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João Paulo L. F. Dias da Silva
Oct 2014
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Background 1. Machine Learning Application
• Unsupervised Learning (No
right answers provided)
• Linear Regression
• Gradient Descent Algorithm
2. Content-based Filtering
• Known product features
3. Collaborative Filtering
• Unknown product features
• Features will be “identified”
by the application
Linear Regression
It's a method that allows us to obtain a function that models the
relationship between a scalar dependent variable h and its
explanatory variables X.
Given a dataset {h, x1
, x2
, …, xn
} of statistical units, a linear
regression model assumes that there's a linear relationship
between each variable hi
and its independent variables xi1
, xi2
, …,
The goal of the linear regression is to obtain a parameter Ɵ so
that the model function h(X) = c + ƟX fits the input dataset as
close as possible.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Linear Regression - Intuition
Linear Regression – Model function
= Ɵ1
+ … + Ɵm
Stacking all examples we can rewrite the above as:
= xi
Where X is a nx1 vector with each element being xi
and n is the
number of examples of our dataset.
T denotes the transpose operation.
Let h be a function that represents a model for the ith
example of
our dataset:
h = XƟ
Let Ɵ and xi
be mx1 vectors where m is the number of variables
of our model, so hi
Linear Regression – Error function
Let h(X) be our hypothesis function (model).
J = (h(X) - Y)2
Let Y be the target values for each example in our dataset.
The squared error function J will be:
Another way of writing the error function is to take into account
the index of each example in our dataset, so that:
J = ∑(h(x(i)
) – Y(i)
The objective of the linear regression is to minimize the error
function J with respect to Ɵ. One way of achieving it is through an
algorithm called Gradient Descent.
Gradient Descent Algorithm
Find the minimum values for Ɵ1
that minimize the error
function J(Ɵ1
• Initialize Ɵ1
with some random values.
• Keep changing Ɵ1
to reduce J(Ɵ1
) until we find a
:= Ɵj
– α – ∂ J(Ɵ1
Gradient Descent
The partial derivative:
:= Ɵj
– α 1 – ∑(h(x(i)
) – y(i)
m i=1 j
An example for Ɵ ∈ ℝ3
:= Ɵ0
– α 1 – ∑(h(x(i)
) – y(i)
m i=1 0
:= Ɵ1
– α 1 – ∑(h(x(i)
) – y(i)
m i=1 1
:= Ɵ2
– α 1 – ∑(h(x(i)
) – y(i)
m i=2 2
Gradient Descent - Intuition
Recommender Systems – Prog. Skills
Skills Ana Beto Carla Daniel
Ruby 5 5 0 0
CSS3 5 ? ? 0
JS ? 4 0 ?
Android 0 0 5 4
iOS 0 0 5 ?
How to predict the values for the unknown skills?
Content-based Filtering
Ɵ2 ...
Ruby (X1
) 5 5 ... 0.9 0
CSS3 (X2
) 5 ? ... 1.0 0.01
JS (X3
) ? 4 ... 0.99 0
Android (X4
) 0 0 ... 0.1 1.0
iOS (X5
) 0 0 ... 0 0.9
The skills features are known. Just need to solve one Linear Regression per user.
Content-based Filtering - Predicting
Ɵ¹ = [5, 0]
Ruby (X1
) 5 ... 0.9 0
CSS3 (X2
) 5 ... 1.0 0.01
JS (X3
) 5 ... 0.99 0
Android (X4
) 0 ... 0.1 1.0
iOS (X5
) 0 ... 0 0.9
Ana(JS) => Ɵ¹ * X3
=> [5, 0] * [0.99, 0] = (5 * 0.99) + (0 * 0) = 5
Collaborative Filtering
Ɵ2 ...
Ruby (X1
) 5 5 ... ? ?
CSS3 (X2
) 5 ? ... ? ?
JS (X3
) ? 4 ... ? ?
Android (X4
) 0 0 ... ? ?
iOS (X5
) 0 0 ... ? ?
How to predict the values for the unknown skills and features?
Collaborative Filtering – Feature
We can't find the Ɵ parameters because we don't have the values
for the features vectors.
So we initialize the Ɵ parameters to random values.
Then we can use the Ɵ parameters to apply linear regression in
order to find the features vectors for each skill.
Then we can use the features vectors to apply linear regression to
improve our Ɵ parameters for each user.
We keep doing that until we reach the optimal values for Ɵ and
the features vectors.
Collaborative Filtering – Intuition
Collaborative Filtering - Predicting
Ɵ¹ = [5, 0]
... X1 X2
Ruby (X1
) 5 ... 0.9 0
CSS3 (X2
) 5 ... 1.0 0.01
JS (X3
) 5 ... 0.99 0
Android (X4
) 0 ... 0.1 1.0
iOS (X5
) 0 ... 0 0.9
Ana(JS) => Ɵ¹ * X3
=> [5, 0] * [0.99, 0] = (5 * 0.99) + (0 * 0) = 5
Python for data scraping
Octave for LR/GD matrix calculations
Missing UI
Hardcoded input
QA & Next Steps

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Stork Product Overview: An AI-Powered Autonomous Delivery Fleet

Recommender Systems

  • 1. Recommender Systems João Paulo L. F. Dias da Silva Oct 2014
  • 3. Background 1. Machine Learning Application • Unsupervised Learning (No right answers provided) • Linear Regression • Gradient Descent Algorithm 2. Content-based Filtering • Known product features 3. Collaborative Filtering • Unknown product features • Features will be “identified” by the application
  • 4. Linear Regression It's a method that allows us to obtain a function that models the relationship between a scalar dependent variable h and its explanatory variables X. Given a dataset {h, x1 , x2 , …, xn } of statistical units, a linear regression model assumes that there's a linear relationship between each variable hi and its independent variables xi1 , xi2 , …, xin. The goal of the linear regression is to obtain a parameter Ɵ so that the model function h(X) = c + ƟX fits the input dataset as close as possible. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
  • 6. Linear Regression – Model function hi = Ɵ1 xi1 + … + Ɵm xim Stacking all examples we can rewrite the above as: hi = xi T Ɵ Where X is a nx1 vector with each element being xi T and n is the number of examples of our dataset. T denotes the transpose operation. Let h be a function that represents a model for the ith example of our dataset: h = XƟ Let Ɵ and xi be mx1 vectors where m is the number of variables of our model, so hi becomes:
  • 7. Linear Regression – Error function Let h(X) be our hypothesis function (model). J = (h(X) - Y)2 Let Y be the target values for each example in our dataset. The squared error function J will be: Another way of writing the error function is to take into account the index of each example in our dataset, so that: m J = ∑(h(x(i) ) – Y(i) )2 i=1 The objective of the linear regression is to minimize the error function J with respect to Ɵ. One way of achieving it is through an algorithm called Gradient Descent.
  • 8. Gradient Descent Algorithm Objective: Find the minimum values for Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn that minimize the error function J(Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn ). Overview: • Initialize Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn with some random values. • Keep changing Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn to reduce J(Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn ) until we find a minimum. Implementation: Ɵj := Ɵj – α – ∂ J(Ɵ1 ,...,Ɵn ) ∂Ɵj
  • 9. Gradient Descent The partial derivative: m Ɵj := Ɵj – α 1 – ∑(h(x(i) ) – y(i) )x(i) m i=1 j An example for Ɵ ∈ ℝ3 : m Ɵ0 := Ɵ0 – α 1 – ∑(h(x(i) ) – y(i) )x(i) m i=1 0 m Ɵ1 := Ɵ1 – α 1 – ∑(h(x(i) ) – y(i) )x(i) m i=1 1 m Ɵ2 := Ɵ2 – α 1 – ∑(h(x(i) ) – y(i) )x(i) m i=2 2
  • 10. Gradient Descent - Intuition
  • 11. Recommender Systems – Prog. Skills Skills Ana Beto Carla Daniel Ruby 5 5 0 0 CSS3 5 ? ? 0 JS ? 4 0 ? Android 0 0 5 4 iOS 0 0 5 ? How to predict the values for the unknown skills?
  • 12. Content-based Filtering Skills Ana Ɵ¹ Beto Ɵ2 ... X1 (Web) X2 (Mobile) Ruby (X1 ) 5 5 ... 0.9 0 CSS3 (X2 ) 5 ? ... 1.0 0.01 JS (X3 ) ? 4 ... 0.99 0 Android (X4 ) 0 0 ... 0.1 1.0 iOS (X5 ) 0 0 ... 0 0.9 The skills features are known. Just need to solve one Linear Regression per user.
  • 13. Content-based Filtering - Predicting Skills Ana Ɵ¹ = [5, 0] ... X1 (Web) X2 (Mobile) Ruby (X1 ) 5 ... 0.9 0 CSS3 (X2 ) 5 ... 1.0 0.01 JS (X3 ) 5 ... 0.99 0 Android (X4 ) 0 ... 0.1 1.0 iOS (X5 ) 0 ... 0 0.9 Ana(JS) => Ɵ¹ * X3 => [5, 0] * [0.99, 0] = (5 * 0.99) + (0 * 0) = 5
  • 14. Collaborative Filtering Skills Ana Ɵ¹ Beto Ɵ2 ... X1 (?) X2 (?) Ruby (X1 ) 5 5 ... ? ? CSS3 (X2 ) 5 ? ... ? ? JS (X3 ) ? 4 ... ? ? Android (X4 ) 0 0 ... ? ? iOS (X5 ) 0 0 ... ? ? How to predict the values for the unknown skills and features?
  • 15. Collaborative Filtering – Feature Learning We can't find the Ɵ parameters because we don't have the values for the features vectors. So we initialize the Ɵ parameters to random values. Then we can use the Ɵ parameters to apply linear regression in order to find the features vectors for each skill. Then we can use the features vectors to apply linear regression to improve our Ɵ parameters for each user. We keep doing that until we reach the optimal values for Ɵ and the features vectors.
  • 17. Collaborative Filtering - Predicting Skills Ana Ɵ¹ = [5, 0] ... X1 X2 Ruby (X1 ) 5 ... 0.9 0 CSS3 (X2 ) 5 ... 1.0 0.01 JS (X3 ) 5 ... 0.99 0 Android (X4 ) 0 ... 0.1 1.0 iOS (X5 ) 0 ... 0 0.9 Ana(JS) => Ɵ¹ * X3 => [5, 0] * [0.99, 0] = (5 * 0.99) + (0 * 0) = 5
  • 18. Implementa tion Python for data scraping Octave for LR/GD matrix calculations Missing UI Hardcoded input
  • 20. QA & Next Steps