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Modern time and attendance & access
control with SAP Business ByDesign
               ®                 ™
Integrated business processes
    in SAP Business ByDesign
    Time and attendance on a leasing basis
    with the on-demand solution
    of SAP Business ByDesign

2   B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
Data collection integrated
in SAP Business ByDesign
As one of the leading manufacturers of solutions for time and
attendance and access control, Kaba offers a time and attendance
solution integrated in the on-demand software SAP Business ByDesign
on a leasing basis, thus underlining its technological leadership.

The solution «B-COMM ERP 4 -           In the solution B-COMM ERP 4 -            Your timesheet administrators are
SAP Business ByDesign» is easy to      SAP Business ByDesign, your employ-       provided with an overview of all the
operate and can be introduced by       ees can book the functions «In», «Out»,   booked times and thus see, for in-
you in a very short space of time.     «Break» and «Authorized absence».         stance, which times are booked on the
It then runs automatically in the      These data are then loaded into the       flexitime account on which days or
background. Attractive leasing         SAP Business ByDesign system in           whether there are times outside of the
models ensure transparent costs        order to determine the actual working     flexitime structure. If the requirements
for you.                               time, update flexitime accounts or to     of your company grow or change over
                                       communicate data to an external pay-      time, the Kaba system can be easily
                                       roll calculation system.                  adapted.
You, as a SAP Business ByDesign cus-   Communication with the SAP system is
tomer or partner, also now benefit     always encrypted. The flexitime bal-
from our experience from more than     ances and the vacation balances are
1,300 successful SAP projects world-   always displayed to your employees at
wide.                                  the time and attendance terminals.

                                                                                     B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign   3
Benefits of our solution –
    Benefits for you
    With B-COMM ERP 4 - SAP Business ByDesign and our terminals,
    we offer you an integrated system for time and attendance with SAP
    Business ByDesign. The solution developed by Kaba runs unnoticed
    in the background and controls the communication with the terminals
    and SAP Business ByDesign.

    The solution B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign              B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign makes duplicate
    is the customized Business ByDesign interface for small        data collection in the system unnecessary. Validation logic
    and medium-sized companies (SMEs):                             that has been tried in more than 1,300 B-COMM ERP instal-
    > Our solution has been specifically developed for use with    lations is also available in B-COMM ERP 4 - SAP Business
      SAP Business ByDesign                                        ByDesign and thus facilitates error-free operation fully
    > Kaba is the development and solution partner of SAP and      automatically and of course in the background.
      works closely with SAP on the development of modern          This makes additional costs for software support, new
      concepts for time and attendance and access control          releases for third-party software and training courses for
    > Simple and rapid adjustments to customer requirements,       system administrators virtually unnecessary.
      e.g. response texts, booking dialogs or the integration of   Our add-ons are supplied already with the installation and
      different badge systems and biometrics                       can be activated by a simple license update. Operation is
    > Simple extensibility to include additional terminals,        done via a graphical user interface and makes working eas-
      software add-ons and mobile data collection                  ier for you with a uniform look & feel within the Kaba
                                                                   system. A modern, web-based time and attendance system
                                                                   is of course also available.

4   B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
System overview

               Customer side                                                 SAP data center

                    Access Control


                  Time and Attendance                             Time account balances

                 Mobile Data Collection
                                                                                                      ESS working hours sheet

                                                             Payroll calculation   Flextime account          Projects

                     Web Terminal

> The employees record In, Out, Break, Authorized Absence, their project times and their access at a Kaba terminal
  using a RFID medium, either contact-free or biometrically using their finger.
> The bookings are compared against master data tables of SAP Business ByDesign.
> The In, Out and Break bookings are forwarded to the time and attendance system of SAP Business ByDesign
  (in the data center of SAP AG) for processing and further handling. There, the flexitime balances are recalculated
  taking into account the authorized absences and automatic or booked breaks. Errors, missing times or times outside
  of the flexitime structure are updated by the timesheet administrator.
> The actual working hours determined are transferred back to the time and attendance terminals as flexitime balance
  with residual vacation. The times can be distributed over an ESS working hours sheet, and also to projects.
  At the end of the month, the data are prepared according to wage types for the external payroll calculation system.

                                                                                          B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign   5
Ready for the future with add-ons

    The add-on modules are executed directly in your web
    browser and do not have to be installed on your computer.
    Data exchange between the terminals and the system
    used is encrypted. This guarantees high data security.

    For all add-on modules, the admini-      Application cases for the Visitor         Personal View
    strator of the system has the option     Management module:                        This module shows you all bookings
    of assigning each user precisely the     > Registration of visitor data            in the system at a glance, no matter
    privileges that his or her work re-        as soon as the visitors enter the       whether it is from a visitor or an
    quires. Modules the users are not          company                                 employee. This allows you to deter-
    authorized for will not even be          > Prior registration of visitors          mine who has posted last at the access
    displayed to them. This makes              by the employee concerned               reader of the side entrance. You can
    navigation in the Web Client simple,     > Visitor card management and visitor     see all bookings by an employee from
    quick and user-friendly.                   card generation                         time and attendance to access con-
                                             > Overview of attendance, absence         trol.
                                               and registered visitors
    Visitor Management                       > Card management for contractors,
    Visitor Management is a module for         such as cleaning services or service    Web Terminal
    visitor and contractor management. It      providers                               With our add-on Web Terminal, you use
    allows you - independently of SAP - to                                             time and attendance at a PC directly
    generate and administer identification                                             in the Web browser. In the process,
    numbers and visitor cards. This allows   Attendance Board                          In/Out/Breaks/Authorized Absences
    a non-employee to take part in the       The Attendance Board provides up-to-      are transferred directly into your SAP
    company's time and attendance and/       date information on the time and          Business ByDesign exactly as if you
    or access control, without his or her    attendance status of your employees.      were to collect them at a stationary
    data reaching the SAP system.            This can be the last booking by the       terminal.
    Different mask profiles can be stored    employee on the time and attendance
    for the individual users, thus making    terminal or even an absence informa-
    data input very easy and quick espe-     tion from the SAP system, such as
    cially in the reception area. The user   vacation or a business trip. Authorized
    sees only input fields that he or she    persons, such as the switchboard, thus
    really needs.                            have the required knowledge to give
                                             the right information.

6   B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
Our services –
the basis of a good partnership
It is our goal to establish a long-term partnership with
you by providing a comprehensive package of services:
from the first contact to consulting, planning and
on-schedule implementation of your project.

Organizational consulting                 Installation and start-up                  Maintenance
We support you during the develop-        Our service engineers install the termi-   For maintenance of your installations
ment of an all-in-one solution accord-    nals at your premises, implement the       we have service organizations all over
ing to your individual demands.           SAP interface, customize the system,       the globe. Our well-trained engineers
                                          and put the system into operation.         are available on site at guaranteed
                                          Your employees will be trained and         response times. In Europe and over-
Project planning                          informed of all processes and proce-       seas, we guarantee customer support
We also offer the expertise that is       dures. After test runs have been suc-      through our subsidiaries and service
needed to implement a comprehen-          cessfully completed, the entire system     partners on site. A spare part express
sive, maybe even international project.   will be handed over.                       and repair service ensures the minimi-
This starts with an on-site inspection,                                              zation of system downtimes.
the recommendation of organizational
structures, the planning of project       Training
progress, and implementation of the       We offer comprehensive training in the     Hotline service
project on schedule.                      technology and use of terminals, the       Our hotline will be happy to answer any
                                          communication software and the add-        questions you may have relating to our
                                          ons. Of course, we will also draw up an    products and the SAP interface. Our
                                          individual training program for you.       quick and qualified reply guarantees
                                                                                     that your system will be stable and
                                                                                     highly available.

                                                                                         B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign   7
Subject to technical changes without notice! Order no. 04042618, version 0211
                                    B-COMM is a registered trademark of Kaba GmbH.

Kaba GmbH
Workforce Management
Albertistraße 3
78056 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone +49 7720 603-0
Fax +49 7720 603-102

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Sap Business Bydesign

  • 1. Modern time and attendance & access control with SAP Business ByDesign ® ™
  • 2. Integrated business processes in SAP Business ByDesign Time and attendance on a leasing basis with the on-demand solution of SAP Business ByDesign 2 B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
  • 3. Data collection integrated in SAP Business ByDesign As one of the leading manufacturers of solutions for time and attendance and access control, Kaba offers a time and attendance solution integrated in the on-demand software SAP Business ByDesign on a leasing basis, thus underlining its technological leadership. The solution «B-COMM ERP 4 - In the solution B-COMM ERP 4 - Your timesheet administrators are SAP Business ByDesign» is easy to SAP Business ByDesign, your employ- provided with an overview of all the operate and can be introduced by ees can book the functions «In», «Out», booked times and thus see, for in- you in a very short space of time. «Break» and «Authorized absence». stance, which times are booked on the It then runs automatically in the These data are then loaded into the flexitime account on which days or background. Attractive leasing SAP Business ByDesign system in whether there are times outside of the models ensure transparent costs order to determine the actual working flexitime structure. If the requirements for you. time, update flexitime accounts or to of your company grow or change over communicate data to an external pay- time, the Kaba system can be easily roll calculation system. adapted. You, as a SAP Business ByDesign cus- Communication with the SAP system is tomer or partner, also now benefit always encrypted. The flexitime bal- from our experience from more than ances and the vacation balances are 1,300 successful SAP projects world- always displayed to your employees at wide. the time and attendance terminals. B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign 3
  • 4. Benefits of our solution – Benefits for you With B-COMM ERP 4 - SAP Business ByDesign and our terminals, we offer you an integrated system for time and attendance with SAP Business ByDesign. The solution developed by Kaba runs unnoticed in the background and controls the communication with the terminals and SAP Business ByDesign. The solution B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign makes duplicate is the customized Business ByDesign interface for small data collection in the system unnecessary. Validation logic and medium-sized companies (SMEs): that has been tried in more than 1,300 B-COMM ERP instal- > Our solution has been specifically developed for use with lations is also available in B-COMM ERP 4 - SAP Business SAP Business ByDesign ByDesign and thus facilitates error-free operation fully > Kaba is the development and solution partner of SAP and automatically and of course in the background. works closely with SAP on the development of modern This makes additional costs for software support, new concepts for time and attendance and access control releases for third-party software and training courses for > Simple and rapid adjustments to customer requirements, system administrators virtually unnecessary. e.g. response texts, booking dialogs or the integration of Our add-ons are supplied already with the installation and different badge systems and biometrics can be activated by a simple license update. Operation is > Simple extensibility to include additional terminals, done via a graphical user interface and makes working eas- software add-ons and mobile data collection ier for you with a uniform look & feel within the Kaba system. A modern, web-based time and attendance system is of course also available. 4 B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
  • 5. System overview Customer side SAP data center Access Control In/Out/Break Time and Attendance Time account balances Mobile Data Collection ESS working hours sheet Payroll calculation Flextime account Projects (external) Web Terminal > The employees record In, Out, Break, Authorized Absence, their project times and their access at a Kaba terminal using a RFID medium, either contact-free or biometrically using their finger. > The bookings are compared against master data tables of SAP Business ByDesign. > The In, Out and Break bookings are forwarded to the time and attendance system of SAP Business ByDesign (in the data center of SAP AG) for processing and further handling. There, the flexitime balances are recalculated taking into account the authorized absences and automatic or booked breaks. Errors, missing times or times outside of the flexitime structure are updated by the timesheet administrator. > The actual working hours determined are transferred back to the time and attendance terminals as flexitime balance with residual vacation. The times can be distributed over an ESS working hours sheet, and also to projects. At the end of the month, the data are prepared according to wage types for the external payroll calculation system. B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign 5
  • 6. Ready for the future with add-ons The add-on modules are executed directly in your web browser and do not have to be installed on your computer. Data exchange between the terminals and the system used is encrypted. This guarantees high data security. For all add-on modules, the admini- Application cases for the Visitor Personal View strator of the system has the option Management module: This module shows you all bookings of assigning each user precisely the > Registration of visitor data in the system at a glance, no matter privileges that his or her work re- as soon as the visitors enter the whether it is from a visitor or an quires. Modules the users are not company employee. This allows you to deter- authorized for will not even be > Prior registration of visitors mine who has posted last at the access displayed to them. This makes by the employee concerned reader of the side entrance. You can navigation in the Web Client simple, > Visitor card management and visitor see all bookings by an employee from quick and user-friendly. card generation time and attendance to access con- > Overview of attendance, absence trol. and registered visitors Visitor Management > Card management for contractors, Visitor Management is a module for such as cleaning services or service Web Terminal visitor and contractor management. It providers With our add-on Web Terminal, you use allows you - independently of SAP - to time and attendance at a PC directly generate and administer identification in the Web browser. In the process, numbers and visitor cards. This allows Attendance Board In/Out/Breaks/Authorized Absences a non-employee to take part in the The Attendance Board provides up-to- are transferred directly into your SAP company's time and attendance and/ date information on the time and Business ByDesign exactly as if you or access control, without his or her attendance status of your employees. were to collect them at a stationary data reaching the SAP system. This can be the last booking by the terminal. Different mask profiles can be stored employee on the time and attendance for the individual users, thus making terminal or even an absence informa- data input very easy and quick espe- tion from the SAP system, such as cially in the reception area. The user vacation or a business trip. Authorized sees only input fields that he or she persons, such as the switchboard, thus really needs. have the required knowledge to give the right information. 6 B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign
  • 7. Our services – the basis of a good partnership It is our goal to establish a long-term partnership with you by providing a comprehensive package of services: from the first contact to consulting, planning and on-schedule implementation of your project. Organizational consulting Installation and start-up Maintenance We support you during the develop- Our service engineers install the termi- For maintenance of your installations ment of an all-in-one solution accord- nals at your premises, implement the we have service organizations all over ing to your individual demands. SAP interface, customize the system, the globe. Our well-trained engineers and put the system into operation. are available on site at guaranteed Your employees will be trained and response times. In Europe and over- Project planning informed of all processes and proce- seas, we guarantee customer support We also offer the expertise that is dures. After test runs have been suc- through our subsidiaries and service needed to implement a comprehen- cessfully completed, the entire system partners on site. A spare part express sive, maybe even international project. will be handed over. and repair service ensures the minimi- This starts with an on-site inspection, zation of system downtimes. the recommendation of organizational structures, the planning of project Training progress, and implementation of the We offer comprehensive training in the Hotline service project on schedule. technology and use of terminals, the Our hotline will be happy to answer any communication software and the add- questions you may have relating to our ons. Of course, we will also draw up an products and the SAP interface. Our individual training program for you. quick and qualified reply guarantees that your system will be stable and highly available. B-COMM ERP 4 – SAP Business ByDesign 7
  • 8. Subject to technical changes without notice! Order no. 04042618, version 0211 B-COMM is a registered trademark of Kaba GmbH. Kaba GmbH Workforce Management Albertistraße 3 78056 Villingen-Schwenningen Germany Phone +49 7720 603-0 Fax +49 7720 603-102 info@kbs.kaba.com www.kaba.com/workforce-management