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Oracle Developer Interview Questions(entry level)-Part 1
1 With which function of summary item is the compute at options
percentage of total functions.
2 Why is it preferable to create a fewer no. of queries in the data
Because for each query, report has to open a separate cursor and has to
rebind, execute and fetch data.
3 Why is a Where clause faster than a group filter or a format trigger?
Because, in a where clause the condition is applied during data
retrieval than after retrieving the data.
4 Which parameter can be used to set read level consistency across
multiple queries?
Read only.
5 Which of the two views should objects according to possession?
view by structure.
6 Which of the above methods is the faster method?
performing the calculation in the query is faster.
7 Where is the external query executed at the client or the server?
At the server.
8 Where is a procedure return in an external pl/sql library executed at
the client or at the server?
At the client.
9 When do you use data parameter type?
When the value of a data parameter being passed to a called product is
always the name of the record group defined in the current form. Data
parameters are used to pass data to produts invoked with the
run_product built-in subprogram.
10 When a form is invoked with call_form, Does oracle forms issues a
save point?
11 What are the important difference between property clause and visual
Named visual attributes differ only font, color & pattern attributes,
property clauses can contain this and any other properties. You can
change the appearance of objects at run time by changing the named
visual attributes programmatically , property clause assignments cannot
be changed programmatically. When an object is inheriting from both a
property clause and named visual attribute, the named visual attribute
settings take precedence, and any visual attribute properties in the
class are ignored.
12 What use of command line parameter cmd file?
It is a command line argument that allows you to specify a file that
contain a set of arguments for r20run.
13 What is WHEN-Database-record trigger?
Fires when oracle forms first marks a record as an insert or an update.
The trigger fires as soon as oracle forms determines through validation
that the record should be processed by the next post or commit as an
insert or update. c generally occurs only when the operators modifies
the first item in the record, and after the operator attempts to
navigate out of the item.
14 What is use of term?
The term file which key is correspond to which oracle report functions.
15 What is trigger associated with the timer?
16 What is the use of transactional triggers?
Using transactional triggers we can control or modify the default
functionality of the oracle forms.
17 What is the use of place holder column?
A placeholder column is used to hold calculated values at a specified
place rather than allowing is to appear in the actual row where it has
to appear.
18 What is the use of image_zoom built-in?
To manipulate images in image items.
19 What is the use of hidden column?
A hidden column is used to when a column has to embed into boilerplate
20 What is the use of break group?
A break group is used to display one record for one group ones. While
multiple related records in other group can be displayed.
21 What is the remove on exit property?
For a modelless window, it determines whether oracle forms hides the
window automatically when the operators navigates to an item in the
another window.
22 What is the purpose of the product order option in the column
property sheet?
To specify the order of individual group evaluation in a cross
23 What is the maximum no of chars the parameter can store?
The maximum no of chars the parameter can store is only valid for char
parameters, which can be upto 64K. No parameters default to 23Bytes and
Date parameter default to 7Bytes.
24 What is the main diff. bet. Reports 2.0 & Reports 2.5?
Report 2.5 is object oriented.
25 What is the frame & repeating frame?
A frame is a holder for a group of fields. A repeating frame is used to
display a set of records when the no. of records that are to displayed
is not known before.
26 What is the difference between OLE Server & Ole Container?
An Ole server application creates ole Objects that are embedded or
linked in ole Containers ex. Ole servers are ms_word & ms_excel. OLE
containers provide a place to store, display and manipulate objects
that are created by ole server applications. Ex. oracle forms is an
example of an ole Container.
27 What is the difference between object embedding & linking in Oracle
In Oracle forms, Embedded objects become part of the form module, and
linked objects are references from a form module to a linked source
28 What is the difference between boiler plat images and image items?
Boiler plate Images are static images (Either vector or bit map) that
you import from the file system or database to use a graphical elements
in your form, such as company logos and maps. Image items are special
types of interface controls that store and display either vector or
bitmap images. Like other items that store values, image items can be
either base table items(items that relate directly to database columns)
or control items. The definition of an image item is stored as part of
the form module FMB and FMX files, but no image file is actually
associated with an image item until the item is populate at run time.
29 What is the difference between $$DATE$$ & $$DBDATE$$
$$DBDATE$$ retrieves the current database date $$date$$ retrieves the
current operating system date.
30 What is the diff. when Flex mode is mode on and when it is off?
When flex mode is on, reports automatically resizes the parent when the
child is resized.
31 What is the diff. when confine mode is on and when it is off?
When confine mode is on, an object cannot be moved outside its parent
in the layout.
32 What is the diff. bet. setting up of parameters in reports 2.0
reports 2.5?
LOVs can be attached to parameters in the reports 2.5 parameter form.
33 What is the advantage of the library?
Libraries provide a convenient means of storing client-side program
units and sharing them among multiple applications. Once you create a
library, you can attach it to any other form, menu, or library modules.
When you can call library program units from triggers menu items
commands and user named routine, you write in the modules to which you
have attach the library. When a library attaches another library,
program units in the first library can reference program units in the
attached library. Library support dynamic loading-that is library
program units are loaded into an application only when needed. This can
significantly reduce the run-time memory requirements of applications.
34 What is term?
The term is terminal definition file that describes the terminal form
which you are using r20run.
35 What is system.coordination_operation?
It represents the coordination causing event that occur on the master
block in master-detail relation.
36 What is synchronize?
It is a terminal screen with the internal state of the form. It updates
the screen display to reflect the information that oracle forms has in
its internal representation of the screen.
37 What is strip sources generate options?
Removes the source code from the library file and generates a library
files that contains only pcode. The resulting file can be used for
final deployment, but can not be subsequently edited in the designer.
ex. f45gen module=old_lib.pll userid=scott/tiger strip_source YES
38 What is relation between the window and canvas views?
Canvas views are the back ground objects on which you place the
interface items (Text items), check boxes, radio groups etc.,) and
boilerplate objects (boxes, lines, images etc.,) that operators
interact with us they run your form . Each canvas views displayed in a
39 What is pop list?
The pop list style list item appears initially as a single field
(similar to a text item field). When the operator selects the list
icon, a list of available choices appears.
40 What is new_form built-in?
When one form invokes another form by executing new_form oracle form
exits the first form and releases its memory before loading the new
form calling new form completely replace the first with the second. If
there are changes pending in the first form, the operator will be
prompted to save them before the new form is loaded.
41 What is lexical reference? How can it be created?
Lexical reference is place_holder for text that can be embedded in a
sql statements. A lexical reference can be created using & before the
column or parameter name.
42 What is forms_DDL?
Issues dynamic Sql statements at run time, including server side pl/SQl
and DDL
43 What is difference between open_form and call_form?
when one form invokes another form by executing open_form the first
form remains displayed, and operators can navigate between the forms as
desired. when one form invokes another form by executing call_form, the
called form is modal with respect to the calling form. That is, any
windows that belong to the calling form are disabled, and operators
cannot navigate to them until they first exit the called form.
44 What is bind reference and how can it be created?
Bind reference are used to replace the single value in sql, pl/sql
statements a bind reference can be created using a (Smile before a
column or a parameter name.
45 What is an user exit used for?
A way in which to pass control (and possibly arguments ) form Oracle
report to another Oracle products of 3 GL and then return control ( and
) back to Oracle reports.
46 What is an OLE?
Object Linking & Embedding provides you with the capability to
integrate objects from many Ms-Windows applications into a single
compound document creating integrated applications enables you to use
the features form .
47 What is an object group?
An object group is a container for a group of objects; you define an
object group when you want to package related objects, so that you copy
or reference them in other modules.
48 What is an anchoring object & what is its use?
An anchoring object is a print condition object which used to
explicitly or implicitly anchor other objects to itself.
49 What is a User_exit?
Calls the user exit named in the user_exit_string. Invokes a 3Gl
program by name which has been properly linked into your current oracle
forms executable.
50 What is a timer?
Timer is an "internal time clock" that you can programmatically create
to perform an action each time the timer expires.
51 What is a Text_io Package?
It allows you to read and write information to a file in the file
52 What is a text list?
The text list style list item appears as a rectangular box which
displays the fixed number of values. When the text list contains values
that can not be displayed, a vertical scroll bar appears, allowing the
operator to view and select undisplayed values.
53 What is a property clause?
A property clause is a named object that contains a list of properties
and their settings. Once you create a property clause you can base
other object on it. An object based on a property can inherit the
setting of any property in the clause that makes sense for that object.
54 What is a physical page ? & What is a logical page ?
A physical page is a size of a page. That is output by the printer. The
logical page is the size of one page of the actual report as seen in
the Previewer.
55 What is a library?
A library is a collection of subprograms including user named
procedures, functions and packages.
56 What is a difference between pre-select and pre-query?
Fires during the execute query and count query processing after oracle
forms constructs the select statement to be issued, but before the
statement is actually issued. The pre-query trigger fires just before
oracle forms issues the select statement to the database after the
operator as define the example records by entering the query criteria
in enter query mode. Pre-query trigger fires before pre-select trigger.
57 What is a combo box?
A combo box style list item combines the features found in list and
text item. Unlike the pop list or the text list style list items, the
combo box style list item will both display fixed values and accept one
operator entered value.
58 What does the term panel refer to with regard to pages?
A panel is the no. of physical pages needed to print one logical page.
59 What are visual attributes?
Visual attributes are the font, color, pattern proprieties that you set
for form and menu objects that appear in your application interface.
60 What are three panes that appear in the run time pl/sql interpreter?
1.Source pane. 2. interpreter pane. 3. Navigator pane.
61 What are the ways to monitor the performance of the report?
Use reports profile executable statement. Use SQL trace facility.
62 What are the vbx controls?
Vbx control provide a simple method of building and enhancing user
interfaces. The controls can use to obtain user inputs and display
program outputs.vbx control where originally develop as extensions for
the ms visual basic environments and include such items as sliders,
rides and knobs.
63 What are the various sub events a mouse double click event involves?
Double clicking the mouse consists of the mouse down, mouse up, mouse
click, mouse down & mouse up events.
64 What are the various methods of performing a calculation in a report
1. Perform the calculation in the SQL statements itself. 2. Use a
calculated / summary column in the data model.
65 What are the types of calculated columns available?
Summary, Formula, Placeholder column.
66 What are the two ways by which data can be generated for a
parameters list of values?
1. Using static values. 2. Writing select statement.
67 What are the two types of views available in the object
navigator(specific to report 2.5)?
View by structure and view by type .
68 What are the two repeating frame always associated with matrix
One down repeating frame below one across repeating frame.
69 What are the two panes that Appear in the design time pl/sql
1.Source pane. 2. Interpreter pane
70 What are the triggers available in the reports?
Before report, Before form, After form , Between page, After report.
71 What are the trigger associated with image items?
When-image-activated fires when the operators double clicks on an image
itemwhen-image-pressed fires when an operator clicks or double clicks
on an image item
72 What are the three types of user exits available ?
Oracle Precompiler exits, Oracle call interface, NonOracle user exits.
73 What are the sql clauses supported in the link property sheet?
Where start with having.
74 What are the master-detail triggers?
On-Check_delete_master On_clear_details On_populate_details
75 What are the different windows events activated at runtimes?
Within this triggers, you can examine the built in system variable
system. event_window to determine the name of the window for which the
trigger fired.
76 What are the different styles of activation of ole Objects?
In place activation
External activation
77 What are the different Parameter types?
Text Parameters Data Parameters
78 What are the different objects that you cannot copy or reference in
object groups?
Objects of different modules
Another object groups
Individual block dependent items
Program units.
79 What are the different modals of windows?
Modalless windows
Modal windows
80 What are the different file extensions that are created by oracle
Rep file and Rdf file.
81 What are the different display styles of list items?
Pop_list Text_list Combo box
82 What are the difference between lov & list item?
Lov is a property where as list item is an item. A list item can have
only one column, lov can have one or more columns.
83 What are the default parameter that appear at run time in the
parameter screen?
Destype and Desname.
84 What are the Built-ins used for sending Parameters to forms?
You can pass parameter values to a form when an application executes
the call_form, New_form, Open_form or Run_product.
85 What are parameters?
Parameters provide a simple mechanism for defining and setting the
values of inputs that are required by a form at startup. Form
parameters are variables of type char,number,date that you define at
design time.
86 What are modalless windows?
More than one modelless window can be displayed at the same time, and
operators can navigate among them if your application allows them to do
so . On most GUI platforms, modelless windows can also be layered to
appear either in front of or behind other windows.
87 What are modal windows?
Modal windows are usually used as dialogs, and have restricted
functionality compared to modelless windows. On some platforms for
example operators cannot resize, scroll or iconify a modal window.
88 What are display items?
Display items are similar to text items with the exception that display
items only store and display fetched or assigned values. Display items
are generally used as boilerplate or conditional text.
89 What are different types of modules available in oracle form?
Form module - a collection of objects and code routines
Menu modules - a collection of menus and menu item commands that
together make up an application menu
library module - a collection of user named procedures, functions and
packages that can be called from other modules in the application
90 What are different types of images?
Boiler plate images Image Items
91 What are different types of canvas views?
Content canvas views
Stacked canvas views
Horizontal toolbar
vertical toolbar.
92 what are difference between post database commit and post-form
Post-form commit fires once during the post and commit transactions
process, after the database commit occurs. The post-form-commit trigger
fires after inserts, updates and deletes have been posted to the
database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing
the command. The post-database-commit trigger fires after oracle forms
issues the commit to finalized transactions.
93 What are built-ins associated with timers?
find_timer create_timer delete_timer
94 To execute row from being displayed that still use column in the row
which property can be used?
Format trigger.
95 To display the page no. for each page on a report what would be the
source & logical page no. or & of physical page no.?
& physical page no.
96 The join defined by the default data link is an outer join yes or
97 State any three mouse events system variables?
System.mouse_button_pressed System.mouse_button_shift_state
system.mouse_item system.mouse_canvas system.mouse_record
98 Name of the functions used to get/set canvas properties?
Get_view_property, Set_view_property
99 Is the After report trigger fired if the report execution fails?
100 Is it possible to split the print reviewer into more than one
101 Is it possible to set a filter condition in a cross product group
in matrix reports?
102 Is it possible to modify an external query in a report which
contains it?
103 Is it possible to link two groups inside a cross products after the
cross products group has been created?
104 Is it possible to insert comments into sql statements return in the
data model editor?
105 Is it possible to have a link from a group that is inside a cross
product to a group outside ?
106 Is it possible to disable the parameter from while running the
107 Is it possible to center an object horizontally in a repeating
frame that has a variable horizontal size?
108 If yes, how?
By the use anchors.
109 If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, What is the
hierarchy between them?
Two group that is above are the left most rank higher than the group
that is to right or below it.
110 If the maximum record retrieved property of the query is set to 10
then a summary value will be calculated?
Only for 10 records.
111 If a parameter is used in a query without being previously defined,
what diff. exist betw. report 2.0 and 2.5 when the query is applied?
While both reports 2.0 and 2.5 create the parameter, report 2.5 gives a
message that a bind parameter has been created.
112 If a break order is set on a column would it affect columns which
are under the column?
113 How many windows in a form can have console?
Only one window in a form can display the console, and you cannot
change the console assignment at runtime.
114 How is possible to restrict the user to a list of values while
entering values for parameters?
By setting the Restrict To List property to true in the parameter
property sheet.
115 How is link tool operation different bet. reports 2 & 2.5?
In Reports 2.0 the link tool has to be selected and then two fields to
be linked are selected and the link is automatically created. In 2.5
the first field is selected and the link tool is then used to link the
first field to the second field.
116 How is it possible to select generate a select set for the query in
the query property sheet?
By using the tables/columns button and then specifying the table and
the column names.
117 How do you reference a Parameter?
In Pl/Sql, You can reference and set the values of form parameters
using bind variables syntax. Ex. PARAMETER name = '' or :block.item =
PARAMETER Parameter name
118 How do you reference a parameter indirectly?
To indirectly reference a parameter use the NAME IN, COPY 'built-ins to
indirectly set and reference the parameters value' Example name_in
('capital parameter my param'), Copy ('SURESH','Parameter my_param')
119 How do you display console on a window ?
The console includes the status line and message line, and is displayed
at the bottom of the window to which it is assigned. To specify that
the console should be displayed, set the console window form property
to the name of any window in the form. To include the console, set
console window to Null.
120 How do you create a new session while open a new form?
Using open_form built-in setting the session option Ex.
Open_form('Stocks ',active,session). when invoke the mulitiple forms
with open form and call_form in the same application, state whether the
following are true/False
121 How do you call other Oracle Products from Oracle Forms?
Run_product is a built-in, Used to invoke one of the supported oracle
tools products and specifies the name of the document or module to be
run. If the called product is unavailable at the time of the call,
Oracle Forms returns a message to the operator
122 How can values be passed bet. precompiler exits & Oracle call
By using the statement EXECIAFGET & EXECIAFPUT.
123 How can I message to passed to the user from reports?
By using SRW.MESSAGE function.
124 How can a text file be attached to a report while creating in the
report writer?
By using the link file property in the layout boiler plate property
125 How can a square be drawn in the layout editor of the report
By using the rectangle tool while pressing the (Constraint) key.
126 How can a group in a cross products be visually distinguished from
a group that does not form a cross product?
A group that forms part of a cross product will have a thicker border.
127 How can a cross product be created?
By selecting the cross products tool and drawing a new group
surrounding the base group of the cross products.
128 How can a button be used in a report to give a drill down facility?
By setting the action associated with button to Execute pl/sql option
and using the SRW.Run_report function.
129 How can a break order be created on a column in an existing group?
By dragging the column outside the group.
130 Give the sequence of execution of the various report triggers?
Before form , After form , Before report, Between page, After report.
131 From which designation is it preferred to send the output to the
132 For a field in a repeating frame, can the source come from the
column which does not exist in the data group which forms the base for
the frame?
133 Explain about stacked canvas views?
Stacked canvas view is displayed in a window on top of, or "stacked" on
the content canvas view assigned to that same window. Stacked canvas
views obscure some part of the underlying content canvas view, and or
often shown and hidden programmatically.
134 Explain about horizontal, Vertical tool bar canvas views?
Tool bar canvas views are used to create tool bars for individual
windows. Horizontal tool bars are display at the top of a window, just
under its menu bar. Vertical Tool bars are displayed along the left
side of a window
135 Explain about content canvas views?
Most Canvas views are content canvas views a content canvas view is the
"base" view that occupies the entire content pane of the window in
which it is displayed.
136 Does a grouping done for objects in the layout editor affect the
grouping done in the data model editor?
137 Does a Before form trigger fire when the parameter form is
138 Do user parameters appear in the data modal editor in 2.5?
139 Can you pass data parameters to forms?
140 Can you have more than one content canvas view attached with a
Yes. Each window you create must have atleast one content canvas view
assigned to it. You can also create a window that has manipulated
content canvas view. At run time only one of the content canvas views
assign to a window is displayed at a time.
141 Can a repeating frame be created without a data group as a base?
142 Can a formula column referred to columns in higher group?
143 Can a formula column be obtained through a select statement?
144 Can a field be used in a report without it appearing in any data
145 Atleast how many set of data must a data model have before a data
model can be base on it?
146 At what point of report execution is the before Report trigger
After the query is executed but before the report is executed and the
records are displayed.
147 Any attempt to navigate programmatically to disabled form in a
call_form stack is allowed?
148 An open form can not be execute the call_form procedure if you
chain of called forms has been initiated by another open form?
149 What is the User-Named Editor?
A user named editor has the same text editing functionality as the
default editor, but, because it is a named object, you can specify
editor attributes such as windows display size, position, and title.
150 What is the Maximum allowed length of Record group Column?
Record group column names cannot exceed 30 characters.
151 What is the difference between SHOW_EDITOR and EDIT_TEXTITEM?
Show editor is the generic built-in which accepts any editor name and
takes some input string and returns modified output string. Whereas the
edit_textitem built-in needs the input focus to be in the text item
before the built-in is executed.
152 What is the basic data structure that is required for creating an
Record Group.
153 What is the "LOV of Validation" Property of an item? What is the
use of it?
When LOV for Validation is set to True, Oracle Forms compares the
current value of the text item to the values in the first column
displayed in the LOV.Whenever the validation event occurs.
If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first
column of the LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed, and
processing continues normally.
If the value in the text item does not match one of the values in the
first column of the LOV, Oracle Forms displays the LOV and uses the
text item value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the
154 What is coordination Event?
Any event that makes a different record in the master block the current
record is a coordination causing event.
155 What is an LOV?
An LOV is a scrollable popup window that provides the operator with
either a single or multi column selection list.
156 What is a Static Record Group?
A static record group is not associated with a query, rather, you
define its structure and row values at design time, and they remain
fixed at runtime.
157 What is a record group?
A record group is an internal Oracle Forms that structure that has a
column/row framework similar to a database table. However, unlike
database tables, record groups are separate objects that belong to the
form module which they are defined.
158 What is a Query Record Group? What is a Non Query Record Group?
A query record group is a record group that has an associated SELECT
statement. The columns in a query record group derive their default
names, data types, had lengths from the database columns referenced in
the SELECT statement. The records in query record group are the rows
retrieved by the query associated with that record group.
159 What is a master detail relationship?
A master detail relationship is an association between two base table
blocks- a master block and a detail block. The relationship between the
blocks reflects a primary key to foreign key relationship between the
tables on which the blocks are based.
160 What are the two phases of block coordination?
There are two phases of block coordination: the clear phase and the
population phase. During, the clear phase, Oracle Forms navigates
internally to the detail block and flushes the obsolete detail records.
During the population phase, Oracle Forms issues a SELECT statement to
repopulate the detail block with detail records associated with the new
master record. These operations are accomplished through the execution
of triggers.
161 What are the different types of Record Groups?
Query Record Groups
NonQuery Record Groups
State Record Groups
162 What are the different types of Delete details we can establish in
163 What are the different types of Coordinations of the Master with
the Detail block?
164 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes
Property is set to
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Non-Isolated(the default) On-Check-Delete-Master
165 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes
Property is set to isolated?
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Isolated On-Clear-Details
166 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes
Property is set to Cascade?
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Cascading On-Clear-Details
167 What are the Coordination Properties in a Master-Detail
The coordination properties are
These Properties determine when the population phase of block
coordination should occur.
168 What are the built_ins used the display the LOV?
169 What are the built-ins used for processing rows?
170 What are the built-ins used for Getting cell values?
171 What are the built-ins used for finding object ID functions?
172 What are the built-ins used for finding Object ID function?
173 What are the built-ins used for Creating and deleting groups?
CREATE-GROUP (function)
174 What are the Built-ins to display the user-named editor?
A user named editor can be displayed programmatically with the built in
procedure SHOW-EDITOR, EDIT_TETITEM independent of any particular text
175 What are the built-ins that are used to Attach an LOV
programmatically to an item?
(by setting the LOV_NAME property)
176 What are the built-ins that are used for setting the LOV properties
at runtime?
177 What are the built-in used for getting cell values?
178 What are the built -ins used for Modifying a groups structure?
ADD_GROUP_ROW (procedure)
179 What are Most Common types of Complex master-detail relationships?
There are three most common types of complex master-detail
master with dependent details
master with independent details
detail with two masters
180 What are built-ins used for Processing rows?
181 Use the Add_group_row procedure to add a row to a static record
group 1. true or false?
182 Use the add_group_column function to add a column to record group
that was created at a design time?
183 Use the ADD_GROUP_COLUMN function to add a column to a record group
that was created at design time. I) TRUE II)FALSE
Use the ADD_GROUP_ROW procedure to add a row to a static record group
184 POPULATE_GROUP(function)
185 How many number of columns a record group can have?
A record group can have an unlimited number of columns of type CHAR,
LONG, NUMBER, or DATE provided that the total number of column does not
exceed 64K.
186 Can a property clause itself be based on a property clause?
187 What are the default extensions of the files created by menu
.fmb - form module binary
.fmx - form module executable
188 What are the default extensions of the files created by library
The default file extensions indicate the library module type and
storage format
.pll - pl/sql library module binary

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Oracle developer interview questions(entry level)

  • 1. Oracle Developer Interview Questions(entry level)-Part 1 1 With which function of summary item is the compute at options required? percentage of total functions. 2 Why is it preferable to create a fewer no. of queries in the data model? Because for each query, report has to open a separate cursor and has to rebind, execute and fetch data. 3 Why is a Where clause faster than a group filter or a format trigger? Because, in a where clause the condition is applied during data retrieval than after retrieving the data. 4 Which parameter can be used to set read level consistency across multiple queries? Read only. 5 Which of the two views should objects according to possession? view by structure. 6 Which of the above methods is the faster method? performing the calculation in the query is faster. 7 Where is the external query executed at the client or the server? At the server. 8 Where is a procedure return in an external pl/sql library executed at the client or at the server? At the client. 9 When do you use data parameter type? When the value of a data parameter being passed to a called product is always the name of the record group defined in the current form. Data parameters are used to pass data to produts invoked with the run_product built-in subprogram. 10 When a form is invoked with call_form, Does oracle forms issues a save point? Yes 11 What are the important difference between property clause and visual attributes? Named visual attributes differ only font, color & pattern attributes, property clauses can contain this and any other properties. You can change the appearance of objects at run time by changing the named visual attributes programmatically , property clause assignments cannot be changed programmatically. When an object is inheriting from both a property clause and named visual attribute, the named visual attribute settings take precedence, and any visual attribute properties in the class are ignored. 12 What use of command line parameter cmd file?
  • 2. It is a command line argument that allows you to specify a file that contain a set of arguments for r20run. 13 What is WHEN-Database-record trigger? Fires when oracle forms first marks a record as an insert or an update. The trigger fires as soon as oracle forms determines through validation that the record should be processed by the next post or commit as an insert or update. c generally occurs only when the operators modifies the first item in the record, and after the operator attempts to navigate out of the item. 14 What is use of term? The term file which key is correspond to which oracle report functions. 15 What is trigger associated with the timer? When-timer-expired. 16 What is the use of transactional triggers? Using transactional triggers we can control or modify the default functionality of the oracle forms. 17 What is the use of place holder column? A placeholder column is used to hold calculated values at a specified place rather than allowing is to appear in the actual row where it has to appear. 18 What is the use of image_zoom built-in? To manipulate images in image items. 19 What is the use of hidden column? A hidden column is used to when a column has to embed into boilerplate text. 20 What is the use of break group? A break group is used to display one record for one group ones. While multiple related records in other group can be displayed. 21 What is the remove on exit property? For a modelless window, it determines whether oracle forms hides the window automatically when the operators navigates to an item in the another window. 22 What is the purpose of the product order option in the column property sheet? To specify the order of individual group evaluation in a cross products. 23 What is the maximum no of chars the parameter can store? The maximum no of chars the parameter can store is only valid for char parameters, which can be upto 64K. No parameters default to 23Bytes and Date parameter default to 7Bytes. 24 What is the main diff. bet. Reports 2.0 & Reports 2.5? Report 2.5 is object oriented.
  • 3. 25 What is the frame & repeating frame? A frame is a holder for a group of fields. A repeating frame is used to display a set of records when the no. of records that are to displayed is not known before. 26 What is the difference between OLE Server & Ole Container? An Ole server application creates ole Objects that are embedded or linked in ole Containers ex. Ole servers are ms_word & ms_excel. OLE containers provide a place to store, display and manipulate objects that are created by ole server applications. Ex. oracle forms is an example of an ole Container. 27 What is the difference between object embedding & linking in Oracle forms? In Oracle forms, Embedded objects become part of the form module, and linked objects are references from a form module to a linked source file. 28 What is the difference between boiler plat images and image items? Boiler plate Images are static images (Either vector or bit map) that you import from the file system or database to use a graphical elements in your form, such as company logos and maps. Image items are special types of interface controls that store and display either vector or bitmap images. Like other items that store values, image items can be either base table items(items that relate directly to database columns) or control items. The definition of an image item is stored as part of the form module FMB and FMX files, but no image file is actually associated with an image item until the item is populate at run time. 29 What is the difference between $$DATE$$ & $$DBDATE$$ $$DBDATE$$ retrieves the current database date $$date$$ retrieves the current operating system date. 30 What is the diff. when Flex mode is mode on and when it is off? When flex mode is on, reports automatically resizes the parent when the child is resized. 31 What is the diff. when confine mode is on and when it is off? When confine mode is on, an object cannot be moved outside its parent in the layout. 32 What is the diff. bet. setting up of parameters in reports 2.0 reports 2.5? LOVs can be attached to parameters in the reports 2.5 parameter form. 33 What is the advantage of the library? Libraries provide a convenient means of storing client-side program units and sharing them among multiple applications. Once you create a library, you can attach it to any other form, menu, or library modules. When you can call library program units from triggers menu items commands and user named routine, you write in the modules to which you have attach the library. When a library attaches another library, program units in the first library can reference program units in the attached library. Library support dynamic loading-that is library program units are loaded into an application only when needed. This can significantly reduce the run-time memory requirements of applications. 34 What is term?
  • 4. The term is terminal definition file that describes the terminal form which you are using r20run. 35 What is system.coordination_operation? It represents the coordination causing event that occur on the master block in master-detail relation. 36 What is synchronize? It is a terminal screen with the internal state of the form. It updates the screen display to reflect the information that oracle forms has in its internal representation of the screen. 37 What is strip sources generate options? Removes the source code from the library file and generates a library files that contains only pcode. The resulting file can be used for final deployment, but can not be subsequently edited in the designer. ex. f45gen module=old_lib.pll userid=scott/tiger strip_source YES output_file 38 What is relation between the window and canvas views? Canvas views are the back ground objects on which you place the interface items (Text items), check boxes, radio groups etc.,) and boilerplate objects (boxes, lines, images etc.,) that operators interact with us they run your form . Each canvas views displayed in a window 39 What is pop list? The pop list style list item appears initially as a single field (similar to a text item field). When the operator selects the list icon, a list of available choices appears. 40 What is new_form built-in? When one form invokes another form by executing new_form oracle form exits the first form and releases its memory before loading the new form calling new form completely replace the first with the second. If there are changes pending in the first form, the operator will be prompted to save them before the new form is loaded. 41 What is lexical reference? How can it be created? Lexical reference is place_holder for text that can be embedded in a sql statements. A lexical reference can be created using & before the column or parameter name. 42 What is forms_DDL? Issues dynamic Sql statements at run time, including server side pl/SQl and DDL 43 What is difference between open_form and call_form? when one form invokes another form by executing open_form the first form remains displayed, and operators can navigate between the forms as desired. when one form invokes another form by executing call_form, the called form is modal with respect to the calling form. That is, any windows that belong to the calling form are disabled, and operators cannot navigate to them until they first exit the called form. 44 What is bind reference and how can it be created? Bind reference are used to replace the single value in sql, pl/sql statements a bind reference can be created using a (Smile before a column or a parameter name.
  • 5. 45 What is an user exit used for? A way in which to pass control (and possibly arguments ) form Oracle report to another Oracle products of 3 GL and then return control ( and ) back to Oracle reports. 46 What is an OLE? Object Linking & Embedding provides you with the capability to integrate objects from many Ms-Windows applications into a single compound document creating integrated applications enables you to use the features form . 47 What is an object group? An object group is a container for a group of objects; you define an object group when you want to package related objects, so that you copy or reference them in other modules. 48 What is an anchoring object & what is its use? An anchoring object is a print condition object which used to explicitly or implicitly anchor other objects to itself. 49 What is a User_exit? Calls the user exit named in the user_exit_string. Invokes a 3Gl program by name which has been properly linked into your current oracle forms executable. 50 What is a timer? Timer is an "internal time clock" that you can programmatically create to perform an action each time the timer expires. 51 What is a Text_io Package? It allows you to read and write information to a file in the file system. 52 What is a text list? The text list style list item appears as a rectangular box which displays the fixed number of values. When the text list contains values that can not be displayed, a vertical scroll bar appears, allowing the operator to view and select undisplayed values. 53 What is a property clause? A property clause is a named object that contains a list of properties and their settings. Once you create a property clause you can base other object on it. An object based on a property can inherit the setting of any property in the clause that makes sense for that object. 54 What is a physical page ? & What is a logical page ? A physical page is a size of a page. That is output by the printer. The logical page is the size of one page of the actual report as seen in the Previewer. 55 What is a library? A library is a collection of subprograms including user named procedures, functions and packages. 56 What is a difference between pre-select and pre-query?
  • 6. Fires during the execute query and count query processing after oracle forms constructs the select statement to be issued, but before the statement is actually issued. The pre-query trigger fires just before oracle forms issues the select statement to the database after the operator as define the example records by entering the query criteria in enter query mode. Pre-query trigger fires before pre-select trigger. 57 What is a combo box? A combo box style list item combines the features found in list and text item. Unlike the pop list or the text list style list items, the combo box style list item will both display fixed values and accept one operator entered value. 58 What does the term panel refer to with regard to pages? A panel is the no. of physical pages needed to print one logical page. 59 What are visual attributes? Visual attributes are the font, color, pattern proprieties that you set for form and menu objects that appear in your application interface. 60 What are three panes that appear in the run time pl/sql interpreter? 1.Source pane. 2. interpreter pane. 3. Navigator pane. 61 What are the ways to monitor the performance of the report? Use reports profile executable statement. Use SQL trace facility. 62 What are the vbx controls? Vbx control provide a simple method of building and enhancing user interfaces. The controls can use to obtain user inputs and display program outputs.vbx control where originally develop as extensions for the ms visual basic environments and include such items as sliders, rides and knobs. 63 What are the various sub events a mouse double click event involves? Double clicking the mouse consists of the mouse down, mouse up, mouse click, mouse down & mouse up events. 64 What are the various methods of performing a calculation in a report ? 1. Perform the calculation in the SQL statements itself. 2. Use a calculated / summary column in the data model. 65 What are the types of calculated columns available? Summary, Formula, Placeholder column. 66 What are the two ways by which data can be generated for a parameters list of values? 1. Using static values. 2. Writing select statement. 67 What are the two types of views available in the object navigator(specific to report 2.5)? View by structure and view by type . 68 What are the two repeating frame always associated with matrix object?
  • 7. One down repeating frame below one across repeating frame. 69 What are the two panes that Appear in the design time pl/sql interpreter? 1.Source pane. 2. Interpreter pane 70 What are the triggers available in the reports? Before report, Before form, After form , Between page, After report. 71 What are the trigger associated with image items? When-image-activated fires when the operators double clicks on an image itemwhen-image-pressed fires when an operator clicks or double clicks on an image item 72 What are the three types of user exits available ? Oracle Precompiler exits, Oracle call interface, NonOracle user exits. 73 What are the sql clauses supported in the link property sheet? Where start with having. 74 What are the master-detail triggers? On-Check_delete_master On_clear_details On_populate_details 75 What are the different windows events activated at runtimes? When_window_activated When_window_closed When_window_deactivated When_window_resized Within this triggers, you can examine the built in system variable system. event_window to determine the name of the window for which the trigger fired. 76 What are the different styles of activation of ole Objects? In place activation External activation 77 What are the different Parameter types? Text Parameters Data Parameters 78 What are the different objects that you cannot copy or reference in object groups? Objects of different modules Another object groups Individual block dependent items Program units. 79 What are the different modals of windows? Modalless windows Modal windows 80 What are the different file extensions that are created by oracle reports? Rep file and Rdf file.
  • 8. 81 What are the different display styles of list items? Pop_list Text_list Combo box 82 What are the difference between lov & list item? Lov is a property where as list item is an item. A list item can have only one column, lov can have one or more columns. 83 What are the default parameter that appear at run time in the parameter screen? Destype and Desname. 84 What are the Built-ins used for sending Parameters to forms? You can pass parameter values to a form when an application executes the call_form, New_form, Open_form or Run_product. 85 What are parameters? Parameters provide a simple mechanism for defining and setting the values of inputs that are required by a form at startup. Form parameters are variables of type char,number,date that you define at design time. 86 What are modalless windows? More than one modelless window can be displayed at the same time, and operators can navigate among them if your application allows them to do so . On most GUI platforms, modelless windows can also be layered to appear either in front of or behind other windows. 87 What are modal windows? Modal windows are usually used as dialogs, and have restricted functionality compared to modelless windows. On some platforms for example operators cannot resize, scroll or iconify a modal window. 88 What are display items? Display items are similar to text items with the exception that display items only store and display fetched or assigned values. Display items are generally used as boilerplate or conditional text. 89 What are different types of modules available in oracle form? Form module - a collection of objects and code routines Menu modules - a collection of menus and menu item commands that together make up an application menu library module - a collection of user named procedures, functions and packages that can be called from other modules in the application 90 What are different types of images? Boiler plate images Image Items 91 What are different types of canvas views? Content canvas views Stacked canvas views Horizontal toolbar vertical toolbar. 92 what are difference between post database commit and post-form commit?
  • 9. Post-form commit fires once during the post and commit transactions process, after the database commit occurs. The post-form-commit trigger fires after inserts, updates and deletes have been posted to the database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing the command. The post-database-commit trigger fires after oracle forms issues the commit to finalized transactions. 93 What are built-ins associated with timers? find_timer create_timer delete_timer 94 To execute row from being displayed that still use column in the row which property can be used? Format trigger. 95 To display the page no. for each page on a report what would be the source & logical page no. or & of physical page no.? & physical page no. 96 The join defined by the default data link is an outer join yes or no? Yes. 97 State any three mouse events system variables? System.mouse_button_pressed System.mouse_button_shift_state system.mouse_item system.mouse_canvas system.mouse_record 98 Name of the functions used to get/set canvas properties? Get_view_property, Set_view_property 99 Is the After report trigger fired if the report execution fails? Yes. 100 Is it possible to split the print reviewer into more than one region? Yes. 101 Is it possible to set a filter condition in a cross product group in matrix reports? No. 102 Is it possible to modify an external query in a report which contains it? No. 103 Is it possible to link two groups inside a cross products after the cross products group has been created? No. 104 Is it possible to insert comments into sql statements return in the data model editor? Yes. 105 Is it possible to have a link from a group that is inside a cross product to a group outside ? No. 106 Is it possible to disable the parameter from while running the report? Yes
  • 10. 107 Is it possible to center an object horizontally in a repeating frame that has a variable horizontal size? Yes. 108 If yes, how? By the use anchors. 109 If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, What is the hierarchy between them? Two group that is above are the left most rank higher than the group that is to right or below it. 110 If the maximum record retrieved property of the query is set to 10 then a summary value will be calculated? Only for 10 records. 111 If a parameter is used in a query without being previously defined, what diff. exist betw. report 2.0 and 2.5 when the query is applied? While both reports 2.0 and 2.5 create the parameter, report 2.5 gives a message that a bind parameter has been created. 112 If a break order is set on a column would it affect columns which are under the column? No. 113 How many windows in a form can have console? Only one window in a form can display the console, and you cannot change the console assignment at runtime. 114 How is possible to restrict the user to a list of values while entering values for parameters? By setting the Restrict To List property to true in the parameter property sheet. 115 How is link tool operation different bet. reports 2 & 2.5? In Reports 2.0 the link tool has to be selected and then two fields to be linked are selected and the link is automatically created. In 2.5 the first field is selected and the link tool is then used to link the first field to the second field. 116 How is it possible to select generate a select set for the query in the query property sheet? By using the tables/columns button and then specifying the table and the column names. 117 How do you reference a Parameter? In Pl/Sql, You can reference and set the values of form parameters using bind variables syntax. Ex. PARAMETER name = '' or :block.item = PARAMETER Parameter name 118 How do you reference a parameter indirectly? To indirectly reference a parameter use the NAME IN, COPY 'built-ins to indirectly set and reference the parameters value' Example name_in ('capital parameter my param'), Copy ('SURESH','Parameter my_param') 119 How do you display console on a window ? The console includes the status line and message line, and is displayed at the bottom of the window to which it is assigned. To specify that the console should be displayed, set the console window form property to the name of any window in the form. To include the console, set console window to Null. 120 How do you create a new session while open a new form? Using open_form built-in setting the session option Ex. Open_form('Stocks ',active,session). when invoke the mulitiple forms with open form and call_form in the same application, state whether the following are true/False
  • 11. 121 How do you call other Oracle Products from Oracle Forms? Run_product is a built-in, Used to invoke one of the supported oracle tools products and specifies the name of the document or module to be run. If the called product is unavailable at the time of the call, Oracle Forms returns a message to the operator 122 How can values be passed bet. precompiler exits & Oracle call interface? By using the statement EXECIAFGET & EXECIAFPUT. 123 How can I message to passed to the user from reports? By using SRW.MESSAGE function. 124 How can a text file be attached to a report while creating in the report writer? By using the link file property in the layout boiler plate property sheet. 125 How can a square be drawn in the layout editor of the report writer? By using the rectangle tool while pressing the (Constraint) key. 126 How can a group in a cross products be visually distinguished from a group that does not form a cross product? A group that forms part of a cross product will have a thicker border. 127 How can a cross product be created? By selecting the cross products tool and drawing a new group surrounding the base group of the cross products. 128 How can a button be used in a report to give a drill down facility? By setting the action associated with button to Execute pl/sql option and using the SRW.Run_report function. 129 How can a break order be created on a column in an existing group? By dragging the column outside the group. 130 Give the sequence of execution of the various report triggers? Before form , After form , Before report, Between page, After report. 131 From which designation is it preferred to send the output to the printed? Previewer. 132 For a field in a repeating frame, can the source come from the column which does not exist in the data group which forms the base for the frame? Yes. 133 Explain about stacked canvas views? Stacked canvas view is displayed in a window on top of, or "stacked" on the content canvas view assigned to that same window. Stacked canvas views obscure some part of the underlying content canvas view, and or often shown and hidden programmatically. 134 Explain about horizontal, Vertical tool bar canvas views? Tool bar canvas views are used to create tool bars for individual windows. Horizontal tool bars are display at the top of a window, just under its menu bar. Vertical Tool bars are displayed along the left side of a window 135 Explain about content canvas views? Most Canvas views are content canvas views a content canvas view is the "base" view that occupies the entire content pane of the window in which it is displayed. 136 Does a grouping done for objects in the layout editor affect the grouping done in the data model editor? No.
  • 12. 137 Does a Before form trigger fire when the parameter form is suppressed? Yes. 138 Do user parameters appear in the data modal editor in 2.5? No. 139 Can you pass data parameters to forms? No. 140 Can you have more than one content canvas view attached with a window? Yes. Each window you create must have atleast one content canvas view assigned to it. You can also create a window that has manipulated content canvas view. At run time only one of the content canvas views assign to a window is displayed at a time. 141 Can a repeating frame be created without a data group as a base? No. 142 Can a formula column referred to columns in higher group? Yes. 143 Can a formula column be obtained through a select statement? Yes. 144 Can a field be used in a report without it appearing in any data group? Yes. 145 Atleast how many set of data must a data model have before a data model can be base on it? Four. 146 At what point of report execution is the before Report trigger fired? After the query is executed but before the report is executed and the records are displayed. 147 Any attempt to navigate programmatically to disabled form in a call_form stack is allowed? False 148 An open form can not be execute the call_form procedure if you chain of called forms has been initiated by another open form? True 149 What is the User-Named Editor? A user named editor has the same text editing functionality as the default editor, but, because it is a named object, you can specify editor attributes such as windows display size, position, and title. 150 What is the Maximum allowed length of Record group Column? Record group column names cannot exceed 30 characters. 151 What is the difference between SHOW_EDITOR and EDIT_TEXTITEM? Show editor is the generic built-in which accepts any editor name and takes some input string and returns modified output string. Whereas the edit_textitem built-in needs the input focus to be in the text item before the built-in is executed. 152 What is the basic data structure that is required for creating an LOV? Record Group. 153 What is the "LOV of Validation" Property of an item? What is the use of it? When LOV for Validation is set to True, Oracle Forms compares the
  • 13. current value of the text item to the values in the first column displayed in the LOV.Whenever the validation event occurs. If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first column of the LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed, and processing continues normally. If the value in the text item does not match one of the values in the first column of the LOV, Oracle Forms displays the LOV and uses the text item value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the list. 154 What is coordination Event? Any event that makes a different record in the master block the current record is a coordination causing event. 155 What is an LOV? An LOV is a scrollable popup window that provides the operator with either a single or multi column selection list. 156 What is a Static Record Group? A static record group is not associated with a query, rather, you define its structure and row values at design time, and they remain fixed at runtime. 157 What is a record group? A record group is an internal Oracle Forms that structure that has a column/row framework similar to a database table. However, unlike database tables, record groups are separate objects that belong to the form module which they are defined. 158 What is a Query Record Group? What is a Non Query Record Group? A query record group is a record group that has an associated SELECT statement. The columns in a query record group derive their default names, data types, had lengths from the database columns referenced in the SELECT statement. The records in query record group are the rows retrieved by the query associated with that record group. 159 What is a master detail relationship? A master detail relationship is an association between two base table blocks- a master block and a detail block. The relationship between the blocks reflects a primary key to foreign key relationship between the tables on which the blocks are based. 160 What are the two phases of block coordination? There are two phases of block coordination: the clear phase and the population phase. During, the clear phase, Oracle Forms navigates internally to the detail block and flushes the obsolete detail records. During the population phase, Oracle Forms issues a SELECT statement to repopulate the detail block with detail records associated with the new master record. These operations are accomplished through the execution of triggers. 161 What are the different types of Record Groups? Query Record Groups NonQuery Record Groups State Record Groups 162 What are the different types of Delete details we can establish in Master-Details? Cascade Isolate Non-isolate 163 What are the different types of Coordinations of the Master with the Detail block? 164 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Non-isolated?
  • 14. Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers ---------------------------------------------------- Non-Isolated(the default) On-Check-Delete-Master On-Clear-Details On-Populate-Details 165 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to isolated? Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers --------------------------------------------------- Isolated On-Clear-Details On-Populate-Details 166 What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Cascade? Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers --------------------------------------------------- Cascading On-Clear-Details On-Populate-Details Pre-delete 167 What are the Coordination Properties in a Master-Detail relationship? The coordination properties are Deferred Auto-Query These Properties determine when the population phase of block coordination should occur. 168 What are the built_ins used the display the LOV? Show_lov List_values 169 What are the built-ins used for processing rows? Get_group_row_count(function) Get_group_selection_count(function) Get_group_selection(function) Reset_group_selection(procedure) Set_group_selection(procedure) Unset_group_selection(procedure) 170 What are the built-ins used for Getting cell values? GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL (function) GET_GROUP_DATE_CELL(function) GET_GROUP_NUMBET_CELL(function) 171 What are the built-ins used for finding object ID functions? Find_group(function) Find_column(function) 172 What are the built-ins used for finding Object ID function? FIND_GROUP(function) FIND_COLUMN(function) 173 What are the built-ins used for Creating and deleting groups? CREATE-GROUP (function) CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY(function) DELETE_GROUP(procedure) 174 What are the Built-ins to display the user-named editor?
  • 15. A user named editor can be displayed programmatically with the built in procedure SHOW-EDITOR, EDIT_TETITEM independent of any particular text item. 175 What are the built-ins that are used to Attach an LOV programmatically to an item? set_item_property get_item_property (by setting the LOV_NAME property) 176 What are the built-ins that are used for setting the LOV properties at runtime? get_lov_property set_lov_property 177 What are the built-in used for getting cell values? Get_group_char_cell(function) Get_group_date_cell(function) Get_group_number_cell(function) 178 What are the built -ins used for Modifying a groups structure? ADD-GROUP_COLUMN (function) ADD_GROUP_ROW (procedure) DELETE_GROUP_ROW(procedure) 179 What are Most Common types of Complex master-detail relationships? There are three most common types of complex master-detail relationships: master with dependent details master with independent details detail with two masters 180 What are built-ins used for Processing rows? GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT(function) GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT(function) GET_GROUP_SELECTION(function) RESET_GROUP_SELECTION(procedure) SET_GROUP_SELECTION(procedure) UNSET_GROUP_SELECTION(procedure) 181 Use the Add_group_row procedure to add a row to a static record group 1. true or false? False. 182 Use the add_group_column function to add a column to record group that was created at a design time? False. 183 Use the ADD_GROUP_COLUMN function to add a column to a record group that was created at design time. I) TRUE II)FALSE II) FALSE Use the ADD_GROUP_ROW procedure to add a row to a static record group I) TRUE II)FALSE I) FALSE 184 POPULATE_GROUP(function) POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY(function) SET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL(procedure) SET_GROUP_DATE_CELL(procedure) SET_GROUP_NUMBER_CELL(procedure)
  • 16. 185 How many number of columns a record group can have? A record group can have an unlimited number of columns of type CHAR, LONG, NUMBER, or DATE provided that the total number of column does not exceed 64K. 186 Can a property clause itself be based on a property clause? Yes 187 What are the default extensions of the files created by menu module? .fmb - form module binary .fmx - form module executable 188 What are the default extensions of the files created by library module? The default file extensions indicate the library module type and storage format .pll - pl/sql library module binary