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Factors that could influence residential home prices across United States
over the next decade.
Name : K Jagannath
Date : 29 July 2022
● Introduction
● The U.S. house price cycle
● Affordability
● Location
● Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
● Mortgage Rate
● Population - Rising Demand Limited Supply
● Economy and Unemployment
● Property , Sales and Income Tax Rate
● Government Policies
● How can we reduce the housing problem in coming years?
● Source
Housing prices are an important reflection of the economy, and housing price ranges
are of great interest for both buyers and sellers. In this project “Factors that could
influence house prices across U.S. over next decade” will be explained with graphs.
The real estate market in the United States has rebounded significantly from the
housing crash of the late-2000s, with low interest rates and limited inventory
creating an ideal environment for sellers in some parts of the country.
So how exactly are real estate prices determined? We’ve uncovered eight of the most
important factors that affecting the housing market.
Factors affecting U.S. House market:
1. Affordability
2. Location
3. Interest rate and Inflation rate
4. Mortgage rate
5. Population - Rising demand Limited supply
6. Economy and Unemployment
7. Property , Sales and Income Tax
8. Government Policies
The housing market basically works on a cycle of supply and demand. When there is a large
inventory of houses, It’s a buyer’s market and housing prices tend to fall.
The last housing crash began in second quarter of 2006. There was a 33.3% fall in the
S&P/Case-Shiller composite-20 home price index from Q2 2006 to Q4 2011.Phoenix
registered the biggest drop among twenty largest metro areas.
The U.S. housing market started to recover in the second half of 2012.
There are cycles that real estate markets move through that have been repeated since the
1800s which involve four phases: recovery, expansion, hyper supply and recession. It
shows that the current market is still in the expansion phase and we won’t reach the peak
bubble before a crash until 2024. The housing market crashes in 18-year cycle shows that
next crash will occur in 2024 and lead to a great depression in 2026.
The U.S. House price cycle
Section 1
Rising incomes mean that people are able to afford to spend more on housing. During
periods of economic growth, demand for houses tends to rise. Also demand for
housing tends to be a luxury good. So rise in income causes a bigger % rise in demand.
This graph shows that house prices and therefore demand for housing can rise much
faster than earnings, suggesting there are many other factors influencing demand.
● We can see above since 1965, average home values showing a 118% increase.
Meanwhile median household income crept up just 15%.
● Home prices have increased 7.6x faster than income since 1965 and 3.1x faster
than income since 2008, accounting for inflation.
● The current average house-price-to-income ratio means it takes prospective
home buyers 5.4 years to save enough to purchase a home. These exorbitant
home prices also mean monthly mortgage payments place a major financial
strain on homeowners, even if they manage to save enough to purchase a home.
● To afford a home in 2021, Americans need an average income of $144,192 but
the current median household income is actually $69,178.
Across the nation, the pandemic accelerated a major divide between home values
and income. Though conventional wisdom suggests most home buyers offer 1% to
3% over asking price in competitive markets, low inventory and high demand drove
some buyers to desperate measures. Today,It’s not uncommon to hear of people
offering far more that the seller’s asking price with some even offering $1 million
more than the listing price.
House value change - 60.11%
Income change - 5.9%
House value change - 118.04%
Income change - 15.45%
House value change - 0.03%
Income change - 2.7%
House value change - 50.74%
Income change - 11.29%
Section 2
From 2019 to 2021, the average house-price-to-income ratio increased from 4.7 to 5.4 a 14.9% increase that’s
more than a double the recommended ratio of 2.6. In other words, homes cost 5.4x what the average person
earns in one year
Average house Price - $580,133.83
Median Income - $77,358
Ratio - 7.5
Average house Price - $438,538.58
Median Income - $81,083
Ratio - 5.41
Average house Price - $300,301.42
Median Income - $56,442
Ratio - 5.32
Average house Price - $314,986.75
Median Income - $60,956
Ratio - 5.17
Average house Price - $422,151.33
Median Income - $82,611
Ratio - 5.11
The ratio of house prices to earnings influence the demand. As house prices rise
relative to income you would expect fewer people to be able to afford. We all are
familiar with the saying “Location Location Location”! If a location is very close to
commercial or market areas, then the house prices are higher as compared to
counterparts in the residential areas.
The process of retaining a property after the costs have been incurred by the owner
is referred to as affordability. To put more simply, it is described as the relationship
between the house prices, interest rates and wages.Comparable nearby properties
or recently transacted house prices has long been used as a benchmark against home
We can see in this graph that the average house price of outer states of United States
are much more higher than the inner one’s because Top 50 metro-cities were mostly
located into those areas this leads to increase in house prices.
Section 3
Interest Rate and Inflation
Interest rates play a major role in determining the cost of mortgage interest
repayments. When interest rates rise, so do mortgage rates. This makes buying a
home more expensive.
Secondly, when inflation is rising, people have to spend more of their income on the
daily necessities such as food, petrol and heating. Rising inflation tends to lead to
slower house price growth.It can also make harder to get a mortgage. Its good time to
sell a house before higher inflation leads to lower activity in property market.
Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
How rising inflation affect housing market ?
You might expect rising inflation means house prices will also rise, but this is not the
case. Inflation is something that measures the rate at which the price of key goods
and services change over time. When inflation is rising, it means these things are
becoming more expensive. There are several different indexes that measure changes
to inflation. The key one for the housing market is the Consumer Prices Index (CPI).
But houses are not included in the basket of goods used to calculate the CPI. There is
a separate index, known as the CPIH (Consumer Prices Index including owner
occupiers Housing costs).
Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
We can see sharp increase of inflation from May 2020 , rate changed from 0.12% to
9.06% in June 2022.Rising inflation tends to lead to slower house price growth.There
are two reasons for this:
● The Fed’s tasks is to keep CPI inflation as close to 2% as possible. So, If inflation
rises above this target, the Fed may raise interest rates to try to reduce it. This
is a major factor in determining the affordability of housing. Mortgage
payments take a high% of people’s disposable income (average is 25% but, for
some homeowners it is higher). Therefore, even small changes in interest rates
can deter people from buying.
● When Inflation is rising people have to spend more of their income on the daily
As a result, house price growth tends to slow when inflation is rising.
Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
All time high inflation and
Interest rate
Following rampant inflation in the
1970s, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker
raised interest rates to record
Financial Crisis
Between 2007 and 2008, Interest
rates fell from 5.1% to 2.3% in
efforts to curtail the subprime
mortgage and banking crisis.
SOURCE : Federal Reserve Board
All time low rates
Historical trends show that a
‘Lower for longer’ rate cycle is
projected for the future.
SOURCE : Bank of
Coronavirus Pandemic
Inflation rate rise in 2020 and
2021 in response to Coronavirus
Section 4
Mortgage rate
Another factor that determines the effective demand for houses is the mortgage
rates always go lower but you should not expect them to. With inflation at 40-year
highs and the Federal Reserve making aggressive rate hikes to combat it, Mortgage
rates seem likely to rise in the near future. Fed does not set mortgage rates, but these
rates follow the same general trend as the overall market. Wehn mortgage rates rise,
home values fall.
Mortgage rate
Section 5
Population - Rising demand
Limited Supply
This tells us that in coming years we may see population may reach to 350 million by 2030.
The average growth range of US population ranges from 0.38% to 0.9% every year.
The United State is projected to grow by nearly 79 million people in the next 4
decades, from about 326 million to 404 million between 2017 and 2060. The
population is projected to cross the 400-million mark in 2058. Population is a very
important factor. It is not just the number of people but demographic changes leads
to influence in house prices. E.g. growing number of single people living alone has led
to increasing demand for houses. We know if demand increases price will increase.
People are preffering to live alone increases demand in household market.
In the above graph we can see that there are 28.46% of households with one person.
An average annual rise of single person household is 1.1% over 2015-2030. There
were 37 million one-person households in 2021, or 28% of all U.S. households. The
number of families with their own children under age 18 in the household declined
over the last two decades. The projections show that single-person households are
set to reach about 41.4 million by 2030, which will again lead to increase in house
prices in US.
The demand for housing does not just depend on the population but also the size of
household. We can see above how the size of household “seven or more” decreasing
since 1960. This shows that certain social and demographic factors are causing a rise
in number of households ( faster than population ) such as :
● Increased life expectancy, leading to more single old people
● Divorce rates - increasing number of single parent families.
Section 6
Economy and Unemployment
This graphs shows that economy is recovering and Unemployment is falling.The US
economy contracted by 3.5% during 2020, in contrast to an annual growth of 2.2% in
2019 and the biggest decline since the demobilization from World War II in 1956, as
the country was ravaged by the global pandemic last year.
In June 2022, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%, sharply down from 8.1% a
year earlier and from a peak of 14.8% in April 2020 ( due to coronavirus pandemic),
according to the U.S. Bureau of labor statistics. Now the unemployment rate is lower
than the average unemployment rate 4.4% from 2015 to 2019.
Economy and Unemployment
Section 7
Property, Sales and Income
Tax rate
Scale is made by
property tax rate
in each state.
● Employment income, as well as business and professional income, is subject to
progressive federal income tax rates.
● State governments in the U.S. levy their own taxes on income. Non-residents
are subject to state income taxes in the state where they earn income. The rates
are progressive and very from state to state. The income brackets are mostly
the same as, or sometimes modified from the federal income tax brackets.
Property, Sales and Income tax rate
Section 8
Government Policies
More Stimulus
Biden administration
has promised $5.4
trillion in additional
spending over the next
10 years.This includes
spending for healthcare
and health insurance,
which would increase
demand for the real
estate that healthcare
providers occupy.
Biden pledged to spend
another $1.6 trillion on
infrastructure and
research development.
Elimination of
1031 Exchange
of High Earners
The plan stipulates that
additional federal
spending will be paid
for partially by “rolling
back unproductive and
unequal tax breaks for
real estate investors
with incomes over
$400,000.” The 1031
exchange allows one to
defer all capital gains
taxes for the sale of a
piece of real estate if
the proceeds are
reinvested in another
piece ( or multiple
pieces ) of real estate
within a specific period
of time.
Elimination of
the SALT
Deduction Cap
SALT - This effectively
lowers federal taxes
more for individuals in
high tax cities and
states than individuals
in low tax cities and
states. By eliminating it
would lower the
incentives to move
away from high-tax
states. As home prices
soar in low-tax states
and suburbs outside of
coastal cities,
eliminating the SALT
deduction cap will
make it easier for
higher earners to
remain in high tax
coastal states.
Rental and
Upcoming $1.9 trillion
stimulus package
currently making its
way through congress
is $25 billion of rental
assistance, which
should be a huge boon
to class B and class C
residential landlords.
Bill includes $10 billion
for homeowner
assistance with
mortgage payments,
property taxes and
utilities. This should
prevent a substantial
number of foreclosures
and thus pour fuel one
already blazing housing
Help for First-
Biden’s proposal to
provide a $15,000 tax
credit for first-time
home buyers would
help those who would
like to buy a home but
have been unable to
due to lack of a down
payment, high home
prices, or lingering
student debt.
Sustainable Building
Buildings account for roughly
one third of total carbon
emissions, which means that
the commercial real estate
industry will need to be
marshaled in the fight against
climate change. Biden wants
to reduce the carbon footprint
of american buildings by 50%
by 2035.
Help for Struggling Coastal Cities
Existing problems like
homelessness and crime, makes
urban areas less attractive places
to live for higher income
individuals, spurring them to
move to the suburbs or other
states. This then has the effect of
reducing the tax base, causing
cities to raise tax rates or look for
other sources of income. Higher
tax rates then make these cities
even less attractive for high
earners, pushing more of them to
leave. It’s a deadly spiral. Biden is
expected to push trillions of
dollars to help struggling coastal
cities, benefiting real estate in
these places.
Affordable Housing
President Biden has made clear
his desire for more affordable
housing in America. This could
manifest as tax incentives for
building low-rent housing in
expensive areas and
encouraging changes to zoning
laws.Problem of shortage of
affordable housing nearly
impossible to change at the
federal level as the fundamental
problems are mostly at the city
level, and thus that’s where the
solutions mostly lie as well. We
find it doubtful that Biden’s
policies will have a significant
effect on housing costs.
● Housing Data - Zillow Research
● You searched for Number of houses – Page 3 of 3 – DQYDJ – Don't Quit Your Day Job…
● Historical Income Tables: Households (census.gov)
● • Most populated U.S. cities: median household income 2019 | Statista
● Search Results | FRED | St. Louis Fed (stlouisfed.org)
● U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)
● Freddie Mac - We Make Home Possible - Freddie Mac
Thank You

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  • 1. HOUSING Factors that could influence residential home prices across United States over the next decade. Name : K Jagannath Date : 29 July 2022
  • 2. Outline ● Introduction ● The U.S. house price cycle ● Affordability ● Location ● Interest Rate and Inflation Rate ● Mortgage Rate ● Population - Rising Demand Limited Supply ● Economy and Unemployment ● Property , Sales and Income Tax Rate ● Government Policies ● How can we reduce the housing problem in coming years? ● Source
  • 3. Housing prices are an important reflection of the economy, and housing price ranges are of great interest for both buyers and sellers. In this project “Factors that could influence house prices across U.S. over next decade” will be explained with graphs. The real estate market in the United States has rebounded significantly from the housing crash of the late-2000s, with low interest rates and limited inventory creating an ideal environment for sellers in some parts of the country. So how exactly are real estate prices determined? We’ve uncovered eight of the most important factors that affecting the housing market. Introduction
  • 4. Factors affecting U.S. House market: 1. Affordability 2. Location 3. Interest rate and Inflation rate 4. Mortgage rate 5. Population - Rising demand Limited supply 6. Economy and Unemployment 7. Property , Sales and Income Tax 8. Government Policies Introduction
  • 5. The housing market basically works on a cycle of supply and demand. When there is a large inventory of houses, It’s a buyer’s market and housing prices tend to fall. The last housing crash began in second quarter of 2006. There was a 33.3% fall in the S&P/Case-Shiller composite-20 home price index from Q2 2006 to Q4 2011.Phoenix registered the biggest drop among twenty largest metro areas. The U.S. housing market started to recover in the second half of 2012. There are cycles that real estate markets move through that have been repeated since the 1800s which involve four phases: recovery, expansion, hyper supply and recession. It shows that the current market is still in the expansion phase and we won’t reach the peak bubble before a crash until 2024. The housing market crashes in 18-year cycle shows that next crash will occur in 2024 and lead to a great depression in 2026. The U.S. House price cycle
  • 7. Rising incomes mean that people are able to afford to spend more on housing. During periods of economic growth, demand for houses tends to rise. Also demand for housing tends to be a luxury good. So rise in income causes a bigger % rise in demand. Affordability
  • 8.
  • 9. This graph shows that house prices and therefore demand for housing can rise much faster than earnings, suggesting there are many other factors influencing demand. ● We can see above since 1965, average home values showing a 118% increase. Meanwhile median household income crept up just 15%. ● Home prices have increased 7.6x faster than income since 1965 and 3.1x faster than income since 2008, accounting for inflation. ● The current average house-price-to-income ratio means it takes prospective home buyers 5.4 years to save enough to purchase a home. These exorbitant home prices also mean monthly mortgage payments place a major financial strain on homeowners, even if they manage to save enough to purchase a home. Affordability
  • 10.
  • 11. ● To afford a home in 2021, Americans need an average income of $144,192 but the current median household income is actually $69,178. Across the nation, the pandemic accelerated a major divide between home values and income. Though conventional wisdom suggests most home buyers offer 1% to 3% over asking price in competitive markets, low inventory and high demand drove some buyers to desperate measures. Today,It’s not uncommon to hear of people offering far more that the seller’s asking price with some even offering $1 million more than the listing price. Affordability
  • 12. 2010 House value change - 60.11% Income change - 5.9% 2021 House value change - 118.04% Income change - 15.45% 1970 House value change - 0.03% Income change - 2.7% 2000 House value change - 50.74% Income change - 11.29%
  • 14. From 2019 to 2021, the average house-price-to-income ratio increased from 4.7 to 5.4 a 14.9% increase that’s more than a double the recommended ratio of 2.6. In other words, homes cost 5.4x what the average person earns in one year
  • 15. California Average house Price - $580,133.83 Median Income - $77,358 Ratio - 7.5 Washington Average house Price - $438,538.58 Median Income - $81,083 Ratio - 5.41 Montana Average house Price - $300,301.42 Median Income - $56,442 Ratio - 5.32 Nevada Average house Price - $314,986.75 Median Income - $60,956 Ratio - 5.17 Colorado Average house Price - $422,151.33 Median Income - $82,611 Ratio - 5.11
  • 16.
  • 17. The ratio of house prices to earnings influence the demand. As house prices rise relative to income you would expect fewer people to be able to afford. We all are familiar with the saying “Location Location Location”! If a location is very close to commercial or market areas, then the house prices are higher as compared to counterparts in the residential areas. The process of retaining a property after the costs have been incurred by the owner is referred to as affordability. To put more simply, it is described as the relationship between the house prices, interest rates and wages.Comparable nearby properties or recently transacted house prices has long been used as a benchmark against home price. We can see in this graph that the average house price of outer states of United States are much more higher than the inner one’s because Top 50 metro-cities were mostly located into those areas this leads to increase in house prices. Location
  • 18. Section 3 Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
  • 19.
  • 20. Interest rates play a major role in determining the cost of mortgage interest repayments. When interest rates rise, so do mortgage rates. This makes buying a home more expensive. Secondly, when inflation is rising, people have to spend more of their income on the daily necessities such as food, petrol and heating. Rising inflation tends to lead to slower house price growth.It can also make harder to get a mortgage. Its good time to sell a house before higher inflation leads to lower activity in property market. Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
  • 21. How rising inflation affect housing market ? You might expect rising inflation means house prices will also rise, but this is not the case. Inflation is something that measures the rate at which the price of key goods and services change over time. When inflation is rising, it means these things are becoming more expensive. There are several different indexes that measure changes to inflation. The key one for the housing market is the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). But houses are not included in the basket of goods used to calculate the CPI. There is a separate index, known as the CPIH (Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers Housing costs). Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
  • 22.
  • 23. We can see sharp increase of inflation from May 2020 , rate changed from 0.12% to 9.06% in June 2022.Rising inflation tends to lead to slower house price growth.There are two reasons for this: ● The Fed’s tasks is to keep CPI inflation as close to 2% as possible. So, If inflation rises above this target, the Fed may raise interest rates to try to reduce it. This is a major factor in determining the affordability of housing. Mortgage payments take a high% of people’s disposable income (average is 25% but, for some homeowners it is higher). Therefore, even small changes in interest rates can deter people from buying. ● When Inflation is rising people have to spend more of their income on the daily necessities. As a result, house price growth tends to slow when inflation is rising. Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
  • 24. 1981 All time high inflation and Interest rate Following rampant inflation in the 1970s, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker raised interest rates to record highs. SOURCE : CNBC (APR,2020) 2008 Financial Crisis Between 2007 and 2008, Interest rates fell from 5.1% to 2.3% in efforts to curtail the subprime mortgage and banking crisis. SOURCE : Federal Reserve Board (SEP,2020) 2016 All time low rates Historical trends show that a ‘Lower for longer’ rate cycle is projected for the future. SOURCE : Bank of England(JAN,2020). 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Inflation rate rise in 2020 and 2021 in response to Coronavirus pandemic.
  • 26.
  • 27. Another factor that determines the effective demand for houses is the mortgage rates always go lower but you should not expect them to. With inflation at 40-year highs and the Federal Reserve making aggressive rate hikes to combat it, Mortgage rates seem likely to rise in the near future. Fed does not set mortgage rates, but these rates follow the same general trend as the overall market. Wehn mortgage rates rise, home values fall. Mortgage rate
  • 28. Section 5 Population - Rising demand Limited Supply
  • 29. This tells us that in coming years we may see population may reach to 350 million by 2030.
  • 30. The average growth range of US population ranges from 0.38% to 0.9% every year. The United State is projected to grow by nearly 79 million people in the next 4 decades, from about 326 million to 404 million between 2017 and 2060. The population is projected to cross the 400-million mark in 2058. Population is a very important factor. It is not just the number of people but demographic changes leads to influence in house prices. E.g. growing number of single people living alone has led to increasing demand for houses. We know if demand increases price will increase. Population
  • 31. People are preffering to live alone increases demand in household market.
  • 32. In the above graph we can see that there are 28.46% of households with one person. An average annual rise of single person household is 1.1% over 2015-2030. There were 37 million one-person households in 2021, or 28% of all U.S. households. The number of families with their own children under age 18 in the household declined over the last two decades. The projections show that single-person households are set to reach about 41.4 million by 2030, which will again lead to increase in house prices in US. Population
  • 33.
  • 34. The demand for housing does not just depend on the population but also the size of household. We can see above how the size of household “seven or more” decreasing since 1960. This shows that certain social and demographic factors are causing a rise in number of households ( faster than population ) such as : ● Increased life expectancy, leading to more single old people ● Divorce rates - increasing number of single parent families. Population
  • 35. Section 6 Economy and Unemployment
  • 36.
  • 37. This graphs shows that economy is recovering and Unemployment is falling.The US economy contracted by 3.5% during 2020, in contrast to an annual growth of 2.2% in 2019 and the biggest decline since the demobilization from World War II in 1956, as the country was ravaged by the global pandemic last year. In June 2022, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%, sharply down from 8.1% a year earlier and from a peak of 14.8% in April 2020 ( due to coronavirus pandemic), according to the U.S. Bureau of labor statistics. Now the unemployment rate is lower than the average unemployment rate 4.4% from 2015 to 2019. Economy and Unemployment
  • 38. Section 7 Property, Sales and Income Tax rate
  • 39. Scale is made by considering property tax rate in each state.
  • 40. ● Employment income, as well as business and professional income, is subject to progressive federal income tax rates. ● State governments in the U.S. levy their own taxes on income. Non-residents are subject to state income taxes in the state where they earn income. The rates are progressive and very from state to state. The income brackets are mostly the same as, or sometimes modified from the federal income tax brackets. Property, Sales and Income tax rate
  • 42. More Stimulus Spending Biden administration has promised $5.4 trillion in additional spending over the next 10 years.This includes spending for healthcare and health insurance, which would increase demand for the real estate that healthcare providers occupy. Biden pledged to spend another $1.6 trillion on infrastructure and research development. Elimination of 1031 Exchange of High Earners The plan stipulates that additional federal spending will be paid for partially by “rolling back unproductive and unequal tax breaks for real estate investors with incomes over $400,000.” The 1031 exchange allows one to defer all capital gains taxes for the sale of a piece of real estate if the proceeds are reinvested in another piece ( or multiple pieces ) of real estate within a specific period of time. Elimination of the SALT Deduction Cap SALT - This effectively lowers federal taxes more for individuals in high tax cities and states than individuals in low tax cities and states. By eliminating it would lower the incentives to move away from high-tax states. As home prices soar in low-tax states and suburbs outside of coastal cities, eliminating the SALT deduction cap will make it easier for higher earners to remain in high tax coastal states. Rental and Homeowners Assistance Upcoming $1.9 trillion stimulus package currently making its way through congress is $25 billion of rental assistance, which should be a huge boon to class B and class C residential landlords. Bill includes $10 billion for homeowner assistance with mortgage payments, property taxes and utilities. This should prevent a substantial number of foreclosures and thus pour fuel one already blazing housing market. Help for First- Time Homebuyers Biden’s proposal to provide a $15,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers would help those who would like to buy a home but have been unable to due to lack of a down payment, high home prices, or lingering student debt.
  • 43. Sustainable Building Standards/Regulations Buildings account for roughly one third of total carbon emissions, which means that the commercial real estate industry will need to be marshaled in the fight against climate change. Biden wants to reduce the carbon footprint of american buildings by 50% by 2035. Help for Struggling Coastal Cities Existing problems like homelessness and crime, makes urban areas less attractive places to live for higher income individuals, spurring them to move to the suburbs or other states. This then has the effect of reducing the tax base, causing cities to raise tax rates or look for other sources of income. Higher tax rates then make these cities even less attractive for high earners, pushing more of them to leave. It’s a deadly spiral. Biden is expected to push trillions of dollars to help struggling coastal cities, benefiting real estate in these places. Affordable Housing President Biden has made clear his desire for more affordable housing in America. This could manifest as tax incentives for building low-rent housing in expensive areas and encouraging changes to zoning laws.Problem of shortage of affordable housing nearly impossible to change at the federal level as the fundamental problems are mostly at the city level, and thus that’s where the solutions mostly lie as well. We find it doubtful that Biden’s policies will have a significant effect on housing costs.
  • 44. ● Housing Data - Zillow Research ● You searched for Number of houses – Page 3 of 3 – DQYDJ – Don't Quit Your Day Job… ● Historical Income Tables: Households (census.gov) ● • Most populated U.S. cities: median household income 2019 | Statista ● Search Results | FRED | St. Louis Fed (stlouisfed.org) ● U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) ● Freddie Mac - We Make Home Possible - Freddie Mac Source