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Layer One conference
Hands on: IT Risk Assessment
George D. Delikouras,
Athens International Airport S.A.
Head Information security
IT&T Business Unit
ATExcelixi, October 11, 2013
Key Findings from the industry
• Despite risk assessment being specified in
certain regulations and numerous de facto
standards, many organizations have not
implemented formal risk assessment processes
for reasons that include a lack of demonstrated
benefit and a lack of skilled personnel.
• Risk assessments do not address risks at a
sufficiently granular level and seldom deliver
pragmatic, implementable advice to resource
Key Findings from the industry
• Risk and security teams are looking for a
simple risk assessment method that makes
low time demands on IT and business
• The method we present, provides a standard
approach to IT risk assessments and resolves
the stumbling blocks to performing formal,
regular risk assessments.
• Develop business-focused evaluation criteria and
reusable templates and reference tables for consistency
and standardization.
• Define the scope and objectives of your risk assessments
to focus the risk-assessment process.
• Use Risk Assessment Methodology to identify and
evaluate risks.
• Develop formal treatment plans for treatment tracking
and reporting.
Analysis - Definitions
Risk management is the process of identifying risk,
assessing risk and taking steps to reduce risk to an
acceptable level. The risk management process — when
effectively applied — enables organizations to balance
the financial and operational costs of control measures
with the level of risk caused by exposure to threats that
could adversely affect the achievement of business
Analysis - Definitions
Risk Combination of the probability of an event and its
Probability Extent to which an event is likely to occur
Risk assessment Overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation
Risk control Actions implementing risk management decisions
Risk reduction Actions taken to lessen the probability, negative
consequences, or both, associated with a risk
Mitigation Limitation of any negative consequence of a particular
Risk transfer Sharing with another party the burden of loss or benefit of
gain, for a risk
Residual risk Risk remaining after risk treatment
Risk acceptance Decision to accept a risk
What people think we do
What usually happens
An assessment may be performed on IT as a
whole or on specific processes to determine IT's
risk profile or its criticality to the organization.
In reality, risk assessments tend to be
performed in an ad hoc manner, usually at a
high level, to satisfy corporate operational risk
reporting requirements, rather than to derive
practical treatment options to reduce risks.
Overcoming Objections
Understanding the objections, real and perceived,
that limit the adoption of risk assessment is the
first step toward implementing risk assessment as
a formal, measurable process that adds value to
the business. Objections are usually based on
negative experiences from past assessments,
which were time-consuming and did not result in
practical actions to address risk.
Other objections
• Risk Security personnel have to be taken away from
normal operational activities (often from departments
that are short-staffed) to perform risk assessments.
• Risk and security personnel are concerned about the
potentially repetitive and tedious nature of the process.
• Involvement of business personnel in a process in which
they do not see business benefit.
• The perception that risk assessments are too subjective
to provide anything more than conceptual information.
Always remember: Perception is stronger than reality
Justification for Risk Assessments
Risk assessments provide a formal, standardized,
repeatable process for identifying and treating a wide
range of risks, including risks to efficient and effective
operations, and strategic risks, such as reputation damage.
The value of a formal, repeatable method is in consistent
risk measurement and comparative reporting across
business divisions, the use of standard terminology, and
the ability to record risk information for current
management and to obtain historical perspectives.
Practical reasons for risk assessment
• Gaining a better understanding of the organization's
IT risk profile
• Addressing IT and information security risks
• Providing management assurance that IT risks are
• Identifying critical IT resources
• Complying with regulations and policies
• Risk, security and business continuity planning
• Prioritizing spending on risk control complying with
regulations and policies
Foundation Documents I
Risk Assessment is a methodology that can be applied to
achieve multiple risk assessment objectives and meet
diverse risk reporting requirements.
The method uses a foundation comprising risk evaluation
criteria, threat tables, impact control tables, statements of
materiality, statements of acceptable risk and data
classification to ensure the consistent assessment of risks.
Foundation Documents II
An initial set of artifacts is developed, which is refined after
each assessment to create a complete set for streamlining
ongoing assessments.
Certain artifacts, such as risk scenarios, will be defined
during the assessment phase and refined over time.
The artifacts are consolidated in a single repository or risk
catalog. The risk catalog also holds a history of past
assessments and the current risk register to facilitate risk
Foundation process
Process Artifact Description
Risk evaluation
Define/refine the criteria against which risk will be evaluated,
statements of materiality, definition of acceptable risk, data
classification and definitions of probability.
Threats and impacts Define/refine a list of plausible threats and impacts to the
Risk register The risk register documents risks that have been identified for
treatment in order of priority.
Risk catalogue The risk catalog is a central repository for risk-related
information, including all related artifacts and past risk
treatment activities.
Controls Define/refine a table of existing controls and evaluate control
Data classification Define/refine data classes and an associated, required security
Resource owners Define/refine resources and resource owners.
The Delphic Technique
A team of people having knowledge of the subject being
assessed is appointed to iteratively review scenarios,
incorporating threats, impacts, probabilities and time.
A member of the risk and security team develops the first-
pass scenarios from previously defined threat/impact and
control tables.
The scenarios are sent to individual team members three
times for review and comment, each iteration having an
updated version of the scenarios with consolidated
responses from the preceding round and with a different
Phase 1: Develop scenario
Subprocess/Task Description
Scope and
■ Define the purpose (for example, risk reporting, risk reduction,
risk and security planning, IT processes and so on).
■ Define the resources in scope (for example, specific
application, platform, data, IT process and so on).
■ Define the deliverable (for example, treatment plan,
prioritization of resources for detailed assessment or risk status
Appoint evaluation
■ Appoint a review team of four to six experts, depending on the
assessment type.
■ Appoint an administrator.
■ Based on the scope and objectives, develop a set of scenarios
for review.
Phase 2: Risk evaluation
Subprocess/Task Description
Plausible scenarios are developed and distributed to the evaluation team for
anonymous responses. Team will review threats, impacts, probabilities and controls.
Pass 1: Scenario
■ Distribute scenarios with questions to team for review and
■ Consolidate responses from Pass 1.
Pass 2: Risk
■ Distribute updated scenarios with questions relating to
impacts and probabilities.
■ Consolidate responses from Pass 2.
Pass 3: Controls
■ Distribute updated scenarios with questions relating to
■ Consolidate responses from Pass 3.
Phase 3: Prepare response
Subprocess/Task Description
Develop the risk treatment plan.
■ Resolve consensus issues with resource owner or assessment
Develop a
■ Define a residual risk statement for acceptance by the
resource owner.
■ If the residual risk is unacceptable, then develop a risk
treatment proposal.
■ On acceptance of the proposal, develop a treatment action
Develop a final
■ For assessments that do not require a treatment plan, produce
the final assessment report in the required format.
Phase 4: Plans and documentation
Subprocess/Task Description
Develop the risk treatment plan.
■ Resolve consensus issues with resource owner or assessment
Develop a
■ Define a residual risk statement for acceptance by the
resource owner.
■ If the residual risk is unacceptable, then develop a risk
treatment proposal.
■ On acceptance of the proposal, develop a treatment action
Develop a final
■ For assessments that do not require a treatment plan, produce
the final assessment report in the required format.
Using Time
… as the Basis for a Continuous Risk Program
Time is included as a variable in the risk scenarios to show
the change in risk over time.
Impacts and the probability of impact change for various
reasons, for example, the value of the resource to the
business could change, causing any loss to have a higher
impact, or the value of the resource to competitors could
increase, causing the probability of loss to rise.
The threat itself may change because of societal, legal or
environmental shifts.
Example of annual risk planning
Hands-on IT risk assessment
• Examples on risk assessment for IT systems
• Examples on risk assessment for IT projects
• The phases:
– Initiation: Identify the threats
– Phase 1: Assess the impact
– Phase 2: Assess the probability
– Phase 3: Assess the control over threats
– Calculate and present the risks
Probability: The subjective factor
• Scale selection is critical for the exercise success!
• A scale from 1 to 5 is the best choice
• The middle of the scale, 3 represents absolute
uncertainty. Probability is 50% (heads or tails)
• The basis of the scale, 1 represents absolute certainty
that the threat will NOT occur
• The top of the scale, 5 represents absolute certainty that
the threat will occur
• Then it is relatively easy to choose between 2 and 4!
An IT project example
Risk assessment form (step 1 of 5: Identify the threats)
Project name: Decision support system roll-out
Step 1: Identify the threats Risk ID
Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 1
Time plan does not exist or problematic 2
No or poor progress reporting 3
No or poor financial reporting 4
Steering Committee not defined or inactive 5
Budget does not exist or is not secured 6
Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with 7
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor 8
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from customer 9
Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during 10
Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or 11
Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in 12
Communication problems due to language differences 13
(all the above are indicative threats, replace with actual)
An IT project example
Risk assessment form (step 2: Assess the impact)
Project name: Decision support system roll-out
Step 2: Assess the impact of each threat Impact factor
Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6
Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 4 4 2 2 3 4
Time plan does not exist or problematic 2 4 3 3 3 3
No or poor progress reporting 2 3 2 2 2 3
No or poor financial reporting 2 3 2 2 2 3
Steering Committee not defined or inactive 3 3 3 3 4 3
Budget does not exist or is not secured 4 4 5 4 4 4
Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with customer 5 5 4 4 4 5
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from cuctomer 4 4 3 3 4 3
Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development
phase 4 4 4 3 3 4
Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or customer 4 4 3 4 4 3
An IT project example
Risk assessment form (step 4: Assess the probability)
Project name: Decision support system roll-out
Step 3: Assess the probability for each threat Probability
Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6
Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 3 3 2 3 2 1
Time plan does not exist or problematic 3 3 1 1 2 2
No or poor progress reporting 2 2 3 1 2 1
No or poor financial reporting 2 2 2 2 2 1
Steering Committee not defined or inactive 2 2 2 2 2 1
Budget does not exist or is not secured 2 2 2 2 2 1
Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with customer 2 2 1 1 2 1
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from customer 3 3 3 2 3 2
Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development
phase 2 2 1 1 2 2
Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or customer 4 4 3 3 3 4
Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in consortia) 2 2 2 1 2 2
Communication problems due to language differences 3 3 2 1 2 2
Delays due to budget limitations from cuctomer part 3 3 2 2 2 2
Delays due to contractual/administrative/legal disputes with cuctomer 3 3 3 5 3 4
Delays due to compliance issues (change management failure, failover procedure not
clear) 2 2 2 2 2 1
Procurement delays for equipment from vendors 1 1 1 1 1 1
An IT project example
Risk assessment form (step 3: Assess the control)
Project name: Flight information system roll-out
Step 3: Assess the control over each threat Control
Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6
Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 3 3 2 3 2 1
Time plan does not exist or problematic 3 3 1 1 2 2
No or poor progress reporting 2 2 3 1 2 1
No or poor financial reporting 2 2 2 2 2 1
Steering Committee not defined or inactive 2 2 2 2 2 1
Budget does not exist or is not secured 2 2 2 2 2 1
Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with cuctomer 2 2 1 1 2 1
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor
Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from cuctomer 3 3 3 2 3 2
Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development phase 2 2 1 1 2 2
Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or cuctomer 4 4 3 3 3 4
Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in consortia) 2 2 2 1 2 2
Communication problems due to language differences 3 3 2 1 2 2
Delays due to budget limitations from cuctomer part 3 3 2 2 2 2
Delays due to contractual/administrative/legal disputes with cuctomer 3 3 3 5 3 4
Delays due to compliance issues (change management failure, failover procedure not clear) 2 2 2 2 2 1
Procurement delays for equipment from vendors 1 1 1 1 1 1
An IT project example
0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00
Risk assessment
High risk
but good
Low risk
and good
Low risk but
not good
High risk
and no
Column A Column B
Product AXB (Impact) X (Probability) Risk control
13,55 7,39 1,83
14,00 6,00 2,33
6,42 4,28 1,50
7,13 4,28 1,67
15,48 5,81 2,67
17,82 7,64 2,33
25,88 6,75 3,83
0,00 0,00 0,00
42,00 9,33 4,50
12,22 6,11 2,00
44,92 12,83 3,50
11,46 4,58 2,50
11,80 5,06 2,33
14,58 5,83 2,50
78,75 15,75 5,00
11,92 5,50 2,17
10,50 3,50 3,00
33,06 11,67 2,83
40,00 10,00 4,00
30,56 6,11 5,00
10,00 2,50 4,00
0,00 0,00 0,00
28,89 5,78 5,00
45,50 9,75 4,67
29,63 8,89 3,33
44,72 12,78 3,50
56,00 14,00 4,00
0,00 0,00 0,00
0,00 0,00 0,00
19,96 8,56 2,33
29,56 9,33 3,17
24,50 7,00 3,50
10,39 5,19 2,00
19,56 7,33 2,67
All values above 31,25 in the column "Product AXB" indicate risks that need risk management
Impact assessment example
Impact assessment example
Probability assessment example
Probability assessment example
Risk control assessment example
Risk control assessment example
• Develop business-focused evaluation criteria and
reusable templates and reference tables for consistency
and standardization.
• Define the scope and objectives of your risk assessments
to focus the risk-assessment process.
• Use Risk Assessment methodology to identify and
evaluate risks.
• Develop formal treatment plans for treatment tracking
and reporting
• Consolidate risk information in a data repository for risk
reporting, ongoing risk management and maintaining a
history of risk management activities.
Athens International Airport S.A.
Thank you for your
George D. Delikouras
Athens International Airport S.A.
IT&T Business Unit

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Hands on IT risk assessment

  • 1. Layer One conference Hands on: IT Risk Assessment George D. Delikouras, CISM, CGEIT, C-RISK Athens International Airport S.A. Head Information security IT&T Business Unit george.delikouras@aia.gr 3rd DATA CENTER INFRASTRUCTURES NETWORKING & CABLING CONFERENCE, ATExcelixi, October 11, 2013
  • 2. Key Findings from the industry • Despite risk assessment being specified in certain regulations and numerous de facto standards, many organizations have not implemented formal risk assessment processes for reasons that include a lack of demonstrated benefit and a lack of skilled personnel. • Risk assessments do not address risks at a sufficiently granular level and seldom deliver pragmatic, implementable advice to resource owners.
  • 3. Key Findings from the industry • Risk and security teams are looking for a simple risk assessment method that makes low time demands on IT and business personnel. • The method we present, provides a standard approach to IT risk assessments and resolves the stumbling blocks to performing formal, regular risk assessments.
  • 4. Recommendations • Develop business-focused evaluation criteria and reusable templates and reference tables for consistency and standardization. • Define the scope and objectives of your risk assessments to focus the risk-assessment process. • Use Risk Assessment Methodology to identify and evaluate risks. • Develop formal treatment plans for treatment tracking and reporting.
  • 5. Analysis - Definitions Risk management is the process of identifying risk, assessing risk and taking steps to reduce risk to an acceptable level. The risk management process — when effectively applied — enables organizations to balance the financial and operational costs of control measures with the level of risk caused by exposure to threats that could adversely affect the achievement of business objectives.
  • 6. Analysis - Definitions Risk Combination of the probability of an event and its consequence Probability Extent to which an event is likely to occur Risk assessment Overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation Risk control Actions implementing risk management decisions Risk reduction Actions taken to lessen the probability, negative consequences, or both, associated with a risk Mitigation Limitation of any negative consequence of a particular event Risk transfer Sharing with another party the burden of loss or benefit of gain, for a risk Residual risk Risk remaining after risk treatment Risk acceptance Decision to accept a risk
  • 8. What usually happens An assessment may be performed on IT as a whole or on specific processes to determine IT's risk profile or its criticality to the organization. In reality, risk assessments tend to be performed in an ad hoc manner, usually at a high level, to satisfy corporate operational risk reporting requirements, rather than to derive practical treatment options to reduce risks.
  • 9. Overcoming Objections Understanding the objections, real and perceived, that limit the adoption of risk assessment is the first step toward implementing risk assessment as a formal, measurable process that adds value to the business. Objections are usually based on negative experiences from past assessments, which were time-consuming and did not result in practical actions to address risk.
  • 10. Other objections • Risk Security personnel have to be taken away from normal operational activities (often from departments that are short-staffed) to perform risk assessments. • Risk and security personnel are concerned about the potentially repetitive and tedious nature of the process. • Involvement of business personnel in a process in which they do not see business benefit. • The perception that risk assessments are too subjective to provide anything more than conceptual information. Always remember: Perception is stronger than reality
  • 11. Justification for Risk Assessments Risk assessments provide a formal, standardized, repeatable process for identifying and treating a wide range of risks, including risks to efficient and effective operations, and strategic risks, such as reputation damage. The value of a formal, repeatable method is in consistent risk measurement and comparative reporting across business divisions, the use of standard terminology, and the ability to record risk information for current management and to obtain historical perspectives.
  • 12. Practical reasons for risk assessment • Gaining a better understanding of the organization's IT risk profile • Addressing IT and information security risks • Providing management assurance that IT risks are managed • Identifying critical IT resources • Complying with regulations and policies • Risk, security and business continuity planning • Prioritizing spending on risk control complying with regulations and policies
  • 13. Foundation Documents I Risk Assessment is a methodology that can be applied to achieve multiple risk assessment objectives and meet diverse risk reporting requirements. The method uses a foundation comprising risk evaluation criteria, threat tables, impact control tables, statements of materiality, statements of acceptable risk and data classification to ensure the consistent assessment of risks.
  • 14. Foundation Documents II An initial set of artifacts is developed, which is refined after each assessment to create a complete set for streamlining ongoing assessments. Certain artifacts, such as risk scenarios, will be defined during the assessment phase and refined over time. The artifacts are consolidated in a single repository or risk catalog. The risk catalog also holds a history of past assessments and the current risk register to facilitate risk reporting
  • 15. Foundation process Process Artifact Description Build/review foundation Risk evaluation criteria Define/refine the criteria against which risk will be evaluated, statements of materiality, definition of acceptable risk, data classification and definitions of probability. Threats and impacts Define/refine a list of plausible threats and impacts to the business. Risk register The risk register documents risks that have been identified for treatment in order of priority. Risk catalogue The risk catalog is a central repository for risk-related information, including all related artifacts and past risk treatment activities. Controls Define/refine a table of existing controls and evaluate control maturity. Data classification Define/refine data classes and an associated, required security baseline. Resource owners Define/refine resources and resource owners.
  • 16. The Delphic Technique A team of people having knowledge of the subject being assessed is appointed to iteratively review scenarios, incorporating threats, impacts, probabilities and time. A member of the risk and security team develops the first- pass scenarios from previously defined threat/impact and control tables. The scenarios are sent to individual team members three times for review and comment, each iteration having an updated version of the scenarios with consolidated responses from the preceding round and with a different focus.
  • 17. Phase 1: Develop scenario Subprocess/Task Description Scope and objectives ■ Define the purpose (for example, risk reporting, risk reduction, risk and security planning, IT processes and so on). ■ Define the resources in scope (for example, specific application, platform, data, IT process and so on). ■ Define the deliverable (for example, treatment plan, prioritization of resources for detailed assessment or risk status report). Appoint evaluation team ■ Appoint a review team of four to six experts, depending on the assessment type. ■ Appoint an administrator. Scenario development ■ Based on the scope and objectives, develop a set of scenarios for review.
  • 18. Phase 2: Risk evaluation Subprocess/Task Description Plausible scenarios are developed and distributed to the evaluation team for anonymous responses. Team will review threats, impacts, probabilities and controls. Pass 1: Scenario evaluation ■ Distribute scenarios with questions to team for review and response. ■ Consolidate responses from Pass 1. Pass 2: Risk modelling ■ Distribute updated scenarios with questions relating to impacts and probabilities. ■ Consolidate responses from Pass 2. Pass 3: Controls review ■ Distribute updated scenarios with questions relating to controls. ■ Consolidate responses from Pass 3.
  • 19. Phase 3: Prepare response Subprocess/Task Description Develop the risk treatment plan. Address consensus failure ■ Resolve consensus issues with resource owner or assessment sponsor. Develop a treatment plan ■ Define a residual risk statement for acceptance by the resource owner. ■ If the residual risk is unacceptable, then develop a risk treatment proposal. ■ On acceptance of the proposal, develop a treatment action plan. Develop a final deliverable ■ For assessments that do not require a treatment plan, produce the final assessment report in the required format.
  • 20. Phase 4: Plans and documentation Subprocess/Task Description Develop the risk treatment plan. Address consensus failure ■ Resolve consensus issues with resource owner or assessment sponsor. Develop a treatment plan ■ Define a residual risk statement for acceptance by the resource owner. ■ If the residual risk is unacceptable, then develop a risk treatment proposal. ■ On acceptance of the proposal, develop a treatment action plan. Develop a final deliverable ■ For assessments that do not require a treatment plan, produce the final assessment report in the required format.
  • 21. Using Time … as the Basis for a Continuous Risk Program Time is included as a variable in the risk scenarios to show the change in risk over time. Impacts and the probability of impact change for various reasons, for example, the value of the resource to the business could change, causing any loss to have a higher impact, or the value of the resource to competitors could increase, causing the probability of loss to rise. The threat itself may change because of societal, legal or environmental shifts.
  • 22. Example of annual risk planning
  • 23. Hands-on IT risk assessment • Examples on risk assessment for IT systems • Examples on risk assessment for IT projects • The phases: – Initiation: Identify the threats – Phase 1: Assess the impact – Phase 2: Assess the probability – Phase 3: Assess the control over threats – Calculate and present the risks
  • 24. Probability: The subjective factor • Scale selection is critical for the exercise success! • A scale from 1 to 5 is the best choice • The middle of the scale, 3 represents absolute uncertainty. Probability is 50% (heads or tails) • The basis of the scale, 1 represents absolute certainty that the threat will NOT occur • The top of the scale, 5 represents absolute certainty that the threat will occur • Then it is relatively easy to choose between 2 and 4!
  • 25. An IT project example Risk assessment form (step 1 of 5: Identify the threats) Project name: Decision support system roll-out Step 1: Identify the threats Risk ID Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 1 Time plan does not exist or problematic 2 No or poor progress reporting 3 No or poor financial reporting 4 Steering Committee not defined or inactive 5 Budget does not exist or is not secured 6 Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with 7 Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor 8 Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from customer 9 Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during 10 Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or 11 Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in 12 Communication problems due to language differences 13 (all the above are indicative threats, replace with actual)
  • 26. An IT project example Risk assessment form (step 2: Assess the impact) Project name: Decision support system roll-out Step 2: Assess the impact of each threat Impact factor Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6 Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 4 4 2 2 3 4 Time plan does not exist or problematic 2 4 3 3 3 3 No or poor progress reporting 2 3 2 2 2 3 No or poor financial reporting 2 3 2 2 2 3 Steering Committee not defined or inactive 3 3 3 3 4 3 Budget does not exist or is not secured 4 4 5 4 4 4 Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with customer 5 5 4 4 4 5 Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from cuctomer 4 4 3 3 4 3 Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development phase 4 4 4 3 3 4 Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or customer 4 4 3 4 4 3
  • 27. An IT project example Risk assessment form (step 4: Assess the probability) Project name: Decision support system roll-out Step 3: Assess the probability for each threat Probability Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6 Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 3 3 2 3 2 1 Time plan does not exist or problematic 3 3 1 1 2 2 No or poor progress reporting 2 2 3 1 2 1 No or poor financial reporting 2 2 2 2 2 1 Steering Committee not defined or inactive 2 2 2 2 2 1 Budget does not exist or is not secured 2 2 2 2 2 1 Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with customer 2 2 1 1 2 1 Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from customer 3 3 3 2 3 2 Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development phase 2 2 1 1 2 2 Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or customer 4 4 3 3 3 4 Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in consortia) 2 2 2 1 2 2 Communication problems due to language differences 3 3 2 1 2 2 Delays due to budget limitations from cuctomer part 3 3 2 2 2 2 Delays due to contractual/administrative/legal disputes with cuctomer 3 3 3 5 3 4 Delays due to compliance issues (change management failure, failover procedure not clear) 2 2 2 2 2 1 Procurement delays for equipment from vendors 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 28. An IT project example Risk assessment form (step 3: Assess the control) Project name: Flight information system roll-out Step 3: Assess the control over each threat Control Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6 Project definition (scope-objectives-deliverables) is not clear or not exists 3 3 2 3 2 1 Time plan does not exist or problematic 3 3 1 1 2 2 No or poor progress reporting 2 2 3 1 2 1 No or poor financial reporting 2 2 2 2 2 1 Steering Committee not defined or inactive 2 2 2 2 2 1 Budget does not exist or is not secured 2 2 2 2 2 1 Contractor is not in position to continue the project because of dispute with cuctomer 2 2 1 1 2 1 Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from contractor Delays due to resource shortage/unavailability from cuctomer 3 3 3 2 3 2 Delays due to technical problems as a result of inefficient design during development phase 2 2 1 1 2 2 Delays due to slow decision making process from steering committee or cuctomer 4 4 3 3 3 4 Communication problems between project team members (for contractors in consortia) 2 2 2 1 2 2 Communication problems due to language differences 3 3 2 1 2 2 Delays due to budget limitations from cuctomer part 3 3 2 2 2 2 Delays due to contractual/administrative/legal disputes with cuctomer 3 3 3 5 3 4 Delays due to compliance issues (change management failure, failover procedure not clear) 2 2 2 2 2 1 Procurement delays for equipment from vendors 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 29. An IT project example 1,83 2,33 1,501,67 2,67 2,33 3,83 0,00 4,50 2,00 3,50 2,502,33 2,50 5,00 2,17 3,00 2,83 4,00 5,00 4,00 0,00 5,00 4,67 3,33 3,50 4,00 0,000,00 2,33 0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 Risk Control Risk assessment High risk but good Low risk and good Low risk but not good High risk and no Column A Column B Product AXB (Impact) X (Probability) Risk control 13,55 7,39 1,83 14,00 6,00 2,33 6,42 4,28 1,50 7,13 4,28 1,67 15,48 5,81 2,67 17,82 7,64 2,33 25,88 6,75 3,83 0,00 0,00 0,00 42,00 9,33 4,50 12,22 6,11 2,00 44,92 12,83 3,50 11,46 4,58 2,50 11,80 5,06 2,33 14,58 5,83 2,50 78,75 15,75 5,00 11,92 5,50 2,17 10,50 3,50 3,00 33,06 11,67 2,83 40,00 10,00 4,00 30,56 6,11 5,00 10,00 2,50 4,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 28,89 5,78 5,00 45,50 9,75 4,67 29,63 8,89 3,33 44,72 12,78 3,50 56,00 14,00 4,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 19,96 8,56 2,33 29,56 9,33 3,17 24,50 7,00 3,50 10,39 5,19 2,00 19,56 7,33 2,67 All values above 31,25 in the column "Product AXB" indicate risks that need risk management
  • 36. Recommendations • Develop business-focused evaluation criteria and reusable templates and reference tables for consistency and standardization. • Define the scope and objectives of your risk assessments to focus the risk-assessment process. • Use Risk Assessment methodology to identify and evaluate risks. • Develop formal treatment plans for treatment tracking and reporting • Consolidate risk information in a data repository for risk reporting, ongoing risk management and maintaining a history of risk management activities.
  • 37. Athens International Airport S.A. Thank you for your attention! George D. Delikouras CISM, CGEIT, C-RISK Athens International Airport S.A. IT&T Business Unit george.delikouras@aia.gr