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MSP Best Practice: Using
Strategic IT Roadmaps to Get
More – and Bigger – Contracts
May 22, 2012
    • Introductions
    • Our sponsor
    • Our MSP service delivery expert – AntFarm
       – How to create an IT Plan that aligns with client
         business needs
       – How to protect your managed services revenue
         from poachers
       – How to synchronize clients’ technology lifecycle
         to changes in their business
       – How to “own” the plan
    • Recap
    • Q&A

Our Speakers

           John Kilian
           Service Architect
           AntFarm, Inc

           Alex Brandt
           Vice President

Complete the poll/survey and
       you may win!
About Kaseya                                                       Patented
    • Enterprise-class IT systems management for everybody
    • Value Proposition
        – A single Kaseya user can proactively manage 1,000s of automated
          IT systems and network tasks in the same amount of time
          required by a team of technicians using other techniques
    • Key Facts
        – Founded 2000
        – Privately held, no debt, no external capital requirements
        – 33 offices worldwide in 20 countries with 450+ employees
            • 12,000+ customers
            • Millions and millions of assets managed
        – Patented IT service delivery process & remote IT management
            • 24 patents pending
        – Common Criteria (EAL2+) certified and FIPS 140-2 security
        – ITIL v3 compliant
The Leading IT Managed Services Solution

                                   IT Configuration Management Services                 Virtual System Administrator
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  Event Management                 •Asset Management
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  •   System Events
  •   Logs                         Security Services
  Automation                       •Patch
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  •   Procedures                   Business Continuity Services
  •   API / Messaging
                                   •Image Backup               • Data Availability
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 Other Third Party
MSP Benefits via Kaseya
                                                        60%+ use
    • Higher revenue
       – Integration gives you more services to offer
       – Verticalization & specialization
    • Higher profit
       – Integration means fewer techs per managed
         machine and cloud means pay as you go & grow
    • Better service delivery
       – Automation provides standardization, which
         means faster responses with less errors
    • Better control & visibility
       – Integration means it all ties together so you can
         actually see everything you need

Service Delivery: How “mature” is your
managed services delivery model
(select one that describes you BEST)?

1.   We are not very consistent at service
2.   We are primarily REACTIVE, resolving
     problems efficiently
3.   We PROACTIVELY manage IT system health
     and avoid problems
4.   We manage to defined SERVICE LEVELS,
     aligned with client needs
5.   We ensure client IT capabilities deliver
     VALUE to their business
MSP Best Practice:
Developing the Strategic IT Roadmap
for Your Customers

  “Own the Plan”
Our Mission
                                         We are Service Architects
                             We drive service growth for IT Solutions Providers
                              through improved service design and delivery

                                    • Build in customer & solution provider value
                                    • Base service delivery on best practices
                                    • Employ practical methods and tools

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                  10
What makes you stand out?

• Options for Managed Services
  have grown dramatically

• Most markets have multiple
  choices and offerings are
  difficult to distinguish

• “Proactive Management” has
  become table stakes

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   11
Responsive Support
         Typical “Mature”                                                                                          Service Ticket Management

   Managed Services Architecture                                                            Service Call
                                                                                                                                          Service Ticket

                                                                                                      Request Fulfillment and Incident Management
     Client Onboarding                                                                        Service
                                                                                                              Tier 1
                                                                                                            Help Desk
                                                                                                                             Tier 2
                                                                                             Fulfillment     Support       Resolution

       Transition & Activation
                                   Service                                                                   Proactive Management
     From Sales                   Activation                                                                      IT Systems Management
                                                                                                            Server &
                                                                                             Problem                        Patch           Backup          Network
                                                                                            Management                    Management      Management       Management
                               Systems Readiness Audit                                                              Security Management
                             Client IT
                                           Baseline &   Audit Results
                           Environment                                                       Malware         Firewall       Access
                                            Analysis      Review
                            Discovery                                                       Management     Management     Management

                                                                                                                        Audits and Tests
                                                                                             IT Service     Recovery       Proactive
                                                                                             Continuity    Planning &     Availability
                                                                                                Audit        Testing         Audit

  Service                                                      Technical Account Management
                                  Quarterly        Service        Customer       System Health
   Level                          Business
                                                                                 & Service Level
 Assurance                                                                                                                               Under
                                                                   Strategic IT Consulting
                                  Business         Strategic       Strategic
                                                    IT Plan
                                                                IT Plan Review
                                                                & Management
                                                                        Service Control                                                    Service Cancellation
                                  Asset &                                                                          Continual
                                                   Change           Risk           Agreement         Queue                                  Service          Service
                                Configuration                                                                       Service
                                                 Management      Management       Management       Management                              Closeout        Deactivation
                                Management                                                                       Improvement
Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                        12
A “Perfect Storm” is driving the
                       need for a new approach…

• Options for Managed Services
  have grown dramatically over
  the past several years

• Options for provisioning IT
  (customer owned, HaaS,
  SaaS) have increased

• Product revenue and margins                            Collapse
  are slipping further

 Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                     13
Our objective today:

  Help you cement your client relationships
  with a Strategic IT Roadmap…

• Help your clients see through                        A road where IT is aligned to
                                                          meet the needs of their
  the fog to the road ahead                                      business

• Protect your Managed Services                        You ensure IT is delivering to
                                                       service levels needed for the
  revenue from poachers                                          business

• Become the ongoing Program                           Synchronize the technology
                                                         lifecycle with business
  Manager for the plan                                           changes

  Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                    14
What is a
             “Strategic IT Roadmap”?
• Time-based plan for the evolution of an
  organization’s IT capabilities and
• Developed based on business needs
  and technology lifecycles
• Provides the basis for IT budgeting and
  Program Management of changes in IT
• Dynamic document

                                Charts the direction for IT
Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved            15
Three Sources of ROI

• Increased services sales through a
  stronger value proposition – your
• Improved client retention due to more
  “stickiness” – you own the plan
• Recaptured product revenue from
  solutions that support the plan – your

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   16
Without alignment on a
                         competitive strategy……

                                 Solution Provider Value Chain
                       Product                            Purchasing
                                                                       Engineering &   Managed Services
                       Solution                 Sales
                                                                                          Break / Fix      Value
                     Development                              Project Management

                                   Effort across the business is fractured

             Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc.                                                                          17
Our Path Today…

• Foundation for Strategic IT Planning

• Methodology for IT Roadmap

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   18
IT Service Management Maturity
                                                                     (from Gartner)

                                                                                                                      IT Makes My
      IT is a Pain                                                  IT Works OK
                                                                                                                     Business Better

         Level 0                               Level 1                     Level 2                  Level 3                  Level 4

      Chaotic                              Reactive                    Proactive                  Service                   Value
• Disorganized                       • Organized                    • Mature problem          • IT service levels      • IT objectives are
responses to                         response to reported           analysis                  defined                  linked to business
reported issues                      issues                         • Performance             • SLAs in place with     metrics
• Unpredictable                      • Trouble-tickets              monitoring                business operations      • IT focus on
performance and                      • Up / down                    • Trending analysis       • Capacity planning      business advantage
reliability                          monitoring                     • Change                  performed
                                     • Asset inventory              management

       Fixing                                                        Improving
                                  Transactional                                           Transformational               Business
        Pain                                                         Efficiency

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved       From: Gartner: Data Center Poll Results Confirm Improved Process Maturity, 2004     19
Not all of your clients will
 But, those that will might look like:
• Their business is undergoing change
• Conduct strategic planning for the
• Recognize the value of IT as an
• Seeking the most value for their IT $$
• Don’t have an internal IT strategic thinker

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   20
Responsive Support
         Typical “Mature”                                                                                           Service Ticket Management

   Managed Services Architecture                                                            Service Call
                                                                                                                                           Service Ticket

                                                                                                     Request Fulfillment and Incident Management
     Client Onboarding                                                                         Service
                                                                                                               Tier 1
                                                                                                             Help Desk
                                                                                                                                Tier 2

       Transition & Activation
                                   Service                                                                    Proactive Management
     From Sales                   Activation                                                                       IT Systems Management
                                                                                                             Server &
                                                                                             Problem                          Patch           Backup          Network
                                                                                            Management                        Mgmt             Mgmt            Mgmt
                               Systems Readiness Audit                                                                  Security Management
                             Client IT
                                           Baseline &   Audit Results
                           Environment                                                        Malware        Firewall         Access
                                            Analysis      Review
                            Discovery                                                          Mgmt           Mgmt          Management

                                                                                                                          Audits and Tests
                                                                                             IT Service      Recovery        Proactive
                                                                                             Continuity     Planning &      Availability
                                                                                                Audit         Testing          Audit

  Service                                                      Technical Account Management
                                  Quarterly        Service        Customer       System Health
   Level                          Business
                                                                                 & Service Level
 Assurance                                                         Strategic IT Consulting
                                                                                                           Not necessarily
                                  Business         Strategic       Strategic
                                Requirements        IT Plan     IT Plan Review
                                 Discovery       Development    & Management

                                                                        Service Control                                                     Service Cancellation
                                  Asset &                                                                           Continual
                                                   Change           Risk           Agreement         Queue                                   Service          Service
                                Configuration                                                                        Service
                                                 Management      Management       Management       Management                               Closeout        Deactivation
                                Management                                                                        Improvement
Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                         21
ITIL® as a framework for
                       defining needs
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) is a globally accepted approach to IT service management, providing
a cohesive set of best practices, drawn from the public and private sectors.

    Service                                             Service
                                    Strategy                             Risk         Demand          Financial
                                   Generation                         Management     Management      Management
    Strategy                                          Management

     Service                        Service                                                                         Information      IT Service
                                                      Service Level    Supplier       Availability    Capacity
                                    Catalog                                                                           Security       Continuity
                                                      Management      Management     Management      Management
     Design                       Management                                                                        Management      Management

                                   Release &                           Transition      Service                        Asset &          Service
   Service                        Deployment
                                                                      Planning and    Knowledge
                                                                                                                    Configuration    Validation &
                                                      Management                                     Management
  Transition                      Management                            Support      Management                     Management      Testing Mgmt

    Service                                                                                                         Operations &
                                    Request             Incident        Access        Problem          Event
                                   Fulfillment        Management      Management     Management      Management
   Operation                                                                                                           Mgmt

                                                                                                                     ITIL provides a
  Continual                                                                                                         common language
                                  Improvement           Service         Service
                                    Process           Measurement      Reporting
                                                                                                                   for IT management
 Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                                             22
Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved

                                                Gartner and ITIL                                Service
                                                                                                                                  IT Portfolio
                                                                                                 Level                            Financial
                                                                                               Monitoring                        Management
ITIL Defines Capabilities Required

                                                                                               Supplier Management
                                                                                               Service Continuity Management
                                                                                               Capacity Management
                                                                                               Service Level Management
                                                                          Availability Management
                                                                          Change Management
                                                     Availability         Release & Deployment Management
                                                     Monitoring           Problem Management

                                                     Asset & Configuration Management
                                                     Access Management
                                                     Request Fulfillment (MAC)
                                                     Incident & Event Management

                                     Chaotic         Reactive            Proactive             Service                                 Value
                                      Level 0          Level 1              Level 2                 Level 3                             Level 4

                                                  Gartner Defines Maturity in terms of Capability                                                        23
ITIL® as source of added value

   Service                                             Service
                                   Strategy                             Risk         Demand          Financial
                                  Generation                         Management     Management      Management
   Strategy                                          Management

    Service                        Service                                                                        Information       Service
                                                     Service Level    Supplier       Availability    Capacity
                                   Catalog                                                                          Security       Continuity
                                                     Management      Management     Management      Management
    Design                       Management                                                                       Management      Management

                                  Release &                           Transition      Service                       Asset &          Service
  Service                        Deployment
                                                                     Planning and    Knowledge
                                                                                                                  Configuration    Validation &
                                                     Management                                     Management
 Transition                      Management                            Support      Management                    Management      Testing Mgmt

   Service                                                                                                        Operations &
                                   Request             Incident        Access        Problem          Event
                                  Fulfillment        Management      Management     Management      Management
  Operation                                                                                                          Mgmt

                                 Improvement           Service         Service                         Under threat
   Service                         Process           Measurement      Reporting
Improvement                                                                                            of commoditization
                                                                                                       Opportunities for
                                                                                                       Strategic Planning
Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                                            24
Two Important ITIL Concepts
                                                            Warranty                    Utility
                                                            (usability)              (usefulness)

                                                                 “Is IT being
                                                            delivered at the        “Is IT ENABLING
                                                            right SERVICE           the business?”

    Level 0                               Level 1       Level 2           Level 3           Level 4

 Chaotic                             Reactive         Proactive         Service            Value

  Fixing                                             Improving
                             Transactional                          Transformational      Business
   Pain                                              Efficiency

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                    25
                                                       These ITIL areas focus on the
                                                     “WARRANTY” for IT service delivery
                                                               (is IT usable)

                                                                                                Information    IT Service
        Service                    Service Level       Supplier     Availability    Capacity
                                                                                                  Security     Continuity
                                   Management         Management   Management      Management
        Design                                                                                  Management    Management

                                                           “Is IT available when and where it’s
                       “Is IT being
                                                           “Is there enough IT capacity to avoid
                       delivered at                        performance issues?”
                           the right
                                                           “Have the threats to IT been
                         SERVICE                           adequately addressed?”
                                                           “Is IT support responsive enough?”

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                          26
                                                          These ITIL areas focus on the
                                                           “UTILITY” of IT capabilities
                                                                  (is IT useful)

                        Service                       Strategy
                                                                                    Risk       Financial
                                                     Generation                  Management   Management
                        Strategy                                    Management

                                                                  “What are the customer’s VITAL
                                                                  BUSINESS PROCESSES?”

                                                                  “What IT capabilities are required to
                          “Is IT                                  support these vital processes?”
                  ENABLING the
                                                                  “Where are the gaps, and what is the
                     business?”                                   roadmap to fill the gaps?”
                                                                  “Is the client getting their money’s
Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                         27
Warranty                  Utility
                                                             (usability)            (usefulness)

Strategic IT                                                  Gap Analysis            Business
Planning must                                                                         Analysis

address both                                                  Strategies to
                                                              address risks          IT Roadmap
     Level 0                               Level 1       Level 2          Level 3         Level 4

  Chaotic                             Reactive         Proactive        Service          Value

   Fixing                                             Improving
                              Transactional                         Transformational    Business
    Pain                                              Efficiency

 Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                 28
Mapping IT to Business Needs

                                                             IT Services
        IT Resources                                                                      Business
                                                            (Capabilities)                Processes

                                                             Point of Sale                 In Store
                                                             Automation                     Sales

                                                              Sales Force
                                               Constitute                    Enable       Field Sales

                                                             Supply Chain
                                                              Automation      Portfolio
                                                                             Management   Purchasing
                                                             General Use                   Logistics

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                      29
IT Services are composed of

 IT Services

 Point of Sale

IT Resources

Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   30
3 Levels of
                                           IT Service Management
                                                        • Understanding pending business changes
                         Business                         and the impact those changes will have on IT       Strategic
                          Level                                                                              Planning
                                                        • Strategic planning to ensure IT capability will
                                                          support the future needs of the business
                   (ITIL: Business Capacity Management)

                                                        • Monitoring and analysis to validate that IT
             IT Service                                   service levels are meeting current needs
                Level                                                                                       Quarterly
                                                        • Near-term changes to ensure that service           Review
                                                          levels are met cost effectively
         (ITIL: Service Capacity Management)

                                                        • Daily management required to ensure IT is
 IT Resource                                              performing optimally                                Daily
     Level                                                                                                  Operations

(ITIL: Resource Capacity Management)

   Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                    31
Our Path Today…

• Foundation for Strategic IT Planning

• Methodology for IT Roadmap

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   32
Strategic IT Roadmap

                                                                 The first step is to
                        Baseline and                              understand the
                          Analysis                                 current state

                                         Identifies the   • Stand-alone assessments
                                         current state                (or)
                                           at the IT
                                        resource level    • Ongoing monitoring results

               Business                 Strategic IT                Strategic IT
             Requirements                Roadmap                  Roadmap Review
              Discovery                Development                   and Mgmt
Use Kaseya to discover the
                      IT Resource Inventory

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved   34
Use Kaseya to assess
                      IT System Health
                                                                      Current Patch Levels


                                                     Uptime History

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                           35
Information    IT Service
                                                       Availability    Capacity
                                                                                     Security     Continuity
                                                      Management      Management
                                                                                   Management    Management

Current State
Assessment                                                                  Warranty
 Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                            36
Strategic IT Roadmap

                                                Current State
IT Infrastructure          Baseline and         Assessment
    Discovery                Analysis

                  Business                 Strategic IT           Strategic IT
                Requirements                Roadmap             Roadmap Review
                 Discovery                Development              and Mgmt
Business Requirements
  Business                             Strategic IT     Strategic IT
Requirements                            Roadmap       Roadmap Review
 Discovery                            Development        and Mgmt

Business Goals
and Objectives



                             Current IT
Business Requirements
             Business          Strategic IT     Strategic IT
           Requirements         Roadmap       Roadmap Review
            Discovery         Development        and Mgmt

Business Goals
and Objectives

Business Requirements
        Business          Strategic IT     Strategic IT
      Requirements         Roadmap       Roadmap Review
       Discovery         Development        and Mgmt

Business Requirements
            Business                       Strategic IT     Strategic IT
          Requirements                      Roadmap       Roadmap Review
           Discovery                      Development        and Mgmt

   Current IT

• IT Capabilities (“Service Portfolio”)
• Availability
• Capacity
• Security
• Service Continuity
Strategic IT Roadmap
     Business                              Strategic IT                            Strategic IT
   Requirements                             Roadmap                              Roadmap Review
    Discovery                             Development                               and Mgmt

Business Goals
and Objectives


                      Critical               IT Support for
                     Business                Vital Business
                     Processes                 Processes

                             Current IT             IT Strategies to
                             Challenges              Address Gaps

                                                               Roadmap for
                                                              IT capabilities

                                                                         IT Budget
                                                                       supporting the
Strategic IT Roadmap
                                                              Current State
IT Infrastructure                   Baseline and              Assessment
    Discovery                         Analysis

                  Business                              Strategic IT                    Strategic IT
                Requirements                             Roadmap                      Roadmap Review
                 Discovery                             Development                       and Mgmt

                     IT Plan                       IT Roadmap                         IT Budget
           •   Business environment
                                               •   Time-based view of IT        •   Capital expenditures based
           •   IT services & capabilities
                                                   capability recommendations       on the IT Roadmap
           •   IT impacts and risks
                                               •   IT asset life cycle view     •   Operational costs
           •   IT strategies for gaps
Strategic IT Roadmap
  Business          Strategic IT                      Strategic IT
Requirements         Roadmap                        Roadmap Review
 Discovery         Development                         and Mgmt

                                   IT Support for           Build IT Roadmap
                                   Vital Business
                                     Processes               to support these
Strategic IT Roadmap
       Business                   Strategic IT           Strategic IT
     Requirements                  Roadmap             Roadmap Review
      Discovery                  Development              and Mgmt

                                                 IT Strategies to
                                                  Address Gaps
• Availability      • Security
• Capacity          • Service Continuity         WARRANTY
Strategic IT Roadmap
  Business          Strategic IT                   Strategic IT
Requirements         Roadmap                     Roadmap Review
 Discovery         Development                      and Mgmt

                                                              Critical Business Process

                                                                 Business Initiatives

                                                               Timeline for IT Services

                                                                    Timeline for
                                              Align              migration to cloud
                      Roadmap for
                                        IT capabilities to           solutions
                     IT capabilities   business initiatives
Strategic IT Roadmap
  Business          Strategic IT                Strategic IT
Requirements         Roadmap                  Roadmap Review
 Discovery         Development                   and Mgmt

                                    Roadmap for      IT resource lifecycle
                                   IT capabilities     to the roadmap
Technology Lifecycle

                                                         • Upgrades         Align IT asset
 Portfolio            The roadmap is the
Management                                               • Refreshes         lifecycles to
                       planning tool for                 • Retirements   the service portfolio
  Asset &
                     Technology Lifecycle                • Deployments         roadmap
                        Management                       • Migrations

    Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                           48
Use Kaseya Asset Data for
                      IT Lifecycle Management


                                                                 Installed Applications

Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                        49
Strategic IT Roadmap
  Business          Strategic IT               Strategic IT
Requirements         Roadmap                 Roadmap Review
 Discovery         Development                  and Mgmt

                                                     Start with specific
                                                    recommendations to
                                     IT Budget
                                   supporting the
                                     Roadmap        support the strategy
Strategic IT Roadmap
       Business          Strategic IT     Strategic IT
     Requirements         Roadmap       Roadmap Review
      Discovery         Development        and Mgmt

  IT Budget
supporting the

                                                 with ongoing
Roadmap Review and
  Business                            Strategic IT                      Strategic IT
Requirements                           Roadmap                        Roadmap Review
 Discovery                           Development                         and Mgmt

IT Plan    IT Roadmap       IT Budget

          Initial Review
          and Approval     as required

                                                   Program Management of
                                               Strategic IT Roadmap Initiatives

                              Quarterly Plan
                               Review and

          Institutionalizes                                                       Annual Plan
          Strategic IT Planning
Cement your relationship with clients
                       through a Strategic IT Roadmap

• Help your clients see through
                                                                A road where IT is aligned to
                                                                      meet the needs of their
  the fog to the road ahead                                                  business

• Protect your Managed Services                                 You ensure IT is delivering to
                                                                   service levels needed for the
  revenue from poachers                                                      business

• Become the ongoing Program                                      Synchronize the technology
                                                                     lifecycle with business
  Manager for the plan                                                       changes

                                                    You Own the Plan!
   Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                              53
With alignment on a competitive

                                Solution Provider Value Chain
                      Product                                 Purchasing
                                                                           Engineering &   Managed Services
                      Solution                      Sales
                                                                                              Break / Fix      Advantage
                    Development                                   Project Management



                                Effort is aligned to meet a common goal

  Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                   54
Questions for you…

• Do you have value-based service
  strategy for differentiation and client

• Is you value chain aligned with your
  strategy, ensuring everyone has the
  same priorities?

• Are you prepared to consistently
  deliver on that strategy?

• If not, what are you doing about it?
  Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc.            55
Strategic IT Planning Bundle
                                                                      09a                 09b                 09c
      3 Service Blueprint Bricks                               Continual Service
                                                                   Business         Continual Service   Continual IT Plan
                                                                                                        Strategic Service
            • Personalized for your company                      Improvement
                                                                                    Strategic IT Plan
                                                                                      Improvement         Improvement
                                                                                                           Review and
            • Hardcopy and PDF formats                             Discovery                              Management

              Two Planning Tools
                • Strategic IT Plan
                • Strategic IT Roadmap and Budget

                       2-hour Webinar Training Session
                           Review of the blueprints and tools for           www.tinyurl.com/Strategic-IT-Planning
                           Strategic IT Planning
                                                                            Promotion: 15% discount on the bundle
                                                                            for Small Providers (< 15 employees)

                                                                            Promotion Code: Kaseya12

Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved                                                                          56
Next Steps
     • Learn more about AntFarm
     • Learn more about Kaseya for MSPs
     • For a free live product demo
       www.kaseya.com/demo                                   Just for MSPs

     • For a free trial
     • To speak with us

         /KaseyaFan   /company/kaseya   @kaseyacorp        community.kaseya.com
MSP Best Practice | Using Strategic IT Roadmaps to Get More Contracts

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MSP Best Practice | Using Strategic IT Roadmaps to Get More Contracts

  • 1. MSP Best Practice: Using Strategic IT Roadmaps to Get More – and Bigger – Contracts May 22, 2012
  • 2. Agenda • Introductions • Our sponsor • Our MSP service delivery expert – AntFarm – How to create an IT Plan that aligns with client business needs – How to protect your managed services revenue from poachers – How to synchronize clients’ technology lifecycle to changes in their business – How to “own” the plan • Recap • Q&A 2
  • 3. Our Speakers John Kilian Service Architect AntFarm, Inc Alex Brandt Vice President Kaseya 3
  • 4. Complete the poll/survey and you may win!
  • 5. About Kaseya Patented #7,827,547 #7,620,707 #7,895,320 • Enterprise-class IT systems management for everybody • Value Proposition – A single Kaseya user can proactively manage 1,000s of automated IT systems and network tasks in the same amount of time required by a team of technicians using other techniques • Key Facts – Founded 2000 – Privately held, no debt, no external capital requirements – 33 offices worldwide in 20 countries with 450+ employees • 12,000+ customers • Millions and millions of assets managed – Patented IT service delivery process & remote IT management process • 24 patents pending – Common Criteria (EAL2+) certified and FIPS 140-2 security compliant – ITIL v3 compliant 5
  • 6. The Leading IT Managed Services Solution IT Configuration Management Services Virtual System Administrator •Remote Management • Image Deployment •Application Deployment • Desktop Migration •Power Management • Mobile Device Management Unified Management Platform Asset Management Services •Network Discovery & AD Device & Network Management •Hardware / Software Inventory Event Management •Asset Management • Alerts / Notifications • System Events • Logs Security Services •AntiVirus •AntiMalware Automation •Patch • Scheduling • Procedures Business Continuity Services • API / Messaging •Image Backup • Data Availability •File & Folder Backup • System Availability •Application Backup • Site Availability Visualization • Reporting • Dashboards Service Delivery & Support Services • Interactive Data Views •Service Desk / Ticketing •Policy Management •Service Billing Systems Monitoring Services •System Checks and Alerts •Endpoint & Network Monitoring •Enterprise Monitoring Open API CRM & PSA Other Third Party Integrations
  • 7. MSP Benefits via Kaseya 60%+ use Kaseya • Higher revenue – Integration gives you more services to offer – Verticalization & specialization • Higher profit – Integration means fewer techs per managed machine and cloud means pay as you go & grow • Better service delivery – Automation provides standardization, which means faster responses with less errors • Better control & visibility – Integration means it all ties together so you can actually see everything you need 7
  • 8. Service Delivery: How “mature” is your managed services delivery model (select one that describes you BEST)? 1. We are not very consistent at service delivery 2. We are primarily REACTIVE, resolving problems efficiently 3. We PROACTIVELY manage IT system health and avoid problems 4. We manage to defined SERVICE LEVELS, aligned with client needs 5. We ensure client IT capabilities deliver VALUE to their business
  • 9. MSP Best Practice: Developing the Strategic IT Roadmap for Your Customers “Own the Plan”
  • 10. Our Mission We are Service Architects We drive service growth for IT Solutions Providers through improved service design and delivery • Build in customer & solution provider value • Base service delivery on best practices • Employ practical methods and tools Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 10
  • 11. What makes you stand out? • Options for Managed Services have grown dramatically • Most markets have multiple choices and offerings are difficult to distinguish • “Proactive Management” has become table stakes Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 11
  • 12. Responsive Support Typical “Mature” Service Ticket Management Managed Services Architecture Service Call Intake Event Management Response Matrix Service Ticket Closeout Escalation Management Request Fulfillment and Incident Management Client Onboarding Service Request Tier 1 Help Desk Tier 2 Incident Emergency Dispatch Scheduled Dispatch Fulfillment Support Resolution Transition & Activation Transition Client Service Service Proactive Management From Sales Activation IT Systems Management Kickoff Server & Problem Patch Backup Network Desktop Management Management Management Management Management Systems Readiness Audit Security Management Client IT Baseline & Audit Results Environment Malware Firewall Access Analysis Review Discovery Management Management Management Audits and Tests IT Service Recovery Proactive Availability Continuity Planning & Availability Testing Audit Testing Audit Service Technical Account Management Quarterly Service Customer System Health Level Business Review Improvement Program Satisfaction Program & Service Level Reporting Assurance Under Strategic IT Consulting Business Strategic Strategic Competitive Requirements Discovery IT Plan Development IT Plan Review & Management Attack Service Control Service Cancellation Asset & Continual Change Risk Agreement Queue Service Service Configuration Service Management Management Management Management Closeout Deactivation Management Improvement Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 12
  • 13. A “Perfect Storm” is driving the need for a new approach… • Options for Managed Services Commoditization have grown dramatically over the past several years • Options for provisioning IT Confusion (customer owned, HaaS, SaaS) have increased • Product revenue and margins Collapse are slipping further Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 13
  • 14. Our objective today: Help you cement your client relationships with a Strategic IT Roadmap… • Help your clients see through A road where IT is aligned to meet the needs of their the fog to the road ahead business • Protect your Managed Services You ensure IT is delivering to service levels needed for the revenue from poachers business • Become the ongoing Program Synchronize the technology lifecycle with business Manager for the plan changes Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 14
  • 15. What is a “Strategic IT Roadmap”? • Time-based plan for the evolution of an organization’s IT capabilities and infrastructure • Developed based on business needs and technology lifecycles • Provides the basis for IT budgeting and Program Management of changes in IT • Dynamic document Charts the direction for IT Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 15
  • 16. Three Sources of ROI • Increased services sales through a stronger value proposition – your differentiator • Improved client retention due to more “stickiness” – you own the plan • Recaptured product revenue from solutions that support the plan – your recommendations Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 16
  • 17. Without alignment on a competitive strategy…… Solution Provider Value Chain Product Purchasing Engineering & Managed Services Results: Integration Management & Marketing & Marginal Solution Sales Break / Fix Value Development Project Management Maintenance Priorities Effort across the business is fractured Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. 17
  • 18. Our Path Today… • Foundation for Strategic IT Planning • Methodology for IT Roadmap Development Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 18
  • 19. IT Service Management Maturity (from Gartner) IT Makes My IT is a Pain IT Works OK Business Better Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Chaotic Reactive Proactive Service Value • Disorganized • Organized • Mature problem • IT service levels • IT objectives are responses to response to reported analysis defined linked to business reported issues issues • Performance • SLAs in place with metrics • Unpredictable • Trouble-tickets monitoring business operations • IT focus on performance and • Up / down • Trending analysis • Capacity planning business advantage reliability monitoring • Change performed • Asset inventory management Adding Fixing Improving Transactional Transformational Business Pain Efficiency Value Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved From: Gartner: Data Center Poll Results Confirm Improved Process Maturity, 2004 19
  • 20. Not all of your clients will benefit… But, those that will might look like: • Their business is undergoing change • Conduct strategic planning for the business • Recognize the value of IT as an “enabler” • Seeking the most value for their IT $$ • Don’t have an internal IT strategic thinker Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 20
  • 21. Responsive Support Typical “Mature” Service Ticket Management Managed Services Architecture Service Call Intake Event Management Response Matrix Service Ticket Closeout Escalation Management Request Fulfillment and Incident Management Client Onboarding Service Requests Tier 1 Help Desk Tier 2 Incidents Emergency Dispatch Scheduled Dispatch Transition & Activation Transition Client Service Service Proactive Management From Sales Activation IT Systems Management Kickoff Server & Problem Patch Backup Network Desktop Management Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Systems Readiness Audit Security Management Client IT Baseline & Audit Results Environment Malware Firewall Access Analysis Review Discovery Mgmt Mgmt Management Audits and Tests IT Service Recovery Proactive Availability Continuity Planning & Availability Testing Audit Testing Audit Service Technical Account Management Quarterly Service Customer System Health Level Business Review Improvement Program Satisfaction Program & Service Level Reporting Assurance Strategic IT Consulting Not necessarily FREE! Business Strategic Strategic Requirements IT Plan IT Plan Review Discovery Development & Management Service Control Service Cancellation Asset & Continual Change Risk Agreement Queue Service Service Configuration Service Management Management Management Management Closeout Deactivation Management Improvement Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 21
  • 22. ITIL® as a framework for defining needs ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) is a globally accepted approach to IT service management, providing a cohesive set of best practices, drawn from the public and private sectors. Service Service Strategy Risk Demand Financial Portfolio Generation Management Management Management Strategy Management Service Service Information IT Service Service Level Supplier Availability Capacity Catalog Security Continuity Management Management Management Management Design Management Management Management Release & Transition Service Asset & Service Service Deployment Change Planning and Knowledge Evaluation Configuration Validation & Management Management Transition Management Support Management Management Testing Mgmt Service Operations & Request Incident Access Problem Event Technology Fulfillment Management Management Management Management Operation Mgmt ITIL provides a Continual common language Improvement Service Service Service Improvement Process Measurement Reporting for IT management needs Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 22
  • 23. Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved Gartner and ITIL Service IT Portfolio Management Level Financial Monitoring Management ITIL Defines Capabilities Required Supplier Management Service Continuity Management Performance Capacity Management Monitoring Service Level Management Availability Management Change Management Availability Release & Deployment Management Monitoring Problem Management Asset & Configuration Management Access Management Request Fulfillment (MAC) Incident & Event Management Chaotic Reactive Proactive Service Value Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Gartner Defines Maturity in terms of Capability 23
  • 24. ITIL® as source of added value Service Service Strategy Risk Demand Financial Portfolio Generation Management Management Management Strategy Management Service Service Information Service Service Level Supplier Availability Capacity Catalog Security Continuity Management Management Management Management Design Management Management Management Release & Transition Service Asset & Service Service Deployment Change Planning and Knowledge Evaluation Configuration Validation & Management Management Transition Management Support Management Management Testing Mgmt Service Operations & Request Incident Access Problem Event Technology Fulfillment Management Management Management Management Operation Mgmt Continual Improvement Service Service Under threat Service Process Measurement Reporting Improvement of commoditization Opportunities for Strategic Planning Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 24
  • 25. Two Important ITIL Concepts Warranty Utility (usability) (usefulness) “Is IT being delivered at the “Is IT ENABLING right SERVICE the business?” LEVELS?” Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Chaotic Reactive Proactive Service Value Adding Fixing Improving Transactional Transformational Business Pain Efficiency Value Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 25
  • 26. Warranty These ITIL areas focus on the “WARRANTY” for IT service delivery (is IT usable) Information IT Service Service Service Level Supplier Availability Capacity Security Continuity Management Management Management Management Design Management Management “Is IT available when and where it’s needed?” “Is IT being “Is there enough IT capacity to avoid delivered at performance issues?” the right “Have the threats to IT been SERVICE adequately addressed?” LEVELS?” “Is IT support responsive enough?” Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 26
  • 27. Utility These ITIL areas focus on the “UTILITY” of IT capabilities (is IT useful) Service Service Strategy Portfolio Risk Financial Generation Management Management Strategy Management “What are the customer’s VITAL BUSINESS PROCESSES?” “What IT capabilities are required to “Is IT support these vital processes?” ENABLING the “Where are the gaps, and what is the business?” roadmap to fill the gaps?” “Is the client getting their money’s worth?” Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 27
  • 28. Warranty Utility (usability) (usefulness) Strategic IT Gap Analysis Business Requirements Planning must Analysis address both Strategies to address risks IT Roadmap Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Chaotic Reactive Proactive Service Value Adding Fixing Improving Transactional Transformational Business Pain Efficiency Value Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 28
  • 29. Mapping IT to Business Needs Critical IT Services IT Resources Business (Capabilities) Processes Point of Sale In Store Automation Sales Strategy Generation Sales Force Automation Constitute Enable Field Sales Supply Chain Service Automation Portfolio Management Purchasing and General Use Logistics Email Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 29
  • 30. IT Services are composed of Resources IT Services (Capabilities) Point of Sale Automation IT Resources Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 30
  • 31. 3 Levels of IT Service Management • Understanding pending business changes Business and the impact those changes will have on IT Strategic Level Planning • Strategic planning to ensure IT capability will support the future needs of the business (ITIL: Business Capacity Management) • Monitoring and analysis to validate that IT IT Service service levels are meeting current needs Level Quarterly • Near-term changes to ensure that service Review levels are met cost effectively (ITIL: Service Capacity Management) • Daily management required to ensure IT is IT Resource performing optimally Daily Level Operations (ITIL: Resource Capacity Management) Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 31
  • 32. Our Path Today… • Foundation for Strategic IT Planning • Methodology for IT Roadmap Development Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 32
  • 33. Strategic IT Roadmap Methodology The first step is to IT Baseline and understand the Infrastructure Discovery Analysis current state Identifies the • Stand-alone assessments current state (or) at the IT resource level • Ongoing monitoring results Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt
  • 34. Use Kaseya to discover the IT Resource Inventory Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 34
  • 35. Use Kaseya to assess IT System Health Current Patch Levels Utilization Uptime History Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 35
  • 36. Information IT Service Availability Capacity Security Continuity Management Management Management Management Current State Assessment Warranty (usability) Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 36
  • 37. Strategic IT Roadmap Methodology Current State IT Infrastructure Baseline and Assessment Discovery Analysis Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt
  • 38. Business Requirements Discovery Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Business Goals and Objectives Planned Business Initiatives Critical Business Processes Current IT Challenges
  • 39. Business Requirements Discovery Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Business Goals and Objectives Planned Business Initiatives
  • 40. Business Requirements Discovery Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Critical Business Processes
  • 41. Business Requirements Discovery Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Current IT Challenges Address: • IT Capabilities (“Service Portfolio”) • Availability • Capacity • Security • Service Continuity
  • 42. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Business Goals and Objectives Planned Business Initiatives Critical IT Support for Business Vital Business Processes Processes Current IT IT Strategies to Challenges Address Gaps Roadmap for new IT capabilities IT Budget supporting the Roadmap
  • 43. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Current State IT Infrastructure Baseline and Assessment Discovery Analysis Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt IT Plan IT Roadmap IT Budget • Business environment • Time-based view of IT • Capital expenditures based • IT services & capabilities capability recommendations on the IT Roadmap • IT impacts and risks • IT asset life cycle view • Operational costs • IT strategies for gaps
  • 44. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt IT Support for Build IT Roadmap Vital Business Processes to support these strategies UTILITY
  • 45. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt IT Strategies to Address Gaps • Availability • Security • Capacity • Service Continuity WARRANTY
  • 46. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Critical Business Process Business Initiatives Timeline for IT Services Timeline for Align migration to cloud Roadmap for new IT capabilities to solutions IT capabilities business initiatives
  • 47. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Align Roadmap for IT resource lifecycle new IT capabilities to the roadmap
  • 48. Technology Lifecycle Management • Upgrades Align IT asset Service Portfolio The roadmap is the Management • Refreshes lifecycles to planning tool for • Retirements the service portfolio Asset & Configuration Technology Lifecycle • Deployments roadmap Management Management • Migrations Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 48
  • 49. Use Kaseya Asset Data for IT Lifecycle Management System Specifications Installed Applications Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 49
  • 50. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt Start with specific recommendations to IT Budget supporting the Roadmap support the strategy
  • 51. Strategic IT Roadmap Development Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt IT Budget supporting the Roadmap Combine recommendations with ongoing expenses
  • 52. Roadmap Review and Management Business Strategic IT Strategic IT Requirements Roadmap Roadmap Review Discovery Development and Mgmt IT Plan IT Roadmap IT Budget Initial Review Update and Approval as required Program Management of Strategic IT Roadmap Initiatives Quarterly Plan Review and Update Institutionalizes Annual Plan Refresh Strategic IT Planning
  • 53. Cement your relationship with clients through a Strategic IT Roadmap • Help your clients see through  A road where IT is aligned to meet the needs of their the fog to the road ahead business • Protect your Managed Services  You ensure IT is delivering to service levels needed for the revenue from poachers business • Become the ongoing Program  Synchronize the technology lifecycle with business Manager for the plan changes You Own the Plan! Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 53
  • 54. With alignment on a competitive strategy Solution Provider Value Chain Product Purchasing Engineering & Managed Services Results: Integration Management & Marketing & Competitive Solution Sales Break / Fix Advantage Development Project Management Maintenance Customer Value Business Value Effort is aligned to meet a common goal Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 54
  • 55. Questions for you… • Do you have value-based service strategy for differentiation and client retention? • Is you value chain aligned with your strategy, ensuring everyone has the same priorities? • Are you prepared to consistently deliver on that strategy? • If not, what are you doing about it? Copyright © 2012 AntFarm, Inc. 55
  • 56. Strategic IT Planning Bundle 09a 09b 09c 3 Service Blueprint Bricks Continual Service Business Continual Service Continual IT Plan Strategic Service • Personalized for your company Improvement Requirements Strategic IT Plan Improvement Improvement Review and Development • Hardcopy and PDF formats Discovery Management Two Planning Tools • Strategic IT Plan • Strategic IT Roadmap and Budget 2-hour Webinar Training Session Review of the blueprints and tools for www.tinyurl.com/Strategic-IT-Planning Strategic IT Planning Promotion: 15% discount on the bundle for Small Providers (< 15 employees) Promotion Code: Kaseya12 Copyright © 2010 AntFarm, Inc. All Rights Reserved 56
  • 57. Next Steps • Learn more about AntFarm www.serviceblueprinting.com • Learn more about Kaseya for MSPs www.kaseya.com/msp • For a free live product demo www.kaseya.com/demo Just for MSPs blog.kaseya.com/blog/category/msp • For a free trial www.kaseya.com/freetrial • To speak with us www.kaseya.com/contactme 57 /KaseyaFan /company/kaseya @kaseyacorp community.kaseya.com