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10/06/13 1
Prof. K. Subramanian
Director & Professor
Advanced center for Informatics & Innovative Learning
New Delhi
Emerging Web Technologies
for Supporting Education
 Flexible
 Scalable
 Secure
 Connects to any Enterprise System or Application
 Enables Simple, Intuitive Interaction with
 Delivering the fastest, most cost-effective, and
simplest way to integrate business processes and
achieve the promise of SOA: true reusability.
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 TCO Reduction & Improved System Performance
 Self-optimizing autonomic servers whose workload and
traffic management and capacity planning eliminate
complexity, improve system performance, and dramatically
reduce TCO
 Super-linear scalability through multiple technological
 A unifying integration infrastructure that accesses,
reconciles, cleanses, and prepares any and all data for
business intelligence use
 Service-oriented architecture support with the ability to
create, consume, and publish Web services
 Simplified developer and end-user interaction, with
advanced visualization and deep integration with client
based tools.
An Overview
Engineering an Interoperable
Foundation of the Web
More than 100 Web Standards to date
Including: HTML, XML, CSS, SOAP, SVG, Voice XML, RDF and more
What Led to WEB’s Success?
Simple architecture - HTML, URI, HTTP
Networked - value grows with data,
services, users
Extensible - from Web of documents to ...
Tolerant - even w/ imperfect mark-up,
data, links, software
Universal - independent of systems and
Free / cheap - browsers, information,
Simple / powerful / fun for users - text,
graphics, links
Open standards ...
WEB on Everything
*The* User Interface,
everywhere ...
Interaction Technologies:
HTML, CSS, Voice,
Graphics, Video, Multimedia,
Web 2.0 <= Web
Applications: Compound Doc
Formats, AJAX, Widgets
Mobile Web Initiative
Ubiquitous Web
Why Open Standards?
Broad industry agreement (if done
Interoperability ... cross-
application, -organization, -data
Avoids vendor lock-in ... for
providers and users
Open access = no black boxes
Mandated ... by customers,
Open, royalty-free standards =
good business sense
What is Semantic WEB?
"The Semantic Web is an
... extension of the current web in which
... information is given well-defined meaning,
... better enabling computers and people to work in
The Semantic Web Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and
Ora Lassila
Semantic WEB: WHY?
Tasks often require combining data across the Internet, e.g.:
Integrating data across the enterprise
Hotel, transport, meeting, personal info come from different
Mining data from biochemical, genetic, pharmaceutical,
patient databases
Cross-referencing disparate digital libraries
Humans understand how to combine this information ...
Not always easy (different vocabularies, languages, formats)
Machines aren't smart enough
W3C Semantic Web Activity
 The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and
reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative
effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial
partners. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF).
 The Semantic Web is about two things.
 It is about common formats for integration and
combination of data drawn from diverse sources,
where on the original Web mainly concentrated on
the interchange of documents.
 It is also about language for recording how the data
relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a
machine, to start off in one database, and then move
through an unending set of databases which are
connected not by wires but by being about the same
Standards Enroute
Query -> SparQL
Deployment and application spaces
Health Care and Life Sciences
thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists,
taxonomies, 'folksonomies'
Content Labeling, Multimedia, Geospatial
Logic, proof, trust, etc. in the future ...
WEB of Data & Services
Interoperable information
and programs ...
XML: Binary, Processing
Web of Services:
Performance, Addressing,
SemWeb Services, Policy
Web of Data = Semantic
Web: Deployment, Query,
Rules, Health Care/Life
Sciences, Content Labeling,
Geospatial, Multimedia
Semantic WEB: Linked Data on the
Machine-processable, global
Web standards: Assigning
unambiguous names (URI)
Expressing and linking data,
including metadata (RDF)
Capturing ontologies (OWL)
Query, rules,
transformations, deployment,
application spaces (in
progress) logic, proofs, trust
Semantic Web = Web 3.0?
Challenges Ahead
Classic "chicken and egg problem" en route to "network
Providing information in Semantic-Web-friendly ways
Exposing existing data stores as RDF
Automated and human-assisted tools to create RDF stores,
ontologies, mappings
Making data accessible to people and programs
Usable interfaces to masses of semantic data
Search, filtering, aggregation, processing, graphics
Access via multiple modes, multiple devices
Addressing broader operational and social needs
Universality, quality, provenance, versioning, safety, privacy, access
control, authorization, trust
W3C Multimodal Standard
W3C published a new standard 10-2-2009 to enable
interactions beyond the familiar keyboard and mouse.
EMMA, the EMMA: Extensible Multimodal Annotation
Mark-up Language, promotes the development of rich Web
applications that can be adapted to more input modes (such
as handwriting, natural language, and gestures) and output
modes (such as synthesized speech) at lower cost. The
document, published by the Multimodal Interaction Working
Group, is part of a set of specifications for multimodal
systems, and provides details of an XML mark-up language
for containing and annotating the interpretation of user
Authoring Tool Accessibility
Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
2009-02-17: The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 that is
synchronized with the finalized WCAG 2.0. ATAG defines
how authoring tools should help Web developers produce
Web content that is accessible and conforms to Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. ATAG also defines
how to make authoring tools accessible so that people with
disabilities can use them.
Service Modeling Language,
Version 1.1 Proposed
2009-02-13: The Service Modeling Language Working
Group has published the Proposed Recommendations of
Service Modeling Language, Version 1.1 and Service
Modeling Language Interchange Format Version 1.1. SML
extends the coherence-checking mechanisms of W3C XML
Schema from individual documents to collections of
documents. SML-IF extends the utility of SML by providing
mechanisms for gathering together a set of documents whose
coherence is guaranteed by an SML schema, which itself is
part of the resulting package
Drafts of HTML 5
2009-02-12: The HTML Working Group has published
Working Drafts of HTML 5 and HTML 5 differences from
HTML 4. In this version of HTML5, new features are
introduced to help Web application authors, new elements
are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring
practices, and special attention has been given to defining
clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to
improve interoperability.
Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events
2009-02-10: The Web Applications Working Group has published the
First Public Working Draft of Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events. This
specification defines a set of APIs and events for the Widgets 1.0 Family
of Specifications that enable baseline functionality for widgets. The APIs
and Events defined by this specification defines, amongst other things,
 the means to:
access the metadata declared in a widget's configuration document,
receive events related to changes in the view state of a widget,
determine the locale under which a widget is currently running,
be notified of events relating to the widget being updated,
invoke a widget to open a URL on the system's default browser,
requests the user's attention in a device independent manner,
and check if any additional APIs requested via the configuration document's
feature element have successfully loaded.
Incubator Group Report:
2009-02-10: The RDB2RDF Incubator Group published
their final report. In the report, the group recommends that
the W3C initiate a WG to standardize a language for
mapping Relational Database schemas into RDF and OWL.
This publication is part of the Incubator Activity, a forum
where W3C Members can innovate and experiment. This
work is not on the W3C standards track
Evolution toward one
Web ...
of Creators and
of Data and Services
on Everything,
for Everyone
Semantic Web
Next, logical,
evolutionary step
Revolutionary step?
Play with is, and decide
for yourself!

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Itz Lecture Bi & Web Tech Standards Feb 2009

  • 1. 10/06/13 1 Prof. K. Subramanian Director & Professor Advanced center for Informatics & Innovative Learning IGNOU New Delhi Emerging Web Technologies for Supporting Education
  • 2.  Flexible  Scalable  Secure  Connects to any Enterprise System or Application  Enables Simple, Intuitive Interaction with Information  Delivering the fastest, most cost-effective, and simplest way to integrate business processes and achieve the promise of SOA: true reusability. 10/06/13 2
  • 4. 10/06/13 4  TCO Reduction & Improved System Performance  Self-optimizing autonomic servers whose workload and traffic management and capacity planning eliminate complexity, improve system performance, and dramatically reduce TCO  Super-linear scalability through multiple technological advantages  A unifying integration infrastructure that accesses, reconciles, cleanses, and prepares any and all data for business intelligence use  Service-oriented architecture support with the ability to create, consume, and publish Web services  Simplified developer and end-user interaction, with advanced visualization and deep integration with client based tools.
  • 6. 10/06/136 Engineering an Interoperable Foundation of the Web More than 100 Web Standards to date Including: HTML, XML, CSS, SOAP, SVG, Voice XML, RDF and more
  • 7. 10/06/137 What Led to WEB’s Success? Simple architecture - HTML, URI, HTTP Networked - value grows with data, services, users Extensible - from Web of documents to ... Tolerant - even w/ imperfect mark-up, data, links, software Universal - independent of systems and people Free / cheap - browsers, information, services Simple / powerful / fun for users - text, graphics, links Open standards ...
  • 8. 10/06/138 WEB on Everything *The* User Interface, everywhere ... Interaction Technologies: HTML, CSS, Voice, Graphics, Video, Multimedia, Multimodal Web 2.0 <= Web Applications: Compound Doc Formats, AJAX, Widgets Mobile Web Initiative Ubiquitous Web
  • 9. 10/06/139 Why Open Standards? Broad industry agreement (if done right) Interoperability ... cross- application, -organization, -data Avoids vendor lock-in ... for providers and users Open access = no black boxes Mandated ... by customers, government Open, royalty-free standards = good business sense
  • 10. 10/06/1310 What is Semantic WEB? "The Semantic Web is an ... extension of the current web in which ... information is given well-defined meaning, ... better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." The Semantic Web Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila
  • 11. 10/06/1311 Semantic WEB: WHY? Tasks often require combining data across the Internet, e.g.: Integrating data across the enterprise Hotel, transport, meeting, personal info come from different sites Mining data from biochemical, genetic, pharmaceutical, patient databases Cross-referencing disparate digital libraries Humans understand how to combine this information ... Not always easy (different vocabularies, languages, formats) Machines aren't smart enough
  • 12. 10/06/1312 W3C Semantic Web Activity  The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF).  The Semantic Web is about two things.  It is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents.  It is also about language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing.
  • 13. 10/06/1313 Standards Enroute Query -> SparQL Rules Transformations Deployment and application spaces Health Care and Life Sciences thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies' Content Labeling, Multimedia, Geospatial Logic, proof, trust, etc. in the future ...
  • 14. 10/06/1314 WEB of Data & Services Interoperable information and programs ... XML: Binary, Processing Model Web of Services: Performance, Addressing, SemWeb Services, Policy Web of Data = Semantic Web: Deployment, Query, Rules, Health Care/Life Sciences, Content Labeling, Geospatial, Multimedia Semantics
  • 15. 10/06/1315 Semantic WEB: Linked Data on the WEB Machine-processable, global Web standards: Assigning unambiguous names (URI) Expressing and linking data, including metadata (RDF) Capturing ontologies (OWL) Query, rules, transformations, deployment, application spaces (in progress) logic, proofs, trust Semantic Web = Web 3.0?
  • 16. 10/06/1316 Challenges Ahead Classic "chicken and egg problem" en route to "network effect" Providing information in Semantic-Web-friendly ways Exposing existing data stores as RDF Automated and human-assisted tools to create RDF stores, ontologies, mappings Making data accessible to people and programs Usable interfaces to masses of semantic data Search, filtering, aggregation, processing, graphics Access via multiple modes, multiple devices Addressing broader operational and social needs Universality, quality, provenance, versioning, safety, privacy, access control, authorization, trust
  • 17. 10/06/1317 W3C Multimodal Standard W3C published a new standard 10-2-2009 to enable interactions beyond the familiar keyboard and mouse. EMMA, the EMMA: Extensible Multimodal Annotation Mark-up Language, promotes the development of rich Web applications that can be adapted to more input modes (such as handwriting, natural language, and gestures) and output modes (such as synthesized speech) at lower cost. The document, published by the Multimodal Interaction Working Group, is part of a set of specifications for multimodal systems, and provides details of an XML mark-up language for containing and annotating the interpretation of user input.
  • 18. 10/06/1318 Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 2009-02-17: The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 that is synchronized with the finalized WCAG 2.0. ATAG defines how authoring tools should help Web developers produce Web content that is accessible and conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. ATAG also defines how to make authoring tools accessible so that people with disabilities can use them.
  • 19. 10/06/1319 Service Modeling Language, Version 1.1 Proposed 2009-02-13: The Service Modeling Language Working Group has published the Proposed Recommendations of Service Modeling Language, Version 1.1 and Service Modeling Language Interchange Format Version 1.1. SML extends the coherence-checking mechanisms of W3C XML Schema from individual documents to collections of documents. SML-IF extends the utility of SML by providing mechanisms for gathering together a set of documents whose coherence is guaranteed by an SML schema, which itself is part of the resulting package
  • 20. 10/06/1320 Drafts of HTML 5 2009-02-12: The HTML Working Group has published Working Drafts of HTML 5 and HTML 5 differences from HTML 4. In this version of HTML5, new features are introduced to help Web application authors, new elements are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.
  • 21. 10/06/1321 Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events 2009-02-10: The Web Applications Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events. This specification defines a set of APIs and events for the Widgets 1.0 Family of Specifications that enable baseline functionality for widgets. The APIs and Events defined by this specification defines, amongst other things,  the means to: access the metadata declared in a widget's configuration document, receive events related to changes in the view state of a widget, determine the locale under which a widget is currently running, be notified of events relating to the widget being updated, invoke a widget to open a URL on the system's default browser, requests the user's attention in a device independent manner, and check if any additional APIs requested via the configuration document's feature element have successfully loaded.
  • 22. 10/06/1322 Incubator Group Report: RDB2RDF 2009-02-10: The RDB2RDF Incubator Group published their final report. In the report, the group recommends that the W3C initiate a WG to standardize a language for mapping Relational Database schemas into RDF and OWL. This publication is part of the Incubator Activity, a forum where W3C Members can innovate and experiment. This work is not on the W3C standards track
  • 23. 10/06/1323 Summary Evolution toward one Web ... of Creators and Consumers of Data and Services on Everything, for Everyone Semantic Web Next, logical, evolutionary step Revolutionary step? Play with is, and decide for yourself!

Editor's Notes

  1. 10/06/13 Prof. KS@ 2009 Feb 2009 BI requirements &amp; WEB Tech Standards