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Amin Page 1
Amin Page 2
1. How to Prevent from becoming a victim
2. Don’t look like a victim
3. Mental Approach
4. While driving
5. If followed while driving
6. Additional While driving
7. Parking Lot safety
8. Home safety
9. Walking
10. Suspicious person
11. Conclusion
12. Responding to an attack
13. After an attack or incident
Amin Page 3
How to Prevent From Becoming a Victim
• Deny access to target (you)
• Mostcrimes happen at a time & place the criminal chooses
 Be aware of what is going on around you
 If it looks like a duck
 Walks like a duck
 Quacks like a duck
 What is it?????????????
 A DUCK!!!!!!
• Avoid going out alone (a lion attacks the weak, young or sick) so do the two
legged predators
• If you MUSTgo out alone – stay insight or yelling distance of people
If approached
1. Follow your instincts – gut feeling
2. Remember the DUCK!!!!
3. Look at person – not taken by surprise
4. Change walking/driving direction
5. Go into store/public place – call police
If subject has a gun
1. Give up your money, wallet, jewelry, shoes,
2. Try to remember whatthe subjectlooked like
Amin Page 4
3. Try to remember the manner and direction of escape
1. Take elevator rather than stairs
2. If possible, do not ride alone with
3. If you’reuncomfortablewith a stranger,
get off
4. Stand near controlpanel – alarm button
Don’t Look Like a Victim
 Eyes down – no eye contact
 Slumped over
 Non-assertivebody language
Mental Approach
 Mentally prepareyourself for situations that may become dangerous?
Takethe necessary steps to reduce your chances of becoming a victim?
 Be prepared to act in order to deal with a threatening situation?
Amin Page 5
While Driving
▬ Keep vehicle in gear while at a traffic signal
▬Leave roombetween your car and the vehicle in frontof you to pull around
▬Place wallet, purseand valuables on floor NOTon seat- out of sight while
driving. Do not storevaluables in the car
▬When stopped at an intersection -look around to see who is watching you
▬Always lock car doors
▬Drivewith all windows up whenever possible
▬ Cell phone or keep coins for emergency calls
If car breaks down
1. Accept NO rides
2. If someone stops to ¡§help¡¨ ask them to call
police (if you have no cell phone)
3. Not usually a good idea to leave car and walk
to get help
If you see someone experiencing car trouble
2. Note their location & vehicle type -call police
DO NOTpick up hitchhikers
►Keep your vehicle in good mechanical condition
►Never go below ½ tank of gasoline/oil/CNG
1. If someone hits your car –remember the “DUCK”
►If “police” in unmarked car wants you to pull over:
1. Follow your instincts –remember the “DUCK”
Amin Page 6
2. Drive to safeplace to stop:
a. Police, fire station
b. 24 hour convenience store
►Be alert to your surroundings atall times while driving
►Don’tlet yourself get distracted (phone, cosmetics, reading, etc.)
►Keep your car keys and housekeys separate
If Followed While Driving
► If followed –Drive to the nearest
1. Police station
2. Fire station
3. 24 hour store
► Keep driving until you find a safe area. Drive while honking your horn and turn
on your flashers to attract attention
► Don’tdrive home, pull over to the side of the road, or turn onto a driveway.
You could be trapped
► Attempt to obtain a license plate number and the description of the car and
driver and reportit to police
Additional While Driving
► If someonetries to force you off the road, don’t stop. Find an open business,
police, sheriff, fire station.
► Try to get a license number, description of the driver and car. Report to police
Amin Page 7
Parking Lot Safety
►Avoid parking next to large pickup trucks and vans
►Be alert to your surroundings atall times, especially getting in and out of your
►If you park in a parking lot, walk in the center aisle, rather than close to park
► Do not park in Isolated areas
►Note where you parked your car, park in areas that will be well lit when you
1. Walking around trying to find the car –you look like a VICTIM
2. Have the keys in your hand
3. Walk to the car in a group –“lion”
4. Glance under the car as you approach
5. Look in back seat before getting into the car
• As soon as you get into car –DRIVEaway
• Always lock car doors
• Never leave valuables in plain view –store them in the trunk is possible
• Observewhatis around you:
1. Who’s watching you
2. People sitting in cars or vans
• If approached: (statistically, if taken fromarea your
chances of survivalarediminished)
1. Follow your instincts –remember the “DUCK”
2. Take action
3. If in your car –honk the horn
4. If you are walking –run in the opposite direction
5. Do anything to draw attention –you do not want to be taken from the scene
Amin Page 8
Home Safety
► Havelights at all entrances
► Havea wide angle door viewer
► Check to see who is at the door before opening
► Ask for photo IDs for repair person –If you’resuspicious, calltheir employer
► Never give personalinformation to phone solicitors
► Secureair conditioners
► Don’trely on garagedoor opener for security
► Keep the perimeter of the house well lit –use motion sensor activated lights
► Alarmsystems –including signs on windows and lawns
► Organizea community watch program
► Trim bushes around windows to avoid giving burglars hiding spots
► Secure ladders and tools
► Housenumbers should be clearly visible
► Entry doors should be solid core or metal
► Sliding doors –special locks or handle
► Dead bolt locks –3” screws
► Never carry ID tags on housekeys
► Do not hide extra keys in accessibleareas –Criminals will find them
► Move to new house/apt. –locks rekeyed
► Special locks on double hung windows
► Be awarethat “wrong numbers” may be a burglar
Amin Page 9
► On the day of a funeral have friend or neighbor watch your house
► Mark property with “ID” number or video contents of apartment or house
► Do not let strangers into your home or apartment to use the phone
◘ Stop mail, newspapers or havefriend pick-up
◘ Havefriend park car in your driveway or spaceor moveyour car periodically
◘ Do not leave phone messages telling people you’reaway
◘ Timers to turn lights on & off
◘ Hide garbagecans
◘ Turn telephone sound down
◘ Leave shades and blinds in normal position
◘ Do I have to say it????? –lock doors and windows
◘ If houseappears to havebeen broken into –DO NOTGO INSIDE –call police
Amin Page 10
►Walk with confidence with your head up
► Stay alert. Observepeople and activities around you
►Walk in pairs whenever possible
►Walk in the middle of the side walk, away fromalleyways and vestibules
►Avoid routine routes
►Walk in well-lit areas
►Avoid isolated areas, parks, parking lots
►Avoid shortcuts that may expose you to danger
►Avoid flashy clothes and jewelry that might attract unwanted attention
►Dress so you can walk or run easily to avoid an attack
►Carry only whatyou need
►Carry a wallet in your frontor inside pocket. A purseshould be close to your
►Walk the mostdirect route
►If followed or threatened by someone-screamor use a personalalarm, cross
the street and run in the oppositedirection
►Walk wherethere are lots of people
►Always walk facing traffic
► If a stranger wants to talk…“I’mmeeting
someone” and keep on walking
Amin Page 11
Suspicious Person
►Look at the person, makeeye contact. Itshows you won’tbe taken by surprise
►People covering their faces or appear to be hiding something should raise a
►Watch what they are doing
►If it doesn’tfeel right, Follow your instincts and do something to avoid a
► Goals –Escape safely and survive
►No perfect defensesystem
►Mustput odds in your favor-avoid “bad” situations, and
look to see who’s watching you
►Havea plan
1. If this should happen, I will do…….
► “Failing to plan … is a plan to fail
Responding to an Attack
►Evaluate the situation
►Try to remain as calm as possible
►Stay Alert
-Listen and observeso you can make the best decision now and
provideimportant information later
►Remember –in an attack -your goals are Escape and Survival
Amin Page 12
►Keep in mind as you decide to react because this s the mostimportant
►If valuables arewhat the attacker wants, give them up. Valuables can be
replaced, your life can’t
►Decide how to respond
►Only you can decide the best responseto an emergency
►Screaming, hitting, biting may help you escape but may also expose you to
►Do whatever comes naturally and do it immediately
►The following strategies may be effective in
1. Non resistance
2. Stalling for time
3. Distracting or diverting the assailant and fleeing
After an attack or incident
►Cooperatewith the local Police department
►Be a good witness
-Try to make mental notes such as hair color, height, weight, clothing description,
facial hair, direction of travel, vehicles, when and where it occurred, voice, limps,
scars, tattoos and any other thing that can help police during the investigation
►Be available to police
►Assistin prosecuting the criminal
►Reportall crime even if it is only an attempt
►Crime can’tbe controlled or prevented if it is not reported
►By reporting crimes and suspicious activity, you can protect yourself and
Amin Page 13
Salient Summary
By being awareof your surroundings and preparing yourself to act, you can
reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a crime.

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  • 2. Amin Page 2 Contents 1. How to Prevent from becoming a victim 2. Don’t look like a victim 3. Mental Approach 4. While driving 5. If followed while driving 6. Additional While driving 7. Parking Lot safety 8. Home safety 9. Walking 10. Suspicious person 11. Conclusion 12. Responding to an attack 13. After an attack or incident
  • 3. Amin Page 3 How to Prevent From Becoming a Victim • Deny access to target (you) • Mostcrimes happen at a time & place the criminal chooses  Be aware of what is going on around you  If it looks like a duck  Walks like a duck  Quacks like a duck  What is it?????????????  A DUCK!!!!!!  DO NOTDISMISS YOUR“GUTFEELING” • Avoid going out alone (a lion attacks the weak, young or sick) so do the two legged predators • If you MUSTgo out alone – stay insight or yelling distance of people If approached 1. Follow your instincts – gut feeling 2. Remember the DUCK!!!! 3. Look at person – not taken by surprise 4. Change walking/driving direction 5. Go into store/public place – call police If subject has a gun 1. Give up your money, wallet, jewelry, shoes, whatever 2. Try to remember whatthe subjectlooked like
  • 4. Amin Page 4 3. Try to remember the manner and direction of escape ELEVATORS 1. Take elevator rather than stairs 2. If possible, do not ride alone with stranger 3. If you’reuncomfortablewith a stranger, get off 4. Stand near controlpanel – alarm button Don’t Look Like a Victim  Eyes down – no eye contact  Slumped over  Non-assertivebody language Mental Approach  Mentally prepareyourself for situations that may become dangerous? Takethe necessary steps to reduce your chances of becoming a victim?  Be prepared to act in order to deal with a threatening situation?
  • 5. Amin Page 5 While Driving ▬ Keep vehicle in gear while at a traffic signal ▬Leave roombetween your car and the vehicle in frontof you to pull around ▬Place wallet, purseand valuables on floor NOTon seat- out of sight while driving. Do not storevaluables in the car ▬When stopped at an intersection -look around to see who is watching you ▬Always lock car doors ▬Drivewith all windows up whenever possible ▬ Cell phone or keep coins for emergency calls If car breaks down 1. Accept NO rides 2. If someone stops to ¡§help¡¨ ask them to call police (if you have no cell phone) 3. Not usually a good idea to leave car and walk to get help If you see someone experiencing car trouble 1. DO NOT STOP 2. Note their location & vehicle type -call police DO NOTpick up hitchhikers ►Keep your vehicle in good mechanical condition ►Never go below ½ tank of gasoline/oil/CNG ►Accidents: 1. If someone hits your car –remember the “DUCK” ►If “police” in unmarked car wants you to pull over: 1. Follow your instincts –remember the “DUCK”
  • 6. Amin Page 6 2. Drive to safeplace to stop: a. Police, fire station b. 24 hour convenience store ►Be alert to your surroundings atall times while driving ►Don’tlet yourself get distracted (phone, cosmetics, reading, etc.) ►Keep your car keys and housekeys separate If Followed While Driving ► If followed –Drive to the nearest 1. Police station 2. Fire station 3. 24 hour store ► Keep driving until you find a safe area. Drive while honking your horn and turn on your flashers to attract attention ► Don’tdrive home, pull over to the side of the road, or turn onto a driveway. You could be trapped ► Attempt to obtain a license plate number and the description of the car and driver and reportit to police Additional While Driving ► If someonetries to force you off the road, don’t stop. Find an open business, police, sheriff, fire station. ► Try to get a license number, description of the driver and car. Report to police
  • 7. Amin Page 7 Parking Lot Safety ►Avoid parking next to large pickup trucks and vans ►Be alert to your surroundings atall times, especially getting in and out of your car ►If you park in a parking lot, walk in the center aisle, rather than close to park cars ► Do not park in Isolated areas ►Note where you parked your car, park in areas that will be well lit when you return 1. Walking around trying to find the car –you look like a VICTIM 2. Have the keys in your hand 3. Walk to the car in a group –“lion” 4. Glance under the car as you approach 5. Look in back seat before getting into the car • As soon as you get into car –DRIVEaway • Always lock car doors • Never leave valuables in plain view –store them in the trunk is possible • Observewhatis around you: 1. Who’s watching you 2. People sitting in cars or vans 3. REMEMBER THE “DUCK • If approached: (statistically, if taken fromarea your chances of survivalarediminished) 1. Follow your instincts –remember the “DUCK” 2. Take action 3. If in your car –honk the horn 4. If you are walking –run in the opposite direction 5. Do anything to draw attention –you do not want to be taken from the scene
  • 8. Amin Page 8 Home Safety ► Havelights at all entrances ► Havea wide angle door viewer ► Check to see who is at the door before opening ► Ask for photo IDs for repair person –If you’resuspicious, calltheir employer ► Never give personalinformation to phone solicitors ► Secureair conditioners ► Don’trely on garagedoor opener for security ► Keep the perimeter of the house well lit –use motion sensor activated lights ► Alarmsystems –including signs on windows and lawns ► Organizea community watch program ► Trim bushes around windows to avoid giving burglars hiding spots ► Secure ladders and tools ► Housenumbers should be clearly visible ► Entry doors should be solid core or metal ► Sliding doors –special locks or handle ► Dead bolt locks –3” screws ► Never carry ID tags on housekeys ► Do not hide extra keys in accessibleareas –Criminals will find them ► Move to new house/apt. –locks rekeyed ► Special locks on double hung windows ► Be awarethat “wrong numbers” may be a burglar
  • 9. Amin Page 9 ► On the day of a funeral have friend or neighbor watch your house ► Mark property with “ID” number or video contents of apartment or house ► Do not let strangers into your home or apartment to use the phone VACATION TIPS ◘ Stop mail, newspapers or havefriend pick-up ◘ Havefriend park car in your driveway or spaceor moveyour car periodically ◘ Do not leave phone messages telling people you’reaway ◘ Timers to turn lights on & off ◘ Hide garbagecans ◘ Turn telephone sound down ◘ Leave shades and blinds in normal position ◘ Do I have to say it????? –lock doors and windows ◘ If houseappears to havebeen broken into –DO NOTGO INSIDE –call police
  • 10. Amin Page 10 Walking ►Walk with confidence with your head up ► Stay alert. Observepeople and activities around you ►Walk in pairs whenever possible ►Walk in the middle of the side walk, away fromalleyways and vestibules ►Avoid routine routes ►Walk in well-lit areas ►Avoid isolated areas, parks, parking lots ►Avoid shortcuts that may expose you to danger ►Avoid flashy clothes and jewelry that might attract unwanted attention ►Dress so you can walk or run easily to avoid an attack ►Carry only whatyou need ►Carry a wallet in your frontor inside pocket. A purseshould be close to your body ►Walk the mostdirect route ►If followed or threatened by someone-screamor use a personalalarm, cross the street and run in the oppositedirection ►Walk wherethere are lots of people ►Always walk facing traffic ► If a stranger wants to talk…“I’mmeeting someone” and keep on walking
  • 11. Amin Page 11 Suspicious Person ►Look at the person, makeeye contact. Itshows you won’tbe taken by surprise ►People covering their faces or appear to be hiding something should raise a flag ►Watch what they are doing ►If it doesn’tfeel right, Follow your instincts and do something to avoid a situation Conclusion ► Goals –Escape safely and survive ►No perfect defensesystem ►Mustput odds in your favor-avoid “bad” situations, and look to see who’s watching you ►Havea plan 1. If this should happen, I will do……. ► “Failing to plan … is a plan to fail Responding to an Attack ►Evaluate the situation ►Try to remain as calm as possible ►Stay Alert -Listen and observeso you can make the best decision now and provideimportant information later ►Remember –in an attack -your goals are Escape and Survival
  • 12. Amin Page 12 ►Keep in mind as you decide to react because this s the mostimportant consideration ►If valuables arewhat the attacker wants, give them up. Valuables can be replaced, your life can’t ►Decide how to respond ►Only you can decide the best responseto an emergency ►Screaming, hitting, biting may help you escape but may also expose you to danger ►Do whatever comes naturally and do it immediately ►The following strategies may be effective in confrontations 1. Non resistance 2. Stalling for time 3. Distracting or diverting the assailant and fleeing After an attack or incident ►Cooperatewith the local Police department ►Be a good witness -Try to make mental notes such as hair color, height, weight, clothing description, facial hair, direction of travel, vehicles, when and where it occurred, voice, limps, scars, tattoos and any other thing that can help police during the investigation ►Be available to police ►Assistin prosecuting the criminal ►Reportall crime even if it is only an attempt ►Crime can’tbe controlled or prevented if it is not reported ►By reporting crimes and suspicious activity, you can protect yourself and others
  • 13. Amin Page 13 Salient Summary By being awareof your surroundings and preparing yourself to act, you can reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a crime.