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is a roadmap for implementing
human resource practices that
    continually improve the
capability of an organization’s
       human resources
“Degree to which a set of
 inherent characteristics
   fulfils requirements ”

    “set of interrelated or
interacting activities which
   transforms inputs into
PCMM Principles
1.   In mature organizations, HR capability is directly
     related to business performance.
2.   HR capability is a competitive issue and a source of
     strategic advantage.
3.   HR capability must be defined in relation to the
     organization’s strategic business objectives.
4.   Knowledge-intense work shifts the focus from job
     elements to HR competencies.
5.   Capability can be measured and improved at
     multiple levels, including individuals, workgroups,
     HR competencies, and the organization.
6. An organization should invest in improving the
capability of those HR competencies that are
critical to its core competency as a business.
7.Operational management is responsible for the
capability of the HR.
8.The improvement of HR capability can be pursed
as a process composed from proven practices and
9.The organization is responsible for providing
improvement opportunities, and individuals are
responsible for taking advantage of them.
10.Because technologies and organizational forms
evolve rapidly, organizations must continually
evolve their HR practices and develop new HR
The Shifting Focus of Change

          Organizational capability

Process                           People
Trends Affecting the Workforce

              From                   To
•   Doers differ from     • Doers must be thinkers
•   Assets are things     • Assets are people
•   Labor is an expense   • People are an Investment
•   Lifetime employment   • Lifetime employability
•   Top down control      • Decentralized decisions
•   Localized work        • Networked problems
• Measure for results     • Measure for
People CMM Foundations
                                  Human Res Mgt
                                  •Process domain
                                  •Best practices
                                  •Goals & benefits

Total Quality Mgt.
Process & performance                  Org. Change & Dev.
Quantitative management                Culture & maturity
Continuous improvement                 Assess & improve
                                        Change Management
Maturity Framework

 LEVEL 5                      Continuously
                 Change        Improving
               management       practices

                Capability    Measured &
  LEVEL 4                     Empowered
Predictable    management      practices

 LEVEL 3       Competency     Competency
 Defined       Management      practices

LEVEL 2          People       Repeatable
Managed        Management

 LEVEL 1       Inconsistent
  Initial      Management
KPA integration across levels
             Developing     Building        Motivating & Shaping the
 LEVEL       competency     workgroups      managing     workforce
                            & culture       performance
                 Continuous capability      Organizational Continuous
    5               improvement             performance    workforce
                                            Alignment      innovation
             Competency     Competency      Quantitative   Organizational
    4        Based Assets   Integration     performance    Capability
             mentoring      Empowered       Management     Management
Predictabl                  work groups
             Competency     Workgroup       Competency   Workforce
    3        Development    Development     Based        Planning
             Competency     Participatory   Practices
 Defined     Analysis       Culture         Career
             Training and   Communicati     Compensation Staffing
   2         Development    on &            Performance
                            Coordination    Management
Managed                                     work
Empowered Work Group Concepts
   Level 1        Level 2         Level 3        Level 4

Management     Interpersonal     Process
Coordination   Coordination    Coordination   Empowerment
It means in PCMM,there are :-
           5 maturity levels.
        4 process area thread.
   22 processes with related goals
             246 practices
  249 institutionalization practices
However, goals and practices may vary
      as per requirement of the
Managing Performance

  Level 2       Level 3       Level 4       Level 5


                             Empowered &      Aligned
                                Qualified   performance

Performance                                 Performance
                                              Of other

                   Mgr            Mgr
Shaping of Workforce

  Level 2       Level 3          Level 4      Level 5

                                 Managed      Managed by
Managed by      Managed by                    Innovative
                                  By the
Unit needs    Competency needs   numbers       practices

   Manager       Competency      Workforce    Improvement
                  community      capability    opportunity
Structural Components of a CMM
         Maturity Level (5)

         Process Areas(22 )

             Scoped by

            Achieved by

           HR Practices       Institutionalized
           (246)               practices (249)
Institutionalizing Practices
Practice performance will decay
if not institutionalized

If no commitment           Inertia towards change

If no ability              Ineffective performance

If no measurement          No improvement

If no verification         Declining compliance
 The work force capability maturity levels from 2 to
     5 will be effective if the particular level, its
processes, goals and practices go in systematic and
measured way and no overlap of level be allowed in
         any situation. The practices must be
institutionalized within the unit and organization as
     a whole to make it continuous process. It is
undoubtedly true fact that a number of fortune 500
 companies have benefitted from people capability
    maturity model in the world including India.

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Pcmm presentation

  • 1. PCMM is a roadmap for implementing human resource practices that continually improve the capability of an organization’s human resources
  • 2. Quality “Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements ”
  • 3. PROCESS “set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs”
  • 4. PCMM Principles 1. In mature organizations, HR capability is directly related to business performance. 2. HR capability is a competitive issue and a source of strategic advantage. 3. HR capability must be defined in relation to the organization’s strategic business objectives. 4. Knowledge-intense work shifts the focus from job elements to HR competencies. 5. Capability can be measured and improved at multiple levels, including individuals, workgroups, HR competencies, and the organization.
  • 5. 6. An organization should invest in improving the capability of those HR competencies that are critical to its core competency as a business. 7.Operational management is responsible for the capability of the HR. 8.The improvement of HR capability can be pursed as a process composed from proven practices and procedures. 9.The organization is responsible for providing improvement opportunities, and individuals are responsible for taking advantage of them. 10.Because technologies and organizational forms evolve rapidly, organizations must continually evolve their HR practices and develop new HR competencies.
  • 6. The Shifting Focus of Change Technology Organizational capability Process People
  • 7. Trends Affecting the Workforce From To • Doers differ from • Doers must be thinkers thinkers • Assets are things • Assets are people • Labor is an expense • People are an Investment • Lifetime employment • Lifetime employability • Top down control • Decentralized decisions • Localized work • Networked problems solved • Measure for results • Measure for improvements
  • 8. People CMM Foundations Human Res Mgt •Process domain •Best practices •Goals & benefits PCMM Total Quality Mgt. Process & performance Org. Change & Dev. Quantitative management Culture & maturity Continuous improvement Assess & improve Change Management
  • 9. Maturity Framework LEVEL 5 Continuously Change Improving Optimizing management practices Capability Measured & LEVEL 4 Empowered Predictable management practices LEVEL 3 Competency Competency Based Defined Management practices LEVEL 2 People Repeatable practices Managed Management LEVEL 1 Inconsistent Unmanaged Initial Management
  • 10. KPA integration across levels Developing Building Motivating & Shaping the LEVEL competency workgroups managing workforce & culture performance Continuous capability Organizational Continuous 5 improvement performance workforce Alignment innovation Optimizin g Competency Competency Quantitative Organizational 4 Based Assets Integration performance Capability mentoring Empowered Management Management Predictabl work groups e Competency Workgroup Competency Workforce 3 Development Development Based Planning Competency Participatory Practices Defined Analysis Culture Career Development Training and Communicati Compensation Staffing 2 Development on & Performance Coordination Management Managed work
  • 11. Empowered Work Group Concepts Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Management Interpersonal Process Coordination Coordination Coordination Empowerment
  • 12. It means in PCMM,there are :- 5 maturity levels. 4 process area thread. 22 processes with related goals 246 practices 249 institutionalization practices However, goals and practices may vary as per requirement of the organization.
  • 13. Managing Performance Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Individual Performance Workgroup Performance Empowered & Aligned Qualified performance Performance Mgr Individual Performance Performance Of other workgroup Mgr Mgr
  • 14. Shaping of Workforce Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Managed Managed by Managed by Managed by Innovative By the Unit needs Competency needs numbers practices Manager Competency Workforce Improvement community capability opportunity
  • 15. Structural Components of a CMM Maturity Level (5) contains Process Areas(22 ) Scoped by Goals Achieved by HR Practices Institutionalized (246) practices (249)
  • 16. Institutionalizing Practices Practice performance will decay if not institutionalized If no commitment Inertia towards change If no ability Ineffective performance If no measurement No improvement If no verification Declining compliance
  • 17. Conclusion The work force capability maturity levels from 2 to 5 will be effective if the particular level, its processes, goals and practices go in systematic and measured way and no overlap of level be allowed in any situation. The practices must be institutionalized within the unit and organization as a whole to make it continuous process. It is undoubtedly true fact that a number of fortune 500 companies have benefitted from people capability maturity model in the world including India.