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Understanding and
Monitoring Tempdb
June 3, 2015
About Me – Vicky Harp
• Product Manager with Idera
• Working with SQL Server
since 2001
• Working at Idera since 2004
• Twitter: @vickyharp
• Email: vicky.harp@idera.com
What is tempdb?
master model
msdb tempdb
How temporary is it?
• Recreated on server restart
– Reverts to last configured size
– Populated with contents of model database
• Does not run recovery
– Everything in tempdb is, well, temporary!
Why monitor tempdb?
Temp tables
Version Store
Online Index
After Triggers
Tempdb Issues
Space Usage
File Space and Topology
• Defaults
– One 8 MB data file on the C: drive
– One 1 MB log file on the C: drive
– 10% autogrow
File Space and Topology
• Best practices
– One 8 MB data file on the C: drive
– One 1 MB log file on the C: drive
– 10% autogrow
File Space and Topology
• Best practices
– Multiple pre-sized data files on a non-system
– One pre-sized log file on a non-system drive
– Fixed size autogrow as a last resort
What Size Files?
• Index size of largest index being rebuilt
• Monitor, monitor, monitor!
File Space and Topology
• What to check
– File location
– File count
– Available space
• How often
– Every 5 seconds forever
File Space and Topology
• What to check
– File location
– File count
– Available space
• How often
– After server restart
– Up to hourly for space available
Monitoring Files
• tempdb.sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
• tempdb.sys.database_files
SQL Server Allocation 101
SQL Server Allocation 101
Pages and Records
Page Header
Row Data
8192 bytes
Pages and Extents
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
64 KB
Mixed and Dedicated Extents
Tab A
Tab A
Tab A
Tab B
Tab B
Tab B
Tab C
Tab C
Tab A
Tab C
Tab B
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB
64 KB 64 KB
64 KB
GAM Intervals
GAM Interval (4 GB)
1 2 63998 63999…
Page Allocation state of each extent (1-63999)
Page Free pages in mixed extents (1-63999)
PFS Intervals
PFS Interval (64 MB)
1 2 3 8085 8086 8087…
Page Free space in heap and LOB pages
Allocation Process
(Extent 39)
Page ID 2:1:312
File 1DB 2
Allocation Page Contention
4 3 2 1
Allocation Page Contention
4 4
Proportional Fill
File 4File 3File 2File 1
Allocation 1 Allocation 2 Allocation 3 Allocation 4
Proportional Fill
File 4File 3File 2
File 1
Allocation 1
Allocation 2
Allocation 3 Allocation 4
File Configuration
• Multiple tempdb data files
• All files the same size
• Presize files to prevent autogrow
• Log size 2x size of largest file
• Autogrow set to fixed size
Number of Files
• Create 1 file for every 2 or 4 logical
CPUs, to a maximum of 8
• Monitor for contention
• If contention exists, add 4 more files
• Repeat until a max of 1 file per
logical CPU
Trace Flags and SQL 2016
• TF1117
– Grow all files in a filegroup equally
• TF1118
– Do not use mixed extents
• Default behavior for SQL 2016
• What to check
– Waits on allocation objects in tempdb
• How often
– Continuously while configuring tempdb
– Weekly spot checks thereafter
Monitoring Contention
• sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks
• wait_type like 'PAGE%LATCH_%'
• PageID
– PFS – 1 or multiple of 8088
– GAM – 2 or multiple of 511232
– SGAM – 3 or (PageID – 1) is multiple of 511232
Write Read
Snapshot Isolation
(Ver 1)
Write Read
(Ver 2)
(Ver 1)
Snapshot Isolation
(Ver 1)
(Ver 2)
(Ver 3)
Version Store
• What to check
– Version store size
– Long running version store transactions
– Version generation and cleanup rate
• How often
– Continuously with snapshot isolation workload
– Otherwise, check with space available check
Monitoring Version Store
• sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
– version_store_reserved_page_count
• sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions
• sys.dm_os_performance_counters
– Version Generation rate (KB/s)
– Version Cleanup rate (KB/s)
Session Space Usage
Temp tables
Version Store
Online Index
After Triggers
Tempdb Spills
Operation RAM
Session Space Usage
• What to check
– Heavy use of tempdb by user sessions
• How often
– Continuously if tuning workload
– Otherwise, daily spot checks
Monitor Session Space Used
• tempdb.sys.dm_db_session_space_usage
• tempdb.sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
Tempdb Issues
Space Usage
Q&A Coming Up!

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Idera live 2021: Keynote Presentation The Future of Data is The Data Cloud b...
Idera live 2021: Managing Databases in the Cloud - the First Step, a Succes...
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Idera live 2021: Managing Databases in the Cloud - the First Step, a Succes...
Idera live 2021: Database Auditing - on-Premises and in the Cloud by Craig M...
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Idera live 2021: Database Auditing - on-Premises and in the Cloud by Craig M...
Idera live 2021: Performance Tuning Azure SQL Database by Monica Rathbun
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Idera live 2021: Performance Tuning Azure SQL Database by Monica Rathbun
Geek Sync | How to Be the DBA When You Don't Have a DBA - Eric Cobb | IDERA
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Benefits of SQL Server 2017 and 2019 | IDERA
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Geek Sync | Guide to Understanding and Monitoring Tempdb
