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Enterprise information
Background (once upon a time )
• Information pollution
• Document management system
• Information management systems
• The new idea of Taxonomies
Enterprise Information infrastructure
• information infrastructure as a shared, evolving, heterogeneous
base of IT
capabilities based on open and standardized interfaces
Enterprise information infrastructure
data infrastructure
• When dealing with information infrastructures, we need to look to
the whole
• array of organizational forms, practices, and institutions that
accompany, make
• possible, and inflect the development of new technology, their
related practices,
• and their distributions
Challenges in designing information
scale and
with existing
Information infrastructure development
• the integration, synthesis, and definition of any information that
needs to be shared across the enterprise, and
• The means by which to transport, store, and access that information
in a way that enhances, rather than impedes, user productivity.
What are the technical goal for the Enterprise
to develop Information infrastructure
• Reliable storage and retrieval of complex Enterprise information for
varied applications
• Real-time, data-driven Enterprise decisions
• Real-time data entry by any node in the Enterprise
• Real-time global transport of complex Enterprise records with
accuracy, speed, and security
• Computer-based training, , and reference tools
What are the Business goal for the Enterprise
to develop Information infrastructure
• To gain the capability to develop products that will
• decrease needless duplication of records through reuse
• Improve financial and management information handling
• faster and more accurate analysis of data
• Capture global market share of new and improved products and
Information development technologies
storage, and
security and
mobile and
Information infrastructure
Business infrastructure
inventory road
Organization structure
Corporate data model Function model Interaction
system model
Interaction matrix Current system
inventory matrix
Our approach to the study of the characteristics of
IIs is to focus on what is found to be the primary
characteristics of other infrastructure technologies
in general and analyses how these characteristics
appear in IIs.
N-TIOS=interorganizational systems DIS=distributed
information systems
Ai = application infrastructure
CN=computer Network
IS=information system
N-T= network technology
Design Principle
Design initially for
Draw upon
existing installed
Expand installed
base by persuasive
tactics to gain
Make it simple
Structured approach in designing EII
Strategize and
Drive Change
Measure and
The problems associated with
EII security
Tools &
• Kernel theory
• Horizontal
• vertical ,
• Socio-technical
• rational design
• Active network theory
Theory is
theoretical warrants that can offer
effective guidance
Building the Dynamic Enterprise
• An architecture is the blueprint for translating a business strategy
into a plan
• An infrastructure is a relative term meaning “the structure beneath a
• This definition implies different layers of structure, which provide support or
• It is the implementation of the architecture
Why Information Infrastructure
• Global markets are creating enormous demands for increased
information sharing
• A powerful, flexible Information infrastructure has become a
prerequisite for any enterprise for doing business
Why Information Infrastructure
• Information infrastructure should exhibit several key
traits, such as:
• Efficiency
• Reusable components that are priced reasonably and can be turned
around quickly for application development projects
• Effectiveness
• Easy integration of all components in a way that supports their
• Agility
• Good planning and design processes that allow companies to develop
new applications quickly and to upgrade their existing infrastructure to
support new requirements for existing and/or new applications
Why Information Infrastructure
• Translating the architecture into an infrastructure entails creating
details about certain technologies:
• Hardware
• Software
• Network
• Information
• There are four types of information infrastructures:
1. Decentralized
2. Centralized
3. Distributed
4. Client/server
Decentralized Information Infrastructure
• A decentralized information infrastructure involves little or no
sharing of information systems
• Gives users the freedom to develop applications that meet their
needs and maintain control over the applications they develop
• Disadvantages
• Difficult to share applications and information across areas
• Each area may have their own hardware/software, maintenance and service
contracts which could increase cost
• Encourages duplication of data which can lead to inconsistencies
Decentralized Information Infrastructure
Centralized Information Infrastructure
• A centralized information infrastructure involves the
storing of application software and information in one
central area or one central mainframe
• Mainframes were originally the only computers available for business
• Advantages:
• High degree of control makes it easy to maintain h/w, s/w, procedures and
operations standards
• Easy to control access to information
• Disadvantages:
• Inflexibility – different departments have different needs and one size does not
fit all
Centralized Information Infrastructure
Distributed Information Infrastructure
• A distributed information infrastructure involves distributing
the information and processing power of IT systems via a
• The architecture must be able to determine the location as well as
the optimal way to request specific applications and information
• By connecting all the information systems via a distributed
infrastructure, all locations can share information and
• Processing activity can be allocated to the location(s) where it
can most efficiently be done
• Will duplicate the same application and/or information in multiple
Distributed Information Infrastructure
Client/Server Information Infrastructure
• A client/server information infrastructure has one or
more computers that are servers which provide services
to other computers, called clients
• The client/server infrastructure is a form of distributed
• Application processing is split between the client and server
• When surfing the web, your computer is the client using browser
software and interacting with Web servers that have information you
are seeking (shopping, news, education, etc.)
• The server sends information to the client where it is
processed – the network is heavily used which can become
a bottleneck
Client/Server Information Infrastructure
Types of Enterprise Information Infrastructure
and their Characteristics
Characteristics Decentralized Centralized Distributed Client/Server
Cost efficiency Moderate Excellent Moderate Very reasonable
Data location Distributed Centralized Distributed Distributed
Management Ease Simple Easy Difficult Moderate
Excellent Constrained Varies Constrained
Distributed Centralized Distributed Shared
User control Full Very limited Varies Varies
Output for Enterprise to invest on
Information Infrastructure
• IT investments are one of the most important decisions made within an
• IT infrastructure investments are large, long term, and have no (real)
value on their own
• By developing a solid information infrastructure, GM (General Motors
Company) has saved $1 billion annually for the past 5 years
• Wachovia Corp (4th largest financial services comp and 3rd largest
brokerage firm in the US) invested $1.4 million in information
infrastructure development and saved $2.3 million within two years
Supporting an Information Infrastructure
• Backup is the process of making a copy of the
information stored on a computer
• Recovery is the process of reinstalling the backup
information in the event the information was lost
Disaster Recovery Plan
• A disaster recovery plan is a detailed process for recovering
information in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire or
• A collocation facility is a enterprise that rents space and
telecommunications equipment from another company
• Hot site – separate and fully equipped facility where a enterprise can
move immediately after a disaster and resume business
• Cold site – separate facility that does not have computer equipment
but where employees can move after a disaster
• Integration allows separate applications to communicate
directly with each other by automatically exporting data
files from one application and importing them into
• Building integrations between applications helps an
organization maintain better control of its information
• Gap Inc has 1,900 stores around the world, employees
more than 13,000 people and generated 16.3 billion
revenues in 2010
• Their goal is to maintain a 20% growth rate each year –
to do this they need to provide their employees with
immediate access to real-time information
Why Integration Is Necessary
• Integration requires the simplification and streamlining of
organizational processes using techniques such as BPR
and workflow redesign
• Business process reengineering (BPR) is the analysis and
redesign of workflow within and between enterprises
• Workflow defines all the steps or business rules, from beginning
to end, required for a business process
Benefits of Integration
• Many of the benefits can be easily measured in financial terms
• Cost reduction
• Reduction of inventory costs
• Reduction of personnel costs
Benefits of Integration
1 Inventory reduction Information visibility
2 Personnel reduction New/improved process
3 Productivity improvements Customer responsiveness
4 Order processing improvements Integration
5 IT cost reduction Standardization
6 Procurement reduction Flexibility
7 Revenue/profit increase Globalization
8 Transportation logistics Business performance
Integration Obstacles
• People
• Process
• Technology
The paper suggests that information infrastructures should not be studied
retrospectively to understand how they are established, but rather should
be studied focusing on the process of making. Here we study the action of
making rather than the processes that made.
A business organization it is simple like the competitive edge and for
service oriented organization it is simple a set of procedures
Have you
so what's yours Questions

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Enterprise information infrastructure

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Background (once upon a time ) • Information pollution • Document management system • Information management systems • The new idea of Taxonomies
  • 5. Enterprise Information infrastructure • information infrastructure as a shared, evolving, heterogeneous installed base of IT capabilities based on open and standardized interfaces
  • 6. Enterprise information infrastructure Information infrastructure data infrastructure Information system infrastructure Network infrastructure Process infrastructure Management infrastructure Service infrastructure
  • 7. Cont,EII • When dealing with information infrastructures, we need to look to the whole • array of organizational forms, practices, and institutions that accompany, make • possible, and inflect the development of new technology, their related practices, • and their distributions
  • 8. Challenges in designing information infrastructure enterprise inherent complexity scale and functional uncertainty Heterogenic Compatibility with existing enterprise structure
  • 9. Information infrastructure development focus • the integration, synthesis, and definition of any information that needs to be shared across the enterprise, and • The means by which to transport, store, and access that information in a way that enhances, rather than impedes, user productivity.
  • 10. What are the technical goal for the Enterprise to develop Information infrastructure • Reliable storage and retrieval of complex Enterprise information for varied applications • Real-time, data-driven Enterprise decisions • Real-time data entry by any node in the Enterprise • Real-time global transport of complex Enterprise records with accuracy, speed, and security • Computer-based training, , and reference tools
  • 11. What are the Business goal for the Enterprise to develop Information infrastructure • To gain the capability to develop products that will • decrease needless duplication of records through reuse • Improve financial and management information handling • faster and more accurate analysis of data • Capture global market share of new and improved products and services
  • 12. Information development technologies information access, transmission, storage, and retrieval technologies multimedia information technologies security and privacy technologies mobile and collaborative computing technologies
  • 13. Information infrastructure Technology infrastructure Organization infrastructure Business infrastructure Technology inventory road map Organization structure function Corporate data model Function model Interaction model Current system model Interaction matrix Current system inventory matrix
  • 14. II Our approach to the study of the characteristics of IIs is to focus on what is found to be the primary characteristics of other infrastructure technologies in general and analyses how these characteristics appear in IIs. Architecture Socio- change AI IT IOS& DIS CN IS N-TIOS=interorganizational systems DIS=distributed information systems Ai = application infrastructure CN=computer Network IS=information system N-T= network technology
  • 15. Design Principle Design initially for usefulness Draw upon existing installed bases Expand installed base by persuasive tactics to gain momentum Make it simple
  • 16. Structured approach in designing EII Strategize and Plan Develop Governance Drive Change Management Execute Measure and Improve
  • 17. The problems associated with Design deployment management
  • 19. • Kernel theory • Horizontal • vertical , • Socio-technical • rational design • Active network theory EII Theories Theory is theoretical warrants that can offer effective guidance
  • 21. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE • An architecture is the blueprint for translating a business strategy into a plan • An infrastructure is a relative term meaning “the structure beneath a structure” • This definition implies different layers of structure, which provide support or services • It is the implementation of the architecture
  • 23. Why Information Infrastructure Matters???? • Global markets are creating enormous demands for increased information sharing • A powerful, flexible Information infrastructure has become a prerequisite for any enterprise for doing business
  • 24. Why Information Infrastructure Matters???? • Information infrastructure should exhibit several key traits, such as: • Efficiency • Reusable components that are priced reasonably and can be turned around quickly for application development projects • Effectiveness • Easy integration of all components in a way that supports their operation • Agility • Good planning and design processes that allow companies to develop new applications quickly and to upgrade their existing infrastructure to support new requirements for existing and/or new applications
  • 25. Why Information Infrastructure Matters???? • Translating the architecture into an infrastructure entails creating details about certain technologies: • Hardware • Software • Network • Information
  • 26. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE • There are four types of information infrastructures: 1. Decentralized 2. Centralized 3. Distributed 4. Client/server
  • 27. Decentralized Information Infrastructure • A decentralized information infrastructure involves little or no sharing of information systems • Gives users the freedom to develop applications that meet their needs and maintain control over the applications they develop • Disadvantages • Difficult to share applications and information across areas • Each area may have their own hardware/software, maintenance and service contracts which could increase cost • Encourages duplication of data which can lead to inconsistencies
  • 29. Centralized Information Infrastructure • A centralized information infrastructure involves the storing of application software and information in one central area or one central mainframe • Mainframes were originally the only computers available for business • Advantages: • High degree of control makes it easy to maintain h/w, s/w, procedures and operations standards • Easy to control access to information • Disadvantages: • Inflexibility – different departments have different needs and one size does not fit all
  • 31. Distributed Information Infrastructure • A distributed information infrastructure involves distributing the information and processing power of IT systems via a network • The architecture must be able to determine the location as well as the optimal way to request specific applications and information • By connecting all the information systems via a distributed infrastructure, all locations can share information and applications • Processing activity can be allocated to the location(s) where it can most efficiently be done • Will duplicate the same application and/or information in multiple sites
  • 33. Client/Server Information Infrastructure • A client/server information infrastructure has one or more computers that are servers which provide services to other computers, called clients • The client/server infrastructure is a form of distributed infrastructure • Application processing is split between the client and server • When surfing the web, your computer is the client using browser software and interacting with Web servers that have information you are seeking (shopping, news, education, etc.) • The server sends information to the client where it is processed – the network is heavily used which can become a bottleneck
  • 35. Types of Enterprise Information Infrastructure and their Characteristics Characteristics Decentralized Centralized Distributed Client/Server Cost efficiency Moderate Excellent Moderate Very reasonable Data location Distributed Centralized Distributed Distributed Management Ease Simple Easy Difficult Moderate Network performance Excellent Constrained Varies Constrained Processing location Distributed Centralized Distributed Shared User control Full Very limited Varies Varies
  • 36. Output for Enterprise to invest on Information Infrastructure • IT investments are one of the most important decisions made within an organization • IT infrastructure investments are large, long term, and have no (real) value on their own • By developing a solid information infrastructure, GM (General Motors Company) has saved $1 billion annually for the past 5 years • Wachovia Corp (4th largest financial services comp and 3rd largest brokerage firm in the US) invested $1.4 million in information infrastructure development and saved $2.3 million within two years
  • 37. Supporting an Information Infrastructure • Backup is the process of making a copy of the information stored on a computer • Recovery is the process of reinstalling the backup information in the event the information was lost
  • 38. Disaster Recovery Plan • A disaster recovery plan is a detailed process for recovering information in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire or flood • A collocation facility is a enterprise that rents space and telecommunications equipment from another company • Hot site – separate and fully equipped facility where a enterprise can move immediately after a disaster and resume business • Cold site – separate facility that does not have computer equipment but where employees can move after a disaster
  • 39. INTEGRATING THE ENTERPRISE INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE • Integration allows separate applications to communicate directly with each other by automatically exporting data files from one application and importing them into another • Building integrations between applications helps an organization maintain better control of its information
  • 40. INTEGRATING THE ENTERPRISE INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE • Gap Inc has 1,900 stores around the world, employees more than 13,000 people and generated 16.3 billion revenues in 2010 • Their goal is to maintain a 20% growth rate each year – to do this they need to provide their employees with immediate access to real-time information
  • 41. Why Integration Is Necessary • Integration requires the simplification and streamlining of organizational processes using techniques such as BPR and workflow redesign • Business process reengineering (BPR) is the analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprises • Workflow defines all the steps or business rules, from beginning to end, required for a business process
  • 42. Benefits of Integration • Many of the benefits can be easily measured in financial terms • Cost reduction • Reduction of inventory costs • Reduction of personnel costs
  • 43. Benefits of Integration RANK TANGIBLE INTANGIBLE 1 Inventory reduction Information visibility 2 Personnel reduction New/improved process 3 Productivity improvements Customer responsiveness 4 Order processing improvements Integration 5 IT cost reduction Standardization 6 Procurement reduction Flexibility 7 Revenue/profit increase Globalization 8 Transportation logistics Business performance
  • 44. Integration Obstacles • People • Process • Technology
  • 45. Conclusions The paper suggests that information infrastructures should not be studied retrospectively to understand how they are established, but rather should be studied focusing on the process of making. Here we study the action of making rather than the processes that made. A business organization it is simple like the competitive edge and for service oriented organization it is simple a set of procedures