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Presented by
Seth Hauben
CMO, Intac International
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
How to Create Scalable, Predictable
Revenue with Digital Marketing
1. Define Your Funnel
2. Define Your Metrics
3. Build your Infrastructure
4. Transparency Scalability
5. Time to Hunt
6. Bear Trap
7. The Bottom of the funnel is not the end
8. Trends that Matter
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Responsible for Digital Marketing
at a New Start Up?
Tasked with Overhauling Digital Marketing
at an Existing Company?
Rolling Out a New Product?
Whether you are tasked with creating the Digital Marketing Strategy at a
new start up, or if you are tasked with overhauling and implementing a
new Digital Marketing Strategy at an existing business, the steps outlined
on the next few slides will give you the foundation you need to effectively
implement and execute a successful Digital Marketing Strategy.
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through
digital channels such as search engines, websites, social
media, email, and mobile apps.
Digital Marketing covers a wide range of Marketing
Channels including but not limited to:
• SEO (Inbound/Content Marketing)
• Social Media Marketing
• SEM (Pay-Per-Click)
• Email Marketing
• PR
• Referral Sites
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
The 50,000 ft. view and where
Digital Marketing Fits
Having an effective Digital Marketing Strategy is a critical part of running a
modern, successful business but it is not the only factor for organic growth.
The next slide outlines many of the factors that influence your profits.
Organic Factors
Revenue Costs
Outside Market Factors
that Affect Revenue
•Intensity of Comp
•Threat of New Entry
•Bargaining power of buyers
•Substitute Products
Internal Variables that Affect Revenue
Price x Volume(Q)
Ways to set price
•Industry Baseline
•Value Ad Pricing
Ways to Affect Volume (Q)
•Rev Generating
•Introduction to potential
customers otherwise not
•Make your product easier to
• Inbound / Outbound
• More /Less Sales Reps
• Biz Dev / Channel reps
• Commission plans
• Outsource Sales
• Jr Reps/Change Structure
•Type: Digital Marketing |
Outbound | ABM | Product
•Brand/Product Messaging
•Right Channel Balance
•Bundle products
• New Product Lines
• New Features
• Better usability
• Overall more sellable
• Agile production
• Market Feedback
Long Term
Short Term
• Raise/Lower Price
• Leads/Ops Promos
• Customer upsell + cross-sell
• Sales contests
• Payment Options
Variable Costs * (Q) Fixed Costs
• Operational Efficiencies
• Outsource Cheaper labor
• Negotiate better rates
• Headcount Reduction
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Let’s Get Started
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Define Your Funnel
Your funnel will follow the general Attract, Convert, Close but the exact stages will very
based upon your industry, your business model and the make up of your sales team.
Example Funnel
Attract (TOFU)
Convert (MOFU)
Close (BOFU)
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Define your Metrics
Digital Marketing is all about data. Yes, it requires an eye for design,
personas, content, creativity and much more but it is the data that
gives us the ability to constantly track, monitor and optimize our Sales
and Marketing funnel.
Universal Metrics to Track
• Life Time Value (LTV)
• Cost per Customer (COA, CAC)
• Churn
Full list of essential SAAS Metrics to track
Now that we have defined our sales process we want to define our critical
metrics that we want to track. What specifically you will want to track will be
dictated by your business.
• Funnel Conversion Percentages
• Cost Per Lead by Channel
• ROI by Channel
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Build Your Infrastructure - Necessities
CRM – Organize, track, engage leads/opportunities/customers and report on all of your sales activity
Marketing Automation – Email, workflows, landing pages, content, social media lead scoring , reporting
Analytics – Track everything from web activity to, social media activity to application activity and usage
Summary so far: Now that you have defined your Sales and Marketing funnel and metrics you
want to track, it is time to build out your infrastructure to match your funnel. Knowing the
metrics you want to track will help ensure you set up your systems to track the necessary metrics.
Infrastructure Necessities:
Essential tools for transparency and scalability
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Can be useful for increasing conversions, driving demos, hosting videos, email
marketing, chat, creating content, brand awareness and much, much, more.
Which and what additional digital marketing tools you need will be determined by
what you are trying to solve for and by your business model and industry you
serve. Many of tools can be transformational for your business but there is no one
size fits all answer.
Over the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of
Digital Marketing tools available. This trend is highlighted on the next three slides.
Build Your Infrastructure – Other Tools
Other Digital Marketing Technologies:
Digital Marketing Technologies 2012
Digital Marketing Technologies 2014
Digital Marketing Technologies 2016
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Digital Marketing Technologies 2017
Example Infrastructure at Intac International
Infrastructure Necessities
Other Digital Marketing Technologies
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Why this Matters
“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” – Lord Kelvin
Summary so far: We have now defined our funnel, defined the metrics we want to track
and built our sales and marketing infrastructure to mimic our funnel.
We will be able to use data to determine:
•Where to focus resources
•What channels we can scale
•What portion of our funnel is underperforming
•The ability to track and easily report on all of our major marketing KPI’s like, ROI, CAC, LTV, Churn…
This transparency also give us our predictability:
What I mean by predictability is with enough data we should be able to say things like:
•If we spend X we should anticipate Y.
•If my sales guys makes X dials I should expect Y opportunities and Z amount of business
•If I can drive X more leads we should expect Y more results
We now have the transparency and data we need to be able to track and report on all aspects of our funnel
and our business. This allows us to make strategic decisions regarding our Digital/Inbound Marketing.
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Summary so far: We have now defined our funnel, defined the metrics we want to
track and built our sales and marketing infrastructure to mimic our funnel.
By selecting the right core platforms for your CRM and Marketing
Automation tool you will have the core foundation that your business can
scale with.
With the right systems it should not matter if we have 5 or 1000 employees
or 5,000 or 1,000,000 contacts.
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Time to Hunt – Attacking the Top of the Funnel
Channels Explained
SEM: Adwords/Bing/Yahoo/Adroll
SEO/Inbound: Blog, Website, Content Offers, Reviews, Mobile Design,
Social Media: Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, SnapChat
Referral Sites: Capterra, Software Advice, Getapp, Technology Advice
Other: Native Advertising/Email Marketing/PR/Direct Traffic
Vertical / Industry Specific Opportunities
Once you have the infrastructure and closed loop reporting test
as many top of the funnel channels as possible.
The Goal: Drive as much web traffic to the top of the funnel as possible
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Bear Trap
The Goal: Build the industries best Bear Trap
We want to build a Bear Trap that converts the highest % of Web Visitors to Leads,
the highest % of Leads to Opportunities and the highest % of Opportunities to
Your Bear Trap
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Bear Trap – Web to Lead
The Goal: Convert the highest % of Web Visitors to Lead
Data is King and A/B test Everything
• Landing Pages
• Website Chat
• Website design
• Content offers
• Video
• Call to Actions
• Relevant Content
Digital ways we can influence Web to Lead conversion %’s
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Bear Trap – Lead to Opportunity
The Goal: Convert the highest % of Leads to Opportunities
An opportunity could be defined as a free trial, a live demo, a scheduled call…etc.
• Email Engagement
• Sales outreach
• Videos
• Strong Calls to Action (e.g. Free
Trials, demos, etc.)
• Easy appointment scheduling
• Product/Features
• Price
• Business Model
• Reviews/Referrals/Testimonials
Digital ways we can influence Lead to Opportunity conversion %’s
Data is King and A/B test Everything
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Bear Trap – Opportunity to Customer
The Goal: Convert the highest % of Opportunities to Customers
Digital ways we can influence Opportunity to Customer conversion %’s
• Product features and usability
• Product marketing
• Price
• Video’s
• In App Marketing
• In App Chat
• Email Nurturing
• Sales Outreach/Demo’s
• Reviews/Referrals/Testimonials
• Sales offers
Data is King and A/B test Everything
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
The Bottom of the Funnel is Not the End
Driving Usage/Retention:
Examples: Onboarding, self help, FAQ, webinars, trainings, in app chat, in app
messaging, support
Your Digital Marketing Strategy is not just about driving new business,
it must also include plans for:
Up Selling/Cross Selling:
Examples: Revenue generating partners, annual plans, additional features, add ons
Creating Brand Advocates:
Examples: Customer surveys, testimonials, referral programs, customer whitepapers,
user group, customer events
Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue
Trends that Matter
70% of the digital buyers journey is completed
before they become a lead or reach out to sales.
By 2019, 80% of content consumed on the
internet will be video.

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Digital Marketing Playbook - How to create scalable, predictable revenue

  • 1. Presented by Seth Hauben CMO, Intac International
  • 2. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue How to Create Scalable, Predictable Revenue with Digital Marketing 1. Define Your Funnel 2. Define Your Metrics 3. Build your Infrastructure 4. Transparency Scalability 5. Time to Hunt 6. Bear Trap 7. The Bottom of the funnel is not the end 8. Trends that Matter
  • 3. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Responsible for Digital Marketing at a New Start Up? Tasked with Overhauling Digital Marketing at an Existing Company? Rolling Out a New Product? Whether you are tasked with creating the Digital Marketing Strategy at a new start up, or if you are tasked with overhauling and implementing a new Digital Marketing Strategy at an existing business, the steps outlined on the next few slides will give you the foundation you need to effectively implement and execute a successful Digital Marketing Strategy.
  • 4. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Digital Marketing covers a wide range of Marketing Channels including but not limited to: • SEO (Inbound/Content Marketing) • Social Media Marketing • SEM (Pay-Per-Click) • Email Marketing • PR • Referral Sites
  • 5. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue The 50,000 ft. view and where Digital Marketing Fits Having an effective Digital Marketing Strategy is a critical part of running a modern, successful business but it is not the only factor for organic growth. The next slide outlines many of the factors that influence your profits.
  • 6. Organic Factors Profits Revenue Costs Outside Market Factors that Affect Revenue •Intensity of Comp •Threat of New Entry •Bargaining power of buyers •Substitute Products Internal Variables that Affect Revenue Price x Volume(Q) Ways to set price •Industry Baseline •Value Ad Pricing •Other Ways to Affect Volume (Q) Partners/Channels •Rev Generating •Introduction to potential customers otherwise not reaching •Make your product easier to sell Sales • Inbound / Outbound • More /Less Sales Reps • Biz Dev / Channel reps • Commission plans • Outsource Sales • Jr Reps/Change Structure Marketing •Type: Digital Marketing | Outbound | ABM | Product Marketing •Brand/Product Messaging •Right Channel Balance •Bundle products Product • New Product Lines • New Features • Better usability • Overall more sellable • Agile production • Market Feedback Long Term Short Term • Raise/Lower Price • Leads/Ops Promos • Customer upsell + cross-sell promos/bBundles • Sales contests • Payment Options Variable Costs * (Q) Fixed Costs • Operational Efficiencies • Outsource Cheaper labor • Negotiate better rates • Headcount Reduction
  • 7. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Let’s Get Started
  • 8. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Define Your Funnel Your funnel will follow the general Attract, Convert, Close but the exact stages will very based upon your industry, your business model and the make up of your sales team. Example Funnel Attract (TOFU) Convert (MOFU) Close (BOFU)
  • 9. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Define your Metrics Digital Marketing is all about data. Yes, it requires an eye for design, personas, content, creativity and much more but it is the data that gives us the ability to constantly track, monitor and optimize our Sales and Marketing funnel. Universal Metrics to Track • Life Time Value (LTV) • Cost per Customer (COA, CAC) • Churn Full list of essential SAAS Metrics to track Now that we have defined our sales process we want to define our critical metrics that we want to track. What specifically you will want to track will be dictated by your business. • Funnel Conversion Percentages • Cost Per Lead by Channel • ROI by Channel
  • 10. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Build Your Infrastructure - Necessities CRM – Organize, track, engage leads/opportunities/customers and report on all of your sales activity Marketing Automation – Email, workflows, landing pages, content, social media lead scoring , reporting Analytics – Track everything from web activity to, social media activity to application activity and usage Summary so far: Now that you have defined your Sales and Marketing funnel and metrics you want to track, it is time to build out your infrastructure to match your funnel. Knowing the metrics you want to track will help ensure you set up your systems to track the necessary metrics. Infrastructure Necessities: Essential tools for transparency and scalability Examples: Examples:
  • 11. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Can be useful for increasing conversions, driving demos, hosting videos, email marketing, chat, creating content, brand awareness and much, much, more. Which and what additional digital marketing tools you need will be determined by what you are trying to solve for and by your business model and industry you serve. Many of tools can be transformational for your business but there is no one size fits all answer. Over the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of Digital Marketing tools available. This trend is highlighted on the next three slides. Build Your Infrastructure – Other Tools Other Digital Marketing Technologies:
  • 15. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Digital Marketing Technologies 2017
  • 16. Example Infrastructure at Intac International Infrastructure Necessities Other Digital Marketing Technologies
  • 17. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Why this Matters Transparency “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” – Lord Kelvin Summary so far: We have now defined our funnel, defined the metrics we want to track and built our sales and marketing infrastructure to mimic our funnel. We will be able to use data to determine: •Where to focus resources •What channels we can scale •What portion of our funnel is underperforming •The ability to track and easily report on all of our major marketing KPI’s like, ROI, CAC, LTV, Churn… This transparency also give us our predictability: What I mean by predictability is with enough data we should be able to say things like: •If we spend X we should anticipate Y. •If my sales guys makes X dials I should expect Y opportunities and Z amount of business •If I can drive X more leads we should expect Y more results We now have the transparency and data we need to be able to track and report on all aspects of our funnel and our business. This allows us to make strategic decisions regarding our Digital/Inbound Marketing.
  • 18. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Scalability Summary so far: We have now defined our funnel, defined the metrics we want to track and built our sales and marketing infrastructure to mimic our funnel. By selecting the right core platforms for your CRM and Marketing Automation tool you will have the core foundation that your business can scale with. With the right systems it should not matter if we have 5 or 1000 employees or 5,000 or 1,000,000 contacts.
  • 19. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Time to Hunt – Attacking the Top of the Funnel Channels Explained SEM: Adwords/Bing/Yahoo/Adroll SEO/Inbound: Blog, Website, Content Offers, Reviews, Mobile Design, Social Media: Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, SnapChat Referral Sites: Capterra, Software Advice, Getapp, Technology Advice Other: Native Advertising/Email Marketing/PR/Direct Traffic Vertical / Industry Specific Opportunities Once you have the infrastructure and closed loop reporting test as many top of the funnel channels as possible. The Strategy: TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE The Goal: Drive as much web traffic to the top of the funnel as possible
  • 20. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Bear Trap The Goal: Build the industries best Bear Trap The Strategy: TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE We want to build a Bear Trap that converts the highest % of Web Visitors to Leads, the highest % of Leads to Opportunities and the highest % of Opportunities to Customers. Your Bear Trap
  • 21. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Bear Trap – Web to Lead The Goal: Convert the highest % of Web Visitors to Lead The Strategy: TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE Data is King and A/B test Everything • Landing Pages • Website Chat • Website design • Content offers • Video • Call to Actions • Relevant Content Digital ways we can influence Web to Lead conversion %’s
  • 22. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Bear Trap – Lead to Opportunity The Goal: Convert the highest % of Leads to Opportunities The Strategy: TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE An opportunity could be defined as a free trial, a live demo, a scheduled call…etc. • Email Engagement • Sales outreach • Videos • Strong Calls to Action (e.g. Free Trials, demos, etc.) • Easy appointment scheduling • Product/Features • Price • Business Model • Reviews/Referrals/Testimonials Digital ways we can influence Lead to Opportunity conversion %’s Data is King and A/B test Everything
  • 23. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Bear Trap – Opportunity to Customer The Goal: Convert the highest % of Opportunities to Customers The Strategy: TEST, ITERATE, TEST, ITERATE Digital ways we can influence Opportunity to Customer conversion %’s • Product features and usability • Product marketing • Price • Video’s • In App Marketing • In App Chat • Email Nurturing • Sales Outreach/Demo’s • Reviews/Referrals/Testimonials • Sales offers Data is King and A/B test Everything
  • 24. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue The Bottom of the Funnel is Not the End Driving Usage/Retention: Examples: Onboarding, self help, FAQ, webinars, trainings, in app chat, in app messaging, support Your Digital Marketing Strategy is not just about driving new business, it must also include plans for: Up Selling/Cross Selling: Examples: Revenue generating partners, annual plans, additional features, add ons Creating Brand Advocates: Examples: Customer surveys, testimonials, referral programs, customer whitepapers, user group, customer events
  • 25. Digital Marketing Playbook – How to create scalable, predictable revenue Trends that Matter 70% of the digital buyers journey is completed before they become a lead or reach out to sales. By 2019, 80% of content consumed on the internet will be video.