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Leveraging data, technology and next best
action analytics to improve your collections
Andy Beddoes
Christine Pratt
Sr. Analyst
Aite Group
Paul Desaulniers
Sr. Director
3 © Experian
Christine Pratt
Sr. Credit Industry Analyst
Leveraging Data, Technology and Next Best
Action Analytics to Improve Your Collections
4 © Experian
What we will discuss
1. Consumer credit portfolio trends
2. Sea change in debt collections
3. Is there appetite and funding?
4. Final thoughts
5 © Experian
Responses of 20 executives to an Aite Group 2016
survey of the top 50 U.S. retail lending institutions
with the largest consumer portfolio balances
Analysis based on a 2017 Aite Group online and
in-person survey of 41 executives at U.S.
community banks, credit unions, and finance
Executives have extensive business or IT
responsibilities and titles that include president,
CEO, Director, CIO,CRO, and COO
Other information sources include estimates based
on government reports, industry knowledge,
discussions with and solution demonstrations from
vendors, company 10-Ks, and client references
Source: Aite Group Survey of 20 credit executives from
top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016
Top 1 to 20 banks
with largest
consumer and
Top 21 to 40
banks with largest
consumer and
Top 10 finance
companies with
largest consumer
credit portfolios
Top 10 credit
Number of Executive Participants by U.S. Institution Type and Size of
Credit Portfolio Balance (N=20)
6 © Experian
• Economy
• Consumer sentiment
• Regulations
• Interest rates
• Risk
• Returns
U.S. consumer credit market
on the road to recovery
7 © Experian
No shortage of challenges for consumer lenders
8 © Experian
First signs of real consumer finance portfolio growth appear
Home mortgages
Small business
Auto finance
Credit cards
Student loans
2.7% Other
U.S. Retail Loan Balances by Loan Type, January 2017
(N=US$13.0 trillion)
Source: Aite Group analysis of data from Federal Reserve, Small Business Administration, and other industry sources
9 © Experian
Challenges in the numbers: too much work
and not enough return
2016 portfolio’s composition very different
from and much less profitable than 2005’s
Products 2016 2015 2013 2005
Credit cards 636 640 600 685
finance 82 77 69 66
Mortgage 52 50 60 64
Student 26 28 52 55
equity 15 16 33 37
Other 73 54 64 9
Total 885 865 878 915
Credit cards
Auto finance
Home equity
Total Number of Accounts in U.S. Retail Loan Portfolio, Year-End 2016
(N=e885 million accounts)
Source: Aite Group estimates
10 © Experian
Consumer loans see increasing delinquency levels
Source: Aite Group analysis of American Bankers Association and U.S. Federal Reserve data
2.9% 2.6% 1.8% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2%
2.4% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5%
3.3% 3.2%
2009 2011 2013 2015 2016 2017*
Numbers of DelinquentU.S. Indirect Auto, Credit Card, and Heloc
Accounts Shown as a Percentage of Accounts Managed by Regulated
Lenders in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017(Q2)
Helocs Credit cards Indirect auto
11 © Experian
Charge-offs also continue to trend higher
0.25 0.2 0.07
3.03 2.91
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
U.S. Retail Loan Charge-Off Rates as of Q4 in Each Year, 2006 to 2016
Home mortgages All consumer Credit cards
Source: Aite Group depiction of U.S. Federal Reserve Data
12 © Experian
• Digitalization
• Personalization
• Self-serve
• Process revamps
• Cash flow
• Compliance
• Profits
Sea change in collections:
Focus on customers, paring back costs
13 © Experian
Lenders turn to alternative data and analytics
Underwriting emerging
consumer segments
Q. For which purpose are you using or wouldyou use non-traditional data?
2017 Community Lenders
2016 Top Lenders (n=15)
Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, and Aite Group survey
of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016
14 © Experian
2017 CL
2016 TL
2013 TL
Approved or in the budget Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely
Q. Please rate the likelihoodthat the following technologies wouldbe approvedby your
institution:a new lending solutiondelivered in a hosted, SaaS, or hybridenvironment.
Key driver:
Growing acceptance of new IT delivery options
Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from
top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016, and Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, February to June 2013
15 © Experian
IT budgets increasing for collections and
for servicing
Sources: Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016; Aite
Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, February to June 2013
2016 (N=20)
2013 (n=18)
2016 (N=20)
2013 (n=19)
Q. What best describes your [2013 or 2016] consumer credit IT budget for
each segment below?
Substantive increase from prior year
(10% or more in enhancements
or new technology additions)
Modest increase from prior year
(less than 10% in enhancements
or new technology additions)
16 © Experian
IT budget increases for data and analytics
2017 CL (N=41)
2016 TL (N=20)
2017 CL (N=41)
2016 TL (N=20)
Q. What best describes your [2016 or 2017] consumer creditIT budgetfor
each segmentbelow?
Substantive increase from prior year
(10% or more in enhancements
or new technology additions)
Modest increase from prior year
(less than 10% in enhancements
or new technology additions)
Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, and Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives
from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016
17 © Experian
Final thoughts
New borrowers are scarce (and may stay that way),
improved communications’ support for collectors can
contribute to retention
Self-service whether for modifications or payments is a key
enabler of borrower satisfaction, lenders’ cost efficiencies,
and improved recoveries
Regulatory concerns need not overshadow profitability goals,
don’t let the true challenge—lack of demand for loans—get
lost in compliance fine print
Consider using credit risk and rising delinquency for IT budget
justifications: Vendor support is available for new platforms,
for overlays, for data and analytics
18 © Experian
Christine Pratt
Sr. Analyst
Aite (pronounced “eye-tay”) Group is an
independent research and advisory firm
focused on business, technology, and
regulatory issues and their impact on the
financial services industry.
Visit us on the web and connect with us on
Twitter and LinkedIn.
Improve Collection Performance
20 © Experian
Market Conditions
Greater Payment Stress across all products
• The top 20 card issuers grew portfolio
receivables YOY Q12017 by 6.6% while
growing delinquent receivables (60 days
past due) by 25.4%
• The cost effective management of
delinquent receivables is one of the top
challenges facing CRO’s
• New legislation (CECL, IFRS9) placing
further focus on collections
21 © Experian
Market Conditions
US Auto Portfolio Dynamics are shifting: Delinquencies are rising
• Chart shows relative growth rates of
portfolios versus 60 DPD balances, YOY
• Combined Q12017 YOY portfolio growth
for top 20 lenders was 7.2%
• 60 day delinquencies grew by 25.4% in
the same period
• 10 of the top 20 US auto lenders 60DPD
receivables have grown at more than
twice the rate of their overall portfolios
• The challenge facing CRO’s is portfolio
growth without credit quality degradation
• Time to take a different approach?
Source: Experian File One
Balanced Growth
EquilibriumAverage Top 20 Lenders
Lender’s Relative Portfolio
Credit Quality
22 © Experian
Collections professionals globally are concerned
These external changes are driving a consistent set of challenges across
the globe
Poor quality
No effective
way to manage
restrictions on
Lack of digital
capabilities to
consumer self-
makes it
difficult to
move past
Limited ability
to execute
Experian Voice of Customer Research, March 2017
23 © Experian
Essential Premise
The essential premise of
collections is that if I can
contact my customer, I can
work with them to provide
debt resolution.
24 © Experian
Right Party Contact Rates in Decline
The essential premise of collections is that if I can
contact my customer, I can work with them to
provide debt resolution.
– Regulatory challenges
– 50% + no landline phone
– Single channel approach to collections
• Collections is overly dependent on single
channel outbound call strategy, with dated
analytics driving customer treatments.
*Analytical project researching causes of delinquency increase at client X
25 © Experian
How do I improve collection performance in the
age of declining RPC rates?
Drive the consumer
to the channel of
communication and
interaction that they
Consumers demand a
frictionless and seamless
customer experience
26 © Experian
Elevate Collections into the Digital Age
Gives your clients
a digital communication channel
Collections Practices
Consumer in the
Digital World
No Caller ID
Consumer Experience
• Digital (mobile and web)
• Non-threatening
• Resolution-driven
• At convenience of consumer’s place and
• Self serve / cost effective
27 © Experian
11/1/2017 Experian Confidential
Adam K Fellow
28 © Experian
To truly transform your collections
results you have to build your
strategies around the consumers
But Digital is only the last
mile ....
29 © Experian
Traditional (25 year old) approach to
1 Immediate high intensity outbound calling
2 Call day 1; medium / high intensity
3 Call day 1; medium intensity
4 Call day 1; low intensity
5 Leave to self-cure; call day 5, low intensity
6 Leave to self-cure; letter day 5, call day 10
Leave to self-cure; letter day 10; call day
8 Leave to self-cure; letter day 20
Risk score
30 © Experian
Collections is a complex process in transition
 Consumers are conditioned to
expect easy, frictionless
 Traditional contact centre
tactics are less effective.
 Offering great customer
experiences, at scale, is a
tremendous challenge.
 Regulatory oversight for
collections has increased and
continues to unfold.
 Regulations are complex,
particularly regulations around
customer interactions.
 Penalties for violations are
increasing in severity.
 Profitability is critical for all
firms so there is a sharp focus
on costs and efficiency.
 Collections is a high touch
process and firms look to cut
staff and increase automation.
 More regulatory oversight has
resulted in higher costs.
Consumer preferences Regulatory compliance Cost pressure
Mobile (US Adult Population)
 87% have a mobile phone.
71% of Mobile phones are
smart phones
 52% of Smart Phone owners
with a bank account have used
mobile banking
 22% of mobile phone owners
have made a mobile payment
in last 12 months
Market Dynamics
31 © Experian
…by addressing key challenges facing
collections teams we can make
personalized collections a reality
Blending customer information with credit,
behavioural, demographic and emerging data sets
enable a detailed customer view
Predictive models that inform decision making on the
basis of risk, behaviour, propensity, and overall
customer experience
Automated systems that use enriched data, analytics,
and collections policy rules to make decisions that
drive customer interactions or treatments
Systems and tools that support the collections
process by facilitating customer contact, negotiate,
and settlement
32 © Experian
Gain insights
 Risk
 Propensity
 Behavior
 Regulatory
..then build an effective, customer-centric
process focused on an enhanced
analytically driven experience
Enrich customer data
 Contact
 Credit
 Demographic
 Emerging
Collection agencyAutomated
What’s the next
best action?
33 © Experian
..by using both batch and real-time decision
11/1/2017 Experian Public
Expanding the scope of analytics through
the collections process
•Eligibility criteria for financial difficulties
– Hardship
– Loan extensions
– Temporary reduced payments
•Settlement offers
•Agency placement optimization
34 © Experian
..which drive an efficient and automated
collections workflow
• Focus collectors on key
tasks with a dynamic,
modern user interface.
• Provide collectors with
a granular view of a
customer’s relevant
• Leverage capabilities
that improve contact,
response, and
35 © Experian
Smarter Collections
Integrated ecosystem for collections and customer management
PowerCurve ® Collections
Batch Data
• Triggers
• Premier Attributes
• Collections suite
PowerCurve ® Strategy
Management (batch and real
time analytics)
history file
Real Time Data
• Consumer credit
• Premier Attributes
On us
Off us
of record
Machine Learning
36 © Experian
Model inputs Model outputsModel intermediary calculations
Conditional / Bayesian
er filters
– e.g.
# days
Exception identification e.g.
bankruptcy, mortality
scores and
Exclusion Scores / Reasons Exclusion Reasons
Customer Contact Channel
Days to Entry / Self Cure /
Holding Queue
Holding Queue
Collections Treatment
Risk Models (PD, BH
Scores, Roll Rate etc)
Socio – Demographic
Ability to Pay (calculated or
Outbound Call –
Script / Intensity
SMS / Text
Self Serve Portal
Probability of Right
Party Contact
Cost of Action
Probability of
Optimized Next
Best Action
Treatment PossibilitiesData Groups
Next Best Action
Analytical Framework – Early Stage
37 © Experian
Customer Focused
Optimization in collections mathematically yields the highest value
combination of actions
Data and Analytical
Lifestyle needs
contact rules
Offer/Treatment Timing
(Any day/time)
Cross-channel strategy Product profitability
Resource efficiency
Maximum mail volume
Inbound capacity
contact history
Product portfolio
ROI hurdles
sales targets
Resource capacity
budgets events
Typical Constraints
Action A
Action B
Action C
Action D
Action E
Action F
1. Mon 5/5
2. Wed 5/7
3. Tue 5/13
4. Mon 6/2
5. Fri 6/6
Optimization Solutions
Data Lake
Customer contact
Channel preference
treatment history
Risk models (PD,
BH scores, roll rate
Socio –
Ability to pay
(calculated or
• To enhance performance, a digital
strategy must be employed
• Better data, advanced analytics, and
automated decisions can now come
together to drive personalized
collections processes
• The customer experience will drive
improved results
Leveraging data, tech and analytics to improve collections

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Leveraging data, tech and analytics to improve collections

  • 1. Leveraging data, technology and next best action analytics to improve your collections
  • 2. Speakers Andy Beddoes Consultant Experian Christine Pratt Sr. Analyst Aite Group Paul Desaulniers Sr. Director Experian
  • 3. 3 © Experian Christine Pratt Sr. Credit Industry Analyst Leveraging Data, Technology and Next Best Action Analytics to Improve Your Collections
  • 4. 4 © Experian What we will discuss 1. Consumer credit portfolio trends 2. Sea change in debt collections 3. Is there appetite and funding? 4. Final thoughts
  • 5. 5 © Experian Responses of 20 executives to an Aite Group 2016 survey of the top 50 U.S. retail lending institutions with the largest consumer portfolio balances Analysis based on a 2017 Aite Group online and in-person survey of 41 executives at U.S. community banks, credit unions, and finance companies Executives have extensive business or IT responsibilities and titles that include president, CEO, Director, CIO,CRO, and COO Other information sources include estimates based on government reports, industry knowledge, discussions with and solution demonstrations from vendors, company 10-Ks, and client references Methodology Source: Aite Group Survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016 Top 1 to 20 banks with largest consumer and small-to-midsize business portfolios 45% Top 21 to 40 banks with largest consumer and small-to-midsize business portfolios 30% Top 10 finance companies with largest consumer credit portfolios 15% Top 10 credit unions 10% Number of Executive Participants by U.S. Institution Type and Size of Credit Portfolio Balance (N=20)
  • 6. 6 © Experian • Economy • Consumer sentiment • Regulations • Interest rates • Risk • Returns U.S. consumer credit market on the road to recovery
  • 7. 7 © Experian No shortage of challenges for consumer lenders
  • 8. 8 © Experian First signs of real consumer finance portfolio growth appear Home mortgages 70% Helocs 4.5% Small business 4.7% Auto finance 8.5% Credit cards 7.6% Student loans 2.7% Other 1.9% U.S. Retail Loan Balances by Loan Type, January 2017 (N=US$13.0 trillion) Source: Aite Group analysis of data from Federal Reserve, Small Business Administration, and other industry sources
  • 9. 9 © Experian Challenges in the numbers: too much work and not enough return 2016 portfolio’s composition very different from and much less profitable than 2005’s Products 2016 2015 2013 2005 Credit cards 636 640 600 685 Auto finance 82 77 69 66 Mortgage 52 50 60 64 Student 26 28 52 55 Home equity 15 16 33 37 Other 73 54 64 9 Total 885 865 878 915 Credit cards 72% Auto finance 9% Mortgage 6% Student 3% Home equity 2% Other 8% Total Number of Accounts in U.S. Retail Loan Portfolio, Year-End 2016 (N=e885 million accounts) Source: Aite Group estimates
  • 10. 10 © Experian Consumer loans see increasing delinquency levels Source: Aite Group analysis of American Bankers Association and U.S. Federal Reserve data 2.9% 2.6% 1.8% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2% 6.3% 3.3% 2.4% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5% 3.3% 3.2% 1.7% 1.6% 1.5% 1.8% 2009 2011 2013 2015 2016 2017* Numbers of DelinquentU.S. Indirect Auto, Credit Card, and Heloc Accounts Shown as a Percentage of Accounts Managed by Regulated Lenders in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017(Q2) Helocs Credit cards Indirect auto
  • 11. 11 © Experian Charge-offs also continue to trend higher 0.12 0.47 1.79 3.06 2.14 1.46 1.13 0.5 0.25 0.2 0.07 3.73 4.33 6.44 10.5 7.97 4.72 3.91 3.39 3.03 2.91 3.46 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 U.S. Retail Loan Charge-Off Rates as of Q4 in Each Year, 2006 to 2016 Home mortgages All consumer Credit cards Source: Aite Group depiction of U.S. Federal Reserve Data
  • 12. 12 © Experian • Digitalization • Personalization • Self-serve • Process revamps • Cash flow • Compliance • Profits Sea change in collections: Focus on customers, paring back costs
  • 13. 13 © Experian Lenders turn to alternative data and analytics 33% 13% 40% 53% 53% 93% 8% 15% 15% 15% 58% 50% Collections Other Fraud Underwriting emerging consumer segments Underwriting Marketing Q. For which purpose are you using or wouldyou use non-traditional data? 2017 Community Lenders (n=40) 2016 Top Lenders (n=15) Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, and Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016
  • 14. 14 © Experian 10% 5% 25% 35% 17% 38% 40% 33% 15% 15% 28% 13% 5% 22% 2017 CL (N=41) 2016 TL (N=20) 2013 TL (n=18) Approved or in the budget Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Q. Please rate the likelihoodthat the following technologies wouldbe approvedby your institution:a new lending solutiondelivered in a hosted, SaaS, or hybridenvironment. Key driver: Growing acceptance of new IT delivery options Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016, and Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, February to June 2013
  • 15. 15 © Experian IT budgets increasing for collections and for servicing Sources: Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016; Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, February to June 2013 10% 11% 15% 40% 28% 20% 37% 2016 (N=20) 2013 (n=18) 2016 (N=20) 2013 (n=19) CollectionsServicing Q. What best describes your [2013 or 2016] consumer credit IT budget for each segment below? Substantive increase from prior year (10% or more in enhancements or new technology additions) Modest increase from prior year (less than 10% in enhancements or new technology additions)
  • 16. 16 © Experian IT budget increases for data and analytics sought/received 17% 35% 22% 35% 24% 30% 27% 30% 2017 CL (N=41) 2016 TL (N=20) 2017 CL (N=41) 2016 TL (N=20) Analytics Data management Q. What best describes your [2016 or 2017] consumer creditIT budgetfor each segmentbelow? Substantive increase from prior year (10% or more in enhancements or new technology additions) Modest increase from prior year (less than 10% in enhancements or new technology additions) Sources: Aite Group survey of 41 executives from U.S. community FI’s, June 2017 to August 2017, and Aite Group survey of 20 credit executives from top 50 U.S. lenders, October 2015 to March 2016
  • 17. 17 © Experian Final thoughts New borrowers are scarce (and may stay that way), improved communications’ support for collectors can contribute to retention Self-service whether for modifications or payments is a key enabler of borrower satisfaction, lenders’ cost efficiencies, and improved recoveries Regulatory concerns need not overshadow profitability goals, don’t let the true challenge—lack of demand for loans—get lost in compliance fine print Consider using credit risk and rising delinquency for IT budget justifications: Vendor support is available for new platforms, for overlays, for data and analytics
  • 18. 18 © Experian Christine Pratt Sr. Analyst Cpratt@aitegroup.com +1.617.338.6011 www.aitegroup.com Aite (pronounced “eye-tay”) Group is an independent research and advisory firm focused on business, technology, and regulatory issues and their impact on the financial services industry. Visit us on the web and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • 20. 20 © Experian Market Conditions Greater Payment Stress across all products • The top 20 card issuers grew portfolio receivables YOY Q12017 by 6.6% while growing delinquent receivables (60 days past due) by 25.4% • The cost effective management of delinquent receivables is one of the top challenges facing CRO’s • New legislation (CECL, IFRS9) placing further focus on collections
  • 21. 21 © Experian Market Conditions US Auto Portfolio Dynamics are shifting: Delinquencies are rising • Chart shows relative growth rates of portfolios versus 60 DPD balances, YOY • Combined Q12017 YOY portfolio growth for top 20 lenders was 7.2% • 60 day delinquencies grew by 25.4% in the same period • 10 of the top 20 US auto lenders 60DPD receivables have grown at more than twice the rate of their overall portfolios • The challenge facing CRO’s is portfolio growth without credit quality degradation • Time to take a different approach? Source: Experian File One Balanced Growth EquilibriumAverage Top 20 Lenders Lender’s Relative Portfolio Size Credit Quality deterioration
  • 22. 22 © Experian Collections professionals globally are concerned These external changes are driving a consistent set of challenges across the globe Poor quality contact information No effective way to manage restrictions on customer interactions Lack of digital capabilities to enable consumer self- service Painful integration makes it difficult to move past legacy constraints Manual processes reduce collector efficiency Limited ability to execute automated, individualized treatments Experian Voice of Customer Research, March 2017
  • 23. 23 © Experian Collections: Essential Premise The essential premise of collections is that if I can contact my customer, I can work with them to provide debt resolution.
  • 24. 24 © Experian Right Party Contact Rates in Decline The essential premise of collections is that if I can contact my customer, I can work with them to provide debt resolution. – Regulatory challenges – 50% + no landline phone – Single channel approach to collections • Collections is overly dependent on single channel outbound call strategy, with dated analytics driving customer treatments. CLIENT X, RIGHT PARTY CONTACT RATE *Analytical project researching causes of delinquency increase at client X
  • 25. 25 © Experian How do I improve collection performance in the age of declining RPC rates? Drive the consumer to the channel of communication and interaction that they prefer Consumers demand a frictionless and seamless customer experience
  • 26. 26 © Experian Elevate Collections into the Digital Age Gives your clients a digital communication channel Manual Collections Practices Consumer in the Digital World # No Caller ID Frictionless Consumer Experience eResolve™ • Digital (mobile and web) • Non-threatening • Resolution-driven • At convenience of consumer’s place and time • Self serve / cost effective 3
  • 27. 27 © Experian 11/1/2017 Experian Confidential 999 2017$75.00$300.00 4111111111111111 May 2020 adam@sample.com Adam K Fellow
  • 28. 28 © Experian To truly transform your collections results you have to build your strategies around the consumers preferences. But Digital is only the last mile ....
  • 29. 29 © Experian Traditional (25 year old) approach to segmentation 1 Immediate high intensity outbound calling 2 Call day 1; medium / high intensity 3 Call day 1; medium intensity 4 Call day 1; low intensity 5 Leave to self-cure; call day 5, low intensity 6 Leave to self-cure; letter day 5, call day 10 7 Leave to self-cure; letter day 10; call day 20 8 Leave to self-cure; letter day 20 Balance Risk score
  • 30. 30 © Experian Collections is a complex process in transition  Consumers are conditioned to expect easy, frictionless experiences.  Traditional contact centre tactics are less effective.  Offering great customer experiences, at scale, is a tremendous challenge.  Regulatory oversight for collections has increased and continues to unfold.  Regulations are complex, particularly regulations around customer interactions.  Penalties for violations are increasing in severity.  Profitability is critical for all firms so there is a sharp focus on costs and efficiency.  Collections is a high touch process and firms look to cut staff and increase automation.  More regulatory oversight has resulted in higher costs. Consumer preferences Regulatory compliance Cost pressure Mobile (US Adult Population)  87% have a mobile phone. 71% of Mobile phones are smart phones  52% of Smart Phone owners with a bank account have used mobile banking  22% of mobile phone owners have made a mobile payment in last 12 months Market Dynamics
  • 31. 31 © Experian …by addressing key challenges facing collections teams we can make personalized collections a reality Data Analytics Decisions Execution Blending customer information with credit, behavioural, demographic and emerging data sets enable a detailed customer view Predictive models that inform decision making on the basis of risk, behaviour, propensity, and overall customer experience Automated systems that use enriched data, analytics, and collections policy rules to make decisions that drive customer interactions or treatments Systems and tools that support the collections process by facilitating customer contact, negotiate, and settlement
  • 32. 32 © Experian Gain insights  Risk  Propensity  Behavior  Regulatory ..then build an effective, customer-centric process focused on an enhanced analytically driven experience Collector Enrich customer data  Contact  Credit  Demographic  Emerging Collection agencyAutomated workflow Self-service Decide What’s the next best action?
  • 33. 33 © Experian ..by using both batch and real-time decision management 11/1/2017 Experian Public Expanding the scope of analytics through the collections process •Eligibility criteria for financial difficulties programs – Hardship – Loan extensions – Temporary reduced payments •Settlement offers •Agency placement optimization
  • 34. 34 © Experian ..which drive an efficient and automated collections workflow • Focus collectors on key tasks with a dynamic, modern user interface. • Provide collectors with a granular view of a customer’s relevant information. • Leverage capabilities that improve contact, response, and commitment.
  • 35. 35 © Experian Smarter Collections Integrated ecosystem for collections and customer management PowerCurve ® Collections Batch Data • Triggers • Premier Attributes • Collections suite Connectivity eResolve™ PowerCurve ® Strategy Management (batch and real time analytics) Behavior history file Real Time Data • Consumer credit • Premier Attributes On us Off us Systems of record Client Machine Learning
  • 36. 36 © Experian Model inputs Model outputsModel intermediary calculations Conditional / Bayesian modelling Paramet er filters – e.g. minimum # days since last action Exception identification e.g. bankruptcy, mortality Base Model Batch based scores and segmentatio n Exceptions Exclusion Scores / Reasons Exclusion Reasons Customer Contact Channel Preference Days to Entry / Self Cure / Holding Queue Holding Queue Collections Treatment History Risk Models (PD, BH Scores, Roll Rate etc) Socio – Demographic Segmentation Ability to Pay (calculated or derived) Outbound Call – Script / Intensity email SMS / Text Message Letter Self Serve Portal Probability of Right Party Contact Cost of Action Probability of Payment Optimized Next Best Action Treatment PossibilitiesData Groups Next Best Action Analytical Framework – Early Stage
  • 37. 37 © Experian Customer Focused Optimization in collections mathematically yields the highest value combination of actions Data and Analytical Insight Customers Thousands/Millions Lifestyle needs contact rules competition Customer-centric marketing Channels Preference Offer/Treatment Timing (Any day/time) Cross-channel strategy Product profitability management Resource efficiency Maximum mail volume Inbound capacity contact history Product portfolio ROI hurdles sales targets Resource capacity budgets events Typical Constraints Action A Action B Action C Action D Action E Action F 1. Mon 5/5 2. Wed 5/7 3. Tue 5/13 4. Mon 6/2 5. Fri 6/6 Optimization Solutions Data Lake Customer contact Channel preference Collections treatment history Risk models (PD, BH scores, roll rate etc) Socio – demographic segmentation Ability to pay (calculated or derived)
  • 38. Recommendations • To enhance performance, a digital strategy must be employed • Better data, advanced analytics, and automated decisions can now come together to drive personalized collections processes • The customer experience will drive improved results