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Using Financial Analytics for
Performance Management
Presentation to the Pittsburgh Association for Financial Professionals

Richard Gristak Sr. Practice Dir. Business Analytics
Ciber Inc.

November 21, 2013

Ciber Intro
Trends Today
The Data Dilemma
What are the Business Goals?
A Framework for a BI Support Center
Analytics and Predictive Analytics
Metadata and Contextual Analysis
Governance Issues
Some vendor product stacks

About Ciber
A $1.1 billion Global IT services company that builds, integrates and supports
applications and infrastructures for business and government in 72 offices and 19

Founded in 1974
More than 7,000 employees
NYSE: CBR - Headquartered in Denver
72 Offices in 19 countries
Local Accountability with Global Delivery:
Domestic & Off-Shore
Growth & Profitability for 35 years
Focus on Quality: ISO, CPMM, SAS 70
Best-in-Class Client Satisfaction
As a result of an independent customer satisfaction
survey, asking more than 150 international CIBER
customers, 96% respond that they will choose CIBER

Core Capabilities & Services



Development of IT Strategic Plans
Design and Implementation of IT
Governance Frameworks
Design, Evaluation and
Implementation of IT operating
Design and implementation of
Portfolio Management (Project &
Development of IT Business Cases
Cloud Adoption Strategies

Project Management & PMO
 Project Management
 Process Definition
 Complete PMO solution offering

Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture Program Design and
Business Architecture Development
SOA Strategy, Roadmap, Governance
Data /Information Governance
System & Technology Roadmap
Long Term Technology Planning



 Design, build, test & implement
custom applications
 Application modernization &
 Collaboration
 Mobility & wireless
 Portal development
 Document Management and
Enhanced ECM
 Web 2.0 and Social Media
 Records/Contract Management
 Platform Integration and


Data Warehousing
Data Architecture
Business Intelligence Systems
SAP Business Objects
Master Data Management
Data Governance
Common Data Definitions
Single View of the Customer
Metadata Architecture`

Managed Services

Application Management
Help Desk

Quality Assurance &
Enterprise Mobility

 Mobile Roadmap & Strategy
 Mobile App Development (HTML5,iOS,Android,
 Mobile Testing & Security

Test Maturity Improvements
Managed Testing Services
Test Centers of Excellence
Automation and Automated
 Technical Support of Testing
 Independent Test Organization

Trends Today

Trends Today
 CFO is increasingly involved in IT
 Close to 50% of IT Leaders report to the CFO; 25%
report to the CMO
 63% of CFOs plan upgrades to BI in the coming year
 92% of CFOs DO NOT believe IT provides
transformational or differentiation capabilities
 Analytics today continues to overwhelmingly rely on
lagging KPI indicators rather than Predictive
Analytics even as more and better tools are
available for moving to predictive models

Trends Today
CFOs indicate new applications for Financial
Governance are needed
 Cloud and Mobile are cited as opportunities BUT
91.8% of all devices connecting to the web were PCs
in 2012 – only 5.2% were smartphones, and 2.5% were
tablets; Predictions for 2014 are over 80% of devices
connecting will still be PCs
 Big Data is a much talked about subject BUT 90% of
Big Data projects are failures

BI Investment

CFO 2013

2014 Enterprise

Initiatives in
Finance Today

The Data Dilemma
The Data Dilemma











Making sense of it all
Clarity of purpose

Definition of scope

Allocation of resources
Concrete result expectations

Comparative Analytical Measures (e.g. KPIs)

Rationalization of measures into actionable items
and hierarchical groups
Defining predictive analytics workspaces

Metadata and Contextual Analysis

Social Network Diagram

• Contextual analytics is one of the hottest areas of interest
pertaining to big data today
• Smart companies know there is tremendous value in contextual
analytics. But aggregating, categorizing, summarizing, exploring
and contextualizing unstructured data is a big undertaking.

 Context is the interrelated conditions in which something exists or
occurs . Helping define context is Environment, Setting, Timeline, Genre
 Why is context important?
 Consistency needed in returned result sets
 The context describes the internal or external “framework”
 Internal contextual information is crucial
 External contextual information is knowledge that which cannot be gotten from
the text of the item itself
 Time and resources are wasted in searching irrelevant and non-material

Business Goals

Vision to Execution Road Map Alignment
3-Year IT Vision – Business Plans

FY 1 Plan

FY 2 Plan

FY 3 Plan

IT Strategies; Business Outcomes with Target Results; Goals and Objectives;
Risks; Business Capabilities; Key Stakeholders; Committed Investments;
Financial Models

Business Outcome Milestones

IT Context

Planning &

IT Business Model,
IT Services Portfolio,
Initiatives/Programs, IT
Operating Model,
Performance Target
Enterprise Architecture
IT Services
Common Services
Data / Information
Infrastructure Shared
Services (SIS)

Updates to FY 1 plus
New Capabilities,
IT Services,
Portfolios Refresh, and
Performance Targets

Updates to FY 1 plus
New Capabilities,
IT Services,
Portfolios Refresh, and
Performance Targets

ISS FY Planning
SIS Catalog

App Services
Content Delivery
Support Services
Management & Monitoring
EIM & Enterprise Endpoints
Security Management

Project portfolios sync'd to ISS releases
Cross-stack road maps
Reference architectures & solution
Standards & principles
Currency schedules & road maps
Budgeting/investment/resource profiles
AppDev, security and integration

Align Change/Development/Investment
to Business Outcome Milestones
Business Solutions

Business Unit



BU 1



BU 2



BU n

Cloud Services


Region 1



Region 2

IT Services


Shared Services



Technical Shared

Supply Chain

Business Outcome
Milestone (final or interim)

Functional Milestone within a level of
analysis (depends on approach)

In Order to Realize New Opportunities, You Need to
Think Beyond Traditional Sources of Data
Transactional and
Application Data

Machine Data

Social Data


 Volume

 Velocity

 Variety

 Variety

 Structured

 Semi-structured

 Highly unstructured

 Highly unstructured

 Throughput

 Ingestion

 Veracity

 Volume

Framework for A BI Support Center

An Analytics Framework

User Interfaces


Dev Tools


• Spreadsheet-style
visualization for data
discovery & exploration

• Built-in IDE & admin consoles
• Enterprise-class security

Engine Components
Map Reduce +


Workload Mgmt


Apache Hadoop

• Unique text analytic engines

Admin Console


• Performance & workload


• High-speed connectors to
integration with other
• High availability
• Machine data and social data
analytics accelerators


 Discover the Data
 Provide discovery and navigation
 Connect securely to applications that manage
data—regardless of location
 Leave big data in place



 Identify the value of the data
 Recognize users of the data
 Establish context of data usage


Data Explorer Platform

 Analyze Structured and
Unstructured Data
 Visualize relationships and
reveal themes








 Create personalized views of the data




 Augment the data with user knowledge




RSS Feeds

Social Tools

& Discovery



 Collaborate on the Data

Big Data Platform


 Identify ongoing user and system integration

Information Integration & Governance

Analytics and Predictive Analytics

Historical Analytics
 Presentation of historical data
 Dashboards, Drill-downs, interactive reports, static reports
 New methods and devices
 Identifying the metrics that affect key objectives
 Synchronizing those metrics through an organization
 Creating user tools to show effects of good (and bad) choices
 Tying the financial, operational, and sales worlds together
 Analyzing to predict the future
 Refining models for accuracy

Predictive Analytics
 Manipulation of data
 Dashboards, Drill-downs, interactive reports
 New methods and devices
 Varying the metrics that affect key objectives
 Synchronizing the impact of metrics through an organization
 Creating user tools to show effects of good (and bad) choices
 Tying the financial, operational, and sales worlds together
 Creating models that show potential future scenarios
 Refining models for accuracy using advanced tools and statistics

Governance Issues


Data Quality
Best Fit Models
Naming Consistency
Formula Consistency
Calculation Consistency
Plugging Numbers
(see Pentagon*)

Sample Product stacks

Analytics Toolscape

A Vendor Sample Toolbox
 Data Exploration: Visual data exploration to quickly understand and
analyze data within the database
 OLAP Optimization: Built-in multidimensional analytics optimization
 Geospatial: Native in-database geospatial data types and analytics
 Temporal: Native in-database temporal support to manage and
update time data and analytics
 Advanced Analytics: Optimized in-database data mining
technology from leading vendors, open source, and Teradata
 Agile Analytics: In-database data labs to accelerate exploration of
new data and ideas
 Big Data Integration: Partner tools to analyze unstructured and
structured data
 Application Development: Tools and techniques to accelerate
development of in-database and Hadoop analytics

Sample Big Data Appliances
IBM - Pure Analytics (Netezza)
Oracle – Exodata, Exalytics
SAP – Hana
Other vendors entering the marketplace

Sample Toolkits
IBM – InfoSphere, Open source, Hadoop
Oracle – Hyperion, OBIEE, Hadoop
Teradata – Vision, Hadoop
SAS – BI Software, BI Analytics, Visual Analytics
Tibco – Spotfire
Thank You

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Financial Analytics pafp 11-21-13

  • 1. Using Financial Analytics for Performance Management Presentation to the Pittsburgh Association for Financial Professionals Richard Gristak Sr. Practice Dir. Business Analytics Ciber Inc. November 21, 2013
  • 2. 2 Roadmap Ciber Intro Trends Today The Data Dilemma What are the Business Goals? A Framework for a BI Support Center Analytics and Predictive Analytics Metadata and Contextual Analysis Governance Issues Some vendor product stacks
  • 3. 3 About Ciber A $1.1 billion Global IT services company that builds, integrates and supports applications and infrastructures for business and government in 72 offices and 19 countries. Founded in 1974 More than 7,000 employees NYSE: CBR - Headquartered in Denver 72 Offices in 19 countries Local Accountability with Global Delivery: Domestic & Off-Shore Growth & Profitability for 35 years Focus on Quality: ISO, CPMM, SAS 70 Best-in-Class Client Satisfaction As a result of an independent customer satisfaction survey, asking more than 150 international CIBER customers, 96% respond that they will choose CIBER again.
  • 4. 4 Core Capabilities & Services Strategy • • • • • • Development of IT Strategic Plans Design and Implementation of IT Governance Frameworks Design, Evaluation and Implementation of IT operating Models Design and implementation of Portfolio Management (Project & Application) Development of IT Business Cases Cloud Adoption Strategies Project Management & PMO  Project Management  Process Definition  Complete PMO solution offering Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture Program Design and Implementation Business Architecture Development SOA Strategy, Roadmap, Governance Data /Information Governance System & Technology Roadmap Long Term Technology Planning • • • • • • Application Development  Design, build, test & implement custom applications  Application modernization & enhancement  Collaboration  Mobility & wireless  Portal development  Document Management and Enhanced ECM  Web 2.0 and Social Media  Records/Contract Management  Platform Integration and Consolidation BI/DW          Data Warehousing Data Architecture Business Intelligence Systems SAP Business Objects Master Data Management (MDM) Data Governance Common Data Definitions Single View of the Customer Data Metadata Architecture` Managed Services     Application Management ERP Help Desk Hosting Quality Assurance & Testing Enterprise Mobility  Mobile Roadmap & Strategy  Mobile App Development (HTML5,iOS,Android, Windows  Mobile Testing & Security Test Maturity Improvements Managed Testing Services IV&V Test Centers of Excellence Automation and Automated Regression  Technical Support of Testing  Independent Test Organization     
  • 6. 6 Trends Today  CFO is increasingly involved in IT  Close to 50% of IT Leaders report to the CFO; 25% report to the CMO  63% of CFOs plan upgrades to BI in the coming year  92% of CFOs DO NOT believe IT provides transformational or differentiation capabilities  Analytics today continues to overwhelmingly rely on lagging KPI indicators rather than Predictive Analytics even as more and better tools are available for moving to predictive models
  • 7. 7 Trends Today CFOs indicate new applications for Financial Governance are needed  Cloud and Mobile are cited as opportunities BUT 91.8% of all devices connecting to the web were PCs in 2012 – only 5.2% were smartphones, and 2.5% were tablets; Predictions for 2014 are over 80% of devices connecting will still be PCs  Big Data is a much talked about subject BUT 90% of Big Data projects are failures
  • 14. 14 Making sense of it all Clarity of purpose ! Definition of scope Allocation of resources Concrete result expectations ! Comparative Analytical Measures (e.g. KPIs) ! Rationalization of measures into actionable items and hierarchical groups Defining predictive analytics workspaces
  • 16. 16 Social Network Diagram • Contextual analytics is one of the hottest areas of interest pertaining to big data today • Smart companies know there is tremendous value in contextual analytics. But aggregating, categorizing, summarizing, exploring and contextualizing unstructured data is a big undertaking.
  • 17. 17 Contextualization  Context is the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs . Helping define context is Environment, Setting, Timeline, Genre  Why is context important?  Consistency needed in returned result sets  The context describes the internal or external “framework”  Internal contextual information is crucial  External contextual information is knowledge that which cannot be gotten from the text of the item itself  Time and resources are wasted in searching irrelevant and non-material information
  • 19. 19 Vision to Execution Road Map Alignment 3-Year IT Vision – Business Plans Business Context FY 1 Plan FY 2 Plan FY 3 Plan IT Strategies; Business Outcomes with Target Results; Goals and Objectives; Risks; Business Capabilities; Key Stakeholders; Committed Investments; Financial Models Business Outcome Milestones IT Context Planning & Analysis IT Business Model, IT Services Portfolio, Major Initiatives/Programs, IT Operating Model, Performance Target Results Enterprise Architecture IT Services Applications Common Services Processes Data / Information Infrastructure Shared Services (SIS) Updates to FY 1 plus New Capabilities, IT Services, Portfolios Refresh, and Performance Targets Updates to FY 1 plus New Capabilities, IT Services, Portfolios Refresh, and Performance Targets ISS FY Planning SIS Catalog App Services Compute Storage Content Delivery Support Services Networking Deployment Management & Monitoring EIM & Enterprise Endpoints Security Management Project portfolios sync'd to ISS releases Cross-stack road maps Reference architectures & solution patterns Standards & principles Currency schedules & road maps Budgeting/investment/resource profiles AppDev, security and integration guidelines
  • 20. 20 Align Change/Development/Investment to Business Outcome Milestones Business Solutions Approach Business Unit Approach Architecture Approach People BU 1 Application Process BU 2 Infrastructure Technology BU n Cloud Services Information Region 1 Information Governance Region 2 IT Services Money Corporate Shared Services Business Processes Manageme nt Technical Shared Services Supply Chain Partners Business Outcome 20 Milestone (final or interim) Functional Milestone within a level of analysis (depends on approach)
  • 21. 21 In Order to Realize New Opportunities, You Need to Think Beyond Traditional Sources of Data Transactional and Application Data Machine Data Social Data Enterprise Content  Volume  Velocity  Variety  Variety  Structured  Semi-structured  Highly unstructured  Highly unstructured  Throughput  Ingestion  Veracity  Volume
  • 22. 22 Framework for A BI Support Center
  • 23. 23 An Analytics Framework Integration User Interfaces Databases Visualization Dev Tools Application Accelerators • Spreadsheet-style visualization for data discovery & exploration Content Management • Built-in IDE & admin consoles • Enterprise-class security Engine Components Map Reduce + Indexing Workload Mgmt Security Apache Hadoop • Unique text analytic engines Admin Console Accelerators Text Analytics • Performance & workload optimizations Information Governance • High-speed connectors to integration with other systems/sources • High availability • Machine data and social data analytics accelerators
  • 24. 24 Data Exploration  Discover the Data  Provide discovery and navigation  Connect securely to applications that manage data—regardless of location  Leave big data in place File Systems Application/ Users  Identify the value of the data  Recognize users of the data  Establish context of data usage Commenting Tagging Data Explorer Platform  Analyze Structured and Unstructured Data  Visualize relationships and reveal themes Relational Data Content Management Hadoop System Stream Computing Data Warehouse ERP Cloud  Create personalized views of the data Systems Management Supply Chain Shared Folders  Augment the data with user knowledge Application Development Accelerators CRM RSS Feeds Social Tools Visualization & Discovery Email Rating  Collaborate on the Data Big Data Platform Custom Sources External Sources  Identify ongoing user and system integration points 24 Information Integration & Governance
  • 26. 26 Historical Analytics  Presentation of historical data  Dashboards, Drill-downs, interactive reports, static reports  New methods and devices  Identifying the metrics that affect key objectives  Synchronizing those metrics through an organization  Creating user tools to show effects of good (and bad) choices  Tying the financial, operational, and sales worlds together  Analyzing to predict the future  Refining models for accuracy
  • 27. 27 Predictive Analytics  Manipulation of data  Dashboards, Drill-downs, interactive reports  New methods and devices  Varying the metrics that affect key objectives  Synchronizing the impact of metrics through an organization  Creating user tools to show effects of good (and bad) choices  Tying the financial, operational, and sales worlds together  Creating models that show potential future scenarios  Refining models for accuracy using advanced tools and statistics
  • 29. 29 Issues        Data Quality Repeatability Best Fit Models Naming Consistency Formula Consistency Calculation Consistency Plugging Numbers (see Pentagon*)
  • 31. 31
  • 33. 33 A Vendor Sample Toolbox  Data Exploration: Visual data exploration to quickly understand and analyze data within the database  OLAP Optimization: Built-in multidimensional analytics optimization  Geospatial: Native in-database geospatial data types and analytics  Temporal: Native in-database temporal support to manage and update time data and analytics  Advanced Analytics: Optimized in-database data mining technology from leading vendors, open source, and Teradata  Agile Analytics: In-database data labs to accelerate exploration of new data and ideas  Big Data Integration: Partner tools to analyze unstructured and structured data  Application Development: Tools and techniques to accelerate development of in-database and Hadoop analytics
  • 34. 34 Sample Big Data Appliances IBM - Pure Analytics (Netezza) Oracle – Exodata, Exalytics SAP – Hana Teradata Other vendors entering the marketplace Sample Toolkits IBM – InfoSphere, Open source, Hadoop Oracle – Hyperion, OBIEE, Hadoop SAP – BO, BPC Teradata – Vision, Hadoop SAS – BI Software, BI Analytics, Visual Analytics Tibco – Spotfire