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Kirsti D Pruett
Career Compatibility Passport
Profiles Office Park • 5205 Lake Shore Drive • Waco, Texas 76710-1732 USA • 254.751.1644 • www.profilesinternational.com
Copyright ©2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc.
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
Your Career Compatibility Passport
Getting the Most from Your Career Compatibility Passport
There are five sections in your Career Compatibility Passport. (*) sections have been removed for the use of
seeking employment. They are:
This section provides an overview of your characteristics in each area, as reported by the Career
Compatibility Passport.
Your Career Compatibility Passport scores have been compared to representative occupations derived from
information provided by O*NET. Your overall match with these occupations is presented in this section.
Additional information about O*NET resources is provided in Section Three.
O*NET is a comprehensive database of worker attributes and job characteristics developed by the U. S.
Department of Labor. You may access it on the Internet at www.online.onetcenter.org.
The basis of good decisions is good information. Your Career Compatibility Passport provides unique
information relating to you, but you should do additional research to learn more about your career
possibilities and opportunities. This section provides a workbook for gathering more information.
Your Career Compatibility Passport provides valuable information which can be used during a job interview
along with enhancing your resume.
Your Career Compatibility Passport is just one of the many sources of information that should be considered while
researching career choices. It can also guide you in advancing your job prospects through further education.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 2
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
The information you gain from your Career Compatibility Passport is related to job expectations and classifications in the
workplace. The only difference would be the specific requirements of certain employers. For that reason, your Career
Compatibility Passport provides additional career and educational information only and is not to be used as a hiring tool.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 3
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
Your Results
Understanding Your Report
The report is first divided into three major areas, and then further divided into more detail. To help you
understand your report, each section is briefly described below.
Numerical Ability, Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning, and Learning Index
The Career Compatibility Passport gives you a score for Numerical Ability, Numerical Reasoning, Verbal
Ability, Verbal Reasoning and an overall Learning Index. This is not a test of intelligence, but it does indicate how
efficiently you assimilate and utilize various forms of information.
Occupational Interests
Enterprising, Financial, People Service, Technical, Mechanical and Creative
The Occupational Interests scales indicate how you answered questions related to working in various occupations.
From this information, we can help you see whether you have any clear preference or pattern of interests.
Behavioral Traits
Energy Level, Assertiveness, Sociability, Manageability, Attitude, Decisiveness, Accommodating, Independence,
Objective Judgment.
Your scores on these job-related characteristics provide a picture of who you are. Evaluate them in relation to the
requirements of your career match or other jobs in which you are interested.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 4
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
Learning Index (An index of expected learning, reasoning and problem solving
You generally learn by paying attention to detail and determining how the
information applies to various relevant areas of your work.
Your understanding and utilization of new information will be better than most
individuals in the general population.
You are an effective learner in most situations.
You handle fairly complex tasks with relative efficiency, demonstrating strong
problem-solving abilities.
Verbal Skill (A measure of verbal skill through vocabulary.)
You excel in a job that requires the accurate application of communication in
order to make correct decisions.
Your analysis of communication related concepts should be sharp and on
You are capable of precise communication even under the pressure of strict
time constraints.
You are quick in communicating correct conceptual solutions to problems,
using a diverse vocabulary.
Verbal Reasoning (Using words as a basis in reasoning and problem solving.)
You are proficient in the use of words and language.
You demonstrate adequate and, in some areas, good verbal skill.
You do not typically have any difficulty in effectively communicating thoughts
and ideas to others.
You probably assimilate verbal information as easily as the general population.
Numerical Ability (A measure of numeric calculation ability.)
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 5
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
You should be competent in making mental estimations involving numerical
You have a sound understanding of basic mathematical processes and are
able to mentally figure some numeric combinations.
You show strong potential for developing existing skills with numbers.
You can build on your basic foundation as the particular calculations required in
performing the job become familiar.
Numeric Reasoning (Using numbers as a basis in reasoning and problem solving.)
You likely have little difficulty in assimilating new information of a numerical
You are certainly adaptive when handling complex numerical decisions.
You rapidly grasp numerical information.
You should effectively solve numerical problems and mathematical
Your results were moderately focused in the Technical and People Service themes on the
inventory. This is the pattern of an individual who is most at home in an information or data-
oriented environment. You are drawn toward technical work, including work with computers,
systems and methodology applied to data and information. Your other interest area, the People
Service area, indicates that you may like to work with people in terms of managing their
progress. Together these interests may signify an interest in training others in technical
Energy Level (Tendency to display endurance and capacity for a fast pace.)
You are capable of taking action in a timely manner.
You are moderately energetic; your work pace will show few peaks and valleys.
In general, you focus on timely results.
You act with a sense of urgency under routine conditions.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 6
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
Assertiveness (Tendency to take charge of people and situations. Leads more than
You tend to be a good listener, to be more comfortable as a participant in a
group rather than the leader.
You tend to prefer solutions that are not risky and that have been proven to be
effective in the past.
You are careful in asserting yourself, tending to be more of a follower than a
You sometimes need to be in charge and to be the leader, but not in all
Sociability (Tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented and participate with others.)
You prefer democratic supervision, in which two-way dialogue is encouraged.
You prefer to foster good relations across departments, maintain friendly
contact and keep up with the issues of common concern.
You are generally inclined to promote the benefits of teamwork and to involve
the team in the discussion of how things will be done.
You are moderately inclined to be sociable. You tend to be aware of the
necessity for keeping lines of communication open.
Manageability (Tendency to follow policies, accept external controls and supervision
and work within the rules.)
Your need for autonomy and independence is superseded by your respect for
You readily accept authority and rules, demonstrating a cooperative and
friendly interpersonal style.
You are highly cooperative and agreeable, quite willing to accept supervision
and external controls.
You express a positive attitude concerning organizational constraints and
Attitude (Tendency to have a positive attitude regarding people and outcomes.)
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 7
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
You have a highly positive attitude concerning risk, change and unexpected
You express a positive attitude regarding supervision and external controls.
You demonstrate a highly positive attitude regarding changes in policies and
Your attitude is highly compatible with confronting interpersonal problems and
Decisiveness (Uses available information to make decisions quickly.)
You are capable of responding to an emergency and of solving problems in a
timely manner.
You are not inclined to delay important decisions.
You stand firm on some decisions and may not be inclined to back down once
a decision is made, unless under pressure.
You are typically decisive and effective in positions that require timely results.
Accommodating (Tendency to be friendly, cooperative, agreeable. To be a team
You are quick to accommodate others and to avoid interpersonal conflict.
You share a high commitment to reducing conflict and establishing
cooperation. You are comfortable working as part of a team and with sharing
ideas and information.
You are highly motivated by an informal, positive and relaxed work
You may tend to minimize serious problems and negative information. You are
quick to seek solutions that are acceptable to everyone.
Independence (Tendency to be self-reliant, self-directed, to take independent action
and make own decisions.)
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 8
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
You tend to prefer a methodical and planned approach to performing the job
and a specific plan for how things are going to be done, including a "to do" list.
You tend to think that job responsibilities should be defined so that everybody
knows just what is expected. You probably prefer carefully defined job
descriptions, guidelines and policies.
You benefit most by instructions given in a methodical, step-by-step fashion
with feedback at regular intervals.
You appreciate the need for structure in an organization.
Objective Judgment (The ability to think clearly and be objective in decision-
You are likely to show sound judgment under pressure.
Judgment and decisions on your part should indicate highly consistent usage
of your thinking capabilities.
You demonstrate a consistent tendency to take an objective view and to adjust
judgment as needed to reach accurate conclusions.
You are highly inclined to make considered judgments, applying experience to
current problems and situations.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 9
Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™
Kirsti D Pruett
Suggestions on Using this Report for a Résumé and
Job Interview
The “Your Results” section of the CCP provides positive statements about who you are. These
statements can be extracted for use in creating or enhancing a résumé. The below examples are generic
and are not based on your individual results.
Verbal Skill (A measure of verbal skill through vocabulary.)
 You are capable of precise communication even under the pressure of strict time constraints.
Assertiveness (Tendency to take charge of people and situations. Leads more than follows.)
 You tend to be a good listener, to be more comfortable as a participant in a group rather than the leader.
Sociability (Tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented and participate with others.)
 You prefer a reserved, impersonal and business-like approach to doing business
The CCP business-related statements can also provide assistance in creating a career objective and answering
interview questions.
© 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 10

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jobfit report 2013 editted

  • 1. Kirsti D Pruett CONFIDENTIAL Career Compatibility Passport Profiles Office Park • 5205 Lake Shore Drive • Waco, Texas 76710-1732 USA • 254.751.1644 • www.profilesinternational.com Copyright ©2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc.
  • 2. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett Your Career Compatibility Passport Getting the Most from Your Career Compatibility Passport There are five sections in your Career Compatibility Passport. (*) sections have been removed for the use of seeking employment. They are: SECTION 1 – YOUR RESULTS This section provides an overview of your characteristics in each area, as reported by the Career Compatibility Passport. SECTION 2* – CAREER COMPATIBILITY Your Career Compatibility Passport scores have been compared to representative occupations derived from information provided by O*NET. Your overall match with these occupations is presented in this section. Additional information about O*NET resources is provided in Section Three. SECTION 3* – O*NET – WHAT IT IS AND HOW YOU CAN USE IT O*NET is a comprehensive database of worker attributes and job characteristics developed by the U. S. Department of Labor. You may access it on the Internet at www.online.onetcenter.org. SECTION 4* – SUGGESTIONS FOR GATHERING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT CAREERS The basis of good decisions is good information. Your Career Compatibility Passport provides unique information relating to you, but you should do additional research to learn more about your career possibilities and opportunities. This section provides a workbook for gathering more information. SECTION 5 – USING YOUR REPORT FOR A JOB INTERVIEW AND A RESUME Your Career Compatibility Passport provides valuable information which can be used during a job interview along with enhancing your resume. Note: Your Career Compatibility Passport is just one of the many sources of information that should be considered while researching career choices. It can also guide you in advancing your job prospects through further education. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 2
  • 3. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett The information you gain from your Career Compatibility Passport is related to job expectations and classifications in the workplace. The only difference would be the specific requirements of certain employers. For that reason, your Career Compatibility Passport provides additional career and educational information only and is not to be used as a hiring tool. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 3
  • 4. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett SECTION ONE Your Results Understanding Your Report The report is first divided into three major areas, and then further divided into more detail. To help you understand your report, each section is briefly described below. Thinking Numerical Ability, Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning, and Learning Index The Career Compatibility Passport gives you a score for Numerical Ability, Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning and an overall Learning Index. This is not a test of intelligence, but it does indicate how efficiently you assimilate and utilize various forms of information. Occupational Interests Enterprising, Financial, People Service, Technical, Mechanical and Creative The Occupational Interests scales indicate how you answered questions related to working in various occupations. From this information, we can help you see whether you have any clear preference or pattern of interests. Behavioral Traits Energy Level, Assertiveness, Sociability, Manageability, Attitude, Decisiveness, Accommodating, Independence, Objective Judgment. Your scores on these job-related characteristics provide a picture of who you are. Evaluate them in relation to the requirements of your career match or other jobs in which you are interested. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 4
  • 5. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett THINKING Learning Index (An index of expected learning, reasoning and problem solving potential.) You generally learn by paying attention to detail and determining how the information applies to various relevant areas of your work. Your understanding and utilization of new information will be better than most individuals in the general population. You are an effective learner in most situations. You handle fairly complex tasks with relative efficiency, demonstrating strong problem-solving abilities. Verbal Skill (A measure of verbal skill through vocabulary.) You excel in a job that requires the accurate application of communication in order to make correct decisions. Your analysis of communication related concepts should be sharp and on target. You are capable of precise communication even under the pressure of strict time constraints. You are quick in communicating correct conceptual solutions to problems, using a diverse vocabulary. Verbal Reasoning (Using words as a basis in reasoning and problem solving.) You are proficient in the use of words and language. You demonstrate adequate and, in some areas, good verbal skill. You do not typically have any difficulty in effectively communicating thoughts and ideas to others. You probably assimilate verbal information as easily as the general population. Numerical Ability (A measure of numeric calculation ability.) © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 5
  • 6. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett You should be competent in making mental estimations involving numerical data. You have a sound understanding of basic mathematical processes and are able to mentally figure some numeric combinations. You show strong potential for developing existing skills with numbers. You can build on your basic foundation as the particular calculations required in performing the job become familiar. Numeric Reasoning (Using numbers as a basis in reasoning and problem solving.) You likely have little difficulty in assimilating new information of a numerical nature. You are certainly adaptive when handling complex numerical decisions. You rapidly grasp numerical information. You should effectively solve numerical problems and mathematical applications. OCCUPATIONAL INTERESTS Your results were moderately focused in the Technical and People Service themes on the inventory. This is the pattern of an individual who is most at home in an information or data- oriented environment. You are drawn toward technical work, including work with computers, systems and methodology applied to data and information. Your other interest area, the People Service area, indicates that you may like to work with people in terms of managing their progress. Together these interests may signify an interest in training others in technical capacities. BEHAVIORAL TRAITS Energy Level (Tendency to display endurance and capacity for a fast pace.) You are capable of taking action in a timely manner. You are moderately energetic; your work pace will show few peaks and valleys. In general, you focus on timely results. You act with a sense of urgency under routine conditions. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 6
  • 7. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett Assertiveness (Tendency to take charge of people and situations. Leads more than follows.) You tend to be a good listener, to be more comfortable as a participant in a group rather than the leader. You tend to prefer solutions that are not risky and that have been proven to be effective in the past. You are careful in asserting yourself, tending to be more of a follower than a leader. You sometimes need to be in charge and to be the leader, but not in all situations. Sociability (Tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented and participate with others.) You prefer democratic supervision, in which two-way dialogue is encouraged. You prefer to foster good relations across departments, maintain friendly contact and keep up with the issues of common concern. You are generally inclined to promote the benefits of teamwork and to involve the team in the discussion of how things will be done. You are moderately inclined to be sociable. You tend to be aware of the necessity for keeping lines of communication open. Manageability (Tendency to follow policies, accept external controls and supervision and work within the rules.) Your need for autonomy and independence is superseded by your respect for authority. You readily accept authority and rules, demonstrating a cooperative and friendly interpersonal style. You are highly cooperative and agreeable, quite willing to accept supervision and external controls. You express a positive attitude concerning organizational constraints and restrictions. Attitude (Tendency to have a positive attitude regarding people and outcomes.) © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 7
  • 8. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett You have a highly positive attitude concerning risk, change and unexpected challenges. You express a positive attitude regarding supervision and external controls. You demonstrate a highly positive attitude regarding changes in policies and procedures. Your attitude is highly compatible with confronting interpersonal problems and frustrations. Decisiveness (Uses available information to make decisions quickly.) You are capable of responding to an emergency and of solving problems in a timely manner. You are not inclined to delay important decisions. You stand firm on some decisions and may not be inclined to back down once a decision is made, unless under pressure. You are typically decisive and effective in positions that require timely results. Accommodating (Tendency to be friendly, cooperative, agreeable. To be a team person.) You are quick to accommodate others and to avoid interpersonal conflict. You share a high commitment to reducing conflict and establishing cooperation. You are comfortable working as part of a team and with sharing ideas and information. You are highly motivated by an informal, positive and relaxed work environment. You may tend to minimize serious problems and negative information. You are quick to seek solutions that are acceptable to everyone. Independence (Tendency to be self-reliant, self-directed, to take independent action and make own decisions.) © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 8
  • 9. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett You tend to prefer a methodical and planned approach to performing the job and a specific plan for how things are going to be done, including a "to do" list. You tend to think that job responsibilities should be defined so that everybody knows just what is expected. You probably prefer carefully defined job descriptions, guidelines and policies. You benefit most by instructions given in a methodical, step-by-step fashion with feedback at regular intervals. You appreciate the need for structure in an organization. Objective Judgment (The ability to think clearly and be objective in decision- making.) You are likely to show sound judgment under pressure. Judgment and decisions on your part should indicate highly consistent usage of your thinking capabilities. You demonstrate a consistent tendency to take an objective view and to adjust judgment as needed to reach accurate conclusions. You are highly inclined to make considered judgments, applying experience to current problems and situations. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 9
  • 10. Career Compatibility Passport JobFit™ Kirsti D Pruett SECTION FIVE Suggestions on Using this Report for a Résumé and Job Interview The “Your Results” section of the CCP provides positive statements about who you are. These statements can be extracted for use in creating or enhancing a résumé. The below examples are generic and are not based on your individual results. Verbal Skill (A measure of verbal skill through vocabulary.)  You are capable of precise communication even under the pressure of strict time constraints. Assertiveness (Tendency to take charge of people and situations. Leads more than follows.)  You tend to be a good listener, to be more comfortable as a participant in a group rather than the leader. Sociability (Tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented and participate with others.)  You prefer a reserved, impersonal and business-like approach to doing business The CCP business-related statements can also provide assistance in creating a career objective and answering interview questions. © 2001-2010 Profiles International, Inc. 10