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Our Agenda
The Truth about
Women in
Building Your
Final Words of
Bringing Your
Personal Brand
to Life
The Hard Truths:
The Hard Truths …
Only 41% of the
early stage
marketing and
are women…
By the time
people reach
only 25%
Career trajectories
are heading in the
wrong direction
overall for women,
with the exception
of PR.
Women need to do a
better job of building
their personal brand,
especially at the
earlier stages of their
And more
endorse one
Evidence shows that women are less
self-assured than men—and that to
succeed, confidence matters as much
as competence.
The Honest Truths…
“I’m confident enough in my
leadership ability to not
worry about being liked or
popular. That ship sailed a
long time ago.”
Great leadership begins with a
“I’m not a
business man.
I’m a business,
man.” - Jay Z
Personal branding is the process by
which people differentiate themselves
by articulating their unique value
proposition, leveraging it across
platforms with a consistent message
and image to achieve a specific goal.
A formal definition:
Or simply put:
Some think that personal branding means
becoming a new you…
Remember you don’t need to get one,
you already have one, It’s YOU.
You have to know yourself to grow
yourself. Personal branding is based on
authenticity. Strong brands are unearthed
they are not created. It’s not about a fake
image for the outside world. It’s about
understanding, who you are and what
makes you exceptional.
Take Inventory
Take Inventory
Find your why
Personal branding is really just sharing your story…
Online (and offline).
For your fans (not your critics).
In your own words (no jargon-y industry
robot speak!)
With consistency and courage.
Every badass woman
thinks she is a hot mess…
When you follow your instinct
and set fear aside, You can
make anything happen
Gravitas is “the
unspoken ‘weight’ you
carry around with you,
evoking leadership
qualities and inspiring
others to follow you.”
Confidence is the most important aspect of Gravitas
“The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.” - Beyoncé
Own the room
Know what type
of presenter you
are so you’re
never that girl.
Be poised and assured in the value of
your own contribution
It’s all about how you carry yourself…
Carry yourself with the confidence and
assurance that you own the room. Remember
people want someone to follow.
None else has any idea what you are going to
say, so say it loud and say it proud.
Observe yourself and the
situation as you participate
Always read the room
Use great judgment about using
assertions, questions, and silence
①After asking for questions, wait a few
moments. It may take people a while
to think of any.
②If no one asks a question, ask your
own: “You know, a question that often
comes up when I give these talks is…”
③Repeat questions for clarity. Answer to
the whole group so everyone feels
④If you don’t know the answer, agree to
find out and get back to them.
Be a badass
“The Almighty Decision – When you make a
no-nonsense decision, you sign up fully and
keep moving toward your goal, regardless of
what’s flung in your path. And stuff will most
definitely get flung, which is why making the
decision is so crucial—this shit is not for
sissies. The moment it gets hard or expensive
or puts you at risk of looking like a moron, if
you haven’t made the decision, you’ll quit. If
it wasn’t uncomfortable, everyone would be
out there all in love with their fabulous lives.”
Parting Words from the Wise
(or just old)
Read…. A lot… Anything by Pete Drucker, Jim
Collins… The Wall Street Journal, blogs,
industry online magazines…. Immerse yourself
Give up People, US and Perez Hilton… they
keep you sane
Talk…. To everyone… In every department, in
every company (yes, competitors too), clients,
people on airplanes
Believe all of it…. Use your intuition and
common sense to filter the important stuff
Always be open to conversations about other
job opportunities…. Even if you aren’t looking.
New contacts and networks are everywhere.
Mislead and never burn a bridge
Be open to relocation…. Life is one big journey
Stay in one place too long (over 10 years) and
too short (under two)
Make senior people aware of your work…
who you are… get in front of them… own
your reputation
Assume your direct supervisor is always
looking out for you … you are only one thing
on their list
Always Never
Always Never
Dress for the job you want, not for the job you
Do more than what is asked – be one step
ahead of your boss
Anticipate ahead – read the blitz and do
something about it
Be social – spend time out of the office with
your co-workers
Manage the client
Utilize social media
Embrace the “uncomfortable”
Stay out of “Housewives” drama
Honesty will get you everywhere
Not be yourself (and your clothes should
reflect you!)
Let him/her know it. Let him or her figure it
our on their own!
Go above and beyond at the expense of your
Day Job
Drink too much… this isn’t college
Let the client manage you
Post the drunken/regrettable/F-bomb
Let fear paralyze you
Start drama…even if it is real
Cross your worst nemesis – they always
Always Never
Be confident… you will fail… and fail
miserably.. And you will win more points
by shaking it off and seizing the day
Be arrogant. Yuck. ‘Nough said.
Be humble… you always have
something to learn.. Always. And your
mom was wrong… you are not always
Be passive… this is a fast industry and
you need to run.. Be assertive and
aggressive (in a good way)
Smile… it always puts the receiver in an
open mindset… and it makes you feel
good too
Be defensive or whiney… Put on your
big girl panties and take yoga breaths
Love what you do Allow yourself to be unhappy
Know your 80’s music/movie references
– that’s where your boss peaked
Lose sight that you are still young
Personal branding

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Personal branding

  • 2. Our Agenda The Truth about Women in Leadership Building Your Personal Brand Final Words of Wisdom Bringing Your Personal Brand to Life
  • 3. The Hard Truths: The Hard Truths …
  • 4. Only 41% of the early stage marketing and media professionals are women…
  • 5. By the time people reach executive leadership, women comprise only 25%
  • 6. Career trajectories are heading in the wrong direction overall for women, with the exception of PR.
  • 7.
  • 8. Women need to do a better job of building their personal brand, especially at the earlier stages of their careers.
  • 10. Evidence shows that women are less self-assured than men—and that to succeed, confidence matters as much as competence.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. “I’m confident enough in my leadership ability to not worry about being liked or popular. That ship sailed a long time ago.” – DAINA MIDDLETON
  • 16.
  • 17. Great leadership begins with a STRONG PERSONAL BRAND
  • 18.
  • 19. “I’m not a business man. I’m a business, man.” - Jay Z
  • 20. Personal branding is the process by which people differentiate themselves by articulating their unique value proposition, leveraging it across platforms with a consistent message and image to achieve a specific goal. A formal definition:
  • 22. Some think that personal branding means becoming a new you… Remember you don’t need to get one, you already have one, It’s YOU.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 26.
  • 28. You have to know yourself to grow yourself. Personal branding is based on authenticity. Strong brands are unearthed they are not created. It’s not about a fake image for the outside world. It’s about understanding, who you are and what makes you exceptional. Take Inventory
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 34. Personal branding is really just sharing your story… Online (and offline). For your fans (not your critics). In your own words (no jargon-y industry robot speak!) With consistency and courage.
  • 35.
  • 37. F A C T Every badass woman thinks she is a hot mess…
  • 38. R E A L I T Y When you follow your instinct and set fear aside, You can make anything happen
  • 39. Gravitas is “the unspoken ‘weight’ you carry around with you, evoking leadership qualities and inspiring others to follow you.”
  • 41. Confidence is the most important aspect of Gravitas
  • 42. “The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.” - Beyoncé
  • 44. Know what type of presenter you are so you’re never that girl.
  • 45. Be poised and assured in the value of your own contribution
  • 46. It’s all about how you carry yourself… Carry yourself with the confidence and assurance that you own the room. Remember people want someone to follow. None else has any idea what you are going to say, so say it loud and say it proud. BE CONFIDENT AND KIND, WITHOUT BEING ARROGANT
  • 47. BE PRESENT IN YOUR PRESENTATION Observe yourself and the situation as you participate Always read the room
  • 48. Use great judgment about using assertions, questions, and silence
  • 49. ①After asking for questions, wait a few moments. It may take people a while to think of any. ②If no one asks a question, ask your own: “You know, a question that often comes up when I give these talks is…” ③Repeat questions for clarity. Answer to the whole group so everyone feels included. ④If you don’t know the answer, agree to find out and get back to them. O W N
  • 51. HOW TO KICK SOME ASS “The Almighty Decision – When you make a no-nonsense decision, you sign up fully and keep moving toward your goal, regardless of what’s flung in your path. And stuff will most definitely get flung, which is why making the decision is so crucial—this shit is not for sissies. The moment it gets hard or expensive or puts you at risk of looking like a moron, if you haven’t made the decision, you’ll quit. If it wasn’t uncomfortable, everyone would be out there all in love with their fabulous lives.” – JEN SINCERO
  • 53.
  • 54. Parting Words from the Wise (or just old)
  • 55. Read…. A lot… Anything by Pete Drucker, Jim Collins… The Wall Street Journal, blogs, industry online magazines…. Immerse yourself Give up People, US and Perez Hilton… they keep you sane Talk…. To everyone… In every department, in every company (yes, competitors too), clients, people on airplanes Believe all of it…. Use your intuition and common sense to filter the important stuff Always be open to conversations about other job opportunities…. Even if you aren’t looking. New contacts and networks are everywhere. Mislead and never burn a bridge Be open to relocation…. Life is one big journey Stay in one place too long (over 10 years) and too short (under two) Make senior people aware of your work… who you are… get in front of them… own your reputation Assume your direct supervisor is always looking out for you … you are only one thing on their list Always Never
  • 56. Always Never Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have Do more than what is asked – be one step ahead of your boss Anticipate ahead – read the blitz and do something about it Be social – spend time out of the office with your co-workers Manage the client Utilize social media Embrace the “uncomfortable” Stay out of “Housewives” drama Honesty will get you everywhere Not be yourself (and your clothes should reflect you!) Let him/her know it. Let him or her figure it our on their own! Go above and beyond at the expense of your Day Job Drink too much… this isn’t college Let the client manage you Post the drunken/regrettable/F-bomb Let fear paralyze you Start drama…even if it is real Cross your worst nemesis – they always resurface
  • 57. Always Never Be confident… you will fail… and fail miserably.. And you will win more points by shaking it off and seizing the day Be arrogant. Yuck. ‘Nough said. Be humble… you always have something to learn.. Always. And your mom was wrong… you are not always perfect. Be passive… this is a fast industry and you need to run.. Be assertive and aggressive (in a good way) Smile… it always puts the receiver in an open mindset… and it makes you feel good too Be defensive or whiney… Put on your big girl panties and take yoga breaths Love what you do Allow yourself to be unhappy Know your 80’s music/movie references – that’s where your boss peaked Lose sight that you are still young