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Joe Mazzeo
Integrated Lean and Quality Solutions, LLC
June 16, 2016
Defining Your Leadership Style
Lead a Performance Based Organization
Topics of Discussion
• History of Leadership
• Defining Effective Leadership
• Developing Your Leadership Skills
• Summary
Defining Your Leadership Style
Presentation Take-Aways:
• Learn about some of the basic traits / expectations and behaviors of
great leadership
• Identify the important leadership competencies you wish to improve
• Applying situational leadership to improve leadership performance
and support of your people
• Understanding strategies to improve your leadership style
• Developing your own leadership style and approach
Defining Your Leadership Style
Topics of Discussion
• History of Leadership
• Defining Effective Leadership
• Developing Your Leadership Skills
• Summary
Defining Your Leadership Style
Definition of Leadership:
Leadership is having a vision
and communicating it and having
it understood and implemented
by other people.
Defining Your Leadership Style
History of Leadership Development
322 BC
Chester Barnard
New Jersey Bell
Joseph M. Juran
Q Management / Author
John Maxwell
Lao Tzu
571 BC
Sun Tzu
497 BC
Peter Drucker
Tom Peters
Workers are:
- Lazy
- Untrustworthy
- Need to be controlled
- Not valued
Workers are:
- Motivated
- Dependable
- Empowered
- Most valuable asset
Leadership Thinking
About Employees
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Development
• Effective leadership performance is important
across all types and sizes of organizations
• Example:
- In U.S. there are over 300K manufacturing companies
- 90% employee 100 people or less
- Most are not OEMs – but Tier 2/3 suppliers and Small Shops
• So whether 10 or 1000 employees in a company, employees are looking for
the same thing from their management:
Effective Leadership!
Defining Your Leadership Style
Who Are Some Leaders You
Defining Your Leadership Style
Effective Leaders
Winston Churchill
Vince Lombardi
Nelson Mandela
Margret Thatcher
Defining Your Leadership Style
• We recognize “perceived” leaders in the media
• But what about leaders who have affected your
perspective on leadership?
• Never hear about “day to day” leaders
Effective Leaders
Defining Your Leadership Style
Effective Leaders……..Such as:
Donna Clancy
Executive Director (Retired),
Aaron Feuerstein
Past President, Malden Mills
Beverly Tatum
President (Retired), Spelman College
Harry Gordon Selfridge
Selfridge Department Stores
Defining Your Leadership Style
General Armstrong Custer
Dr. Evil
(Austin Power Movies)
Neville Chamberlain
Herbert Hoover
Franklin M. Heart
(9 to 5 Movie)
Miranda Priestly
(Devil Wears Prada Movie)
Poor Leaders
Defining Your Leadership Style
Topics of Discussion
• History of Leadership
• Defining Effective Leadership
• Behaviors of a Great Leader
• How to Develop Your Leadership
• Summary
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Regardless of
Leadership Style
How adaptive is your
leadership when
dealing with the issues
you face?
Establishing / Reinforcing
Requiring Appropriate
Competencies /
Achieving ResultsEffective Leadership Involves
Establishing and
Communicating the Vision
Defining Your Leadership Style
Behaviors of a Leader
• Committed to excellence
• Confident
• Keen desire to win / Action oriented
• Integrity / Honesty / Trustworthiness
• Willing / Able to make hard decisions
• Business Sense
• Keeps promises and commitments
• Fairness and consistency
• Able to develop effective relationships and partnerships
• Authentic with humility and grace
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership vs. Results
Leadership Style
0 100 %
Strive To Be Here
Leadership vs. Results
Leadership Style
0 100 %
Strive To Be Here
Topics of Discussion
• History of Leadership
• Defining Effective Leadership
• Developing Your Leadership Skills
• Summary
Defining Your Leadership Style
So How Do You Become
Great Leader?
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Development
• Training classes
• Advanced degrees (MBA)
• Executive development programs
• Reading books
• Self Evaluation and Feedback
• Observing other Leaders
• Developing Competencies
• Situational Leadership
• Mentoring
Defining Your Leadership Style
What are Leadership Competencies?
 Leadership competencies are leadership skills and behaviors that
contribute to superior performance
 Used to develop current and next generation of leaders
 Leadership competencies and skill development drives improve
 Leadership competencies change as the business environment and
needs change
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Competency Development
The Lominger Competencies
Defining Your Leadership Style
FYI – For Your Improvement*
 Written by: Michael Lombardo &
Robert Eichinger
 Developers of the Lominger Competencies
 Purpose of the Lominger
Competencies is to help a person
improve their personal
performance and leadership skills
*FYI – For Your Improvement
Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger
January 2004 – Fourth Edition
Lominger International
What is Lominger Competency?
 Lominger Competency address three basic leadership
and talent management needs:
- Strategic and organizational alignment
- Leadership and executive development
- Talent and performance management
 There are 67 competencies
 Use of the Lominger Competencies can lead
to job success.
 Create long-term human capital competitive advantage.
Defining Your Leadership Style
*FYI – For Your Improvement
Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger
January 2004 – Fourth Edition
Lominger International
1. Strategic Skills
2. Dealing with Ambiguity 30. Intellectual Horsepower
5. Business Acumen 32. Learning on the Fly
14. Creativity 46. Perspective
17. Decision Quality 51. Problem Solving
24. Functional / Technical Skill 58. Strategic Agility
28. Innovation Management 61. Technical Learning
Defining Your Leadership Style
2. Operating Skills
16. Timely Decision Making 47. Planning
18. Delegation 50. Priority Setting
19. Developing Direct Reports 52. Process Management
20. Directing Others 59. Managing Through Systems
27. Informing 62. Time Management
35. Managing and Measuring 63. Work Systems(Lean/ISO/etc)
39. Organizing
Defining Your Leadership Style
3. Courage
9. Command Skills
12. Conflict Management
13. Confronting Direct Reports
25. Hiring and Staffing
34. Managerial Courage
56. Sizing Up People
57. Stand Alone
Defining Your Leadership Style
4. Energy and Drive
1. Action Oriented
43. Perseverance
53. Drive For Results
Defining Your Leadership Style
5. Organizational Positioning Skills
6. Career Ambition
8. Comfort Around Higher Management
38. Organizational Agility
48. Political Savvy
49. Presentation Skills
67. Written Communications
Defining Your Leadership Style
6. Personal and Interpersonal Skills
3. Approachability 36. Motivating Others
4. Boss Relationships 37. Negotiating
7. Caring About Direct Reports 40. Dealing with Paradox
10. Compassion 41. Patience
11. Composure 44. Personal Disclosure
15. Customer Focus 45. Personal Learning
21. Managing Diversity 54. Self-Development
22. Ethics and Values 55. Self-Knowledge
23. Fairness to Direct Reports 60. Building Effective Teams
26. Humor 64. Understanding Others
29. Integrity and Trust 65. Managing Vision and Purpose
31. Interpersonal Savvy 66. Work/Life Balance
33. Listening
Defining Your Leadership Style
How Does a Lominger Competency Work:
For every competency there is:
 A description of the competency in terms of being:
- Skilled
- Unskilled
-Overused Skill
 Possible causes to poor performance
 Remedies for improvement
Defining Your Leadership Style
*FYI – For Your Improvement
Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger
January 2004 – Fourth Edition
Lominger International
How Does a Lominger Competency Work
LC # 60 - Building Effective Teams:
- Skilled
- Overused Skills
- Overused Skills
Defining Your Leadership Style
LC # 60 – Building
- Blends people into teams when needed
- Lets people finish and be responsible for their work
- Defines success in terms of the whole team
- Creates a feeling of belonging in the team
Competency Description Example
LC # 60 – Building
- Blends people into teams when needed
- Lets people finish and be responsible for their work
- Defines success in terms of the whole team
- Creates a feeling of belonging in the team
Overused Skills
- May not treat others as unique individual
- May slow down process - everything debated
- May not develop individual leaders
- May not provide take-charge leadership during tough times
Competency Description Example
LC # 60 – Building
- Blends people into teams when needed
- Lets people finish and be responsible for their work
- Defines success in terms of the whole team
- Creates a feeling of belonging in the team
Overused Skills
- May not treat others as unique individual
- May slow down process - everything debated
- May not develop individual leaders
- May not provide take-charge leadership during tough times
Competency Description Example
Underused Skills
- Unable to assemble, build or manage a team
- Manages people on a one-on-one basis
- Does not manage in a way that creates a team morale
- Does not have the skills to build a team
* Partial list
*Example – Production Floor Manager Capabilities
1. Strategic Skills
- Understanding the Business
- Functional / Technical Skills
- Problem Solving
2. Operating Skills
- Getting Work Done Through Others
- Managing and Measuring Work
3. Courage
- Dealing With Trouble
- Managerial Courage
4. Energy and Drive
- Drive for Results
5. Organizational Positioning Skills
- Organizational Agility
6. Personal and Interpersonal Skills
- Caring About Direct Reports
- Customer Focus
- Inspiring Others / Building Effective Teams
- Integrity and Trust
- Self-Development
- Work/life Balance* Based on Lominger Competencies
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Development and Capability
First Line Supervisor Owner / CEO
• Level of authority changes
• Roles and responsibilities may be different
• Basic leadership skills remain the same
• Leadership competencies may change
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Instead of Style
of Leadership…
……. Focus on
Becoming a Situational
Defining Your Leadership Style
 Effective leadership assesses an
organization’s level of
development / maturity
 Utilize matching leadership style
 If the leadership approach does
not match an organization’s
needs -
- high probability that group will not reach maximum
 Leadership styles need to adapt based on the urgency of the
task to be accomplished.
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
• Asking
• Reassuring
• Facilitating self-reliant
problem solving
• Collaborating
• Encouraging feedback
• Appreciating
• Allowing/trusting
• Confirming
• Empowering
• Affirming
• Acknowledging
• Challenging
• Exploring/asking
• Explaining / clarifying
• Redirecting
• Sharing feedback
• Encouraging
• Praising
• Defining
• Planning/prioritizing
• Orienting
• Teaching/showing
and telling how
• Checking / monitoring
• Giving feedback
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
S1 Directing
• Defining
• Planning/prioritizing
• Orienting
• Telling how
• Checking / monitoring
• Giving feedback
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
S2 Coaching
• Explaining / clarifying
• Redirecting
• Sharing Feedback
• Encouraging
• Praising
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
S3 Supporting
• Asking
• Reassuring
• Facilitating / problem
• Collaboration
• Encouraging Feedback
• Trusting
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
S4 Delegating
• Trusting
• Empowering
• Affirming
• Acknowledging
• Challenging
Defining Your Leadership Style
Situational Leadership II
The Ken Blanchard Companies
Situational Leadership
 Combines a mix of behaviors in different amounts based on
need of the organization:
- At various stages of development
- When moving from one culture to another
- Level of urgency
- Complexity of issues
 Will make you a better leader
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Mentoring
 Has someone helped you in
your career?
 Provided you feedback and recommendations?
 How did you benefit?
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Mentoring
Mentoring Benefits
 Receive honest and constructive
 Areas of leadership strength and opportunities identified
 Understand organizational and leadership dynamics
 Knowledge gained from another person’s experiences
 Ultimately improves leadership skills and capability
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Mentoring
1. Selecting a mentor:
 A trusted leader
 Respected for achievement / Delivering results
 Provides honest / candid feedback and recommendations
2. Ask prospective mentor for help and guidance:
 Explain why you selected this person
3. Develop clear goals:
 Time and frequent of meeting
 What you want to achieve (goals)
 Confidential discussions
4. Develop action plans for each goal
5. Develop and sign a “mentoring contract”
 Agreement on how mentoring process will work
 Commitment
6. Execute and monitor the plan
Defining Your Leadership Style
Leadership Mentoring
Topics of Discussion
• History of Leadership
• Defining Effective Leadership
• Developing Your Leadership Skills
• Summary
Defining Your Leadership Style
You Are a Good Leader When Employees
• Have confidence in each other’s skills
• Believe they can count on each
other / hold accountable
• Listen to one another’s ideas and opinions
• Comfortable admitting failure
• Honor agreements
• Provide each other honest feedback / learn from it
• Publicly recognize one another’s significant contributions
• Deliver Results
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your leadership Style
• Everyone’s leadership style is individually
• Develop your leadership style so that it complements who you are
• Become a situational leader
- Best leadership approach
• Use leadership tools available to you to help people succeed
• Great leadership behavior will have positive effects
• Great leadership leads to great results!
Defining Your Leadership Style
Effective Leadership is a Journey
• Time
• Practice
• Observation
• Learning from mistakes
• Personalize your leadership style
Enjoy the journey along the way!
Defining Your Leadership Style
About Joe Mazzeo
• Owner of Integrated Lean and Quality Solutions, LLC
• Broad global experience in manufacturing and quality
• Providing Leadership, Lean Manufacturing and Quality Management services
• Member of: ASQ / SME / SEMA
Thank You!
VIST www.ILQSolutions.com for additional information
Defining Your Leadership Style
Defining Your Leadership Style in a Performance-Based Organization

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Defining Your Leadership Style in a Performance-Based Organization

  • 1.
  • 2. Joe Mazzeo Integrated Lean and Quality Solutions, LLC June 16, 2016 1 Defining Your Leadership Style to Lead a Performance Based Organization
  • 3. Topics of Discussion • History of Leadership • Defining Effective Leadership • Developing Your Leadership Skills • Summary Defining Your Leadership Style 2
  • 4. Presentation Take-Aways: • Learn about some of the basic traits / expectations and behaviors of great leadership • Identify the important leadership competencies you wish to improve • Applying situational leadership to improve leadership performance and support of your people • Understanding strategies to improve your leadership style • Developing your own leadership style and approach 3 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 5. Topics of Discussion • History of Leadership • Defining Effective Leadership • Developing Your Leadership Skills • Summary Defining Your Leadership Style 4
  • 6. Definition of Leadership: Leadership is having a vision and communicating it and having it understood and implemented by other people. 5 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 7. History of Leadership Development Aristotle Philosopher 322 BC Chester Barnard President New Jersey Bell 1938 Joseph M. Juran Q Management / Author 1958 John Maxwell Author 1990-2000’s Lao Tzu Philosopher 571 BC Sun Tzu General 497 BC Peter Drucker Researcher/Author 1942 Tom Peters Researcher/Author 1980’s Workers are: - Lazy - Untrustworthy - Need to be controlled - Not valued Workers are: - Motivated - Dependable - Empowered - Most valuable asset Leadership Thinking About Employees Evolves 6 Defining Your Leadership Style TIME
  • 8. Leadership Development • Effective leadership performance is important across all types and sizes of organizations • Example: - In U.S. there are over 300K manufacturing companies - 90% employee 100 people or less - Most are not OEMs – but Tier 2/3 suppliers and Small Shops • So whether 10 or 1000 employees in a company, employees are looking for the same thing from their management: Effective Leadership! 7 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 9. Who Are Some Leaders You Admire? 8 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 10. 9 Effective Leaders Winston Churchill Vince Lombardi Gandhi Nelson Mandela Margret Thatcher Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 11. • We recognize “perceived” leaders in the media • But what about leaders who have affected your perspective on leadership? • Never hear about “day to day” leaders 10 Effective Leaders Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 12. 11 Effective Leaders……..Such as: Donna Clancy Executive Director (Retired), SCAMP Aaron Feuerstein Past President, Malden Mills Beverly Tatum President (Retired), Spelman College Harry Gordon Selfridge Selfridge Department Stores Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 13. 12 General Armstrong Custer Dr. Evil (Austin Power Movies) Neville Chamberlain Herbert Hoover Franklin M. Heart (9 to 5 Movie) Miranda Priestly (Devil Wears Prada Movie) Poor Leaders Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 14. Topics of Discussion • History of Leadership • Defining Effective Leadership • Behaviors of a Great Leader • How to Develop Your Leadership • Summary Defining Your Leadership Style 13
  • 15. 14 Defining Your Leadership Style Autocratic Democratic Commanding Logical VisionaryEffective Dictatorial Maintenance Successful Inspirational STYLES OF LEADERSHIP
  • 16. 15 Defining Your Leadership Style Autocratic Democratic Commanding Logical VisionaryEffective Dictatorial Maintenance Successful Inspirational Regardless of Leadership Style How adaptive is your leadership when dealing with the issues you face?
  • 17. Establishing / Reinforcing Expectations Requiring Appropriate Behaviors Developing Competencies / Skills Achieving ResultsEffective Leadership Involves Establishing and Communicating the Vision 16 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 18. Behaviors of a Leader • Committed to excellence • Confident • Keen desire to win / Action oriented • Integrity / Honesty / Trustworthiness • Willing / Able to make hard decisions • Business Sense • Keeps promises and commitments • Fairness and consistency • Able to develop effective relationships and partnerships • Authentic with humility and grace 17 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 19. Leadership vs. Results Results Leadership Style Ineffective Highly Effective 0 100 % Strive To Be Here 18
  • 20. 19 Leadership vs. Results Results Leadership Style Ineffective Highly Effective 0 100 % Strive To Be Here
  • 21. Topics of Discussion • History of Leadership • Defining Effective Leadership • Developing Your Leadership Skills • Summary Defining Your Leadership Style 20
  • 22. 21 So How Do You Become a Great Leader? Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 23. Leadership Development • Training classes • Advanced degrees (MBA) • Executive development programs • Reading books • Self Evaluation and Feedback • Observing other Leaders • Developing Competencies • Situational Leadership • Mentoring 22 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 24. What are Leadership Competencies?  Leadership competencies are leadership skills and behaviors that contribute to superior performance  Used to develop current and next generation of leaders  Leadership competencies and skill development drives improve leadership  Leadership competencies change as the business environment and needs change Defining Your Leadership Style 23
  • 25. Leadership Competency Development The Lominger Competencies Defining Your Leadership Style 24
  • 26. FYI – For Your Improvement*  Written by: Michael Lombardo & Robert Eichinger  Developers of the Lominger Competencies  Purpose of the Lominger Competencies is to help a person improve their personal performance and leadership skills *FYI – For Your Improvement Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger January 2004 – Fourth Edition Lominger International 25
  • 27. 26 What is Lominger Competency?  Lominger Competency address three basic leadership and talent management needs: - Strategic and organizational alignment - Leadership and executive development - Talent and performance management  There are 67 competencies  Use of the Lominger Competencies can lead to job success.  Create long-term human capital competitive advantage. Defining Your Leadership Style *FYI – For Your Improvement Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger January 2004 – Fourth Edition Lominger International
  • 28. 1. Strategic Skills 2. Dealing with Ambiguity 30. Intellectual Horsepower 5. Business Acumen 32. Learning on the Fly 14. Creativity 46. Perspective 17. Decision Quality 51. Problem Solving 24. Functional / Technical Skill 58. Strategic Agility 28. Innovation Management 61. Technical Learning LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 27
  • 29. 2. Operating Skills 16. Timely Decision Making 47. Planning 18. Delegation 50. Priority Setting 19. Developing Direct Reports 52. Process Management 20. Directing Others 59. Managing Through Systems 27. Informing 62. Time Management 35. Managing and Measuring 63. Work Systems(Lean/ISO/etc) Work 39. Organizing LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 28
  • 30. 3. Courage 9. Command Skills 12. Conflict Management 13. Confronting Direct Reports 25. Hiring and Staffing 34. Managerial Courage 56. Sizing Up People 57. Stand Alone LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 29
  • 31. 4. Energy and Drive 1. Action Oriented 43. Perseverance 53. Drive For Results LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 30
  • 32. 5. Organizational Positioning Skills 6. Career Ambition 8. Comfort Around Higher Management 38. Organizational Agility 48. Political Savvy 49. Presentation Skills 67. Written Communications LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 31
  • 33. 6. Personal and Interpersonal Skills 3. Approachability 36. Motivating Others 4. Boss Relationships 37. Negotiating 7. Caring About Direct Reports 40. Dealing with Paradox 10. Compassion 41. Patience 11. Composure 44. Personal Disclosure 15. Customer Focus 45. Personal Learning 21. Managing Diversity 54. Self-Development 22. Ethics and Values 55. Self-Knowledge 23. Fairness to Direct Reports 60. Building Effective Teams 26. Humor 64. Understanding Others 29. Integrity and Trust 65. Managing Vision and Purpose 31. Interpersonal Savvy 66. Work/Life Balance 33. Listening LOMINGER COMPETENCIES Defining Your Leadership Style 32
  • 34. 33 How Does a Lominger Competency Work: For every competency there is:  A description of the competency in terms of being: - Skilled - Unskilled -Overused Skill  Possible causes to poor performance  Remedies for improvement Defining Your Leadership Style *FYI – For Your Improvement Michael Lombardo / Robert Eichinger January 2004 – Fourth Edition Lominger International
  • 35. How Does a Lominger Competency Work Example: LC # 60 - Building Effective Teams: - Skilled - Overused Skills - Overused Skills Defining Your Leadership Style 34
  • 36. LC # 60 – Building Effective Teams Skilled: - Blends people into teams when needed - Lets people finish and be responsible for their work - Defines success in terms of the whole team - Creates a feeling of belonging in the team Competency Description Example 35
  • 37. LC # 60 – Building Effective Teams Skilled: - Blends people into teams when needed - Lets people finish and be responsible for their work - Defines success in terms of the whole team - Creates a feeling of belonging in the team Overused Skills - May not treat others as unique individual - May slow down process - everything debated - May not develop individual leaders - May not provide take-charge leadership during tough times Competency Description Example 36
  • 38. LC # 60 – Building Effective Teams* Skilled: - Blends people into teams when needed - Lets people finish and be responsible for their work - Defines success in terms of the whole team - Creates a feeling of belonging in the team Overused Skills - May not treat others as unique individual - May slow down process - everything debated - May not develop individual leaders - May not provide take-charge leadership during tough times Competency Description Example 37 Underused Skills - Unable to assemble, build or manage a team - Manages people on a one-on-one basis - Does not manage in a way that creates a team morale - Does not have the skills to build a team * Partial list
  • 39. 38 *Example – Production Floor Manager Capabilities 1. Strategic Skills - Understanding the Business - - Functional / Technical Skills - Problem Solving 2. Operating Skills - Getting Work Done Through Others - Managing and Measuring Work 3. Courage - Dealing With Trouble - Managerial Courage 4. Energy and Drive - Drive for Results 5. Organizational Positioning Skills - Organizational Agility 6. Personal and Interpersonal Skills - Caring About Direct Reports - Customer Focus - Inspiring Others / Building Effective Teams - Integrity and Trust - Self-Development - Work/life Balance* Based on Lominger Competencies Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 40. 39 Leadership Development and Capability First Line Supervisor Owner / CEO • Level of authority changes • Roles and responsibilities may be different • Basic leadership skills remain the same • Leadership competencies may change Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 42. 41 Defining Your Leadership Style Autocratic Democratic Commanding Logical VisionaryEffective Dictatorial Maintenance Successful Inspirational STYLES OF LEADERSHIP
  • 43. 42 Defining Your Leadership Style Autocratic Democratic Commanding Logical VisionaryEffective Dictatorial Maintenance Successful Inspirational Instead of Style of Leadership… ……. Focus on Becoming a Situational Leader
  • 44. 43 Defining Your Leadership Style  Effective leadership assesses an organization’s level of development / maturity  Utilize matching leadership style  If the leadership approach does not match an organization’s needs - - high probability that group will not reach maximum productivity  Leadership styles need to adapt based on the urgency of the task to be accomplished.
  • 45. Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 2011 44
  • 46. • Asking • Reassuring • Facilitating self-reliant problem solving • Collaborating • Encouraging feedback • Appreciating • Allowing/trusting • Confirming • Empowering • Affirming • Acknowledging • Challenging • Exploring/asking • Explaining / clarifying • Redirecting • Sharing feedback • Encouraging • Praising • Defining • Planning/prioritizing • Orienting • Teaching/showing and telling how • Checking / monitoring • Giving feedback Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 2011 45
  • 47. S1 Directing • Defining • Planning/prioritizing • Orienting • Telling how • Checking / monitoring • Giving feedback Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 2011 46
  • 48. S2 Coaching • Explaining / clarifying • Redirecting • Sharing Feedback • Encouraging • Praising Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 201147
  • 49. S3 Supporting • Asking • Reassuring • Facilitating / problem solving • Collaboration • Encouraging Feedback • Trusting Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 2011 48
  • 50. S4 Delegating • Trusting • Empowering • Affirming • Acknowledging • Challenging Defining Your Leadership Style Situational Leadership II The Ken Blanchard Companies 2011 4949
  • 51. Situational Leadership  Combines a mix of behaviors in different amounts based on need of the organization: - At various stages of development - When moving from one culture to another - Level of urgency - Complexity of issues  Will make you a better leader Defining Your Leadership Style 50
  • 53. 52 Leadership Mentoring  Has someone helped you in your career?  Provided you feedback and recommendations?  How did you benefit? Defining Your Leadership Style 52
  • 54. 53 Defining Your Leadership Style Leadership Mentoring Mentoring Benefits  Receive honest and constructive feedback  Areas of leadership strength and opportunities identified  Understand organizational and leadership dynamics  Knowledge gained from another person’s experiences  Ultimately improves leadership skills and capability
  • 55. 54 Defining Your Leadership Style Leadership Mentoring 1. Selecting a mentor:  A trusted leader  Respected for achievement / Delivering results  Provides honest / candid feedback and recommendations 2. Ask prospective mentor for help and guidance:  Explain why you selected this person
  • 56. 55 3. Develop clear goals:  Time and frequent of meeting  What you want to achieve (goals)  Confidential discussions 4. Develop action plans for each goal 5. Develop and sign a “mentoring contract”  Agreement on how mentoring process will work  Commitment 6. Execute and monitor the plan Defining Your Leadership Style Leadership Mentoring 55
  • 57. Topics of Discussion • History of Leadership • Defining Effective Leadership • Developing Your Leadership Skills • Summary Defining Your Leadership Style 56
  • 58. You Are a Good Leader When Employees • Have confidence in each other’s skills • Believe they can count on each other / hold accountable • Listen to one another’s ideas and opinions • Comfortable admitting failure • Honor agreements • Provide each other honest feedback / learn from it • Publicly recognize one another’s significant contributions • Deliver Results 57 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 59. 58 Defining Your leadership Style • Everyone’s leadership style is individually based • Develop your leadership style so that it complements who you are • Become a situational leader - Best leadership approach • Use leadership tools available to you to help people succeed • Great leadership behavior will have positive effects • Great leadership leads to great results! Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 60. Effective Leadership is a Journey • Time • Practice • Observation • Learning from mistakes • Personalize your leadership style Enjoy the journey along the way! 59 Defining Your Leadership Style
  • 61. About Joe Mazzeo • Owner of Integrated Lean and Quality Solutions, LLC • Broad global experience in manufacturing and quality • Providing Leadership, Lean Manufacturing and Quality Management services • Member of: ASQ / SME / SEMA Thank You! VIST www.ILQSolutions.com for additional information 60 Defining Your Leadership Style