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Electronics and Communications Engineering
S.R Engineering College, Warangal.
Electronics and Communications Engineering
S.R Engineering College, Warangal.
Green computing or green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. Its
the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers, servers,
and storage devices and networking and communication systems- efficiently and effectively with
minimal or no impact on the environment. The goals of green computing are similar to green
chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the
products life time and promote recyclability or bio-degradability of defunct products and factory
waste. Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and improved system performance and
use, while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities. Thus, green IT includes the
dimensions of environmental sustainability. The economics of energy efficiency, and the total
cost of ownership, which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. It is the study and practice
of using computing resources efficiently.
Green Computing or Green IT refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT.
It is the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers,
servers, and associated subsystems; such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking
and communications systems-efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the
environment. Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and improved system
performance and use, while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities. Thus, green IT
includes the dimensions of environmental sustainability, the economics of energy efficiency, and
the total cost of ownership, which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. It is the study and
practice of using computing resources efficiently.
The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous
materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the
recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. With increasing
recognition that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributing factor to global
warming, enterprises, governments, and society at large now have an important new agenda:
tackling environmental issues and adopting environmentally sound practices. Greening our IT
products, applications, services, and practices is an economic and an environmental imperative,
as well as our social responsibility. Therefore, a growing number of IT vendors and users are
moving toward green IT and thereby in building a green society and economy.
In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched Energy Star, a voluntary
labeling program which is designed to promote and recognize energy-efficiency in monitors,
climate control equipment, and other technologies. This resulted in the widespread adoption of
sleep mode among consumer electronics. The term "green computing" was probably coined
shortly after the Energy Star program began; there are several USENET posts dating back to
1992 which use the term in this manner.[2]
Concurrently, the Swedish organization TCO
Development launched the TCO Certification program to promote low magnetic and electrical
emissions from CRT-based computer displays; this program was later expanded to include
criteria on energy consumption, ergonomics, and the use of hazardous materials in construction.
To comprehensively and effectively address the environmental impacts of computing/IT, we
must adopt a holistic approach and make the entire IT lifecycle greener by addressing
environmental sustainability along the following four complementary paths:
1. Green use — reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information
systems as well as using them in an environmentally sound manner
2. Green disposal — refurbishing and reusing old computers and properly recycling
unwanted computers and other electronic equipment
3. Green design — designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components,
computers, servers, cooling equipment, and data centers
4. Green manufacturing — manufacturing electronic components, computers, and other
associated subsystems with minimal impact on the environment
Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as
such, a green computing initiative must cover all of these areas as well. A solution may also need
to address end user satisfaction, management restructuring, regulatory compliance, and return on
investment (ROI). There are also considerable fiscal motivations for companies to take control of
their own power consumption; "of the power management tools available, one of the most
powerful may still be simple, plain, common Product longevity. Gartner maintains that the PC
manufacturing process accounts for 70 % of the natural resources used in the life cycle of a PC.
Therefore, the biggest contribution to green computing usually is to prolong the equipment's
lifetime. Another report from Gartner recommends to "Looking for product longevity, including
upgradability and modularity." For instance, manufacturing a new PC makes a far bigger
ecological footprint than manufacturing a new RAM module to upgrade an existing one, a
common upgrade that saves the user having to purchase a new computer.
The efficiency of algorithms has an impact on the amount of computer resources required for any
given computing function and there are many efficiency trade-offs in writing programs. While
algorithmic efficiency does not have as much impact as other approaches, it is still an important
Resource Allocation:
Algorithms can also be used to route data to data centers where electricity is less expensive.
Researchers from MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Akamai have tested an energy
allocation algorithm that successfully routes traffic to the location with the cheapest energy costs.
The researchers project up to a 40 percent savings on energy costs if their proposed algorithm
were to be deployed. Strictly speaking, this approach does not actually reduce the amount of
energy being used; it only reduces the cost to the company using it. However, a similar strategy
could be used to direct traffic to rely on energy that is produced in a more environmentally
friendly or efficient way. A similar approach has also been used to cut energy usage by routing
traffic away from data centers experiencing warm weather; this allows computers to be shut
down to avoid using air conditioning. Larger server centers are sometimes located where energy
and land are inexpensive and readily available.
Computer virtualization refers to the abstraction of computer resources, such as the process of
running two or more logical computer systems on one set of physical hardware. The concept
originated with the IBM mainframe operating systems of the 1960s, but was commercialized for
x86-compatible computers only in the 1990s. With virtualization, a system administrator could
combine several physical systems into virtual machines on one single, powerful system, thereby
unplugging the original hardware and reducing power and cooling consumption. Virtualization
can assist in distributing work so that servers are either busy, or put in a low power sleep state.
Several commercial companies and open-source projects now offer software packages to enable
a transition to virtual computing. Intel Corporation and AMD have also built proprietary
virtualization enhancements to the x86 instruction set into each of their CPU product lines, in
order to facilitate virtualized computing.
Terminal Servers:
Terminal servers have also been used in green computing. When using the system, users at a
terminal connect to a central server; all of the actual computing is done on the server, but the end
user experiences the operating system on the terminal. These can be combined with thin clients,
which use up to 1/8 the amount of energy of a normal workstation, resulting in a decrease of
energy costs and consumption. There has been an increase in using terminal services with thin
clients to create virtual labs. Examples of terminal server software include Terminal Services for
Windows and the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) for the Linux operating system.
Power Management
The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), an open industry standard, allows an
operating system to directly control the power-saving aspects of its underlying hardware. This
allows a system to automatically turn off components such as monitors and hard drives after set
periods of inactivity. In addition, a system may hibernate, where most components (including the
CPU and the system RAM) are turned off. ACPI is a successor to an earlier Intel-Microsoft
standard called Advanced Power Management, which allows a computer's BIOS to control
power management functions.
Some programs allow the user to manually adjust the voltages supplied to the CPU, which
reduces both the amount of heat produced and electricity consumed. This process is called under-
volting. Some CPUs can automatically under volt the processor depending on the workload; this
technology is called "Speed Step" on Intel processors, "Power Now"/"Cool'n'Quiet" on AMD
chips, Long Haul on VIA CPUs, and Long Run with Transmeta processors.
Material recycling:
Recycling computing equipment can keep harmful materials such as lead, mercury, and
hexavalent chromium out of landfills, and can also replace equipment that otherwise would need
to be manufactured, saving further energy and emissions. Computer systems that have outlived
their particular function can be re-purposed, or donated to various charities and non-profit
organizations. However, many charities have recently imposed minimum system requirements
for donated equipment. Additionally, parts from outdated systems may be salvaged and recycled
through certain retail outlets and municipal or private recycling centers. Computing supplies,
such as printer cartridges, paper, and batteries may be recycled as well.
The recycling of old computers raises an important privacy issue. The old storage devices still
hold private information, such as emails, passwords and credit card numbers, which can be
recovered simply by someone using software that is available freely on the Internet. Deletion of a
file does not actually remove the file from the hard drive. Before recycling a computer, users
should remove the hard drive or hard drives if there is more than one, and physically destroy it or
store it somewhere safe. There are authorized hardware recycling companies to whom the
computers may be given for recycling, and they typically sign a non-disclosure agreement.
The major point of comparison with the traditional desktop computer is the Zonbox does
not include, or need, a hard drive. The system runs off 4GB flash based local storage. This
translates into no moving parts and what may be a pretty rugged box as a result. Finally the
system also touts an efficient low power design which means safer for the environment and
lighter on your wallet.
Sony, one of the world’s largest battery makers, developed a battery that generates
electricity from carbohydrates (sugar). The device was developed based on the same power
generation principles found in living organisms. Test batteries showed the ability to produce 50
mill watts - currently the world's highest level of power production for passive-type bio batteries
(a system in which reactive substances such as glucose and oxygen are absorbed into electrodes
through a process of natural diffusion). By combining 4 battery units, the supplied power is
sufficient to operate a typical MP3 player or cell phone. The anode of the battery consists of
enzymes and mediators (electronic conduction materials), which digest sugar in an effective way.
Sony also developed a new cathode structure that efficiently supplies oxygen to the
electrode while ensuring that the appropriate water content is maintained. Water content within
the cathode is crucial to ensure optimum conditions for the efficient enzymatic reduction of
oxygen. The anode and cathode are connected by a membrane. The anode extracts electrons and
hydrogen that migrates through the membrane to the cathode’s side and creates water with
oxygen. The flow of electrons between the cathode and the anode generates the power.
Bio batteries are a hot topic in the research community as a worldwide search for
alternative energy sources gains speed. Enzyme-based batteries have the potential to be cheaper
than their direct competitors–the fuel cells, which rely on expensive platinum or ruthenium
catalysts. Enzymes, while being inexpensive, are catalytically very active. However, they are
sensitive to slight changes in pH and in temperature and this may lead the enzyme-based
batteries to quickly degrade and become inactive.
Sugar, a naturally occurring energy source, is a regenerative material, produced by plants
through photosynthesis. It can be found in most areas of the Earth and therefore, sugar- powered
bio batteries can be seriously considered as an ecologically-friendly energy device of the future
RoHS restricted substances have been used in a broad array of consumer electronics products.
Examples of leaded components include:
1. Paints and pigments
2. PVC (vinyl) cables as a stabilizer (ex: power cords, USB cables)
3. Solders
4. Printed circuit board finishes, leads, internal and external interconnects
5. Glass in television and photographic products (ex: CRT television screens and camera
6. Metal parts
7. Lamps and bulbs.
8. Batteries
RoHS and other efforts to reduce hazardous materials in electronics are motivated in part to
address the global issue of consumer electronics waste. As newer technology arrives at an ever
increasing rate, consumers are discarding their obsolete products sooner than ever. This waste
ends up in landfills and in countries like China to be recycled.
*Turn off the computer when not in use, even if just for an hour.
* Turn off the monitor when not in use.
*Use power save mode.
1. Use LCD's instead of CRT's as they are more power efficient.
2. Use hardware/software with the energy star label.
3. Don’t print unless required.
4. Choose Intel and VIA processors in comparison to AMD processors.
1. Improve the savings
2. Eco-friendly and environment friendly
The features of a green computing tomorrow would be like; efficiency, recyclability,
services model, self powering and other trends.
1. San Murugesan, “Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices”, IEEE IT Professional,
January – February 2008, pp 24-33
2. San Murugesan, “Going Green with IT: Your Responsibility toward Environmental
Sustainability”. Cutter Consortium Business –IT Strategies Executive Report, Vol.10,
no.8, August 2007

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  • 1. GREEN COMPUTING PRESENTED BY: YOGITHA R MALKIREDDY Electronics and Communications Engineering S.R Engineering College, Warangal. DIVYA SRI KATLA Electronics and Communications Engineering S.R Engineering College, Warangal. ABSTRACT: Green computing or green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. Its the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers, servers, and storage devices and networking and communication systems- efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the products life time and promote recyclability or bio-degradability of defunct products and factory waste. Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and improved system performance and use, while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities. Thus, green IT includes the dimensions of environmental sustainability. The economics of energy efficiency, and the total
  • 2. cost of ownership, which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. It is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. INTRODUCTION: Green Computing or Green IT refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It is the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems; such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems-efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and improved system performance and use, while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities. Thus, green IT includes the dimensions of environmental sustainability, the economics of energy efficiency, and the total cost of ownership, which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. It is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently.
  • 3. The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. With increasing recognition that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributing factor to global warming, enterprises, governments, and society at large now have an important new agenda: tackling environmental issues and adopting environmentally sound practices. Greening our IT products, applications, services, and practices is an economic and an environmental imperative, as well as our social responsibility. Therefore, a growing number of IT vendors and users are moving toward green IT and thereby in building a green society and economy. HISTORY: In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program which is designed to promote and recognize energy-efficiency in monitors, climate control equipment, and other technologies. This resulted in the widespread adoption of sleep mode among consumer electronics. The term "green computing" was probably coined shortly after the Energy Star program began; there are several USENET posts dating back to 1992 which use the term in this manner.[2] Concurrently, the Swedish organization TCO
  • 4. Development launched the TCO Certification program to promote low magnetic and electrical emissions from CRT-based computer displays; this program was later expanded to include criteria on energy consumption, ergonomics, and the use of hazardous materials in construction. PATHWAYS TO GREEN COMPUTING: To comprehensively and effectively address the environmental impacts of computing/IT, we must adopt a holistic approach and make the entire IT lifecycle greener by addressing environmental sustainability along the following four complementary paths: 1. Green use — reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems as well as using them in an environmentally sound manner 2. Green disposal — refurbishing and reusing old computers and properly recycling unwanted computers and other electronic equipment 3. Green design — designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components, computers, servers, cooling equipment, and data centers 4. Green manufacturing — manufacturing electronic components, computers, and other associated subsystems with minimal impact on the environment APPROACHES: Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as such, a green computing initiative must cover all of these areas as well. A solution may also need to address end user satisfaction, management restructuring, regulatory compliance, and return on investment (ROI). There are also considerable fiscal motivations for companies to take control of their own power consumption; "of the power management tools available, one of the most
  • 5. powerful may still be simple, plain, common Product longevity. Gartner maintains that the PC manufacturing process accounts for 70 % of the natural resources used in the life cycle of a PC. Therefore, the biggest contribution to green computing usually is to prolong the equipment's lifetime. Another report from Gartner recommends to "Looking for product longevity, including upgradability and modularity." For instance, manufacturing a new PC makes a far bigger ecological footprint than manufacturing a new RAM module to upgrade an existing one, a common upgrade that saves the user having to purchase a new computer. SOFTWARE AND DEPLOYMENT OPTIMIZATION: The efficiency of algorithms has an impact on the amount of computer resources required for any given computing function and there are many efficiency trade-offs in writing programs. While algorithmic efficiency does not have as much impact as other approaches, it is still an important consideration Resource Allocation: Algorithms can also be used to route data to data centers where electricity is less expensive. Researchers from MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Akamai have tested an energy allocation algorithm that successfully routes traffic to the location with the cheapest energy costs. The researchers project up to a 40 percent savings on energy costs if their proposed algorithm were to be deployed. Strictly speaking, this approach does not actually reduce the amount of energy being used; it only reduces the cost to the company using it. However, a similar strategy could be used to direct traffic to rely on energy that is produced in a more environmentally friendly or efficient way. A similar approach has also been used to cut energy usage by routing
  • 6. traffic away from data centers experiencing warm weather; this allows computers to be shut down to avoid using air conditioning. Larger server centers are sometimes located where energy and land are inexpensive and readily available. Virtualization: Computer virtualization refers to the abstraction of computer resources, such as the process of running two or more logical computer systems on one set of physical hardware. The concept originated with the IBM mainframe operating systems of the 1960s, but was commercialized for x86-compatible computers only in the 1990s. With virtualization, a system administrator could combine several physical systems into virtual machines on one single, powerful system, thereby unplugging the original hardware and reducing power and cooling consumption. Virtualization can assist in distributing work so that servers are either busy, or put in a low power sleep state. Several commercial companies and open-source projects now offer software packages to enable a transition to virtual computing. Intel Corporation and AMD have also built proprietary virtualization enhancements to the x86 instruction set into each of their CPU product lines, in order to facilitate virtualized computing. Terminal Servers: Terminal servers have also been used in green computing. When using the system, users at a terminal connect to a central server; all of the actual computing is done on the server, but the end user experiences the operating system on the terminal. These can be combined with thin clients, which use up to 1/8 the amount of energy of a normal workstation, resulting in a decrease of energy costs and consumption. There has been an increase in using terminal services with thin
  • 7. clients to create virtual labs. Examples of terminal server software include Terminal Services for Windows and the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) for the Linux operating system. Power Management The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), an open industry standard, allows an operating system to directly control the power-saving aspects of its underlying hardware. This allows a system to automatically turn off components such as monitors and hard drives after set periods of inactivity. In addition, a system may hibernate, where most components (including the CPU and the system RAM) are turned off. ACPI is a successor to an earlier Intel-Microsoft standard called Advanced Power Management, which allows a computer's BIOS to control power management functions. Some programs allow the user to manually adjust the voltages supplied to the CPU, which reduces both the amount of heat produced and electricity consumed. This process is called under- volting. Some CPUs can automatically under volt the processor depending on the workload; this technology is called "Speed Step" on Intel processors, "Power Now"/"Cool'n'Quiet" on AMD chips, Long Haul on VIA CPUs, and Long Run with Transmeta processors. Material recycling: Recycling computing equipment can keep harmful materials such as lead, mercury, and hexavalent chromium out of landfills, and can also replace equipment that otherwise would need to be manufactured, saving further energy and emissions. Computer systems that have outlived their particular function can be re-purposed, or donated to various charities and non-profit organizations. However, many charities have recently imposed minimum system requirements
  • 8. for donated equipment. Additionally, parts from outdated systems may be salvaged and recycled through certain retail outlets and municipal or private recycling centers. Computing supplies, such as printer cartridges, paper, and batteries may be recycled as well. The recycling of old computers raises an important privacy issue. The old storage devices still hold private information, such as emails, passwords and credit card numbers, which can be recovered simply by someone using software that is available freely on the Internet. Deletion of a file does not actually remove the file from the hard drive. Before recycling a computer, users should remove the hard drive or hard drives if there is more than one, and physically destroy it or store it somewhere safe. There are authorized hardware recycling companies to whom the computers may be given for recycling, and they typically sign a non-disclosure agreement. METHODS TO IMPLEMENT GREEN COMPUTING: *SOLAR COMPUTING *SUGAR POWDERED BATTERIES
  • 9. *REDUCTION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (RoHS), COMPUTING *VIRTUALIZATION. 1. SOLAR COMPUTING: ZONBU'S ZONBOX (CREDIT: ZONBU): The major point of comparison with the traditional desktop computer is the Zonbox does not include, or need, a hard drive. The system runs off 4GB flash based local storage. This translates into no moving parts and what may be a pretty rugged box as a result. Finally the system also touts an efficient low power design which means safer for the environment and lighter on your wallet. 2. SUGAR POWDERED BATTERIES: (CREDIT: SONY) Sony, one of the world’s largest battery makers, developed a battery that generates electricity from carbohydrates (sugar). The device was developed based on the same power generation principles found in living organisms. Test batteries showed the ability to produce 50 mill watts - currently the world's highest level of power production for passive-type bio batteries (a system in which reactive substances such as glucose and oxygen are absorbed into electrodes
  • 10. through a process of natural diffusion). By combining 4 battery units, the supplied power is sufficient to operate a typical MP3 player or cell phone. The anode of the battery consists of enzymes and mediators (electronic conduction materials), which digest sugar in an effective way. Sony also developed a new cathode structure that efficiently supplies oxygen to the electrode while ensuring that the appropriate water content is maintained. Water content within the cathode is crucial to ensure optimum conditions for the efficient enzymatic reduction of oxygen. The anode and cathode are connected by a membrane. The anode extracts electrons and hydrogen that migrates through the membrane to the cathode’s side and creates water with oxygen. The flow of electrons between the cathode and the anode generates the power. Bio batteries are a hot topic in the research community as a worldwide search for alternative energy sources gains speed. Enzyme-based batteries have the potential to be cheaper than their direct competitors–the fuel cells, which rely on expensive platinum or ruthenium catalysts. Enzymes, while being inexpensive, are catalytically very active. However, they are
  • 11. sensitive to slight changes in pH and in temperature and this may lead the enzyme-based batteries to quickly degrade and become inactive. Sugar, a naturally occurring energy source, is a regenerative material, produced by plants through photosynthesis. It can be found in most areas of the Earth and therefore, sugar- powered bio batteries can be seriously considered as an ecologically-friendly energy device of the future 3. REDUCTION OF HAZRDOUS SUBSTANCES (RoHS) COMPUTING:
  • 12. RoHS restricted substances have been used in a broad array of consumer electronics products. Examples of leaded components include: 1. Paints and pigments 2. PVC (vinyl) cables as a stabilizer (ex: power cords, USB cables) 3. Solders 4. Printed circuit board finishes, leads, internal and external interconnects 5. Glass in television and photographic products (ex: CRT television screens and camera lenses) 6. Metal parts 7. Lamps and bulbs. 8. Batteries RoHS and other efforts to reduce hazardous materials in electronics are motivated in part to address the global issue of consumer electronics waste. As newer technology arrives at an ever increasing rate, consumers are discarding their obsolete products sooner than ever. This waste ends up in landfills and in countries like China to be recycled. REDUCING ENERGY CONSUMPTIONS: *Turn off the computer when not in use, even if just for an hour.
  • 13. * Turn off the monitor when not in use. *Use power save mode. FEW MORE TIPS FOR ENERGY CONSUMPTION: 1. Use LCD's instead of CRT's as they are more power efficient. 2. Use hardware/software with the energy star label. 3. Don’t print unless required. 4. Choose Intel and VIA processors in comparison to AMD processors. BENEFITS: 1. Improve the savings 2. Eco-friendly and environment friendly CONCLUSION: The features of a green computing tomorrow would be like; efficiency, recyclability, services model, self powering and other trends.
  • 14. REFERENCES: 1. San Murugesan, “Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices”, IEEE IT Professional, January – February 2008, pp 24-33 2. San Murugesan, “Going Green with IT: Your Responsibility toward Environmental Sustainability”. Cutter Consortium Business –IT Strategies Executive Report, Vol.10, no.8, August 2007