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Fundamentals of
(DAVV, BBA – Sem 1 )
Management concepts & evolution
Topics of the UNIT
Introduction to Management
Nature & scope of Management
Process of Management
Functions of Management
Importance of Management
Role of managers
Management & administration
Relevance of mngmt to modern
What is Management?
“Management is the process involving
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling human efforts to achieve stated
objectives in an organization.”
Definition by management thinkers
 “Management is the art of knowing what you want to do
and then seeing that it is done in the best and cheapest
way.” -F .W. Taylor
 To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize to
command, to coordinate and to control. —Henry Fayol
 Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal
environment in an enterprise where individuals, working in
groups, can perform efficiently and effectively towards the
attainment of group goals.
—Harold Koontz and Cyrill O’Donnell
 The task of achieving results through
others by coordinating their efforts is
known as management.
 As the mind coordinates and regulates
all the functions of a body - management
coordinates and regulates the activities of
various members of an organisation.
A person who plans, organizes,
directs and controls the allocation
of human, material, financial, and
information resources in pursuit
of the organization’s goals.
Nature of Management
Management is:
an Integrative Force.
a Social Process.
Continuous Process.
an Art as well as Science.
Management is Goal-Oriented:
 Management goals are called group goals
or organisational goals.
 The basic goal of management is to
ensure efficiency and economy in the
utilisation of human, physical and financial
 The success of management is measured
by the extent to which the established goals
are achieved.
Management is Universal:
 Management is an essential element of every
organised activity irrespective of the size or type of
 Wherever two or more persons are engaged in
working for a common goal, management is
 All types of organisations, e.g., family, club,
university, government, army, cricket team or
business, require management. Thus, management is
a pervasive activity.
 The fundamental principles of management are
applicable in all areas of organised effort. Managers
at all levels perform the same basic functions.
Management is AN Integrative Force:
 The essence of management lies in
the coordination of individual efforts
in to a team.
 Management reconciles the
individual goals with organisational
Management is a Social Process:
Management is a social process because it is
concerned with interpersonal relations.
Human factor is the most important element in
According to Appley, “Management is the
development of people not the direction of things.
A good manager is a leader, not a boss. It is the
pervasiveness of human element which gives
management its special character as a social
Management is Multidisciplinary:
Management has to deal with human
behaviour under dynamic conditions.
Therefore, it depends upon wide knowledge
derived from several disciplines like
 Engineering,
 Sociology,
 Psychology,
 Economics,
 Anthropology, etc.
Management is a Continuous
 Management is a dynamic and an
on-going process.
 The cycle of management continues
to operate so long as there is
organised action for the achievement
of group goals.
Management is Intangible:
 Management is an unseen or invisible
force. It cannot be seen but its presence
can be felt everywhere in the form of
 However, the managers who perform the
functions of management are very much
tangible and visible.
Management is an Art as well as
 Management is also a discipline involving
specialised training and an ethical code
arising out of its social obligations.
 It involves both the determination and
the accomplishment of organisational goals.
 Involving the coordination of human and
material resources in order to accomplish
desired objectives.
Scope Of Management
Production Management
Marketing Management
Financial Management
Personnel Management
Scope Of Management
Production Management:
a) Designing the product
b) Location and layout of plant and building
c) Planning and Control of factory operations
d) Operation of purchase and storage of
e) Inventory cost and Quality Control
f) Research and Development etc.
Marketing Management:
a) marketing research to determine the
needs and expectation of consumers
b) planning and developing suitable
c) setting appropriate prices
d) selecting the right channel of
distribution, and
e) promotional activities like advertising
and salesmanship to communicate with
the customers
Financial Management:
a) Selecting the appropriate source
of funds
b) Raising the required funds at
the right time
c) Administration of earnings
d) Estimating the volume
of fund.
Personnel Management:
a) manpower planning
b) recruitments,
c) selection,
d) training
e) appraisal,
f) promotions and transfers,
g) compensation,
h) employee welfare services, and
i) personnel records and
research, etc.
Levels Of Management
Top Level Management-
The top level management is
generally occupied by the
ownership group.
 It is the highest level in the
managerial hierarchy and
the ultimate source of
authority in the organisation.
Middle Level Management-In order
to fill up the gap which exists between
functional and operative level, some
managerial positions are created at the
middle level of management. Middle level
management consists of
departmental managers,
deputy managers,foreman
and administrative
officers etc.
Lower Level or Supervisory Level
Management- It consists of factory
supervisors, superintendents, foremen,
sales supervisors, accounts officers etc.
They directly guide and control the
performance of rank and file workers.
They issue orders and instructions and
guide day to-day activities.
Management Level and Skills
For the first time,
Henri Fayol,
described the
process of
in 5-terms:
Planning :
Planning is the first step which is
basically a logical thinking process that
decides what needs to be done in order to
achieve organization's goals and
objectives. It focuses on the broader
perspective of the business as well as
taking into consideration, the tactical
methods to get the
desired results.
Steps in the Planning Process
 Deciding which goals the
organization will pursue.
 Deciding what courses of action
to adopt to attain those goals.
 Deciding how to
allocate organizational
Organizing :
Organizing is about setting up and
maintaining the internal organizational
structure in accordance with objectives
mentioned in planning stage. It
also involves assigning
tasks to various individuals
for the larger goal of
organization's missions
and objectives.
Involves grouping people into
departments according to the kinds
of job-specific tasks they perform.
Managers lay out lines of authority
and responsibility.
Decide how to coordinate
organizational resources.
Staffing :
Staffing is the process of choosing
right people for organization. It can
be associated with human resource
management and involves recruitment,
hiring, training and compensating the
Directing :
Directing is guiding people in the
organization through the means of
counseling, instructing, motivating.
Controlling :
Controlling The process of leading and
influencing the task related activities of
group members or an entire

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  • 1. Fundamentals of Management (DAVV, BBA – Sem 1 ) UNIT 1 Management concepts & evolution by DR. SHAZIA WASEEM KHAN.
  • 2. Topics of the UNIT Introduction to Management Nature & scope of Management Process of Management Functions of Management Importance of Management Role of managers Management & administration POSDCORB Relevance of mngmt to modern industry
  • 3. What is Management? “Management is the process involving planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling human efforts to achieve stated objectives in an organization.”
  • 4. Definition by management thinkers  “Management is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and cheapest way.” -F .W. Taylor  To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize to command, to coordinate and to control. —Henry Fayol  Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working in groups, can perform efficiently and effectively towards the attainment of group goals. —Harold Koontz and Cyrill O’Donnell
  • 5.  The task of achieving results through others by coordinating their efforts is known as management.  As the mind coordinates and regulates all the functions of a body - management coordinates and regulates the activities of various members of an organisation.
  • 6. MANAGER A person who plans, organizes, directs and controls the allocation of human, material, financial, and information resources in pursuit of the organization’s goals.
  • 7. Nature of Management Management is: Goal-oriented Universal an Integrative Force. a Social Process. Multidisciplinary. Continuous Process. Intangible. an Art as well as Science.
  • 8. Management is Goal-Oriented:  Management goals are called group goals or organisational goals.  The basic goal of management is to ensure efficiency and economy in the utilisation of human, physical and financial resources.  The success of management is measured by the extent to which the established goals are achieved.
  • 9. Management is Universal:  Management is an essential element of every organised activity irrespective of the size or type of activity.  Wherever two or more persons are engaged in working for a common goal, management is necessary.  All types of organisations, e.g., family, club, university, government, army, cricket team or business, require management. Thus, management is a pervasive activity.  The fundamental principles of management are applicable in all areas of organised effort. Managers at all levels perform the same basic functions.
  • 10. Management is AN Integrative Force:  The essence of management lies in the coordination of individual efforts in to a team.  Management reconciles the individual goals with organisational goals.
  • 11. Management is a Social Process: Management is a social process because it is concerned with interpersonal relations. Human factor is the most important element in management. According to Appley, “Management is the development of people not the direction of things. A good manager is a leader, not a boss. It is the pervasiveness of human element which gives management its special character as a social process”.
  • 12. Management is Multidisciplinary: Management has to deal with human behaviour under dynamic conditions. Therefore, it depends upon wide knowledge derived from several disciplines like  Engineering,  Sociology,  Psychology,  Economics,  Anthropology, etc.
  • 13. Management is a Continuous Process:  Management is a dynamic and an on-going process.  The cycle of management continues to operate so long as there is organised action for the achievement of group goals.
  • 14. Management is Intangible:  Management is an unseen or invisible force. It cannot be seen but its presence can be felt everywhere in the form of results.  However, the managers who perform the functions of management are very much tangible and visible.
  • 15. Management is an Art as well as Science:  Management is also a discipline involving specialised training and an ethical code arising out of its social obligations.  It involves both the determination and the accomplishment of organisational goals.  Involving the coordination of human and material resources in order to accomplish desired objectives.
  • 16. Scope Of Management Production Management Marketing Management Financial Management Personnel Management
  • 17. Scope Of Management Production Management: a) Designing the product b) Location and layout of plant and building c) Planning and Control of factory operations d) Operation of purchase and storage of materials e) Inventory cost and Quality Control f) Research and Development etc.
  • 18. Marketing Management: a) marketing research to determine the needs and expectation of consumers b) planning and developing suitable products c) setting appropriate prices d) selecting the right channel of distribution, and e) promotional activities like advertising and salesmanship to communicate with the customers
  • 19. Financial Management: a) Selecting the appropriate source of funds b) Raising the required funds at the right time c) Administration of earnings d) Estimating the volume of fund.
  • 20. Personnel Management: a) manpower planning b) recruitments, c) selection, d) training e) appraisal, f) promotions and transfers, g) compensation, h) employee welfare services, and i) personnel records and research, etc.
  • 22. Top Level Management- The top level management is generally occupied by the ownership group.  It is the highest level in the managerial hierarchy and the ultimate source of authority in the organisation.
  • 23. Middle Level Management-In order to fill up the gap which exists between functional and operative level, some managerial positions are created at the middle level of management. Middle level management consists of departmental managers, deputy managers,foreman and administrative officers etc.
  • 24. Lower Level or Supervisory Level Management- It consists of factory supervisors, superintendents, foremen, sales supervisors, accounts officers etc. They directly guide and control the performance of rank and file workers. They issue orders and instructions and guide day to-day activities.
  • 26. PROCESS OF MANAGEMENT For the first time, Henri Fayol, described the process of management in 5-terms:
  • 27. Planning : Planning is the first step which is basically a logical thinking process that decides what needs to be done in order to achieve organization's goals and objectives. It focuses on the broader perspective of the business as well as taking into consideration, the tactical methods to get the desired results.
  • 28. Steps in the Planning Process  Deciding which goals the organization will pursue.  Deciding what courses of action to adopt to attain those goals.  Deciding how to allocate organizational Resources.
  • 29. Organizing : Organizing is about setting up and maintaining the internal organizational structure in accordance with objectives mentioned in planning stage. It also involves assigning tasks to various individuals for the larger goal of organization's missions and objectives.
  • 30. Organizing: Involves grouping people into departments according to the kinds of job-specific tasks they perform. Managers lay out lines of authority and responsibility. Decide how to coordinate organizational resources.
  • 31. Staffing : Staffing is the process of choosing right people for organization. It can be associated with human resource management and involves recruitment, hiring, training and compensating the workforce.
  • 32. Directing : Directing is guiding people in the organization through the means of counseling, instructing, motivating. Controlling : Controlling The process of leading and influencing the task related activities of group members or an entire organization.