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Hear from the leading practitioners:
Carmela Balassiano,
Director, Reference Data
Services - Global Capital
New York, May 26
Bringing together market data, reference data and
data management executives from leading financial
institutions across North America to examine solutions
to the urgent challenges facing their business
	 Market data
	 Reference data
	Enterprise data
	 Data infrastructure
	Algorithmic trading
NEW FOR 2010:
Interactive champagne
roundtable discussions
hosted by leading industry
Network with senior
market and reference
data managers from
across North America
Lead sponsor
Hosted by
Panel sponsors
John Bottega,
Chief Data Officer - Markets
Suresh Jayaraman,
Head of Information
Architecture Enterprise Risk
Management, AIG
Peter Serenita,
Global Head of Data
Management, HSBC
Marc Baumslag,
Global Head of Risk IT,
Jeremy Green,
Global Head of Market Data,
Bill Lee,
Vice President,
Robert Wallos,
Global Head of Market Data
Architecture, CITIGROUP
FREE attendance
for qualified
from financial
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 1 3/10/10 3:21:11 PM
New York, May 26
Dear data industry executive,
It is with pleasure that we invite you to the North American Financial
Information Summit 2010, our annual Inside Market Data and Inside
Reference Data congress held in NewYork City.
Our 8th conference in North America comes at a time when the financial
industry is emerging from a crisis, but is beginning to report positive
signs - with some even reaping abnormal profits from the volatile
markets. However, the economic downturn is far from a distant memory.
Now more then ever, data professionals need to position themselves to
get the most out of today’s trading environment and identify innovative
ways to give traders the information and tools to find new sources of
alpha – all within the constraints of exploiting existing resources and
limited budgets.
With this in mind, on May 26, we will bring together today’s leading data
management practitioners to discuss how firms can address ever-more
urgent priorities in these fast-changing markets.
Highlights from the market data stream will include a broad range of
end-user data management concerns and issues, such as negotiating
with vendors and exchanges to gain maximum value, the growing
challenge of achieving a low-latency infrastructure for real-time data, and
keeping abreast of the latest content requirements from end users.
In the reference data stream, speakers will provide guidance on robust
data management strategies, such as enterprise data management
for risk reduction, adopting strategies for overcoming issues around
counterparty data, and identifying efficient data governance strategies.
The North American Financial Information Summit is the most
complete, must-attend data management congress for the global capital
markets, and we look forward to meeting you at the event on May 26.
With best regards,
Max Bowie
Inside Market Data
	 Letter from the editors: Who should attend the North American
Financial Information Summit?
The event will be of value to all those working in market data, reference
data and enterprise data management in financial institutions. It is of
particular relevance to executives with the following job titles:
  Chief Data Officer
  Chief Information Officer
  Chief Operating Officer
  Chief Technology Officer
  Global, Regional, Country Heads, Directors and Senior Management
with responsibility for:
Market Data Services; Data Administration; Market Data Commercial;
Reference Data Strategy; Reference Data Quality; Data Architecture;
Enterprise Data Management; Data Outsourcing; Algorithmic Trading;
Information Systems; IT Strategy; Trading Technology; Electronic Trading
 Execution; Market Data Operations; Data Desktop Infrastructure;
Risk Management; Operational Risk  Compliance
What’s in it for you?
  NEW - participate in the interactive champagne roundtables and ask
pressing questions to industry experts
  Learn about new market and reference data management frameworks
that will get you the most for your money
  Explore how to deal with the drivers behind increasing market and
reference data volumes and avoid the risks of inadequate capacity
  Listen to the latest in data governance strategies and gain a better
understanding of expected take-up of ISO 20022 and XBRL
  Assess the latest low latency solutions and learn about other tools that
could give firms a strategic advantage
  Hear exclusively from top speakers about the core components of
an EDM strategy and the most effective techniques for maintaining
consistent data models across data feeds
Tine Thoresen
Inside Reference Data
‘This conference left me with a sense that the
market data community is a tight knit group
that is willing to share issues and solutions
that are relevant across the industry.’
Steve Listhaus, Director of Market Data Services, WELLS FARGO
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 2 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
New York, May 26
Inside Market Data
Chairperson’s opening remarks: Max Bowie, Editor,
Program – New York, May 26, 2010
8.20 Registration and breakfast
8.50 Welcome remarks: Lee Hartt, Publisher, INSIDE MARKET DATA  INSIDE REFERENCE DATA
9.00 Keynote Address (keynote speaker to be confirmed, please visit website for more updates)
Inside Reference Data
Chairperson’s opening remarks: TineThoresen, Editor,
Case Study: Distortions in tick data from a high-frequency trading
Irene Aldridge, Managing Partner, Quantitative Portfolio Manager,
	 10.35	 Morning Break
Case Study: Building a new risk platform:Top 10 lessons
Marc Baumslag, Global Head of Risk IT, UBS
	 12.55	 Lunch Break
Panel: Capacity: Cranking down the volume
• Expecting the unexpected: Practical planning for a capacity crisis
• Staying afloat in a deluge: Emergency measures when volumes strike
• Leveraging on-demand, hosted and outsourced services to handle
market volatility
• Working with venues and data providers to mitigate data volumes
at source
• Reducing the volumes of data you process and generate
John Panzica, Vice President, Financial Services Practice, SWITCH
More speakers to be confirmed- please visit website for updates
Panel: Enterprise data management: Creating a foundation for change
• Identifying ways to enhance technology to reduce overall costs
• The focus on small scale projects tailored to meet business requirements
• Best practices for aligning data management projects with risk
management and compliance programs
• Golden copy: Is one enough?
John Bottega, Chief Data Officer - Markets Division, FEDERAL RESERVE
Vikas Delory, Vice President, Enterprise Data Group, MORGAN STANLEY
Rick Enfield, Product Business Owner, ASSET CONTROL
John Place, Vice President, Product Management, Global Data Solutions,
Kim Wolfe, Global Head of Reference Data, BARCLAYS CAPITAL
12.10 Panel: Share wars: Exchange empire strikes back
• The impact of consolidation and fragmentation on the value of data
• Building products that deliver more value from exchange data
• Changing times, changing policies: New licenses and their
• Setting standards for usage reporting and audits
• Dark pools in the spotlight: The potential impact of new regulations
on “lit” pools and market data
Ludwig A. D’Angelo, Executive Director, IB Tech Trading Technology,
Bill Lee, Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY
Michele Surdez, Director, Market Data Services, BANK OF
Panel: Corporate actions:The quest for quality data, people and processes
• Identifying optimal processes for handling data inconsistencies
• Removing manual processes in the corporate actions lifecycle, and
retaining talent
• The next generation: What is the expected take-up of ISO 20022 and
XBRL for corporate actions?
• Assessing alternative models: Can certain processes be outsourced
to vendors?
Deborah Culhane, Chief Operating Officer, FIDELITY ACTIONS XCHANGE
Amy G. Harkins, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Events, BNY MELLON
Elizabeth Krow, Vice President, U.S. Corporate Actions, BLACKROCK
Nanda Kumar, Product Director, SIX TELEKURS
14.00 Case Study: Approaches to market data management in Asia
Jeremy Green, Global Head of Market Data, STANDARD
Case Study: Data challenges with complex derivatives and structured products
Suresh Jayaraman, Head of Information Architecture, Enterprise Risk
Management, AIG
End user panel: Still doing more with less
• More: Getting what you want from vendors
• Less: Working with a shrinking budget
• Leveraging existing resources and licenses to deliver growth
and savings
• Making consolidation work: Getting the most out of integration
• Negotiation, negotiation, negotiation: Working with vendors and
exchanges to get value
Edmund Flynn, Senior Director, Market Data Services, FIDELITY
Lila Gordem, Americas Regional Manager for Business Analysis and
Projects Team for Market and Reference Data, CREDIT SUISSE
MarkW. Januszka, Vice President, Market Data, HSBC SECURITIES
Catherine Louisy-Louis, Head of Global Investment Data
Administration, CITI PRIVATE BANK
Scott Redstone, Head of Data Acquisition and Vendor Management
for Electronic Trading, BANK OF AMERICA – MERRILL LYNCH
End user panel: The future state of reference data budgets, standards
and infrastructures
• Cost control: Reviewing budgets and decisions made in 2009
• Can price increases be justified in today’s market?
• The rally for open standards: How can a change in the standards space help
break down barriers and create a fair marketplace?
• The introduction of a reference data utility to help manage systemic risk
Carmela Balassiano, Director, Reference Data Services - Global Capital
David Blaszkowsky, Director, Office of Interactive Disclosure, US SEC
Norman Brower, Executive Director, Reference Data Solutions,
Steve Ellenberg, Vice President, Global Index Licensing Coordinator,
Thomas Llaneza, Data Governance, GE ASSET MANAGEMENT
David C. Steinberg, Senior Vice President, Citi Architecture  Technology
Engineering, CITI
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 3 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
New York, May 26
Panel: Quality, not quantity:The importance of prices to PL
• What’s hot: Sourcing data on the top products in 2010
• Harnessing the potential of emerging markets
• Using indexes to reduce the risk of entering new markets
• Ensuring timely and accurate valuations for illiquid assets
• The changing role of research and ratings in the investment process
John Netto, President, M3 CAPITAL
Carl Sundbom, Global Head, Market Data Architecture,
More panelists to be confirmed, please visit website for updates
Panel: Latency - Speed under the ‘scope
• Making money from milliseconds: Knowing the value of speed
• If you can’t measure, you can’t manage: Using tools to identify
• Re-evaluate, re-design: Coding latency out of essential processes
• Move closer: Co-location and other strategies to control external
causes of latency
• Legislating latency: Regulatory moves against high-frequency trading
and data
Jeremy Green, Global Head of Market Data, STANDARD
Neil Holstein, Head of Low Latency Infrastructure, CREDIT SUISSE
Panel: Counterparty risk:The data challenge
• Sourcing and capturing accurate and sufficient counterparty data to
monitor exposure levels and mitigate risk
• Looking forward: Preparing your counterparty data management for the
next regulatory move
• Strategies for measuring data quality and pushing for change
• One name for a client: Agreeing on clearly defined standards
Tony Brownlee, Managing Director, Data Solutions, KINGLAND SYSTEMS
David Goldberg, Managing Director, Client Data Management, BNY
Suresh Jayaraman, Head of Information Architecture, Enterprise Risk
Management, AIG
Peter Serenita, Global Head of Data Management, HSBC
Panel: Data needs for evaluated prices
• Pricing of complex asset classes: Is there enough data?
• Evaluating the transparency of the price
• Lessons learned from pricing in volatile market conditions
• Accounting standards: Reviewing the impact of recent changes
David Askin, Co-founder, BVAL, BLOOMBERG
Baldwin Smith, Director, Fixed Income, CREDIT SUISSE
Kerry Ann White, Managing Director, Global Product Management, BNY
John White, Global Head of Market and Vended Data Services, STATE
Program continued
Inside Market Data’s
**Champagne Break-out Roundtables**
Hosted by: Ludwig A. D’Angelo, Executive Director, IB Tech Trading
Technology, JPMORGAN CHASE  Bill Lee, Vice President,
Topic: Exchange fee liability: Is this a sustainable model?
Hosted by: Irene Aldridge, Managing Partner and Quantitative
Portfolio Manager, ABLE ALPHA TRADING
Topic: Obtaining tick data and the problems embedded with it
Hosted by: Robert Wallos, Global Head of Market Data Architecture,
Topic: Low latency value chain
Hosted by: Edmund Flynn, Senior Director, Market Data Services,
Topic: Exchange licensing - The need for consistent global standards
	 15.50	 Afternoon Break
Inside Reference Data’s
**Champagne Break-out Roundtables**
Hosted by: Peter Serenita, Global Head of Data Management, HSBC
Topic: Client Reference Data Management Strategies
Hosted by: David Blaszkowsky, Director, Office of Interactive Disclosure,
Topic: Next steps: The impact of standardization on the industry
Hosted by: John Bottega, Chief Data Officer - Markets Division, FEDERAL
Topic:To be confirmed shortly
Hosted by: Tom Dalglish, Executive Director, Enterprise Reference Data,
Topic: Building a strategic reference data platform
17.55 Cocktail Reception
17.50 Chairperson’s closing remarks Chairperson’s closing remarks
19.15 Inside Market Data Awards  Inside Reference Data Awards 2010
This year’s Inside Market Data Awards
and Inside Reference Data Awards
evening will take place on
May 26, 2010.
Voting and Call for Entry is now open
for vendor and end-user categories.
Call for Entry Categories
Financial institutions will be able to enter
themselves for nominations in 8 market data and
reference data categories. Vendors also have the
opportunity to enter 4 vendor categories and have
their clients endorse their entries. Both will be
judged by our esteemed judging panel.
Voting Categories
You, Inside Market Data and Inside Reference
Data readers, will make the final decision,
choosing the winners in 22 hotly contested
vendor categories, from this year’s survey.
Voting ends at midnight on April 9, 2010
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 4 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
Lead sponsor
As a leader in its field, SIX Telekurs specializes in the procurement, processing and distribution of international financial information. Financial market specialists at SIX Telekurs gather information from all
the world’s major trading venues – directly and in real-time. The SIX Telekurs database with its structured and encoded securities administration data for more than 5 million financial instruments is unique
in terms of its depth of information and data coverage. With offices in 23 countries, SIX Telekurs combines the advantages of global presence and local know-how.
Sponsorship Information
If you would like to come on board as a
sponsor for the North American Financial
Information Summit 2010, please contact:
Jo Garvey
T: +1 (212) 457 7745
E: jo.garvey@incisivemedia.com
Lee Hartt
T: +44 (0)20 7484 9907
E: lee.hartt@incisivemedia.com
New York, May 26
Panel sponsors
Incisive Media’s market data portfolio incorporates the market-leading industry brands serving financial
institutions in print, in person and online - through its series of publications, conferences, research,
training, briefings and reports.
Our publications help key decision makers within financial institutions with the business and financial issues
they face as consumers of market data, reference data and data management.
	 About the hosts
Asset Control provides centralized data
management solutions for financial institutions
worldwide. From business-entity to firm-wide
projects, Asset Control offers a strategic
reference and market data platform that
delivers the accuracy, consistency and
relevancy firms need to reduce costs and
risk, manage evolving compliance needs, and
accelerate the delivery of new products and
services. A Fidelity Ventures company, Asset
Control serves some of the world’s most
successful financial institutions. For more
information, visit www.asset-control.com
SmartStream Technologies provides industry-
leading Transaction Lifecycle Management
) solutions that automate complex and
scalable process flows to track and control
financial transactions. 1,000 clients, including
more than 75 of the world’s top 100 banks,
rely on SmartStream’s solutions to reduce
operational risk and cost while addressing
regulation and improving customer service.
Kingland Systems is a full-service technology
outsourcing firm, providing reference data
management, software engineering, and
consulting to many large, international financial
services firms for more than 15 years. We
operate one of the largest data cleansing
operations in the industry, on-shore in the
US. Using our outsourced data services,
data management software, and teams of
professionals, firms rely on Kingland to provide
highly accurate and custom data as well plan
enterprise data and technology strategies.
Our data expertise includes entity/client/
counterparty data, corporate hierarchies, and
securities reference data, and other forms of
global financial reference data.
Fidelity ActionsXchange is the most trusted
provider of flexible, technology-driven global
corporate actions solutions for many of the
world’s financial industry leaders. Leveraging
more than 10 years of unparalleled analytical
expertise, technology and service, we
offer award-winning solutions that source,
enhance, compare and validate corporate
action announcements, turning even the most
complex data into valuable intelligence. Our
strategic value allows clients to reduce costs,
mitigate risk, gain efficiencies and enhance
transparency giving them the highest degree
of control over their global event information.
Standard  Poor’s provides solutions that help
organisations with clearance and settlement STP,
compliance and risk management, security master
file maintenance, data management, and mutual fund
and client statement evaluations. Services include
global securities identification and cross-referencing,
securities pricing, reference data, credit ratings
and research to support securities operations and
investment managers worldwide.
Switch and Data is a premier provider of network-neutral data centers
that house, power, and interconnect the Internet. Leading content
companies, enterprises, and communications service providers rely on
Switch and Data for world-class service, delivered across the broadest
colocation footprint and richest network of interconnections in North
America. The company operates 34 sites in the U.S. and Canada,
provides one of the highest customer satisfaction scores for technical
and engineering support in the industry, and is home to PAIX®
- the
world’s first commercial Internet exchange.
The Bloomberg Data Solutions product suite
is unique in that it allows for single-source
referencing for your global securities database
by delivering indicative, pricing, calculated,
historical, and corporate-action information.
Bloomberg’s DATA LICENSE product provides
access to the most comprehensive, timely,
and accurate financial database in the world,
and is designed to fuel critical applications
and databases. Bloomberg’s evaluated pricing
service (BVAL) produces credible, transparent
and defensible valuations across a broad
spectrum of financial instruments.
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 5 3/10/10 3:21:19 PM
New York, May 26
Warning: North American Financial Information Summit is a registered trademark, and the titles, contents and style of
this brochure are the copyright of Incisive Media. We will act on any infringement of our rights anywhere in the world.
© Incisive Media.
Cancellation: A refund (less 10% administration fee) will be made if notice of cancellation is received in writing
three weeks before the event. We regret that no refunds can be given after this period. A substitute delegate is
always welcome at no extra charge.
Disclaimer: The programme may change due to unforeseen circumstances, and Incisive Media reserves the right
to alter the venue and/or speakers. Incisive Media accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to property
belonging to, nor for any personal injury incurred by, attendees at our conferences, whether within the conference
venue or otherwise.
Data Protection: By registering for the North American Financial Information Summit Incisive Media will send you
further information relating to this event. In addition we will send you information about our other relevant products
and services which we believe will be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive other relevant information from
Incisive Media via a particular medium please tick the following relevant boxes: mail ; phone ; fax ; email .
Incisive Media will also allow carefully selected third parties to contact you about their products and services. If you
do not wish to receive information from third parties via any of the following media please tick the relevant boxes:
mail ; phone . Please tick if you are happy to receive relevant information from carefully selected third parties
by email and fax .
	 Visit www.financialinformationsummit.com/na
Email us
	 Contact our Customer Services team at conf@incisivemedia.com
	 If you would like to book by phone, please call us on
	 +1 (212) 457 7789/+44 (0) 870 240 8859 (UK)
Booking options
Please do not cover
this box as it contains
important marketing
Book Online
Visit the Incisive Media web site for an
update on our forthcoming conferences,
courses and for information on our
magazines/books at
Your registration fee includes morning
refreshments, lunch, afternoon
refreshments, your conference/seminar
materials and the conference cocktail
party. Please note your place is not
guaranteed until your payment has
been received
If you require an invoice please inform us
stating whether you need an original or a
fax copy. We accept company cheques,
credit cards and bank transfers. Please
allow a minimum of seven working days
for a bank transfer to reach us and phone
or fax us when it has been sent. Please
state the event name and delegate name
to which it relates.
Venue and Accommodation
Sheraton New York
Hotel and Towers
811 7th Avenue, 53rd
street, New York, 10019
T: +1 212 581 1000
A limited number of rooms at special
discounted rates have been reserved
at the Sheraton New York Hotel and
Towers for North American Financial
Information Summit attendees. You
are advised to make your reservation
as early as possible as rooms are in
high demand.
For further information or to book
please call +1 (888)-627-7067 and
mention the event name
Brochure Code:
FREE of charge – Banks and Financial Institutions*
*This offer is only available for delegates from investment banks, investment management companies,
asset management, pension funds and hedge funds. Confirmed delegates will be notified. The organiser’s
decision is final.
$1500 – Vendors, exchanges and service/software providers
Preferential pricing is available for IMD/IRD subscribers, please email
SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 6 3/10/10 3:21:19 PM

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North American Financial Information Summit 2010, New York- May 26

  • 1. Hear from the leading practitioners: Carmela Balassiano, Director, Reference Data Services - Global Capital Markets, DEUTSCHE BANK New York, May 26 Bringing together market data, reference data and data management executives from leading financial institutions across North America to examine solutions to the urgent challenges facing their business Market data Reference data Enterprise data management Data infrastructure Algorithmic trading Exchanges NEW FOR 2010: Interactive champagne roundtable discussions hosted by leading industry professionals Plus: Network with senior market and reference data managers from across North America www.financialinformationsummit.com/na Lead sponsor Hosted by Panel sponsors Co-sponsor John Bottega, Chief Data Officer - Markets Division, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Suresh Jayaraman, Head of Information Architecture Enterprise Risk Management, AIG Peter Serenita, Global Head of Data Management, HSBC Marc Baumslag, Global Head of Risk IT, UBS Jeremy Green, Global Head of Market Data, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Bill Lee, Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY Robert Wallos, Global Head of Market Data Architecture, CITIGROUP FREE attendance for qualified delegates from financial institutions SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 1 3/10/10 3:21:11 PM
  • 2. New York, May 26 Dear data industry executive, It is with pleasure that we invite you to the North American Financial Information Summit 2010, our annual Inside Market Data and Inside Reference Data congress held in NewYork City. Our 8th conference in North America comes at a time when the financial industry is emerging from a crisis, but is beginning to report positive signs - with some even reaping abnormal profits from the volatile markets. However, the economic downturn is far from a distant memory. Now more then ever, data professionals need to position themselves to get the most out of today’s trading environment and identify innovative ways to give traders the information and tools to find new sources of alpha – all within the constraints of exploiting existing resources and limited budgets. With this in mind, on May 26, we will bring together today’s leading data management practitioners to discuss how firms can address ever-more urgent priorities in these fast-changing markets. Highlights from the market data stream will include a broad range of end-user data management concerns and issues, such as negotiating with vendors and exchanges to gain maximum value, the growing challenge of achieving a low-latency infrastructure for real-time data, and keeping abreast of the latest content requirements from end users. In the reference data stream, speakers will provide guidance on robust data management strategies, such as enterprise data management for risk reduction, adopting strategies for overcoming issues around counterparty data, and identifying efficient data governance strategies. The North American Financial Information Summit is the most complete, must-attend data management congress for the global capital markets, and we look forward to meeting you at the event on May 26. With best regards, Max Bowie Editor, Inside Market Data Letter from the editors: Who should attend the North American Financial Information Summit? The event will be of value to all those working in market data, reference data and enterprise data management in financial institutions. It is of particular relevance to executives with the following job titles:   Chief Data Officer   Chief Information Officer   Chief Operating Officer   Chief Technology Officer   Global, Regional, Country Heads, Directors and Senior Management with responsibility for: Market Data Services; Data Administration; Market Data Commercial; Reference Data Strategy; Reference Data Quality; Data Architecture; Enterprise Data Management; Data Outsourcing; Algorithmic Trading; Information Systems; IT Strategy; Trading Technology; Electronic Trading Execution; Market Data Operations; Data Desktop Infrastructure; Risk Management; Operational Risk Compliance What’s in it for you?   NEW - participate in the interactive champagne roundtables and ask pressing questions to industry experts   Learn about new market and reference data management frameworks that will get you the most for your money   Explore how to deal with the drivers behind increasing market and reference data volumes and avoid the risks of inadequate capacity management   Listen to the latest in data governance strategies and gain a better understanding of expected take-up of ISO 20022 and XBRL   Assess the latest low latency solutions and learn about other tools that could give firms a strategic advantage   Hear exclusively from top speakers about the core components of an EDM strategy and the most effective techniques for maintaining consistent data models across data feeds www.financialinformationsummit.com/na Tine Thoresen Editor, Inside Reference Data ‘This conference left me with a sense that the market data community is a tight knit group that is willing to share issues and solutions that are relevant across the industry.’ Steve Listhaus, Director of Market Data Services, WELLS FARGO SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 2 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
  • 3. New York, May 26 Inside Market Data Chairperson’s opening remarks: Max Bowie, Editor, INSIDE MARKET DATA Program – New York, May 26, 2010 8.20 Registration and breakfast 8.50 Welcome remarks: Lee Hartt, Publisher, INSIDE MARKET DATA INSIDE REFERENCE DATA 9.00 Keynote Address (keynote speaker to be confirmed, please visit website for more updates) Inside Reference Data Chairperson’s opening remarks: TineThoresen, Editor, INSIDE REFERENCE DATA Case Study: Distortions in tick data from a high-frequency trading perspective Irene Aldridge, Managing Partner, Quantitative Portfolio Manager, ABLE ALPHA TRADING, LTD. 10.35 Morning Break Case Study: Building a new risk platform:Top 10 lessons Marc Baumslag, Global Head of Risk IT, UBS 11.05 11.25 9.50 9.45 12.55 Lunch Break Panel: Capacity: Cranking down the volume • Expecting the unexpected: Practical planning for a capacity crisis • Staying afloat in a deluge: Emergency measures when volumes strike • Leveraging on-demand, hosted and outsourced services to handle market volatility • Working with venues and data providers to mitigate data volumes at source • Reducing the volumes of data you process and generate Tom Jordon, Advisory Chair, FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORUM John Panzica, Vice President, Financial Services Practice, SWITCH AND DATA More speakers to be confirmed- please visit website for updates Panel: Enterprise data management: Creating a foundation for change • Identifying ways to enhance technology to reduce overall costs • The focus on small scale projects tailored to meet business requirements • Best practices for aligning data management projects with risk management and compliance programs • Golden copy: Is one enough? John Bottega, Chief Data Officer - Markets Division, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Vikas Delory, Vice President, Enterprise Data Group, MORGAN STANLEY Rick Enfield, Product Business Owner, ASSET CONTROL John Place, Vice President, Product Management, Global Data Solutions, STANDARD POORS John Mason, CEO, DClear Utilities, SMARTSTREAM TECHNOLOGIES Kim Wolfe, Global Head of Reference Data, BARCLAYS CAPITAL 12.10 Panel: Share wars: Exchange empire strikes back • The impact of consolidation and fragmentation on the value of data • Building products that deliver more value from exchange data • Changing times, changing policies: New licenses and their implications • Setting standards for usage reporting and audits • Dark pools in the spotlight: The potential impact of new regulations on “lit” pools and market data Ludwig A. D’Angelo, Executive Director, IB Tech Trading Technology, JPMORGAN CHASE Bill Lee, Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY Michele Surdez, Director, Market Data Services, BANK OF AMERICA – MERRILL LYNCH Panel: Corporate actions:The quest for quality data, people and processes • Identifying optimal processes for handling data inconsistencies • Removing manual processes in the corporate actions lifecycle, and retaining talent • The next generation: What is the expected take-up of ISO 20022 and XBRL for corporate actions? • Assessing alternative models: Can certain processes be outsourced to vendors? Deborah Culhane, Chief Operating Officer, FIDELITY ACTIONS XCHANGE Amy G. Harkins, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Events, BNY MELLON Elizabeth Krow, Vice President, U.S. Corporate Actions, BLACKROCK Nanda Kumar, Product Director, SIX TELEKURS 14.00 Case Study: Approaches to market data management in Asia Jeremy Green, Global Head of Market Data, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Case Study: Data challenges with complex derivatives and structured products Suresh Jayaraman, Head of Information Architecture, Enterprise Risk Management, AIG End user panel: Still doing more with less • More: Getting what you want from vendors • Less: Working with a shrinking budget • Leveraging existing resources and licenses to deliver growth and savings • Making consolidation work: Getting the most out of integration • Negotiation, negotiation, negotiation: Working with vendors and exchanges to get value Edmund Flynn, Senior Director, Market Data Services, FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Lila Gordem, Americas Regional Manager for Business Analysis and Projects Team for Market and Reference Data, CREDIT SUISSE MarkW. Januszka, Vice President, Market Data, HSBC SECURITIES Catherine Louisy-Louis, Head of Global Investment Data Administration, CITI PRIVATE BANK Scott Redstone, Head of Data Acquisition and Vendor Management for Electronic Trading, BANK OF AMERICA – MERRILL LYNCH End user panel: The future state of reference data budgets, standards and infrastructures • Cost control: Reviewing budgets and decisions made in 2009 • Can price increases be justified in today’s market? • The rally for open standards: How can a change in the standards space help break down barriers and create a fair marketplace? • The introduction of a reference data utility to help manage systemic risk Carmela Balassiano, Director, Reference Data Services - Global Capital Markets, DEUTSCHE BANK David Blaszkowsky, Director, Office of Interactive Disclosure, US SEC Norman Brower, Executive Director, Reference Data Solutions, MORGAN STANLEY Steve Ellenberg, Vice President, Global Index Licensing Coordinator, CREDIT SUISSE Thomas Llaneza, Data Governance, GE ASSET MANAGEMENT David C. Steinberg, Senior Vice President, Citi Architecture Technology Engineering, CITI SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 3 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
  • 4. New York, May 26 Panel: Quality, not quantity:The importance of prices to PL • What’s hot: Sourcing data on the top products in 2010 • Harnessing the potential of emerging markets • Using indexes to reduce the risk of entering new markets • Ensuring timely and accurate valuations for illiquid assets • The changing role of research and ratings in the investment process John Netto, President, M3 CAPITAL Carl Sundbom, Global Head, Market Data Architecture, BARCLAYS CAPITAL More panelists to be confirmed, please visit website for updates Panel: Latency - Speed under the ‘scope • Making money from milliseconds: Knowing the value of speed • If you can’t measure, you can’t manage: Using tools to identify bottlenecks • Re-evaluate, re-design: Coding latency out of essential processes • Move closer: Co-location and other strategies to control external causes of latency • Legislating latency: Regulatory moves against high-frequency trading and data Jeremy Green, Global Head of Market Data, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Neil Holstein, Head of Low Latency Infrastructure, CREDIT SUISSE Panel: Counterparty risk:The data challenge • Sourcing and capturing accurate and sufficient counterparty data to monitor exposure levels and mitigate risk • Looking forward: Preparing your counterparty data management for the next regulatory move • Strategies for measuring data quality and pushing for change • One name for a client: Agreeing on clearly defined standards Tony Brownlee, Managing Director, Data Solutions, KINGLAND SYSTEMS David Goldberg, Managing Director, Client Data Management, BNY MELLON Suresh Jayaraman, Head of Information Architecture, Enterprise Risk Management, AIG Peter Serenita, Global Head of Data Management, HSBC Panel: Data needs for evaluated prices • Pricing of complex asset classes: Is there enough data? • Evaluating the transparency of the price • Lessons learned from pricing in volatile market conditions • Accounting standards: Reviewing the impact of recent changes David Askin, Co-founder, BVAL, BLOOMBERG Baldwin Smith, Director, Fixed Income, CREDIT SUISSE Kerry Ann White, Managing Director, Global Product Management, BNY MELLON ASSET SERVICING John White, Global Head of Market and Vended Data Services, STATE STREET GLOBAL ADVISORS Program continued NEW Inside Market Data’s **Champagne Break-out Roundtables** ROUNDTABLE 1 Hosted by: Ludwig A. D’Angelo, Executive Director, IB Tech Trading Technology, JPMORGAN CHASE Bill Lee, Vice President, MORGAN STANLEY Topic: Exchange fee liability: Is this a sustainable model? ROUNDTABLE 2 Hosted by: Irene Aldridge, Managing Partner and Quantitative Portfolio Manager, ABLE ALPHA TRADING Topic: Obtaining tick data and the problems embedded with it ROUNDTABLE 3 Hosted by: Robert Wallos, Global Head of Market Data Architecture, CITIGROUP Topic: Low latency value chain ROUNDTABLE 4 Hosted by: Edmund Flynn, Senior Director, Market Data Services, FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Topic: Exchange licensing - The need for consistent global standards 15.50 Afternoon Break NEW Inside Reference Data’s **Champagne Break-out Roundtables** ROUNDTABLE 1 Hosted by: Peter Serenita, Global Head of Data Management, HSBC Topic: Client Reference Data Management Strategies ROUNDTABLE 2 Hosted by: David Blaszkowsky, Director, Office of Interactive Disclosure, US SEC Topic: Next steps: The impact of standardization on the industry ROUNDTABLE 3 Hosted by: John Bottega, Chief Data Officer - Markets Division, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Topic:To be confirmed shortly ROUNDTABLE 4 Hosted by: Tom Dalglish, Executive Director, Enterprise Reference Data, JPMORGAN Topic: Building a strategic reference data platform 16.20 14.20 15.05 17.55 Cocktail Reception 17.50 Chairperson’s closing remarks Chairperson’s closing remarks 19.15 Inside Market Data Awards Inside Reference Data Awards 2010 This year’s Inside Market Data Awards and Inside Reference Data Awards evening will take place on May 26, 2010. Voting and Call for Entry is now open for vendor and end-user categories. VOTE NOW insidemarketdata.com/awards irdonline.com/awards Call for Entry Categories Financial institutions will be able to enter themselves for nominations in 8 market data and reference data categories. Vendors also have the opportunity to enter 4 vendor categories and have their clients endorse their entries. Both will be judged by our esteemed judging panel. Voting Categories You, Inside Market Data and Inside Reference Data readers, will make the final decision, choosing the winners in 22 hotly contested vendor categories, from this year’s survey. Voting ends at midnight on April 9, 2010 SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 4 3/10/10 3:21:18 PM
  • 5. Lead sponsor As a leader in its field, SIX Telekurs specializes in the procurement, processing and distribution of international financial information. Financial market specialists at SIX Telekurs gather information from all the world’s major trading venues – directly and in real-time. The SIX Telekurs database with its structured and encoded securities administration data for more than 5 million financial instruments is unique in terms of its depth of information and data coverage. With offices in 23 countries, SIX Telekurs combines the advantages of global presence and local know-how. www.six-telekurs.com Sponsorship Information If you would like to come on board as a sponsor for the North American Financial Information Summit 2010, please contact: Jo Garvey T: +1 (212) 457 7745 E: jo.garvey@incisivemedia.com Lee Hartt T: +44 (0)20 7484 9907 E: lee.hartt@incisivemedia.com New York, May 26 Panel sponsors Incisive Media’s market data portfolio incorporates the market-leading industry brands serving financial institutions in print, in person and online - through its series of publications, conferences, research, training, briefings and reports. Our publications help key decision makers within financial institutions with the business and financial issues they face as consumers of market data, reference data and data management. About the hosts www.insidemarketdata.com www.irdonline.com Co-sponsor Asset Control provides centralized data management solutions for financial institutions worldwide. From business-entity to firm-wide projects, Asset Control offers a strategic reference and market data platform that delivers the accuracy, consistency and relevancy firms need to reduce costs and risk, manage evolving compliance needs, and accelerate the delivery of new products and services. A Fidelity Ventures company, Asset Control serves some of the world’s most successful financial institutions. For more information, visit www.asset-control.com SmartStream Technologies provides industry- leading Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM® ) solutions that automate complex and scalable process flows to track and control financial transactions. 1,000 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 banks, rely on SmartStream’s solutions to reduce operational risk and cost while addressing regulation and improving customer service. www.smartstream-stp.com Kingland Systems is a full-service technology outsourcing firm, providing reference data management, software engineering, and consulting to many large, international financial services firms for more than 15 years. We operate one of the largest data cleansing operations in the industry, on-shore in the US. Using our outsourced data services, data management software, and teams of professionals, firms rely on Kingland to provide highly accurate and custom data as well plan enterprise data and technology strategies. Our data expertise includes entity/client/ counterparty data, corporate hierarchies, and securities reference data, and other forms of global financial reference data. www.kingland.com Fidelity ActionsXchange is the most trusted provider of flexible, technology-driven global corporate actions solutions for many of the world’s financial industry leaders. Leveraging more than 10 years of unparalleled analytical expertise, technology and service, we offer award-winning solutions that source, enhance, compare and validate corporate action announcements, turning even the most complex data into valuable intelligence. Our strategic value allows clients to reduce costs, mitigate risk, gain efficiencies and enhance transparency giving them the highest degree of control over their global event information. www.actionsxchange.com Standard Poor’s provides solutions that help organisations with clearance and settlement STP, compliance and risk management, security master file maintenance, data management, and mutual fund and client statement evaluations. Services include global securities identification and cross-referencing, securities pricing, reference data, credit ratings and research to support securities operations and investment managers worldwide. www.standardandpoors.com Switch and Data is a premier provider of network-neutral data centers that house, power, and interconnect the Internet. Leading content companies, enterprises, and communications service providers rely on Switch and Data for world-class service, delivered across the broadest colocation footprint and richest network of interconnections in North America. The company operates 34 sites in the U.S. and Canada, provides one of the highest customer satisfaction scores for technical and engineering support in the industry, and is home to PAIX® - the world’s first commercial Internet exchange. www.switchanddata.com The Bloomberg Data Solutions product suite is unique in that it allows for single-source referencing for your global securities database by delivering indicative, pricing, calculated, historical, and corporate-action information. Bloomberg’s DATA LICENSE product provides access to the most comprehensive, timely, and accurate financial database in the world, and is designed to fuel critical applications and databases. Bloomberg’s evaluated pricing service (BVAL) produces credible, transparent and defensible valuations across a broad spectrum of financial instruments. www.bloomberg.com SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 5 3/10/10 3:21:19 PM
  • 6. New York, May 26 Warning: North American Financial Information Summit is a registered trademark, and the titles, contents and style of this brochure are the copyright of Incisive Media. We will act on any infringement of our rights anywhere in the world. © Incisive Media. Cancellation: A refund (less 10% administration fee) will be made if notice of cancellation is received in writing three weeks before the event. We regret that no refunds can be given after this period. A substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charge. Disclaimer: The programme may change due to unforeseen circumstances, and Incisive Media reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers. Incisive Media accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to property belonging to, nor for any personal injury incurred by, attendees at our conferences, whether within the conference venue or otherwise. Data Protection: By registering for the North American Financial Information Summit Incisive Media will send you further information relating to this event. In addition we will send you information about our other relevant products and services which we believe will be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive other relevant information from Incisive Media via a particular medium please tick the following relevant boxes: mail ; phone ; fax ; email . Incisive Media will also allow carefully selected third parties to contact you about their products and services. If you do not wish to receive information from third parties via any of the following media please tick the relevant boxes: mail ; phone . Please tick if you are happy to receive relevant information from carefully selected third parties by email and fax . Online Visit www.financialinformationsummit.com/na Email us Contact our Customer Services team at conf@incisivemedia.com Phone If you would like to book by phone, please call us on +1 (212) 457 7789/+44 (0) 870 240 8859 (UK) Booking options Please do not cover this box as it contains important marketing information Book Online financialinformationsummit.com/na Visit the Incisive Media web site for an update on our forthcoming conferences, courses and for information on our magazines/books at www.incisive-events.com Your registration fee includes morning refreshments, lunch, afternoon refreshments, your conference/seminar materials and the conference cocktail party. Please note your place is not guaranteed until your payment has been received If you require an invoice please inform us stating whether you need an original or a fax copy. We accept company cheques, credit cards and bank transfers. Please allow a minimum of seven working days for a bank transfer to reach us and phone or fax us when it has been sent. Please state the event name and delegate name to which it relates. Venue and Accommodation Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers 811 7th Avenue, 53rd street, New York, 10019 T: +1 212 581 1000 A limited number of rooms at special discounted rates have been reserved at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers for North American Financial Information Summit attendees. You are advised to make your reservation as early as possible as rooms are in high demand. For further information or to book please call +1 (888)-627-7067 and mention the event name Brochure Code: FREE of charge – Banks and Financial Institutions* *This offer is only available for delegates from investment banks, investment management companies, asset management, pension funds and hedge funds. Confirmed delegates will be notified. The organiser’s decision is final. $1500 – Vendors, exchanges and service/software providers Preferential pricing is available for IMD/IRD subscribers, please email lukas.hall@incisivemedia.com Registration SIMDEFIS10_BR6PP.indd 6 3/10/10 3:21:19 PM