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A set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the
input of the next one
The data we we most care about in one place, in the same format, consistency,
quality and real time
We don’t have to do it every time we want to build analysis or predictive
It is reproducible
You will define what, where and how data are collected, transformed and loaded
This means that you’ll need to manually pick every field, table, data source,
transformation, join, etc.The good news is that if you do it right you’ll have to
do it just once.Afterwards everything will be automated.
Spark Structured Streaming
Apache NIFI
Spring Cloud Data Flow
AWS Glue
Scalable and fault-tolerant Stream processing engine built on the
Spark SQL Engine
Express your streams computation in the same way you express
batch computation on static data.
The stream runs incrementally and continuously and updating the
final result as streaming data continues to arrive.
• Lends well to visual creation and management of directed graphs of processors
• Is inherently asynchronous which allows for very high throughput and natural buffering
even as processing and flow rates fluctuate
• Provides a highly concurrent model without a developer having to worry about the
typical complexities of concurrency
• Promotes the development of cohesive and loosely coupled components which can
then be reused in other contexts and promotes testable units
• The resource constrained connections make critical functions such as back-pressure
and pressure release very natural and intuitive
• Error handling becomes as natural as the happy-path rather than a coarse grained catch-
• The points at which data enters and exits the system as well as how it flows through
are well understood and easily tracked
• The Data Flow server is also responsible for:
• Interpreting and executing a stream DSL that describes the logical
flow of data through multiple long-lived applications.
• Launching a long-lived task application.
• Interpreting and executing a composed task DSL that describes the
logical flow of data through multiple short-lived applications.
• Applying a deployment manifest that describes the mapping of
applications onto the runtime - for example, to set the initial number
of instances, memory requirements, and data partitioning.
• Providing the runtime status of deployed applications.
• The Data Flow Server deploys applications onto the target runtime
that conform to the microservice architectural style.
• A stream represents a high-level application that consists of multiple
small microservice applications each running in their own process.
• Each microservice application can be scaled up or down
independently of the other and each has its own versioning lifecycle.
• Both Streaming and Task-based microservice applications build upon
Spring Boot as the foundational library.
• This gives all microservice applications functionality such as health
checks, security, configurable logging, monitoring, and management
functionality, as well as executable JAR packaging.
Spark Structured
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue
Real Time PRO

the system runs in near real
time and can check point it

runs data from point to point
across a pre defined acyclic
graph of microservices in
near real time

probably the best here

Glue uses the basic spark
sql engine and each job
must be scheduled or
triggered. It could be setup
to run every x minutes.
updating data

The spark writing
infrastucture is very
sophisticated for writing to
large data systems like AWS
S3 or Hadoop HDFS. It has
been extended here for
managing the updating
nature of a realtime system.

Managed by code you write
in Java or Groovy

Spark has to be managed
effectively to over write a
Manage Stops
and Restarts

This system has a
checkpointing system that
allows the system to stop
and restart and remember
what has been processed
and what has not. It make
sure duplicates are not

Managed by code or
another 3rd party system
you must use

This system runs each job
Spark Structured
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue
Failures and


Write it yourself or use 3rd
party system

Uses Kerberos. Can be
somewhat secure.

All the security any AWS
and Spark/Hadoop system
would have in AWS
Manage Large
Data Sets

All the power of Spark's
RDD and Spark Sql and ML
Lib World class system

Difficult to code or require
some kind of third party
system that would work in
Sping Boot and a Cluster of
user like Yarn or Cloud

While the system seems
scalable, the data must be
sent in as a descreet unit to
scale and not rely on joining
or groups across multiple

All the power of Spark
Scale out using
Yarn, Mesos

and/or Cloud

Yarn and Meso

Yarn, Meso and Cloud

This seems to manage it's
load itself you just start it up
on other computers. Their is
an open JIRA task for NIFI
to use Cloud Foundry

Yarn Meso
Spark Structured
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue
Maturity of

Alpha product but has been
very reliable for the last two
months of use

started as a NSA product
and then open sourced.
Horton Works is investing in
the Apache project

Spark dataframes and RDDs
are mature but the
extensions of the data
catalog and glue api added
are still in Beta
Extraction PRO

Spark extraction is mature
but Structured Streaming
does not support the full
power of what SPARK is
currently supporting. It is a
pro because of it's support
of S3 and  Kafka

Must be programmed or 3rd
party product used

Work with Kafka not sure if
Kinesis. Not sure if it works
with S3

Uses the power of Spark
but also uses the AWS Glue
Catalog where data sources
and their structure can be
crawled and then recreated
in Spark python. Very easy
to use data sources with the
Glue API
Transformation PRO

The power of Spark

Managed by coding or 3rd
party product

The purpose of the product
is ingestion, Transformation
is possible but not sure how

GLUE is an ETL product
Spark Structured
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue
Load CON

This part is Alpha but will
catch up with the spark
architecture that is very

Managed by coding or 3rd
party product

the key purpose of the

GLUE is an ETL product

Power of Spark

Managed by coding or 3rd
party product
CON(with spark PRO)

This system can put a spark
streaming or structured
streaming job in nifi to
support ML jobs within a
NIFI pipeline

All the power of spark but
not part of the Glue
Learning on
Large Datasets

Integrates with the SPARK
ML Lib

Managed by coding or 3rd
party product
CON(with spark PRO)

This system can put a spark
streaming or structured
streaming job in nifi to
support ML jobs within a
NIFI pipeline

All the power of spark but
not part of the Glue
Spark Structured
Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue
Data Catalog
and integration
to AWS

would need integration with
3rd party

Managed by coding or 3rd
party product

The AWS Glue Data catalog
can automatically update
itself, be used to create
Spark Dataframes and
integrate with AWS Athena
and AWS Redshift. This
product is still young but it's
usefulness is already
impressive. More evaluation
of Data Catalog products
should be evaluated.
Count PRO 11


CON 10
PRO 8 or 10

CON 6 or 4


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Data Pipeline for The Big Data/Data Science OKC

  • 1. DATA PIPELINE A set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one
  • 2. WHAT IS A DATA PIPELINE The data we we most care about in one place, in the same format, consistency, quality and real time We don’t have to do it every time we want to build analysis or predictive models. It is reproducible You will define what, where and how data are collected, transformed and loaded This means that you’ll need to manually pick every field, table, data source, transformation, join, etc.The good news is that if you do it right you’ll have to do it just once.Afterwards everything will be automated.
  • 3. CANDIDATES I EVALUATED Spark Structured Streaming Apache NIFI Spring Cloud Data Flow AWS Glue
  • 4. SPARK STRUCTURED STREAMING Scalable and fault-tolerant Stream processing engine built on the Spark SQL Engine Express your streams computation in the same way you express batch computation on static data. The stream runs incrementally and continuously and updating the final result as streaming data continues to arrive.
  • 6. APACHE NIFI • Lends well to visual creation and management of directed graphs of processors • Is inherently asynchronous which allows for very high throughput and natural buffering even as processing and flow rates fluctuate • Provides a highly concurrent model without a developer having to worry about the typical complexities of concurrency • Promotes the development of cohesive and loosely coupled components which can then be reused in other contexts and promotes testable units • The resource constrained connections make critical functions such as back-pressure and pressure release very natural and intuitive • Error handling becomes as natural as the happy-path rather than a coarse grained catch- all • The points at which data enters and exits the system as well as how it flows through are well understood and easily tracked
  • 10. SPRING CLOUD DATA FLOW • The Data Flow server is also responsible for: • Interpreting and executing a stream DSL that describes the logical flow of data through multiple long-lived applications. • Launching a long-lived task application. • Interpreting and executing a composed task DSL that describes the logical flow of data through multiple short-lived applications. • Applying a deployment manifest that describes the mapping of applications onto the runtime - for example, to set the initial number of instances, memory requirements, and data partitioning. • Providing the runtime status of deployed applications.
  • 11. SPRING CLOUD DATA FLOW • The Data Flow Server deploys applications onto the target runtime that conform to the microservice architectural style. • A stream represents a high-level application that consists of multiple small microservice applications each running in their own process. • Each microservice application can be scaled up or down independently of the other and each has its own versioning lifecycle. • Both Streaming and Task-based microservice applications build upon Spring Boot as the foundational library. • This gives all microservice applications functionality such as health checks, security, configurable logging, monitoring, and management functionality, as well as executable JAR packaging.
  • 20. EVALUATION valuation Criteria Spark Structured Stream Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue Real Time PRO the system runs in near real time and can check point it status PRO runs data from point to point across a pre defined acyclic graph of microservices in near real time PRO probably the best here CON Glue uses the basic spark sql engine and each job must be scheduled or triggered. It could be setup to run every x minutes. Manages updating data PRO The spark writing infrastucture is very sophisticated for writing to large data systems like AWS S3 or Hadoop HDFS. It has been extended here for managing the updating nature of a realtime system. CON Managed by code you write in Java or Groovy PRO CON Spark has to be managed effectively to over write a dataset. Manage Stops and Restarts PRO This system has a checkpointing system that allows the system to stop and restart and remember what has been processed and what has not. It make sure duplicates are not created CON Managed by code or another 3rd party system you must use PRO CON This system runs each job
  • 21. EVALUATION valuation Criteria Spark Structured Stream Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue Manage Failures and Duplicates PRO Checkpointing CON Write it yourself or use 3rd party system PRO CON Secure PRO PRO CON Uses Kerberos. Can be somewhat secure. PRO All the security any AWS and Spark/Hadoop system would have in AWS Manage Large Data Sets PRO All the power of Spark's RDD and Spark Sql and ML Lib World class system CON Difficult to code or require some kind of third party system that would work in Sping Boot and a Cluster of user like Yarn or Cloud Foundry CON While the system seems scalable, the data must be sent in as a descreet unit to scale and not rely on joining or groups across multiple systems PRO All the power of Spark Scale out using Yarn, Mesos and/or Cloud Foundry PRO Yarn and Meso PRO Yarn, Meso and Cloud Foundry CON This seems to manage it's load itself you just start it up on other computers. Their is an open JIRA task for NIFI to use Cloud Foundry PRO Yarn Meso
  • 22. EVALUATION valuation Criteria Spark Structured Stream Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue Maturity of Product CON Alpha product but has been very reliable for the last two months of use PRO PRO started as a NSA product and then open sourced. Horton Works is investing in the Apache project CON Spark dataframes and RDDs are mature but the extensions of the data catalog and glue api added are still in Beta Extraction PRO Spark extraction is mature but Structured Streaming does not support the full power of what SPARK is currently supporting. It is a pro because of it's support of S3 and  Kafka CON Must be programmed or 3rd party product used PRO Work with Kafka not sure if Kinesis. Not sure if it works with S3 PRO Uses the power of Spark but also uses the AWS Glue Catalog where data sources and their structure can be crawled and then recreated in Spark python. Very easy to use data sources with the Glue API Transformation PRO The power of Spark CON Managed by coding or 3rd party product PRO/CON The purpose of the product is ingestion, Transformation is possible but not sure how sophisticated PRO GLUE is an ETL product
  • 23. EVALUATION valuation Criteria Spark Structured Stream Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue Load CON This part is Alpha but will catch up with the spark architecture that is very strong CON Managed by coding or 3rd party product PRO the key purpose of the product PRO GLUE is an ETL product Machine Learning PRO Power of Spark CON Managed by coding or 3rd party product CON(with spark PRO) This system can put a spark streaming or structured streaming job in nifi to support ML jobs within a NIFI pipeline PRO All the power of spark but not part of the Glue infrastrucure Machine Learning on Large Datasets PRO Integrates with the SPARK ML Lib CON Managed by coding or 3rd party product CON(with spark PRO) This system can put a spark streaming or structured streaming job in nifi to support ML jobs within a NIFI pipeline PRO All the power of spark but not part of the Glue infrastrucure
  • 24. EVALUATION valuation Criteria Spark Structured Stream Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache NIFI AWS Glue Data Catalog and integration to AWS services CON would need integration with 3rd party CON Managed by coding or 3rd party product CON PRO The AWS Glue Data catalog can automatically update itself, be used to create Spark Dataframes and integrate with AWS Athena and AWS Redshift. This product is still young but it's usefulness is already impressive. More evaluation of Data Catalog products should be evaluated. Count PRO 11 CON 3 PRO 4 CON 10 PRO 8 or 10 CON 6 or 4 PRO 9 CON 5