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LEC -4 FEB 27/2018
Total Solids
Total Dissolved SolidsTDS
Total Suspended SolidsTSS
Fixed S.S.
Volatile S.S.
filtrate retained matter
In environmental engineering, solids are measured in:
Drinking water
Polluted water
Domestic and industrial wastewater
Sludge's produced in treatment processes
 Total Solids (TS) :All solids in water sample
 Total Suspended Solids (TSS): The amount of filterable solids in a water
sample, filters are dried and weighed.
 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): nonfilter able solids that pass through a filter
with a pore size of 2.0 micron after filtration the liquid is dried and residue
 Volatile Solids (VS): those solids lost in heating to 500 o
 Fixed Solids (FS): The remaining solids after ignited volatile solids are the
Fixed (inorganic) solids
Several of these fractions have significance in environmental engineering
 Several of these fractions have
significance in environmental
engineering applications:
 TDS (saltiness) is important with
respect to drinking water and
 TSS (as turbidity) is used as a standard
for safe drinking water consumption;
 VSS (organic matter) provides a
measure of a water to consume
oxygen, its rough approximation of
the amount of organic matter
1. Insert glass
fiber filter
2. Seat filter 3. Dry briefly
103 deg.
4. Ignite in muffle furnace
550 deg. C for 15 minutes
5. Cool in drying oven
briefly 6. Cool in desiccator
to room temperature
7. Weigh crucible
8. Pour measured
volume of sample in
9. Filter
10. Wash graduate,
crucible, and
filter with
distilled water.
11. Dry crucibles plus solids
for one hour at 103 º C.
12. Cool in desiccator
to room temperature
13. Weigh crucible plus
suspended solids.
14. Ignite in muffle furnace at
550 deg. C for 15 minutes
15. Cool in drying oven
16. Cool in desiccator
to room temperature
17. Weigh crucible
plus ash.
Filter Apparatus Used is
Optional As Long As
Specified Filters Are Used
Volatile vs fixed
A = weight of the filter paper, g
B = weight of the filter paper + residue dried at 105 o
C = weight of the filter paper + residue upon ignition at 550 o
Weight of solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish)
Weight of volatiles, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and solids - Wt. of Crucible
(dish) and ash
Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following
Sample Volume = 25 mL
Weight of Crucible = 18.1450 grams
Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 18.1482 grams
Weight of Crucible & Ash = 18.1456 grams
1) Suspended Solids, mg/L =Wt. Dry Solids, grams
Sample Volume, mL
X 1,000,000
= 18.1482 g
25 mL
X 1,000,000
0.0032 g
25 mL
X 1,000,000
= 128 mg/L
- 18.1450 g
Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following data:
Sample Volume = 25 mL
Weight of Crucible = 18.1450 grams
Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 18.1482 grams
Weight of Crucible & Ash = 18.1456 grams
2) Volatile Sus. Solids, mg/L =Wt. Volatile Solids, grams
Sample Volume, mL
X 1,000,000
= 18.1482 g
25 mL
X 1,000,000
0.0026 g
25 mL
X 1,000,000
= 104 mg/L
- 18.1456 g
Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following data:
Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams
Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams
Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams
Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL
Q2) Solution
Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L
given the following data:
Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams
Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams
Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams
Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL
Suspended Solids, mg/L = Wt. Dry Solids, grams
Sample Volume, mL
X 1,000,000
= 21.0301 g - 21.0256 g
50 mL
X 1,000,000
0.0045 g
50 mL
X 1,000,000
= 90 mg/L
Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L
given the following data:
Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams
Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams
Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams
Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL
Volatile Sus. Solids, mg/L = Wt. Volatile Solids, grams
Sample Volume, mL
X 1,000,000
= 21.0301 g - 21.0263 g
50 mL
X 1,000,000
0.0038 g
50 mL
X 1,000,000
= 76 mg/L
Q2) Solution
Given the following data:
Weight of dish = 48.6212 g
100 ml of sample is placed in the dish and evaporated. New weight of
dish and dry solids = 48.6432 g
The dish is placed in 550 o
C furnace, then cooled. New weight =
48.6300 g.
Find the total, volatile and fixed solids?
= (220) 10-6
= (220) 10-3
= 220 mg/l
Q4) A 25 ml water sample is placed in in a dish that wt. 50g, after evaporation
and drying at 103o
C, and cooling in desiccator, the dish wt. 50.02g. Then the dish
is fired at 550o
C for one hour, after which it weighs 50.005g. Estimate total solids
(TS), volatile solids (VS) and fixed solids (FS) of the water sample.
3. Determine the concentration of the volatile solids (VS)
VS = Wt. of solids after evaporation - Wt. of solids after ignition
= 50.02 – 50.005
= 0.015 g = 0.015 g x 1000 mg/g = 15 mg
Conc. = 15 mg / 25 ml x 1000000
= 600 mg/L
4. Determine the concentration of the fixed solids:
FS = TS – VS
= 800 – 600 = 200 mg/l
Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry solids - Wt. of
Crucible (dish)
Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry solids - Wt. of
Crucible (dish)
Percentage Of Total Solids
Percentage Of Volatile Solids
Weight of dry solids – weight of ash, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry
solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) and ash
Q5) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a sludge
sample given the following data:
Wt. of Dish = 104.55 grams
Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 199.95 grams
Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 108.34 grams
Wt. of Dish and Ash = 106.37 grams
% Total Solids =
Wt. of Dry Solids, g
Wt. of Wet Sludge, g
X 100%
108.34 g - 104.55 g
199.95 g - 104.55 g
X 100%
3.79 g
95.40 g
X 100%
= 0.040 X 100%
= 4.0 %
% Volatile Solids =
Wt. of Volatile Solids, g
Wt. of Dry Solids, g
X 100%
108.34 g - 106.37 g
108.34 g - 104.55 g
X 100%
1.97 g
3.79 g
X 100%
= 0.520 X 100%
= 52.0 %
Work Calculations on Separate Paper
Answers Given on Next Slides
Total Solids Practice Problem
Q6) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a
sludge sample given the following data:
Wt. of Dish = 106.52 grams
Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 187.16 grams
Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 109.46 grams
Wt. of Dish and Ash = 107.96 grams
Q6) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a
sludge sample given the following data:
Wt. of Dish = 106.52 grams
Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 187.16 grams
Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 109.46 grams
Wt. of Dish and Ash = 107.96 grams
% Total Solids =
Wt. of Dry Solids, g
Wt. of Wet Sludge, g
X 100%
109.46 g - 106.52 g
187.16 g - 106.52 g
X 100%
2.94 g
80.64 g
X 100%
= 0.036 X 100% = 3.6 %
% Volatile Solids =
Wt. of Volatile Sludge, g
Wt. of Dry Solids, g
X 100%
109.46 g - 107.96 g
109.46 g - 106.52 g
X 100%
1.50 g
2.94 g
X 100%
= 0.510 X 100% = 51.0 %
Summary of Method
Prepare Filter Apparatus and Evaporating Dish
Filter Measured Volume of Sample
Rinse Filter Apparatus
Transfer ALL Filtrate to Evaporating Dish
Evaporate to Dryness
Dry Residue at 180° C
Cool and Weigh
Calculate TDS, mg/L
Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dried residue - Wt. of
Crucible (dish)

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Lec 4 solids environment

  • 2. Total Solids Total Dissolved SolidsTDS TS Total Suspended SolidsTSS FSS VSS Fixed S.S. Volatile S.S. Filtration filtrate retained matter ignition METHODS SOLIDSTREATMENT
  • 3. WHAT ARETHE SOLIDS ARE? In environmental engineering, solids are measured in: Drinking water Polluted water Domestic and industrial wastewater Sludge's produced in treatment processes
  • 4. SOLIDS CLASSIFICATION  Total Solids (TS) :All solids in water sample  Total Suspended Solids (TSS): The amount of filterable solids in a water sample, filters are dried and weighed.  Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): nonfilter able solids that pass through a filter with a pore size of 2.0 micron after filtration the liquid is dried and residue weighed  Volatile Solids (VS): those solids lost in heating to 500 o C.  Fixed Solids (FS): The remaining solids after ignited volatile solids are the Fixed (inorganic) solids Several of these fractions have significance in environmental engineering applications:
  • 5. SOLIDS CLASSIFICATION  Several of these fractions have significance in environmental engineering applications:  TDS (saltiness) is important with respect to drinking water and irrigation;  TSS (as turbidity) is used as a standard for safe drinking water consumption;  VSS (organic matter) provides a measure of a water to consume oxygen, its rough approximation of the amount of organic matter
  • 9. 1. Insert glass fiber filter 2. Seat filter 3. Dry briefly 103 deg. C 4. Ignite in muffle furnace 550 deg. C for 15 minutes 5. Cool in drying oven briefly 6. Cool in desiccator to room temperature 7. Weigh crucible MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE OF THE TOTAL SUSPENDED and THE VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS
  • 10. 8. Pour measured volume of sample in crucible. 9. Filter with vacuum. 10. Wash graduate, crucible, and filter with distilled water. 11. Dry crucibles plus solids for one hour at 103 º C. 12. Cool in desiccator to room temperature 13. Weigh crucible plus suspended solids. 14. Ignite in muffle furnace at 550 deg. C for 15 minutes 15. Cool in drying oven briefly 16. Cool in desiccator to room temperature 17. Weigh crucible plus ash. MEASUREMENTPROCEDUREOFTHE TOTALSUSPENDEDandTHEVOLATILE SUSPENDEDSOLIDS
  • 11. OTHER FILTER APPARATUSOTHER FILTER APPARATUS Filter Apparatus Used is Optional As Long As Specified Filters Are Used
  • 13.
  • 15. Where: A = weight of the filter paper, g B = weight of the filter paper + residue dried at 105 o C C = weight of the filter paper + residue upon ignition at 550 o C CALCULATIONS:
  • 16. Weight of solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) Weight of volatiles, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) and ash CALCULATIONS:
  • 17. Q1) SUSPENDED SOLIDS EXAMPLE PROBLEM Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following data: Sample Volume = 25 mL Weight of Crucible = 18.1450 grams Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 18.1482 grams Weight of Crucible & Ash = 18.1456 grams 1) Suspended Solids, mg/L =Wt. Dry Solids, grams Sample Volume, mL X 1,000,000 = 18.1482 g 25 mL X 1,000,000 = 0.0032 g 25 mL X 1,000,000 = 128 mg/L - 18.1450 g
  • 18. SUSPENDED SOLIDS EXAMPLE PROBLEM Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following data: Sample Volume = 25 mL Weight of Crucible = 18.1450 grams Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 18.1482 grams Weight of Crucible & Ash = 18.1456 grams 2) Volatile Sus. Solids, mg/L =Wt. Volatile Solids, grams Sample Volume, mL X 1,000,000 = 18.1482 g 25 mL X 1,000,000 = 0.0026 g 25 mL X 1,000,000 = 104 mg/L - 18.1456 g
  • 19. Q2) SUSPENDED SOLIDS PRACTICE PROBLEMS Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L, given the following data: Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL
  • 20. Q2) Solution Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L given the following data: Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL Suspended Solids, mg/L = Wt. Dry Solids, grams Sample Volume, mL X 1,000,000 = 21.0301 g - 21.0256 g 50 mL X 1,000,000 = 0.0045 g 50 mL X 1,000,000 = 90 mg/L
  • 21. Calculate suspended and volatile suspended solids in mg/L given the following data: Weight of Crucible = 21.0256 grams Weight of Crucible & Dry Solids = 21.0301 grams Weight of Crucible & Ash = 21.0263 grams Volume of Sample Filtered = 50 mL Volatile Sus. Solids, mg/L = Wt. Volatile Solids, grams Sample Volume, mL X 1,000,000 = 21.0301 g - 21.0263 g 50 mL X 1,000,000 = 0.0038 g 50 mL X 1,000,000 = 76 mg/L Q2) Solution
  • 22. Q3) PRACTICE PROBLEM Given the following data: Weight of dish = 48.6212 g 100 ml of sample is placed in the dish and evaporated. New weight of dish and dry solids = 48.6432 g The dish is placed in 550 o C furnace, then cooled. New weight = 48.6300 g. Find the total, volatile and fixed solids?
  • 23. = (220) 10-6 g/ml = (220) 10-3 mg/ml = 220 mg/l
  • 24. Q4) A 25 ml water sample is placed in in a dish that wt. 50g, after evaporation and drying at 103o C, and cooling in desiccator, the dish wt. 50.02g. Then the dish is fired at 550o C for one hour, after which it weighs 50.005g. Estimate total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS) and fixed solids (FS) of the water sample.
  • 25. 3. Determine the concentration of the volatile solids (VS) VS = Wt. of solids after evaporation - Wt. of solids after ignition = 50.02 – 50.005 = 0.015 g = 0.015 g x 1000 mg/g = 15 mg Conc. = 15 mg / 25 ml x 1000000 = 600 mg/L 4. Determine the concentration of the fixed solids: FS = TS – VS = 800 – 600 = 200 mg/l
  • 27. VOLATILE SOLIDS IN WASTE WATER Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) Percentage Of Total Solids
  • 28. Percentage Of Volatile Solids Weight of dry solids – weight of ash, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dry solids - Wt. of Crucible (dish) and ash
  • 29. Q5) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a sludge sample given the following data: Wt. of Dish = 104.55 grams Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 199.95 grams Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 108.34 grams Wt. of Dish and Ash = 106.37 grams % Total Solids = Wt. of Dry Solids, g Wt. of Wet Sludge, g X 100% = 108.34 g - 104.55 g 199.95 g - 104.55 g X 100% = 3.79 g 95.40 g X 100% = 0.040 X 100% = 4.0 %
  • 30. % Volatile Solids = Wt. of Volatile Solids, g Wt. of Dry Solids, g X 100% = 108.34 g - 106.37 g 108.34 g - 104.55 g X 100% = 1.97 g 3.79 g X 100% = 0.520 X 100% = 52.0 %
  • 31. Work Calculations on Separate Paper Answers Given on Next Slides Total Solids Practice Problem Q6) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a sludge sample given the following data: Wt. of Dish = 106.52 grams Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 187.16 grams Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 109.46 grams Wt. of Dish and Ash = 107.96 grams
  • 32. Q6) Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids of a sludge sample given the following data: Wt. of Dish = 106.52 grams Wt. of Dish and Wet Sludge = 187.16 grams Wt. of Dish and Dry Sludge = 109.46 grams Wt. of Dish and Ash = 107.96 grams % Total Solids = Wt. of Dry Solids, g Wt. of Wet Sludge, g X 100% = 109.46 g - 106.52 g 187.16 g - 106.52 g X 100% = 2.94 g 80.64 g X 100% = 0.036 X 100% = 3.6 %
  • 33. % Volatile Solids = Wt. of Volatile Sludge, g Wt. of Dry Solids, g X 100% = 109.46 g - 107.96 g 109.46 g - 106.52 g X 100% = 1.50 g 2.94 g X 100% = 0.510 X 100% = 51.0 %
  • 38. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS; TDS Summary of Method Prepare Filter Apparatus and Evaporating Dish Filter Measured Volume of Sample Rinse Filter Apparatus Transfer ALL Filtrate to Evaporating Dish Evaporate to Dryness Dry Residue at 180° C Cool and Weigh Calculate TDS, mg/L
  • 39. Weight of dry solids, g = Wt. of Crucible (dish) and dried residue - Wt. of Crucible (dish) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS; TDS