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Threat Ready Data:
Protect data from the Inside
and the Outside
Amit Walia
Senior Vice President, General Manager
Data Integration & Security
April 23, 2015
Current State – Threat ready…Really?
Industry: Healthcare
ID Theft is Even More Pervasive
44%Of all data breaches are in
From Identity Theft Resource Center
90%Have experienced a breach
in the last 2 years
2013 ID Experts data security survey of 91 healthcare organizations
38%Have experienced > 5 breach
incidents in
the last 2 years
20-50XMedical identities are more valuable
than financial identities
Industry: Retail
The Real Cost of a Data Breach
Retail data breaches makes the headlines
Customer Loyalty and Revenue Declines
Stolen data used to defraud the retail company
Jobs of C-level leaders are at stake
2014 was the year of retail data breaches
Number of stolen records continue to increase
Industry: Financial Services
Impacted Not Only by Direct Breach, But Also Retail Breaches
45%Of financial services have been hit
2014 Economic Crime Survey by PWC of 5000 senior executives in 99
$200MCard replacement cost of Target
data breach
$40MCard replacement cost of smaller
banks for 4M cards from Target
and Neiman Marcus breaches
Industry: Public Sector
•  73% of DBA’s can view all data, increasing risk of breach
•  50% say data has been compromised or stolen by
malicious insider such as a privileged user
•  The cost of a breach averages $5.5 million
per organization
Data Breach: Internal Breaches and Growing
Ponemon Institute May 2012
Data Breach: Is Not IF But WHEN
Data is the new OIL….and everyone
wants to steal it!
Data Breach: Shouldn’t we Focus on Protecting
the Data?
Endpoint Network Devices
Do You Know the Most Critical Data to Protect?
What Level of Protection Is Required?
Against Outsiders?
Against Insiders?
?What has changed?
“We’ve moved beyond just protecting endpoints and networks. APTs combined with trends like mobility, cloud, and outsourcing require us to
have security as close to the data as possible– independent of devices, applications, databases, storage platforms, and network topologies.
We need companies like Informatica, who understand data deeply, to take a more active role in helping us to secure information.” –CISO/
CRO, leading global bank
1. Traditional Security Architectures are
2. Data Proliferation Is Inevitable
Is the risk
out here? Or in here?
Data Points to Internal Users
Inside the Firewall
•  Accidental
•  Rogue employee
•  Criminal activity
•  Opportunistic
3. Insiders with privileged access
4. Interpretation of the Law
How do you define and enforce data residency?
?Where are the risks?
Where is your sensitive/private data that
should be protected?
Do you know its RISK exposure?
“…only 26 percent (CEOs) say they have identified
which types of data they hold are the most
attractive to hackers…”
Washington Post, 2014
N=1587, Source: Ponemon Research, May 2014
23% 24%
ROW EMEA North America
Yes, All Data Yes, Most Data Yes, Some Data No
Do you know where your structured sensitive
and confidential data resides?
Primary Research of 1500+ enterprise customers
validates key pain points
Source: Ponemon Institute June 2014; 1,587 Global IT and Security practitioners in 16 countries
You Need Insights to Manage Your Sensitive Data
Do you have this information to prioritize your security investments?
Where Is
Where Is Its
Where Is
It Going?
Is It
What Are
That Apply?
Who Has
Access To
What Is Its
Cost If
Data-Centric Security Intelligence & Analytics
Security approach that focuses on gaining
insights about the data context to enable cost-
effective data security controls, complementing
security solutions that focus on protecting the
network perimeter, endpoints, and infrastructure.
Focus security investments on high risk data assets
Data Centric Security: 2 Key Components
Data-Centric Security Maturity Model
User Activity
Usage Patterns
Informatica Data Security
Keep Data Safe Throughout Its Lifecycle
What is it?
•  Gather insights from data context
and metadata to deliver location and
risk analytics
•  Leverages information from existing
data management and security
It answers:
•  Where is my sensitive data?
•  Is it protected?
•  What country is it resident in?
•  Where is it proliferating?
•  Who has access to it?
•  Who uses it?
•  What is its value if stolen?
•  What is my risk?
Data Security Intelligence: Understand Risks
A ‘single pane of glass' to
continuously monitor sensitive data
stores and their risks
•  Enterprise-wide sensitive data
risk analytics
•  Sensitive data classification &
•  Proliferation analysis
•  Policy-based alerting
•  Integrates data security
information from 3rd parties:
•  Data stores
•  Data owners
•  Classification
•  Protection status
Secure@Source Overview
Informatica Data Privacy and Test Data Mgmt
Solution Architecture
Informatica Dynamic
Data Masking
Test Data
Data Subset
Informatica Persistent
Data Masking
Sensitive Data
Production Support
Data Privacy
Compliance Validation
Synthetic Test Data
Test Data Generation
Apply Persistent Data Masking
Protect Sensitive Information in Test & Dev
Masked Values
Masked Values
Masked Values
Credit Card
Informatica Persistent
Data Masking
Apply Dynamic Data Masking
Protect Sensitive Information in Production
(Sr. Analyst)
Original Values
Masked Values
Custom Application
(IT Administrator)
Masked Values
National ID
Credit Card
Informatica Dynamic
Data Masking
(Offshore Support)
Why Informatica?
Thinking Data First: The Intelligent Data Platform Uniquely
Addresses Data Security Challenges
Intelligent Data Platform
Data Intelligence
Metadata meets machine learning
Data Infrastructure
Industry leading data integration, profiling, masking, complex event processing across all sources, anywhere
Define Once. Deploy Anywhere.
On-premise or in cloud
Cloud, Social,
Partner Data
Platform for Universal Data Access
We have successfully LOWER
600+ customers…
We have been are building off a strong foundation -
Strong showing at RSA 2013, 2014, and 2015
Informatica won awards at Product Award reception at RSA 2013, 2014 & 2015
•  Gold Award for Best New Security Product - Informatica Secure@Source
•  Gold Award for Database Security, Data Leakage Prevention/Extrusion Prevention -
Informatica Dynamic Data Masking
•  Bronze Award for New Product - Informatica Cloud Test Data Management
Threat Ready
It’s In Your

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Threat Ready Data: Protect Data from the Inside and the Outside

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  • 2. Threat Ready Data: Protect data from the Inside and the Outside Amit Walia Senior Vice President, General Manager Data Integration & Security April 23, 2015
  • 3. Current State – Threat ready…Really? 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
  • 4. Industry: Healthcare ID Theft is Even More Pervasive 44%Of all data breaches are in Healthcare From Identity Theft Resource Center 90%Have experienced a breach in the last 2 years 2013 ID Experts data security survey of 91 healthcare organizations 38%Have experienced > 5 breach incidents in the last 2 years 20-50XMedical identities are more valuable than financial identities
  • 5. Industry: Retail The Real Cost of a Data Breach Retail data breaches makes the headlines Customer Loyalty and Revenue Declines Stolen data used to defraud the retail company Jobs of C-level leaders are at stake 2014 was the year of retail data breaches Number of stolen records continue to increase
  • 6. Industry: Financial Services Impacted Not Only by Direct Breach, But Also Retail Breaches 45%Of financial services have been hit 2014 Economic Crime Survey by PWC of 5000 senior executives in 99 countries $200MCard replacement cost of Target data breach $40MCard replacement cost of smaller banks for 4M cards from Target and Neiman Marcus breaches
  • 8. •  73% of DBA’s can view all data, increasing risk of breach •  50% say data has been compromised or stolen by malicious insider such as a privileged user •  The cost of a breach averages $5.5 million per organization Data Breach: Internal Breaches and Growing Challenges Ponemon Institute May 2012
  • 9. Data Breach: Is Not IF But WHEN
  • 10. Data is the new OIL….and everyone wants to steal it! Why?
  • 11. Data Breach: Shouldn’t we Focus on Protecting the Data? Host Endpoint Network Devices Application Data Do You Know the Most Critical Data to Protect? What Level of Protection Is Required? Against Outsiders? Against Insiders? BUT…
  • 13. 13 “We’ve moved beyond just protecting endpoints and networks. APTs combined with trends like mobility, cloud, and outsourcing require us to have security as close to the data as possible– independent of devices, applications, databases, storage platforms, and network topologies. We need companies like Informatica, who understand data deeply, to take a more active role in helping us to secure information.” –CISO/ CRO, leading global bank 1. Traditional Security Architectures are Insufficient
  • 14. 2. Data Proliferation Is Inevitable
  • 15. Is the risk greater out here? Or in here? Data Points to Internal Users Inside the Firewall •  Accidental •  Rogue employee •  Criminal activity •  Opportunistic 3. Insiders with privileged access
  • 16. 4. Interpretation of the Law How do you define and enforce data residency?
  • 17. ?Where are the risks?
  • 18. Where is your sensitive/private data that should be protected? Do you know its RISK exposure? “…only 26 percent (CEOs) say they have identified which types of data they hold are the most attractive to hackers…” Washington Post, 2014 N=1587, Source: Ponemon Research, May 2014 13% 20% 15%16% 30% 19% 45% 27% 42% 26% 23% 24% ROW EMEA North America Yes, All Data Yes, Most Data Yes, Some Data No Do you know where your structured sensitive and confidential data resides?
  • 19. Primary Research of 1500+ enterprise customers validates key pain points 19 Source: Ponemon Institute June 2014; 1,587 Global IT and Security practitioners in 16 countries
  • 20. You Need Insights to Manage Your Sensitive Data Risks Do you have this information to prioritize your security investments? Where Is Your Sensitive Data? Where Is Its Residency? Where Is It Going? Is It Protected? What Are The Regulations That Apply? Who Has Access To It? What Is Its Cost If Stolen?
  • 21. Data-Centric Security Intelligence & Analytics Security approach that focuses on gaining insights about the data context to enable cost- effective data security controls, complementing security solutions that focus on protecting the network perimeter, endpoints, and infrastructure. Focus security investments on high risk data assets
  • 23. Data-Centric Security Maturity Model DISCOVER Classification Proliferation ANALYZE Exposure Risk LDAP IAM DAM/DAP DLP SIEM DETECT Access Controls User Activity Controls Remediation PROTECT ORCHESTRATE Block Alert Mask Archive Encrypt Tokenize MONITOR Baselines Usage Patterns Behavioral Anomalies PREDICT Threats Behaviors COLLECT & CORRELATE
  • 24. Informatica Data Security Keep Data Safe Throughout Its Lifecycle Data  Security   Intelligence   Data  Protec2on  with   Data  Masking   Secure  Tes2ng  with   Test  Data   Management   Safely  Retain  and   Dispose  with  Data   Archive   DISCOVER CLASSIFY ANALYZE MONITOR MANAGE RISK DYNAMIC MASKING PERSISTENT MASKING COMPLY SUBSET GENERATE MAINTAIN MASK TEST DATA RETIRE LEGACY APPLICATIONS MANAGE RETENTION COMPLY REDUCE COSTS OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE
  • 25. What is it? •  Gather insights from data context and metadata to deliver location and risk analytics •  Leverages information from existing data management and security solutions It answers: •  Where is my sensitive data? •  Is it protected? •  What country is it resident in? •  Where is it proliferating? •  Who has access to it? •  Who uses it? •  What is its value if stolen? •  What is my risk? Data Security Intelligence: Understand Risks
  • 26. A ‘single pane of glass' to continuously monitor sensitive data stores and their risks •  Enterprise-wide sensitive data risk analytics •  Sensitive data classification & discovery •  Proliferation analysis •  Policy-based alerting •  Integrates data security information from 3rd parties: •  Data stores •  Data owners •  Classification •  Protection status Secure@Source Overview
  • 27. Informatica Data Privacy and Test Data Mgmt Solution Architecture Production Dev Test Train Informatica Dynamic Data Masking Informatica Test Data Management Informatica Data Subset Informatica Persistent Data Masking Sensitive Data Discovery Users Production Support CRM Custom Billing ERP Packaged EDW Data Privacy Compliance Validation Synthetic Test Data Informatica Test Data Generation
  • 28. Apply Persistent Data Masking Protect Sensitive Information in Test & Dev Masked Values 5992-9989-1333-5429 3724-6743-8000-2421 Masked Values 5992-9989-1333-5429 3724-6743-8000-2421 Development Masked Values 5992-9989-1333-5429 3724-6743-8000-2421 Shuffle Substitution Skewing Credit Card Informatica Persistent Data Masking Testing Training
  • 29. Apply Dynamic Data Masking Protect Sensitive Information in Production (Sr. Analyst) Original Values 5992-9989-1333-5429 3724-6743-8000-2421 Masked Values 1234-6789-1000-4422 2233-6789-3456-5555 Custom Application (IT Administrator) Masked Values xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0093 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-7658 National ID Credit Card Blocking Informatica Dynamic Data Masking (Offshore Support)
  • 30. Why Informatica? Thinking Data First: The Intelligent Data Platform Uniquely Addresses Data Security Challenges Intelligent Data Platform Data Intelligence Metadata meets machine learning Data Infrastructure Industry leading data integration, profiling, masking, complex event processing across all sources, anywhere Define Once. Deploy Anywhere. On-premise or in cloud Data Warehouse Transactional Applications CRM ERP HR FIN Big Data Unstructured Semi-Structured Real-time Events Mainframe Systems Cloud, Social, Partner Data Enterprise Applications Platform for Universal Data Access
  • 31. We have successfully LOWER RISKS, REDUCE COSTS, and PROTECT SENSITIVE DATA for 600+ customers…
  • 32. We have been are building off a strong foundation - Strong showing at RSA 2013, 2014, and 2015 Informatica won awards at Product Award reception at RSA 2013, 2014 & 2015 •  Gold Award for Best New Security Product - Informatica Secure@Source •  Gold Award for Database Security, Data Leakage Prevention/Extrusion Prevention - Informatica Dynamic Data Masking •  Bronze Award for New Product - Informatica Cloud Test Data Management
  • 33. Threat Ready - It’s In Your Hands THANK YOU