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The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing
A Marketo Workbook


Why Should I Read The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing?              i

Part One                                                                   Part Three
What is Lead Nurturing?                                               01   Advanced Lead Nurturing                                                   21

Why Does My Business Need Lead Nurturing?                             02   Accelerator Campaigns                                                     23
The Importance of Lead Nurturing and Thought Leadership in Branding   04   Lead Lifecycle Campaigns                                                  25
Marketing and Sales Collaboration: A Business Imperative              04
Lead Nurturing for Existing Prospects                                 05
The Return on Investment of Lead Nurturing                            05   Part Four
                                                                           Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing                                     29

                                                                           Worksheet – The Impact of Lead Nurturing on Prospect-to-Lead Conversion   31
Part Two                                                                   and Cost Per Sales-Ready Lead
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                 07   Worksheet – Lead Nurturing Impact on Opportunities Won                    34
Basic Lead Nurturing Campaigns                                        08
Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns                                    09
Stay in Touch Campaigns
                                                                    13   Conclusion                                                                36
Worksheet – Developing Your Stay in Touch Campaign Matrix             17
                                                                           Contact Us                                                                37

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why Should I Read The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing?

There’s no shortage of information on the topic of lead nurturing.                          Revenue is the destination,
                                                                                            but which lead nurturing strategies
Just plug the term into Google, and you’ll find pages of tips, tricks, and best practices   are right for your business?
designed to help B2B marketers better understand the concept and how to best                This definitive guide offers
                                                                                            a mix of basic and advanced lead
implement it. While it’s exciting to see the plethora of lead nurturing best practices      nurturing campaigns and practical
                                                                                            advice to help you reach your
available today, it can also be somewhat overwhelming to process and difficult              revenue goals.
to identify which strategies are right for your business.

The goal of this guide is to arm B2B marketers
with the ultimate resource for lead nurturing,
whether you’re just starting to think about
lead nurturing in your business or are looking
for ways to enhance and optimize your
existing programs.

The Definitive Guide is designed to be
informative and practical. It offers useful,
qualitative insight from today’s marketing
thought leaders, basic and advanced best
practices on must-have lead nurturing
campaigns, and worksheets for calculating ROI
and measuring the impact of lead nurturing
done well. Use this guide as a workbook –
take notes, highlight what you find
inspirational, share what you learn with
your colleagues, and start driving explosive
revenue growth with lead nurturing.

Part One

What Is Lead Nurturing?

  © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.   01
Part One
What Is Lead Nurturing?

Why Does My Business Need Lead Nurturing?
If you’ve ever spent a single dollar on          To prevent this from happening,                   According to Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch       What Lead Nurturing isn’t –
demand generation, you know first hand           marketers should invest in lead nurturing —       and author of Lead Generation for the            Pitfalls to Avoid
how expensive, time-intensive and challenging    the process of building relationships with        Complex Sale, up to 95 percent of qualified
it is to make the most out of every lead you     qualified prospects regardless of their timing    prospects on your Web site are there to          Lead nurturing is about building
                                                                                                                                                    relationships and trust with your
acquire. Many companies do a good job at         to buy, with the goal of earning their business   research and are not yet ready to talk with
                                                                                                                                                    prospects in a way that is both
generating leads — attracting prospects to       when they are ready. Building a relationship      a sales rep, but as many as 70 percent of them   consistent and relevant.
a Web site or tradeshow booth, buying lists,     with a prospect is the same as with any long-     will eventually buy a product from you —
etc. The problem is that most new leads are      term relationship — you can’t force someone       or your competitors.                             Lead nurturing is not:
not yet ready to engage, so if a sales rep       to commit (to a purchase, in this case) —                                                          •	Sending out an e-newsletter 		
does try to contact a lead before he or she      but you also cannot afford to lose individuals    According to DemandGen Report,                   	 on a semi-regular basis
is ready, it reinforces the general impression   because their willingness to buy doesn’t          on average, nurtured leads produce               •	Randomly calling leads every 		
                                                                                                                                                    	 six weeks to see if they are 		
that marketing-generated leads are no good.      match your readiness to sell.                     a 20 percent increase in sales opportunities     	 ready to buy
As a result, leads risk getting lost, ignored,                                                     versus nonnurtured leads.                        • Blasting your entire database
or snatched up by competitors.                   Most non-sales-ready leads will eventually                                                         	 with a new case study
                                                 be ready — and it is up to you to both                                                             •	Offering content that promotes
                                                 provide them with relevant information                                                             	 your company’s products
                                                 and to be there when they are ready to                                                             	 and services and does not take 	
                                                                                                                                                    	 into account your prospects’ 		
                                                 make a buying decision.
                                                                                                                                                    	 interests or needs at their stage
                                                                                                                                                    	 of buying

                                                                                                                                                    How can you tell?
                                                                                                                                                    Ask yourself if the information
                                                                                                                                                    you’re providing will be useful
                                                                                                                                                    to them even if they never buy
                                                                                                                                                    from you.

Part One
What Is Lead Nurturing?                           continued

Buying Has Changed Forever
To make things even more challenging,
the B2B buying process has fundamentally
changed. Prospects are spending more time
on the Web doing independent research,
obtaining information from their peers and
other third parties. That’s why companies are
meeting prospective buyers earlier than ever,
and is a key reason why having sales attempt
to engage with every early-stage lead
is premature.

Scott Albro, CEO of Tippit, an online business
media company, suggests that only in the
last third of the today’s purchasing process
do buyers want to engage with sales reps.
This changes the role of marketing; instead
of generating the lead and moving on, today’s
marketers must synchronize their marketing
throughout the buying process, providing
potential buyers with high quality content that
is contextually relevant. In sum: B2B buyers
are now in control, and marketing must
understand their needs and react in
a relevant and timely manner.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.           03
Part One
What Is Lead Nurturing?

The Importance of Lead Nurturing                                                                  Marketing and Sales Collaboration:
and Thought Leadership in Branding                                                                A Business Imperative
When done well, lead nurturing plays            As a result, fear and risk play large roles       Marketing and sales alignment is a popular
a critical role in building your brand.         in B2B buying decisions. Organizational risk      topic that is frequently discussed but not
B2B buyers are people too, and people           can be dealt with rationally, but personal        universally practiced in today’s B2B
are subject to emotional influence in their     risk is usually unstated and hidden from          businesses. The basic principles of good
decision-making. Specifically, the more         the rational process. Yet personal risk remains   lead nurturing are predicated on marketing
complex a decision, the more likely people      a huge factor in B2B buying. For example,         and sales teamwork at every stage of what
are to use heuristics — experience-based        if a board member mentions something              Marketo President and CEO Phil Fernandez
techniques that help in problem solving,        negative about a potential vendor,                calls a single Revenue Cycle. He refers to
learning and discovery. Heuristics guide        the personal risk of choosing that vendor         this fundamental change as ‘the last frontier
which options and information get considered,   goes way up, and alternately, if he or she        in productivity.’
and they help us simplify complex decisions     mentions something positive about a vendor
to their relevant core. That can be a good      not under consideration, that vendor may          In today’s Web-centric world where buyers
thing when the complexity of a B2B              be “pre-wired” for success.                       are reluctant to engage with sales until much
purchase is otherwise overwhelming.                                                               later in the decision making process, there are
                                                The most important brand attributes for           at least three areas where marketing and sales
Emotions are heavily involved in the creation   a B2B vendor are often credibility and trust      collaboration becomes a business imperative:
of heuristics. In B2B marketing, there is an    – and unless you are a well known company         •	The definition of a sales-ready lead derived 		
asymmetry between the upside and downside       like IBM, the best way to build credibility and   	 from co-defined lead scoring values
of B2B purchases: the buyer may or may not      trust is by sharing useful information. If you    •	The appropriate type of customer
be rewarded for making a good purchase,         can help frame the discussion, your company       	 communication, associated cues
but a bad purchase can damage the buyer’s       will be seen as a trusted advisor and thought     	 and optimal timing
reputation and job security.                    leader. If buyers believe that your company       •	The lead profile and history that is most 		
                                                understands their problems and knows how          	 interesting and valuable to sales, especially
                                                to solve them, this helps reduce the feelings     	 for recycled leads
                                                of fear and can make a big difference in being
                                                selected for consideration and purchase.          Similar to the trusted advisor relationship
                                                                                                  your company is building with prospective
                                                                                                  customers, marketing and sales must share
                                                                                                  a common revenue goal, an interdependence
                                                                                                  that relies on earned trust and respect,
                                                                                                  and joint credit for revenue achievement.

Part One
What Is Lead Nurturing?                                                                             continued

Lead Nurturing                                   The Return on Investment
for Existing Prospects                           of Lead Nurturing
One of the best places to focus your lead        A discussion on the value of lead nurturing
nurturing efforts is your existing database,     would not be complete without exploring
especially when marketing budgets are tight.     ROI. Let’s first take a look at these compelling
The house database gets undervalued at           statistics taken from research done by
most companies: if the average cost per new      Marketo, Forrester, CSO Insights, and others.
contact is $20 (a low assumption) and you
have a modest database of 250,000 contacts,      Companies that excel at lead nurturing:
then your house database is a $5 million         •	Generate 50% more sales-ready leads
asset. Despite the time and money invested,      	 at 33% lower cost per lead
marketers often lack concrete processes for      •	Reduce the percent of marketing-
extracting value from their existing database,   	 generated leads that are ignored by sales
at best sending the occasional newsletter        	 (from as high as 80% to as low as 25%).
or ‘random act of marketing’. At these           •	Raise win rates on marketing-generated 	
companies, most sales leads come from new        	 leads (7% points higher) and reduce
spending, there is no long-term benefit from     	 “no decisions” (6% points lower)
marketing investments, and marketing is seen     •	Have more sales representatives make
as a cost center.                                	 quota (9% higher) and a shorter ramp up 		
                                                 	 time for new reps (10% decrease)

                                                 Additionally, anecdotal evidence suggests
                                                 that nurtured prospects buy more, require
                                                 less discounting, and have shorter sales cycles
                                                 than prospects that were not nurtured.

                                                 To calculate the ROI of lead nurturing at your
                                                 company, please go to: Part Four: Calculating
                                                 the ROI of Lead Nurturing (page 29).

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                             05
Part Two

Lead Nurturing Basics

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Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

Basic Lead Nurturing Campaigns
Let’s explore how to develop a lead nurturing program at your company.
Even if you have already implemented lead nurturing, these best practices
can help augment your current initiatives. There are two types of lead nurturing
campaigns and processes that can help you get started with the goal of generating
more and better-qualified leads.

•	Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns
•	Stay in Touch Campaigns

Together, these campaigns put in place all the necessary
processes to help ensure a stream of more and better-
qualified leads for the sales team.

Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                                         continued

Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns
Lead nurturing is no different than building a long-term relationship —
you need to foster respect and trust, be a good listener, and keep things
interesting. Incoming Lead Processing campaigns are your chance to make
a positive first impression – what you do and how you act when you first
meet someone will affect how they perceive you from there on out.
What should you be doing to lay the right foundation?

Determine if Prospects are Ready                  Based on the above criteria, leads can be        •	Does the prospect visit your Web site?          How Marketo Does It
to Engage with Sales                              sorted in a variety of ways: bucketed into       	 If so, how often and which pages did he/she 	
For most marketers, the decision about which      A, B, C, or D leads; “cold,” “warm,” or “hot”    	 visit both before and after registering on      At Marketo, all incoming leads
                                                                                                                                                     are scored using a combination
leads to nurture begins here. The process of      leads; ranked on a numerical scale; placed       	 your site?                                      of demographics and lead source
defining what constitutes a “sales-ready” lead    into lead stages, and so on. Depending on the    •	What search terms did the prospect use          information, plus behavioral
requires marketing and sales to agree upon        sorting method you use, some new leads will      	 to find more information about you?             scores including all activity
the profile of an ideal customer and a lead       be deemed “sales ready” and the others will      •	Has the prospect visited “high-value”           before registration.
scoring methodology. While the topic of lead      need to remain in (or return to) marketing for   	 pages such as the pricing or contact 		
scoring is not the focus of this guide, scoring   further nurturing.                               	 information pages?                              Demographic attributes can result
methodologies should use a combination of:                                                                                                           in a score somewhere between
                                                                                                   •	Have other prospects from the same 		
                                                                                                                                                     0 points to 35 points. From there,
•	Demographic attributes (company size,           Thanks to the rich functionality available       	 company visited your Web site?                  each behavior is assigned a point
	 role, industry, etc.)                           in today’s marketing automation solutions,       •	How has the prospect responded to your 		       value, anywhere from one point
•	Lead source and offer                           marketers can use technology to automate         	 email campaigns or offers?                      for each web page visited and
•	Budget, authority, need, and timeline 		        lead scoring and segmentation. Automation        •	What interactions has your sales team           email opened to 15 points for
	 (BANT)                                          helps expedite the process and allows for        	 had with the prospect and when?                 searching for “Marketo” on
•	Completeness of data profile (do you have 		    more granular scoring rules – especially                                                           Google. Qualified leads with
                                                                                                                                                     fewer than 65 points are called
	 enough of the above information)                behavioral rules to measure engagement.          Regardless of how you choose to score             “Prospects” and receive further
•	Behavioral attributes (number of responses, 	   Here are a few ideas to help you define what     and categorize your leads, implementing           nurturing; people with more than
	 overall engagement, etc.)                       it means to be “sales ready”:                    lead nurturing must begin by collaborating        65 points are called “Leads” and
                                                                                                   with all stakeholders to define a process for     are sent to telesales for further
                                                                                                   determining which leads get sent to sales         qualification. This helps ensure
                                                                                                   and which leads get nurtured.                     that leads are prioritized and
                                                                                                                                                     that telesales focuses on calling
                                                                                                                                                     the most qualified, engaged,
                                                                                                                                                     and educated leads.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                     09
Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

How to Establish Permission for Nurturing          Taking the “single opt-in” approach a step       Seth Godin’s Approach
Incoming Lead Processing campaigns are             further, many experts recommend adding           to Permission
also the time to ask prospects to opt in or opt    a checkbox to your registration forms
                                                                                                    Seth Godin, creator of the
out of your nurturing programs. The topic          (pre-checked of course) that establishes         concept of Permission Marketing,
of permission marketing continues to garner        explicit permission to send additional           believes permission is creating
much debate among marketers. At the most           information via email. Be sure to highlight      a perceptible need or even
basic level, all marketers in the United States    the value of your nurturing content, so the      hunger for your communications:
must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, which           prospective customer knows you won’t
requires that commercial email marketers           just be sending promotional material.            “Real permission is different
avoid headers and subject lines that are                                                            	 from presumed or legalistic 		
                                                                                                    	 permission. Just because
“misleading” or “deceptive” and that they          The double opt-in approach is ideal:             	 you somehow get my email 	
provide recipients with a clear way to opt out     You send an email to a prospect that has         	 address doesn’t mean you 		
of receiving communications. The CAN-SPAM          already registered asking explicit permission    	 have permission. Just because
Act, however, does not require recipients          to send additional emails. This is considered    	 I don’t complain doesn’t mean 	
to actually opt in to your communications.         a best practice, since at the end of the day     	 you have permission.
                                                   establishing permission is about beginning       	 Just because it’s in the fine print 	
                                                                                                    	 of your privacy policy doesn’t 		
Following the CAN-SPAM Act is the bare             a relationship. The explicit double-opt in can   	 mean it’s permission either.
minimum, and since lead nurturing thrives          be especially useful for leads you generate      	 Real permission works like this:
on relevancy, respect, and relationship            where the lead may not recognize you or          	 if you stop showing up, people 	
building, many marketers will want to go           your company. Examples of this include           	 complain, they ask where
further in establishing permission. The goal       leads from content syndication sites and         	 you went.”
is to balance explicit permission with the         tradeshows that share the names of all
need to rise above the noise of establishing       attendees with sponsors.
permission in the first place. Many B2B
companies have a privacy policy that simply        This is where automated campaigns can
adds everyone who registers on their Web           help: whenever you import a list, you can
site to their mailing list. While hard-core        automatically launch a campaign to confirm
permission marketers may disagree,                 permission. When recipients respond, you
this policy is completely legal and is effective   can then automatically add them to the
at many companies.                                 appropriate nurturing program; if they don’t,
                                                   you can either send them a “second chance”,
                                                   or mark them as marketing suspended.

Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                      continued

How to Establish Permission for Nurturing                        Pros                            Cons
                                                                                                                                 How Marketo Does It
In other words, permission comes first
and foremost from the quality of your content.                                                                                   At Marketo, we use single
                                                 CAN-SPAM        •	Minimal effort                •	Risks poor deliverability     opt-in for any lead that comes
For your company and B2B marketing
                                                 Only            •	Lead source and offer         	 score and bad reputation      in by filling out a form on our
organization, what is at stake here is your                                                                                      Web site, since these leads have
email reputation and deliverability rates.                       •	“Legal” in the eyes of 	 	    •	Despite database growth,      already shown some interest
Deliverability is arguably one of the most                       	 government regulations        	 relationship quality will     in our content.
important aspects of email marketing.                                                            	 not improve
                                                                 •	Grows your database
George Bilbrey, CEO of ReturnPath, the world’s                                                                                   We use a double opt-in
                                                                 	 quickly                                                       approach for leads that come
leading email services company, believes that
                                                                                                                                 from any other source, since we
permission is important, but “a confirmed                                                                                        think it’s important to explicitly
opt-in does not automatically confer a good      Single Opt-in   •	Demonstrates a pro-active 	   •	Still assumes that just       establish a relationship with
reputation.” However, he does believe that       Approach        	 concern for permission        	 because prospects 		          our brand. The single opt-in leads
“permission influences complaints. Email                                                         	 requested information         automatically receive a welcome
recipients complain about email they don’t                       •	Prospects might remember                                      email a few days after registering,
                                                                 	 that they opted in            	 one time, they want to        while the double opt-in leads
recognize. So, a confirmed opt-in process                                                        	 hear from you again
                                                                 •	Increases deliverability                                      receive a multi-step program
can be helpful, since recipients are less
                                                                 	 and sender reputation                                         that makes two attempts to
likely to mis-remember opting to receive                                                                                         establish permission.
your messages.”                                                  	 scores
                                                                                                                                 Leads that do not respond are
Here are the pros and cons for the                                                                                               marked as suspended and are not
methods we discussed here; you may               Double Opt-in   •	Demonstrates the most         •	Adds another layer            counted as part of the database.
end up using different approaches                Approach        	 concern for privacy           	 of complexity and 		
for different lead sources.                                      	 and relevancy                 	 communication with 		
                                                                 •	Subscribers truly want        	 potential subscribers
                                                                 	 to hear from you              •	Risks losing subscribers
                                                                 •	Increases deliverability      	 in the confirmation process
                                                                 	 rates and send
                                                                 	 reputation scores

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                   11
Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

Determine Preferences                              How Marketo Does It
Fine-tuning your nurturing approaches
can often be as easy as directly asking            As part of the welcome / opt-in
                                                   emails that Marketo sends,
prospects what they’d like to receive              we give prospects the option
from you. Offering prospects the ability           to “accelerate” the frequency
to customize their communications with             of their communications, so they
you is a huge part of making your marketing        have control over how often they
more relevant — and marketing automation           receive nurturing content from
makes it easy to accomplish this. You might        us. They also can mark which
be pleasantly surprised at how receptive           topics they are most interested
                                                   in, which helps us tune their
and willing people are to play an active role      nurturing content.
in helping you establish the basis for your
permission marketing.

Here are some questions that might be helpful
in developing preferences for increasing
•	How often would you like to receive 		
	 communications from us?
•	Which types of communication would
	 you like to receive?
	 (e.g. email, direct mail, text messages, etc.)
•	What are your primary interests?
	 (Offer multiple checkboxes that apply
	 to your product or service offerings)

Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                                    continued

Stay in Touch Campaigns
‘Stay in Touch’ campaigns are useful for all prospects that are not immediately                                            To develop effective Stay in Touch
ready to engage with sales. They form the backbone of your lead nurturing program                                          campaigns, marketers should focus
by “dripping” out relevant content to prospects over time, helping to educate them                                         on four aspects:
and build trust and credibility for your company. By touching prospects regularly,                                         •	Buyer Roles
they help keep your brand top of mind so that the prospect will contact you when                                           •	Buying Stages
they are ready to move to the next step.                                                                                   •	Content
                                                                                                                           •	Timing

Buyer Roles                                         According to MarketingSherpa, even at small   “	People want to do business with people. We’re human,
A good place to start is with the “Buying           companies (100-500 employees), the average    	 and we crave interaction with people who know us.
Committee” — the group of individuals               number of people involved in a decision
that will be involved in the purchasing             is 6.8 — and that number goes as high as 21
                                                                                                  	 When you build content especially for your buyer personas,
decision. In the Marketing News article             individuals on a buying committee at larger   	 you build a relationship with people before you’ve even met them.”
It Takes a Committee to Buy into B-to-B,            companies. Your nurturing content will need
Tony Jaros, vice president of research              to speak to each of them and address their    David Meerman Scott, Marketing Strategist and Author
at marketing and sales research firm                unique needs.                                 The New Rules of Marketing  PR
SiriusDecisions, suggests that:
                                                    Your roles will also vary based on the        A buyer persona for an online bookstore
“	 ost of the people that you speak to at
  M                                                 different audiences you serve, perhaps        might be the following: Jane, age thirty-eight,
	 a company will fall under categories related 		   broken down by product line, company size,    is a mother of three, a vice president of
	 to your marketing efforts, whether they           industry, or geography. Some companies        marketing, an avid fiction reader, and buys
	 have final say in the contract or not.            will serve different size companies (e.g.     at least one book per month online. Buyer
	 The category designations may include             small business, mid-market, and enterprise)   profiles are particularly relevant to lead
	 the Champion, a user with purchasing 		           with different information needs; yet other   nurturing — they help your campaigns target
	 authority; the Influencer, a person without       marketers will need to speak to different     your most qualified segments and also add
	 the buying authority but with significant         geographies, usually in different languages   a “human” element to the relationship-
	 input, such as a consultant or middle 		          and with different cultural norms. The key    building process.
	 manager or user; and the CXO, a member            is to understand your different audiences
	 of the executive staff.”                          and ensure you have content for them.


     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                       13
Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

Buyer Roles                                        Buyer Stages
As you’re developing your personas, keep           You will also want to define the stages
in mind that they must work for the specific       a prospect goes through in buying your
purpose of lead nurturing. Think about the         products or solutions, since the best lead
characteristics of your audience that would        nurturing is synchronized with the buyer’s
help provide you with greater insight into         process. Classically, there are four main
how to best build a relationship with them.        stages; Awareness: Identify a business need;
For instance, how do they prefer to receive        Consideration: Determine possible solutions;
communications from you (email, mobile             Research: Evaluate different solutions;
phone, Twitter, etc.)?                             and Purchase: Select a solution
                                                   and negotiate purchase.
Finally, you need to identify which profile
or role should apply to each new lead.             Analyst firm SiriusDecisions presents a slightly
You can use online forms and Incoming              different framework:
Lead Processing campaigns to find out this         •	Stage 1 - Loosening of the Status Quo
information, especially if you use techniques      •	Stage 2 - Committing to Change
such as Progressive Profiling (e.g. the practice   •	Stage 3 - Exploring Possible Solutions
of modifying the fields on your forms to           •	Stage 4 - Committing to a Solution
augment the information you already have).         •	Stage 5 - Justifying the Decision
You can also observe where your prospects          •	Stage 6 - Making the Selection
spend the majority of their time on your
Web site. Together, these techniques will help
you match the right role-based content with        Finally, B2B research firm Enquiro suggests
each prospect.                                     that the buying process is not a simple logical,
                                                   rational, and linear process where a prospect
                                                   moves neatly from one stage to the next;
                                                   rather, prospects move chaotically forward
                                                   and backwards through the process as they
                                                   balance rational decision making with the
                                                   emotional impacts of fear and risk. Regardless,
                                                   the better you understand the process your
                                                   prospect goes through as they purchase your
                                                   product or solution, the better you will be able
                                                   to design your lead nurturing to facilitate —
                                                   and perhaps accelerate — their purchase.

Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                                       continued

Content                                          Buyer role: Prospects find content targeted       Here are some additional best practices         Doug Kessler’s Definition
Buyer roles and buying stages come together      to their role or industry much more valuable      for developing content optimized for            of Content Marketing
with your content. Lead nurturing is about       than generic content.                             lead nurturing:
                                                                                                                                                   Doug Kessler, creative
maintaining an ongoing conversation                                                                                                                director at Velocity Partners
with your prospects, and in this case, the       According to research firm MarketingSherpa:       Be sensitive to your prospect’s schedule        and author of The B2B Content
conversation occurs in the marketing assets      •	82% of prospects say content targeted           and attention span — make your content          Marketing Workbook, provides
you use as well as the way in which your         	 to their specific industry is more valuable     easy to digest                                  succinct advice on how to
company communicates with prospects.             •	67% say content targeted to their job 		        Just as the B2B buying process has changed,     turn organizational thinking
Content plays a tremendous role in lead          	 function is more valuable                       so have the ways that prospects interact        into effective content based
nurturing, as it often acts as a sales rep’s                                                                                                       marketing campaigns.
                                                 •	49% say the same for content targeted           with the content you provide. If you’re lucky
stand-in when a person is not yet sales ready.   	 to their company size                           enough to have them look at your content,       “	Thought Leadership is
                                                 •	29% prefer content targeted                     you better make it engaging—which in most       	 exploiting your unique position 	
To ensure relevance, it is critical to focus     	 to their geography                              cases means it has to be short, sweet,          	 in your markets to generate
your content on both the buyer role                                                                and to the point.                               	 valuable insight and advice 		
and the buying stage.                                                                                                                              	 on issues your customers
                                                                                                                                                   	 and prospects care most about. 	
                                                 Buying stage: The content someone would           Make content valuable, not self-promotional.
                                                                                                                                                   	 Content Marketing is turning 	
                                                 find relevant changes as they move through        Before creating any piece of content,           	 your insight and advice into
                                                 the process.                                      make sure you put your audience’s interests     	 campaigns that change people’s
                                                                                                   ahead of your own. People understand            	 minds and incite action.”
                                                 For example:                                      that if they’re reading a vendor-sponsored
                                                 •	Educational pieces work well during             or vendor-written resource, the material
                                                 	 the early awareness stages. With these 		       probably alludes to what the vendor’s product
                                                 	 pieces, you are simply educating people         or service can do.
                                                 	 and sharing best practices.
                                                 •	Industry-oriented pieces work well just 	       Use sales and marketing emails as a chance
                                                 	 as prospects start looking for a solution. 		   to get personal — not pushy
                                                 	 Examples can be industry overviews,             The content or dialogue in your actual
                                                 	 analyst reports, buyer’s guides, etc.           communications with prospects is an
                                                 •	Solution-oriented and company-focused 	         important consideration with lead nurturing.
                                                 	 materials are appropriate for prospects 		      Use HTML emails to nurture leads, then follow
                                                 	 engaged in an active buying cycle.              up corporate emails with more personal,
                                                                                                   text-only emails from sales.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                    15
Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

Timing                                           If the buying cycle for your product is three-   Test the effects of frequency                      How Marketo Does It
Successful lead nurturing depends on             months, your lead nurturing path might           with multiple campaigns
getting the frequency of communication right.                                                                                                        Marketo’s nurturing program
                                                 look like this:                                  Testing is often confined to email subject lines   has four main roles — marketing
The timing of lead nurturing campaigns will be   •	Day 1 -	Follow-up with introductory email      and content, but B2B marketers can also use        manager, marketing executive,
different for every company. As a very general   •	Day 10 - Email offering new content            testing to optimize frequency and timing.          sales rep, and agency —
guideline, contacting prospects more than        	 related to first download and subsequent 		    When developing your automated nurturing           and three main buying stages:
once a week is too much and less than once       	 Web site activity                              campaigns, use the waiting period between          early stage awareness; middle-
a month is not enough.                           •	Day 15 - Personal email from sales rep         triggers and actions as a test element to see      stage consideration; and late-
                                                 •	Day 30 - Email best practices whitepaper       if and how conversion rates are impacted           stage evaluation.
                                                 •	Day 45 - Call from sales rep to ‘check in’     by time period changes.                            There are over 50 pieces of
Here are some tips for determining the           •	Day 60 - Email promoting webinar series                                                           nurturing content spread across
optimal frequency for your company:              •	Day 75 - Personal email from sales rep 		                                                         those roles and stages, so the
                                                 	 offering a product demo                        Ask your prospects directly                        typical prospect will receive
Consider the length of the buying process        •	Day 85 - Call from sales rep to schedule 		    An underrated technique to improve                 between 10 and 30 total touches
and the communication approaches used            	 in-person meeting                              lead nurturing is to just ask prospects            across the nurturing programs.
The timing of your lead nurturing programs       •	Day 90 - Send sales proposal via email         how often they’d like to be contacted,             By default, prospects will
are impacted by both the length of your                                                           and with what information.                         receive a nurturing campaign
average buying process as well as the            There are two things to keep in mind here.                                                          every two to three weeks,
approaches you use for lead nurturing            First, notice that the communications become                                                        and slightly more frequently
(email, direct mail, phone, etc.). Direct mail   more frequent as the buying cycle progresses.                                                       later in the buying cycle —
and email could be considered less intrusive     Second, this is just one path a nurtured lead                                                       though prospects have the
than a phone call, especially if the content     could take.                                                                                         option to “accelerate” and
                                                                                                                                                     receive information more often.’
of your communication is more educational
than sales-oriented. In the following example,
let’s assume a prospect downloads
a whitepaper from your Web site,
and your lead scoring methodology deems
this individual a lead nurturing candidate.

Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                                        continued

Developing Your Stay in Touch Campaign Matrix
The goal of this matrix is to provide you with         profiles, buying stages, content and timing —     should map out the content to drip out,
an at-a-glance resource for determining the            are effectively aligned with each other so that   according to buyer profile and stage —
structure of your Stay in Touch campaigns.             you can communicate in the most relevant          ideally you want to fill out each grid box
By completing this matrix, you’ll ensure that          way with your prospects according to their        with multiple pieces of content over time.
all of your campaign components — buyer                buying stage. Each intersection of the matrix

Buying Stages
In this example, we’ll use the buying cycle stages outlined by SiriusDecisions.

  Stages               1	 Loosening               2	 Committing                3	 Exploring                4	 Committing               5	 Justifying    6	 Making
                       	 the Status Quo           	 to Change                  	 Possible Solutions        	 to a Solution             	 the Decision   	 the Selection




Your Turn
Insert the stages of your company’s buying cycle here, adding or deleting columns as needed.

  Stages               1	                         2	                           3	                          4                           5	               6	




      © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                           17
Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics

Buying Roles
Insert Buyer Roles. Let’s use the roles suggested by SiriusDecisions.

     Stages         1	 Loosening                2	 Committing            3	 Exploring           4	 Committing     5	 Justifying    6	 Making
                    	 the Status Quo            	 to Change              	 Possible Solutions   	 to a Solution   	 the Decision   	 the Selection





Your Turn
Insert the buyer roles of your company here, adding or deleting rows as needed.

     Stages         1	                          2	                       3	                     4	                5	               6	





Part Two
Lead Nurturing Basics                                                                                                                                    continued

Finally, let’s map your content into the cells of the matrix. For each grid box, be as specific
as you can about your content and list as many resources as you can that would be relevant
for each person and buying stage.

  Stages                   1	                     2	                            3	                     4	                         5	                6	





Most companies will have at best two or three          Over time, you will want multiple pieces     Be sure to provide enough detail about topic,
pieces of content for each cell, and will have         of content for each cell, so use the blank   format, and length to help ensure that the
many blank cells at the beginning. That’s fine         spaces to build out your content roadmap.    information makes sense within the context
– you can get started with lead nurturing using                                                     of your overall nurturing plan.
the content you already have.

      © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                 19
Part Three

Advanced Lead Nurturing

  © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.   21
Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing

In Part One, we defined lead nurturing — “the process of building relationships
with qualified prospects regardless of their timing to buy, with the goal of earning
their business when they are ready.” We discussed its vital role in enhancing brand,
thought leadership and ROI results and we reviewed the importance of marketing
and sales collaboration in today’s buyer-is-in-control world.

In Part Two, we learned best practices in lead nurturing basics, practical advice
from industry experts, and proven strategies for Incoming Lead Processing
Campaigns and Stay in Touch Campaigns.

With this foundation in place, we are now ready to examine the nuances
and winning strategies for advanced lead nurturing:
•	Accelerator Campaigns
•	Lead Lifecycle Campaigns

Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing                                                                                                                                        continued

Accelerator Campaigns
Accelerator campaigns are campaigns that attempt to move prospects along the
buying cycle faster by providing relevant “nudges” at the right time, usually triggered
by specific buyer behaviors or sales updates. By observing the type of content
prospects request, where they go and how often they visit your Web site, marketers
can adapt their nurturing approaches accordingly, placing prospects with stronger
interest on a more accelerated path toward a sales conversation and scaling back
communications with less interested individuals.

Unlike Stay in Touch campaigns in which          Trigger-based Accelerator campaigns are        Determine the key indicators                          Make the Most Out of
nurturing “drips” are planned at pre-defined     one of the most exciting aspects of lead       that show interest level                              Trigger-based Marketing
time intervals, Accelerator campaigns            nurturing, and they are a great sandbox        What are the ways in which people
react to a variety of triggers — changes or      for learning what works and what doesn’t       demonstrate interest during a buying                  Sample triggers that suggest
                                                                                                                                                      it may be time for an accelerator
updates in prospect profiles and behaviors —     when it comes to building relationships with   process? In a face-to-face interaction between        campaign:
which then set off a specific type of action     your prospects. Whether you’re just getting    a prospective customer and a salesperson              •	Web pages: visiting the page
or set of actions. The triggers can be based     started with trigger-based marketing or        involving a consumer purchase (let’s say              	 on your Web site that explains 	
on implicit behavioral data (e.g. opened         looking to enhance your current approach,      a DVD player), the interested individual may          	 how to buy
email and visited “pricing” Web page)            here are some considerations that can help     begin by browsing the DVD player aisle,               •	Content: downloading content 	
in combination with demographics.                accelerate the buying cycle:                   pressing the buttons on certain machines,             	 you’ve marked as being relevant 	
It’s easiest to think of triggers and their                                                                                                           	 to later stage buyers
                                                                                                taking notes about the different brands,
                                                                                                                                                      •	Email: opening every email
corresponding actions as programs that live                                                     or asking detailed questions about price              	 you send
outside your basic Stay In Touch campaigns                                                      and quality. For online B2B marketers,                •	Scoring: If a prospect is “stuck”
and touch prospects orthogonally, or that                                                       these interest indicators can be translated           	 at the same score with no 	
affect the Stay In Touch campaigns by moving                                                    into data such as Web site visits, downloads,         	 recent activity, it may be time
prospects between different tracks.                                                             multiple visits to the pricing page, or filling out   	 to try a different approach
                                                                                                a “contact us” form. Once you determine the           	 or offer
                                                                                                indicators you’d like to use, you can accelerate
                                                                                                a prospect based on behavior alone or assign
                                                                                                each attribute or behavior a specific value
                                                                                                to be added to a prospect’s lead score once
                                                                                                the profile update or behavior occurs.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                       23
Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing

Develop multiple accelerator paths based           Start simple — don’t go overboard                   Give your campaigns room to evolve              How Marketo Does It
on prospect interest level and buying stage        with multiple workflows or segments                 Remember that a lead nurturing campaign
Make sure that your prospects have                                                                     is more of an evolving conversation than        At Marketo, we use Accelerator
                                                   just because you can
                                                                                                                                                       campaigns in two ways.
a place to go if they show greater                 When it comes to structuring workflows              a rigid, mapped-out process. When you’re        First, when Prospects reach
interest—but also if they begin to indicate        for trigger campaigns, it may seem like the         creating campaigns, don’t get discouraged       a specific threshold lead score
disinterest through prolonged inactivity.          sky’s the limit, especially if there are a number   if prospects don’t respond as you expected —    that indicates interest but then
Let’s say you have three main nurture              of options for both triggers and actions.           instead, use this data to create new segments   stall out before making it all the
paths, for early-stage buyers (A), mid-            In the beginning, it’s best to resist this          or discover new ways to correlate buying        way to becoming “sales ready”,
stage buyers (B), and late-stage buyers (C).       temptation. Start out by creating fairly            stages with certain online behaviors.           we trigger a series of high
Once early-stage prospects are deemed                                                                  Your marketing automation solution              value offers intended to spark
                                                   straightforward workflows (e.g. if a prospect                                                       re-engagement. Secondly, we
candidates for nurturing, they are placed          opens an email and visits a landing page but        should give you the flexibility to react        watch for specific behaviors
on path A. If they begin to exhibit stronger       does not fill out the form, wait a few days         quickly to new opportunities and revise         that indicate when we should
interest, you can jump them to path B              and then send another email with a related          your campaigns accordingly.                     move a prospect from Early
without finishing A, and when they are ready       offer). Once you’ve got a handle on basic                                                           Stage nurturing to Mid-Stage,
to engage with sales, they are accelerated         workflows, consider varying the follow-up           Use campaigns as testing grounds for            or Mid-Stage nurturing to
to path C. On the other hand, if they fail                                                             different nurturing components                  Late Stage.
                                                   actions according to different behaviors
to respond to multiple campaigns and               (email open versus click-through) or different      When we think of testing, we often focus
demonstrate other signs of inactivity,             segments (the prospect had previous                 on emails and landing pages. But you can
you can send them back to path A or create         downloads or is part of an active opportunity).     also use campaigns to test other areas of
a different path explicitly for those prospects.                                                       lead nurturing, such as the impact of certain
                                                                                                       marketing assets on a specific segment,
                                                                                                       the ways that communication frequency
                                                                                                       can affect a prospect’s buying process,
                                                                                                       and more. Dedicate your early trigger
                                                                                                       campaigns to validate specific elements
                                                                                                       of your lead nurturing strategies, and apply
                                                                                                       what you learn to future efforts.

Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing                                                                                                     continued

Lead Lifecycle Campaigns
Lead Lifecycle campaigns maximize marketing’s investment in lead generation by                    There are three important categories
ensuring that leads will never grow stagnant or lost. As a general lead nurturing                 of Lead Lifecycle campaigns:
rule, there should be no place in the buying process where leads just “sit,” and you              •	Lead Handoff
should have only one lead stage value for leads being nurtured. All other lead status             •	Lead Recycling
values should have a time limit, and leads that sit idle past the deadline should be              •	New Customers
automatically recycled for further nurturing. In sum, Lead Lifecycle campaigns ensure
movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not ready to buy or sales
does not engage.

Lead Handoff                                     You should also identify the date a lead
When a lead becomes sales ready, an              is handed to sales. This lets you easily
automated campaign to pass the lead              calculate how long a lead was nurtured
to sales can make the difference between         and how quickly sales engages with the
timely follow-up and no response. There are      lead. It’s a good idea to establish a “service
many ways to let sales know when a lead          level agreement” in which sales commits
is ready for sales engagement: by loading        to handling the lead in a timely fashion;
it into the CRM system; changing the lead’s      any leads that are not moved forward
Status field; changing the owner or creating     in the process, or sent backward, within
a task in the CRM system; or by sending an       that timeframe should be automatically
alert over email or SMS. Depending on your       reassigned or recycled back to marketing.
company’s organization and the “hotness”         This ensures that leads continue to flow
of the lead, you may choose a combination        and nothing gets “stuck” or lost in the sales
of these functions.                              lead stage.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                           25
Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing

Lead Recycling                                      In general, there are two types of lead          There will also be situations when leads
As you’ll recall, Incoming Lead Processing          recycling scenarios—one in which leads           should be manually recycled by sales.
campaigns are used to determine if a lead           are automatically recycled according to a set    If, after contacting a group of leads,
is “sales ready” according to agreed-upon           of business rules and the other in which leads   a rep determines that they are still not
criteria from your marketing and sales teams.       are manually recycled by sales.                  sales-ready, these prospects should be sent
But what happens if, ‘sales-ready’ leads are                                                         back to marketing. What makes this situation
not contacted or a rep decides that some            The goal of the recycling campaign is to         unique, however, is the fact that sales has
of these leads were still not ready to engage?      reassign — and track — leads that for any        already had a conversation with these leads
                                                    reason cannot be pursued by sales in a timely    and knows more about their buying intent
The importance of lead recycling becomes            manner. Perhaps you received a flood of hot      than for leads without any sales interaction.
even more apparent when we consider that            sales-ready leads from a specific campaign,      Because of this added insight, sales should be
of all leads that enter the sales pipeline,         making it impossible for reps to follow up       able to manually recycle these leads back to
almost 80% of them are lost or ignored by           with all qualified leads in a timely fashion.    marketing, provide added details about their
sales. What sort of real-world impact can           In this situation, marketing and sales must      interaction, and indicate how and when the
this have on revenue? Brian Carroll, CEO            jointly set up ground rules regarding which      leads should be moved back into sales.
of InTouch, offers a compelling case:               leads will be automatically reassigned if they
                                                    are not pursued within a certain time frame.     One option is to base sales re-engagement
“	We had a client that had passed about 		          After marketing and sales agree on an            on a business rule such as a lead score change.
	 12,000 leads to its sales force in the year. 		   approach, marketing can set up automated         For example, if a lead is determined to be not
	 But of those, about 2,500 were simply             campaigns to manage the lead recycling           sales-ready, its score will be reset to 15 and it
	 lost — nobody knew what happened 		               whenever the specific business rules             will not be passed back to sales until it reaches
	 to them… we found that a number had               or conditions are met.                           a score of 70. Alternatively, sales can use its
	 bought from a competitor or weren’t 	                                                              knowledge of the leads’ buying interests to
	 actively interested anymore. But we also 	                                                         indicate a specific timeframe in which the lead
	 found that 15%—about 375 contacts —                                                                should be re-engaged.
	 were actually hot leads that indicated
	 they were ready to talk to a salesperson.
	 Of those, 7% actually bought, resulting
	 in $1.2 million in added revenue.”

Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing                                                                                                                                       continued

Lead Recycling                                   For example, if you know a prospect’s              As we noted in our introduction to lead          How Marketo Does It
When leads are recycled, you can either          timeframe to buy, you could increase               nurturing basics, marketing and sales
put them back into one of your basic             the frequency of communications, provide           collaboration is a best practice. In the case    Sales reps can recycle leads
                                                                                                                                                     back to marketing simply by
Stay in Touch campaigns, or even better,         high-value offers or promotions, or message        of Lead Lifecycle campaigns, it is a business    clickinga button. When leads
you can create a specialized version of          more aggressively as his or her timing             imperative. When both marketing and sales        are recycled, they can mark
the Stay in Touch campaign that is optimized     milestone approaches. On the other hand,           have begun to build relationships with           one of two reasons: “Target
for the specific information the rep collected   if you don’t know the timeframe, you might         recycled leads, each team should be involved     Company But Did Not Connect”
during their interactions (e.g. interests        be more conversational and educational             in and aware of the other’s activities, paying   or “Target Company But No
and timing). Here are some tips for              in tone with your emails.                          special attention to the campaigns and sales     Active Evaluation”. If the latter
optimizing these strategies:                                                                        interactions that occurred before and after      is chosen, the rep can also select
                                                                                                                                                     a timeframe: two weeks, one
                                                 However, even if the timeframe is unknown,         the lead was recycled.                           month, three months, six months,
Be extra sensitive to relevancy and timing       you could still differentiate a recycled lead                                                       or Unknown.
Have reps add detailed notes about their         from a Stay in Touch campaign candidate by         For example, if marketing wants to run a new
interactions so far and why the lead is being    creating new lead formulas based on whether        email campaign to recycled leads more than       When a specific timeframe is
recycled — and make sure that your nurturing     a prospect is recycled or not. For example,        three months old, it should collaborate with     chosen, the rep can be confident
approach accounts for this information.          a Web page visit for a “normal” nurtured lead      sales on special messaging that re-introduces    that the prospect will receive
                                                                                                                                                     a customized nurturing path
You may even want to work with sales             would garner two points, but a recycled lead       the company and/or product appropriately.        optimized for that time period —
to develop custom fields in your CRM             might earn five points, since earlier the person   In the case of Lead Lifecycle campaigns,         including personalized contacts
and marketing automation solutions that          demonstrated a higher level of interest.           providing email templates for your sales team    from the rep — and that after the
will help you increase relevancy with these                                                         can promote messaging specifically tailored      specified time, the lead will be
recycled leads.                                  Don’t be afraid to incorporate phone outreach      to re-engaging prospects.                        sent back to the rep automatically
                                                 more than you normally would. In many cases,                                                        for follow-up.
Consider different approaches when               sales reps have already communicated with
you know a prospect’s timeframe                  recycled leads by phone. Since a phone
In many cases, leads will be recycled because    conversation is a coveted interaction when
they are still researching or their timeframe    building a relationship, be sure to incorporate
to buy falls outside of what your company        phone outreach with recycled leads more
considers sales ready. In other cases, the       than you might with leads on other nurturing
timeframe may be unknown. These variables        paths. But remember, a phone conversation
may warrant the development of specific          does not necessarily mean greater
nurturing paths.                                 commitment to a sale on the part of the
                                                 prospect. Use these conversations as ways
                                                 to increase trust and find out more about
                                                 your prospects’ needs — rather than simply
                                                 trying to “close a deal.”

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                     27
Part Three
Advanced Lead Nurturing

New Customers
When an opportunity is closed and won,
it is a great opportunity to put all the
associated contacts into a new drip marketing
campaign that’s optimized for customers.
This can include marking them as customers
in your database; sending a welcome note;
and launching a series of Stay In Touch
and Accelerator campaigns. These campaigns
are designed to first introduce customers
to your products and services, and then
over time to help cross-sell / up-sell additional
products and retain them for life (all important
topics which are beyond the scope of this
lead nurturing guide).

Part Four

Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing

  © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.   29
Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing

In Part One of the Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing, we learned the value
of lead nurturing done well, and in Parts Two and Three, we explored best
practices for a range of lead nurturing strategies:
•	Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns
•	Stay in Touch Campaigns
•	Accelerator Campaigns
•	Lead Lifecycle Campaigns

But how do you prove the ROI of lead nurturing in your own organization?
•	Show the ROI of lead nurturing by comparing “before” and “after” scenarios
		 based on industry metrics.
•	Use this framework to calculate the potential ROI at your organization.

For every step, you’ll see an “Example” followed by “Your Turn” in which you
can try out the method using your own data. After completing the worksheet,
you should have the information you need to bolster the case for lead nurturing
at your organization. Or if you have already established lead nurturing programs,
use this worksheet to compare your results to industry standards.

Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing                                                                                                                              continued

ROI Calculation One
The Impact of Lead Nurturing on Prospect-to-Lead Conversion and Cost Per Sales-Ready Lead
First, define the lead stages that matter to your organization                                               Your Turn
Use as many stage definitions as necessary; the most important thing is consensus                            Document your stage definitions here.
amongst marketing, sales, and the executive team about the each stage’s definition.
In this example, marketing success metrics will be determined by the conversion
rates from the stages of prospect to lead to opportunity.

    Stages                                           Stage Definition                                          Stages                           Stage Definition

    1 All Names                                      All individuals begin at this stage before being          1
                                                     qualified in any way.

    2 Prospect                                       An individual who meets the demographic                   2
                                                     requirements of the “qualified” customer

    3 Sales Lead                                     An individual who has a “qualified” customer              3
                                                     profile AND has shown sufficient interest and
                                                     engagement to be worthy of a sales contact,
                                                     perhaps indicated by a high lead score.*

    4 Opportunity                                    A contact/account that a sales rep has                    4
                                                     confirmed as a potential sale and will now be
                                                     accounted for in the sales forecast or pipeline.

*If you don’t have the ability to measure interest and engagement, let the sales team tell you which leads
were “sales ready,” and count those. Since most leads take time to become sales ready, this will typically
be just a subject of all the qualified prospects.

       © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                          31
Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing

Next, let’s calculate how lead nurturing          Example                                              Before Nurturing
impacts the conversion between stages;            1	Number of new prospects per month –
in this case, we’ll look into the conversion of   	 For this example, we’ll use 800.                                      Prospects   Prospect-to-Lead   Leads
Prospects to Sales-Ready Leads. As mentioned      2	Number of existing prospects in the 		                                            Conversion Rate
earlier, lead nurturing should be done for both   	 database at beginning on month –
new and existing prospects, so let’s set up       	 We’ll use 10,000.
                                                                                                         New              800         10%                80
a table to gather data for these stages for       3	Number of sales-ready leads from new 		
both new and existing leads. Pick a date range,   	 prospects that month – Let’s use 80.
i.e. over one month, and look at how a typical    4	Number of sales-ready leads from
prospect to lead to opportunity conversion        	 the existing database (i.e. prospects
might evolve WITHOUT lead nurturing.              	 more than one month old) – Let’s say 40.             Existing         10,000      0.4%               40
Key ROI point: Looking across Marketo             Your CRM or marketing automation
customers, lead nurturing can improve             systems should make it easy to calculate
the conversion of prospects from your existing    these metrics. To calculate three and four,
database to sales-ready leads by 2.0 – 3.0        at the end of the month, export a list of all        After Nurturing
times, potentially even more. In this case,       the truly “sales-ready” leads sent to sales
a 2.5x improvement in that conversion metric      that month. Separate all the leads that were                            Prospects   Prospect-to-Lead   Leads
means each month 1.0% of the prospect             first created this month vs. earlier. Even better,                                  Conversion Rate
database becomes sales ready, not 0.4%.           add a date field that automatically tracks
                                                  the date a lead is marked as “sales ready”,
Note: at companies that excel at lead             and calculate the number of days between               New              800         10%                80
nurturing, this conversion metric can             the “sales ready” date and the “create date”.
be as high as 4.0% to 5.0%.                       This will show you which leads are new
                                                  (created  30 days).
Result: Before nurturing, there were 120 sales                                                           Existing         10,000      1.0%               100
ready leads per month; but with nurturing,                                                               Database
there are 180 sales ready leads a month –
meaning lead nurturing helped to generate
50% more qualified sales-ready leads without
any additional spending on lead generation.
Assuming a monthly lead generation budget
of $90,000, the cost per sales-ready lead goes
down by 33%, from $750 each to $500 each.

Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing                                                                      continued

Your Turn                                        Before Nurturing
Now it’s time to plug in your own numbers.
                                                                    Prospects   Prospect-to-Lead   Leads
Before Nurturing: Choose a specific                                             Conversion Rate
data range, and in the first column,
enter the number of prospects (or your
term for individuals before they become
sales-ready leads) for both new individuals
and those existing in your house database.

In the third column, enter the number              Existing
of sales-ready leads you generated                 Database
from both new and existing prospects,
for your chosen date range.

In the second column, calculate the current      After Nurturing
conversion rate between the two stages.
                                                                    Prospects   Prospect-to-Lead   Leads
After Nurturing: Now calculate the potential                                    Conversion Rate
impact of lead nurturing on your current data.
Keep the first row the same. In the second
column, increase the conversion rate by            New
2X-3X, and then calculate the new number
of sales-ready leads in the third column.
What is your new total? What is the resulting
reduction in cost per sales-ready lead?            Existing

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                    33
Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing

ROI Calculation Two
Lead Nurturing Impact on Opportunities Won
Most companies are pretty good at                  Example                                         Before Nurturing
identifying leads that want to engage              Before nurturing: For a given date range
with sales right away (i.e. fast-moving leads),    (say one year), we’ve collected the following     Won Opportunities from Leads   200
but are less proficient at staying in touch with   information. At this company, 1/3 (33%) of        Under 30 days old
the remaining leads that need more time.           the marketing-generated ‘won opportunities’
As a result, many potential opportunities          came from older leads. Not too bad.
never get created because a prospect wasn’t                                                          Won Opportunities from Leads   100
ready to engage when they first met the            After nurturing: If this company could            Over 30 days old
company, and the company didn’t stay in            implement lead nurturing and get closer
touch so they did not remain top-of-mind           to the benchmark that half the ‘won’
when the lead was ready to move forward.           opportunities should come from nurtured           Won Opportunities              300
                                                   leads, we can expect the same number of           Total Marketing-Generated
For another ROI calculation, let’s look            ‘won’ opportunities from the “fast moving
at all the ‘opportunities won’ generated           leads” (200) but in this case, there would
by marketing over a given time period,             be an additional 100 ‘won’ opportunities.       After Nurturing
say a year, and calculate how many came
from fast-moving leads that were less than         With lead nurturing, we see at least
30 days old before being sent to sales vs. how     a 33% increase in total marketing-generated       Won Opportunities from Leads   200
many came from older leads in the database.        won opportunities.                                Under 30 days old
At companies without lead nurturing,
sometimes things are so bad that NO ‘won’
opportunities are derived from older leads,                                                          Won Opportunities from Leads   200
whereas at companies that excel at lead                                                              Over 30 days old
nurturing, as many as 1/2 (50%) of the ‘won’
opportunities and associated revenue come
from older, nurtured leads.                                                                          Won Opportunities              400
                                                                                                     Total Marketing-Generated
Let’s calculate the ratio at your
company and see the potential ROI
from improved nurturing.

Part Four
Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing                                                           continued

Your Turn                                         Before Nurturing                     “	Successful organizations 	
Now let’s see how your company                                                         	 cannot afford to spend 		
is doing and how it might improve.                                                     	 money generating qualified
                                                    Won Opportunities from Leads   A   	 leads that slip through 	
                                                    Under 30 days old                  	 the pipeline when they 		
Choose a date range and collect                                                        	 do not result in immediate 	
the following information:                                                             	 opportunities.”
                                                    Won Opportunities from Leads   B
If B  A, you are nurturing well (or possibly       Over 30 days old                   Ian Michiels, Senior Analyst, 		
not generating enough new leads). If not,                                              Aberdeen Group
subtract A – B to get the number of extra
marketing-generated won opportunities               Won Opportunities              C
you might expect from better lead nurturing.        Total Marketing-Generated
Calculate (A – B) / C to measure the % increase
in total marketing-generated revenue from
better lead nurturing at your company.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                       35

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with qualified prospects
regardless of their timing to buy, with the goal of earning their business when
they are ready. Why? Because 95% of the prospects visiting your Web site today
are there to research, but as many as 70% of them will eventually buy a product
from you or from your competitor. Because today’s buyers prefer not to engage
with sales until the last third (1/3) of the purchasing process, marketing and sales
must collaborate throughout every stage in the revenue cycle to provide
prospective customers with high quality information and content that is timely,
relevant and responsive to their situation.

The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing        For both novice and experienced practitioners,   When you invest in lead nurturing, you make
outlined the importance of lead nurturing     the Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing offered   the most out of every dollar your organization
and thought leadership in establishing        advice, best practices and a summary of How      spends on demand generation, and you can
your company’s brand and your customer’s      Marketo Does It covering:                        rekindle once-stagnant opportunities from
trust. It provided exercises and worksheets   •	Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns, 		         your existing database. By using lead nurturing
on how to calculate return on investment      	 including lead scoring and permission          campaigns to interact with your prospects
(ROI) from lead nurturing on prospect-to-     	 for nurturing                                  and understand their interest and behavior,
lead conversion, cost per sales-ready lead,   •	Stay in Touch Campaigns, including buyer 		    you gain deeper insight into their buying
and impact on opportunities won through       	 roles, buying stages and content based         intent, increase the relevancy of future lead
lead nurturing. Need more evidence?           	 on timing and stage                            nurturing campaigns, and ultimately benefit
Companies that excel at lead nurturing        •	Accelerator Campaigns, facilitated             from more and higher quality sales leads,
generate 50% more sales-ready leads           	 by triggered-based marketing                   increased conversion rates and explosive
at 33% lower cost per lead and boost sales’   •	Lead Lifecycle Campaigns to increase           revenue growth.
acceptance of marketing-generated leads       	 the efficiency and effectiveness of lead 		
by at least 25%.                              	 handoff, lead recycling and continuing
                                              	 the dialog with new customers

Contact Us

Call: 650-655-4830
Email: info@marketo.com
Visit our Web site: www.marketo.com
To get The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing online,
visit: www.marketo.com/dg2-lead-nurturing
Visit our blog: blog.marketo.com

About Marketo                                    Insight helps Sales understand,              Acknowledgements
Marketo is the fastest growing provider          prioritize and interact with the hottest     Marketo would like to thank the following
of marketing automation and revenue-             leads and opportunities to close more        thought leaders for contributing to the
building best practices.                         business faster. Known for providing         Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing.
                                                 the most innovative customer experience
Marketo’s uncompromising on-demand               and the fastest time to value, Marketo       Ian Michiels, Aberdeen Group
solutions enable marketing and sales             was voted ‘Best Marketing Automation         CSO Insights
teams to collaborate throughout the revenue      Application’ by Salesforce customers
                                                                                              DemandGen Report
cycle, from the earliest stages of demand        on the Force.com AppExchange.
generation and lead management to the                                                         Enquiro
pursuit of revenue and customer loyalty.         As of July 2009, more than 220 mid-market    Forrester Research
Marketo Lead Management gives Marketing          and enterprise companies in nine countries   Brian Carroll, In Touch
the power and flexibility to automate            have selected Marketo.                       Marketing Sherpa
demand generation campaigns and deliver
more high-quality leads with less effort,                                                     George Bilbrey, Return Path
and Marketo Sales.                                                                            Tony Jaros, Sirius Decisions
                                                                                              Scott Albro, Tippit

                                                                                              Designed  illustrated by Velocity,
                                                                                              the B2B marketing agency.

     © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                            37

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Marketo: Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing

  • 1. The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing A Marketo Workbook www.marketo.com
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents Why Should I Read The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing? i Part One Part Three What is Lead Nurturing? 01 Advanced Lead Nurturing 21 Why Does My Business Need Lead Nurturing? 02 Accelerator Campaigns 23 The Importance of Lead Nurturing and Thought Leadership in Branding 04 Lead Lifecycle Campaigns 25 Marketing and Sales Collaboration: A Business Imperative 04 Lead Nurturing for Existing Prospects 05 The Return on Investment of Lead Nurturing 05 Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing 29 Worksheet – The Impact of Lead Nurturing on Prospect-to-Lead Conversion 31 Part Two and Cost Per Sales-Ready Lead Lead Nurturing Basics 07 Worksheet – Lead Nurturing Impact on Opportunities Won 34 Basic Lead Nurturing Campaigns 08 Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns 09 Stay in Touch Campaigns 13 Conclusion 36 Worksheet – Developing Your Stay in Touch Campaign Matrix 17 Contact Us 37 © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 4. Why Should I Read The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing? There’s no shortage of information on the topic of lead nurturing. Revenue is the destination, but which lead nurturing strategies Just plug the term into Google, and you’ll find pages of tips, tricks, and best practices are right for your business? designed to help B2B marketers better understand the concept and how to best This definitive guide offers a mix of basic and advanced lead implement it. While it’s exciting to see the plethora of lead nurturing best practices nurturing campaigns and practical advice to help you reach your available today, it can also be somewhat overwhelming to process and difficult revenue goals. to identify which strategies are right for your business. The goal of this guide is to arm B2B marketers with the ultimate resource for lead nurturing, whether you’re just starting to think about lead nurturing in your business or are looking for ways to enhance and optimize your existing programs. The Definitive Guide is designed to be informative and practical. It offers useful, qualitative insight from today’s marketing thought leaders, basic and advanced best practices on must-have lead nurturing campaigns, and worksheets for calculating ROI and measuring the impact of lead nurturing done well. Use this guide as a workbook – take notes, highlight what you find inspirational, share what you learn with your colleagues, and start driving explosive revenue growth with lead nurturing. i
  • 5. Part One What Is Lead Nurturing? © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 01
  • 6. Part One What Is Lead Nurturing? Why Does My Business Need Lead Nurturing? If you’ve ever spent a single dollar on To prevent this from happening, According to Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch What Lead Nurturing isn’t – demand generation, you know first hand marketers should invest in lead nurturing — and author of Lead Generation for the Pitfalls to Avoid how expensive, time-intensive and challenging the process of building relationships with Complex Sale, up to 95 percent of qualified it is to make the most out of every lead you qualified prospects regardless of their timing prospects on your Web site are there to Lead nurturing is about building relationships and trust with your acquire. Many companies do a good job at to buy, with the goal of earning their business research and are not yet ready to talk with prospects in a way that is both generating leads — attracting prospects to when they are ready. Building a relationship a sales rep, but as many as 70 percent of them consistent and relevant. a Web site or tradeshow booth, buying lists, with a prospect is the same as with any long- will eventually buy a product from you — etc. The problem is that most new leads are term relationship — you can’t force someone or your competitors. Lead nurturing is not: not yet ready to engage, so if a sales rep to commit (to a purchase, in this case) — • Sending out an e-newsletter does try to contact a lead before he or she but you also cannot afford to lose individuals According to DemandGen Report, on a semi-regular basis is ready, it reinforces the general impression because their willingness to buy doesn’t on average, nurtured leads produce • Randomly calling leads every six weeks to see if they are that marketing-generated leads are no good. match your readiness to sell. a 20 percent increase in sales opportunities ready to buy As a result, leads risk getting lost, ignored, versus nonnurtured leads. • Blasting your entire database or snatched up by competitors. Most non-sales-ready leads will eventually with a new case study be ready — and it is up to you to both • Offering content that promotes provide them with relevant information your company’s products and to be there when they are ready to and services and does not take into account your prospects’ make a buying decision. interests or needs at their stage of buying How can you tell? Ask yourself if the information you’re providing will be useful to them even if they never buy from you. 02
  • 7. Part One What Is Lead Nurturing? continued Buying Has Changed Forever To make things even more challenging, the B2B buying process has fundamentally changed. Prospects are spending more time on the Web doing independent research, obtaining information from their peers and other third parties. That’s why companies are meeting prospective buyers earlier than ever, and is a key reason why having sales attempt to engage with every early-stage lead is premature. Scott Albro, CEO of Tippit, an online business media company, suggests that only in the last third of the today’s purchasing process do buyers want to engage with sales reps. This changes the role of marketing; instead of generating the lead and moving on, today’s marketers must synchronize their marketing throughout the buying process, providing potential buyers with high quality content that is contextually relevant. In sum: B2B buyers are now in control, and marketing must understand their needs and react in a relevant and timely manner. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 03
  • 8. Part One What Is Lead Nurturing? The Importance of Lead Nurturing Marketing and Sales Collaboration: and Thought Leadership in Branding A Business Imperative When done well, lead nurturing plays As a result, fear and risk play large roles Marketing and sales alignment is a popular a critical role in building your brand. in B2B buying decisions. Organizational risk topic that is frequently discussed but not B2B buyers are people too, and people can be dealt with rationally, but personal universally practiced in today’s B2B are subject to emotional influence in their risk is usually unstated and hidden from businesses. The basic principles of good decision-making. Specifically, the more the rational process. Yet personal risk remains lead nurturing are predicated on marketing complex a decision, the more likely people a huge factor in B2B buying. For example, and sales teamwork at every stage of what are to use heuristics — experience-based if a board member mentions something Marketo President and CEO Phil Fernandez techniques that help in problem solving, negative about a potential vendor, calls a single Revenue Cycle. He refers to learning and discovery. Heuristics guide the personal risk of choosing that vendor this fundamental change as ‘the last frontier which options and information get considered, goes way up, and alternately, if he or she in productivity.’ and they help us simplify complex decisions mentions something positive about a vendor to their relevant core. That can be a good not under consideration, that vendor may In today’s Web-centric world where buyers thing when the complexity of a B2B be “pre-wired” for success. are reluctant to engage with sales until much purchase is otherwise overwhelming. later in the decision making process, there are The most important brand attributes for at least three areas where marketing and sales Emotions are heavily involved in the creation a B2B vendor are often credibility and trust collaboration becomes a business imperative: of heuristics. In B2B marketing, there is an – and unless you are a well known company • The definition of a sales-ready lead derived asymmetry between the upside and downside like IBM, the best way to build credibility and from co-defined lead scoring values of B2B purchases: the buyer may or may not trust is by sharing useful information. If you • The appropriate type of customer be rewarded for making a good purchase, can help frame the discussion, your company communication, associated cues but a bad purchase can damage the buyer’s will be seen as a trusted advisor and thought and optimal timing reputation and job security. leader. If buyers believe that your company • The lead profile and history that is most understands their problems and knows how interesting and valuable to sales, especially to solve them, this helps reduce the feelings for recycled leads of fear and can make a big difference in being selected for consideration and purchase. Similar to the trusted advisor relationship your company is building with prospective customers, marketing and sales must share a common revenue goal, an interdependence that relies on earned trust and respect, and joint credit for revenue achievement. 04
  • 9. Part One What Is Lead Nurturing? continued Lead Nurturing The Return on Investment for Existing Prospects of Lead Nurturing One of the best places to focus your lead A discussion on the value of lead nurturing nurturing efforts is your existing database, would not be complete without exploring especially when marketing budgets are tight. ROI. Let’s first take a look at these compelling The house database gets undervalued at statistics taken from research done by most companies: if the average cost per new Marketo, Forrester, CSO Insights, and others. contact is $20 (a low assumption) and you have a modest database of 250,000 contacts, Companies that excel at lead nurturing: then your house database is a $5 million • Generate 50% more sales-ready leads asset. Despite the time and money invested, at 33% lower cost per lead marketers often lack concrete processes for • Reduce the percent of marketing- extracting value from their existing database, generated leads that are ignored by sales at best sending the occasional newsletter (from as high as 80% to as low as 25%). or ‘random act of marketing’. At these • Raise win rates on marketing-generated companies, most sales leads come from new leads (7% points higher) and reduce spending, there is no long-term benefit from “no decisions” (6% points lower) marketing investments, and marketing is seen • Have more sales representatives make as a cost center. quota (9% higher) and a shorter ramp up time for new reps (10% decrease) Additionally, anecdotal evidence suggests that nurtured prospects buy more, require less discounting, and have shorter sales cycles than prospects that were not nurtured. To calculate the ROI of lead nurturing at your company, please go to: Part Four: Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing (page 29). © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 05
  • 10. 06
  • 11. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 07
  • 12. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics Basic Lead Nurturing Campaigns Let’s explore how to develop a lead nurturing program at your company. Even if you have already implemented lead nurturing, these best practices can help augment your current initiatives. There are two types of lead nurturing campaigns and processes that can help you get started with the goal of generating more and better-qualified leads. • Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns • Stay in Touch Campaigns Together, these campaigns put in place all the necessary processes to help ensure a stream of more and better- qualified leads for the sales team. 08
  • 13. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns Lead nurturing is no different than building a long-term relationship — you need to foster respect and trust, be a good listener, and keep things interesting. Incoming Lead Processing campaigns are your chance to make a positive first impression – what you do and how you act when you first meet someone will affect how they perceive you from there on out. What should you be doing to lay the right foundation? Determine if Prospects are Ready Based on the above criteria, leads can be • Does the prospect visit your Web site? How Marketo Does It to Engage with Sales sorted in a variety of ways: bucketed into If so, how often and which pages did he/she For most marketers, the decision about which A, B, C, or D leads; “cold,” “warm,” or “hot” visit both before and after registering on At Marketo, all incoming leads are scored using a combination leads to nurture begins here. The process of leads; ranked on a numerical scale; placed your site? of demographics and lead source defining what constitutes a “sales-ready” lead into lead stages, and so on. Depending on the • What search terms did the prospect use information, plus behavioral requires marketing and sales to agree upon sorting method you use, some new leads will to find more information about you? scores including all activity the profile of an ideal customer and a lead be deemed “sales ready” and the others will • Has the prospect visited “high-value” before registration. scoring methodology. While the topic of lead need to remain in (or return to) marketing for pages such as the pricing or contact scoring is not the focus of this guide, scoring further nurturing. information pages? Demographic attributes can result methodologies should use a combination of: in a score somewhere between • Have other prospects from the same 0 points to 35 points. From there, • Demographic attributes (company size, Thanks to the rich functionality available company visited your Web site? each behavior is assigned a point role, industry, etc.) in today’s marketing automation solutions, • How has the prospect responded to your value, anywhere from one point • Lead source and offer marketers can use technology to automate email campaigns or offers? for each web page visited and • Budget, authority, need, and timeline lead scoring and segmentation. Automation • What interactions has your sales team email opened to 15 points for (BANT) helps expedite the process and allows for had with the prospect and when? searching for “Marketo” on • Completeness of data profile (do you have more granular scoring rules – especially Google. Qualified leads with fewer than 65 points are called enough of the above information) behavioral rules to measure engagement. Regardless of how you choose to score “Prospects” and receive further • Behavioral attributes (number of responses, Here are a few ideas to help you define what and categorize your leads, implementing nurturing; people with more than overall engagement, etc.) it means to be “sales ready”: lead nurturing must begin by collaborating 65 points are called “Leads” and with all stakeholders to define a process for are sent to telesales for further determining which leads get sent to sales qualification. This helps ensure and which leads get nurtured. that leads are prioritized and that telesales focuses on calling the most qualified, engaged, and educated leads. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 09
  • 14. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics How to Establish Permission for Nurturing Taking the “single opt-in” approach a step Seth Godin’s Approach Incoming Lead Processing campaigns are further, many experts recommend adding to Permission also the time to ask prospects to opt in or opt a checkbox to your registration forms Seth Godin, creator of the out of your nurturing programs. The topic (pre-checked of course) that establishes concept of Permission Marketing, of permission marketing continues to garner explicit permission to send additional believes permission is creating much debate among marketers. At the most information via email. Be sure to highlight a perceptible need or even basic level, all marketers in the United States the value of your nurturing content, so the hunger for your communications: must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, which prospective customer knows you won’t requires that commercial email marketers just be sending promotional material. “Real permission is different avoid headers and subject lines that are from presumed or legalistic permission. Just because “misleading” or “deceptive” and that they The double opt-in approach is ideal: you somehow get my email provide recipients with a clear way to opt out You send an email to a prospect that has address doesn’t mean you of receiving communications. The CAN-SPAM already registered asking explicit permission have permission. Just because Act, however, does not require recipients to send additional emails. This is considered I don’t complain doesn’t mean to actually opt in to your communications. a best practice, since at the end of the day you have permission. establishing permission is about beginning Just because it’s in the fine print of your privacy policy doesn’t Following the CAN-SPAM Act is the bare a relationship. The explicit double-opt in can mean it’s permission either. minimum, and since lead nurturing thrives be especially useful for leads you generate Real permission works like this: on relevancy, respect, and relationship where the lead may not recognize you or if you stop showing up, people building, many marketers will want to go your company. Examples of this include complain, they ask where further in establishing permission. The goal leads from content syndication sites and you went.” is to balance explicit permission with the tradeshows that share the names of all need to rise above the noise of establishing attendees with sponsors. permission in the first place. Many B2B companies have a privacy policy that simply This is where automated campaigns can adds everyone who registers on their Web help: whenever you import a list, you can site to their mailing list. While hard-core automatically launch a campaign to confirm permission marketers may disagree, permission. When recipients respond, you this policy is completely legal and is effective can then automatically add them to the at many companies. appropriate nurturing program; if they don’t, you can either send them a “second chance”, or mark them as marketing suspended. 10
  • 15. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued How to Establish Permission for Nurturing Pros Cons How Marketo Does It In other words, permission comes first and foremost from the quality of your content. At Marketo, we use single CAN-SPAM • Minimal effort • Risks poor deliverability opt-in for any lead that comes For your company and B2B marketing Only • Lead source and offer score and bad reputation in by filling out a form on our organization, what is at stake here is your Web site, since these leads have email reputation and deliverability rates. • “Legal” in the eyes of • Despite database growth, already shown some interest Deliverability is arguably one of the most government regulations relationship quality will in our content. important aspects of email marketing. not improve • Grows your database George Bilbrey, CEO of ReturnPath, the world’s We use a double opt-in quickly approach for leads that come leading email services company, believes that from any other source, since we permission is important, but “a confirmed think it’s important to explicitly opt-in does not automatically confer a good Single Opt-in • Demonstrates a pro-active • Still assumes that just establish a relationship with reputation.” However, he does believe that Approach concern for permission because prospects our brand. The single opt-in leads “permission influences complaints. Email requested information automatically receive a welcome recipients complain about email they don’t • Prospects might remember email a few days after registering, that they opted in one time, they want to while the double opt-in leads recognize. So, a confirmed opt-in process hear from you again • Increases deliverability receive a multi-step program can be helpful, since recipients are less and sender reputation that makes two attempts to likely to mis-remember opting to receive establish permission. your messages.” scores Leads that do not respond are Here are the pros and cons for the marked as suspended and are not methods we discussed here; you may Double Opt-in • Demonstrates the most • Adds another layer counted as part of the database. end up using different approaches Approach concern for privacy of complexity and for different lead sources. and relevancy communication with • Subscribers truly want potential subscribers to hear from you • Risks losing subscribers • Increases deliverability in the confirmation process rates and send reputation scores © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 11
  • 16. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics Determine Preferences How Marketo Does It Fine-tuning your nurturing approaches can often be as easy as directly asking As part of the welcome / opt-in emails that Marketo sends, prospects what they’d like to receive we give prospects the option from you. Offering prospects the ability to “accelerate” the frequency to customize their communications with of their communications, so they you is a huge part of making your marketing have control over how often they more relevant — and marketing automation receive nurturing content from makes it easy to accomplish this. You might us. They also can mark which be pleasantly surprised at how receptive topics they are most interested in, which helps us tune their and willing people are to play an active role nurturing content. in helping you establish the basis for your permission marketing. Here are some questions that might be helpful in developing preferences for increasing relevancy: • How often would you like to receive communications from us? • Which types of communication would you like to receive? (e.g. email, direct mail, text messages, etc.) • What are your primary interests? (Offer multiple checkboxes that apply to your product or service offerings) 12
  • 17. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued Stay in Touch Campaigns ‘Stay in Touch’ campaigns are useful for all prospects that are not immediately To develop effective Stay in Touch ready to engage with sales. They form the backbone of your lead nurturing program campaigns, marketers should focus by “dripping” out relevant content to prospects over time, helping to educate them on four aspects: and build trust and credibility for your company. By touching prospects regularly, • Buyer Roles they help keep your brand top of mind so that the prospect will contact you when • Buying Stages they are ready to move to the next step. • Content • Timing Buyer Roles According to MarketingSherpa, even at small “ People want to do business with people. We’re human, A good place to start is with the “Buying companies (100-500 employees), the average and we crave interaction with people who know us. Committee” — the group of individuals number of people involved in a decision that will be involved in the purchasing is 6.8 — and that number goes as high as 21 When you build content especially for your buyer personas, decision. In the Marketing News article individuals on a buying committee at larger you build a relationship with people before you’ve even met them.” It Takes a Committee to Buy into B-to-B, companies. Your nurturing content will need Tony Jaros, vice president of research to speak to each of them and address their David Meerman Scott, Marketing Strategist and Author at marketing and sales research firm unique needs. The New Rules of Marketing PR SiriusDecisions, suggests that: Your roles will also vary based on the A buyer persona for an online bookstore “ ost of the people that you speak to at M different audiences you serve, perhaps might be the following: Jane, age thirty-eight, a company will fall under categories related broken down by product line, company size, is a mother of three, a vice president of to your marketing efforts, whether they industry, or geography. Some companies marketing, an avid fiction reader, and buys have final say in the contract or not. will serve different size companies (e.g. at least one book per month online. Buyer The category designations may include small business, mid-market, and enterprise) profiles are particularly relevant to lead the Champion, a user with purchasing with different information needs; yet other nurturing — they help your campaigns target authority; the Influencer, a person without marketers will need to speak to different your most qualified segments and also add the buying authority but with significant geographies, usually in different languages a “human” element to the relationship- input, such as a consultant or middle and with different cultural norms. The key building process. manager or user; and the CXO, a member is to understand your different audiences of the executive staff.” and ensure you have content for them. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 13
  • 18. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics Buyer Roles Buyer Stages As you’re developing your personas, keep You will also want to define the stages in mind that they must work for the specific a prospect goes through in buying your purpose of lead nurturing. Think about the products or solutions, since the best lead characteristics of your audience that would nurturing is synchronized with the buyer’s help provide you with greater insight into process. Classically, there are four main how to best build a relationship with them. stages; Awareness: Identify a business need; For instance, how do they prefer to receive Consideration: Determine possible solutions; communications from you (email, mobile Research: Evaluate different solutions; phone, Twitter, etc.)? and Purchase: Select a solution and negotiate purchase. Finally, you need to identify which profile or role should apply to each new lead. Analyst firm SiriusDecisions presents a slightly You can use online forms and Incoming different framework: Lead Processing campaigns to find out this • Stage 1 - Loosening of the Status Quo information, especially if you use techniques • Stage 2 - Committing to Change such as Progressive Profiling (e.g. the practice • Stage 3 - Exploring Possible Solutions of modifying the fields on your forms to • Stage 4 - Committing to a Solution augment the information you already have). • Stage 5 - Justifying the Decision You can also observe where your prospects • Stage 6 - Making the Selection spend the majority of their time on your Web site. Together, these techniques will help you match the right role-based content with Finally, B2B research firm Enquiro suggests each prospect. that the buying process is not a simple logical, rational, and linear process where a prospect moves neatly from one stage to the next; rather, prospects move chaotically forward and backwards through the process as they balance rational decision making with the emotional impacts of fear and risk. Regardless, the better you understand the process your prospect goes through as they purchase your product or solution, the better you will be able to design your lead nurturing to facilitate — and perhaps accelerate — their purchase. 14
  • 19. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued Content Buyer role: Prospects find content targeted Here are some additional best practices Doug Kessler’s Definition Buyer roles and buying stages come together to their role or industry much more valuable for developing content optimized for of Content Marketing with your content. Lead nurturing is about than generic content. lead nurturing: Doug Kessler, creative maintaining an ongoing conversation director at Velocity Partners with your prospects, and in this case, the According to research firm MarketingSherpa: Be sensitive to your prospect’s schedule and author of The B2B Content conversation occurs in the marketing assets • 82% of prospects say content targeted and attention span — make your content Marketing Workbook, provides you use as well as the way in which your to their specific industry is more valuable easy to digest succinct advice on how to company communicates with prospects. • 67% say content targeted to their job Just as the B2B buying process has changed, turn organizational thinking Content plays a tremendous role in lead function is more valuable so have the ways that prospects interact into effective content based nurturing, as it often acts as a sales rep’s marketing campaigns. • 49% say the same for content targeted with the content you provide. If you’re lucky stand-in when a person is not yet sales ready. to their company size enough to have them look at your content, “ Thought Leadership is • 29% prefer content targeted you better make it engaging—which in most exploiting your unique position To ensure relevance, it is critical to focus to their geography cases means it has to be short, sweet, in your markets to generate your content on both the buyer role and to the point. valuable insight and advice and the buying stage. on issues your customers and prospects care most about. Buying stage: The content someone would Make content valuable, not self-promotional. Content Marketing is turning find relevant changes as they move through Before creating any piece of content, your insight and advice into the process. make sure you put your audience’s interests campaigns that change people’s ahead of your own. People understand minds and incite action.” For example: that if they’re reading a vendor-sponsored • Educational pieces work well during or vendor-written resource, the material the early awareness stages. With these probably alludes to what the vendor’s product pieces, you are simply educating people or service can do. and sharing best practices. • Industry-oriented pieces work well just Use sales and marketing emails as a chance as prospects start looking for a solution. to get personal — not pushy Examples can be industry overviews, The content or dialogue in your actual analyst reports, buyer’s guides, etc. communications with prospects is an • Solution-oriented and company-focused important consideration with lead nurturing. materials are appropriate for prospects Use HTML emails to nurture leads, then follow engaged in an active buying cycle. up corporate emails with more personal, text-only emails from sales. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
  • 20. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics Timing If the buying cycle for your product is three- Test the effects of frequency How Marketo Does It Successful lead nurturing depends on months, your lead nurturing path might with multiple campaigns getting the frequency of communication right. Marketo’s nurturing program look like this: Testing is often confined to email subject lines has four main roles — marketing The timing of lead nurturing campaigns will be • Day 1 - Follow-up with introductory email and content, but B2B marketers can also use manager, marketing executive, different for every company. As a very general • Day 10 - Email offering new content testing to optimize frequency and timing. sales rep, and agency — guideline, contacting prospects more than related to first download and subsequent When developing your automated nurturing and three main buying stages: once a week is too much and less than once Web site activity campaigns, use the waiting period between early stage awareness; middle- a month is not enough. • Day 15 - Personal email from sales rep triggers and actions as a test element to see stage consideration; and late- • Day 30 - Email best practices whitepaper if and how conversion rates are impacted stage evaluation. • Day 45 - Call from sales rep to ‘check in’ by time period changes. There are over 50 pieces of Here are some tips for determining the • Day 60 - Email promoting webinar series nurturing content spread across optimal frequency for your company: • Day 75 - Personal email from sales rep those roles and stages, so the offering a product demo Ask your prospects directly typical prospect will receive Consider the length of the buying process • Day 85 - Call from sales rep to schedule An underrated technique to improve between 10 and 30 total touches and the communication approaches used in-person meeting lead nurturing is to just ask prospects across the nurturing programs. The timing of your lead nurturing programs • Day 90 - Send sales proposal via email how often they’d like to be contacted, By default, prospects will are impacted by both the length of your and with what information. receive a nurturing campaign average buying process as well as the There are two things to keep in mind here. every two to three weeks, approaches you use for lead nurturing First, notice that the communications become and slightly more frequently (email, direct mail, phone, etc.). Direct mail more frequent as the buying cycle progresses. later in the buying cycle — and email could be considered less intrusive Second, this is just one path a nurtured lead though prospects have the than a phone call, especially if the content could take. option to “accelerate” and receive information more often.’ of your communication is more educational than sales-oriented. In the following example, let’s assume a prospect downloads a whitepaper from your Web site, and your lead scoring methodology deems this individual a lead nurturing candidate. 16
  • 21. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued Developing Your Stay in Touch Campaign Matrix The goal of this matrix is to provide you with profiles, buying stages, content and timing — should map out the content to drip out, an at-a-glance resource for determining the are effectively aligned with each other so that according to buyer profile and stage — structure of your Stay in Touch campaigns. you can communicate in the most relevant ideally you want to fill out each grid box By completing this matrix, you’ll ensure that way with your prospects according to their with multiple pieces of content over time. all of your campaign components — buyer buying stage. Each intersection of the matrix Buying Stages In this example, we’ll use the buying cycle stages outlined by SiriusDecisions. Stages 1 Loosening 2 Committing 3 Exploring 4 Committing 5 Justifying 6 Making the Status Quo to Change Possible Solutions to a Solution the Decision the Selection A B C Your Turn Insert the stages of your company’s buying cycle here, adding or deleting columns as needed. Stages 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 17
  • 22. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics Buying Roles Insert Buyer Roles. Let’s use the roles suggested by SiriusDecisions. Stages 1 Loosening 2 Committing 3 Exploring 4 Committing 5 Justifying 6 Making the Status Quo to Change Possible Solutions to a Solution the Decision the Selection Champion User CXO IT Your Turn Insert the buyer roles of your company here, adding or deleting rows as needed. Stages 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 18
  • 23. Part Two Lead Nurturing Basics continued Content Finally, let’s map your content into the cells of the matrix. For each grid box, be as specific as you can about your content and list as many resources as you can that would be relevant for each person and buying stage. Stages 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D Most companies will have at best two or three Over time, you will want multiple pieces Be sure to provide enough detail about topic, pieces of content for each cell, and will have of content for each cell, so use the blank format, and length to help ensure that the many blank cells at the beginning. That’s fine spaces to build out your content roadmap. information makes sense within the context – you can get started with lead nurturing using of your overall nurturing plan. the content you already have. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 19
  • 24. 20
  • 25. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 21
  • 26. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing In Part One, we defined lead nurturing — “the process of building relationships with qualified prospects regardless of their timing to buy, with the goal of earning their business when they are ready.” We discussed its vital role in enhancing brand, thought leadership and ROI results and we reviewed the importance of marketing and sales collaboration in today’s buyer-is-in-control world. In Part Two, we learned best practices in lead nurturing basics, practical advice from industry experts, and proven strategies for Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns and Stay in Touch Campaigns. With this foundation in place, we are now ready to examine the nuances and winning strategies for advanced lead nurturing: • Accelerator Campaigns • Lead Lifecycle Campaigns 22
  • 27. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing continued Accelerator Campaigns Accelerator campaigns are campaigns that attempt to move prospects along the buying cycle faster by providing relevant “nudges” at the right time, usually triggered by specific buyer behaviors or sales updates. By observing the type of content prospects request, where they go and how often they visit your Web site, marketers can adapt their nurturing approaches accordingly, placing prospects with stronger interest on a more accelerated path toward a sales conversation and scaling back communications with less interested individuals. Unlike Stay in Touch campaigns in which Trigger-based Accelerator campaigns are Determine the key indicators Make the Most Out of nurturing “drips” are planned at pre-defined one of the most exciting aspects of lead that show interest level Trigger-based Marketing time intervals, Accelerator campaigns nurturing, and they are a great sandbox What are the ways in which people react to a variety of triggers — changes or for learning what works and what doesn’t demonstrate interest during a buying Sample triggers that suggest it may be time for an accelerator updates in prospect profiles and behaviors — when it comes to building relationships with process? In a face-to-face interaction between campaign: which then set off a specific type of action your prospects. Whether you’re just getting a prospective customer and a salesperson • Web pages: visiting the page or set of actions. The triggers can be based started with trigger-based marketing or involving a consumer purchase (let’s say on your Web site that explains on implicit behavioral data (e.g. opened looking to enhance your current approach, a DVD player), the interested individual may how to buy email and visited “pricing” Web page) here are some considerations that can help begin by browsing the DVD player aisle, • Content: downloading content in combination with demographics. accelerate the buying cycle: pressing the buttons on certain machines, you’ve marked as being relevant It’s easiest to think of triggers and their to later stage buyers taking notes about the different brands, • Email: opening every email corresponding actions as programs that live or asking detailed questions about price you send outside your basic Stay In Touch campaigns and quality. For online B2B marketers, • Scoring: If a prospect is “stuck” and touch prospects orthogonally, or that these interest indicators can be translated at the same score with no affect the Stay In Touch campaigns by moving into data such as Web site visits, downloads, recent activity, it may be time prospects between different tracks. multiple visits to the pricing page, or filling out to try a different approach a “contact us” form. Once you determine the or offer indicators you’d like to use, you can accelerate a prospect based on behavior alone or assign each attribute or behavior a specific value to be added to a prospect’s lead score once the profile update or behavior occurs. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 23
  • 28. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing Develop multiple accelerator paths based Start simple — don’t go overboard Give your campaigns room to evolve How Marketo Does It on prospect interest level and buying stage with multiple workflows or segments Remember that a lead nurturing campaign Make sure that your prospects have is more of an evolving conversation than At Marketo, we use Accelerator just because you can campaigns in two ways. a place to go if they show greater When it comes to structuring workflows a rigid, mapped-out process. When you’re First, when Prospects reach interest—but also if they begin to indicate for trigger campaigns, it may seem like the creating campaigns, don’t get discouraged a specific threshold lead score disinterest through prolonged inactivity. sky’s the limit, especially if there are a number if prospects don’t respond as you expected — that indicates interest but then Let’s say you have three main nurture of options for both triggers and actions. instead, use this data to create new segments stall out before making it all the paths, for early-stage buyers (A), mid- In the beginning, it’s best to resist this or discover new ways to correlate buying way to becoming “sales ready”, stage buyers (B), and late-stage buyers (C). temptation. Start out by creating fairly stages with certain online behaviors. we trigger a series of high Once early-stage prospects are deemed Your marketing automation solution value offers intended to spark straightforward workflows (e.g. if a prospect re-engagement. Secondly, we candidates for nurturing, they are placed opens an email and visits a landing page but should give you the flexibility to react watch for specific behaviors on path A. If they begin to exhibit stronger does not fill out the form, wait a few days quickly to new opportunities and revise that indicate when we should interest, you can jump them to path B and then send another email with a related your campaigns accordingly. move a prospect from Early without finishing A, and when they are ready offer). Once you’ve got a handle on basic Stage nurturing to Mid-Stage, to engage with sales, they are accelerated workflows, consider varying the follow-up Use campaigns as testing grounds for or Mid-Stage nurturing to to path C. On the other hand, if they fail different nurturing components Late Stage. actions according to different behaviors to respond to multiple campaigns and (email open versus click-through) or different When we think of testing, we often focus demonstrate other signs of inactivity, segments (the prospect had previous on emails and landing pages. But you can you can send them back to path A or create downloads or is part of an active opportunity). also use campaigns to test other areas of a different path explicitly for those prospects. lead nurturing, such as the impact of certain marketing assets on a specific segment, the ways that communication frequency can affect a prospect’s buying process, and more. Dedicate your early trigger campaigns to validate specific elements of your lead nurturing strategies, and apply what you learn to future efforts. 24
  • 29. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing continued Lead Lifecycle Campaigns Lead Lifecycle campaigns maximize marketing’s investment in lead generation by There are three important categories ensuring that leads will never grow stagnant or lost. As a general lead nurturing of Lead Lifecycle campaigns: rule, there should be no place in the buying process where leads just “sit,” and you • Lead Handoff should have only one lead stage value for leads being nurtured. All other lead status • Lead Recycling values should have a time limit, and leads that sit idle past the deadline should be • New Customers automatically recycled for further nurturing. In sum, Lead Lifecycle campaigns ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not ready to buy or sales does not engage. Lead Handoff You should also identify the date a lead When a lead becomes sales ready, an is handed to sales. This lets you easily automated campaign to pass the lead calculate how long a lead was nurtured to sales can make the difference between and how quickly sales engages with the timely follow-up and no response. There are lead. It’s a good idea to establish a “service many ways to let sales know when a lead level agreement” in which sales commits is ready for sales engagement: by loading to handling the lead in a timely fashion; it into the CRM system; changing the lead’s any leads that are not moved forward Status field; changing the owner or creating in the process, or sent backward, within a task in the CRM system; or by sending an that timeframe should be automatically alert over email or SMS. Depending on your reassigned or recycled back to marketing. company’s organization and the “hotness” This ensures that leads continue to flow of the lead, you may choose a combination and nothing gets “stuck” or lost in the sales of these functions. lead stage. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 25
  • 30. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing Lead Recycling In general, there are two types of lead There will also be situations when leads As you’ll recall, Incoming Lead Processing recycling scenarios—one in which leads should be manually recycled by sales. campaigns are used to determine if a lead are automatically recycled according to a set If, after contacting a group of leads, is “sales ready” according to agreed-upon of business rules and the other in which leads a rep determines that they are still not criteria from your marketing and sales teams. are manually recycled by sales. sales-ready, these prospects should be sent But what happens if, ‘sales-ready’ leads are back to marketing. What makes this situation not contacted or a rep decides that some The goal of the recycling campaign is to unique, however, is the fact that sales has of these leads were still not ready to engage? reassign — and track — leads that for any already had a conversation with these leads reason cannot be pursued by sales in a timely and knows more about their buying intent The importance of lead recycling becomes manner. Perhaps you received a flood of hot than for leads without any sales interaction. even more apparent when we consider that sales-ready leads from a specific campaign, Because of this added insight, sales should be of all leads that enter the sales pipeline, making it impossible for reps to follow up able to manually recycle these leads back to almost 80% of them are lost or ignored by with all qualified leads in a timely fashion. marketing, provide added details about their sales. What sort of real-world impact can In this situation, marketing and sales must interaction, and indicate how and when the this have on revenue? Brian Carroll, CEO jointly set up ground rules regarding which leads should be moved back into sales. of InTouch, offers a compelling case: leads will be automatically reassigned if they are not pursued within a certain time frame. One option is to base sales re-engagement “ We had a client that had passed about After marketing and sales agree on an on a business rule such as a lead score change. 12,000 leads to its sales force in the year. approach, marketing can set up automated For example, if a lead is determined to be not But of those, about 2,500 were simply campaigns to manage the lead recycling sales-ready, its score will be reset to 15 and it lost — nobody knew what happened whenever the specific business rules will not be passed back to sales until it reaches to them… we found that a number had or conditions are met. a score of 70. Alternatively, sales can use its bought from a competitor or weren’t knowledge of the leads’ buying interests to actively interested anymore. But we also indicate a specific timeframe in which the lead found that 15%—about 375 contacts — should be re-engaged. were actually hot leads that indicated they were ready to talk to a salesperson. Of those, 7% actually bought, resulting in $1.2 million in added revenue.” 26
  • 31. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing continued Lead Recycling For example, if you know a prospect’s As we noted in our introduction to lead How Marketo Does It When leads are recycled, you can either timeframe to buy, you could increase nurturing basics, marketing and sales put them back into one of your basic the frequency of communications, provide collaboration is a best practice. In the case Sales reps can recycle leads back to marketing simply by Stay in Touch campaigns, or even better, high-value offers or promotions, or message of Lead Lifecycle campaigns, it is a business clickinga button. When leads you can create a specialized version of more aggressively as his or her timing imperative. When both marketing and sales are recycled, they can mark the Stay in Touch campaign that is optimized milestone approaches. On the other hand, have begun to build relationships with one of two reasons: “Target for the specific information the rep collected if you don’t know the timeframe, you might recycled leads, each team should be involved Company But Did Not Connect” during their interactions (e.g. interests be more conversational and educational in and aware of the other’s activities, paying or “Target Company But No and timing). Here are some tips for in tone with your emails. special attention to the campaigns and sales Active Evaluation”. If the latter optimizing these strategies: interactions that occurred before and after is chosen, the rep can also select a timeframe: two weeks, one However, even if the timeframe is unknown, the lead was recycled. month, three months, six months, Be extra sensitive to relevancy and timing you could still differentiate a recycled lead or Unknown. Have reps add detailed notes about their from a Stay in Touch campaign candidate by For example, if marketing wants to run a new interactions so far and why the lead is being creating new lead formulas based on whether email campaign to recycled leads more than When a specific timeframe is recycled — and make sure that your nurturing a prospect is recycled or not. For example, three months old, it should collaborate with chosen, the rep can be confident approach accounts for this information. a Web page visit for a “normal” nurtured lead sales on special messaging that re-introduces that the prospect will receive a customized nurturing path You may even want to work with sales would garner two points, but a recycled lead the company and/or product appropriately. optimized for that time period — to develop custom fields in your CRM might earn five points, since earlier the person In the case of Lead Lifecycle campaigns, including personalized contacts and marketing automation solutions that demonstrated a higher level of interest. providing email templates for your sales team from the rep — and that after the will help you increase relevancy with these can promote messaging specifically tailored specified time, the lead will be recycled leads. Don’t be afraid to incorporate phone outreach to re-engaging prospects. sent back to the rep automatically more than you normally would. In many cases, for follow-up. Consider different approaches when sales reps have already communicated with you know a prospect’s timeframe recycled leads by phone. Since a phone In many cases, leads will be recycled because conversation is a coveted interaction when they are still researching or their timeframe building a relationship, be sure to incorporate to buy falls outside of what your company phone outreach with recycled leads more considers sales ready. In other cases, the than you might with leads on other nurturing timeframe may be unknown. These variables paths. But remember, a phone conversation may warrant the development of specific does not necessarily mean greater nurturing paths. commitment to a sale on the part of the prospect. Use these conversations as ways to increase trust and find out more about your prospects’ needs — rather than simply trying to “close a deal.” © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 27
  • 32. Part Three Advanced Lead Nurturing New Customers When an opportunity is closed and won, it is a great opportunity to put all the associated contacts into a new drip marketing campaign that’s optimized for customers. This can include marking them as customers in your database; sending a welcome note; and launching a series of Stay In Touch and Accelerator campaigns. These campaigns are designed to first introduce customers to your products and services, and then over time to help cross-sell / up-sell additional products and retain them for life (all important topics which are beyond the scope of this lead nurturing guide). 28
  • 33. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 29
  • 34. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing In Part One of the Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing, we learned the value of lead nurturing done well, and in Parts Two and Three, we explored best practices for a range of lead nurturing strategies: • Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns • Stay in Touch Campaigns • Accelerator Campaigns • Lead Lifecycle Campaigns But how do you prove the ROI of lead nurturing in your own organization? • Show the ROI of lead nurturing by comparing “before” and “after” scenarios based on industry metrics. • Use this framework to calculate the potential ROI at your organization. For every step, you’ll see an “Example” followed by “Your Turn” in which you can try out the method using your own data. After completing the worksheet, you should have the information you need to bolster the case for lead nurturing at your organization. Or if you have already established lead nurturing programs, use this worksheet to compare your results to industry standards. 30
  • 35. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing continued ROI Calculation One The Impact of Lead Nurturing on Prospect-to-Lead Conversion and Cost Per Sales-Ready Lead First, define the lead stages that matter to your organization Your Turn Use as many stage definitions as necessary; the most important thing is consensus Document your stage definitions here. amongst marketing, sales, and the executive team about the each stage’s definition. In this example, marketing success metrics will be determined by the conversion rates from the stages of prospect to lead to opportunity. Stages Stage Definition Stages Stage Definition 1 All Names All individuals begin at this stage before being 1 qualified in any way. 2 Prospect An individual who meets the demographic 2 requirements of the “qualified” customer profile. 3 Sales Lead An individual who has a “qualified” customer 3 profile AND has shown sufficient interest and engagement to be worthy of a sales contact, perhaps indicated by a high lead score.* 4 Opportunity A contact/account that a sales rep has 4 confirmed as a potential sale and will now be accounted for in the sales forecast or pipeline. *If you don’t have the ability to measure interest and engagement, let the sales team tell you which leads were “sales ready,” and count those. Since most leads take time to become sales ready, this will typically be just a subject of all the qualified prospects. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 31
  • 36. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing Next, let’s calculate how lead nurturing Example Before Nurturing impacts the conversion between stages; 1 Number of new prospects per month – in this case, we’ll look into the conversion of For this example, we’ll use 800. Prospects Prospect-to-Lead Leads Prospects to Sales-Ready Leads. As mentioned 2 Number of existing prospects in the Conversion Rate earlier, lead nurturing should be done for both database at beginning on month – new and existing prospects, so let’s set up We’ll use 10,000. New 800 10% 80 a table to gather data for these stages for 3 Number of sales-ready leads from new both new and existing leads. Pick a date range, prospects that month – Let’s use 80. i.e. over one month, and look at how a typical 4 Number of sales-ready leads from prospect to lead to opportunity conversion the existing database (i.e. prospects might evolve WITHOUT lead nurturing. more than one month old) – Let’s say 40. Existing 10,000 0.4% 40 Database Key ROI point: Looking across Marketo Your CRM or marketing automation customers, lead nurturing can improve systems should make it easy to calculate the conversion of prospects from your existing these metrics. To calculate three and four, database to sales-ready leads by 2.0 – 3.0 at the end of the month, export a list of all After Nurturing times, potentially even more. In this case, the truly “sales-ready” leads sent to sales a 2.5x improvement in that conversion metric that month. Separate all the leads that were Prospects Prospect-to-Lead Leads means each month 1.0% of the prospect first created this month vs. earlier. Even better, Conversion Rate database becomes sales ready, not 0.4%. add a date field that automatically tracks the date a lead is marked as “sales ready”, Note: at companies that excel at lead and calculate the number of days between New 800 10% 80 nurturing, this conversion metric can the “sales ready” date and the “create date”. be as high as 4.0% to 5.0%. This will show you which leads are new (created 30 days). Result: Before nurturing, there were 120 sales Existing 10,000 1.0% 100 ready leads per month; but with nurturing, Database there are 180 sales ready leads a month – meaning lead nurturing helped to generate 50% more qualified sales-ready leads without any additional spending on lead generation. Assuming a monthly lead generation budget of $90,000, the cost per sales-ready lead goes down by 33%, from $750 each to $500 each. 32
  • 37. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing continued Your Turn Before Nurturing Now it’s time to plug in your own numbers. Prospects Prospect-to-Lead Leads Before Nurturing: Choose a specific Conversion Rate data range, and in the first column, enter the number of prospects (or your New term for individuals before they become sales-ready leads) for both new individuals and those existing in your house database. In the third column, enter the number Existing of sales-ready leads you generated Database from both new and existing prospects, for your chosen date range. In the second column, calculate the current After Nurturing conversion rate between the two stages. Prospects Prospect-to-Lead Leads After Nurturing: Now calculate the potential Conversion Rate impact of lead nurturing on your current data. Keep the first row the same. In the second column, increase the conversion rate by New 2X-3X, and then calculate the new number of sales-ready leads in the third column. What is your new total? What is the resulting reduction in cost per sales-ready lead? Existing Database © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 33
  • 38. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing ROI Calculation Two Lead Nurturing Impact on Opportunities Won Most companies are pretty good at Example Before Nurturing identifying leads that want to engage Before nurturing: For a given date range with sales right away (i.e. fast-moving leads), (say one year), we’ve collected the following Won Opportunities from Leads 200 but are less proficient at staying in touch with information. At this company, 1/3 (33%) of Under 30 days old the remaining leads that need more time. the marketing-generated ‘won opportunities’ As a result, many potential opportunities came from older leads. Not too bad. never get created because a prospect wasn’t Won Opportunities from Leads 100 ready to engage when they first met the After nurturing: If this company could Over 30 days old company, and the company didn’t stay in implement lead nurturing and get closer touch so they did not remain top-of-mind to the benchmark that half the ‘won’ when the lead was ready to move forward. opportunities should come from nurtured Won Opportunities 300 leads, we can expect the same number of Total Marketing-Generated For another ROI calculation, let’s look ‘won’ opportunities from the “fast moving at all the ‘opportunities won’ generated leads” (200) but in this case, there would by marketing over a given time period, be an additional 100 ‘won’ opportunities. After Nurturing say a year, and calculate how many came from fast-moving leads that were less than With lead nurturing, we see at least 30 days old before being sent to sales vs. how a 33% increase in total marketing-generated Won Opportunities from Leads 200 many came from older leads in the database. won opportunities. Under 30 days old At companies without lead nurturing, sometimes things are so bad that NO ‘won’ opportunities are derived from older leads, Won Opportunities from Leads 200 whereas at companies that excel at lead Over 30 days old nurturing, as many as 1/2 (50%) of the ‘won’ opportunities and associated revenue come from older, nurtured leads. Won Opportunities 400 Total Marketing-Generated Let’s calculate the ratio at your company and see the potential ROI from improved nurturing. 34
  • 39. Part Four Calculating the ROI of Lead Nurturing continued Your Turn Before Nurturing “ Successful organizations Now let’s see how your company cannot afford to spend is doing and how it might improve. money generating qualified Won Opportunities from Leads A leads that slip through Under 30 days old the pipeline when they Choose a date range and collect do not result in immediate the following information: opportunities.” Won Opportunities from Leads B If B A, you are nurturing well (or possibly Over 30 days old Ian Michiels, Senior Analyst, not generating enough new leads). If not, Aberdeen Group subtract A – B to get the number of extra marketing-generated won opportunities Won Opportunities C you might expect from better lead nurturing. Total Marketing-Generated Calculate (A – B) / C to measure the % increase in total marketing-generated revenue from better lead nurturing at your company. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 35
  • 40. Conclusion Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with qualified prospects regardless of their timing to buy, with the goal of earning their business when they are ready. Why? Because 95% of the prospects visiting your Web site today are there to research, but as many as 70% of them will eventually buy a product from you or from your competitor. Because today’s buyers prefer not to engage with sales until the last third (1/3) of the purchasing process, marketing and sales must collaborate throughout every stage in the revenue cycle to provide prospective customers with high quality information and content that is timely, relevant and responsive to their situation. The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing For both novice and experienced practitioners, When you invest in lead nurturing, you make outlined the importance of lead nurturing the Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing offered the most out of every dollar your organization and thought leadership in establishing advice, best practices and a summary of How spends on demand generation, and you can your company’s brand and your customer’s Marketo Does It covering: rekindle once-stagnant opportunities from trust. It provided exercises and worksheets • Incoming Lead Processing Campaigns, your existing database. By using lead nurturing on how to calculate return on investment including lead scoring and permission campaigns to interact with your prospects (ROI) from lead nurturing on prospect-to- for nurturing and understand their interest and behavior, lead conversion, cost per sales-ready lead, • Stay in Touch Campaigns, including buyer you gain deeper insight into their buying and impact on opportunities won through roles, buying stages and content based intent, increase the relevancy of future lead lead nurturing. Need more evidence? on timing and stage nurturing campaigns, and ultimately benefit Companies that excel at lead nurturing • Accelerator Campaigns, facilitated from more and higher quality sales leads, generate 50% more sales-ready leads by triggered-based marketing increased conversion rates and explosive at 33% lower cost per lead and boost sales’ • Lead Lifecycle Campaigns to increase revenue growth. acceptance of marketing-generated leads the efficiency and effectiveness of lead by at least 25%. handoff, lead recycling and continuing the dialog with new customers 36
  • 41. Contact Us Call: 650-655-4830 Email: info@marketo.com Visit our Web site: www.marketo.com To get The Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing online, visit: www.marketo.com/dg2-lead-nurturing Visit our blog: blog.marketo.com About Marketo Insight helps Sales understand, Acknowledgements Marketo is the fastest growing provider prioritize and interact with the hottest Marketo would like to thank the following of marketing automation and revenue- leads and opportunities to close more thought leaders for contributing to the building best practices. business faster. Known for providing Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing. the most innovative customer experience Marketo’s uncompromising on-demand and the fastest time to value, Marketo Ian Michiels, Aberdeen Group solutions enable marketing and sales was voted ‘Best Marketing Automation CSO Insights teams to collaborate throughout the revenue Application’ by Salesforce customers DemandGen Report cycle, from the earliest stages of demand on the Force.com AppExchange. generation and lead management to the Enquiro pursuit of revenue and customer loyalty. As of July 2009, more than 220 mid-market Forrester Research Marketo Lead Management gives Marketing and enterprise companies in nine countries Brian Carroll, In Touch the power and flexibility to automate have selected Marketo. Marketing Sherpa demand generation campaigns and deliver more high-quality leads with less effort, George Bilbrey, Return Path and Marketo Sales. Tony Jaros, Sirius Decisions Scott Albro, Tippit Designed illustrated by Velocity, the B2B marketing agency. © 2009 Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved. 37