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Data Storage Tips for
Optimal Spark Performance
Vida Ha
Spark Summit West 2015
Today’s Talk
About Me
Vida Ha - Solutions Engineer at Databricks
Poor Data File Storage Choices Result in:
• Exceptions that are difficult to diagnose and fix.
• Slow Spark Jobs.
• Inaccurate Data Analysis.
Goal: Understand the Best Practices for Storing and
working with Data in Files with
• Basic Data Storage Decisions
• File Sizes
• Compression Formats
• Data Format Best Practices
• Plain Text, Structured Text, Data Interchange, Columnar
• General Tips
Basic Data Storage Decisions
Choosing a File Size
• Too Small
• Lots of time opening file handles.
• Too Big
• Files need to be splittable.
• Optimize for your File System
• Good Rule of Thumb: 64 MB - 1 GB
Choosing a Compression Format
• The Obvious
• Minimize the Compressed Size of Files.
• Decoding characteristics.
• Pay attention to Splittable vs. NonSplittable.
• Common Compression Formats for Big Data:
• gzip, Snappy, bzip2, LZO, and LZ4.
• Columnar formats for Structured Data - Parquet.
Data Format Best Practices
Plain Text
• sc.textFile() splits the file into lines.
• So keep your lines a reasonable size.
• Or use a different method to read data in.
• Keep file sizes < 1 GB if compressed with a
non-splittable format.
Basic Structured Text Tiles
• Use Spark transformations to ETL the data.
• Optionally use Spark SQL for analyzing.
• Handle the inevitable malformed data with
• Use a filter transformation to drop bad lines.
• Or use a map function to fix bad lines.
• Includes CSV, JSON, XML.
• Use the relatively new Spark-CSV package.
• Spark SQL Malformed Data Tip:
• Use a where clause and sanity check fields.
• Ideally have one JSON object per line.
• Otherwise, DIY parsing the JSON.
• Prefer specifying a schema over inferSchema.
• Watch out for arbitrary number of keys.
• Inferring Schema will result in an executor OOM error.
• Spark SQL Malformed Data Tip:
• Bad inputs have a column called _corrupt_record and other
columns will be null.
• Not an ideal Big Data Format.
• Typically not one XML object per line.
• So you’ll need to DIY parse.
• Not a lot of built in library support for XML.
• Watch out for very large compressed files.
• May need to employ the General Tips to parse.
Data Interchange Formats with a Schema
• Good Practice to enforce an API with backward
• Avro, Parquet, and Thrift are common ones.
• Usually, good compression.
• Data format itself is not corrupt.
• But underlying records still be.
• Use DataFile Writer to write multiple objects.
• Use spark-avro package to read in.
• Don’t transfer “AvroKey” across driver and
• AvroKey is not serializable.
• Pull out fields of interest or convert to JSON.
Protocol Buffers
• Need to figure out how to encode multiple in a
• Encode in Sequence Files or other similar file format.
• Prepend the number of bytes before reading the next
• Base64 encode one per line.
• Currently, no built in Spark package to support.
• Opportunity to contribute to open source community.
• For now, convert to JSON and read into Spark SQL.
Columnar Formats: Parquet & ORD
• Great for use with Spark SQL.
• Parquet is actually best practice for Spark SQL.
• Makes it easy to pull only certain records at a
• Worth time to encode if multiple passes on
• Do not support appending one record at a time.
• Not good for collecting log records.
General Tips
Reuse Hadoop Libraries
• HadoopRDD & NewHadoopRDD
• Reuse Hadoop File format libraries.
• Hive SerDe’s are supported in Spark SQL
• Load your SerDe jar onto your Spark Cluster.
• Issue a SHOW CREATE TABLE command.
• Enter the create table command (with EXTERNAL)
Controlling the Output File Size
• Spark generally writes one file per partition.
• Use coalesce to write out less files.
• Use repartition to write out more files.
• This will cause a shuffle of the data.
• If repartition is too expensive:
• Call mapPartition to get an iterator and write out as many
(or few) files as you would like.
• The whole file should fit into memory.
• Good for file formats that aren’t splittable by
• Such as XML files.
• Will need to performance tune.
Use “filename” as the RDD element
• filenames = sc.parallelize([“s3:/file1”, “s3:/
file2”, …])
• Allows you to function on a single file.
• filenames.map(…call_function_on_filename)
• Use to decode non-standard compression
• Use to split up files that aren’t separable by
Thank you.
Any questions?

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Data Storage Tips for Optimal Spark Performance-(Vida Ha, Databricks)

  • 1. Data Storage Tips for Optimal Spark Performance Vida Ha Spark Summit West 2015
  • 2. Today’s Talk About Me Vida Ha - Solutions Engineer at Databricks Poor Data File Storage Choices Result in: • Exceptions that are difficult to diagnose and fix. • Slow Spark Jobs. • Inaccurate Data Analysis. 2 Goal: Understand the Best Practices for Storing and working with Data in Files with
  • 3. Agenda • Basic Data Storage Decisions • File Sizes • Compression Formats • Data Format Best Practices • Plain Text, Structured Text, Data Interchange, Columnar • General Tips 3
  • 5. Choosing a File Size • Too Small • Lots of time opening file handles. • Too Big • Files need to be splittable. • Optimize for your File System • Good Rule of Thumb: 64 MB - 1 GB 5
  • 6. Choosing a Compression Format • The Obvious • Minimize the Compressed Size of Files. • Decoding characteristics. • Pay attention to Splittable vs. NonSplittable. • Common Compression Formats for Big Data: • gzip, Snappy, bzip2, LZO, and LZ4. • Columnar formats for Structured Data - Parquet. 6
  • 7. 7 Data Format Best Practices
  • 8. Plain Text • sc.textFile() splits the file into lines. • So keep your lines a reasonable size. • Or use a different method to read data in. • Keep file sizes < 1 GB if compressed with a non-splittable format. 8
  • 9. Basic Structured Text Tiles • Use Spark transformations to ETL the data. • Optionally use Spark SQL for analyzing. • Handle the inevitable malformed data with Spark: • Use a filter transformation to drop bad lines. • Or use a map function to fix bad lines. • Includes CSV, JSON, XML. 9
  • 10. CSV • Use the relatively new Spark-CSV package. • Spark SQL Malformed Data Tip: • Use a where clause and sanity check fields. 10
  • 11. JSON • Ideally have one JSON object per line. • Otherwise, DIY parsing the JSON. • Prefer specifying a schema over inferSchema. • Watch out for arbitrary number of keys. • Inferring Schema will result in an executor OOM error. • Spark SQL Malformed Data Tip: • Bad inputs have a column called _corrupt_record and other columns will be null. 11
  • 12. XML • Not an ideal Big Data Format. • Typically not one XML object per line. • So you’ll need to DIY parse. • Not a lot of built in library support for XML. • Watch out for very large compressed files. • May need to employ the General Tips to parse. 12
  • 13. Data Interchange Formats with a Schema • Good Practice to enforce an API with backward compatibility. • Avro, Parquet, and Thrift are common ones. • Usually, good compression. • Data format itself is not corrupt. • But underlying records still be. 13
  • 14. Avro • Use DataFile Writer to write multiple objects. • Use spark-avro package to read in. • Don’t transfer “AvroKey” across driver and workers. • AvroKey is not serializable. • Pull out fields of interest or convert to JSON. 14
  • 15. Protocol Buffers • Need to figure out how to encode multiple in a file. • Encode in Sequence Files or other similar file format. • Prepend the number of bytes before reading the next message. • Base64 encode one per line. • Currently, no built in Spark package to support. • Opportunity to contribute to open source community. • For now, convert to JSON and read into Spark SQL. 15
  • 16. Columnar Formats: Parquet & ORD • Great for use with Spark SQL. • Parquet is actually best practice for Spark SQL. • Makes it easy to pull only certain records at a time. • Worth time to encode if multiple passes on data. • Do not support appending one record at a time. • Not good for collecting log records. 16
  • 18. Reuse Hadoop Libraries • HadoopRDD & NewHadoopRDD • Reuse Hadoop File format libraries. • Hive SerDe’s are supported in Spark SQL • Load your SerDe jar onto your Spark Cluster. • Issue a SHOW CREATE TABLE command. • Enter the create table command (with EXTERNAL) 18
  • 19. Controlling the Output File Size • Spark generally writes one file per partition. • Use coalesce to write out less files. • Use repartition to write out more files. • This will cause a shuffle of the data. • If repartition is too expensive: • Call mapPartition to get an iterator and write out as many (or few) files as you would like. 19
  • 20. sc.wholeTextFiles() • The whole file should fit into memory. • Good for file formats that aren’t splittable by line. • Such as XML files. • Will need to performance tune. 20
  • 21. Use “filename” as the RDD element • filenames = sc.parallelize([“s3:/file1”, “s3:/ file2”, …]) • Allows you to function on a single file. • filenames.map(…call_function_on_filename) • Use to decode non-standard compression formats. • Use to split up files that aren’t separable by line. 21