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Data as Fuel and Analytics as
Engine of the Digital Transformation
Demystification, Future Digital Skills and their
Impact on Education at the University of Geneva
Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
Statoo Consulting & GSEM, RCS, University of Geneva, Switzerland
@DiegoKuonen + kuonen@statoo.com + Diego.Kuonen@unige.ch
‘ITU-Academia Partnership Meeting’, Budapest, Hungary — September 19, 2017
About myself (about.me/DiegoKuonen)
PhD in Statistics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.
MSc in Mathematics, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
• CStat (‘Chartered Statistician’), Royal Statistical Society, UK.
• PStat (‘Accredited Professional Statistician’), American Statistical Association, USA.
• CSci (‘Chartered Scientist’), Science Council, UK.
• Elected Member, International Statistical Institute, NL.
• Senior Member, American Society for Quality, USA.
• President of the Swiss Statistical Society (2009-2015).
Founder, CEO & CAO, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland (since 2001).
Professor of Data Science, Research Center for Statistics (RCS), Geneva School of Economics
and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva, Switzerland (since 2016).
Founding Director of GSEM’s new MSc in Business Analytics program (started fall 2017).
Principal Scientific and Strategic Big Data Analytics Advisor for the Directorate and Board of
Management, Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Neuchˆatel, Switzerland (since 2016).
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 2
‘In God we trust; all others must bring data.’
W. Edwards Deming
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 5
Demystifying ‘big data’: the ‘five Vs’ of (big) data
‘Volume’ (‘data at rest’), ‘Variety’ (‘mixed data’) and ‘Velocity’ (‘data in
motion’) are the ‘essential’ characteristics of (big) data;
‘Veracity’ (‘trust in data’) and ‘Value’ (‘usefulness of data’) are the
‘qualification for use’ characteristics of (big) data.
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 6
‘The data revolution is giving the world powerful
tools that can help usher in a more sustainable
Ban Ki-moon, eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, August 29, 2014
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 7
‘Data is part of Switzerland’s infrastructure, such as
road, railways and power networks, and is of great
value. The government and the economy are obliged
to generate added value from these data.’
digitalswitzerland, November 22, 2016
Source: digitalswitzerland’s ‘Digital Manifesto for Switzerland’ (digitalswitzerland.com).
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 8
Demystifying the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT)
• IoT is about data, not things!
The ‘five Vs’ of (IoT) data:
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 9
‘Data is rapidly becoming the lifeblood of the global
economy. It represents a key new type of economic
asset. Those that know how to use it have a decisive
competitive advantage in this interconnected world ...
— often leaving decades-old competitors behind.’
European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), January 2017
Source: EPSC, Enter the Data Economy: EU Policies for a Thriving Data Ecosystem, EPSC
Strategic Notes, Issue 21, January 11, 2017 (goo.gl/RAeota).
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 10
‘Data are not taken for museum purposes; they are
taken as a basis for doing something. If nothing is to
be done with the data, then there is no use in
collecting any. The ultimate purpose of taking data
is to provide a basis for action or a recommendation
for action.’
W. Edwards Deming, 1942
Data are the fuel and analytics, i.e. ‘learning from data’, is the engine of the
digital transformation and the related data revolution!
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 11
• The largest and most basic ‘need’ in the analytics hierarchy is the ‘data pedigree’
Data should be treated as a key strategic asset, so ensuring their veracity
becomes imperative!
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 12
• Statistics, (big) data analytics, data science, machine learning and artificial (or
machine) intelligence are aids to thinking and not replacements for it!
They should be envisaged to complement and augment humans, not replacements
for it!
Nowadays, with the digital transformation and the related data revolution, humans
need to augment their strengths to become more ‘powerful’: by automating any
routinisable work and by focusing on their core competences.
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 13
Digital skills — ‘Hard and soft skills to work with data’
Source: European Commission, Open Data Maturity in Europe 2016, Figure 32, October 2016 (goo.gl/WPHR54).
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 14
‘Digital strategies ... go beyond the technologies
themselves. ... They target improvements in
innovation, decision making and, ultimately,
transforming how the business works.’
Gerald C. Kane, Doug Palmer, Anh N. Phillips, David Kiron and Natasha Buckley, 2015
Source: Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D. & Buckley, N. (2015). Strategy, not technology,
drives digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (goo.gl/Dkb96o).
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 15
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 16
GSEM’s ‘MSc in Business Analytics’ (started today!)
• Around the unique strengths of different GSEM institutes, i.e. information sciences
(ISI), management (IoM) and statistics (RCS), the GSEM at the University of Geneva
has defined a new master programme as a strategic, long-term initiative.
• Being at the intersection between statistics, data science and management,
business analytics seeks to inform strategic decision making and to optimise
complex organisational processes.
• The ‘MSc in Business Analytics’ (120 ECTS) aims to
support students to manage, analyse and use data in strategic, tactical and
operational decision making under uncertainty;
prepare students for an efficient leadership within the digital transformation to
create value for businesses and society;
bridge the gap between university education and professional needs.
Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 17
Have you been Statooed & GSEMed?
Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
Statoo Consulting RCS, GSEM, University of Geneva
Morgenstrasse 129 Bd du Pont-d’Arve 40
3018 Berne 1211 Geneva 4
email kuonen@statoo.com Diego.Kuonen@unige.ch
web www.statoo.info gsem.unige.ch/rcs/kuonen
Code: ‘ITU-Academia.Digital.09.2017/MyPresentation’. Typesetting: LATEX, version 2 . PDF producer: pdfTEX, version 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6).
Compilation date: 07.09.2017.

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Data as Fuel and Analytics as Engine of the Digital Transformation: Demysti cation, Future Digital Skills and their Impact on Education at the University of Geneva

  • 1. Data as Fuel and Analytics as Engine of the Digital Transformation Demystification, Future Digital Skills and their Impact on Education at the University of Geneva Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci Statoo Consulting & GSEM, RCS, University of Geneva, Switzerland @DiegoKuonen + kuonen@statoo.com + Diego.Kuonen@unige.ch ‘ITU-Academia Partnership Meeting’, Budapest, Hungary — September 19, 2017
  • 2. About myself (about.me/DiegoKuonen) PhD in Statistics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. MSc in Mathematics, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. • CStat (‘Chartered Statistician’), Royal Statistical Society, UK. • PStat (‘Accredited Professional Statistician’), American Statistical Association, USA. • CSci (‘Chartered Scientist’), Science Council, UK. • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute, NL. • Senior Member, American Society for Quality, USA. • President of the Swiss Statistical Society (2009-2015). Founder, CEO & CAO, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland (since 2001). Professor of Data Science, Research Center for Statistics (RCS), Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva, Switzerland (since 2016). Founding Director of GSEM’s new MSc in Business Analytics program (started fall 2017). Principal Scientific and Strategic Big Data Analytics Advisor for the Directorate and Board of Management, Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Neuchˆatel, Switzerland (since 2016). Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3.
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  • 5. ‘In God we trust; all others must bring data.’ W. Edwards Deming Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Demystifying ‘big data’: the ‘five Vs’ of (big) data ‘Volume’ (‘data at rest’), ‘Variety’ (‘mixed data’) and ‘Velocity’ (‘data in motion’) are the ‘essential’ characteristics of (big) data; ‘Veracity’ (‘trust in data’) and ‘Value’ (‘usefulness of data’) are the ‘qualification for use’ characteristics of (big) data. Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. ‘The data revolution is giving the world powerful tools that can help usher in a more sustainable future.’ Ban Ki-moon, eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, August 29, 2014 Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. ‘Data is part of Switzerland’s infrastructure, such as road, railways and power networks, and is of great value. The government and the economy are obliged to generate added value from these data.’ digitalswitzerland, November 22, 2016 Source: digitalswitzerland’s ‘Digital Manifesto for Switzerland’ (digitalswitzerland.com). Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. Demystifying the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) • IoT is about data, not things! The ‘five Vs’ of (IoT) data: Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. ‘Data is rapidly becoming the lifeblood of the global economy. It represents a key new type of economic asset. Those that know how to use it have a decisive competitive advantage in this interconnected world ... — often leaving decades-old competitors behind.’ European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), January 2017 Source: EPSC, Enter the Data Economy: EU Policies for a Thriving Data Ecosystem, EPSC Strategic Notes, Issue 21, January 11, 2017 (goo.gl/RAeota). Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. ‘Data are not taken for museum purposes; they are taken as a basis for doing something. If nothing is to be done with the data, then there is no use in collecting any. The ultimate purpose of taking data is to provide a basis for action or a recommendation for action.’ W. Edwards Deming, 1942 Data are the fuel and analytics, i.e. ‘learning from data’, is the engine of the digital transformation and the related data revolution! Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. • The largest and most basic ‘need’ in the analytics hierarchy is the ‘data pedigree’ (goo.gl/pVYXmj): Data should be treated as a key strategic asset, so ensuring their veracity becomes imperative! Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. • Statistics, (big) data analytics, data science, machine learning and artificial (or machine) intelligence are aids to thinking and not replacements for it! They should be envisaged to complement and augment humans, not replacements for it! Nowadays, with the digital transformation and the related data revolution, humans need to augment their strengths to become more ‘powerful’: by automating any routinisable work and by focusing on their core competences. Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. Digital skills — ‘Hard and soft skills to work with data’ Source: European Commission, Open Data Maturity in Europe 2016, Figure 32, October 2016 (goo.gl/WPHR54). Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. ‘Digital strategies ... go beyond the technologies themselves. ... They target improvements in innovation, decision making and, ultimately, transforming how the business works.’ Gerald C. Kane, Doug Palmer, Anh N. Phillips, David Kiron and Natasha Buckley, 2015 Source: Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D. & Buckley, N. (2015). Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (goo.gl/Dkb96o). Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. GSEM’s ‘MSc in Business Analytics’ (started today!) • Around the unique strengths of different GSEM institutes, i.e. information sciences (ISI), management (IoM) and statistics (RCS), the GSEM at the University of Geneva has defined a new master programme as a strategic, long-term initiative. • Being at the intersection between statistics, data science and management, business analytics seeks to inform strategic decision making and to optimise complex organisational processes. • The ‘MSc in Business Analytics’ (120 ECTS) aims to support students to manage, analyse and use data in strategic, tactical and operational decision making under uncertainty; prepare students for an efficient leadership within the digital transformation to create value for businesses and society; bridge the gap between university education and professional needs. Copyright c 2017, Statoo Consulting, Switzerland. All rights reserved. 17
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  • 20. Have you been Statooed & GSEMed? Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci Statoo Consulting RCS, GSEM, University of Geneva Morgenstrasse 129 Bd du Pont-d’Arve 40 3018 Berne 1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland email kuonen@statoo.com Diego.Kuonen@unige.ch web www.statoo.info gsem.unige.ch/rcs/kuonen @DiegoKuonen Code: ‘ITU-Academia.Digital.09.2017/MyPresentation’. Typesetting: LATEX, version 2 . PDF producer: pdfTEX, version 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6). Compilation date: 07.09.2017.