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Real-time Machine Learning Analytics
Using Structured Streaming and Kinesis
Caryl Yuhas (@ckred)
Myles Baker (@mydpy)
June 6th, 2017
About Databricks
Started Spark project (now Apache Spark) at UC Berkeley in 2009
Unified Analytics Platform
Making Big Data Simple
Impact of Real-Time Analytics
• Capturing customer interactions, user behavior,
and sensor readings is rapidly increasing
• Businesses need to respond immediately to new
information as it arrives
• Real-time analytics is at the core of
next-generation IT systems
Challenges Building a Solution
• Performant, scalable real-time analytics requires
connecting multiple tools
• Streaming data comes with all of the problems of
static data with added complexity
• Machine learning models need to be trained on
historical data and scored with real-time data
The Meetup Streaming API
• Can we explore Meetup data in real-time?
• Can we predict RSVPs for new Meetups using streaming data
from the Meetup API?
– Members
– Events
A Data Model for Training and Scoring
Component Integration and Serving
Component Integration and Serving
Producing the Kinesis Firehose Stream
requests.get() makes a request to the
Meetup API, keeping the stream open
boto3.client creates a firehose kinesis client
requests.get(apiURL, stream = True)
kinesis = boto3.client('firehose')
kinesis.put_record_batch() writes the
records streamed to S3 using the Kinesis
Firehose delivery stream ‘meetup’
Component Integration and Serving
Our Meetup ML Pipeline
Create an ML Pipeline
A Pipeline allows us to simply chain a series
of transformations and estimators
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
Fit a model based on the pipelineval model = pipeline.fit(meetup)
Save the model to disk for scoringmodel.write.overwrite().save(...)
Component Integration and Serving
Scoring the Model in Real-time
Load the trained modelval model = PipelineModel.load(...)
Stream meetup event data
Score the model
val events = spark.readStream
ML Limitations in Structured Streaming
• Structured streaming does not support
operations needed by ML methods
– count, collect, round, aggregate*, etc.
• Many models, transformers, and estimators are
not supported
– K-Means, SVM, CountVectorizer,
VectorAssembler, StringIndexer, etc.
Our Streaming Meetup ML Pipeline
Alternative Scoring: Model Export
1) Fit ML model in Databricks using Spark MLlib.
2) Export model (as JSON files) in Databricks
val lrModel = new LogisticRegression().fit(myData)
ModelExporter.export(lrModel, "s3a:/...")
3) Deploy model in external system
import com.databricks.ml.local.ModelImport
val lrModel = ModelImport.import("s3a:/...")
val jsonInput = json(...)
val jsonOutput = lrModel.transform(jsonInput)
Try Apache Spark in Databricks!
• Collaborative cloud environment
• Free version (community edition)
• Apache Spark - optimized for the cloud
• Caching and optimization layer - DBIO
• Enterprise security - DBES
Try for free today.
Thank you
Common Questions
• Can I consume data from Kinesis directly with
Structured Streaming?
• Does MLlib support streaming data frames?
• Why did you use Boto3 to produce the Kinesis
• How well does this scale? Can we test volume?

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Real-time Machine Learning Analytics Using Structured Streaming and Kinesis Firehose with Caryl Yuhas and Myles Baker

  • 1. Real-time Machine Learning Analytics Using Structured Streaming and Kinesis Firehose Caryl Yuhas (@ckred) Myles Baker (@mydpy) June 6th, 2017 1 #SFexp6
  • 2. TEAM About Databricks Started Spark project (now Apache Spark) at UC Berkeley in 2009 22 PRODUCT Unified Analytics Platform MISSION Making Big Data Simple
  • 3. Impact of Real-Time Analytics • Capturing customer interactions, user behavior, and sensor readings is rapidly increasing • Businesses need to respond immediately to new information as it arrives • Real-time analytics is at the core of next-generation IT systems 3
  • 4. Challenges Building a Solution • Performant, scalable real-time analytics requires connecting multiple tools • Streaming data comes with all of the problems of static data with added complexity • Machine learning models need to be trained on historical data and scored with real-time data 4
  • 5. The Meetup Streaming API • Can we explore Meetup data in real-time? • Can we predict RSVPs for new Meetups using streaming data from the Meetup API? – Members – Events – RSVPs 5
  • 6. A Data Model for Training and Scoring 6
  • 9. Producing the Kinesis Firehose Stream 9 requests.get() makes a request to the Meetup API, keeping the stream open boto3.client creates a firehose kinesis client requests.get(apiURL, stream = True) kinesis = boto3.client('firehose') kinesis.put_record_batch( DeliveryStreamName='meetup', Records=rsvps) kinesis.put_record_batch() writes the records streamed to S3 using the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream ‘meetup’
  • 11. Our Meetup ML Pipeline 11
  • 12. Create an ML Pipeline 12 A Pipeline allows us to simply chain a series of transformations and estimators val pipeline = new Pipeline() .setStages(Array( transformers, estimators, models)) Fit a model based on the pipelineval model = pipeline.fit(meetup) Save the model to disk for scoringmodel.write.overwrite().save(...)
  • 14. Scoring the Model in Real-time 14 Load the trained modelval model = PipelineModel.load(...) Stream meetup event data Score the model val events = spark.readStream .parquet(...) model.transform(members)
  • 15. ML Limitations in Structured Streaming 15 • Structured streaming does not support operations needed by ML methods – count, collect, round, aggregate*, etc. • Many models, transformers, and estimators are not supported – K-Means, SVM, CountVectorizer, VectorAssembler, StringIndexer, etc.
  • 16. Our Streaming Meetup ML Pipeline 16
  • 17. Alternative Scoring: Model Export 17 1) Fit ML model in Databricks using Spark MLlib. 2) Export model (as JSON files) in Databricks val lrModel = new LogisticRegression().fit(myData) ModelExporter.export(lrModel, "s3a:/...") 3) Deploy model in external system import com.databricks.ml.local.ModelImport val lrModel = ModelImport.import("s3a:/...") val jsonInput = json(...) val jsonOutput = lrModel.transform(jsonInput)
  • 18. UNIFIED ANALYTICS PLATFORM Try Apache Spark in Databricks! • Collaborative cloud environment • Free version (community edition) 1818 DATABRICKS RUNTIME 3.0 • Apache Spark - optimized for the cloud • Caching and optimization layer - DBIO • Enterprise security - DBES Try for free today. databricks.com
  • 20. Common Questions • Can I consume data from Kinesis directly with Structured Streaming? • Does MLlib support streaming data frames? • Why did you use Boto3 to produce the Kinesis stream? • How well does this scale? Can we test volume? 20