doom Aug 11, 2015: Donald Trump Is Winning The Polls, And Losing The Nomination Nov 23, 2015: Dear Media, Stop Freaking Out About Donald Trump’s Polls Feb 2, 2016 Donald Trump Comes Out Of Iowa Looking Like Pat Buchanan Data-Fails & biases happen to the best of us
  • 24. Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Survey, 2016 Source: EKN Analytics in Retail Industry Survey, 2016 RETAIL CONSUMER GOODS TEAM SIZE (MAX) 312 TEAM SIZE (MEDIAN) 15 TEAM SIZE (MAX) 125 TEAM SIZE (MEDIAN) 3 DATA SCIENTIST ~30% DATA SCIENTIST ~20% Size of internal analytics teams
  • 25. Build the skill pyramid. Don’t use data scientists for pulling data Source: EKN Frameworks
  • 26. Source: EKN Analytics in Consumer Goods Industry Survey, 2015 Pricing Improvements Promotion Effectiveness Customer Insights Needs To Be A Torrent Across The Enterprise Demand Forecasting 1 Optimize Inventory Levels 2 Out of Stocks Marketing/Campaign Spend ROI3 Immediate focus areas
  • 27. The coming of Retail’s Watson moment ! Merchandiser A Merchandiser B Watson
  • 28. Data is for machines. Insights are for humans. Design for humans and not scientists. Let machines have their data and automate tasks.
  • 29. Contact Me •Gaurav Pant Email: gpant@edgellmail.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gpantnyc Twitter: @gpantekn