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© 2011 IBM Corporation1
16.30 h Registration mit Erfrischung
17.00 h Begrüssung und Einführung
Rudolf E. Vontobel, Director Banking Industry
IBM Schweiz AG
17.10 h Mehrwert durch kanalübergreifenden Kundendialog
Christoph Wille
Strategy & Transformation Leader, IBM Global Business Services
18.15 h Abschluss und Fragen
18.30 h Apéro und Diskussion
19.30 h Ende der Veranstaltung
IBM Bankenstamm
Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für Banken in der Schweiz
© 2013 IBM Corporation22
Introduction 5 min
Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min
Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue
implementations in Banking 40 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min
© 2013 IBM Corporation3
Revenue growth is
the #1 priority
Responsiveness is
key competence
Improving internal
capabilities as first
step to growth
Revenue growth is
the #1 priority
Responsiveness is
key competence
Improving internal
capabilities as first
step to growth
Business model
innovation matters
Innovation must be
orchestrated from
the top
Business model
innovation matters
Innovation must be
orchestrated from
the top
Hungry for change
Customers as
opportunity to
Business model
innovation, global
business designs
Hungry for change
Customers as
opportunity to
Business model
innovation, global
business designs
Embody creative
Reinvent customer
Build operating
Embody creative
Reinvent customer
Build operating
employees through
Engaging customers
as individuals
Amplifying innovation
with partnerships
employees through
Engaging customers
as individuals
Amplifying innovation
with partnerships
Your turn
Expanding the
Innovation Horizon
The Enterprise
of the Future
Capitalizing on
Leading through
The Global CEO Study 2012 is the fifth biennial CEO study, building
on our insights and findings over the last 8 years
765 interviews765 interviews 1130 interviews1130 interviews 1541 interviews1541 interviews456 interviews456 interviews 1709 interviews1709 interviews
© 2013 IBM Corporation44
Drawing insight from information – Areas of improvement
Source: Q23 “In which areas do you plan to improve your ability to draw meaningful and executable insights from available information?”
(Global n=1609 to 1658) (Banking & FM n=200 to 213)
“The role of risk management will
become more significant. Active
selling and understanding
consumer behavior will be
Financial Services CEO, Europe
CEOs identify customer insights and risk management as the most
critical areas for investment
Markets and competitors
Human resources
Supply chain
Risk management
Banking & Financial Markets
© 2013 IBM Corporation55
Change required to meet customer expectations (3 to 5 years)
Source: Q9 “To what extent will your organization change to meet customer expectations compared to your industry peers over the next 3 to 5
years?” (Global n=1652 to 1676) (Banking & FM n=212 to 216); Note: Financial Services (FS) includes Banking and
Financial Markets
FS1 CEOs want to improve their understanding of individual
customers and respond faster
CEOs in the financial services industry attribute
importance to Transparency and Corporate
accountability but value even more customer
needs, time to market and customer
Improve understanding of individual customer needs
Improve response time to market needs
Harmonize customer experiences across channels
Include customers / citizens across product / service life cycle
Increase transparency and corporate accountability
Increase social and environmental responsibility
Banking & Financial Markets
© 2013 IBM Corporation66
Source: Q22 “How good is your organization at driving value from data? [Today]” (Global n=631 to 636) (Banking & FM n=215 to 216)
Access to data
Global Outperformers
Global Underperformers
Draw insights from data
Translate insight into action
Banking & FM
Outperformers are twice as good at deriving value from data – key
to engaging customers as individuals
Outperformers strongly differentiate their organizations in three key areas
© 2013 IBM Corporation77
Banking CMOs believe they are underprepared to manage the
impact of key changes in many areas of the marketing arena
Percent of CMOs reporting underpreparedness
Source: Q8 How prepared are you to manage the impact of the top 5 market factors that will have the most impact on your marketing organization over the next 3 to 5 years?
n=6 to 159 (n = number of respondents who selected the factor as important)
Corporate transparency 46% 47%
Regulatory considerations 45% 50%
Global outsourcing 50% 54%
Customer collaboration and influence 50% 56%
Emerging market opportunities 44% 56%
Shifting consumer demographics 50% 63%
Privacy considerations 62% 55%
ROI accountability 56% 56%
Decreasing brand loyalty 51% 57%
Financial constraints 56% 59%
Growth of channel and device choices 62% 65%
Social media 72% 68%
Data explosion 74% 71%
© 2013 IBM Corporation88
To deal with the broad level of underpreparedness, CMOs signaled
three key domains of improvement
Deliver value to
Foster lasting
Capture value,
measure results
“Marketing must become more adept at managing the
magnitude of change now taking place. Otherwise, it
will be like going into battle with a Swiss Army knife.”
Financial services, Vice President of Marketing, United States
© 2013 IBM Corporation99
Introduction 5 min
Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min
Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue
implementations in Banking 40 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min
© 2013 IBM Corporation10
“Growth at IBM's scale means creating new
markets…. Rometty is making IBM’s new market
pitch to marketing executives, promising that
technology will change the way they do their
Rometty noted that IBM will help change the
way corporations communicate with their
customers -- and ultimately the way they use
technology to build and sell their products. "This
is a mindset shift, not a market shift… It
changes everything.”
Paris, October 25th – 26th - CIO – CMO events
IBM’s “Big Shift” to focus on the Front Office & Customer Dialogue
© 2013 IBM Corporation1111
Our vision: From Marketing to a Personalized Customer Dialogue:
The four P’s of Marketing have changed
The Old Four P’s The New Four P’s
Company-centered view of the world
Mass produced products
Established distribution channels
One-Size Fits All mass advertising
One way communication
Customer-centered view of the world
Products tailored to customer
Flexible cross-channel distribution
Personalized, targeted promotions
Listening in a two-way conversation
© 2013 IBM Corporation1212
What does it take to achieve a successful interactive
value creating Multi-Channel Dialogue?
Executive Commitment to a Customer-Centered Business Strategy
1. Customer Awareness – 360º View of the Customer
2. Customer Engagement – An Ongoing Personalized Dialog
3. Cross-Channel Integration – Right Message, Right Channel, Right Time
4. Integrated Infrastructure and Operations – Plan, Execute, Track, Adjust
© 2013 IBM Corporation1313
Introduction 5 min
Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min
Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue
implementations in Banking 40 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min
© 2013 IBM Corporation14
Reaching the next level of Customer Dialogue and Centricity
Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation15
Creating a Customer
Focused Enterprise
Case Studies… based on:
Driving differentiated treatment based on
individual customer needs
Examples of Successful Implementations
Continent North Bank
© 2013 IBM Corporation1616
ING Bank in the Netherlands
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation1717
Smarter Customer Dialogue: Business Drivers for ING
Consumer is ‘in control’Consumer is ‘in control’ Action required!Action required!
Leverage inbound contacts for targeted sales
and service
Centrally coordinate sales and marketing
efforts on all channels
Stop the ‘information-overload’
Leverage all channels
Increase marketing accountability – show
impact of marketing spend
Clear distinction on roles: marketing
orchestrates, channels execute
Increase marketing effectiveness
Reduce costs
Traditional campaigns dont work
Traditional campaigns dont work
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation181818
Customer browses ING
webpages for a
savings product …
Customer browses ING
webpages for a
savings product …
… but does not
continue the process
… but does not
continue the process
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation191919
Customer leaves the
bank website and
browses the
newspaper pages.
An ING savings ad
shows up, targeted at
this individual
The customer clicks
on the advertisement
Customer leaves the
bank website and
browses the
newspaper pages.
An ING savings ad
shows up, targeted at
this individual
The customer clicks
on the advertisement
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation202020
The customer starts
filling out the
application form
The customer starts
filling out the
application form
… but then abandons the
… but then abandons the
And returns to the ING
And returns to the ING
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation212121
A call center service
representative calls the
customer the day after
and offers to print out
the application
document and send it
over (remarketing)
The customer agrees
and completes the
A call center service
representative calls the
customer the day after
and offers to print out
the application
document and send it
over (remarketing)
The customer agrees
and completes the
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation222222
The customer receives
the monthly newsletter
The customer receives
the monthly newsletter
The newsletter is
personalized and starts
with a topic on savings
accounts …
The newsletter is
personalized and starts
with a topic on savings
accounts …
… and a call to action to
transfer funds
… and a call to action to
transfer funds
A few weeks later, the
customer still hasn’t
transferred funds
A few weeks later, the
customer still hasn’t
transferred funds
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation232323
A personalized
message is shown in
the service box, urging
the customer to
transfer funds.
The customer decides
to transfers funds and
does this with a few
A personalized
message is shown in
the service box, urging
the customer to
transfer funds.
The customer decides
to transfers funds and
does this with a few
… the customer goes
to the secure part of
the website
… the customer goes
to the secure part of
the website
A few days later …A few days later …
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation242424
A personalized offer pops –
special bonus points for when the
customer deposits more money.
A personalized offer pops –
special bonus points for when the
customer deposits more money.
A month later, there has been no
further transfers of funds.
The customer uses the mobile
app to make a payment
A month later, there has been no
further transfers of funds.
The customer uses the mobile
app to make a payment
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation252525
ING posts a personalized offer for
this customer: the ‘bonus point’
ING posts a personalized offer for
this customer: the ‘bonus point’
The customer has liked the ING
page on facebook
The customer has liked the ING
page on facebook
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation262626
On the next day, the customer
visits a branch.
A warning message shows up
on the branch screen – the agent
offers a increased savings rate
and secures the customer
On the next day, the customer
visits a branch.
A warning message shows up
on the branch screen – the agent
offers a increased savings rate
and secures the customer
A while later, the customer visits
the website and looks at INGs
interest % on the savings
Short after, the customer starts to
withdraws funds from the
savings account.
A while later, the customer visits
the website and looks at INGs
interest % on the savings
Short after, the customer starts to
withdraws funds from the
savings account.
Impact: banners that are
triggered based on behavior of a
customer have up to 10x higher
Impact: banners that are
triggered based on behavior of a
customer have up to 10x higher
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation2727
Underlying principles: A single marketing engine, providing offers
and next best actions across all channels
Logoff page
Call outbound
Call inbound
Sept 2012
Mail ATM
Banners at
non-ING domains
Fase 4 ?
in phase 4
Sales Force
Powered by Next
Best Actions
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation2828
CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
Cannot be shared but discussed with IBM on request
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Continent North Bank
• Industry: Financial services company
• Specialization: Personal financing
• Type: Both Business to Consumer (B-C) and Business to Business (B-B)
• Total Managed Assets: $1 Trillion
• Number of Employees: 280,000+
• Market: Largest bank holding company in North America
• Growth: Driven by acquisition or expansion of services to existing
customers. Continent North Bank has increased its focus on managing and
optimizing customer relationships with a focus on organic growth.
Continent North Bank background
CASE STUDY 2CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Continent North Bank needed to shift marketing from product to a
customer incentive approach
• Unable to drive organic growth within existing customer base due to lack of customer
experience and relevance of customer interaction
• Loss of customers of newly acquired banks after take over which impacts value of
acquired business
Client issue
• Consumer and small business bank
•Marketing segment team
•Marketing operations and information management
Scope• Use customer events as the means to deepen relationships and drive organic growth
• Improve the customer experience and the timeliness and relevance of customer interaction
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation31
“I have an offer – let me find a customer to sell to.”
Direct mail
Agent, IVR
Online, email
Mobile, SMS
• You do not know me and ask me
multiple times about the same thing.
• I am not offered solutions based on my
multiple relationships.
• They don’t really know me - Customers
are offered products that may feel
irrelevant and disconnected versus
Small Business
• I use North Continent Bank for
convenience but primarily use another
• The Bank doesn’t understand me, my
industry or my business.
• The Bank’s associates can’t address all
of my business needs.
Staff are not
confident in acting on
offers – our
presentment rates
are too low.
Staff are not
confident in acting on
offers – our
presentment rates
are too low.
Every group, product
and channel for itself
– no customer
Every group, product
and channel for itself
– no customer
Our analytics are
geared to
propensities not
relationships and
Our data is siloed,
latent, and oriented to
products and
Current State was inconsistent with bank’s customer experience
aims & growth imperatives
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation32
Atomic level
Event detection
Product lifecycle
Life stage plans
and events
Behavioural profiles
External events
Offers and treatments based on customer behavior & preferences
Event engine trawls daily
Identifies aberrant behavior
Predictive analytics engine
determines Next Best Action
Optimization engine
maximizes use of channel
Contact channel based
on client preferences
and likely response
Analysis and modelling
Analytics and
Business rules
Fatigue and optimisation
initiated Info
compliance Growth Retention
Current communication
Delivery Channel
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation33 33
Traditional approaches to segmentation looked at a few variables
and provided very little in the way of action
The also do not represent the uniqueness of individuals
and their behaviors
IBM Confidential33
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation34
The adoption of more effective methods of segmentation is key to
developing customer insights
Take a multi-dimensional view
of customers:
– Who they are
– What they look like
– What they need
– How they act
– What they buy
– Why they want it
– When they want it
– Where they want to buy it
Consider time factors:
– Customer lifecycle view
– Timing and frequency of
– Customer life-stage
– Channel choice
Know the profitability of
your customers:
– Lifetime value
– Share of wallet
– Cost to serve
Major dimensions of effective segmentation
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis
Profitability Time
IBM Confidential34
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation35
Effective segmentation starts with Feature Vectors
Feature Vectors or customer dimensions developed to explain or predict customer
A Feature Vector is a model (not raw data) of the customer’s response
(historical or predicted) to one specific aspect of the value proposition
Each feature vector is like a gene strand, which describes a facet, or set of
customer behavior traits
Feature Vectors are building blocks that can be assembled into larger models of
customer behavior
IBM Confidential35
Age +
Income +
in Loyalty
Use of In-
House Credit
Use of
Return /
Breadth of
Length of
Time as
Recency +
Frequency +
to Media
Time until
Repurchase in
Real-estate and
Most segmentation
approaches only
focus here
Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2
© 2013 IBM Corporation36
Feature Vectors lead to Action Clusters
Action Clusters have 8-13 dimensions – Feature Vectors – based on
primarily on behavioral data attributes
Categories Preferred
in Loyalty
Use of In-
House Credit
Use of Service
Return /
Breadth of
Length of Time
as Customer
Recency +
Frequency +
Response to
Time until
Repurchase in
Key Categories
Action Clusters must be:
•Highly homogeneous
•Highly differentiated
•Highly actionable
Rank Action Cluster % of Customers % of Spend
1 Brand fanatics 8% 30%
2 Core customers 11% 18%
3 Online socialites 6% 14%
Sample of Best Buy Action Clusters
Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2
© 2013 IBM Corporation37
Predictive Analytics implemented to optimize dialogue:
Inbound Call Center, Web, Agent Office, On-site, Outbound Campaigns
Context data
(channel, contact reason, planned
actions, IVR selections, etc.)
Customer data
(current portfolio, segmentation,
baseline behavior, preferences, etc.)
Qualify eligible/appropriate offers
Prioritize offers (e.g. by NPV and
likelihood of acceptance)
Determine “best” offer/action
and deliver to channel
Make the offer!
Capture more
Identify potential actions / offers
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation38
We understand the
value levers and
have instrumented
CIM to “know”.
Staff and leaders
understand our goals
– have the skill and
motivation to deliver.
We deliver the right
information to the
right channel – we
capture feedback.
We optimize
communication to
maximize value to the
bank and customer.
We have re-
calibrated to the
customer and have
new test and learn
Data is highly
integrated and recent
– provides holistic,
detailed customer
“I have a customer – what do they need most?”
Customer Experience
and Treatment
Direct mail
Agent, IVR
Online, email
Mobile, SMS
Prioritization &
“The bank knows me
and values my
“They seem to know
what I need and when I
need it.”
“The bank isn’t always
selling something.”
“They always get me to
the right place and
never fail to follow up.”
“There is real value to
me in getting all my
needs met by one
Target State put bank on the offensive in competing for the mind-
share & wallet-share
CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
© 2013 IBM Corporation39
This has resulted in measurable increases in customer retention,
conversion rates & employee engagement
• Conversion rates on sales leads exceeded 30%
• Reduced cost of non-targeted communications
• Average asset value of sales increased by 25%
• Customer attrition reduced by 10%
• Employee engagement across relationship
metrics up
Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2
Cannot be shared but discussed with IBM on request
© 2013 IBM Corporation40
Another Example of what is possible....
© 2013 IBM Corporation4141
Introduction 5 min
Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min
Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue
implementations in Banking 40 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min
© 2013 IBM Corporation42
Typically we are working through a number of steps to develop a
valid target operating model, implementation roadmap & value case
Very often parts of these elements are already available and must just be
validated or adjusted. This has impact on timelines and efforts.
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
© 2013 IBM Corporation43
Accelerated Visioning is IBM’s proven method to define your multi-
channel strategy – it focuses on do-ability and value testing
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
© 2009 IBM Corporation
Business DesignBenefits Case
Guiding Principles
Technical Design
Innovative Propositions &
Customer Experience
Customer Profiles
and Personas
Accelerated Visioning
© 2013 IBM Corporation44
AV fuses creativity with do-ability through iterative testing
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
-3 to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Anchor ValidateMobiliseMobilise “Hot House” Define & Visualize
Stakeholder Feedback
Customer Testing
Process Workshops
Sample Interaction
Scripts and
UI Style Guide
Blueprint &
Proposition Definition
Market Research
Conceptual Model
Customer Testing
Content Audit/Model
Information Architecture
Process Maps
Use Case Inventory
Business Rules
Business Requirements
Functional Scope
Process/Event List
Refine Processes,
Use Cases, Business
Rules, Requirements
Use Case Examples
High Level
Functional Design
Organisational Design
Change Management Plan
Communication Plan
Benefits Action Plan
Organisational Structure
Change Impact & Capacity
Comms Assessment
Benefits Targets
Management Roles
Change Management Strategy
Communications Strategy
Benefits, Governance & Scorecard
Data Model
Service Catalogue.Technical
Solution Design
Refine Component, Data,
Service Model
Technology Appraisal
Refine Data, Service,
Component Model
Use Case Realisations
Technology appraisal
Integrated Scope
Draft Wave Plan
Candidate Release
Release Definitions
Migration Strategy
Integrated Programme
© 2013 IBM Corporation45
It is key to understand the customer‘s future multichannel journey.
Customer Journey Murals are facilitating this.
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
© 2013 IBM Corporation46
Example of a Prototype: Nationwide Children‘s Passbook App Demo
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
© 2013 IBM Corporation4747
Introduction 5 min
Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min
Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue
implementations in Banking 40 min
Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min
Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min
© 2013 IBM Corporation48
It is all about a change from Product Centric to Customer Centric
“I have an offer”
Outbound Marketing What is the best group of
people to target for this offer?”
“I have a person”
Interactive 1:1 Dialogue
Shift from outbound
to interactive marketing
“What is the best treatment
for this person”
Conclusions, Questions & Answers
© 2013 IBM Corporation4949
Executive commitment is required to make it happen as there
are many challenges to be adressed
Executive Commitment to a Customer-Centered Business Strategy
1. Customer Awareness – 360º View of the Customer
2. Customer Engagement – An Ongoing Personalized Dialog
3. Cross-Channel Integration – Right Message, Right Channel, Right Time
4. Integrated Infrastructure and Operations – Plan, Execute, Track, Adjust
Conclusions, Questions & Answers
© 2013 IBM Corporation50
Successful Multichannel Dialogue Initiatives provide significant value
for the client and the bank!
“I have a customer – what do they need most?”
Customer Experience
and Treatment
Direct mail
Agent, IVR
Online, email
Mobile, SMS
Prioritization &
Conclusions, Questions & Answers
© 2011 IBM Corporation51
Wir freuen uns,
Sie wieder an einem
IBM Bankenstamm
als Gast zu begrüssen.

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IBM Bankenstamm - Mehrwert durch kanalübergreifenden Kundendialog im Banking

  • 1. © 2011 IBM Corporation1 16.30 h Registration mit Erfrischung 17.00 h Begrüssung und Einführung Rudolf E. Vontobel, Director Banking Industry IBM Schweiz AG 17.10 h Mehrwert durch kanalübergreifenden Kundendialog Christoph Wille Strategy & Transformation Leader, IBM Global Business Services 18.15 h Abschluss und Fragen 18.30 h Apéro und Diskussion 19.30 h Ende der Veranstaltung Programm IBM Bankenstamm Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für Banken in der Schweiz
  • 2. © 2013 IBM Corporation22 AGENDA Introduction 5 min Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue implementations in Banking 40 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min 2
  • 3. © 2013 IBM Corporation3 Revenue growth is the #1 priority Responsiveness is key competence Improving internal capabilities as first step to growth Revenue growth is the #1 priority Responsiveness is key competence Improving internal capabilities as first step to growth Business model innovation matters External collaboration Innovation must be orchestrated from the top Business model innovation matters External collaboration Innovation must be orchestrated from the top Hungry for change Customers as opportunity to differentiate Business model innovation, global business designs Hungry for change Customers as opportunity to differentiate Business model innovation, global business designs Embody creative leadership Reinvent customer relationships Build operating dexterity Embody creative leadership Reinvent customer relationships Build operating dexterity Empowering employees through values Engaging customers as individuals Amplifying innovation with partnerships Empowering employees through values Engaging customers as individuals Amplifying innovation with partnerships 3 2004 Your turn 2006 Expanding the Innovation Horizon 2008 The Enterprise of the Future 2010 Capitalizing on Complexity 2012 Leading through Connections The Global CEO Study 2012 is the fifth biennial CEO study, building on our insights and findings over the last 8 years 765 interviews765 interviews 1130 interviews1130 interviews 1541 interviews1541 interviews456 interviews456 interviews 1709 interviews1709 interviews
  • 4. © 2013 IBM Corporation44 Drawing insight from information – Areas of improvement Source: Q23 “In which areas do you plan to improve your ability to draw meaningful and executable insights from available information?” (Global n=1609 to 1658) (Banking & FM n=200 to 213) “The role of risk management will become more significant. Active selling and understanding consumer behavior will be important.” Financial Services CEO, Europe CEOs identify customer insights and risk management as the most critical areas for investment 72%72%Customers Operations Sales Markets and competitors Human resources Supply chain Risk management Financials 73%73% 50%50% 49%49% 44%44% 43%43% 40%40% 38%38% 32%32% Global 53%53% 50%50% 31%31% 37%37% 27%27% 64%64% 30%30% Banking & Financial Markets
  • 5. © 2013 IBM Corporation55 Change required to meet customer expectations (3 to 5 years) Source: Q9 “To what extent will your organization change to meet customer expectations compared to your industry peers over the next 3 to 5 years?” (Global n=1652 to 1676) (Banking & FM n=212 to 216); Note: Financial Services (FS) includes Banking and Financial Markets FS1 CEOs want to improve their understanding of individual customers and respond faster CEOs in the financial services industry attribute importance to Transparency and Corporate accountability but value even more customer needs, time to market and customer experience 72%72% 68%68% 72%72% 72%72% Improve understanding of individual customer needs Improve response time to market needs Harmonize customer experiences across channels Include customers / citizens across product / service life cycle Increase transparency and corporate accountability Increase social and environmental responsibility 55%55% 48%48% 47%47% 44%44% Global 67%67% 44%44% 55%55% 38%38% Banking & Financial Markets
  • 6. © 2013 IBM Corporation66 Source: Q22 “How good is your organization at driving value from data? [Today]” (Global n=631 to 636) (Banking & FM n=215 to 216) Access to data Global Outperformers Global Underperformers Draw insights from data Translate insight into action Banking & FM Outperformers are twice as good at deriving value from data – key to engaging customers as individuals Outperformers strongly differentiate their organizations in three key areas 54% 26% 40% 54% 26% 42% 57% 31% 43% 108% more 108% more 84% more
  • 7. © 2013 IBM Corporation77 50% Banking CMOs believe they are underprepared to manage the impact of key changes in many areas of the marketing arena Banking Underpreparedness Percent of CMOs reporting underpreparedness Source: Q8 How prepared are you to manage the impact of the top 5 market factors that will have the most impact on your marketing organization over the next 3 to 5 years? n=6 to 159 (n = number of respondents who selected the factor as important) Global Corporate transparency 46% 47% Regulatory considerations 45% 50% Global outsourcing 50% 54% Customer collaboration and influence 50% 56% Emerging market opportunities 44% 56% Shifting consumer demographics 50% 63% Privacy considerations 62% 55% ROI accountability 56% 56% Decreasing brand loyalty 51% 57% Financial constraints 56% 59% Growth of channel and device choices 62% 65% Social media 72% 68% Data explosion 74% 71%
  • 8. © 2013 IBM Corporation88 To deal with the broad level of underpreparedness, CMOs signaled three key domains of improvement Deliver value to empowered customers Foster lasting connections Capture value, measure results “Marketing must become more adept at managing the magnitude of change now taking place. Otherwise, it will be like going into battle with a Swiss Army knife.” Financial services, Vice President of Marketing, United States
  • 9. © 2013 IBM Corporation99 AGENDA Introduction 5 min Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue implementations in Banking 40 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min 9
  • 10. © 2013 IBM Corporation10 “Growth at IBM's scale means creating new markets…. Rometty is making IBM’s new market pitch to marketing executives, promising that technology will change the way they do their jobs.” Rometty noted that IBM will help change the way corporations communicate with their customers -- and ultimately the way they use technology to build and sell their products. "This is a mindset shift, not a market shift… It changes everything.” Paris, October 25th – 26th - CIO – CMO events IBM’s “Big Shift” to focus on the Front Office & Customer Dialogue 1010
  • 11. © 2013 IBM Corporation1111 Our vision: From Marketing to a Personalized Customer Dialogue: The four P’s of Marketing have changed The Old Four P’s The New Four P’s Company-centered view of the world Mass produced products Established distribution channels One-Size Fits All mass advertising One way communication Customer-centered view of the world Products tailored to customer preferences Flexible cross-channel distribution Personalized, targeted promotions Listening in a two-way conversation Personalization Presence Persuasion Permission Product Price Place Promotion
  • 12. © 2013 IBM Corporation1212 What does it take to achieve a successful interactive value creating Multi-Channel Dialogue? Executive Commitment to a Customer-Centered Business Strategy 1. Customer Awareness – 360º View of the Customer 2. Customer Engagement – An Ongoing Personalized Dialog 3. Cross-Channel Integration – Right Message, Right Channel, Right Time 4. Integrated Infrastructure and Operations – Plan, Execute, Track, Adjust
  • 13. © 2013 IBM Corporation1313 AGENDA Introduction 5 min Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue implementations in Banking 40 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min 13
  • 14. © 2013 IBM Corporation14 Reaching the next level of Customer Dialogue and Centricity 14 Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 15. © 2013 IBM Corporation15 Creating a Customer Focused Enterprise Case Studies… based on: Driving differentiated treatment based on individual customer needs Examples of Successful Implementations Continent North Bank
  • 16. © 2013 IBM Corporation1616 ING Bank in the Netherlands CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 17. © 2013 IBM Corporation1717 Smarter Customer Dialogue: Business Drivers for ING 17 Consumer is ‘in control’Consumer is ‘in control’ Action required!Action required! Leverage inbound contacts for targeted sales and service Centrally coordinate sales and marketing efforts on all channels Stop the ‘information-overload’ Leverage all channels Increase marketing accountability – show impact of marketing spend Clear distinction on roles: marketing orchestrates, channels execute Increase marketing effectiveness Reduce costs Traditional campaigns dont work anymore Traditional campaigns dont work anymore CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 18. © 2013 IBM Corporation181818 Customer browses ING webpages for a savings product … Customer browses ING webpages for a savings product … … but does not continue the process … but does not continue the process CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 19. © 2013 IBM Corporation191919 Customer leaves the bank website and browses the newspaper pages. An ING savings ad shows up, targeted at this individual customer. The customer clicks on the advertisement Customer leaves the bank website and browses the newspaper pages. An ING savings ad shows up, targeted at this individual customer. The customer clicks on the advertisement CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 20. © 2013 IBM Corporation202020 The customer starts filling out the application form The customer starts filling out the application form … but then abandons the process … but then abandons the process And returns to the ING webpages And returns to the ING webpages CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 21. © 2013 IBM Corporation212121 A call center service representative calls the customer the day after and offers to print out the application document and send it over (remarketing) The customer agrees and completes the application A call center service representative calls the customer the day after and offers to print out the application document and send it over (remarketing) The customer agrees and completes the application CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 22. © 2013 IBM Corporation222222 The customer receives the monthly newsletter The customer receives the monthly newsletter The newsletter is personalized and starts with a topic on savings accounts … The newsletter is personalized and starts with a topic on savings accounts … … and a call to action to transfer funds … and a call to action to transfer funds A few weeks later, the customer still hasn’t transferred funds A few weeks later, the customer still hasn’t transferred funds CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 23. © 2013 IBM Corporation232323 A personalized message is shown in the service box, urging the customer to transfer funds. The customer decides to transfers funds and does this with a few clicks A personalized message is shown in the service box, urging the customer to transfer funds. The customer decides to transfers funds and does this with a few clicks … the customer goes to the secure part of the website … the customer goes to the secure part of the website A few days later …A few days later … CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 24. © 2013 IBM Corporation242424 A personalized offer pops – special bonus points for when the customer deposits more money. A personalized offer pops – special bonus points for when the customer deposits more money. A month later, there has been no further transfers of funds. The customer uses the mobile app to make a payment A month later, there has been no further transfers of funds. The customer uses the mobile app to make a payment CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 25. © 2013 IBM Corporation252525 ING posts a personalized offer for this customer: the ‘bonus point’ offer ING posts a personalized offer for this customer: the ‘bonus point’ offer The customer has liked the ING page on facebook The customer has liked the ING page on facebook CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 26. © 2013 IBM Corporation262626 On the next day, the customer visits a branch. A warning message shows up on the branch screen – the agent offers a increased savings rate and secures the customer On the next day, the customer visits a branch. A warning message shows up on the branch screen – the agent offers a increased savings rate and secures the customer A while later, the customer visits the website and looks at INGs interest % on the savings accounts. Short after, the customer starts to withdraws funds from the savings account. A while later, the customer visits the website and looks at INGs interest % on the savings accounts. Short after, the customer starts to withdraws funds from the savings account. Impact: banners that are triggered based on behavior of a customer have up to 10x higher CTR Impact: banners that are triggered based on behavior of a customer have up to 10x higher CTR CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 27. © 2013 IBM Corporation2727 Underlying principles: A single marketing engine, providing offers and next best actions across all channels 27 Internet Open homepage Open productpages Secure homepage Open Logoff page Secure landingpages Call outbound Branches E-mail Call inbound Sept 2012 Mail ATM Inbound Outbound Banners at non-ING domains Fase 4 ? New in phase 4 Sales Force Powered by Next Best Actions CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 28. © 2013 IBM Corporation2828 Results CASE STUDY 1Examples of Successful Implementations Cannot be shared but discussed with IBM on request
  • 29. © 2013 IBM Corporation Continent North Bank 29 • Industry: Financial services company • Specialization: Personal financing • Type: Both Business to Consumer (B-C) and Business to Business (B-B) company • Total Managed Assets: $1 Trillion • Number of Employees: 280,000+ • Market: Largest bank holding company in North America • Growth: Driven by acquisition or expansion of services to existing customers. Continent North Bank has increased its focus on managing and optimizing customer relationships with a focus on organic growth. Continent North Bank background CASE STUDY 2CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 30. © 2013 IBM Corporation Continent North Bank needed to shift marketing from product to a customer incentive approach 30 • Unable to drive organic growth within existing customer base due to lack of customer experience and relevance of customer interaction • Loss of customers of newly acquired banks after take over which impacts value of acquired business Client issue • Consumer and small business bank •Marketing segment team •Marketing operations and information management Scope• Use customer events as the means to deepen relationships and drive organic growth • Improve the customer experience and the timeliness and relevance of customer interaction Objectives Scope CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 31. © 2013 IBM Corporation31 “I have an offer – let me find a customer to sell to.” CustomerNeedsandSegmentStrategies MassMarket|MassAffluent|SmallBusiness Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Deposits Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Card Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Mortgage Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Offer Investments Direct mail BC Agent, IVR Online, email ATM Mobile, SMS Chat Relevance? Awareness? Value? Understanding? Clarity? Retail • You do not know me and ask me multiple times about the same thing. • I am not offered solutions based on my multiple relationships. Preferred • They don’t really know me - Customers are offered products that may feel irrelevant and disconnected versus solutions. Small Business • I use North Continent Bank for convenience but primarily use another bank. • The Bank doesn’t understand me, my industry or my business. • The Bank’s associates can’t address all of my business needs. Staff are not confident in acting on offers – our presentment rates are too low. Measure Staff are not confident in acting on offers – our presentment rates are too low. Engage Every group, product and channel for itself – no customer optimization Present Every group, product and channel for itself – no customer optimization Target Our analytics are geared to propensities not relationships and behaviors. Learn Our data is siloed, latent, and oriented to products and channels. Inform Current State was inconsistent with bank’s customer experience aims & growth imperatives CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 32. © 2013 IBM Corporation32 “Who” “Who” Atomic level data Event detection Product lifecycle Life stage plans and events Behavioural profiles External events Offers and treatments based on customer behavior & preferences Event engine trawls daily transactions Identifies aberrant behavior Predictive analytics engine determines Next Best Action Optimization engine maximizes use of channel capacity Contact channel based on client preferences and likely response “What” Analysis and modelling Analytics and Business rules “When” Fatigue and optimisation Customer initiated Info Operational/ compliance Growth Retention Customer initiated Information Operational/ compliance Growth Retention Customer initiated Information Operational/ compliance Growth Retention Current communication Previous communication 90900210 60600210 11000 1414000 3030050 90900210 60600210 11000 1414000 3030050 “How” Delivery Channel CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 33. © 2013 IBM Corporation33 33 Traditional approaches to segmentation looked at a few variables and provided very little in the way of action Transactions Sales Geography Income Age The also do not represent the uniqueness of individuals and their behaviors IBM Confidential33 CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 34. © 2013 IBM Corporation34 The adoption of more effective methods of segmentation is key to developing customer insights Take a multi-dimensional view of customers: – Who they are – What they look like – What they need – How they act – What they buy – Why they want it – When they want it – Where they want to buy it Consider time factors: – Customer lifecycle view – Timing and frequency of interaction – Customer life-stage – Channel choice Know the profitability of your customers: – Lifetime value – Share of wallet – Cost to serve Major dimensions of effective segmentation Segment characteristics Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis Profitability Time IBM Confidential34 CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 35. © 2013 IBM Corporation35 Effective segmentation starts with Feature Vectors Feature Vectors or customer dimensions developed to explain or predict customer behavior: A Feature Vector is a model (not raw data) of the customer’s response (historical or predicted) to one specific aspect of the value proposition Each feature vector is like a gene strand, which describes a facet, or set of customer behavior traits Feature Vectors are building blocks that can be assembled into larger models of customer behavior IBM Confidential35 Age + Income + GeographyPreferred Product CategoriesPreferred Channel Participation in Loyalty Program Use of In- House Credit Card Use of Service Programs Return / Exchange Behavior Breadth of Categories Shopped Length of Time as Customer Recency + Frequency + Value Response to Media Time until Repurchase in Key Categories Annual Spend Level Annual Transactions Econometric: Real-estate and Unemployment Most segmentation approaches only focus here Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2
  • 36. © 2013 IBM Corporation36 Feature Vectors lead to Action Clusters 36 Action Clusters have 8-13 dimensions – Feature Vectors – based on primarily on behavioral data attributes Preferred Product Categories Preferred Channel Participation in Loyalty Program Use of In- House Credit Card Use of Service Programs Return / Exchange Behavior Breadth of Categories Shopped Length of Time as Customer Recency + Frequency + Value Response to Media Time until Repurchase in Key Categories Action Clusters must be: •Highly homogeneous •Highly differentiated •Highly actionable Rank Action Cluster % of Customers % of Spend 1 Brand fanatics 8% 30% 2 Core customers 11% 18% 3 Online socialites 6% 14% Sample of Best Buy Action Clusters Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2
  • 37. © 2013 IBM Corporation37 Predictive Analytics implemented to optimize dialogue: Inbound Call Center, Web, Agent Office, On-site, Outbound Campaigns Context data (channel, contact reason, planned actions, IVR selections, etc.) C Customer data (current portfolio, segmentation, baseline behavior, preferences, etc.) C Qualify eligible/appropriate offers Prioritize offers (e.g. by NPV and likelihood of acceptance) Determine “best” offer/action and deliver to channel C? Make the offer! 32% 54% Response probability 54% 32% 90 200 NPV A B C Potential offers Business rules 64 49 Expected value Capture more feedback Identify potential actions / offers CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 38. © 2013 IBM Corporation38 We understand the value levers and have instrumented CIM to “know”. Measure Staff and leaders understand our goals – have the skill and motivation to deliver. Engage We deliver the right information to the right channel – we capture feedback. Present We optimize communication to maximize value to the bank and customer. Target We have re- calibrated to the customer and have new test and learn abilities. Learn Data is highly integrated and recent – provides holistic, detailed customer view. Inform “I have a customer – what do they need most?” CustomerNeedsandSegmentStrategies MassMarket|MassAffluent|SmallBusiness Deposits Card Mortgage Investments Customer Experience and Treatment Strategies Direct mail BC Agent, IVR Online, email ATM Mobile, SMS Chat Brilliant! Service Offer Inform R etain Governance, Prioritization & Optimization Integrated Customer Analytics “The bank knows me and values my relationship.” “They seem to know what I need and when I need it.” “The bank isn’t always selling something.” “They always get me to the right place and never fail to follow up.” “There is real value to me in getting all my needs met by one bank.” 38 Target State put bank on the offensive in competing for the mind- share & wallet-share CASE STUDY 2Examples of Successful Implementations
  • 39. © 2013 IBM Corporation39 This has resulted in measurable increases in customer retention, conversion rates & employee engagement • Conversion rates on sales leads exceeded 30% • Reduced cost of non-targeted communications • Average asset value of sales increased by 25% • Customer attrition reduced by 10% • Employee engagement across relationship metrics up Examples of Successful Implementations CASE STUDY 2 Cannot be shared but discussed with IBM on request
  • 40. © 2013 IBM Corporation40 Another Example of what is possible.... 40
  • 41. © 2013 IBM Corporation4141 AGENDA Introduction 5 min Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue implementations in Banking 40 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min 41
  • 42. © 2013 IBM Corporation42 Typically we are working through a number of steps to develop a valid target operating model, implementation roadmap & value case 42 CustomerExperience TargetOperating Model(IT&Business) Roadmap RefinedValueCase CustomerValue Strategy Capabilities Required Very often parts of these elements are already available and must just be validated or adjusted. This has impact on timelines and efforts. ✔✔✔✔ Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
  • 43. © 2013 IBM Corporation43 Accelerated Visioning is IBM’s proven method to define your multi- channel strategy – it focuses on do-ability and value testing 43 Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue - © 2009 IBM Corporation Business DesignBenefits Case Guiding Principles Technical Design Innovative Propositions & Customer Experience Customer Testing Client Requirements Customer Profiles and Personas Accelerated Visioning Roadmap
  • 44. © 2013 IBM Corporation44 AV fuses creativity with do-ability through iterative testing 44 Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue -3 to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Anchor ValidateMobiliseMobilise “Hot House” Define & Visualize Stakeholder Feedback Customer Testing Process Workshops Sample Interaction Scripts and Wireframes UI Style Guide Customer Experience Customer Experience Blueprint & Prototype Proposition Definition Market Research Conceptual Model Customer Testing Content Audit/Model Information Architecture Functional Design Process Maps Use Case Inventory Business Rules Business Requirements Functional Scope Process/Event List Refine Processes, Use Cases, Business Rules, Requirements Use Case Examples High Level Functional Design Organisational Design Change Management Plan Communication Plan Benefits Action Plan Business Change Organisational Structure Change Impact & Capacity Comms Assessment Benefits Targets Business Change Approach Management Roles Change Management Strategy Communications Strategy Benefits, Governance & Scorecard Data Model Service Catalogue.Technical Solution Design Technical Solution Outline Refine Component, Data, Service Model Technology Appraisal Refine Data, Service, Component Model Use Case Realisations Technology appraisal Project Management Programme Plans Integrated Scope Document Draft Wave Plan Candidate Release Governance Release Definitions Migration Strategy Integrated Programme Plans Workshops “BigIdeas”-Workshops “Do-ability”Workshops Workshops
  • 45. © 2013 IBM Corporation45 It is key to understand the customer‘s future multichannel journey. Customer Journey Murals are facilitating this. 45 Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
  • 46. © 2013 IBM Corporation46 Example of a Prototype: Nationwide Children‘s Passbook App Demo 46 Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue
  • 47. © 2013 IBM Corporation4747 AGENDA Introduction 5 min Our Vision of the Perfect Customer Dialogue 5 min Examples of successful cross-channel client dialogue implementations in Banking 40 min Steps towards an enhanced customer dialogue 10 min Conclusions, Questions & Answers 10 min 47
  • 48. © 2013 IBM Corporation48 It is all about a change from Product Centric to Customer Centric 48 “I have an offer” Outbound Marketing What is the best group of people to target for this offer?” “I have a person” Interactive 1:1 Dialogue Shift from outbound to interactive marketing “What is the best treatment for this person” ACTION QUESTION? Conclusions, Questions & Answers
  • 49. © 2013 IBM Corporation4949 Executive commitment is required to make it happen as there are many challenges to be adressed Executive Commitment to a Customer-Centered Business Strategy 1. Customer Awareness – 360º View of the Customer 2. Customer Engagement – An Ongoing Personalized Dialog 3. Cross-Channel Integration – Right Message, Right Channel, Right Time 4. Integrated Infrastructure and Operations – Plan, Execute, Track, Adjust Conclusions, Questions & Answers
  • 50. © 2013 IBM Corporation50 Successful Multichannel Dialogue Initiatives provide significant value for the client and the bank! 50 “I have a customer – what do they need most?” CustomerNeedsandSegmentStrategies MassMarket|MassAffluent|SmallBusiness Deposits Card Mortgage Investments Customer Experience and Treatment Strategies Direct mail BC Agent, IVR Online, email ATM Mobile, SMS Chat Brilliant! Service Offer Inform R etain Governance, Prioritization & Optimization Integrated Customer Analytics SHARE OF WALLET AND MIND! Conclusions, Questions & Answers
  • 51. © 2011 IBM Corporation51 Wir freuen uns, Sie wieder an einem IBM Bankenstamm als Gast zu begrüssen.