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Set Your Goal in Life
An Islamic Perspective
Qur’an on Goal Orientation
What is a Goal?
 Agoalisadesiredresult,
 whichisasteptowardsa biggervision,and
 towhichanactionplanisattached.
A Goal is Not:
 A wish
 A dream
 An intention or…
 Something you think you
should do
Advantages of having a Goal?
• Clarity,
• Direction,
• Motivation &
• Focus
Stephen R Covey
“Begin with the end in
mind.” Stephen R Covey
“You were born to win,
but to be a winner you
must plan to win, prepare
to win, and expect to
win.” Zig Ziglar
Ken Marslew AM, Founder EIE
“Be ready at any moment to
give up what you are for
who you can become.”
Importance of Goal setting
How the children in the West are brought up?
From the age of 9 to 12, they have a
weekly class called:
“what is your goal in life?”
How the children in the West are brought up?
If he said best painter, they see how he paints.
The whole year, they will feed that goal until summer.
school administration will send his parents a memo
Parents sends the student in summer camps
The child comes back the following year wanting to do
specific things. When he is 12 years old, he will have
a clear goal
The story of 'Alice in Wonder
Alice “what road should I
The rabbit then says: “if you
do not know where you’re
going then follow any
road, it won’t make a
SONY Example
'Sony', written its mission.
the Japanese product will become the No1
product in the US markets!
They wrote their mission and hanged it on the walls.
When the board of directors meet,
employee offers a proposal to do something or other,
the President of the Board will look at the mission
and will ask that employee, how is the proposal,
you offered, relevant to the mission?
Goal setters : Models
1. Al-Imam Al-Nawawy: he had a noble goal in life, he
wanted all Muslims, to learn Prophets teaching. He
died at the age of 40, and did not even marry.
2. He wrote "Al Arba'een Al Nawawyah" for beginners,
3. Another book "Riyad Al-Salheen" for intermediates
4. and another for specialized scientists and thinkers
"Description of Saheeh Muslim".
Goal setters : Models
1. Omar Ibn Abdel-Aziz: he says about himself: "I have
an aspiring soul”
2. To marry Fatema Bint Abdel-Malek, to build a
Muslim family.
3. To be ruler of Medina in order to justly rule
4. To be the Caliph of Muslims in order to rule like the
Emirs of Believers.
5. And today, I aspire to paradise
Goal setters : Models
Muhammad Al-Fateh:
he conquered Constantinople when he was just
26 years old,
because he had always dreamed of that goal.
Learn to Fail or Fail
to Learn
“The bravest sight in the world is to see a
great man struggling against adversity.”
Seneca (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)
The Path of Failure
• Age 22: Lost job
• Age 23: Defeated for state legislature
• Age 24: Failed in business
• Age 27: Nervous breakdown
• Age 34: Ran for congress and defeated
• Age 39: Defeated again
• Age 46: Ran for senate and defeated
• Age 47: Defeated for nomination for vice president
• Age 50: Defeated again for senate
The Path of Failure
Often leads to the greatest success
•Age 51: 16th US President
Abraham Lincoln
How to set goals
SMART Principle
Do you know
what you
want to
with all the
Are you able
to assess
Is your goal
with in your
reach given
your present
Is your goal
towards your
purpose in
What is the
deadline for
of your goal
Clearly defined in a way that any body can
understand what you want to accomplish
Bad thought : “I want to write a book”
Good thought: "I want to write a book on time
management that is at least 200 pages in
You need to establish a measuring stick for assessing
the progress towards your goals because if you can't
measure it, you can't manage it.
 Bad Thought: "I want to be rich.“
 Good Thought: "I want to generate Rs 9,00,000 in
income within 5 years from this date by starting a
computer training academy.”
You need to create goals that are realistic for your
situation and skill level
Bad thought: "I want to have my own space channel by
next year".
Good thought: "I want to become a millionaire within 10
years by starting my own personal development
company and doing seminars all over the India.”
All of us should create a mission statement for ourselves
which is basically our purpose in life and all of our goals
should spawn from that mission statement.
Bad thought: "I want to start a music company that will
sell Pop music albums.”
Good thought: " I want to start a skills development
centre to enable youth build up their career.”
Time bound
Every goal that you create must be time‐sensitive in
Bad thought: "I am going to do my Project."
Good thought: "I am going to finish my Project by 5th May
and I'll achieve this deadline by spending one hour daily
on each subject.”
Moran’s 6 steps in goal setting
1) Identify your goals
2) Establish priorities
3) Consider a time-scale
4) Break the goal into steps for action
5) Review your progress
6) Revise your goals if necessary
Why people don’t set goals
 Aimless life
 Self ignorance
 Not knowing how to set goals
 Fear of Failure, Rejection & Unknown
 Busy & Unorganized life style
 Over enthusiasm
1. Hope and optimism
Prophet Muhammad was always
optimistic and always had hope.
 Taif torture – Angels of Mountain
 Digging of Khandaq
 Hijrath travel – Suraqa bin Ja’sim
2. Patience.
Once, H. Khabab Ibn Al-Arat came creeping to Prophet
Muhammad and said: "Could you pray for us, we are
desperate, tired and fed up with unbelievers torturing
us", Prophet Muhammad got angry, and his face
became red and said: "In the people before you there
were those who were sawed and never let go of their
religion, I swear that Allah will end this any way, but
you are rushing."
3. No to selfish goals
the goal should not be a selfish self-
centered one, but it should be
directed towards serving the society,
the country and all Humanity. The self-
centered goal is a short term goal.
your life will end and your goals will not.
To believe in your goal so strongly and
constantly with all your senses and abilities.
Prophet Muhammad's when he told his uncle:
"I swear my uncle, if they put the sun in my
right hand and the moon in my left hand to
leave the message of Islam, I will not till Allah
upholds it or I die for its sake.”
4. Strong believe in goals
Goals & efforts
Exerting great efforts…instead of sleeping and
• Goal without effort = dreams.
• Efforts without goals = waste of time.
• Goal + effort = SUCCESS.
Sub Target Source Duration Budget Remarks
Learn Telugu
Mr Ahmed 3 months 500 Daily 2 hrs
Build up Telugu
English - Telugu
3 months 500 Daily 5 words
Read Telugu
Telugu Islamic
6 months 2000
List of books
to be attached
Learn Speech
Join Toastmaster
6 months 2000
Weekly 3
5 Practice & Rehearsal
JIH internal
3 months 1000
Weekly 3
TOTAL TIME AND COST 21 months 6000
Organizational Micro Plan
Goal setting   final

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Goal setting final

  • 1. Set Your Goal in Life An Islamic Perspective
  • 3.  Qur’an on Goal Orientation
  • 4. What is a Goal?  Agoalisadesiredresult,  whichisasteptowardsa biggervision,and  towhichanactionplanisattached.
  • 5. A Goal is Not:  A wish  A dream  An intention or…  Something you think you should do
  • 6. Advantages of having a Goal? Agoalwillgivesyou • Clarity, • Direction, • Motivation & • Focus
  • 7. Stephen R Covey “Begin with the end in mind.” Stephen R Covey
  • 8. “You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” Zig Ziglar
  • 9. Ken Marslew AM, Founder EIE “Be ready at any moment to give up what you are for who you can become.”
  • 11. How the children in the West are brought up? From the age of 9 to 12, they have a weekly class called: “what is your goal in life?”
  • 12. How the children in the West are brought up? If he said best painter, they see how he paints. The whole year, they will feed that goal until summer. school administration will send his parents a memo Parents sends the student in summer camps The child comes back the following year wanting to do specific things. When he is 12 years old, he will have a clear goal
  • 13. The story of 'Alice in Wonder Land'. Alice “what road should I follow?” The rabbit then says: “if you do not know where you’re going then follow any road, it won’t make a difference.
  • 14. SONY Example 'Sony', written its mission. the Japanese product will become the No1 product in the US markets! They wrote their mission and hanged it on the walls. When the board of directors meet, employee offers a proposal to do something or other, the President of the Board will look at the mission and will ask that employee, how is the proposal, you offered, relevant to the mission?
  • 15. Goal setters : Models 1. Al-Imam Al-Nawawy: he had a noble goal in life, he wanted all Muslims, to learn Prophets teaching. He died at the age of 40, and did not even marry. 2. He wrote "Al Arba'een Al Nawawyah" for beginners, 3. Another book "Riyad Al-Salheen" for intermediates 4. and another for specialized scientists and thinkers "Description of Saheeh Muslim".
  • 16. Goal setters : Models 1. Omar Ibn Abdel-Aziz: he says about himself: "I have an aspiring soul” 2. To marry Fatema Bint Abdel-Malek, to build a Muslim family. 3. To be ruler of Medina in order to justly rule 4. To be the Caliph of Muslims in order to rule like the Emirs of Believers. 5. And today, I aspire to paradise
  • 17. Goal setters : Models Muhammad Al-Fateh: he conquered Constantinople when he was just 26 years old, because he had always dreamed of that goal.
  • 18. Learn to Fail or Fail to Learn “The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.” Seneca (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)
  • 19. The Path of Failure • Age 22: Lost job • Age 23: Defeated for state legislature • Age 24: Failed in business • Age 27: Nervous breakdown • Age 34: Ran for congress and defeated • Age 39: Defeated again • Age 46: Ran for senate and defeated • Age 47: Defeated for nomination for vice president • Age 50: Defeated again for senate
  • 20. The Path of Failure Often leads to the greatest success •Age 51: 16th US President Abraham Lincoln
  • 22. SMART Specific Do you know what you want to accomplish with all the details? Measurable Are you able to assess your progress? Attainable Is your goal with in your reach given your present condition? Relevant Is your goal relevant towards your purpose in life? Time bound What is the deadline for completion of your goal
  • 23. Clearly defined in a way that any body can understand what you want to accomplish Example, Bad thought : “I want to write a book” Good thought: "I want to write a book on time management that is at least 200 pages in length. Specific
  • 24. You need to establish a measuring stick for assessing the progress towards your goals because if you can't measure it, you can't manage it.  Bad Thought: "I want to be rich.“  Good Thought: "I want to generate Rs 9,00,000 in income within 5 years from this date by starting a computer training academy.” Measurable
  • 25. Attainable You need to create goals that are realistic for your situation and skill level Bad thought: "I want to have my own space channel by next year". Good thought: "I want to become a millionaire within 10 years by starting my own personal development company and doing seminars all over the India.”
  • 26. Relevant All of us should create a mission statement for ourselves which is basically our purpose in life and all of our goals should spawn from that mission statement. Bad thought: "I want to start a music company that will sell Pop music albums.” Good thought: " I want to start a skills development centre to enable youth build up their career.”
  • 27. Time bound Every goal that you create must be time‐sensitive in nature. Bad thought: "I am going to do my Project." Good thought: "I am going to finish my Project by 5th May and I'll achieve this deadline by spending one hour daily on each subject.”
  • 28. Moran’s 6 steps in goal setting 1) Identify your goals 2) Establish priorities 3) Consider a time-scale 4) Break the goal into steps for action 5) Review your progress 6) Revise your goals if necessary
  • 29. Why people don’t set goals  Aimless life  Self ignorance  Not knowing how to set goals  Fear of Failure, Rejection & Unknown  Busy & Unorganized life style  Over enthusiasm
  • 31. 1. Hope and optimism Prophet Muhammad was always optimistic and always had hope.  Taif torture – Angels of Mountain  Digging of Khandaq  Hijrath travel – Suraqa bin Ja’sim
  • 32. 2. Patience. Once, H. Khabab Ibn Al-Arat came creeping to Prophet Muhammad and said: "Could you pray for us, we are desperate, tired and fed up with unbelievers torturing us", Prophet Muhammad got angry, and his face became red and said: "In the people before you there were those who were sawed and never let go of their religion, I swear that Allah will end this any way, but you are rushing."
  • 33. 3. No to selfish goals the goal should not be a selfish self- centered one, but it should be directed towards serving the society, the country and all Humanity. The self- centered goal is a short term goal. your life will end and your goals will not.
  • 34. To believe in your goal so strongly and constantly with all your senses and abilities. Prophet Muhammad's when he told his uncle: "I swear my uncle, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to leave the message of Islam, I will not till Allah upholds it or I die for its sake.” 4. Strong believe in goals
  • 35. Goals & efforts Exerting great efforts…instead of sleeping and dreaming. • Goal without effort = dreams. • Efforts without goals = waste of time. • Goal + effort = SUCCESS.
  • 36.
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  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. TARGET I WANT TO BECOME A GOOD ISLAMIC TELUGU SPEAKER S. No Sub Target Source Duration Budget Remarks 1 Learn Telugu Language Mr Ahmed 3 months 500 Daily 2 hrs 2 Build up Telugu vocabulary English - Telugu Dictionary 3 months 500 Daily 5 words 3 Read Telugu Literature Telugu Islamic Publication 6 months 2000 List of books to be attached 4 Learn Speech delivery Join Toastmaster club 6 months 2000 Weekly 3 hours 5 Practice & Rehearsal JIH internal gatherings 3 months 1000 Weekly 3 hours TOTAL TIME AND COST 21 months 6000