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‘Environment as a Service’
-Cloudify 5.0.5 Webinar
Cloudify Product Update Webinar
● Cloudify 5.0.5 update
○ Cloudify at scale
○ Service composition & EaaS
○ Operability
● What’s next
Cloudify at Scale
Highly Available Topology
Cloudify’s high availability topology has been updated in v5.0.x to
improve the availability and robustness of the Cloudify service in
cases of malfunction. It further allows for easier scaling to get
more work done by your Cloudify manager.
The new topology allows for either:
● Single, all-in-one manager (with no high availability and
no cluster option)
● Highly available cluster as described here, based on 3
services (on separate nodes) with Managers, database,
and messaging queue each operating as a highly
available cluster, on separate nodes.
Public Cloud DBaaS as
Cloudify’s Database
With version 5.0.5 Cloudify supports an external DBaaS. The certified
solutions are Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and Azure
Database for PostgreSQL.
Setting up Cloudify with external DBaaS leverages public cloud
support for mission-critical workloads and predictable performance,
security, high availability, as well as dynamic scalability.
Customers may also bring their own maintained PostgreSQL
Cluster & Manager Status
Improved system health mechanism is introduced in v5.0.5, extending
the manager status information with cluster status command and
widget providing visibility into the operational status of the cluster
(active, degraded service, service is down) with detailed information
about each of the nodes by role type.
The manager’s health and cluster management (HA) widgets
have been updated to better describe the system’s health.
Manager status command - the operational health of each
manager for load balancing among the active-active managers.
Cluster status command - designed to support Global Load
Balancers (GLB) or other networking services as a means to
determine the cluster health.
[root@2a85ca0b2643 /]# cfy status
Retrieving manager services status... [ip=localhost]
| service | status |
| Cloudify Console | Active |
| PostgreSQL | Active |
| AMQP-Postgres | Active |
| Manager Rest-Service | Active |
| RabbitMQ | Active |
| Webserver | Active |
| Cloudify Composer | Active |
| Management Worker | Active |
Scaling of the Cloudify manager (for more workload) is
achieved via two methods:
● Enhancing the cluster form factor (more compute power
and memory)
● Setting more Cloudify managers in the cluster.
Thanks to the new active-active approach, scaling is made easy,
and each added manager will partake in the workload.
● Linear scaling using HW
● Almost linear scaling with additional managers (verified
with 3-6 active managers)
Cloudify Manager Scaling
● 1000 workflows per hour on a single box
● Over 5000 workflows per hour on a Cloudify cluster
● Tested with over 2M deployed nodes
Organize the Chaos
Leveraging Site Management
Managing multiple locations with massive numbers of
systems and services is challenging.
Cloudify ‘Sites’ allow grouping of deployments by location,
providing visibility into installations in your data centers,
public cloud regions, branches, or edge sites.
The site’s concept with filtering and operations is partially
available for all premium users, while the map view and UI
widgets are limited to Spire license.
Service Composition
Service Components
Composing a service blueprint is easy. Keeping your blueprint code maintainable, readable and reusable is typically the challenge.
As a service designer, one should not have to describe every tiny object each time a service is required. Service components provide the
answer to this.
Services grow more and more complex, with a larger number of components and more complicated sub-services (e.g. a database cluster in
highly available mode consisting of dozens of nodes, ports, VMs, security groups, etc. as a sub-component).
A service component is a new node type that embeds a complete sub-service blueprint as a single node. Service components are easy to use
across blueprints and keep your code organized, easy to read, maintainable, and most importantly reusable. Components can be updated
independently from their hosting deployment- making day 2 operations even easier.
Shared Resources
Shared resources are a special case of components and represent those that are used by multiple services. These can be referenced directly
through the blueprint without the concern of setting them up or tearing them down as part of the deployment.
Cascading workflows from the hosting deployment to the component can be enabled/disabled, allowing for complete flexibility running day 2
operations on the relevant parts of the service.
type: cloudify.nodes.Root
- type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on_shared_resource | cloudify.relationships.connected_to_shared_resource
target: shared_resource_node
workflow_id: <workflow id of the shared deployment>
parameters: {}
Parameters to
be passed as
Cloudify Composer
5.0.x provides a makeover to the Cloudify Composer making it much
easier to create your first blueprints through a drag-n-drop
interface. The Cloudify composer provides a new project view
organizing your blueprint packages and providing better visibility
into the blueprint resources and properties.
Easy composition, switching from code to topology views, package
import, and real-time code validation are available out-of-the-box.
Environment as a Service
Reduce Human Errors Using
Input Validation
An operator or any team member running a deployment is not
always aware of the input specifics required for that blueprint. Input
constraints allow the service designer to enforce a set of validations
per input so that user will have to comply. For example limit port
numbers to an integer between 2500 and 5600. Name specific
values, base the validation on a pattern, etc
Real-Time Visibility Into Orchestration Task Execution
Deploying a multi-domain clustered service may consist of multiple steps with many inter-dependencies. Cloudify 5.0.x provides a
fully detailed task execution graph clearly displaying the planned nodes, execution steps along with their order and dependencies.
This visual tool makes it easy to track executions in real-time, gain visibility into their progress & status, and easily identify issues and
Dry Run Preview
Gain a better understanding of changes before they take place
with dry run preview
Cloudify’s intent-based model simplifies your day 2 operation and
deployment maintenance and makes them extremely easy to
maintain. Automation usually comes with some lack of visibility
into the steps that the system is going to apply with every
requested topology update. Getting a preview into the changes
before they are applied provides that missing layer of
visibility, and allows the operator to understand exactly what is
going to take place and apply or correct if needed.
Secrets (secure properties) are a key part of every project &
environment. A secure process for secret export from a manager (e.g.
Dev) and import into another manager (e.g. QA) allows for a secure
automatic flow of pipeline for Cloudify code.
Tie Into CI/CD Workflows With
Secure Secret Migration
A key part of a healthy CI/CD pipeline is the ability to shift
products through different environments - from Dev to QA to
Staging, and to Production.
Integrating Cloudify into the pipeline allows for greater flexibility
and reduces considerable time; it also requires that the Cloudify
code (in the form of blueprints, plugins, and secrets) can be
migrated through this process.
In 5.0.5 we introduce a complete secret export-import flow
A secure flow with data encryption, anti-tampering flow, and
collision detection
A mapping functionality allowing for different tenant and account
names in different systems
A new option for bulk secret import from a file
A fully automated flow leveraging API/CLI.
Keeping Plugins Up-to-Speed
Plugins are the interfaces to your infrastructure and services. In an
ever-changing environment, plugin changes are inevitable and should
be considered as part of the ongoing maintenance of your systems.
Automatic update of plugins is now much simpler using two new 5.0.x
PEP440 format for plugin import is supported allowing the blueprint
designer to specify a range of supported plugin versions (e.g. >=2.1,
!=2.4, <3.0). Cloudify will take the most recent available plugin
matching that range.
Bulk update of a new plugin version across multiple deployments can
now be executed. Updating a plugin does not require a deployment
[centos@cloudify ~]$ cfy plugins update -h
Update plugins in all deployments of a blueprint
-b, --blueprint-id BLUEPRINT_ID The id of the blueprint
What’s Next?
Please note that all references to future releases and timing represent indicative strategy and future
product plans known to Cloudify at this time, and that all references to dates and features are subject to
change. Cloudify retains the right to make changes at any time to future software development plans or
timescales and assumes no liability for the use of the information set out herein.
Cloudify Roadmap Summary
2020 (H1) - Cloudify 5.1
(Minor maintenance release)
● Cloudify Composer service catalog
● Cloudify Management Console UX improvements
● Out-of-the-box CI/CD integration
○ Jenkins plugin
○ Dedicated API
● Python 3 migration
● Snapshot & Restore flows improvements - Faster, simpler.
● Plugin improvements (GCP, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes)
● Cloudify as a Service (Trial)
● Minor features across the board
● Bug fixes
2020 (H2) - Cloudify 5.2
(Major release)
● Environment as a Service - Reports and ecosystem
● Criteria based orchestration (Placement policy)
● Topology refresh - Identify production/model discrepancies
● Cross manager workflows
● Kubernetes multi site workload orchestration
● Edge lightweight manager
● TOSCA requirements-Capabilities
● Improved scaling flows
● Non-privileged container deployment
● Blueprint versioning
● Plugin improvements
● Minor features across the board
Q & A
Thank You.

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Intro to Environment as a Service - Cloudify 5.0.5 Webinar

  • 1. 1 All Clouds Any Service Unlimited Locations Introducing ‘Environment as a Service’ -Cloudify 5.0.5 Webinar Cloudify Product Update Webinar
  • 2. Agenda ● Cloudify 5.0.5 update ○ Cloudify at scale ○ Service composition & EaaS ○ Operability ● What’s next
  • 4. Enterprise-grade Highly Available Topology Cloudify’s high availability topology has been updated in v5.0.x to improve the availability and robustness of the Cloudify service in cases of malfunction. It further allows for easier scaling to get more work done by your Cloudify manager. The new topology allows for either: ● Single, all-in-one manager (with no high availability and no cluster option) ● Highly available cluster as described here, based on 3 services (on separate nodes) with Managers, database, and messaging queue each operating as a highly available cluster, on separate nodes.
  • 5. Public Cloud DBaaS as Cloudify’s Database With version 5.0.5 Cloudify supports an external DBaaS. The certified solutions are Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Setting up Cloudify with external DBaaS leverages public cloud support for mission-critical workloads and predictable performance, security, high availability, as well as dynamic scalability. Customers may also bring their own maintained PostgreSQL server/cluster
  • 6. Cluster & Manager Status Improved system health mechanism is introduced in v5.0.5, extending the manager status information with cluster status command and widget providing visibility into the operational status of the cluster (active, degraded service, service is down) with detailed information about each of the nodes by role type. The manager’s health and cluster management (HA) widgets have been updated to better describe the system’s health. Manager status command - the operational health of each manager for load balancing among the active-active managers. Cluster status command - designed to support Global Load Balancers (GLB) or other networking services as a means to determine the cluster health. [root@2a85ca0b2643 /]# cfy status Retrieving manager services status... [ip=localhost] Services: +--------------------------------+--------+ | service | status | +--------------------------------+--------+ | Cloudify Console | Active | | PostgreSQL | Active | | AMQP-Postgres | Active | | Manager Rest-Service | Active | | RabbitMQ | Active | | Webserver | Active | | Cloudify Composer | Active | | Management Worker | Active | +--------------------------------+--------+
  • 7. Scaling of the Cloudify manager (for more workload) is achieved via two methods: ● Enhancing the cluster form factor (more compute power and memory) ● Setting more Cloudify managers in the cluster. Thanks to the new active-active approach, scaling is made easy, and each added manager will partake in the workload. ● Linear scaling using HW ● Almost linear scaling with additional managers (verified with 3-6 active managers) Cloudify Manager Scaling ● 1000 workflows per hour on a single box ● Over 5000 workflows per hour on a Cloudify cluster ● Tested with over 2M deployed nodes
  • 8. Organize the Chaos Leveraging Site Management Managing multiple locations with massive numbers of systems and services is challenging. Cloudify ‘Sites’ allow grouping of deployments by location, providing visibility into installations in your data centers, public cloud regions, branches, or edge sites. The site’s concept with filtering and operations is partially available for all premium users, while the map view and UI widgets are limited to Spire license.
  • 10. Service Components Composing a service blueprint is easy. Keeping your blueprint code maintainable, readable and reusable is typically the challenge. As a service designer, one should not have to describe every tiny object each time a service is required. Service components provide the answer to this. Services grow more and more complex, with a larger number of components and more complicated sub-services (e.g. a database cluster in highly available mode consisting of dozens of nodes, ports, VMs, security groups, etc. as a sub-component). A service component is a new node type that embeds a complete sub-service blueprint as a single node. Service components are easy to use across blueprints and keep your code organized, easy to read, maintainable, and most importantly reusable. Components can be updated independently from their hosting deployment- making day 2 operations even easier.
  • 11. Shared Resources Shared resources are a special case of components and represent those that are used by multiple services. These can be referenced directly through the blueprint without the concern of setting them up or tearing them down as part of the deployment. Cascading workflows from the hosting deployment to the component can be enabled/disabled, allowing for complete flexibility running day 2 operations on the relevant parts of the service. app_using_shared_resource_node: type: cloudify.nodes.Root relationships: - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on_shared_resource | cloudify.relationships.connected_to_shared_resource target: shared_resource_node target_interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle: establish: inputs: workflow_id: <workflow id of the shared deployment> parameters: {} Parameters to be passed as workflow inputs
  • 12. Cloudify Composer 5.0.x provides a makeover to the Cloudify Composer making it much easier to create your first blueprints through a drag-n-drop interface. The Cloudify composer provides a new project view organizing your blueprint packages and providing better visibility into the blueprint resources and properties. Easy composition, switching from code to topology views, package import, and real-time code validation are available out-of-the-box.
  • 13. Environment as a Service
  • 15. Reduce Human Errors Using Input Validation An operator or any team member running a deployment is not always aware of the input specifics required for that blueprint. Input constraints allow the service designer to enforce a set of validations per input so that user will have to comply. For example limit port numbers to an integer between 2500 and 5600. Name specific values, base the validation on a pattern, etc
  • 16. Real-Time Visibility Into Orchestration Task Execution Deploying a multi-domain clustered service may consist of multiple steps with many inter-dependencies. Cloudify 5.0.x provides a fully detailed task execution graph clearly displaying the planned nodes, execution steps along with their order and dependencies. This visual tool makes it easy to track executions in real-time, gain visibility into their progress & status, and easily identify issues and failures.
  • 17. Dry Run Preview Gain a better understanding of changes before they take place with dry run preview Cloudify’s intent-based model simplifies your day 2 operation and deployment maintenance and makes them extremely easy to maintain. Automation usually comes with some lack of visibility into the steps that the system is going to apply with every requested topology update. Getting a preview into the changes before they are applied provides that missing layer of visibility, and allows the operator to understand exactly what is going to take place and apply or correct if needed.
  • 18. Secrets (secure properties) are a key part of every project & environment. A secure process for secret export from a manager (e.g. Dev) and import into another manager (e.g. QA) allows for a secure automatic flow of pipeline for Cloudify code. Tie Into CI/CD Workflows With Secure Secret Migration A key part of a healthy CI/CD pipeline is the ability to shift products through different environments - from Dev to QA to Staging, and to Production. Integrating Cloudify into the pipeline allows for greater flexibility and reduces considerable time; it also requires that the Cloudify code (in the form of blueprints, plugins, and secrets) can be migrated through this process. In 5.0.5 we introduce a complete secret export-import flow supporting: A secure flow with data encryption, anti-tampering flow, and collision detection A mapping functionality allowing for different tenant and account names in different systems A new option for bulk secret import from a file A fully automated flow leveraging API/CLI.
  • 19. Keeping Plugins Up-to-Speed Plugins are the interfaces to your infrastructure and services. In an ever-changing environment, plugin changes are inevitable and should be considered as part of the ongoing maintenance of your systems. Automatic update of plugins is now much simpler using two new 5.0.x capabilities. PEP440 format for plugin import is supported allowing the blueprint designer to specify a range of supported plugin versions (e.g. >=2.1, !=2.4, <3.0). Cloudify will take the most recent available plugin matching that range. Bulk update of a new plugin version across multiple deployments can now be executed. Updating a plugin does not require a deployment update. [centos@cloudify ~]$ cfy plugins update -h Update plugins in all deployments of a blueprint Options: -b, --blueprint-id BLUEPRINT_ID The id of the blueprint
  • 21. Please note that all references to future releases and timing represent indicative strategy and future product plans known to Cloudify at this time, and that all references to dates and features are subject to change. Cloudify retains the right to make changes at any time to future software development plans or timescales and assumes no liability for the use of the information set out herein. Cloudify Roadmap Summary 2020 (H1) - Cloudify 5.1 (Minor maintenance release) ● Cloudify Composer service catalog ● Cloudify Management Console UX improvements ● Out-of-the-box CI/CD integration ○ Jenkins plugin ○ Dedicated API ● Python 3 migration ● Snapshot & Restore flows improvements - Faster, simpler. ● Plugin improvements (GCP, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes) ● Cloudify as a Service (Trial) ● Minor features across the board ● Bug fixes 2020 (H2) - Cloudify 5.2 (Major release) ● Environment as a Service - Reports and ecosystem ● Criteria based orchestration (Placement policy) ● Topology refresh - Identify production/model discrepancies ● Cross manager workflows ● Kubernetes multi site workload orchestration ● Edge lightweight manager ● TOSCA requirements-Capabilities ● Improved scaling flows ● Non-privileged container deployment ● Blueprint versioning ● Plugin improvements ● Minor features across the board
  • 22. Q & A