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Next Generation NDCs Due Early 2025
A Five-point Plan For Next Generation NDCs
What is a Sectoral Target?
Some examples:
Brazil: “reach zero deforestation by 2030”
China: “increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption
to around 25%”
India: “create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2
equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030”
UK: “phase out unabated coal power by 2024”
US: “reach 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035”
Why Sectoral Targets Matter
Set policy agendas
Signal to investors and the private sector
Promote accountability for implementation
Sectoral Targets in NDCs to Date
Source: State of NDCs 2022
Responding to the Global Stocktake
Source: Adapted from CMA/2023/L.17
Triple renewable energy capacity
Double energy efficiency improvement rate
Transition away from fossil fuels
Reduce emissions from road transport
Reduce non-CO2 emissions
Aligning Sectoral Targets with 1.5°C
Source: Systems ChangeLab
Who we are
Signed, Sealed, Delivered?
Double Down, Triple Up
Where we Need to Go
Systemic changes needed to
overcome structural barriers
impeding progress.
What we Need
Securing RE sectoral targets
aligned with GST in NDCs will
help drive action across
these areas.
2030 Ambition Gap - NDCs
Source: IEA WEO 2023
Disconnect Between National Energy Plans and NDCs
Existing national
energy policies lead
to nearly 8000
GW(2x) globally by
2030, achieving
70% ofthe tripling
Need to align
national plans with
NDCs to raise
particularly in this
Source: IEA WEO 2023
Time for Action
GRA’s Expectations:
• Include sector-specific renewable energy targets in new and updated NDCs.
• These must be aligned with the GST (2030 tripling and phase out), be ambitious for 2035, and
include robust implementation and investment plans.
• This is essential to providing clarity on the future energy mix and ensuring a robust, bankable
pipeline of renewable energy projects.
• Also, an opportunity to align ministries on implementation, foster collaboration with key
stakeholders such as business, and strengthen overall NDC governance.
We encourage governments to announce NDC sectoral targets at the GRA’s Global Renewable
Summit in NYCW.
Sectoral Targets in NDC’s
2030/2035 Ambition Gap and NDC Recommendations
1. Renewable energy targets: include specific, measurable renewable energy capacity targets aligned with the GST
2030 tripling goal. The targets for 2035 must be ambitious.
2. Robust implementation frameworks: include robust energy transition and strategic plans to build confidence
around implementation.
3. Develop investment strategies: that enable public and private institutions to coordinate around implementation
and build a pipeline of projects.
4. Multi-stakeholder governance: Establish “NDC Councils” to enhance collaboration on implementation with the
private sector and civil society.
5. Integrate energy transition goals: to ensure balanced actions that simultaneously phase out fossil fuels while
scaling up renewable energy.
6. NDC Diplomacy: Activate champion governments to enhance international cooperation on this agenda and raise
ambition on NDCs.
Eager to develop ongoing, structured models of collaboration with governments to:
• Ensure ongoing and active participation of market actors in NDC planning and
• Generate effective coordination frameworks that facilitate technical and market
intelligence sharing.
• Capacity building - enhance the capacity of officials in understanding energy
markets, innovation and planning and help embed renewable energy planning into
• Knowledge / data sharing hubs - support transparency and sharing of data on
energy demand, project pipelines, and technological advancements to enable
better NDC planning and decision-making.
• Work with civil society and other stakeholders to ensure NDC accountability.
Private Sector Support for NDC Planning
GRA Members
Global Renewables Alliance
Thank you
Today’s World is an Urban World
Photo: Social Income/Unsplash
+2.5 billion
more people in cities by 2050
Majority of people
emissions, economic activity
All cities must be carbon
neutral by 2050
-IPCC 1.5° Report
+1 billion
vehicles in cities by 2050
3/4 infrastructure
in cities by 2050 yet to be built
The Potential of Zero-carbon Cities
Source: Stockholm Environmental Institute and Vivid Economics for the Coalition for Urban Transitions(2019)
* Excluding decarbonisation of electricity
• Technically feasible low-carbon measures could
cut emissions from urban buildings, transport,
materials use and waste by almost90%; support
45 million jobs, and generate a return of at least
US$23.9 trillionby 2050.
• >50% of urban mitigation potential is in urban
areas with populations under 750,000 which
often lack the financial and technical resources of
larger cities
• Over a third of the urbanmitigationpotential*
relies oncollaboration between all three levels
of government
Coalition for High Ambition Multi-level Partnerships (CHAMP)
Countries develop enhanced NDCsincorporating
strong subnational content ANDinclude
subnational governments in process of enhancing
their NDC
Subnational governments in CHAMP countries able
to progress, finance anddeliver more ambitious
inclusive climate action
72 countries endorsed CHAMP at COP28
Only 24% of NDCs contain strong urbancontent. The
trend is moving in theright direction since only14%
contained strong urban content in 2016 however there
is still more progress to be made.
Key CHAMP Principals
Work with our subnational governments to unlock and realise action
opportunities by involving them in the review, design, enhancement,
consolidation and implementation of our national commitments
NDC 2025
Create inclusive institutional and informal processes to enable subnational
governments to contribute to further enhancing NDCs, where applicable, ahead
of COP30 in 2025
Include relevant subnational government projects in climate-related
investment priorities and strive to help them secure the resources necessary
from public and private financial institutions
Consult with our respective subnational governments to determinethe
avenues for subnational action to contribute to national mitigation and
adaptation commitments and strategies
The Transport Sector at a Glance
Emissions and the
energy demand from
land transport
The transport sector accounted for 20.7% of global fossil fuel
CO2 emissions in 2022. Road transport contributes more than three-
quarters of global transport CO2 emissions.
of systems
Current lack of access to affordable, safe, sustainableland transport
creates a demand for more integrated public use land transport
Transport is a major element of the global economy. International trade
depends on transporting goods across borders byroad, rail, air, or sea.
Road to Clean Transport
Source: IEA Net Zero Roadmap
• The transport sector will need to abate
energy usage by 10% by 2030 and
25% by 2035, with an energy mix that
goes from a 5% share of clean sources
to 20% in 2030 and over a third by
• This also includes the need to double
the share of fossil fuel free land
transport, particularly, which
constitutes over 70% of transport
Setting Targets for the Transport Sector
Infographic source: SLOCAT
Countries should set targets for fossil fuel-free transport for
land transport and ideally for the whole sector. Subsector
commitments should complement with:
• Scaling up public transport infrastructure and services
• Investing in active mobility (walking and cycling)
• Addressing freight: electric medium and heavy-duty vehicles,
shifting to rail
• Phasing in all electric fleets for cars, public transport, and
two- and three-wheelers
• Goals on inland water transport
• Sustainable fuels for aviation and maritime, shifts to rail on
short distance intercity travel
• Connections to powering the sector through renewable
The Buildings Sector at a Glance
>37% of global energy- and process-related CO2 emissions from buildings
2/3 of current buildings will still be here in 2050
2X global building stock increase by 2060
Road to Emissions Reductions in Buildings
Source: Buildings - Energy System - IEA
Aligning to the IEA Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE)
Scenario and Paris goals, by 2030 the sector must:
o Reduce operational emissions by 10% per
o Reduce embodied emissions for all new
buildings by an average of 10% per year.
o Increase major retrofits by at least 3-5%.
Despite high proportions of NDC's mentioning
measures for buildings and construction only a fraction
of NDCs (18%) specify estimated GHG reduction
targets for mitigation, and only 27 NDCs (16%) specify
financing requirements for at least one of the
mitigation measures.
Energy consumption in buildings by fuel in the
Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
Buildings targets in NDCS
1. Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) report
• Buildings-related measures, such as
energy efficiency in building structure,
design, and financing are lagging and
need quantifiable targets for mitigation
• To enhance building sector commitments:
– Incorporate combined embodied and
operational carbon building
regulations into NDCs
– Include implementation and
financing mechanisms specifically
that address multi-level governance
and both mitigation and adaptation
A Shift to Resilient Food Systems and Land-use
• Agriculture, forestry and other land uses account for nearly one-fifth of annual GHG
emissions globally and in some regions, it is almost 50%.
• Restoring degraded landscapes is key to achieve sectoral targets.
Source: Escuinlta, European Space Agency
Restore to what?
Recent Developments
Recent Developments
Chile National Restoration Plan
Outlines a set of Public Incentives to
foster restoration
Chile NDC
Commitment to restore 1M
Guatemala National
Restoration Strategy
Probosque as Policy
Peru ProRest
National Plan 2021- 2030
El Salvador Ecological
Compensations Manual
Ecological compensation
Mexico Matching
CONAFOR and Water
Restoration on NDC
All targets in NDC
Costa Rica, Restoration Strategy
Strategy and decarbonization plan
In LAC about 50% of pledges included on NDCs
Source: Systems ChangeLab
Benchmarks for Forestry and Land-Use
Source: Zamora et al., (2020)
Potential Types of Sectoral Targets
✓ Targets for net emissions reductions from forest and land-use sector
✓ Targets for cutting net deforestation
✓ Targets for hectares of reforestation
✓ Targets for additional forest types (e.g., mangroves and peatlands) and
✓ Targets for better crop management and livestock management (e.g. improved
livestock productivity)
✓ Targets for total area under legal protection or land tenure for indigenous people
✓ Targets for more sustainable production and consumption measures (e.g., food
loss and waste targets)
Source: Zamora et al., 2020
How to Structure Sectoral Targets
• Improve monitoring of
landscapes for mitigation
and adaptation, and
crosscutting actions
How to Structure Sectoral Targets
private finance
monitoring of
performance and
Evidence beyond
Policy and Finance Monitoring
• Learn more about the next generation of NDCs due next year at wri.org/ndcs
• Our latest article Next-generation Climate Targets: A 5-Point Plan for NDCs
• NDC Partnership Navigator 3.0: A tool for the development of NDCs to be
submitted in 2025, to support enhanced ambition and accelerate
• NDC Enhancement Tracker: Stay tuned for Climate Watch’s new 2025 NDC
Tracker, set to launch later this year.
• WRI’s‘Paying for Paris’: Planning to Finance an NDC? Estimate how much it
will cost to implement it.
• Buildings in the NDCs: Mapping Targets on Buildings in the NDCs
• The Climate Action Tracker: Guide to a good 2035 climate target, which
includes 1.5 degrees C aligned sectoral benchmarks

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Next Generation NDCs: Setting Sectoral Targets to Maximize Impact

  • 1.
  • 2. Next Generation NDCs Due Early 2025
  • 3. A Five-point Plan For Next Generation NDCs
  • 4.
  • 5. What is a Sectoral Target? Some examples: Brazil: “reach zero deforestation by 2030” China: “increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%” India: “create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030” UK: “phase out unabated coal power by 2024” US: “reach 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035”
  • 6. Why Sectoral Targets Matter Set policy agendas Signal to investors and the private sector Promote accountability for implementation
  • 7. Sectoral Targets in NDCs to Date Source: State of NDCs 2022
  • 8. Responding to the Global Stocktake Source: Adapted from CMA/2023/L.17 Triple renewable energy capacity Double energy efficiency improvement rate Transition away from fossil fuels Reduce emissions from road transport Reduce non-CO2 emissions
  • 9. Aligning Sectoral Targets with 1.5°C Source: Systems ChangeLab
  • 12.
  • 14. Where we Need to Go
  • 15. Systemic changes needed to overcome structural barriers impeding progress. What we Need Securing RE sectoral targets aligned with GST in NDCs will help drive action across these areas.
  • 16. 2030 Ambition Gap - NDCs Source: IEA WEO 2023
  • 17. Disconnect Between National Energy Plans and NDCs Existing national energy policies lead to nearly 8000 GW(2x) globally by 2030, achieving 70% ofthe tripling pledge. Need to align national plans with NDCs to raise ambition, particularly in this decade. Source: IEA WEO 2023
  • 19. GRA’s Expectations: • Include sector-specific renewable energy targets in new and updated NDCs. • These must be aligned with the GST (2030 tripling and phase out), be ambitious for 2035, and include robust implementation and investment plans. • This is essential to providing clarity on the future energy mix and ensuring a robust, bankable pipeline of renewable energy projects. • Also, an opportunity to align ministries on implementation, foster collaboration with key stakeholders such as business, and strengthen overall NDC governance. We encourage governments to announce NDC sectoral targets at the GRA’s Global Renewable Summit in NYCW. Sectoral Targets in NDC’s
  • 20. 2030/2035 Ambition Gap and NDC Recommendations 1. Renewable energy targets: include specific, measurable renewable energy capacity targets aligned with the GST 2030 tripling goal. The targets for 2035 must be ambitious. 2. Robust implementation frameworks: include robust energy transition and strategic plans to build confidence around implementation. 3. Develop investment strategies: that enable public and private institutions to coordinate around implementation and build a pipeline of projects. 4. Multi-stakeholder governance: Establish “NDC Councils” to enhance collaboration on implementation with the private sector and civil society. 5. Integrate energy transition goals: to ensure balanced actions that simultaneously phase out fossil fuels while scaling up renewable energy. 6. NDC Diplomacy: Activate champion governments to enhance international cooperation on this agenda and raise ambition on NDCs.
  • 21. Eager to develop ongoing, structured models of collaboration with governments to: • Ensure ongoing and active participation of market actors in NDC planning and implementation. • Generate effective coordination frameworks that facilitate technical and market intelligence sharing. • Capacity building - enhance the capacity of officials in understanding energy markets, innovation and planning and help embed renewable energy planning into NDCs. • Knowledge / data sharing hubs - support transparency and sharing of data on energy demand, project pipelines, and technological advancements to enable better NDC planning and decision-making. • Work with civil society and other stakeholders to ensure NDC accountability. Private Sector Support for NDC Planning
  • 22. GRA Members Global Renewables Alliance @GRA_Renewables @GlobalRenewablesAlliance www.globalrenewablesalliance.org #3xRenewables Thank you
  • 24. Today’s World is an Urban World Photo: Social Income/Unsplash +2.5 billion more people in cities by 2050 Majority of people emissions, economic activity All cities must be carbon neutral by 2050 -IPCC 1.5° Report +1 billion vehicles in cities by 2050 3/4 infrastructure in cities by 2050 yet to be built
  • 25. The Potential of Zero-carbon Cities Source: Stockholm Environmental Institute and Vivid Economics for the Coalition for Urban Transitions(2019) * Excluding decarbonisation of electricity TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE POTENTIAL TO REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM CITIES BY 2050, BY SECTOR • Technically feasible low-carbon measures could cut emissions from urban buildings, transport, materials use and waste by almost90%; support 45 million jobs, and generate a return of at least US$23.9 trillionby 2050. • >50% of urban mitigation potential is in urban areas with populations under 750,000 which often lack the financial and technical resources of larger cities • Over a third of the urbanmitigationpotential* relies oncollaboration between all three levels of government
  • 26. Coalition for High Ambition Multi-level Partnerships (CHAMP) Countries develop enhanced NDCsincorporating strong subnational content ANDinclude subnational governments in process of enhancing their NDC Subnational governments in CHAMP countries able to progress, finance anddeliver more ambitious inclusive climate action 72 countries endorsed CHAMP at COP28 Only 24% of NDCs contain strong urbancontent. The trend is moving in theright direction since only14% contained strong urban content in 2016 however there is still more progress to be made.
  • 27. Key CHAMP Principals Collaborate Work with our subnational governments to unlock and realise action opportunities by involving them in the review, design, enhancement, consolidation and implementation of our national commitments NDC 2025 Create inclusive institutional and informal processes to enable subnational governments to contribute to further enhancing NDCs, where applicable, ahead of COP30 in 2025 NDC Investment Include relevant subnational government projects in climate-related investment priorities and strive to help them secure the resources necessary from public and private financial institutions Consult Consult with our respective subnational governments to determinethe avenues for subnational action to contribute to national mitigation and adaptation commitments and strategies
  • 29. The Transport Sector at a Glance Emissions and the energy demand from land transport The transport sector accounted for 20.7% of global fossil fuel CO2 emissions in 2022. Road transport contributes more than three- quarters of global transport CO2 emissions. Integration of systems Current lack of access to affordable, safe, sustainableland transport creates a demand for more integrated public use land transport systems. Globaltrade Transport is a major element of the global economy. International trade depends on transporting goods across borders byroad, rail, air, or sea.
  • 30. Road to Clean Transport Source: IEA Net Zero Roadmap • The transport sector will need to abate energy usage by 10% by 2030 and 25% by 2035, with an energy mix that goes from a 5% share of clean sources to 20% in 2030 and over a third by 2035. • This also includes the need to double the share of fossil fuel free land transport, particularly, which constitutes over 70% of transport emissions.
  • 31. Setting Targets for the Transport Sector Infographic source: SLOCAT Countries should set targets for fossil fuel-free transport for land transport and ideally for the whole sector. Subsector commitments should complement with: • Scaling up public transport infrastructure and services • Investing in active mobility (walking and cycling) • Addressing freight: electric medium and heavy-duty vehicles, shifting to rail • Phasing in all electric fleets for cars, public transport, and two- and three-wheelers • Goals on inland water transport • Sustainable fuels for aviation and maritime, shifts to rail on short distance intercity travel • Connections to powering the sector through renewable energy
  • 33. The Buildings Sector at a Glance >37% of global energy- and process-related CO2 emissions from buildings 2/3 of current buildings will still be here in 2050 2X global building stock increase by 2060
  • 34. Road to Emissions Reductions in Buildings Source: Buildings - Energy System - IEA Aligning to the IEA Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario and Paris goals, by 2030 the sector must: o Reduce operational emissions by 10% per year. o Reduce embodied emissions for all new buildings by an average of 10% per year. o Increase major retrofits by at least 3-5%. Despite high proportions of NDC's mentioning measures for buildings and construction only a fraction of NDCs (18%) specify estimated GHG reduction targets for mitigation, and only 27 NDCs (16%) specify financing requirements for at least one of the mitigation measures. Energy consumption in buildings by fuel in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
  • 35. Buildings targets in NDCS 1. Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) report • Buildings-related measures, such as energy efficiency in building structure, design, and financing are lagging and need quantifiable targets for mitigation objectives.1 • To enhance building sector commitments: – Incorporate combined embodied and operational carbon building regulations into NDCs – Include implementation and financing mechanisms specifically that address multi-level governance and both mitigation and adaptation objectives.
  • 37. A Shift to Resilient Food Systems and Land-use • Agriculture, forestry and other land uses account for nearly one-fifth of annual GHG emissions globally and in some regions, it is almost 50%. • Restoring degraded landscapes is key to achieve sectoral targets.
  • 38. Source: Escuinlta, European Space Agency LANDSCAPE RESTORATION
  • 39. Restore to what? Recent Developments
  • 40. Recent Developments Chile National Restoration Plan Outlines a set of Public Incentives to foster restoration Chile NDC Commitment to restore 1M ha Guatemala National Restoration Strategy Probosque Probosque as Policy Instrument Peru ProRest National Plan 2021- 2030 El Salvador Ecological Compensations Manual Ecological compensation Mexico Matching Funds CONAFOR and Water districts Nicaragua Restoration on NDC All targets in NDC Costa Rica, Restoration Strategy Strategy and decarbonization plan In LAC about 50% of pledges included on NDCs
  • 41. Source: Systems ChangeLab Benchmarks for Forestry and Land-Use
  • 42. Source: Zamora et al., (2020) Potential Types of Sectoral Targets ✓ Targets for net emissions reductions from forest and land-use sector ✓ Targets for cutting net deforestation ✓ Targets for hectares of reforestation ✓ Targets for additional forest types (e.g., mangroves and peatlands) and agroforestry ✓ Targets for better crop management and livestock management (e.g. improved livestock productivity) ✓ Targets for total area under legal protection or land tenure for indigenous people ✓ Targets for more sustainable production and consumption measures (e.g., food loss and waste targets)
  • 43. Source: Zamora et al., 2020 How to Structure Sectoral Targets • Improve monitoring of landscapes for mitigation and adaptation, and crosscutting actions
  • 44. How to Structure Sectoral Targets Evidence/ Effectiveness Public incentivesand private finance Improve monitoring of actions, performance and impacts Crosssectorial collaboration Evidence beyond hectares Policy and Finance Monitoring Alignment
  • 45.
  • 46. Resources • Learn more about the next generation of NDCs due next year at wri.org/ndcs • Our latest article Next-generation Climate Targets: A 5-Point Plan for NDCs • NDC Partnership Navigator 3.0: A tool for the development of NDCs to be submitted in 2025, to support enhanced ambition and accelerate implementation. • NDC Enhancement Tracker: Stay tuned for Climate Watch’s new 2025 NDC Tracker, set to launch later this year. • WRI’s‘Paying for Paris’: Planning to Finance an NDC? Estimate how much it will cost to implement it. • Buildings in the NDCs: Mapping Targets on Buildings in the NDCs • The Climate Action Tracker: Guide to a good 2035 climate target, which includes 1.5 degrees C aligned sectoral benchmarks